[COMM] Lazy King

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Story Summary: A feline becomes a slobby, blobby king's newest and favourite servant.

Word Count: 7841

This story was done for someone who wants to remain anonymous. If you think you know who it is by the details of the story, please keep it to yourself.

This was an interesting little story to write. While it had some kinks that I'm not personally into, they were fun to work with. I don't know when or if there'll be a part two, that is up to the commissioner.

Tags: hyper belly, hyper fat, burping, navel play, worship, group, musk, sweat, consensual slavery, size difference, royalty, ass worship, stomach sounds, slob

It was a hot, sunny afternoon in a desert town, and Idri the siamese cat was standing at the entrance to their king's temple. Nobody ever saw the king unless they were a servant or guard, so he knew nothing about what he looked like. He didn't even know much about what his job was going to be. All he knew is that he was going to be serving the king and following his every demand, no matter how demeaning it was. The feline wasn't going to be a random worker though, he was going to be one of the king's personal servants, who live to serve.. The thought made him shiver. While he hadn't been in a long-term situation like that, he'd had a few nights with some larger men that loved to order him around, and made him love every second of it.

As he stepped into the building, the guards by the entrance glancing at him as he walked in, it got even warmer than it was outside. Fortunately there wasn't the harsh burn of the sun, but he could feel the heat permeating his body and making him sweat. He fluttered his light, raggedy shirt and tried adjusting himself underneath his shorts, those two pieces of clothing being the only things he brought with him to start his new life. The inside of the building was made entirely of shiny, golden-looking bricks, with a long hallway leading down to an even larger doorway. The only people in the room were him, two guards by that door, and a short bat standing by a large podium near the that made the little bat seem a bit taller.

He nervously stepped up to her, having to look down at her even with the added height from the podium. She didn't seem to notice him, writing on a scroll with a quill and ink. He waited for what felt like minutes before speaking up. "Um.. hello? I'm here about the servant job.." He mumbled quietly. The bat paused, slowly putting her quill down and looking up towards him. "..Name?" They asked. "I-Idri." He quickly responded. She flipped through a few pages, nearly sending the paper flying, before leaning down and squinting closely at the scroll then him. "Right." She mumbled, before making a shrill whistle.

From the side of the corridor in the dark, from a hall he couldn't see, stepped in a rather short red-scaled kobold. They were completely naked, making him blush lightly. It wasn't just their curvy appearance, they had a distinct sweaty stench to their body that seemed much too powerful for someone of their stature. He didn't question it though, standing beside the bat. "What do you need, miss?" They asked as if he wasn't standing right there. "Get him prepared for the king, clean him off. He's.. disheveled." The bat scoffed. He blushed, knowing she wasn't wrong. Since he was only a peasant, he didn't exactly have the nicest clothing. He at least kept his fur as clean as he could, but both his shirt and shorts were torn in a few places, with more than a few stains.

The kobold grabbed his hand without another word, and led him away from the guards and bat. He barely ducked his head in time when they brought him into a dark passageway that was out of view of the main hall, but he supposed it made sense- in palaces and such, the nobles wouldn't want to see the servants scampering around all the time. They wouldn't open the main door to the throne room just for a single servant, either. The passage certainly wasn't designed for someone his size, regardless. They made more than a few twists and turns in the passageway, and he wondered how the kobold remembered it. He could hardly see, and more than a few times it went pitch black, his only sense of direction being the little scalie holding his hand. "W-where are we going?" He asked them, but got no response.

Before much longer passed he was brought into a new room lit by lanterns, finally able to stand up again and stretch his back. There were two other servants in there, but neither seemed to pay him any mind. There was a small waterfall coming from a slit in the wall, not large enough for someone to stand under but enough for them to gather the water in something. That seemed to be what the other two were doing, sitting on the floor near the water and scrubbing themselves with wet cloths. This must be the washing room.. He thought to himself, looking over to the kobold who had grabbed a wooden bucket and was filling it up with water. "Come, friend. Sit." They looked towards him, sitting next to the bucket while dipping a rag in the water. "Of course, er.. what's your name?" He said, pulling his shirt off over his head. It wouldn't have been the first time he stripped down in front of others, and even if he was nervous about it, he'd be the odd one out if he wasn't naked. "No name. Slaves have none." They replied. "O-oh, I see.. well I'm- uh, nevermind.." He cut himself short.

