Day 9 - Collar

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#9 of Hypnovember 2020

You're wandering around your apartment, listening to noises you can hear and getting used to something you can't see.

You were having extremely vague feelings of anxiety. Something just felt off, different - you couldn't put your finger on it. You felt uncomfortable; you couldn't find a position to sit in. You felt restricted, in an abstract way.

Probably just nerves. You reached up and rubbed at your neck, and relaxed a little. Just needed to think about lunch or something.

You took a little lap around your apartment while you went over your options in your head. Something light was your mood, definitely.

You stood at the kitchen, and looked over it passively. You... didn't much feel like doing anything, actually. You were pretty calm right now, and you were pretty content with how things were. Back to sitting, you decided.

You were still slightly anxious. Superstitiously, you rubbed at your neck again, and sighed. It really did help. You didn't really understand why, but gently rubbing your neck and tugging at your colla-

at-... at your-...

You had lost your train of thought. Anyway, you weren't anxious anymore.

You slumped on the couch and sighed contentedly, nuzzling up against a pillow and closing your eyes for a while. Slowly, that strange feeling of anxiety was starting to fade, and morph into a calming, comfortable sense of safety.

In the quiet, with one ear pressed against the couch, you could just barely make out some kind of quiet humming, a gentle droning that filled your apartment. You couldn't make anything of it, but... you liked it. You were glad it was there.

Something... else was here. Something pressing at the back of your mind, that you just couldn't shake. Something was wrong, somehow, but you didn't even have the beginning of an idea as to what. Everything felt right, so how could you just "know" something was wrong?

You got up and went to the bathroom mirror. You... felt like something was different. Something you couldn't quite put a finger on. You locked eyes with yourself, staring into those endless swirling pits, those bottomless wells of color, and relaxed. You were just letting your anxiety get the better of yourself, you thought.

You reached up and rubbed at your neck some more, hooking your fingers on your ... and sighed as the colors and swirls in your eyes grew a little brighter and faster. A lovely sound hit your ears, one that you couldn't hear for some reason but that relaxed you greatly.

It was working.

What was working?

You were still feeling restrained, but... in a good way. You didn't really understand it, yourself. You didn't need to. All you knew is that you were feeling good, and docile, and calm, and safe.

You weren't sure what was different, but you were sure that it was better this way. You had found your place, whatever that might be.

The front door opened outside the bathroom and you turned and immediately turned and approached it, not knowing what you were doing until you were on your knees and smiling sererely down at the floor.

Master clipped a leash onto your collar and stepped on it, pulling your head to the floor.

"Hmm, I see that subliminal conditioning worked." He remarked, giving the leash a tug and sending you tumbling deeper and deeper into the trance. "Much better. No more fussing about how it's too tight, how you don't belong in a collar. How do you feel now?" He asked.

"Gooood." You moaned.

Master chuckled.