Dog park (Commision for DefenderJdog 1.01)
#1 of Commisions
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Cool breeze rustled with leaves of oaks and birches growing around the city park, as if it was accompanying approaching night in pushing away last rays of setting sun and seizing the day, finally establishing reign of night. Ordinary noise of city life was muffled by the surrounding trees and serenity was interrupted only by crackling of gravel under the sneakers of a lone passerby. Sparsely placed lamps through the park brought their giant bulbs to life, as shadows became too long and drowned dirt hiking trails leading into few square kilometers of woods, preventing urban expansion from this side, in the darkness.
Gravel pathway through a park was connecting industrial and business south end of town with its continuously developing residential and entertainment part in the north, built as a small nature reserve from a spreading forested area, that did not yet yielded itself to an agricultural boom.
Small pond, the pathway led around, seemed like a bottomless abyss, as the upcoming night stole all shine from its surface, shaking as wind chased small waves over it. Square area separated from the rest of the park with black metal fence was intended for off leash dog's antics and hinges of its gate were silently creaking in the breeze. A playground full of climbing frames with spacious sandpit gave birth to unusual shadows, one's tired mind could form into bizarre shapes of sinister creatures.
A short, but fairly loud, yawn pushed aside all the noises nature was making at the moment, which then, seemingly scared, slowly crawled back onto the scene, trying to beat the crackling of gravel and take back its precedence.
Jason periodically used the pathway through the park while returning home from work, as public transports had uncomfortably prolonged arrival times at these evening hours. Place was free of troubles, most of the time, as common street thugs, lowlifes and bored kids barely ever ventured this far away from asphalt grounds of the city. Sometimes he did spot a romantically involved couple hiding between trees or a shady looking character watching him from the shadows, but so far, he was spared an experience of being jumped at night. Although quite rare at this time, it was not entirely impossible to meet another passerby, going about his business. Tonight though, life had a special treat in store for young Jason.
A figure walking in a distance in the opposite direction was periodically delving into shadows and surfacing in cones of light from street lamps, like a dolphin jumping through the sea. As the distance kept closing in, Jason recognized who this person approaching him is. A man, with age not so different from his own, white t-shirt embracing a fitly built chest, lushy brown hair contrasted with a light stubble on jaws and chin. There appeared to be a slight smile on his sharply cut face, not entirely surprising, considering two of them were not absolute strangers. It was about a month ago they started meeting each other on this path. Few times a week they passed each other when Jason was returning from work in the evening and in the beginning, they barely paid any attention to each other, but as time went on, they became more acquainted. Starting with subtle nods, like a fish carefully nibbling on a bait, it later turned into a short "Hi!" and "Hey!", but none of them was daring enough to make a more personal approach.
Jason's mind was at this moment preoccupied with different matters, so he paid little attention to the other man, but his absolutely unaware consciousness was about to receive a shock, as fate decided these two are meant to cross paths.
Whole incident that was about to unfold seemed unprovoked, merely just unlucky people at the wrong place at the wrong time. It started with a loud barking coming from a treeline near a pathway. Man Jason was about to meet stopped in his tracks and looked for a source of noise, and apparently became startled in the next moment - and he sure had a reason.
Dog jumped out of the bushes and lunged at the stranger with angry barks and growling, gravel cracked as his paws were frantically dashing around the pathway. Man jumped aside, trying to avoid the large canine, and waved his arms, trying to scare the thing off, probably being fully aware he had no chance of running away from it.
Jason felt his civic duty kick in and he needed to act. He could not just let his fellow citizen get mauled to death and rushed to his aid, hoping two of them would be enough to deter this German shepherd from satisfying its sudden hunting urges. Jason began shouting as he ran towards the incident, and his mind brought up a few questions about this situation, such as why is there an increased frequency of stray dogs attacking people in the past few months? He noticed some news and warnings in local newspapers, but never paid much attention to it, as none of his friends or relatives ever encountered such a threat and considered it just as an overblown bubble of journalist sensation.
Nevertheless, right now, he has become a witness to such a deed, which was enough to reconsider his opinions, although the big question why is this happening still lingered unanswered in the air.