He didn't keep them waiting any longer, sitting crosslegged on the floor in front of them, facing away. He kept his hands folded over his crotch in a poor attempt to hide his fluffy sheath and balls. The kobold started to scrub at his back with the rag, and he resisted the urge to start purring. They kept washing his dirty fur, rubbing the few places he couldn't quite get on his own. "Stand. Need to reach hind." They told him. After a moment of hesitation he complied, standing up in front of the scalie and lifting his tail up, his rear on eye level with them. They didn't hesitate to rub the cloth between his cheeks and between his legs, making him shiver. It didn't last long though, and once they finished that they had him turn around so they could wash his front. "Um.. thanks for helping me? I don't really know what I'm supposed to do here." He laughed a bit awkwardly, but they didn't seem to notice the humour. "Come meet king. Start as cleaner." They told him as they stood up, picking up the bucket and rag. The others didn't even say anything as they stood up as well, both filling buckets of their own before heading out. The kobold waited for him to fill another bucket for himself to carry before they walked into another hallway- though it was more like a hole in the wall that he had to bend to get into again.

A cleaner, huh? He thought to himself. Guess somebody has to keep this place tidy.. His thoughts trailed off as he kept following close behind the kobold, but the atmosphere changed. The air became hotter, smellier, and thicker in a way. It smelled similar to the kobold, but much, much more powerful. He could hear some wet smacking sounds as well, as if someone was eating with their mouth open. The truth was revealed as they stepped into a larger chamber, much fancier than the cleaning room. The first thing he saw was the large door from earlier, and he could tell they were on the other side of it. There was a second, similar door at the wall across from him, presumably leading to the king's bedchambers. The kobold stopped him from walking further, them and the other two servants still standing in the shadows. His attention immediately went to the other side of the room after, and his jaw nearly dropped at the sight. There was a massive, ornate, golden throne with a pile of treasure behind it, but on top of that was the tallest, fattest, most overweight dragon he'd ever seen. They must've been at least thirty feet tall and certainly weighed more than a few tons. He was in shock from their sheer size, one of their thick arms wobbling slightly as they took a bite out of a hunk of meat that was bigger than he was. Their belly especially was more than half the size of the rest of their body, with a fat pair of moobs on top to match. He felt like if he got too close, he'd vanish into their deep, dark navel forever. He could see the sweat glistening on their blue scales from where he was, and the puddle of it they were sitting in. It was visibly steaming, and he immediately knew it was the source of the musk that seemed to fill the temple. Not to mention their large, scaly balls nearly resting on the floor, and their heavily foreskinned dick that was mostly hidden by their belly. They stopped eating for a moment, and he could've sworn he heard their stomach growling from where he was.

This fat slob is our king..? He thought. He's.. His cheeks turned bright red as the king picked up a large horse person in one hand, their long equine prick throbbing before the fat dragon sucked on it. The horse was moaning loudly, and in less than a minute they came a fat load into the king's maw, who swallowed it all down without letting a drop out, before they were set back on the ground looking dazed and happy. No one seemed really fazed by it, but he could see a little pink tip peeking from the kobold's slit. He couldn't blame them, he could feel his own shaft starting to harden. He's beautiful..! He shuddered, staring at the lazy blob of a dragon as they finished their meat, sucking the bone clean before tossing it aside. They let out a loud, obnoxious belch that lasted several seconds, and though the others seemed somewhat grossed out despite their experience, he felt himself immediately reaching a full erection. "H-holy fuck.." He muttered under his breath, which was met by the kobold lightly stepping on his foot to silence him.

It seemed like they were done with their meal, grabbing a golden staff that was next to their throne and hitting it against the ground. The sound echoed for a moment, and in seconds another group of people stepped up from the other side of the room. There were five of them, all of different species and sizes. All of them seemed quite well hung, and as he watched them climb onto the king's body, partially sinking into their incredibly soft fat- especially on their belly- he understood why.

They were soon fucking the king all over, clinging onto their pillowy flesh without any apparent discomfort on their part. They had a cock in their mouth, between their tits, in one of their armpits, in their navel.. The fifth was beneath the massive stomach, and though he couldn't quite see what was going on down there he could assume they were doing something with the dragon's monstrous cock. The sounds coming from the king and the big-dicked servants were loud enough to hide any sound he made, so he leaned down to the kobold and whispered again. "S-so what do we actually do..?" They looked up at him and narrowed his eyes, but it seemed like they decided now was the best time to talk. "Clean king after he mates. Very messy, only wants to clean off cum." They paused, making sure that nobody was eavesdropping. "Loves tongue. But is slower." They finished, looking away from him again. He nodded in response, fidgeting in place as he watched the show continue.

