Day 10 - Gentle

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#10 of Hypnovember 2020

You need a break. You need something to take your mind off it all. You need someone to relax you until the stress just falls right out. You need lap time.

The wolf is vinyl dragon!

You scratched at your neck wool anxiously, looking over the lab's budget once again for errors. You'd been putting together a comprehensive finance report for Director Vinyl for hours, and the thought of making even the slightest mistake, and losing your job, was the loudest noise ringing in your ears. The second loudest was your headache.

You bleat-screamed as Director Vinyl poked her head into your office, which got a frown from your grey wolf-boss. She padded inside, shutting the door behind her and walking around behind your desk.

To your surprise, she showed no interest in your report, and instead started to gently rub your shoulders. You made a slightly embarrassing half-sigh-half-bleat as you sank into your seat a little from the attention.

"I think you'll be taking a break, Lenti." She whispered. You knew that tone of voice. It was rare, elusive, and absolutely not used for debate. She'd already decided.

You stood up, and she gave you a hug from behind before leading you out of your office and into the lab's hallways. You gave once last glance back to your computer before shutting your office door and following quickly after your boss, who wasn't waiting up for you, though you were pretty sure she slowed down a little.

Her office was much larger than yours. Despite having just as many stacks of papers in it, it was actually pretty nice and wide open. Most importantly, it had a couch, with a wolf sitting on one end waiting for you to join her.

You sat beside her, and she gently reached over and gave your shoulder a one-handed rub. You knew the procedure. You had been here many times before.

You called it "lap time."

Gently, your laid yourself horizontally across the couch, curled up slightly and placing your head on the soft, warm lap of your wolf. She dropped a pendulum down in front of your eyes, and you locked onto it immediately. It wouldn't take long. You could feel yourself relaxing already.

Your breathing slowed as the shiny disk swung quickly back and forth in front of your eyes. Since your head was sideways, you had to look up and down to follow the pendulum, rather than left to right. You'd been in this position so many times before, just a few swings created a familiar feeling that triggered a cascade of associated memories.

"Just start to relax, Lenti. Go ahead and smile for me, if you can." She began.

You tried. It didn't come very easily. The Director was undeterred.

"Focus on breathing nice and slowly. Let each breath clear away all those worries, clear away all those thoughts. You don't need to think, you don't need to worry, you can just smile and sink. You can just... sleep."

She snapped her fingers. It was like missing a step on the stairs, and finding yourself in free fall for just a moment. By the time you caught yourself, you'd fallen pretty deep.

"There you go. Dropping so deep, with just that word. Remembering how nice it feels to sink into trance. Every time you hear me say that word, it drops you nice and deep. Feeling so good. Feeling nice and relaxed for me, nice and soft." She said.

In the quiet of the office, you could still feel and hear your headache, but just relaxing this much had shrunk it to a much more managable level. You were feeling nice and soft, and heavy. Your training was kicking in now, it was taking control. Everything was automatic.

"Feel your thoughts slowing down, too. Just like your breathing. Getting heavier, and slower, and calmer, as you relax more and more. Everything slowing down, everything getting heavier. It's so easy to just relax. It's so easy to let yourself relax." She continued, every word having an affect on your mind in so many ways. They soaked into your thoughts, realigning them, pulling you down further into this relaxed state of trance.

"Giving yourself permission to fall. Giving yourself permission to..." She trailed off.

The word hung in the air, and the anticipation grew, until-



Down you sank.

The Director's clawed fingers gently sank into your hair and scratched at your scalp, which would have made you shiver if you could move a muscle. She hummed softly as the pendulum continued to swing, just making sure you were completely limp and relaxed. You were starting to lose feeling of yourself, feeling less like a sheep and more like an amorphous, heavy cloud.

"Good boy, Lenti." She whispered softly, scritching behind one of your ears. You tried to mumble a "thank you" but only drooled. She got the message.

"There we go. All the way down." She said, stroking your ear. "Think about all those stresses, all of those worries you have, and push them to the front of your mind for me, Lenti. Feel them hanging off of your forehead."

There was a weight now, attached squarely to the front of your forehead pulling your head down.

"Think about everything you have to do, everything keeping you from relaxing completely, and put it all in one place. Is it there, Lenti?" She asked.

"Mhm." You hummed.

She reached down and stroked a finger up your nose and to your forehead.

"Gone." She said. "Let them all go. I've got them now. They don't affect you anymore."

You let out a long, shuddering sigh. You felt ten times heavier now, ten times warmer. You felt like a blanket draped over the couch. You didn't even remember having a headache. It was gone without a trace.

"All gone. Good boy, Lenti. So nice and relaxed now. So comfortable and warm and safe. Nothing you have to do, nothing you have to think about. You can just relax and lay here with me, feeling good."

If you could move, you'd have thanked her. Instead you just drooled more.

"I love you so much, Lenti. Always remember that. I love you so, so much." She said. "You're so loved, you're so important to me, and I'll always keep you safe."

You felt a tear welling on your eye. She quickly wiped it away, and went back to playing with your hair, softly, gently.

"Good boy, Lenti. Feeling soft and warm and comfortable. Feeling loved and safe and calm. Knowing you're loved, knowing you're mine." She said.

"Yours." You mumbled.

"Good boy, Lenti. Very good."

You had made a complete mess of her lap. It was soaking wet with your drool now. If you were capable of feeling bad, you might. Thankfully, you were made of nothing but love and wool.

"You're going to stay here for a little while, okay?" She said, and you nodded against her lap. "You're going to keep feeling good and soft and safe."

Your eyes closed, and she set the pendulum down. You cooed softly as her second hand began to gently trace a circle into your chest wool, followed by a little spiral.

"I love you, Lenti." She whispered, Directly into your ear.

"Love you." You breathed.