Chapter 31: A Charming Prince

Story by Tesslyn on SoFurry

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#31 of The Mating Season 5

Chapter 31: A Charming Prince

There was an old saying that the moon made wolves wild for carnal pleasure, and it was often said as a joke among elders that it was the reason their four-legged ancestors had slept during the day and came alive at night. It was a saying that Wynn had always laughed at, but after suffering endless rape and clit torture during Agathia and Illie's wild assault that night, she was starting to believe it: even greedy pygmies were never this ravenous. Illie rode Wynn for hours, switching between her pussy and her ass with squelching noises that made Wynn dismal, and Agathia was constantly licking and sucking, until Wynn found herself slouched against Agathia as she wept - for the first time in her life - simply because she was aroused. They purposely left her clit to throb, hot and swelling in its hunger, a victim of the breezes Agathia sometimes mockingly blew on it. But aside from these mocking breaths, Wynn's clit was left to pulse, never touched or squeezed or relieved.

It was well past midnight when Illie and Agathia took a break. Breathless, they let Wynn collapse in the mud. Wynn hated herself when she lay there and started to weep. She quickly tried to touch her own clit to relieve its ceaseless hunger, but Illie smacked her paw away. Then, a sudden idea coming to him, he bound Wynn's paws behind her back and between her feet. Stuck in this ridiculous position, it was difficult to use her super strength to break the ropes, and her front was now on helpless display and much easier to molest.

Agathia put an exhausted Wynn's head in her lap and stroked her mane, whispering to the wretched princess, "Oh, the fun is just beginning, sugar tits. The fun is just beginning." She reached down and squeezed Wynn's breast, then smoothed her paw along Wynn's flat belly and sank it between the girl's thighs.

Wynn shivered all over and sobbed as her clit was at last rubbed and caressed. Agathia twisted it in her fingers with a skill that made Wynn melt all over, and hating herself for it, she thanked Agathia breathlessly again and again.

"She's a horny thing," said Illie, who was watching this molestation with a fresh hard-on. He sat with his legs open, his elbows resting on his knees. "Have her lick your pussy, Ag."

Wynn's eyes snapped open. Oh, god, they wouldn't. But they did. Agathia opened her big thighs to reveal the floppy, mud-smelling pussy between them. The curly fur there was harsh and cutting, just like the fur on all pygmies, and the smell Agathia's pussy carried made Wynn's head spin. Wynn was mortified at the very thought of having to lick a pussy: she'd rather die than dive into a muff.

Agathia and Illie seemed to sense this and laughed at Wynn's disgust.

Illie pushed Wynn's tail aside and sank his fingers in her sex as he said soothingly, "Don't worry, love. I'll finger you while you're at it. Maybe I'll finger you so good, you won't even notice where your mouth is."

Agathia brought her legs up and spread them wide, smiling at Wynn between her knees.

Wynn made a feeble and clumsy attempt to break her bonds, but sensing once again her own helplessness, she yielded with a groan as Agathia cupped her face and brought it close to that wet sheath. Agathia was smiling lovingly down at Wynn as she guided the princess' mouth to her pussy. She smashed the hot lips to Wynn's mouth and closed her eyes as she whispered, "Lick me."

Wynn did as she was told, giving Agathia's pussy a few feeble licks that made the pygmy squirm. She was horrified when Agathia started moaning and demanded it harder, firmer. With another miserable groan, Wynn flattened her tongue and licked Agathia so hard she started shrieking. She was alarmed and tried to squirm free, but Agathia held tight to her head, her cries and howls of delight ear-splitting.

"Hey, shut up, Ag," warned Illie, and Wynn got the horrible feeling that even as he was fingering her, he was jerking off. His voice was breathless and strained when he spoke, labored with the pleasure of touching Wynn and himself at once.

Agathia ignored Illie, shrilling out cries of ecstasy that were so sexy in tone Illie said in spite of himself, "Oh, god, this is hot . . ."

Wynn dismally kept licking for what seemed an eternity, and she was horrified when it happened: they both came. Agathia's juices washed against Wynn lips, tasting of things foul and burning in their heat. Illie, meanwhile, came with a desperate cry on Wynn's leg. She shivered in disgust between them as they both sagged to catch their breath.

"God . . . I wish . . . I could keep her," Agathia said breathlessly after a pause.

Illie snorted. "She would cut your throat in your sleep, this one. She hates us. Just like all the shemales did."

