Perverted Paradise - Part 1

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#1 of Perverted Paradise

Toby is forced to take a leak in the forest, but the cat is soon interrupted by approaching footsteps. Those footsteps just so happened to come from his wolf friend Vince, who chose to assist Toby in his pissing endeavor. Vince then decides to take it a step further by helping relieve his small kitty friend in other ways.

Toby peered out the window as trees passed by in a blur; the scenery was lovely in this part of the state; he wished he could just take it all in and relax, but unfortunately for the cat, his bladder was nearing its limits. Toby knew that if he didn't relieve himself soon, he would end up peeing himself; he was awful at holding it in, which made the decision to order an extra-large soda at the burger joint the group had stopped at earlier all the more questionable. Although, in his defense, he did feel peer pressured into ordering the oversized drink after Rick and Jessie did the same.

They even made a game out of who could chug their drink the fastest. Naturally, Jessie won that one; the large husky downed his drink in less than 10 seconds. Rick was a close second; the raccoon always found any opportunity to be competitive and was pissed that Jessie beat him again at another mundane challenge. Toby, of course, was last to finish his drink and was now paying the price for participating in that dumb chugging game with an overly full bladder. He should have just watched the idiots face off and laugh like Vince did. That wolf was a breath of fresh air for the group; he wasn't afraid to oppose the other's stupid shenanigans. And despite only being in the friend group for a couple weeks, Toby had grown quite fond of him.

The reality of his current predicament caught up to Toby, as the cat soon found himself trembling in his seat; he placed his hands in his lap and applied pressure to his abdomen, thinking it would help ease the need to pee. The cat soon closed his eyes to more acutely focus on trying not to piss himself in Jessie's car. Toby had wanted to wait until they'd arrived at the campsite to go; they were probably only about half an hour away, based on what Jessie had last told them. However, Toby was beginning to realize that he definitely wouldn't be able to last that long. But also, he knew if he spoke up now, Rick would chew him out, but ultimately, pissing himself would be infinitely more humiliating than any jab Rick threw.

"Hey, Toby, 'you okay there?"

Vince peered over to the cat with a slightly concerned, slightly amused expression. Toby pushed his legs together a bit harder, then turned his head to meet the gaze of the white wolf's blue eyes.

"Y-yeah, I'm alright. I... just gotta-"

"Pee? Yeah, kinda figured; that soda you chugged was nearly the size of your torso... What were you thinking, you silly little kitty, haha."

Toby could feel the skin under his black fur burn with embarrassment; he thought Vince would show him some mercy, but clearly, the wolf was enjoying watching the cat squirm with discomfort. Toby was at least thankful that Jessie and Rick were caught up in their own conversation upfront to notice Toby's anguish and Vince's teasing.

"Yeah, yeah, it was a dumb mistake, I know; now, can you please tell Jessie to pull over...?"

"Hm? You're just gonna go out in the forest?"

"W-well yeah, where else would I go?"

"You pee in a bottle."


"Hold on, I think I saw one down here."

Vince bends his tall, slender form down to the car's floor and retrieves an empty plastic sports drink bottle. The unphased wolf then places the bottle right next to Toby's side, fully expecting the cat to pee in it.

"There, you can pee in here."

"N-no way... That's... weird, Vince..."

"Weird? There's nothing weird about peeing, Toby, and you shouldn't hold it in for so long. It's not healthy..."

"That's not what I meant, and you know it; there's no way I'm peeing in a bottle with you guys in the car.

"Oh c'mon, we're all men here; it's not like we haven't seen a dick before."

A sly smile creeps upon Vince's face after saying that...


Toby was genuinely considering it; after all, he _was _nearing his limit. The cat might not have a choice in the matter as embarrassing as it was. But before Toby could make a choice, Vince abruptly snatched the bottle away and started running his finger along the rim of it, still with that sly look on his face.

"Ha, I wonder how much of your warm kitty pee will fill up this bottle; you drank so much it wouldn't surprise me if you filled it all the way up to the brim...."

"U-uh... wh-what...?"

"And this road is quite a bumpy road, huh? You might need some help keeping the bottle still; I don't mind helping a friend, of course."

Toby was stunned at what Vince was implying; he didn't know if the wolf was just joking around or was actually serious, but in any case, Toby didn't have time to think about it as his need for relief took precedence. Vince was still playing with the bottle seductively, no doubt intending to draw out the situation to satisfy his own amusement. Fine, he didn't want to pee in that bottle anyway; he would just have to go with his initial plan.