At the exact moment Jason arrived, the stranger lost his upper hand and succumbed to the attack of a furry beast. At one point, the dog managed to bite the man's forearm and lock it in place inside his snout, spraying around large drops of saliva. This was too much to bear for the poor guy and pain that suddenly overtook his body caused him to collapse with an agonizing shriek.
Worried violence might turn this situation to worse and not wishing to antagonize the creature any further, Jason abandoned the attempt of a swift kick in ribs, and rather settled with grabbing the fur on dog's neck and back, and tried to pull it off. Bold move, but not very rewarding - the beast snapped at Jason and then transferred its whole attention to him. Original adrenaline pumped will-be rescuer suddenly turned into a target and courage born from a selfish act began drowning in a fear of immediate biting experience.
Jason jumped back, avoiding strong teeth aimed at his arm, and his panicked mind was trying to frantically think of a way to escape this situation, clothes drenched with cold sweat were sticking to his hot body and his legs were shaking, as the dog growled, barked and drolled everywhere with bristling fur.
Shepherd did not hesitate with his continuous onslaught and his next lunge would prove to be successful, if it were not for a rapid recovery of an original victim, who did not shy away from kicking the rabid dog into thigh, which proved to be critical in their rescue.
Beast jumped aside with its tail shortly tucked between legs with a whimper, as it now tried to position itself facing both of them. Jason believed this was a crucial sign of a victory, needless to say he overestimated the whole situation, when a sharp pain stung through his hand. In the heat of a moment, a semi-successful rescuer failed his awareness check and overlooked another canine, who in response to a distress call rushed to aid his mate.
A flash of white and golden flew through the air like lightning and left Jason with an unexpected wound in the form of a bite mark on his hand. Flash transformed into another dog, a collie with long and lush fur, took a stand by side of a German shepherd and started barking at humans in a warning manner.
Before retaliation from either side came into motion, both dogs took off into the shadows and disappeared between bushes, almost like somebody just whistled at them and their bloodthirstiness dissolved. It seemed like a shepherd failed to realize two people were too much to handle and the collie assumed it's not worth the hassle, whatever the reason for this unprovoked attack they might have had.
After the dust settled, only scattered gravel, drops of saliva and a huge cloud of sparkling dog hair flying around in a lamp light were only reminders of an incident that just happened. As adrenaline started dissolving in the bloodstream, it gave a way for pain receptors to announce the damage that was done. Jason felt large dull nails passing through his palm and burning sensation in whole hand, reaching to his fingers and down the wrist, where it scattered in the forearm.
He took a reluctant look at his wounded body part: hand was shaking from shock, covered in dog's saliva with teeth marks deeply imprinted in his skin. Much to his surprise, there was less blood than he anticipated. A lot of scratches, but other than one deeper cut under his pinkie, there was no severe bleeding. Dog bit with his molars, sparing him a cutting wound, but it still hurt comfortable acceptance.
Jason put his arm down and approached his fellow unlucky passerby, who was examining his more severe wound as well.
"Hey, man, you good?" he asked a bit nervously. Not only was this whole situation quite extraordinary and stress inducing, only right now he realized how surprisingly attractive the other guy is. It required above average points allocated in the beauty stat to pull off this dirty t-shirt with saliva stains, blood and hair sticking to the forehead with a sweated look, and still be appealing.
"I hope so," he shared with a slight grunt of pain in his voice. "I got bit, but it doesn't seem so serious."
His wound looked much alike to Jason's: a lot of light scratches, teeth marks, some deeper cuts and a large dose of saliva.
"We should still have it checked, anyway, they might have had rabies," Jason suggested.
"Do you think the hospital is still open now?"
"Yeah, emergency, but I think they would keep us on ward until morning, anyway - unless you'd like to call us an ambulance."
"I don't think it is that serious," replied the unknown bite sufferer in a joking manner.
"Hey, I uh- I actually got a flat real close here, just outside the park. I was thinking, maybe we could go over to my place, I could take care of that nasty bite, and in the morning, we could go to the hospital for our rabies shots - whatcha say?"
It was a daring move, and were the wounds more severe, such an invitation would never cross Jason's mind, but he also did not want to miss on this opportunity. He felt pretty confident, after driving off two deranged dogs, and he was sure bites could really wait until tomorrow with a professional treatment.