Did? Wynn's eyes flew open in alarm. She was going to demand answers and to hell with their games when the sound of someone approaching made Illie and Agathia start bickering and hissing.

"Hurry - get that cum off her leg --"

"You worry about your own cum! Got hers on your face and yours on your puss --!"

"Shut up, they're coming!"

Wynn's heart was pounding when they quickly unbound her paws and feet and pulled her upright. They lashed the rope tight around her throat as they worked, hissing under their breath that she was to behave and say not a word or they would be forced to harm her.

Wynn barely heard the bickering pair. She was looking in awe at the stranger who suddenly stood over them. Illie and Agathia noticed the stranger too, and in alarm, they both crouched into feeble, bowing positions. They folded themselves so low that their foreheads touched the mud.

"We've been looking for the princess all night," said the new comer in a low, angry voice, "and you two have had her all this time? I should behead you where you grovel!"

Still folded over, Illie and Agathia flinched and stammered one over the other:

"Your highness, we - that is - she came on to us --"

"Illie, here, kept insisting on fucking her --"

"I did not, you lying whore --"

"Oh, please, you raped every hole on her body --!"

"Shut up!" shouted the stranger with flashing fangs, and Illie and Agathia fell silent in the shadow of his tense anger. To Wynn's surprise, they even touched his feet with great reverence and affection, a feeble apology.

Wynn couldn't stop staring at the new comer. It was obvious from the get-go: he was a very important pygmy. He was taller than any pygmy she had ever seen, and in this way, stood out from them. He was at least five feet tall, his body muscular and toned, his face handsome and yet so stern. His eyes were the flattest gray, but his mane and fur were a pale tan shade identical to Elele's and Finivive's. His mane hung in a long braid down his back, plaited with flowers of pinks and reds. He stood with a crossbow strapped to his back and his arms folded as he calmly regarded Wynn.

Gazing up at him from where she knelt, Wynn could tell he was taken with her beauty. He lifted an eyebrow as he looked her over, but catching her eye, the look of appreciation went as quickly as it'd come, and he ordered his crouched subordinates to return to the village.

Illie and Agathia looked at each other in surprise, but eager to get away with their heads, they took up their weapons and made themselves scarce.

Still kneeling in the mud, Wynn kept very still as the new comer approached her. She knew him when she drank in his musky smell. He was none other than Elele's little brother, Prince Eleu. They had often played together in secret in the jungle, he and Wynn, but a time came when those play sessions were discovered and the culprits punished. After that, Wynn and the pygmy prince never played again.

They were very small children the first time they met. Wynn had been about two and so had Eleu when Finivive brought her children to the shemale village with her proposition. Finivive, of course, had wanted Eleu to marry Wynn, thus integrating the tribes so that she could get her greedy paws on the shemale jungle. Roriana, still living at the time, had forbidden it. It was bad enough Avi had got herself with the pup of some outsider, now another outsider was not only trying to infiltrate their pure bloodline but ravish their resources and take control? Roriana's answer was a solid and unshakable no. And Finivive, bitter to her heart's core, had sworn revenge.

Finivive's desperation to join the shemale tribe had its grounds: the pygmies had once lived in desolation on the other side of the cliffs overlooking the jungle. Just beyond the river, in ancient lands unknown to the wider world, the pygmies lived in a wasteland of their own. Their home had once been a lush forest, plentiful in resources, but the greedy pygmies had raped their motherland barren in their ceaseless hunger, and as a result, were left with nothing.

They had been starving, their numbers lessening severely each year, and in order to survive, they adapted the abilities of speed and agility that what they called "the simple kind" did not possess. They'd been barely hanging on by a thread, and once again, the damned shemales had said no. They had been saying no for centuries, but apparently, Finivive's generation had finally had enough.

"Eleu?" Wynn said as the pygmy prince took the rope from her throat. Her eyes remained fixed in desperation on him, this male who had once been a childhood friend. Something was very wrong here: he never smiled at her and avoided her gaze. "Eleu, what is going on? Where is my mother? Where are the shemales?"

Winding the rope in his paws, Eleu eyed Wynn sadly. "You knew this day was coming, Wynn," he said, slinging the rope over his shoulder. "You knew a day would come when my mother would finally get tired of hearing no. I just thank god you weren't here when it happened."

Wynn stood and they looked at each other as insects sang around them, as the jungle hummed its nightly rhythm. Vines, flowers, and leaves pressed upon them from all sides, and Wynn was surprised that the pygmies had not yet wiped the jungle of its abundance and life.