"Jessie, pull over now!"

The cat screamed at the lung with apparent urgency in his voice. The outburst had the intended effect and completely silenced Jessie and Rick's conversation.

"Aww... you're no fun..."

Toby ignored the wolf's quiet mumble and continued to plead with Jessie.

"You need to pull over, c'mon!"

"Why, what's wrong.?"

The husky looked at his friend through the rearview mirror, wearing a worried expression.

"Need. To. Pee. Badly!"

"Seriously, man? Just hold it in; we're like 20 minutes away."


Toby objected harshly to Rick's comment; that possibility has long since passed. The cat felt himself slipping; he pushed his legs together even harder until they felt like they were going to snap. He then began to take deep breaths dramatically to help ease the tension in his bladder.

"Okay, I'm pulling over; hang in there, buddy!"

The sound of the car swerving off-road and coming to a stop was like music to Toby's ears; the cat barely waited until the car came to a full stop before shoving his car door open and scurrying into the forest like a feral rodent. It was going to close. Toby felt like his bladder was about to explode.

After finding a spot deep enough into the forest, Toby unzipped and pulled down his pants enough for his sheath to poke out of the top of his waistband, then with much satisfaction, the cat let out a powerful stream of pee, aimed toward the tree a couple feet in front of him.


Toby let out a deep sigh of pure bliss; it felt so good to finally empty his bladder after the hours of torture spent holding it. However, the cat's serenity was soon interrupted as his ears picked up the sound of footsteps crunching against the grass.

"Hello...? Wh-who's there?"

The person didn't answer and continued to approach him. Toby felt his stream of piss come to a trickling pause, his body's natural reaction to being interrupted in the act of peeing. Just as Toby was about to turn around to confront the intruder, the cat was forcefully embraced in a tight hug from behind.


"Shhh... It's okay, kitty, it's just me."

It was Vince; the wolf spoke directly into Toby's sensitive ear sending a tingly shiver throughout the cat's body.

"Vince!? What the hell are you doing!?"

The wolf pressed himself tighter against the cat. Vince was about a foot taller than Toby, so the wolf's tall, slender form had to lean forward a bit to adequately squeeze his chest against the smaller male's toned back.

"Shhh, not so loud; this is just between you and me, okay, kitty?"

With his long firm fingers, Vince started lustfully groping and exploring the cat's chest and tight stomach through his shirt; the wolf deeply appreciated the feline's muscled yet lithe body.

"Very nice..."

He cooed in Toby's ear again, sending yet another shiver throughout the cat's trembling body. As much as it mortified Toby, he was starting to get hard by the wolf's touch, and his pink cock began to peek out of his sheath. The dribble of pee at his tip was now being mixed in with a dot steadily forming pre.

"Yes, there we go..."

Toby's arousal didn't go unnoticed by Vince, and the wolf continued to forcefully massage the cat's toned body. His motions teasingly went lower and lower until he reached his point of interest.

"H-hey, wait..."

Without hesitation and consideration of Toby's protest, Vince grabbed hold of the cat's decently-sized sheath.


Toby pulled back a bit at Vince touching his most intimate area, but the wolf's firm grasp and the cat's overall shock regarding the situation kept him in place. The wolf then began to run his thumb along Toby's cock, coasting more of the hard flesh to emerge from the confines of his sheath. It didn't take long for Toby to reach his max length of seven inches despite his nearly full bladder's hindrance in the endeavor. Vince soon wrapped his soft paw around the cat's barbed member, gently stroking it up and down, much to Toby's reluctant delight.

"Mmm, it's so warm, it feels like it's burning my hand..."

Vince then gave Toby's cock a firm squeeze that sent waves of pleasure through the kitty's nerves.


Toby didn't even bother protesting anymore and let the wolf have his way with him. The cat let out soft whimpering moans as Vince steadily jacked off his throbbing cock.

"I want to keep playing with you, but you have to pee first, okay?"

Vince abruptly stopped his motions on Toby's dick and patiently waited for the cat to relieve himself.

"I-I can't do it when I'm hard..."

"You can do it, you cute little kitten."