It wasn't long before the first of them came, that one being the canine that was fucking the dragon's belly. They moaned loudly, their body tensing up as they shot their load deep into that fat, but even when they pulled back not a single drop of semen came out. It made him question just how deep that navel was, but he supposed he'd have time to find out soon enough. The one on their chest came next, followed by the one getting sucked off, and the one that had their cock buried in the sweaty armpit.. They all climbed off, leaving their messes on and in the slob of a king, but it seemed like there was one missing. He soon remembered why, seeing a pair of feet underneath the dragon's belly, between their legs. The blobby ruler grunted and groaned loudly, and a minute later a green-feathered bird stepped out from under the king's belly, their own stomach swollen quite a bit and their face coated in cum. It didn't take a genius to figure out why, and he blushed even more.

The king hit the floor with his staff again, and the five servants that just pleased the king ran by him and the other few- though for the bird it was more of a hobble- towards the cleaning room. He knew it was his time to act, and, along with the other three cleaners, picked up his bucket and headed towards the messy king. All he could do at first was just watch as the others climbed onto the king and throne, but he knew not to wait for long before he stepped up. It seems like the only spot that wasn't taken was their belly, and he wouldn't have it any other way. He stepped right up to that hyper-sized stomach, taking the rag from the water and wiping it around the outside of the king's navel. He could hear it gurgling and growling as it digested what was inside, sounding like there was some sort of monster in there. He resisted the urge to lean right against it and listen, doing his job instead. He spread it a bit with one hand while the other carefully pushed right in with a rag in hand. While it didn't quite feel tight, the amount of heavy fat was constantly pressing around his arm. It was incredibly hot and wet, and once he got to his elbow he could feel something much thicker and slimier getting on his hand. His cheeks turned red and his cock throbbed, immediately knowing what that substance was. He wiped it up with the rag and got even more on his hand, slowly pulling his arm all the way out. It was coated in hot sweat up to the elbow with steam coming off of it, while his hand and the rag were covered in fresh cum. He resisted the urge to lick it off, instead washing it off in the bucket of water before he pushed his hand in again. While the other spots on the dragon's body would've been easier to lick, he wouldn't be able to do that without shoving his whole head in, and some of his torso as well. As much as he loved the king's noisy stomach, he wasn't sure if he would be willing to climb into their navel quite yet.

He could hardly stand their intoxicating musk, and judging by the moaning he heard, the others felt the same way. One would certainly have to like such smells to even be able to stand near the king, nevermind being this close. He looked up for a moment, catching a glimpse of the kobold sitting on top of the gargantuan belly, suckling on one of the king's fat moobs while gently wiping the other with their cloth. He guessed that the cleaners could do what they wanted, as long as they didn't go too far from their duties. He resisted the urge to stick his barbed dick right into their belly, continuing his job while precum dripped down his length. He certainly wasn't disappointed by what he had to do, even if he was being watched by others.

He didn't notice how into it he was getting, both literally and figuratively. He came to the realization that not only did he leave his rag in the bucket, but he was nearly shoulder-deep in that massive bellybutton with no end to it in sight, his arm getting covered in cum which he washed off before going back in. It felt amazing, smelled amazing, and even though he didn't lick the dragon yet, it still tasted amazing. He really was lucky to get to work with the king like this. Even though it was meant to be the lowest position for his servants, he couldn't imagine anything more enjoyable than this.

It felt like an eternity passed, which was still too short for him, before the kobold suddenly gave his tail a yank and made him pull back. They narrowed their eyes at him, and he understood. It seemed like they were done for now, and he picked up his bucket before following the small lizard into yet another hidden hallway. He hoped he wouldn't always need help to get around. He was led into what he immediately determined to be the servants' chambers, having several dozen other people standing around, all just as naked as he was. Some he didn't see earlier, but it was a fair assumption that they worked in shifts or had duties elsewhere in the temple. After a brief look around he noticed that he was one of the tallest, but there were some that were larger than him- in more than a few seconds ways. It smelled strongly of sex and sweat, not too different from the king- which was most likely the source of the smell anyways. The room itself was quite empty other than the people standing around and a rug on the floor, but carved into the sides of the wall was a number of long holes with blankets and pillows set in them. Some already had people sleeping in them. "Pick a spot. Not enough for all, some together." The kobold suddenly spoke to him, and then he lost sight of them in the crowd.