Other man was a bit unsure of such a proposal, investigating Jason with his look, but after an awkwardly silent while, during which Jason was expecting some form of a humiliating answer, a slight smile appeared on his face, but it was hard to tell whether it was a smile of joy or mockery.
"You know, boys would usually ask me for my name and buy me a drink first, before they would invite me over to their place," he started a bit disapprovingly, much to Jason's disappointment. "But given the circumstances, I don't think I'm in a position to refuse a stranger's kind help. About time you grew a pair."
"I was not shy," Jason started immediately defending himself with a slight chuckle. "I was just, you know, checking you out at first."
"And did you like what you saw?"
There was this smile, just one corner of the mouth slightly raised, which was effortlessly stripping Jason of every defense he had.
"If I didn't, I would just let that dog bite off that pretty face of yours."
"Shame it took two stray dogs to actually make you talk to me."
"You seem fairly interested in me yourself, why have you never said anything?"
"Nah, I like it this way, if I were to approach you, it would be no fun. This way, seeing you all timid and unsure, shaking with every word, but overcoming it all in the end is much more rewarding."
Man smiled even more seductively and it almost made Jason's head spin, a bond became building between them. He took two steps forward and stood at his side.
"Come on, then, I accept your offer. You wouldn't leave me out here in the cold after all that, would you?"
Jason was at a loss of words for a moment, caught by surprise from such a confident approach and did not shy away from playing along. He took a lead, describing how close his flat is, and set off on the gravel path.
"You know, the town should really do something about these dogs," he started a small talk with his new companion along the way. "I've heard there is a large pack of strays living in the woods and there have already been a few attacks."
"Do you think we should report this?"
"I think we probably should. Maybe they weren't strays, they looked well kept, but I didn't see any collars. Oh, by the way, I'm Taylor - forgot to introduce myself."
Man offered Jason his hand in a greeting gesture - it was a bit sticky from all the sweat, blood and dirt, but for Jason it was rather pleasant nonetheless.
"And I'm Jason, nice to meet you - even if this situation was not exactly nice."
"Likewise, likewise," Taylor smiled and nodded in agreement. All the pain and burning seemed really miniscule at the moment. "So, Jason, tell me, what are you always doing here this late?"
"I'm going home from work through here. In the end, it doesn't take much longer than taking a bus and I don't have to wait anywhere," Jason explained as they neared the entrance to the park.
"Yeah, that would make sense," he chuckled a little, as in a sudden realization. "Where do you work?"
"I'm with Mertco right now, a big company. We were hired to do the plumbing for that new shopping mall at a Stoneward, so that's where I spend most of my days now."
"Hey, that almost made us colleagues," Taylor smiled widely. "We were supposed to do the wiring there, but didn't get the contract in the end."
"That almost looks like fate wanted to bring us together, one way or another."
Air in the kitchen got acrid with a whiff of disinfection, as Jason stood to his offer and took care of injuries they both suffered tonight. Television with an evening news was quietly mumbling on the wall, supplies from home first aid kit layed spread on the dining table, cornered by two cans of beer fresh from the fridge, their surface glistening with dew.
"You are really good with your hands," noted Taylor with a smile, watching as Jason cleaned and covered his bit forearm.
"It comes with a profession, I guess," replied modestly with a chuckle Jayson. "You know, you can tell these dogs were trained - I don't mean that somebody trained them to bite people, but they definitely have some form of training behind them."
"What are you saying?"
"You see, naturally, dogs bite with their sharp frontal teeth, canines and premolars to make their prey bleed out, but we have barely any cuts, so they were using their molars. This way, their bite force is strong enough to paralyze and keep you down, like they teach for dog's disciplines."
"You seem knowledgeable about dog's," Taylor noted, surprised.
"I spent a lot of my time around dogs when I was a kid and lived with my parents."
"And you don't own a dog, now?"
"No, I wouldn't have time to take care of it," Jason shook his head in denial. "I'm at work most of the time. They pay fine at Mertco, but I still need to do some odd jobs occasionally to afford to pay rent."
"Do you even, like, go out?"
"Eh, not much. I go to the bar sometimes, but I just tend to be too exhausted and overworked, so I mostly just sleep away all my free time."