Toby felt completely humiliated. Why was he letting Vince do this to him? At this point, he regained his composure and could easily shove the wolf away. Was his arousal diluting his senses? The cat felt conflicted about the situation, and his indecision led him to continue standing there with his erect cock in Vince's hand.

"C'mom, silly kitty, you have to go pee-pee."


With Vince's other hand, he pressed his palm hard against Toby's bladder, wanting to force the stored-up urine out of the kitty's bladder and cock. Vince continued the action as if he was giving Toby's abdomen CPR.

"S-stop it, that hurts..."

The wolf didn't listen and continued the strange action until Toby was forced to close his eyes and grit his teeth in discomfort.

"C'mon, let it all out..."

Toby's mind was a buzz of pain, pleasure, and confusion, but despite this, the cat finally managed to muster the will to relieve his excessively strained bladder. A torrent of power piss came cascading out of Toby's cock, causing it jud upwards while still gripped within Vince's firm embrace.

"Ha! Haaa...."

"Good kitty... Wow, your pee stream is so powerful."

Vince continued to stroke Toby's cock, making sure to run his finger over the cat's barbs as he let out the most intense piss of his life.

"Ha, I can feel your pee shooting rapidly out your urethra; Goodness, Toby, it's like a firehose... Ha, I love how your big warm kitty cock vibrates in my hand."

Toby tried his best to ignore the wolf's perverted words that rang way too close to his ear while he peed so hard that it hurt. The smell of piss soon assaulted the cat's sensitive nose, and no doubt Vince was picking up that same scent as he playful sniffed in the cat's ear.

"Hmm, such a strong scent for such a little kitty."

Toby just wanted it to end; he felt so humiliated by the wolf's perverse comments about his peeing. Toby squeezed his eyes close harder and waited for his cock to stop spraying out the potent yellow liquid as Vince held him firmly from behind while emitting soft giggles of enjoyment in his ear. Finally, after what felt like hours, Toby's stream came to a faint trickle and then ceased. Vince made sure to shake Toby's cock free of any drops of pee at his tip, inflicting hushed moans from the cat.

"See? Don't you feel better now that you've let it all out?"


Toby felt too exhausted and didn't have the energy to argue with the wolf, so he just agreed with the silly question.

"Wow, that really was a lot you had stored in there..."

Toby just stayed quiet and tried to suppress a whimper. The tree in front of them was completely soaked, like someone dumped a bucket of water there, the strong-scented liquid was leaking down the tree, and a puddle of piss had formed in the grass. Said puddle was now spreading down to the cat and wolf's feet.

"Ha, you marked your territory like a doggy would. Hey, you know..."

Vince leaned even closer into Toby's ear, his warm breath sending intense tingles through his body.

"I wouldn't mind if you marked me with your hot fluids..."

Toby gulped hard at the wolf's proposal; he didn't know what to say. Moments ago, they were just ordinary friends excited to go on a camping trip together, but now the wolf had his chest pushed against his back and hand around his still erect cock, offering to do sex acts with him after watching him pee.

Toby felt like his brain was short-circuiting; there was so much the cat wanted to question Vince about, and, furthermore, he had a plethora of questions for himself. Why was the wolf doing this? Why didn't he stop him? What were Vince's intentions? Was this just to humiliate him? Does Vince have deeper feelings for him? Does he have deeper feelings for Vince? But despite all the questions that rang in Toby's frazzled mind, the cat couldn't muster the will to say anything.

"Ha, that's okay. You don't have to say a word, you cute kitten. Just stay here; I'll take care of you..."

Vince released his grip on Toby and pulled himself away; the cat wobbled at the sudden change. The wolf then quickly maneuvered himself in front of the smaller male, smiling warmly as he looked down at him. Then with a quick, purposeful motion, the wolf lunged his head down at Toby like a predator, aggressively locking lips with the cat, who jumped with surprise.


Toby's eyes bulged out of his head, thoroughly shocked by the wolf's sudden kiss. His initial instinct was to pull back, but as Vince gripped onto the cat's waist for support, Toby decided to resign to submission. Vince's flexible tongue soon slipped into Toby's mouth. It started extensively, exploring the cat's cheeks, roof, and teeth, savoring his flavor. Soon Vince's tongue met with Toby's, and he forced the cat's sand-paper-like muscle to wrestle with his own bigger, more experienced tongue.


