How to Lose a Mind

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#3 of One Shots

Hello, welcome to my first real attempt at a second person story! I feel like it came out pretty well but I'd love to hear what you think about it, or better yet, don't think about it x3

You needed to take a step out for air. You don't know what happened but that last drink had really done it. Shoving your way through the crowd making your way out to the back door of the bar, you barely managed to shoulder the door open feeling the cool autumn air washing over. Your fur was slick with sweat, lungs unable to get enough air as you fell to your paws and knees. Then the fuzz started kinking in, it felt like your brain had been switched to tv static, the buzzing filling your ears, vision slowly darkening, until you could barely make out your own paws. The last conscious thing you could recall was a voice cutting through the buzzing in your ear.

"He did half our job for us, lucky. Now hurry up and get him in the car..."

Your maw was dry, felt like you'd been sucking on sand for a whole week. You were dying for some water. You were lying down, not recalling last night's events, but you could see a few furs across the room. You tried weakly asking them for some water but you couldn't move your muzzle. Trying to reach up to feel your face was impossible too, your arm just wasn't budging, it almost felt like it was tied down. You looked down in disbelief, it was tied down!

Something was wrong, the furs noticed your light panicking from across the room and began making their way over.

"Looks like someone's finally up..." You saw one wolf that looked familiar, flashes of him passing you by in the bar came to you, slowly piecing things together. The grey wolf's muzzle twisted into a sinister smile at your struggling form. No matter how hard you thrashed at the bindings they weren't letting you move at all.

"I wouldn't waste too much energy, I made sure to tie you down extra snug." The wolf was right, you couldn't move your neck too much, but looking down you could see straps all across the table, gripping your now naked body tight. You could just barely see a leather muzzle in your vision too, no wonder you couldn't speak.

"I'm not a total monster though, the grey wolf leaned in close, you could see an odd blue marking running down the corner of his right eye, the closer he got the more vibrant the colour glowed. He reached over to a table and brought a glass of liquid to your muzzle, putting the straw through the small gaps, offering a drink of whatever was in it.

"Don't worry, it's just water." It was like he could read your mind. Still, your throat was too dry to refuse, so you took long drags on the straw until the glass was empty, throat feeling just a little better.

"I'm sure you're confused; you have every right to be. We did drug and kidnap you after all... but it was necessary. We need furs like you to run tests on you see." The wolf wasn't making any sense, what kind of test did he have in mind?

"Try to relax, it only hurts if you struggle." The wolf was oddly chipper in tone, despite the horror rising in your chest, something about his voice almost put you at ease, almost. He set about preparing some more of the items on the table that was just out of your line of sight. Not seeing what was happening, what was being prepared for you. The sound of a powerdrill whirring made your blood go cold, heart throbbing heard.

"Ha ha, I'm just kidding! Come on, I'm a scientist, not a barbarian. Besides we have better ways to erase your mind, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaar cleaner!"

Erase, your mind?

You felt a paw massaging your temple before something cold was pressed against it, then a grey paw reached across you to attach a pad to the other side of your head. Headphones were slipped over your ears, muffling all the outside noises, a visor slipped over your head, it was tinged red for some reason.

"Alright, you're about ready now, try to relax, it shouldn't take long for the process to finish." You could barely hear the wolf through the headphones, he was gently rubbing your arm, maybe he was trying to be reassuring, but it almost felt like he was still rubbing the words deeper into you.

Wait, erase my mind? You thought, before a robotic voice in your ears started up.

Beginning memory copy process... done.

** ** This is wrong, this can't be happening right now. Your mind was racing, before it stopped entirely. The visor was doing something, the shade of red, pulsing brighter, dimmer, brighter again. You clamped your eyes shut, looking at the visor was doing something, something bad, but for some reason you couldn't quite put a finger on it. Thinking hard about it, it felt like an idea was coming to your head, but something else was pushing it out just as fast as it came.

Process halted, please re-establish connection...

** **"That's no fun, come on, open your eyes. I can make it worthwhile..." The voice of the wolf cut through the repeated demands of the headset, telling you to open your eyes, open your eyes, open your eyes...

The rubbing on your arm stopped, there was a brief pause, before you felt the rubbing start again, but on your balls. Lightly massaging them, squeezing them together gently. A light moan escaped your lips despite the situation at hand. It was so wrong, but it felt so good. All you needed to do was open your eyes, open your eyes...

Something warm and wet hit the tip of your dick, which was just beginning to show it's head through your sheath. Your eyes shot open, giving you a full view of the wolf taking long slow licks, looking up at you with a sly smile, he plunged his tongue down deep, surrounding your length, hugging your dick with his tongue. He withdrew, licking a drop of pre from his lips. He had won, your eyes were now wide open, looking at the gently pulsing screen in front of your eyes.

"Good boy..." The wolf cooed, hearing the praise made you feel so good, you'd be a squirming mess if you weren't so securely tied down. The visor felt good too, pulsing light forming a small, spinning spiral, drawing your attention to stare directly into the center. You forgot what had you so worried, you forgot everything, it felt good to forget. So good it was almost like your entire body was melting in a sea of pleasure, a light electric pulse coming through the probes on the side of your head, reading, recording all your thoughts that were leaving you.

Everything that made you, you, was vanishing slowly, you wouldn't have it any other way. It was almost done, you felt something rising in your balls, growing more powerful the more you forgot, it started as a light tingle and now it was a roar. You came, cum sputtering out of your tip, splattering your chest with the last remnants of your personality and memories, all stolen by the computer.

You were breathing heavily, the wolf took the headset and visor off before undoing all the straps.

"Won't be needing those anymore now that you're all good and gone, hope the nut was worth it~"