"So, you are not even dating? Or seeing anyone at the moment?"
"Not at all. It just demands too much time."
After this answer, quite quiet, as if it carried a bit of embarrassment, nobody spoke for a while. Newscaster was silently buzzing his prewritten text and Jason finished his medical care. With the last wipe of the cotton ball dipped in disinfection he cleaned the last smudge of dog's saliva from Taylor's arm and threw it away into an empty cardboard box on the table.
"All done, rest will be on the doctors tomorrow."
A makeshift medic observed his work for a short while, clearly happy with the outcome.
"Hey, thank you, it looks a lot better," Taylor praised his care with no shortage and inspected his arm. "And pain is almost gone, as well."
"Yeah, those painkillers were a bit stronger, but effective. I was worried it might make your head spin."
"No, I feel great."
Jason smiled with satisfaction and proceeded to turn his attention to his own wounds. Taylor watched it for a while, but he did not feel this was right. Even though he was a guest at Jason's house, it poked his mind to just let him sit there like this.
"No, hold on, you are not gonna be doing it yourself."
Taylor pulled his chair closer and literally plucked out cotton ball from Jason's fingers.
"Hey, you don't really have to-" was Jason's attempt to stop his interruption, but to no avail.
Taylor's words were striking, but gentle, just like his touches. He grabbed his palm, thumb and forefinger became interlocked within his fingers, and pulled it higher. His other hand then brought a cotton ball into game and started gently scraping his wound.
It seemed as if with every touch, Taylor moved a bit closer. Soon, Jason was surrounded, his fresh acquaintance prevented him from escaping with his legs wrapped around him. Warmth of his body was pleasant to him and a hot breath tickled him a little. Nobody uttered any words, a magical moment of rapprochement was uninterrupted. It was a walk on balancing rope, a test whether somebody will make any objections and state his limit, or give in to the mutual urge of exploring each other's bodies.
For Jason, it felt like seconds, when Taylor finished his treatment in the same fashion as he did, but he did not let go of his hand. Instead, all of their fingers now interlocked and other hand started slowly and gently rubbing Jason's arm, looking deeply into his eyes. Jason did not protest, but let everything in Taylor's direction, even when he started slowly leaning in.
Their lips met. There was a slightly bitter aftertaste, cause of the hoppy drink, but nothing repulsive, instead, it only bred desire for more. Tongues greeted each other, exchanging biological traces, and Taylor's hand became more adventurous, finding its way under Jason's t-shirt and examining his belly. Master of the house grabbed his wrist - not to stop him or guide his steps, simply as an indicator he is going the right way, an assurance he will not stray away. His member filled with blood, tip pressing against his trousers, creating a tent structure in his crotch.
Taylor noticed this, with an amused exhale.
"This little fella wants to look outside," he noted. "Give him some fresh air."
His lips moved on Jason's neck and with joint forces, they both got him rid of clothes on the lower part of body, unleashing a throbbing piece of equipment into the night, a drop of lust juice sparkled in the ceiling light.
Taylor's hand was quite reluctant and moved only on Jason's thigh, where it started eagerly move around.
"Can I?" he asked with a smiling desire.
"Go ahead," Jason whispered, his hot breath tickled Taylor's ear.
Hand moved slowly, building up tension, driving penis desperate for attention and care. Drop of lust juice grew larger with the next throb, fingers hugged the root of the meat stick and carefully made their way upwards, firmly pressing the tip and squeezing out the rest of baby making soda. Large drop rolled down and dispersed over fingers, thumb started probing for a most sensitive spot in order to assume total control over orgasm.
Jason left out a deep sight, as Taylor's finger discovered a small place right below the tip. Perpetrator giggled silently and repeated his motion a few times to assure he has the upper hand now. He gave Jason a gentle bite in the neck and firmly grabbed his willie, beginning a slow polishing motion, pressing against the sensitive spot every time he moved back down. Jason bit his lip in a pleasant sensation and put his free hand on Taylor's head, running fingers through his hair in a gesture of appreciation.