He stepped up to a short black cat, with breasts almost as large as her head, and shyly spoke up. His erection still hadn't gone down from earlier, but there wasn't much he could do about it- he saw more than a few others sporting their own hardons too. "Uhm, excuse me.. when do we eat?" He asked her. She held a hand up to the one she was talking to to get them to pause, looking back and up at him and giving him a smile. "Ah, you're new. It is good to have more hands.." She paused, looking at his body up and down and staring for a few solid seconds at his member. "Right, your question.. we only eat in the mornings, but the King eats all day. I'm one of the few that bring him his food.. quite a bit more active than the other responsibilities, hah." She laughed to herself.

"Since you just started, you must be one of his cleaners. You certainly smell like it. How was your first impression?" She asked, turning towards him and crossing her arms over her jiggly breasts. He tried and failed to not stare. "I-it, uh, he.." He felt his dick throb. "T-the king is very attractive. I look towards working more. I r-really like his belly." He mumbled. She laughed again. "You like it that much, huh? Well that's good.. not many can stand his scent for long, nevermind having to clean him themselves. Especially if you use your tongue.." She trailed off, and it took him a few moments to realize. "A-ah, no. I haven't licked him yet, I was only cleaning his navel.." He huffed, slightly regretting not having made a move. "I'm sure you'll get another chance soon. You must've gotten here in the evening, usually the cleaners have to wash him up several times a day." She spoke. He gulped, giving her a nod. The person behind her gave her a tap on the shoulder, followed by them slapping their meaty dick onto the top of her head. She smirked. "I'll talk to you later. I have something else to take care of now." She turned around, burying her face in the canine's hefty balls. The canine gave him a thumbs up, and he just nervously gave one back before finding an empty bed to lay in. It was a little bit cramped, not too soft.. hundreds of times better than anything he had before, and he found himself involuntarily purring as he got into the bed. Judging by the feline and canine, it was allowed for the servants to have sex with one another. He didn't know if he wanted to fuck anybody other than the king though.

He rolled onto his side facing the wall, getting more comfortable with the blanket pulled over his body. He closed his eyes, starting to fall into a pleasant sleep even with the conversation and lewd sounds filling the room, but before he could really slip unconscious he felt someone slip into the bed behind him. His cheeks immediately turned bright red again as the stranger wrapped their fluffy arms around him, snuggling up close behind him. He couldn't turn to look at them, but it felt like they were a male, and quite a muscular one at that. Their sheath was pressed against his butt, slowly grinding against him. He started purring more, despite his embarrassment. "U-um.. hi..?" He spoke quietly, but got no response other than a tighter hug. He wouldn't say that it didn't feel nice, closing his eyes and falling into the most comfortable sleep he'd ever had.

Days passed, and he got much more comfortable with his job- not that he was uncomfortable in the first place. He got to clean different parts of the king, even having washed out their foreskin at one point. He rarely even used a rag to clean them any more, almost solely using his tongue. Even the kobold only used their own tongue while at the dragon's chest. At one point he got to clean the king's throne after they retreated to their bedchambers, cleaning up the sweat stains off of the wet fabric beneath. It was nice, but couldn't compare to cleaning from the king directly- or even watching them struggling to get out of their throne for a while before getting some servants to pull them out with ropes, before slowly lumbering off to their bedchambers with each step shaking the ground and sending ripples across their plush fat. Their rump was truly massive, and he often wondered what it'd be like to get buried between their cheeks.

This day had started normally enough. He'd already cleaned the king twice, once in their navel and once on one of their feet- which some seemed to like to hump against. He was happy to lick his ruler no matter where it was. This time he was watching as the servants- this group he'd come to know as the breeders- were fucking the fat dragon all over. It was always arousing to watch them work. They came one after the other, but it seemed like one by their head had a bit more than others usually did, covering their chubby cheeks and the top of their head in fresh cum. He was impressed, but at the same time he was excited. Usually they just swallowed every load, so he had no reason to go right up to the king's face, but now he'd finally have an excuse. Others tended to stay away from their face too, to avoid their occasional belching. But if he was lucky, that'd be exactly what he'd get. He watched as they ate more, fucked more, ate more.. it felt like it dragged on and on, and every time they had more people thrust against them they had even more cum on their face.

