Flower and Thumper.doc

Story by Andrew Taylor on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

Flower looks down at Thumper. "For the last time, I want to sleep alone in my cave! You will be too noisy and wake me up!" Thumper frowns. "Aw, alright. If ya say so" He thumps his footpaw on the ground once, then hops away, leaving Flower in peace. "Finally, maybe I can get some rest now" Padding his white footpaws to his cave, (since he was standing in an upright position), he felt the warm breeze caress his face. Surrounding his little cave was a nice paradise area he had all to himself, thanks to sparce wildlife. And that meant he could do whatever he wanted to around here. He grins at the thought as he lays down on his pile of hay he made. "Ahh, comfy". Yawning, he stretches his little body out.

"It's not that I hate Thumper, I just want to take a nap. I really like the little guy. He sure can be quite loud with his voice though. Makes me wonder if he has a crush on me or something..." he says aloud to himself, his small voice somewhat echoing off the cave. Eyes becoming heavy, he thinks about Thumper some more, "that sexy rabbit", and slowly drifts off to sleep, the sounds of birds comforting him while he takes an afternoon nap, hoping that Thumper doesn't come and bother him.

Meanwhile, Thumper can't get the skunk he saw earlier off his mind as he walks home. "Gosh, Flower is so cute, I just wanna kiss him!", he says to himself. "But is that right? A boy kissing a boy? I haven't seen any other boys kissing around here". Reaching his home after the long walk of talking to himself, his mom and sisters await him, having been worrying about him. Sitting down away from them, he thinks about Flower, occasionally glancing back at them and looking at their bodies. "Bleh, I think I will be different from the rest of my family, I just don't like girls..but boys..." His thoughts trail off as he looks back at his mom and sisters again, a pouty, yet confused look on his face.

Mother notices something is wrong with her son, and so she whispers to her daughters to quickly come over to her, and to please be as quiet as possible. Getting them in a huddle position, they all turn away from Thumper. Quietly, she talks to them. "Do you notice that look on Thumper's face? Something is wrong, and I want to find out what it is. Why don't you girls go over there and bring him over here, so I may give him our special treatement". Emphasizing special treatement, she winks at them. They all smile and quickly hop over to Thumper. "Hey Thumper! Mom wants you"

Without waiting for a response from him, they all grab his arms and drag him over to her, his body sliding along the ground. "Hey! What are you doing??" He kicks his hindpaws and attempts to get away, but their grip is too strong. When they get close enough, Mother gently picks Thumper up in her arms out of their grasp, bringing him close to her face. "What is the matter Thumper? You don't look happy at all. Could you please tell me what is on your mind?" Thumper doesn't know what to say. He is trapped, with no way of getting away from his mother's strong hold on him. If he tells the truth, he was sure to be made fun of by his sisters, and possibly his mother as well. "I..uh...er.....I..." A worried look on her face, she probes her son for answers. "Please tell me. If it is something personal, then I will shoo your sisters away, and then you can tell me in private. Is it personal?" He only gives a meek and limp nod. "Alright, go on now, girls, go play, and leave us alone for a while". They hop away without another word and start playing in the safe clearing nearby, a clearing away from the prying eyes of humans.

She looks down at her son with a look of worry on her face. "What is the matter Thumper? Whatever it is, you may tell me. Don't worry about your sisters making fun of you now. I won't make fun of you either, no matter what it is" Thumper looks into his mother's eyes, thankful that she was such a loving and caring mother, as he wonders if he should tell her. It looks like he has no other choice but to tell her, and he does not want to lie to her. A blush flushes across his cheeks without him saying a word. She sees the huge blush and smiles. "So it really is something personal,and possibly embarassing, is it?" He nods, trying to get the words out. "I....look at other b-b-boys, like F-flower, and I t-t-think that I don't like g-g-girls because..." He couldn't help but stutter a little, as this was quite embarassing for him to say to his own mother, but the more embarassing part was to come next. "When I look at other b-boys, my heart starts b-beating fast, and I feel a tingly weird feeling in my....down there" He shyly points to it, still blushing. Since he was only a few months old, he didn't know the proper word for it.

Mother could only smile and giggle a little at her son, although she was a bit suprised to hear this. She tries her best to be a good mother though, and tells him what she thinks. "Thumper, there is nothing to be ashamed of. Being gay is not a bad thing. The word gay means that you like other boys in a loving manner. I know some other gay rabbits like you in other parts of the forest too, you know." She smiles down at him and gives him a nuzzle, making him giggle. "Now to prove what you are saying is correct..." She trails off, setting Thumper down on the ground. Turning around, she shows Thumper her anus and vagina beneath her puffy rabbit tail, wondering if this experiment would work, or if he really was telling the truth. Even though this feels weird to be doing to her son, she is curious and wants to know if he really is gay. If he gets an erection, then she will know otherwise."I hope my daughters don't come back over here and see this" she thinks. She stays in that position for a few moments, even puckering her slit, listening for any sounds from Thumper, but she hears nothing.