As his gasps became faster and hotter, a new acquaintance delved down, sticking out the tongue and licking off the precum from the tip of Jason's weiner, wetting the whole member with warm saliva, sending pleasure signals around his thighs. His tongue continued to move over the rest of the penis, in the end locking lips around the root and skillfully wrapping the tongue around the sensitive spot. As his head began to move up and down, with a suction effect joining the ride, Jason felt his climax to be dangerously close. He again put his hand on Taylor's head in an attempt to control his movement to complement his pleasure, but he resisted, blindly grabbing his hand and moving it away with a tight grip, proving he is in charge here.
Rich dose of saliva and semen rolled down Jason's balls, between thighs and down to his bumhole, tickling him along the way. He let out a loud moan, signaling his incoming cuming. Taylor granted him a few more seconds of oral satisfaction, before he suddenly stopped, raised his head, sticking tongue in his mouth, giving Jason taste of his own semen and then biting him again in the neck. Short pause was interrupted, when he grabbed his dick really tight to a point of mild pain, and started stroking him in an exact tempo he needed.
Jason moaned even louder, leaned back into his chair, stretched his legs and curled toes in expectation of incoming powerful orgasm.
His semen literally shot in the air like a well pressurized squirt gun, arched and landed back on his thighs and belly, as if somebody impatient just squeezed a warm ketchup bottle over a plate of spaghetti.
Taylor's tempo slowly died down, as oxytocin spreaded around Jason's body, bringing him immense pleasure that prevented him from talking for a while, as he was trying to process what he just experienced.
Barely any talk was necessary, they both seemed to understand each other's bodies so well. Couple moved into the bedroom and Taylor lay on bed, undressed with a gifted phallus reaching for the ceiling. It was now Jason's turn to pay back for the feeling he brought him.
At first, he kneeled on all four next to him and did a bit of preparation, licking Taylor's large penis that still did not seem to be at his hardest point. His approved of this by stroking his butcheek and eventually driving pinkie down his asscrack right into hershey highway, to make known this is where he wants to be.
Jason therefore desisted from his oral fornication and squatted over Taylor's prepared cock, letting him lead it inside his backdoor. Well oiled tip slipped inside, he leaned back and started slowly bouncing on his lap, carefully watching his smiling expression for signs of increasing enjoyment, but his game seemed to lack experience.
He added occasional sideway swirls, which seemed to work for a part. Taylor grabbed his ankles as if he wanted to prevent him from running away, and started slowly hitting him from down below, indicating he wanted to speed up. Jason complied and shifted his pelvis motion into faster gear, forcing Taylor to let out a satisfied moan. His dong kept flailing around, slapping his thighs and sticking a web of semen between them.
This movement was somewhat exhausting and his partner noticed Jason's decrease in momentum after a while. As much as he enjoyed the view from his position, he halted him by grabbing his flying penis, giving it a gentle rub and slowly pulling him down. He leaned in for a rewarding kiss and said: "You did well, baby. Now lie down and let me do the rest."
Jason was everything Taylor wanted and his interactions made him incredibly happy, despite seemingly not being as skilled as he would expect. Bumholle he possessed was just perfect and he couldn't get enough of it. After giving the orifice a few tasting licks, he resumed his steady ramming, putting one of his legs over his shoulder, watching him slowly jerking with a smile and enjoying his laid back pose.
There came a slight tickle on the tip of his penis as it performed its anal adventures and Taylor knew his moment came. He stopped, pulled out and instructed Jason to turn around, feeling it would be quite fitting if they finished like animals that have brought them together today.
His partner did not protest, willingly flipped on his knees and spread his ass with one hand while milking himself, anticipating the last part of their carnal relation. Taylor firmly grabbed his sides, stuck his stick down the chocolate alleway and started banging, feeling his orgasm coming up as their ball sacks kept slapping each other.
Up to the last moment, he was deciding whether to blow his load inside or outside, but that decision was never destined to be made by him. World turned black and strong numbness devoured the whole body. Suddenly, a lot of new scents appeared in Taylor's nose and his ears were being pulled by an overwhelming amount of noises that seemed to come out of nowhere. His body felt strangely lighter, yet he could not keep himself on his feet and balance was an unreachable goal. Even through numbness, he felt he was falling and tried to reach out for anything to prevent his descent, but his arms were restricted, almost as if they were tied down, and their movement was very limited.