Vince let out a pleasurable moan into Toby's mouth; the wolf relished in the rough texture of the cat's tongue against his own. Toby was overwhelmed by the events unfolding; he'd never had someone make out with him this intensely before. Soon an overabundance of drool began to fill up within the confines of Toby's small mouth due to the sloppy wolf tongue writhing around inside him. Spit began to leak down the side of the cat's mouth, running down his chin. The spit that didn't leak out, the cat reluctantly swallowed.

Vince chuckled a little while still deeply buried in Toby's mouth as he heard the tiny cat gulp down all the spit he had gifted him. Eventually, Vince let go and pulled away, leaving the cat gasping for air. A long thick string of saliva connected their two tongues, but as Vince stood back to his full height, the string broke and plopped onto Toby's shirt. Some drool ran down the side of Vince's mouth as well, further evidence of their messy kiss.

"Sorry if I got a little carried away, kitty. I was just dying to get a taste of you."

Toby was still trying to regain his breath, but even if he wasn't, the cat was too embarrassed and stunned to reply. He felt like this was all just some weird dream he was having while dozed off in the car.

"Ha, wolf got your tongue? Well, in any case, I'm still not satisfied. You know what that means, right?"

Vince looked down at Toby's dick which was still exposed, hard, and aching with need.


Abruptly Vince dropped down to a squat position, not at all caring about the pool of cat piss staining the grass below him. Vince grabbed hold of the cat's hips to steady himself, then, without a second to spare, the wolf buried his face into the cat's pubic-fur, deeply inhaling the feline's masculine scent. Vince pulled down Toby's pants a little more to get better access to the cat's private region and continued to lustfully sniff at his musky fur.


The wolf's cold nose tickled the fur above Toby's cock. The cat was still shocked by the wolf's lewd actions, but ultimately, he allowed Vince to continue his antics, reluctantly wanting more. Once Vince got enough of the cat's smell ingrained into his nostrils, he pulled away until his muzzle met the opposite end of Toby's stiff cock. Then, with his blue gaze affixed to the tip, he began licking.

"Haa... Hm..."

Toby tried to suppress moans from the euphoric feeling of the wolf's tongue on his sensitive cock but was failing.

"Hm, I can taste some of the pee that clung to your dick; I guess I should have shaken you off a bit better."


"That's not something to apologize for, Toby... Hey, just give me the fluids I want, and I'll forgive you."

Vince took one of his hands off Toby's hips and dug it into the cat's underwear, taking hold of the kitten's furry balls, massaging them firmly.

"Uh! Haa...."

"I'm gonna make you pump my mouth full of all the sticky kitty milk these fat balls can squeeze out."

Without saying anymore, Vince begins lapping at Toby's cock again, now at an increased speed. It didn't take long for pre to start forming at the cat's tip, which Vince made sure to lick up with joy, savoring the salty taste on his tongue, excited for more. Suddenly Vince pushed his head forward and hungrily engulfed Toby's entire length in one swoop.


The wolf gagged as the cat's barbed cock bore down into his constricting throat, only making the sound to further arouse the kitty as Vince didn't have a gag reflex. He started to bob his head up and down the length of Toby's cock, swirling his tongue around the surface of his bumpy member. The cat above him was a squirming, moaning mess; he felt his pre leaking rapidly down his throat as the kitty's dick pulsated with the eagerness of release.

"Oh, God... Vince... I'm close... It feels too good..."

Vince was sad that the kitty was going to cum already, as he was really enjoying the cat's throbbing cock in his mouth and wanted the sensation to last longer, but the wolf was certain he'd have more moments like these with the cat in the near future.


Toby let out a loud moan; he felt himself seconds away from cumming into the wolf's hungry maw. The cat closed his eyes and gritted his teeth in preparation. Vince ceased his bobbing and buried that cat's length fully down his throat, eager for what was to come...

"I-I'm cumming!"

Toby's eyes rolled back in ecstasy as he started shooting out thick globs of cat cum down Vince's accepting throat. The wolf basked in the feeling of the cat's heavy-pulsating kitty cock trapped deep within him before he pulled his head back a bit to get a better taste of the milk he was getting fed. Toby continued pumping his load into Vince's mouth, now painting the wolf's tongue with his sticky seed. Vince happily swallowed all the cum Toby poured into his mouth, making sure not to let a single drop go to waste.

"Haaa... God...."

