Day 2 - Coils

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#2 of Hypnovember 2020

A continuation of the previous story! Featuring some hypnotic scales and some coiling and stuff.

Master hissed in satisfaction, his coils sliding steadily into the warm water as you gently poured a jug over his shoulder.

You'd done this many times, and next came your favorite part - cleaning his scales.

Being the powerful naga that he was, physically as well as mentally, there was a lot to clean. You were very thankful that was the case.

A part of his coil resurfaced near you, which was Master's nonverbal sign that it was time to begin. You knelt in the water, and pulled the heavy coil toward yourself just a little.

Just like his eyes, Master's scales were a sea of glittering, shining gold. The effect was only amplified when they were wet. Every tightening of his muscles, flick of his tail, or splashing of water created a new, beautiful refraction of light that scattered your thoughts.

Truth be told, you were unsure how useful you were as a coil cleaner. Part of you felt like you were more his entertainment than anything else, rubbing and massaging and staring at his scales.

You realized you'd been doing nothing but staring at them when he brushed another part of his seemingly endless tail against your hip and you stirred. You quickly resumed your massaging and scrubbing.

Scrubbing especially created such a spectacular effect. A ripple of golden light that washed over you and left you drooling. It made you all the happier to keep doing it.

Another few feet of coil pushed up behind you, and you turned, pressing your fingers into it and kneading it diligently. You were drooling hard now, as every movement of the scales sent you deeper and deeper into this warm feeling.

The length of coil previously in front of you tightened slightly, pressing you into the length now in front of you. You blinked dazedly and tried to turn to keep massaging that one, only for the length you were already worshipping to tighten as well, squeezing you between the two thick, powerful walls of muscle.

Another few feet quietly came up from the water on your right, and pressed into you, wrapping down one of your legs as you were pushed horizontal. If you weren't so mesmerized by his scales, you might have realized he was coiling around you before you were completely surrounded by heavy, squeezing muscles.

You were pulled with ease to the front of your Master, the coils tightening and your eyes rolling up as he chuckled at your helplessness. You may not have made a great monster hunter, but as a toy, you were priceless.