Ultimately, he fell back, numbness saving him from pain, yet he had a hard time standing back up. At first, he kept swirling on his back and felt like a turtle flipped over, without his arms to support him. He began breathing heavily and felt his tongue, unusually longer, sticking to his surprisingly hairy cheek, as well as a few more ends around his body he could move with.
Some force decided to return him his sight and dark curtain over his eyes began to rise, releasing floodgates of shapes and colours - although not as much as he was used to. Somehow, the world lost its vibrancy. Ceiling lights were no longer warm, furniture became drab and covers faded. Not only that, but everything a bit farther away became surprisingly blurry.
Worried he might have contracted some unknown form of disease with rapid progress, he cried out for Jason and jiggled himself one last time in a desperate attempt to roll over. His voice also became weirder - deeper, yet whinier, with fidgety tongue tending to get in the way of teeth.
He succeeded, and brought upon himself a terrifying shock. Here, he noticed a pair of furry brown paws right below him and freaked out, thinking he just fell on Jason's dog he denied to own, but quickly realized these paws moved in the same manner as he intended to move his arms. It took him a few seconds to notice a dark snout growing from his face and he jumped up in shock, only to fall on unsure legs and crumble down again.
As he attempted to sit down, he looked over himself in a now limited view and slowly came to terms of what happened. He transformed into a dog, the very exact one that bit him just a few hours ago - either that, or, somehow, they switched bodies, and his former naked possession was now strutting around woods, unsure how to lick its own balls.
"Jason?" he asked again, realizing he retained his human vocal cords, and attempted to turn around, slowly getting the hang of his new canine skeleton. His friend had met the same fate, few whiffs of air assured him of this fact with his newly found sensitivity, but he still seemed to be unconscious. Taylor made a few unsure steps towards the bed and nudged Jason with his muzzle.
It took a few tries and a few hysterical growls, until a bushy tail of his partner started to wag and he woke up, still unaware of his transformation. Collie, same as the one they met at the park, yawned and lifted its head with ears spinning around looking for the source of noise.
Jason's reaction was similar to that of Taylor's. Upon spotting a large German shepherd sitting by his bed looking at him, a pile of white and gold fur jumped up, releasing startled cry and bouncing on the other side of the mattress, where it fell over on the floor, leaving behind a trail of flying hair. Taylor walked around bed and sat down, watching him realizing his unwilling change of bodies.
"Keep calm, don't panic," he tried to soothe his partner, who was frantically rolling on the floor.
"What-?! Why-?! How come you can speak?" he left out panicked cries.
"I don't know, I just woke up like this," Taylor replied and stuck out his tongue, releasing a large drop of saliva on the ground.
"Taylor?" asked Kolie in disbelief.
"Yeah, that's me," he confirmed and suddenly started nibbling on an itching spot of skin above his shoulder, which he then proceeded to scratch with his hind paw in a relieved manner, dropping even more saliva around. "You probably wonder how I got into this situation."
"Why are you a dog?"
"'Why are WE dogs' you should ask."
What followed was a sequence of realizations, somewhat harder to understand by Jason, who freaked out just like Taylor, spinning around and nearly knocking over lamp on the nightstand.
"How did this happen?" asked Jason, once he came to his senses and calmed down, but suddenly looked to his window and let out a silent growl on something unseen outside.
"I have no idea. Last thing I remember is going balls deep, then black and then I woke up like this," Taylor shared his past experiences and spinned his head in a loud dog sneeze, as the collie's large hair flying around landed on his whiskers and started tickling him. "But if you didn't notice, we look just like the pair of dogs that bit us today."
"Do you think there is some connection between that? There- There has to be, what else?"
"I don't know, but I got this..." Taylor's speech was halted by a few quick sniffs of air. "I got this... I need to chew on something."
Shepherd was quick in finding an object to satisfy his urges and without scruples started threatening the leg of bed with his massive denture.
"Hey, stop that!" Jason disapproved of his doings and walked up to him to give him a clumsy slap with a paw. "That's my bed, man."
"Uh, sorry..." the perpetrator apologized with ears pulled down and sat back. "I'm still getting used to this dog life."
