A rainy day activity

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Or - The Importance of Thinking with Portals

A story written in response to a writing prompt; "Self-employment has its perks."

Featuring my unicorn lad Gwyn (or technically, Gwynfallin VI): https://www.furaffinity.net/view/51770865/

Another beautiful day in the forest. The gentle trills of birdsong, leaves rustling in the wind, sheets of rain falling through the trees- Oh. Perhaps not quite such a perfect day after all. Small pools of water are already forming across the forest floor, most of the leaves and flowers glistening in what light manages to break through the clouds and the leafy canopy.

Through that rain-soaked scene walks an equally sodden beast. Equine in nature, though with fur an unnatural shade of light pastel purple. Long white mane plastered against his neck, several drops of water shaking loose with every step he takes. Rather more getting splashed around when he stops every few paces and shakes out his body, water falling considerably quicker as he does before he continues along his meandering path. Soft glow coming from his horn - for this equine is most assuredly a unicorn - lighting the path ahead through the gloom.

What exactly this unicorn is looking for is only known by himself. If you were to ask he might launch into a long tale about how these are his ancestral lands, passed down for generations, and how he spends his days wandering the woods and keeping them safe from intruders. On a day like today, having been rather rudely awoken from his nap by the sudden downpour and thus drenched before he could think about finding shelter, you're far more likely to get a curt 'I live here.'

In actuality were anyone to bother the unicorn right now they would get rather more than a stern talking to. Closer observation of the equine would reveal his rather well engorged sheath, and not even the deluge of water can wash away the scent of a stallion in need of breeding. Pretty desperately in need it seems, the unicorn stopping to look round every few paces. Crystal blue eyes peering through the trees, keeping a careful watch for any intruders who might provide relief, willing or otherwise.

Perhaps unsurprisingly given the conditions, no-one has thought to brave the trip deep into the woods. Technically this helps the unicorn; no-one to drive off, no pointless fights to get into. But obviously it does nothing for his current state, only getting worse as he steps under an overhang. Without the ever-present patter of rain against his back that breeding need rears its ugly head again, a groan filling the air as the unicorn casts his gaze round the small sheltered area for anything which might aid in providing relief.

"There must be something. Think, Gwyn, think!" Pacing in a circle the equine looks deep in thought, pausing only to cast a quick spell to dry his sopping wet body. Not that he felt the cold, more annoyed by the irregular dripping of water off his mane and tail. Then he's right back to the pacing, slightly erratic as his oddly coloured shaft beginning to slip out of his sheath as he feels his need growing all the greater.

"Aha!" Stopping abruptly a smile spreads across Gwyn's face, a flash of inspiration clearly hitting the unicorn. Casting a quick glance over the woods to check for any unwanted observers he then peers under his belly. Horn aglow once more, brighter this time, smile turning to a frown as the stallion focuses on... something.

What that 'something' is remains unclear for several seconds, clearly requiring quite the mental effort from the unicorn to get right. Though once he does it's obvious why he took the time. A glowing ring appears round the entrance to the unicorn's sheath, looking for all the world like it's just severed the length of equine cock that had already dropped! But Gwyn doesn't look concerned; indeed, he looks elated at the sight.

An elation which becomes clear as he lifts his head again, another couple of seconds of concentration before an equally-sized glowing ring, complete with flaccid equine cock, materialises a few feet in front of him. Letting out a satisfied snort Gwyn lifts a foreleg as if to step forward before pausing. Instead opting to try shifting his hindquarters just a little, keeping a close eye on that glowing ring round his sheath.

Fortunately for the stallion that ring under his belly moves with him, a sigh of relief at the sight. Looking up to the rather absurd-looking cock hanging in mid air he moves again, another satisfied nod coming as that portal remains fixed in place. Member jerking round a little in response to the movements of the equine's hindquarters, more of that blue length pushing its way out of its fuzzy home.

With all that done Gwyn gets right to the task at hand. Stepping forward and stretching his jaw wide he takes the entirety of that soft length into his maw. Shuddering at the feeling, eyes rolling up as he gets the twin pleasures of a mouthful of cock and a mouth to stuff with cock. A small shot of clear pre gracing the unicorn's mouth, several more inches of meat pushing out in short order as what's already exposed starts to stiffen. Sliding its way further into the unicorn's waiting mouth as the stallion starts to shift around a little.