Eventually his (and the other cleaners') turn came, and he excitedly climbed onto them without even taking a bucket. They barely looked at him when he stood on their chest, with him trying to avoid eye contact as he began licking the cum and sweat off of their scales. A lot of what he had to eat throughout the day was just more cum, and while it wasn't exactly the best way to get his fill it certainly made him feel less hungry. He'd cleaned most of their face up, having to lean forwards and stand on his toes.. before they raised a hand up and pressed it against his butt, forcing him to thrust his dick right into their mouth. He made a pathetic little squeal, more from shock than anything else. It wasn't too rare for the king to play with one of the cleaners, but this was the first time it happened to him. He looked down at them with bright red cheeks, and they were staring back up with a smirk while they sucked on his shaft. He could only whimper and groan, the other cleaners quietly continuing their duties while he got sucked off. It felt absolutely amazing, much better than the few blowjobs he'd had before, their slobbery tongue lapping against his balls. It obviously didn't take long for him to go over the edge, and he bit his lip to avoid making too much sound as he shot hot ropes of cum across their tongue.

He slowly pulled back with trembling legs, staying just as hard as before he came once he pulled out of the king's fat face. "T-thank you.." He mumbled under his breath, only the dragon able to hear him. He managed to clean them up despite his wobbly legs, but on his way climbing down something unexpected happened. The dragon pulled him close once again with their large hand, but due to his "unfortunate" positioning, he was forced directly into a deep kiss with them. His eyes widened, he'd never seen anyone kiss them before. Even the guards and other servants sounded a bit surprised. He put his hands on their fat cheeks, not that he was trying to push away from them, closing his eyes as they parted their lips gave him a big lick on the face. There was quite a bit of saliva, wetting his fur and dripping down onto his chest (and their own).

His face was kept pressed against theirs as they licked him again and again, and eventually some of their thick slobber got into his mouth. It was hot, slimy, gross, a huge mess, and the taste was pretty bad. It was making him so horny he couldn't even think, relaxing and held only in place by the hand on his back- which was basically just holding onto his torso now. His ears went flat against his head, his tail drooping down, his mouth opening wider for the king as they forced their wide tongue right into his maw, filling it completely and even bulging his cheeks out, making his jaw ache as they pushed deeper. He got more than enough of their taste, subconsciously leaning against them and starting to purr. The others had stopped what they were doing, just watching the scene unfold. He tensed up as they pushed against the entrance to his throat, squirming a little bit and gagging softly as they slid right in. He could hardly breathe, not that he really minded it as his neck was stretched further than any cock he'd deepthroated before, his neck visibly distending outwards. He had no clue how long the dragon's tongue really was, but it kept getting thicker the deeper it went. He didn't know how he could take so much, feeling it slither deeper down his throat than anything else had, but he wasn't complaining.

Their steamy saliva coated his face and filled his throat, warming up his entire body. The whole time, even while he was zoning out from the pleasure, he could hear their stomach gurgling and groaning quite loudly beneath him- as it always was. It seemed to be getting louder, and he felt he knew why. The other people in the room could only watch with pity as the dragon opened their mouth wide, pulling his face a bit into it, and letting out an incredibly loud, wet, and smelly burp right against his face, their tongue still shoved down his throat. He could feel the force of it against him, the vibrations going from their body to his, his mind and body overwhelmed by all the mixed sensations. Little did the others know that he fantasized about such a thing every day and when it finally happened, and was much better than he imagined, he could feel himself nearing a climax just from having them burp on him. It would've been more humiliating if it was anyone else, but this was their king- an idol of virility and maleness, using him as their plaything. They could probably make him cum just by looking at him if they wanted to. Their belching carried on and on without break, and by the time it reached a whole minute, he couldn't take it anymore. Gagging on their tongue, his body shook and trembled as he came even harder than earlier, his seed splattering onto their scales and adding to the mess. Only a few seconds after he finished did they finally stop burping, the guards standing further away than normal and the cleaners standing near their exit.

It was too much for him. He wanted more, needed more of them. But with all of the many feelings and emotions caused by what'd happened, he felt himself slipping into unconsciousness, the last feeling being the king's massive tongue slowly pulling out of his throat before he blacked out. The massive dragon chuckled as they held his limp body, carefully handing his slobber-covered body down to the still conscious cleaners. "Take care of him." They said in a deep, loud voice. That once again surprised everyone in the room- the king rarely spoke, nevermind for such things. Regardless the servants weren't about to disobey an order, carrying the feline away into their hidden passageways.

