Wasteland Survivor – A Voice From Heaven - ch5

Story by Damaged on SoFurry

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#6 of Wasteland Survivor

Back again, please go easy on critique on this one, for the few hours it took to bash it out I was pretty high on prescription painkillers, if its too terrible will pull it down (once I am down) and fix it.

New faces and couldn't resist putting in the suggestion for drunken comedy antics, but Aussie style, for those wondering the song at the start is "Sailors Arms" by DAAS (Doug Anthony All Stars). Their stuff is NSFW, but what is these days?

All comments welcome, positive or negative, vote if you want. The more comments and votes the bigger my incentive to write more. I was going to stop at a few pages but with the great responses I have gotten am going to take it as far as I can :)

"... her husky voice seduced me, my heart was in a mess. I sat upon her knee as something twitched beneath her dress, there's something more than knees beneath her dress!" I sang, beer in one hand, making lewd gestures to the laughing crowd.

"You've got nice eyes sa..." I was continuing with the next verse, when a voice yelled.

"We got incoming friendlies! They need support!"

Instantly sobered, not that any of us were any more than a little buzzed, we scrambled to get our gear and make ready. A lieutenant jogged through the middle of our impromptu stage and started organising people to where they were needed, having completed that task turned to Crystal and me, "Major says you are on welcoming committee duty, a few of this lot are hybrid.".

"Sir!" was our reply, any officer got this courtesy, and most non commission officers too, it was a good idea not to rock the boat.

We jogged together over to where the "gate" to the camp was, it was nothing more than some spare armour plates welded to the side of an APC. So apart from just being a motorised gate, it also doubled as a gun emplacement to defend said gate.

For the first time since we had been here, we heard the big guns start to shout, my ears tucked back on their own and I noticed Crystal's had as well, those things weren't made to be subtle or quiet, they were made to stop whatever you point them at, and if it has come to them singing their song of war, then we had better pray they stop their targets.

"Whats going on Sir?" we yelled at Davies, who's duty, other than getting our arses into fighting condition was evenings on the front gate.

"Had some signalman coming in from Perth, they have had a long drive here, but bring with them some very useful gear, or so the Major says. Unfortunately their APC whilst protected against most arms, had no armaments on it, and they had some less than friendly... things, chasing them. Seems some things from Western Plains Zoo may have gotten a little changed and decided on prey bigger than their usual. Take a look." he offered.

We climbed the wall and I sharpened my vision using my power. To say I was not expecting what I was witnessing was an understatement, a pack of hyena, thick ridged plating down their sides and about the size of rhinos were pacing the incoming vehicle, our guns were thinning them out though. Every now and again one would try and snap at the vehicle and while their teeth were leaving gouges in the armour, it held.

"Our guns can't take shots at the last two for fear of hitting the friendlies, but we have an ace here, you might remember the snake hybrid that was here before you, Sergeant Cope? Well, I would hate to ruin it...", we turned back to the APCs flight, and it was barrelling at us as fast as its tracks could propel it. Then our front gate opened and the lone soldier walked out, rifle slung just staring at the creatures and all of a sudden they stopped dead. With the prey separated from the hunters, the big cannon opened up again, leaving them nothing more than baking meat for the scavengers.

"Huh! Telepathy?" Crystal asked.

"Yeah, he has been working on it with people and critters, can generally take control of one thing, or can halt up to four. Takes a bit out of him though.", the soldier in question was running back in to quite a few pats on the back. The APC was slowing as it got nearer, we jumped down to meet the occupants.

The vehicle slid to a stop and we approached the rear door, it started to open but seemed stuck and from the twisted metal around the hatch from the bites, I could understand why. Crystal was about to pop it when I said, "I got this one Crys, stand back and let a girl do her thing." I tried to sashay up to the APC, but its hard when wearing modified army boots and fatigues.

"You need a hand with that?" I asked the occupants.

"If you could, some things blocking..." I reached my hand in and pulled gently down while slowly ramping up my force, the door shrieked as it ground armour plates together trying to get past the bite gouges but it gave in to the force.

"Welcome to Camp Nowhere, population plus -" I glanced in to see how many I could add to the roster and before continuing "MEDIC!"

The two nurses and the civilian doctor that had joined with us rushed in and lifted out the young soldier on the stretcher inside, and I escorted the other two out of the vehicle.

The young woman, two facts my nose and perception supplied to me, was an echidna morph, her array of quills pointing behind her in a spray from a very long muzzle.

The older man, was something very different, if you could imagine it, a platypus hybrid, I was almost stunned by seeing him. Luckily Crystal's sense of curtsey overrode her astonishment.

"Ahhem, population plus three." she finished the standard greeting we had been using with what I hoped they realised was a smile.

"Glad to be somewhere with enough support to deal with those things." said the woman poking her thumb back over her shoulder in the rough direction of the hyena-morphs.

"I suppose your commanding officer wants us taken immediately to see him and us to hand over the materials we brought?" chimed in the man.

"Nah, he just said to welcome you to the camp, said 'There will be time once they are settled to sort things out'. You hungry?" at the looks the last question brought I led them strait to the Mess tent and introduced them to the duty cook, who relished the challenge of two completely new and different dietary needs. He had been a bit worried over where we would get a good red meat intake for myself and Crystal, but one infantryman on kitchen duty, who just happened to have been a veterinary assistant for his father at a zoo, had pointed out that while wolves need a regular intake of meat, foxes could be much less discerning in their food sources.

