Pain: Part 4: Trust

Story by Fpuppu on SoFurry

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#4 of Pain

Ok Next part is posted sorry for the super super long delay RL issues, but here it is, next part has sex in it, but this one has a cute lil nakkie bunny in it so enjoy :).

Blah blah warning about stuff.

The bunny finished eating, two full plates of food, gone within seconds. Both his owners staring wide eyed at the small creature, His Master was first to recover, "Did you get enough little one? Maybe some more carrots?" The boy shook his head and smiled, "Well from now on you'll be eating either in one of our laps or on the floor, we will get you some special pet bowls...we have a lot of shopping to do." The small bunny smiled and nodded, the submissiveness inside him liking the sound of that. As he stood up, his body groaned, having just eaten more food then he had in years.

All the while his Mistress just watched him, finally seeing him walk a bit, she smiled, "Quite a lot little pet...I am quite amazed you didn't explode after the second plate....and yes lots of shopping indeed hunny." She put out her hand, "We must get you bathed and dressed little you want to come upstairs with me?" The bunny looked up, but didn't make eye contact, that sub in him holding his values above his fears and suspicions of wolves. The bunny seemed to be stunned by that out reached hand. Time stretched on as his tiny paws kneading themselves, but finally his want to trust and be loved won out as he reached out to her outstretched paw and grasped it with his tiny paw. "Ok.." She said softly and slowly began to walk towards the stairs past her husband and the boy's Master, "Good work.." He mouthed to her as the bunny was pulled behind her and up the stairs.

As the bunny was pulled into a massive bedroom his eyes took in everything at once, before seeming to plant himself at the door. Taking in the entire room he looked at a few closed doors, which the bunny's imagination soon began to run into dark areas, but holding his paw to his head and shaking them away, his Mistress waiting the entire time, waiting for him to take the step into the wide room. He finally did and she smiled guiding him to the bathroom. As the entered she began to draw a bubble bath for the small bunny who she helped sit on top of the counter by the sink, "My mother always would draw a bubble bath to help me relax...and this is the perfect time for you to start becoming comfortable with me little one." He nodded and gave a slight smile, "Yes Mistress...." He said with some effort. She smiled and noted it as the bath was soon so bubbly and foamy the bunny was sure he could disappear in there forever.

She turned around and smiled, helping him down, "Get naked little can't take a bath in those clothes." The bunny blushed and looked away, his length hardened at the fact of undressing, she couldn't help but smile as he tried to hide it. She gave a small chuckle and touched his head, "It is ok little one, soon you will be disallowed to wear clothing at you must learn that you are ours, we will love you and keep you safe, but we require the use of your body and likewise your love." The bunny was red as he dropped his short and removed his tiny shirt, standing there.

His small frame was adored by curves that ran along his hips and down his rump, giving him the appearance of a female, if not for that tiny sheath and orbs tucked between his legs. His legs moving down to his furry padded feet as his chest showed a slight tannish patch on his otherwise white figure. As he turned around and moved to step in she smiled, getting a nice view, of which the bunny was now happy to offer knowing he was to become the pet he had dreamed of even as young as a cub in the slave training homes, His small rump pushing out towards her as he climbed up feeling a soft pat, as she swatted his rump and grinned at his reaction of giving a soft murr. As he slipped into the bath he smiled, seeing her remove her top and pants, grinning as she stood over him, "I have heard some bunnys get splashy so.." She said grinning as she removed the last of her clothing standing naked in front of the small lapine, a Goddess in every right.

The bunny smiled and nodded at her excuse to be naked with him, he didn't mind and never would, it made him feel comfortable. She smiled and began by grabbing at his head, the small bunny blushing and giving a little whimper, "Mistress...please...don't touch my ears.." He said softly ever so softly into the bubbles, but those ears picked up on it, "Ok little one....I won't...." The bunny smiled as he let her wash his pink hair and move down to his chest, deciding she had pushed it far enough, knowing she could go further next time she let the bunny wash the rest of his body, Before letting him play in the bubbles, which eventually his shyness, fear, and hesitation disappeared and the happy, cute lapine that they would grow to love appeared as he laughed and pounced bubble patch after bubble patch, his small face, showing a happy wide smile it hadn't seen since he was given to the evil bastard he had killed.