He woke up sometime later, feeling very warm and with only a slightly sore throat. He was in his bed, or at least one of the many beds in the servant's quarters since nobody could really claim a spot, and it was relatively quiet- only three people talking and two having sex, which was much less than normal. There was never any natural light in this room, he hadn't seen natural light since he first entered the temple, but judging by the activity it was near the end of the day where people were out doing their jobs. He sat up as much as he could in the short space, rubbing his head. He still smelled very much like the overweight dragon, and he could still taste their saliva in his mouth.

He looked at the closest person, an exotic-looking bird who was currently balls-deep in the tailhole of a muscular tiger. He'd seen the bird cleaning the king earlier, but they never really spoke to eachother. "Uh, h-hey.. what happened?" He asked them. They didn't stop their thrusting even as they looked over at him, giving him a little smile. "I guess you don't really know what happened, huh?" They paused, slapping the tiger's ass. "Well, you're in luck.. it seemed like the king took a liking to you. Never seen him play with somebody like that before, nevermind seen someone enjoy his burping so much.." They laughed a bit. Even though the cleaners were arguably the kinkiest of the servants, there were some things that very few of them, or even none, enjoyed. With all of the king's many, many servants, not one of them had ever really enjoyed the dragon's loud, rude, and smelly burps. At least not enjoyed getting them head-on, nevermind as long as he did. None had even imagined that someone would, or even could, cum from that alone.

"Y-you think he likes me? Really?" He asked quietly and blushed, like a virgin with a hard crush. The bird laughed at that, their colour feathers sticking up as they neared their climax. The tiger was just a moaning, huffing mess. "M-mph.. Seems like it. Don't know what that means for you, but it must be good." They grunted. He tried to do the polite thing and turn away as they busted a nut deep inside the tiger's rear, giving them a few looks over the shoulder as he rolled onto his side, blushing deeply. The king likes me, huh..? I wonder what he'll do next time.. He thought to himself, closing his eyes and slowly falling into a more comfortable sleep than before.

The next morning went nearly the same as every morning did. There was no doubt that word of what happened had got around, but the other servants didn't seem to treat him any differently. This morning he had the first shift for cleaning, which he doubted was a coincidence, but he wasn't complaining. He didn't even bring a rag or bucket of water this time, knowing his tongue would be enough to get the job done. He watched as several people came in and on the dragon, but unfortunately none came onto their face this time around. Before long it was his time to act, and as he approached they gave him a short look. He was unsure if anyone else saw it, but he knew full well what it meant. He climbed onto them again, as he usually did, his feet and hands sinking into their fat as he went right up to their face. There was a brief moment of silence- at least between the two of them, since there was the constant, noisy groaning of the king's belly, as well as the occasional moans from the other cleaners- before they whispered to him. "Come to my bedchambers after everyone is finished. I have a.. proposition, for you." They smiled after finishing, and he could only eagerly nod in response. "Now, do your job." They gave his head a little pat and he nodded, knowing not to push his luck and moving down to their stomach, where someone had cum onto their belly again. As he licked it up, he found it nearly impossible to resist stroking himself off, thinking of what they'd have in mind for him later.

As the day went on, each second felt like hours for the poor Siamese cat. He was in the servants' cleaning room, washing himself off so he could be as clean as possible for the meeting with the slobby dragon, but he knew said meeting would likely end up with an even bigger mess. But eventually the time came, and while everyone else was asleep, or at least seemed asleep, he snuck out to the throne room on his tiptoes. There were two guards outside of the king's room, which he expected, but he kept his hands up as he approached them. "H-he asked me to come see him earlier, it's okay." He said quietly. The guards looked back and forth between eachother and him a few times before nodding, one of them cracking the large door open just enough for him to get in. "T-thanks.." He mumbled before slipping inside, closing the door behind him.

"You've arrived." He heard the king's deep voice say. He turned around, shrinking back a bit from the grandeur of the room, as well as the massive dragon laying on their side on their luxurious bed. The room itself had different furniture, such as a wardrobe and even a bookshelf, but the bed took up most of the space- as well as the chandelier that hung high above it. "U-uhm.. you wanted to see me?" He asked, holding his hands in front of his cock in a failed attempt to hide how horny their presence made him. They nodded, giving the bed a little pat.