We called up said infantryman again. "Private Johansen, this here is Second Lieutenant Jennings and Private Cots." Crystal said gesturing toward the woman and man respectively, "What we need is a diet that they can survive on long term, and something they can eat right now to give them some energy."

"Well, that's going to be an easy one and hard. Easy because they will both eat the same things, hard because that's usually insects and small grubs." Private Johansen informed us

"We have a problem with weevils in some of the grain at the moment." Conceded the cook, "Perhaps rather than killing all the things we could leave a bag apart and let it grow them."

Jennings pulled a most echidna like face at the point when she realised she would be living off bugs for the rest of her immediate life.

I put an arm around her shoulders, she tried to jerk away so as not to hurt me, but I just let my psychic defence do its thing and my arm slid between her quills and rested on her shoulder. "Could be worse hun, poor Sergeant Cope, the guy who stunned those two nasties out the gate, has to live off freshly killed rats. Whole."

The laughter from the girl was a great outpouring, and we traded jokes as we got seated and the chef did his magic, bringing out my 'normal rations', Crystal's 'meat au' natural' and two dishes that really didn't look like weevils, more like some potatoes with a sauce over them that looked a bit thicker than a white sauce. "That actually smells good" exclaimed Cots brandishing his fork and attacking the meal with much gusto. Unlike the very embarrassed Jennings.

She was trying to use the fork to lift up some of the meal to her snout and push it into her mouth but her tongue kept getting in the way. Crystal interceded by levitating the plate up to her mouth and winking at her.

The next morning, after showing the two where they could sleep and then showing them to the infirmary so they could see their sleeping, and now in a stable condition, friend. We woke to a message that we were to bring the new additions to the Major for a debriefing.

"Sir, Crystal and Fox reporting with Second Lieutenant Jennings and Private Cots of sigs as ordered. Sir."

"Have a seat soldiers." the senior Officer offered. I was astounded that the Major had organised special seating for our new guests, he was always three steps ahead in any game that involved planning.

"Now, I understand, Private Cots, that you were attached to the 109th as a field intelligence unit? Specialising in satellite uplinks and comms?" The major asked. All news to me, sounded pretty handy though.

"Yes sir, we managed to bring the field wagon along with two uplink sets that still function. Jennings and Private Stevens were instrumental in getting me here, I can't drive the damn M113 worth a damn." he shook his head ruefully, "I should be able to pull you down some high resolution current pictures from anywhere over Australia, Sir."

"And that will be invaluable in and of itself, but what I wanted you here to do for us most of all, was attempt to establish a link with other countries. Try and find out if we were the only ones affected or if this is a world wide epidemic."

"I can't promise anything sir, our birds can talk to their birds, but whether anyone is listening is another thing, and their birds won't supply me with any pictures no matter how nice I ask. Sir."

It was then one of our short-wave radio signalmen ran in, interrupting our little meeting, "Sir, you wanted to be notified the second we made contact with any air-born units. We have a line to the east Sale RAAF base, apparently there are three pilots there along with another three dozen infantry from the local Army base. They also have almost forty civvies under their protection. Sir, they have two squadrons of Hercs there." The sig reported with a big grin.

"Now that is another reason to celebrate." at my and Crystals big grins he said, "But not you two, we need you and a solid squad to head down there and rendezvous with those stick jockeys and give get them to bring all the materiel you can. Pick your team, although I would recommend at least half of them being SAS, its a long way to travel and we seem to have a fair smattering of the hard arsed bastards here. Let them stretch their legs a bit."

"Meet back here in two hours, we will have some vehicles kitted out and some high quality maps for you to make things a bit easier." he advised us, "Now Cots lets go and see if we can make good on those maps and maybe ask some of our countries neighbours what's going on. Dismissed."

"Well we can't take Cope, gotta leave the base some mystical defence. " mused Crystal, "Think Nicols would want in on this?" she asked.

"I think he is itching to get out of this camp and do anything. Personally I don't give a damn, you can sort the crew out, you seem to have the knack for doing that kind of thing." I replied self depreciatingly.

"So what is it you bring to the table babe, why should I bring you in my crew?" she inquired, trying to sound as neutral as she could.

"Because I would do THIS to you if you didn't take me" and I attempted to tackle her and inflict some tickle torture, but her reflexes were getting better and my speech gave me away, I was left hovering mid-air with phantom hands tickling me all over.

After my giggleing capitulation she put me down and we hugged each other close, and just before we released her voice, very softly, "I would never leave you."

Wasteland Survivor – Building and tearing down - ch4

More? Well here it is, this is cathartic as hell I have to say, thanks to all those reading and leaving positive comments. Again, sorry for my english/aussie spelling and sorry if I lost a few with the weapon jargon, was just trying to break up using...

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Wasteland Survivor – Reasons - ch3

Back again, can't seem to stop these from flowing, ideas are pouring out, having to keep a notepad at work now. Thanks to Crazy One for how to link all these. Note: all measuring is done in metric, like it or not, thats how I think of the world,...

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Wasteland Survivor – Davis' Directive - ch2

As always, as accurate as I can get it, the military stuff is reasonably so, the locations very much so, the people, well, if someone ever finds Crystal please get her in contact with me :) Oh and meant to apolgise to all the Americans at the start,...

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