Thumper stares at his mom's parts, not even knowing what they are called. All he knew was that she peed out of the slit, and poo came out of the hole. The semi erection he had a minute ago talking about other boys actually begins to wither, and his penis slides back into his sheath fully, while the tip of his sheath closes up. He wasn't expecting his mother to do this, but he thinks it will prove to her that he is gay. He always got a view of his sister's 'special parts' as he calls them, and it doesn't excite him at all.

She turns back around after a few minutes have passed, and silently glances down at her son's sheath. Seeing he isn't erect at all, and the tip is even closed, she nods, now knowing her son was telling the truth. "Hm, maybe I will try something else, just to be sure...Oh girls!" They all stop wrestling, hearing her voice calling for them. As they hop over, they look at the scene before them. "Yes Mother?" "Come here for a sec.." Silently, they hop over, and Mother whispers to them all, away from Thumper. "I want you to..pshpshwhisperwhisper" They all look at her with a shocked face, but then giggle loudly. Turning back to their only brother, they hop over to him, turn around, and start rubbing their small slits all over his back, arms, everywhere they can think of. "Hey! What's going on??" They all giggle and continue, getting their juices all over him. Gently grabbing his arms, they push him down to the ground softly, continuing their treatment, trying to be as sensuous as possible, hoping to at least get him semi erect. After a good 4 minutes, they quit, and look at his sheath. Mother comes over and inspects too. "What are you girls trying to do to me??", he says, all wet with their juices, and to tell the truth, their juices stunk. As they see he isn't even remotely erect, they sorta frown. Now that all of them know the truth, they each give him a friendly lick on the cheek, not wanting to tell him what they were doing.

Back in Flower's cave....

Waking up to birds chirping, the sunlight sparkling, he realizes he didn't even sleep that long. "Oh well" he thinks, "I feel refreshed". He also feels very warm... As he glances down between his hindlegs where the warm feeling is coming from, he notices his fur is wet! "Gosh! I wet again while sleeping" "Oh well, it feels good". Getting up, thoughts of Thumper rush back into his brain. "I hope I wasn't too mean to Thumper, I really like him. Maybe I should go find him and invite him to my cave" With that said, he nods to himself, now knowing what he wants to do. "I really wanna see the cutie again". So he starts off on his walk,not caring about his wetness, already knowing where Thumper's home is.

"Gosh, I'm thirsty, let me stop at this stream quickly..". All this talking to himself was normal for Flower, as he was basically always all alone. "Hm, I wonder if Thumper likes me, cause I sure do like him. I wonder if he ever notices me peeking at his sheath when we are alone. Ah, I have to pee again, gosh!" He walks over to a nearby tree. As he relaxes, the tip of his small sheath opens, and the urine rushes from his bladder, through his pee/cum pipe, and out of the tip of his sparkly penis, the musky scent wafting up to his nose, spraying the tree trunk with it. He inhales his own scent, murring softly. He has always loved the smell of his own urine, and it proves evident by the tip of his pink penis peeking out.

Thumper looked around at his surroundings, thinking, while trying to escape from his sisters as well. Managing to get away from his home, his thoughts become clearer, and they go straight to thoughts of Flower. "Ohh, I love that little skunk", he thought aloud, his small voice echoing off the trees that towered over him, making him seem even smaller in the big forest. Walking over to a tree, he raises his leg and pees on it on instinct, relieving his bladder, whilst still talking to himself about Flower. "Oh brother, where are you??", he hears his sisters calling out. Gasping, he quickly runs the other way, getting deeper and deeper into the woods, away from the clearing his mother and sisters are at. "Maybe I don't belong with my family, maybe I am better off alone". Still running, he notices his surroundings becoming more familiar, and realizes he is getting close to Flower's cave. "Oh good, I have been wanting to see that skunk for a while now. I hope he isn't hibernating again". Not needing to run anymore, he slows down, looks back to make sure he wasn't followed by his sisters, and continues his walk at a slower pace, listening to the wind blow around him, making him shiver some. "Mmm, if I could only curl up into Flower's soft fur...". Looking down, he notices he has a semi erection just talking and thinking about Flower. This makes him giggle, and proves to himself that he is indeed gay, no matter what his sisters thought. "I can't believe they did that to me", he says, recalling their stinky juices all over him. He shudders. Good thing he quickly jumped into a nearby pond afterward to wash it all off. "Mm, I would rather have Flower's juices..", he says, his penis peeking out a bit more. "I hope Flower doesn't see my penis sticking out", he giggles, blushing as he thinks of what might happen. He didn't know if Flower was "gay" like his Mother was telling him about, but he sure wanted to find out!