He gulped, stepping forwards and having to climb up to actually get onto the bed. He sat next to them, listening to their belly gurgle and trying not to stare too much. "I'm sure you're wondering why I wanted you.. well the answer is quite simple." They paused, putting a hand on him and pulling him closer to their stomach, until he was practically leaning against it. Despite how loud their stomach was, he found it incredibly soothing. "There isn't anyone else who could handle being my personal pet.. I think that you can stand it, and it's exactly what you've been waiting for." They chuckled, and he could only shyly nod as his face turned red. He knew they were right, and he was more than a little bit curious about what being their pet would entail. He looked up at them, and quietly asked. "W-what would I do..?" He huffed. They gave him a little pet on the head with one finger, and he couldn't help but start purring. "Your duties would extend beyond your usual shifts. You would be with me every hour of the day, doing whatever I ask of you, no matter when or where it is.. You'd get benefits of course." They smirked. "..A-are some of those benefits your b-body..?" He said under his breath, barely able to hear himself over the sound of their stomach. They managed to hear him regardless, and they nodded. "T-then I'd love to be your pet." He said quietly, doing an awful job at hiding how embarrassed he was.

"Good, because I wouldn't need your permission anyways.. But since you're so eager, come here. I know you haven't had the chance to fuck me like you want." They chuckled, rolling onto their back and making the whole bed bounce, their stomach wobbling. He shuddered, hesitating for a moment before climbing on top of them, his fur quickly becoming wet with their sweat, sinking into their soft fat more than ever before. Their belly wasn't really any louder than normal, but with this new position he could practically feel it churning the food into more fat. He stayed on top of it on all fours, rubbing and kneading it, leaning down and giving their sweaty scales a slow lick. He loved their salty, musky taste, and he didn't know if he could live without it. There was something else he craved though, something he wanted to do since he first laid eyes upon this gorgeous fatty. He grasped onto his dick, guiding it down and pushing it into their smelly navel, hilting in one go. He was far from the most well-endowed, but he hoped his rather average-sized dick would be enough to satisfy them.

It felt both incredibly tight and very loose, the vibrations of their stomach's growling sending pleasurable tingles up his back. He moaned loudly and unashamedly as he fucked their belly like he was in heat, feeling it bounce and wobble with every thrust in. He could tell they weren't getting any real pleasure from it but they smiled down at him, and he felt blessed knowing that they were letting him hump their fat just for his own needs. He huffed and panted as he kept going, hugging onto their belly as he felt a familiar sensation building in his groin. Already? But I.. His thoughts trailed off, pushed away by the overwhelming pleasure of cumming deep into the king's navel. They laughed as he finished, his fluffy body relaxing on top of their noisy belly. "So soon? That was hardly even ten seconds. You must've really been pent-up, pet.. How pathetic." They emphasized the word 'pet' making him shiver. They seemed more amused than disappointed, at least.. "S-sorry, I couldn't help it.. you felt too good.." He frowned, getting up onto his knees. "How c-can I make it up to you?" He asked them quietly. They hummed softly, scratching their chin as they thought, before giving him a devious grin.

"How about you clean your mess? Only using your tongue of course." They asked, though it was more of a demand- one that he was eager to follow. Even though he'd cleaned out their belly many times, most of which was without a rag, he never licked their belly like that before. "O-of course, sir." He mumbled, scooting back until he was staring down into their navel, steaming with sweat, a bit of his cum leaking out of it. He put his hands on their belly, spreading their fat just a bit before leaning in, slowly dragging his tongue around the edge of their bellybutton and licking up some sweat, enjoying the salty taste before he dug in deeper, pressing his snout right into their navel and licking around. He could feel the heat of their belly around his muzzle, listening to the noisy gurgling as he slowly pushed his muzzle deeper, licking up their sweat and his own cum. "I wonder how deep you'll go.." The king chuckled, watching the slutty feline worship their belly.

He slurped noisily at their navel, nearly pushing his entire face in. He sometimes had to pull back to take a breath in, but never for more than a second before he went back in. He didn't plan on going any deeper, but he suddenly felt one of their fingers pressing against the back of his head. He tried to look up at them, but with how he was sunken into their fat he couldn't see past the bulk of their large belly. He didn't make any real effort to stop them even as they pushed against him, only squirming a little bit as they slowly forced his entire head into their tight, hot, soft, wet, and musky navel. He moaned loudly, though his sounds were completely muffled and drowned out by the sounds of their stomach. It got sweatier the deeper he went, and he got some of his cum that he missed before. The taste was a lot stronger, and would likely nauseate some, but he was loving every second of it.