For all his sexual prowess Gwyn is clearly finding it a little tough to pick up a good rhythm. Every time he starts to slide his mouth along his shaft that feeling of overwhelming pleasure hits him full force, drawing another shudder and interrupting his motion. His body's certainly not making any complaints, inch after inch of unicorn shaft continuing to press out of one hole and into another. Easing its passage with a fairly consistent flow of pre, the unicorn only getting a little taste of the slightly spicy fluid before his cockhead is pressing up against the back of his throat.

'This is so much better than expected'. Gwyn surprises himself with having such a lucid thought, successfully distracting his self-control for long enough that his natural instincts assert themselves. Which in this case means only one thing; bucking his hips forward. While the motion doesn't translate perfectly through the portals that slight inefficiency is hardly noted by the unicorn. Mostly because he's just found himself with a foot of equine cock in his throat, another foot in his maw, and almost as much again bridging the gap between glowing portal and equine lips.

Now while the unicorn probably could regain control over himself, step away from the fixed aperture, or even just end the spell outright, any logical part of him which might think of these ideas is quickly overridden. Overwhelmed by the insistence of his cock to bury itself in this lovely passage it's found. Eyes rolling back again Gwyn steps himself forward, working his shaft deeper into his throat. Taking very small steps, ensuring the progress of cock-to-mouth is slow, stretching his neck out to be more level and ease the passage of his shaft through it.

Too slow for his cock though. He can suppress most of the urge to keep on bucking, but most is not all. A quick buck here, a big thrust there, and to Gwyn's surprise he finds himself pressing his lips up against the portal. Several feet of equine cock making their home in his mouth, throat, practically reaching down to his stomach. Throbbing ominously as it gets massaged, however inadvertently, by his throat muscles. Whether trying to provide pleasure or expel the oversized oral invader is anyone's guess.

All that is immaterial to the unicorn's state of mind. He's got his cock right where he wants it, and now he's going to breed. Hips pull back, Gwyn's head moving back a little too to slide a few extra inches of saliva-slickened shaft from him. Then both head and hips slam forwards again, making yet another shudder pass through the stallion's form.

His movements may be inelegant, no smooth breeding motion for the stallion, but they're most certainly effective. Gwyn finds his neck stretching out that bit further, feeling his throat getting tighter round his cock as he gets to experience that equine power he had given to so many others. Not tighter he realises - what he's feeling is his flare beginning to swell, his stallionhood unable to resist the wonderful passage he's found. Breeding scent getting all the more potent in the air as he goes, swept around by his tail, rising as his release comes ever closer.

Gwyn's almost disappointed as he feels the tell-tale tightness from his sack, feeling those orbs churning as they get ready to fill him with his own seed. Enough to spur him on to redouble his efforts, overshooting the portal once or twice giving the odd feeling of emptiness under his lips. Finally holding his head still, one last heave of his hips enough to push the stallion right over the edge.

That flare expands all the more, stretching feeling right on the boundary of pain. His length throbs, once, and then disgorges its potent load right into his belly. Each pulse of seed stretching cock and throat as it passes down that length before spraying out, rapidly filling the unicorn's stomach with that rich, spicy creaminess. A unicorn whose eyes have drifted shut, ears swivelling this way and that as pleasure overtakes all else in his mind.

On and on, for what feels like an eternity to Gwyn, on and on goes the flood of cum to his insides. Pumped from one end to the other, his magically-enhanced release giving the stallion quite the swollen belly before his release starts to slow. Blasts of seed becoming sputters, dribbles, before finally his cock finally goes still within him. Letting out a deep sigh through his nostrils as the absolute highs of pleasure start to fade.

With his cock still nicely wrapped in that tight throat of his Gwyn's first attempts at pulling back are easily frustrated. Thick flare of his ensuring he can barely shift his cock more than a few inches. After the fourth or fifth aborted attempt at pulling back the unicorn takes a different tack. Drawing together all the focus that he can on the spell his brow furrows, deep in thought for a moment before both glowing rings suddenly disappear.

Going from cock-stuffed to empty in a heartbeat is rather jarring for the equine, not to mention the equally odd sensation of his shaft now suddenly waving about in the air. Dripping pre, cum, and saliva onto the floor. It's enough to make him rather unsteady on his hooves, legs shaking for a moment before he gives in and collapses down onto his side. Taking large, ragged breaths as he starts to recover himself, cum-bloated belly giving him an almost pregnant look. "Definitely.. try that.. again.." Just able to make that mental note before sliding off into unconsciousness, Gwyn snoring already as cum begins to dribble from his maw.