"That doesn't tell me what happened, Eleu!" Wynn insisted, looking down at him with an urgency that seemed to sadden him all the more. She was surprised when he smiled warmly at her and said, "God, Wynn. You turned out so beautiful. Then again . . . you were always beautiful."

With that, Eleu turned and walked away. He didn't look back. Wynn realized with a jolt that he did not intend for her to follow. She marched after him, her jaw standing out hard in her frustration.

"Tell me what happened --"

"I've freed you, Wynn. Now go home. There is nothing you can do here."

"Eleu - please!" She grabbed his arm, and they halted beneath the trees.

Eleu's flat gray eyes avoided Wynn's gaze. For one so outwardly stern and fierce, she knew that deep down, he was such a tender soul. The flowers in his mane were a blaring testimony to the tenderness that had followed Eleu into adolescence. He had always hated hurting Wynn with the truth. It seemed even now that nothing much about him had changed.

"Help me!" Wynn whispered vehemently.

Eleu heaved a deep sigh. His lashes angled to the ground, then flitted to Wynn's face as he said reluctantly, "Your mother told me that if you ever came here, I should turn you away."

"My mother? She's alive --?"

"She made me swear," Eleu went on with emotion, "to make sure you never came here! Wynn, there's a reason Avi doesn't want you to come! Now just listen for once and go home --!"


They glared at each other, and after a pause, Eleu said with a miserable smile, "That's the shemale's favorite word, isn't it? No."

"Take. That's the pygmy's favorite," returned Wynn, her paws on her hips.

Eleu sighed heavily, and going to a great log, he sat on it with his back to Wynn. The crossbow on his back was small, as if it had been fashioned for a wolf of his size, and his long, flowered braid fell over it like silk. Wynn looked at the tight muscles of his back, reflecting that he hadn't turned out so bad himself. As a little girl, she had always wondered what it would be like had she stayed in the jungle, had she asked her mother if she could marry Eleu. He was always the one pygmy she ever loved, and she was certain he felt the same about her. Eleu hated the shemales, after all, as much as Wynn hated the pygmies. But had the two of them come together in matrimony, what would have happened between the tribes? Could they have together harnessed the pygmy greed? Could they have together harnessed the shemale wildness? Wynn would never know. Could never know. But there was no time for regret: her mother and the shemales needed her - and needed her now!

Wynn climbed up on the log next to Eleu and glanced sideways at him, waiting patiently for the news he was so reluctantly about to impart.

"It started years ago," began Eleu heavily, "when you went missing. Avi and Ryo went in search of you. My mother's spies found out, and she decided to make her move."

"Oh, god, it's my fault," Wynn said, staring blankly into the distance. "Because I ran away!"

"Don't be stupid," said Eleu, watching her sympathetically from beneath a lock of mane. "It was going to happen sooner or later, Wynn. I was glad she chose that moment to move in: I didn't want to see you hurt." He gazed at her with a sad little frown before continuing, "Mother had them strike in the earliest hours of the morning. They had been planning for months and were armed with the weapons they had taken from merchants traveling the wastelands. They had crossbows, daggers, knives, spears. They climbed the village walls and rained burning arrows on everything that moved. Mother wanted no prisoners, just bodies. Didn't matter how old or how young. The shemales fought back bravely, I am told. But they were slaughtered. All of them.

"After the attack, Mother moved us here and we began rebuilding. It haunted me, having to live in a place where such horrors had taken place. Elele and I heard the adults talking gleefully about the battle, throats cut and bodies burned, arrows that sank through eyes." Eleu shivered. "I wanted to go home. I didn't care anymore that we'd been starving. I'd rather starve than live here! But Mother shook me and told me to stop crying, that we had won the jungle with the blood of our own, and that one day, when the princess and her mother returned, I would get my wish: I would marry . . . you."

Eleu paused uncomfortably and cleared his throat. Wynn smiled at his discomfort and urged him to go on.

"So I waited for you," Eleu admitted. "In a little while, your mother returned. They shot her down from the sky. They did . . . horrible things - I - I didn't see but I heard her screams from the hut - Wynn, don't ask me!" he snapped when Wynn opened her mouth. He shot up from the log and added without looking at her, "If you want to know so badly then be a fool and return to that place, become Mother's prisoner and live the life of a slave. But if you ever want to smile again - God, if you ever want me to smile again - then walk away!"

With that, Eleu suddenly darted into the trees. Wynn wanted to chase after him, but with the speed of the pygmy, he was gone in an instant, and she was left standing alone in the darkness.