They held him there for almost a minute before pulling him back out, the horny Siamese taking a deep breath in and letting out a long moan, his cock covered in his own pre. His head was drenched with steaming sweat, the scent flooding his lungs and the taste sticking to his tongue. "Look at you, you can hardly contain yourself.. well, there's no need to. I have a treat for you." They easily picked him up off of their belly, sitting him down near the edge of their bed. He huffed, but patiently waited as he watched the dragon slowly move, making several attempts to roll over before they eventually managed to heavily roll over onto their stomach, head on their pillow with their fat ass up- or at least pointing up, their body too heavy for them to lift in such a way. They lifted their tail up which, though thick and quite soft from fat, was still light enough for them to move. It still flopped down on their back. "I rarely get others worshipping my rear, sitting in my throne all day.. be a dear for me and take care of that, won't you?" They said, in their usual deep but teasing tone.

He almost started drooling at the sight, climbing on top of their legs- which were thicker than his body- and putting his hands on their ginormous butt. It wasn't quite as soft as their belly, nor was there even as much fat to play with, but the musk was much more intense. He could practically feel it in the air from how thick it was, and it only got stronger as he tried spreading their cheeks. No matter how much he tried though, spreading those mountains of pudge with his hands sinking right in, he couldn't find their tailhole. It was just too much ass for him to handle, not that he was really complaining. Still he leaned down, letting his tongue out and giving their incredibly sweaty crack a long lick, right up to their tail. They growled lowly, though it sounded more pleasured than predatory. He blushed, giving them another slow lick, and another, and another. He found himself giving their scales some kisses as well, rubbing his face against them and purring just to get even more of their scent on him.

"Having some trouble back there, sweat rag?" They laughed. He didn't respond, but those words certainly had an effect on him. The cleaners weren't meant to wash off or lick up the king's sweat, but it sounded like they wanted to use him for exactly that. Complaining was the furthest thing from his mind. He kept licking them and moaning, slowly humping against the back of their legs. With them constantly sweating, he didn't have to wait long to get more of that ambrosia after he licked it up. But he wanted more, and he was determined to get it. He spread their cheeks as far as he could before pressing his face in, wiggling it further between their heavy asscheeks and licking up plenty of their sweat, getting mouthfuls of it and gulping it all down. He couldn't see anything, nor could he hear anything beyond the muffled gurgling of their stomach. Once they lifted their head up, letting out another loud, long belch, he really had to resist the temptation to just get up and kiss them again. But he obeyed their orders, staying with his face buried in their ass and licking them clean.

Sometime later they pulled him out by grabbing onto his tail, carrying him over and dropping him next to their head. He sat there confused, but they gave him a smile. "I think it's time we settle in for the night.." They huffed, soon rolling onto their back again and making their belly wobble around. "Come, lay on me. It'll keep you warmer than any blanket would." They gave their stomach a pat, and he didn't hesitate for a second before climbing on top of their body, hugging onto their belly and staring up at them with a deep blush. It was indeed very warm, and even with how loud their belly's sounds was, he found it very soothing. "T-thank you, sir.." He mumbled. "..You can call me master." They chuckled, putting a hand on his back and holding him there as they closed their eyes. "We will discuss your duties more tomorrow morning." They sighed, quickly falling asleep. He didn't respond, just giving them a little nod before resting his head down and starting to doze off. He was very much looking forward to what would happen..


Recycle and Reuse

It was a quiet evening around town, most people already being in their homes for the night. The exception were the guards that constantly patrolled the village, and of course the raccoon and snake that were sneaking around together and occasionally...

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[COMM] Flygrowth Drive

Xavier the flygon was in his room, setting up his camera and microphone on his computer. Though he considered himself good with computers and programming, and played games often, he'd never really tried his hand at streaming. He was planning to make a...

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[COMM] Busy Bee

Alice the bee stepped into her bedroom fresh out of the shower, dropping her towels on the floor and leaving her almost completely naked, the exception being the silver chastity plate over her virgin pussy, kept there by some nanite-filled glue. She...

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