"Well, try to keep my furniture, and my whole flat for that matter, out of it," collie instructed him. "And help me think of what we're gonna do about this."
"Okay, okay, don't worry," Taylor panted in excitement and suddenly ran off, occasionally slipping on the smooth floating bedroom floor, leaving small scratches, as he tried to regain balance with his claws.
"Oh, man, my floor..." Jason lamented as he watched his partner strut around, sniffing anything he deemed interesting. "Hey, beat it, dude!"
Homeowner was terrified, as he witnessed his guest's attempt to mark this flat as his territory and barked at him threateningly in means of stopping him.
Taylor whimpered in shame and halted his wetting action, lying flat on the floor with large ears bent down.
"Sorry," he apologized again. "This is prolly gonna take me longer than I was expecting."
"Just try to control yourself, okay? And don't you dare take a piss, here. Whole flat will stink like a dirty alleyway behind a cheap pub."
"Okay, okay."
Jason was not very convicted, which he had shown with a slight growl, but he himself started to be taken over by his dog's side and felt the need to sniff every interesting scent there was to find. Trying to keep one eye on a mischievous German shepherd, who seemed to have a harder time to preserve what remained of his humanity, Jason followed a trail of familiar smells on the floor, leading him to a pile of clothes they shedded off. He kept smelling them for a while, plowing through them with his muzzle and after he did a few spins, comfortably laid down on them. Somehow, being surrounded by a familiar scent of his own was calming him down. Meanwhile, Taylor worked hard on spreading his own smell over the flat, rubbing against everything, licking, drooling and leaving wet marks from his nose.
"Hey, Taylor!" he called out on him. "Come here."
He was reluctant at first, but eventually heeded to Jayson's calling, bringing along a left shoe in his mouth.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna take it from you," Jason tried to assure him, after he kept staring at him with a slowly wagging tail. "It's your shoe, anyway, do what you want with it. Come on, we need to figure out what to do about this."
"You are right," Taylor admitted, after he dropped his new toy, laid down and protectively held it with his paws, giving it occasional nibble. "And you will also really need to take me for a walk in a while."
"I don't know what would people think about two dogs just walking around outside."
"Park is close and it's night, there will be barely anyone outside. We could make a run for it."
"I don't really don't know about that, dude."
"What else do you want to do? We can't sit here all day and wait if we turn back. Besides, if this has to do something with those dogs that bit us, we are gonna have to find them in the park - or something connected to them."
"You are probably right, there must be a way to fix this."
"Come on, then, I wanna go out."
Taylor grabbed his shoe and hopped away to the front door, but let go of his toy mid way and instead headed for a kitchen counter. He leaned on the worktop and with frustrated growl attempted to turn on the water faucet.
"What are you doing?" Jason asked, as he walked over and watched his struggle.
"I'm thirsty, I want something to drink, first."
"Do you have to make such a mess? There is a pond in the park, you could have drank there," Taylor got scolded, as the collie watched a tipped over bottle of dishwashing detergent bounce around and fall on the floor.
"I'm not gonna drink from the pond," Taylor refused and with a very clumsy wave of a paw managed to lift the faucet. Water gushed out and he immediately with loud gulps started gobbling the stream, splashing water all around.
"You could at least wipe it, it's gonna wreck my kitchen counter."
"You have a very strange sense of priorities."
Jason kept complaining about Taylor's mess, who did not take his pestering very seriously, but always complied and after some annoyed growling, grabbed a dishtowel with his teeth and tried to wipe the worktop as best as he could - and his current anatomy allowed him. Collie watched him closely, assuring himself he will do his work properly, but his attention started to slowly shift somewhere else. He suddenly became attracted to the shepherd's rear, as his lifted tail revealed anus and a mix of interesting smells rolled out, and could not resist going in for a nice puff. Jason was a bit confused, still not understanding every piece of information he was receiving with his muzzle, but what he could figure out matched with what he knew about Jason.
"What are you doing down there?" sniffed one interrupted him, looking down with a tongue happily sticking out, long ears pointed up.
"Uh, nothing," Jason stepped back and sat down, trying to keep a serious appearance. "You done?"
"Yeah, come on, you nothing."
Taylor jumped off the kitchen counter and as he was turning around, Jason noticed a red tip between his hind legs. Something was starting to wake up inside him.
