Day 15 - Serve

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#15 of Hypnovember 2020

The best things in life come in woolly packages.

(Starring Mattswolf !)

Matts, owner of the lure, liked to live humbly. A small city apartment, a bedroom for one, the like. Of course, he wasn't without his vices and luxuries, in moderation.

Luxuries like his brainwashed sheep servant, Valentine. A handy acquisition for around the house. Such a sweet thing he was, and very well behaved. He was a personal project of the wolf's that had turned out very well indeed - though he did have a few occasional lapses, where the poor lad would find himself very confused as to where he was and how he got there.

Matts sat at his dining table, enjoying a delicious breakfast he'd prepared for himself to start his day before heading down to the Lure, and he smiled as the quiet clopping of hooves graced his ears.

In came Valentine, looking lovely and deeply confused.

"Good morning, Valentine." Matts greeted him, leaning back and smiling warmly. The sheep locked eyes with him, no recognition in his eyes.

"Ah. One of those mornings, eh?" The wolf said, chuckling softly and taking another bite.

"Uhm. Where is this?" Valentine asked.

"Have a seat, Lenti. I'll explain everything." Matts said, dismissively waiving a hand as the nervous sheep pulled a chair and took a seat across from the blue wolf.

"Sleep well?"

The sheep squirmed in his seat slightly.

"I... think so? Uhm. Can you please-"

"Yes yes, you're quite right. I apologize." Matts said, standing up and meandering to pick up a small hand bell from the entry table. "Say... do you know what will happen when I ring this bell?"

The sheep blinked, making eye contact as if uncertain the blue wolf was serious. Finding no jest, he studied the bell, hands in his lap, and racked his memory.

"I... I think so. Something... good?" He replied.

"Exactly right." Matts said with a smile, and gave the bell a shake.

The response was, as always, instantaneous. The sheep's eyelids fluttered and fell closed, as the bell's ringing echoed between his ears and awoke something deep inside him - something hours of conditioning had made a permanent, automatic response. His hooves came together, his posture straightened, and his eyes opened as a smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, Alpha. How may I serve you?" He responded, eager and blissful.

Matts grinned, just taking a moment to admire his handiwork. The results were undeniable, and something he took great pride in.

"Stand, Beta."

The sheep obeyed instantly, gracefully pushing his chair back and standing up tall. Matts approached him and stroked a finger down his wool, his grin widening slightly as his Beta smiled blissfully at his Alpha's touch.

"I've got a sink full of dishes for you, Beta - you'll do those, then laundry, then a quick run to the store. Should occupy you nicely for the day, I'd say." Matts listed off, sitting back down and finishing his breakfast.

"Yes, Alpha!" Beta responded, still smiling contentedly.

"I think you've earned a treat, Beta." Matts said, making the sheep's smile widen considerably. "Maybe when I get home tonight, I'll reward my obedient, brainwashed Beta. Would you like that?"

"Yes, Alpha!"

Of course he would. And the sheep really had earned it - Matts being someone who loved to cook, worked long hours, and wasn't so fond of spending his free time doing dishes or other chores, having a sheep for them was something he just couldn't live without.

He gave his sheep an extra affectionate pat on the head on his way out.