Toby's cumming ceased, and the cat was now relishing in the afterglow of probably the most intense orgasm he's had in his life.

"Hmm, good kitty, you gave me such a tasty treat... I can feel all your kitty batter filled up in my tummy."

Vince cooed as he started licking up any trace of leftover cum that stuck to Toby's softening cock, while he playful rubbed at his cum-filled stomach.

"Hey! Toby, Vince, what the hell are you two doing!? It's been 15 minutes!"

Toby jumped with fear as he heard Rick's angry voice call out from behind. Filled with dread, the cat quickly pulled up his pants and spun around, his tail hitting Vince in the face. Thankfully the raccoon was still in the car and didn't come into the forest to investigate. Toby hastily jogged back to the car, fixing his pants to avoid raising any further suspicion. Vince was soon to follow; the two entered the car and were met with questioning looks from both Jessie and Rick.

"The fuck took you guys so long; did you take a shit out there?"


Toby muttered in reply as he averted his gaze from Rick, who was clearly not buying the cat's answer.

"Seriously? What about you, Vince? You took a shit too?"

"Something like that."

Toby cringed hard at the wolf's reply, he really didn't want the others to know what happened, and Vince didn't seem to care at all.

"H-hey, let's just drop this. We're close to the campsite; let's think about that."

Toby was thankful Jessie spoke up; he knew Rick would keep pestering him about it otherwise. Toby let out a tense sigh as he waited for Jessie to pull back onto the road, but the sensation of dread he felt earlier quickly arose as he heard the car's engine refusing to start.

"The hell... Jessie quit playing around."

"I'm not playing around; it's not starting..."

The husky tried in vain to get his car to start, but as the engine continued to sputter, it was clear that the car wasn't going to start any time soon.


Jessie banged his hand on the dashboard out of frustration.

"Oh, look, there's a car coming. Maybe we can ask them for help."

Vince perked up with hope as he pointed behind them at a van approaching from down the road.


Jessie sighed as he exited the immobilized car; he then started waving his arms above his head to signal to the approaching driver they needed help. Thankfully the driver took mercy and pulled their van behind Jessie's car. Toby's ears picked up the sound of the van's side doors opening; the cat considered taking a nap while Jessie and the other group jumped the engine. He was thoroughly drained, both literally and physically, after that blowjob Vince gave him.

"Uh! What's happening...?"

Toby jumped up and spun his head behind him to see what Vince was talking about and was mortified by what he saw. A group of large, masked furs came pouring out of the van, one when dashing toward Jessie, tackling the husky to the ground.


"What the fuck!?"

Toby didn't have time to react further as, soon, his car door flew open, and he was forcibly pulled out by one of the masked assailants.


Toby's back hit the ground hard, and his vision was filled with his attacker descending on him. The man pinned Toby to the ground with ease while the cat struggled to break free.

"L-let go!"

"Shut the fuck up, and stay still, cat."

The masked fur, who looked to be a horse from the shape of his face, retrieved a syringe filled with a clear liquid from the bag draped over his shoulder; he then processed to bring the needle up to Toby's neck.


Toby fought back harder in an effort to not be injected with the mystery liquid, but his resistance only engaged the man further.

"I told you to stay fucking still!"

The horse punched Toby hard in the stomach, causing the cat's breath to be knocked out. Toby tensed up with pain, and tears started to well in his eyes from the violent blow. A second later, the man gripped a large hand on Toby's face, attempting to steady the anguished cat while he brought the needle back to his neck, this time sinking it into his flesh.


Toby let out a defeated groan as he felt the liquid being injected into him. The cat felt the effects almost immediately as his conscience began to fade. Toby heard the distant cries of his friends while his mind was on the brink of shutting down. He just hoped they'll be able to escape these masked lunatics and not succumb to the same fate he had...

Toby is forced to take a leak in the forest, but the cat is soon interrupted by approaching footsteps. Those footsteps just so happened to come from his wolf friend Vince, who chose to assist Toby in his pissing endeavor. Vince then decides to take it a step further by helping relieve his small kitty friend in other ways.

Perverted Paradise - Part 2

Toby's strained eyes slowly parted open. "Uhh..." The cat let out a weak groan as he adjusted to his surroundings; his head throbbed with pain, and his body felt like he had just run a marathon. Toby sat up slightly from the wall he was leaning...

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