Opening doors proved to be an easier task than they expected, but they encountered a certain problem. As they were dogs, without clothes, pockets and dexterous hands, Jason had nowhere to carry keys to his flat - a possible incapability of using them just with their snouts was omitted at that moment.
"Just put them under the doormat," Taylor suggested. "We will figure something out later."
"Oh, man, I hope I won't get robbed."
Pulling the door handle with his teeth, Jason closed the door to his flat, and carefully followed Taylor down the staircase, setting out into the night.
They both got out without problem, streets were mostly empty and shadows hid them from occasional car driving past them. They were overwhelmed by the amount of smells and sounds they have heard outside and Jason had to bring Taylor back to his senses a few times. Although the collie also wanted to run around, sniff, bark and mark its territory, he was realizing there was not only an important task at hand, but also danger they were exposed to, wandering the streets without a human master.
Jason led them into an alleyway with large bushes growing on both sides, connecting streets to the park. Here, their vigilance was starting to drop, and they ran around more freely, examining interesting smells and covering marks with their own.
Moon shone brightly with barely any clouds in the night sky. Both dogs got excited in the open plains, where they could play together unbothered. A need to find a way to turn back into humans was pushed back, as their animalistic side took over and they were overwhelmed with energy that needed to get out. They started chasing each other, Jason was a lightning of golden and white, running circles around heavier and less agile gray and brown, desperately trying to catch up with him.
Heavy panting was echoing in the night, as Jason always got close and then ran away the moment Taylor snatched at him, or waited with his butt high in the air for the shepherd to come over, only to quickly jump away from his reach again.
After a while, their shenanigans slowed down, and they got closer, playfully wrestling each other to the ground, taking fake bites and smacks with paws. Jason, with his lightweight body, was at disadvantage here, but suddenly, Taylor gave up and laid down on his back. Confused collie barked at him to continue playing, but he noticed his protruding red rocket.
"You know, I was thinking," Taylor started.
"I doubt that, but go on."
"If we turned into dogs while fucking, maybe we can turn back while fucking again."
Jason noticed his own member growing larger and gave Taylor's weiner a sniff.
"Come on, while there is still a chance. You can be on top, now."
Invitation was tempting, one that Jason could not resist - he felt he was now even more attracted to Jason as they transformed. He pleased the shepherd's member with his large tongue and felt his excited tail hitting the ground, ticking his paws. Jason then stepped over him and slowly began entering his rear entry with his pulsing penis. Both were heavily panting with excitement and Jason's saliva kept dripping down on Taylor, which he then gladly licked from his nose. It was all a bit strange at first, sign of a new bodies they were not entirely used to, yet, but as thrusting changed from rare to regular, they have both felt to be more confident in this metamorphosis and enjoyment began exponentially growing.
Collie felt his climax was coming quickly, the shepherd's bum was tight and warm, making him even hornier and more sensitive. Taylor noticed this and refused this reality, giving him a gentle slap with paw and pushing him away.
"No, no, not just yet, baby," he said, rolled on his feet and then lay head on the ground, leaving his ass invitingly in the air for Jason to penetrate again. "Like this, come on."
Collie walked over and started licking both of the shepherd's knot and swollen rectum to give himself some time to calm down. When he inserted again, he started humping his mate with all the ferociousness of a horny animal he was, clutching to the sides of his partner with paws.
Jason started slightly growling, as he was nearing the end, pushing inside his knot with all the power he had left released in the last hump, leaving a massive load and letting out a satisfied howl.
Nothing happened. No blackout, no change in senses, no transformation. Jason rolled on back next to Taylor, panting with exhaustion, absorbing the best orgasm of his life. Excessive semen was dripping on grass from Taylor's anus, who gratefully snuggled to the collie's puffy coat, resting head between his front legs and giving him a gentle lick on a wet nose.
"It didn't work," Jason remarked.
"You mind?" the shepherd asked with tail slowly wagging in the night, both of them basking in the moonlight.
"Now that I think about it, probably not."
"Good, then don't think about it too much and just rest."
"What are we gonna do now?"
"Well, for starters, I would like a taste of this for myself, once you catch a breath. Then we can figure out what to do about this."