Flower was already walking toward the stream nearby due to thirst, when he heard leaves crunching. Knowing this area was mostly clear of wildlife, he perked his ears, wondering if he should call out or not. He decided to get a drink first, still keeping his ears perked for that sound again. Hearing branches cracking now, his interest perked, and he cautiously made his way toward the sound, hiding behind any trees he came across, being careful in case it was a human. Peeking around one last tree, closer to the source of the sound than ever, he saw a small silver form sitting next to another tree, looking apparently scared and confused. "Thumper!", he called out, sort of making him jump up. "Oh, Flower!". Flower made his way over to Thumper, who looked a bit nervous as he was laying on his back against the tree. "Ohh, I hope he doesn't see my penis....". Flower, however, wasn't really thinking about Thumper's genitals, even though they were right there in front of him, he was just happy to see him again. "Oh Thumper, no need to look nervous, I'm here with you now. I will protect you. Don't worry about humans around here, this place is safe. Why don't we go back to my cave? You look a bit cold". Thumper nodded meekly, too shy to speak. He got up and followed Flower, watching his sexy tail twitch back and forth as he walked in front of him on all four paws. "Er, could I get a drink first Flower?" "Sure!" Flower watched as Thumper leaned over to take a drink, giving him a clear view of his tail-hole beneath that cute puffball of a tail. His cute balls hung below that, with his small sheath stretching a bit along his underbelly. He listened intently, hearing every small noise as Thumper gulped down water, apparently very thirsty. He hoped that Thumper would wet himself accidentally, giggling at the thought. Thinking, he wondered if Thumper knew that he always thought about him, always wanting him. Wanting to cuddle up to him, to feel his warm breath on his face. Oh boy, he wanted to feel Thumper all over! Blushing a bit at these thoughts, he goes back to reality, half wishing his thoughts and dreams would become reality.

Thumper took one last gulp from the fresh stream and looked back at Flower, just now noticing his tail-hole was in plain view. Meeping, he blushed and quickly turned around, sitting on his haunches, hiding everything he had. Flower cocked his head, knowing something was bothering Thumper as he had never seen him act this way before. Hoping he could ask without embarrassing him, he padded over to Thumper, embracing him in a soft hug, hoping this would make him feel better. He heard Thumper sigh happily. "Thumper?", he whispers into his ear. "You know what? I have been dreaming about you ever since I met you, and...and...". He didn't know if he could bring himself to say it. Thumper looked into Flower's eyes as they broke away from the hug, still face to face. Before either of them could say anything, Thumper leaned forward slightly, his maw open a bit, and locked Flower into a passionate first kiss, apparently reading Flower's mind. Flower gasped, but succumbed to the kiss, letting Thumper do all the work. "Mmm", Flower moaned, unable to help it, his tip starting to peek out of his black sheath on his underbelly, including Thumper's, which was peeking out even more. Thumper was right, Flower was indeed "gay". His Mother told him it was alright to be gay, and she was apparently right. It felt so good, and so right. As they kissed, the forest seemed to close in around them, leaving only them and the small pond next to them. The sun shone brightly down upon them, making them both glow. The scene was beautiful, and picturesque. The forest apparently wanted this to be their moment alone together, and they got their wish. The wind blew around them, making their fur ruffle, the sounds of them kissing filling their ears, enhancing the tender moment. Flower got brave and tried some tongue kissing in Thumper's mouth, making Thumper shiver and moan. The next moment, Flower suddenly felt something warm spraying against his underside. He gently broke the kiss, and glanced down a bit, noticing that Thumper was peeing on him! He smiled at Thumper, and began to pee right back on him, needing to relieve his bladder anyway. Picking the small rabbit up in his arms after they were both wet with urine, he carried him back to his cave, wanting to spend some quality time with this hot little rabbit.

Reaching his cave, he walked to the back of it, and laid Thumper down on his pile of hay, seeing that his penis was really peeking out of his sheath. Oh how he wanted to make it slide out further... Without saying a word, Flower got down to eye level with Thumper's bits, his dreams about to come true. Being a bit shy, he slowly reached his skunk tongue out and began to slowly lap at his tip, tasting the musky juices already leaking out. Flower murred, loving it. He lapped some more, and indeed, his lapping caused it to slide out more, until Thumper was at his full 3 inches, a cute length. Flower gently wrapped his soft paw around it, rubbing up and down, causing Thumper to moan and shiver, just like when they were kissing. "Mmm, I know you love this, don't you Thumper?" He nodded, moaning and bucking into Flower's soft paw, his paw-pads rubbing against the warm, pink flesh. Flower's own flesh was already fully erect from all this excitement and erotic tenseness between them, the pink contrasting greatly with his black sheath and underbelly. Like Thumper, Flower wasn't that big either, only being 1 inch longer than him, both of them having smooth, knotless penises.

In Thumper's mind, this was heaven for him, and a dream come true. Like the hot skunk before him, he had always had the same kind of dreams that Flower did. Maybe they were meant to be together. He found that an exciting and comforting thought. Spending his life with this hot skunk would be just fine with him! "Ohhh", he gasped as Flower hit a sensitive spot on his penis. "Ohhh, yesss, Flowerrrrrr", he trailed off, his mind going in yiffy overdrive. Flower smiled, rubbing up and down his warm flesh faster, hoping he would produce some warm cream for him. Flower didn't know that penises produced white cream himself until recently, when he was playing with his own penis. He wondered if Thumper knew, and could, but didn't say anything as he would find out very soon... Flower decided to do more than paw him. Using his other paw, he slowly reached forward, and trailed a single paw-finger around his tight little hole, elicting a few moans. Flower couldn't stand all this tenseness any longer. Gently grabbing onto Thumper's sides, he pulled him towards his awaiting erection, gently pressing it against his tight flesh.

Thumper felt himself being pulled suddenly, Flower's paw still wrapped around his penis for now. But soon after, Flower let go. Thumper whimpered a bit, not wanting him to stop, but was soon awarded when something warm and dripping was pressed against his tail-hole. Yipping, his eyes went wide. Nobody had ever touched him there before, besides his mom when she was lapping at it to make him pee. Moaning, he heard Flower speak finally after hearing the woods outside for so long. "Are you ready, my love?" Thumper's heart melted at those words, sighing with happiness. Looking at Flower, he nodded, making Flower smile. Very gently, Flower pushed forward as he held onto Thumper's sides. Apparently, this mating was going to be done with Thumper laying on his back. His tight hole resisted at first, but after more murry prodding from Flower, his tip finally poked inside him, making him moan loudly. Nothing had ever been pushed inside there before, and it felt wonderful. Very gently, more of Flower's warm flesh was pushed inside, and he felt something warm squirting inside him, with Flower gritting his teeth. "Ohh gosh". Flower groaned, pushing more into the hot bunny laying before him. That warm liquid hit something inside Thumper, and fireworks went off in his head, while he squirted a few streams into the air, that of which landed on his maw. Flower pushed his full 4 inches into Thumper, then pulled back out, and began a slow rhythm of pounding into him, getting faster and faster while they both moaned, both squirting pre-cum everywhere. Flower planted his paws firmly into the dirt and dug his toenails into it, lust overtaking him as he bounced in and out of Thumper. He wanted this bunny, and he was getting him in full. No words were said for the longest time, only moans. Squishing and squirting sounds filled the cave as they mated forcefully with each-other, time not mattering to them.

Thumper, soon enough, felt an odd feeling building up in him. It felt like he was going to pee, yet it felt different at the same time. And from the way Flower was bucking into him, he wouldn't be able to hold it back for long. Flower soon came to a crescendo. Every nerve ending in his body was enflamed, his mind on high, his penis squirting pre-cum forecefully into Thumper. If he came now, Thumper wouldn't be able to tell the difference between his pre-cum and his actual orgasm. But he couldn't hold it back any longer. Still pumping into Flower, with Thumper pushing back against him, (while Flower's penis was hitting Thumper's prostate with every thrust), they both came to an orgasm, and with Thumper, it was his very first. Flower sprayed into Thumper, his musky love juices filling him and hitting his prostate over and over again as he humped through his orgasm. Thumper moaned loudly, and began spraying watery juices everywhere, his underdeveloped penis twitching and pulsing with every squirt that came out of it. They both couldn't seem to stop cumming, as they squirted for well over 2 to 3 minutes. It soon came to an end though, and they both felt happier and better than they had felt in a long time. Thumper's body twitched as his first intense orgasm washed over him, seemingly making everything around him sparkle, including the hot skunk before him.

Flower moaned and shivered as his own orgasm came down from it's peak. He gently pulled out of Thumper, a soft *pop* reaching their ears. Flower patted Thumper's stomach, smiling, knowing he was filled to the brim with his juices. He gently laid on top of Thumper, coming maw to maw with him. Not another word was spoken as they embraced in another passionate kiss, their orgasm making the kiss feel better than before, over at the pond. Flower reluctantly broke the kiss, a few strings of saliva connecting them together. He stared into Thumper's eyes, trying to find the right words.

"Thumper, will you be mine? Forever and ever?", he flushed. His shyness seemed to be gone now that they had been through mating. Thumper smiled and blushed too. "Yesss, I want to keep you forever and ever!" They both smiled and shared another passionate kissing session, soon falling asleep happily in each-other's arms.