Love Scene Between Karegian and Tiran, from my story.

Story by Karegian on SoFurry

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#1 of Scenes

Love scene between Karegian and Tiran

Background...As this scene takes place a little into the story, at the end of chapter 4 (maybe beginning of 5), I'll lay out what Tiran looks like here, and how the two of us met. To see what I (Karegian) look like, see the picture on my FA page, though at this point in the story, I'm around 20 years old, Tiran is in his mid 30's.

Tiran : Big grizzly bear...Dark brown in colour, 6'2" tall. Big, but muscled...His body is kinda like the Kingpin...Looks like a 'normal' bear, so his muscles don't show that much. He does have his gentle side...

'Normal' looking face. Round head, like most bears.

He's got 5 fingered paws. Black paw pads.

Clothes : Tiran generally wears shorts, with a shirt...Although he's far from modest, his line of work demands the slightest of protection...And he finds it hard getting honey out of his fur...

How they met:

After leaving the Academy, Kar goes on a little trip to meet his sister, although he doesn't know exactly where she is, he decides to head for a city he's been told about.

On the way, he runs into a large 'forest' of trees bearing beehives, so he decides to try and gather some honey...This goes wrong, and he ends up being chased by some bees.

The trees/hives are Tiran's property, and he catches Kar in the act, but helps him get away from the bees.

Kar stays with Tiran for a while, learning from him and helping him...Until after a while, they start to get close without realising it...

This is where the scene starts (The first part will be in the story, with the actual 'scene' being cut to a 'special' version. I'm not too sure if even this is too explicit, but I tried to leave out any words that some might find 'crude'.)

It's late, after a day of gathering honey, and Kar has just had a bath. Tiran is in his room, 'relaxing', and Kar wants to talk...But finds Tiran doing something unexpected...

The story is being told from my (Karegian's) perspective...Forgive the odd lapse into past tense, (hopefully only a very few times now), but I couldn't think of anything that sounded better...

Any tips on that would be appreciated.


Out of the bath, I grab a towel and start to dry myself off. I wonder where Tiran is, as I've been meaning to ask him when we're going to be travelling to the city. Drying my mane takes me a while, but I finally finish and wrap the towel around my waist. I make sure the bathroom is left tidy before I leave and head to Tirans room.

Stopping outside his door, which is slightly open, I hear him panting inside. Curious, I peek inside and see him stroking himself. I instantly pull away from the door ; I'd never seen one THAT size before...

I feel slightly embarrassed, but curiosity gets the better of me as I peek back inside. Watching, I can't take my eyes off it, or him, as he uses both hands to stroke up and down it. My head is telling me to leave him to it, as I'm just not supposed to be watching without him knowing, but I just can't leave...I have to watch.

My own breathing starts to get heavier and I slap my paw over my muzzle to stop him hearing, but it's too late. He looks up as I bolt from the door back to my room, throwing the towel off and getting into bed, closing my eyes and pretending to be asleep, trying to lower my breathing and fool him. But I think he saw me...

After a few minutes, my breathing is normal and I'm listening to the doorway for any hint he's coming...I hear a creak...He's in my room...He DID see me...I'm panicking now, as to how mad he's going to be with me for spying on him...I almost want to apologise, but then he'd know it was me...But who else would it have been? I'm the only other one here...I can't move, I'm almost paralysed...just waiting for him to yell at me...

"Kar?" I don't answer, trying to fool him into thinking I'm asleep. "Kar, ye' 'wake lad?" He knows I am...He must do. "C'mon, I know ye're 'wake..." I turn over, opening my eyes with a tear running down my cheek. He looks at me not with anger, but with something I'd never seen before..."I...I'm sorry Tiran...I...I didn't mean to..."

He sits on the bed beside me, laying a paw on my hip through the sheet. He could feel me trembling as he rubs me "C'mon lad, s'ok. I aint mad wit' ye'." I look down, he's got his shorts back on but I can still see that thing bulging through them. I can hardly take my eyes off it, until he leans down and blocks my view with his head, cupping my cheek as he presses his lips to mine.

I don't fight back, I allow him to kiss me but...why? What's happening? I want to call out, but I can't. Without me controlling them, my paws reach up and grip at his face as I kiss back. The moment seems to last for an hour...until he finally leans back up, smiling at me. I lean back onto the bed, my paws holding up above me in a defensive way, but not defending me...

This has never happened to me before, I've never felt this way about anyone. I didn't know I could feel this way about anyone. What was happening to me? Tiran chuckles to himself, I ask what he finds so funny to which he looks down my body. I sit up, following his gaze to see the sheet 'tenting' over my sheath. I can't begin to describe how much I blush at this, especially when his paw starts to move towards it. I grab at his arm to stop him, he holds still, not trying to force me. "Ye don't have ta' be afraid o' me Kar. I aint gonna do any'ting ye' don' wan'...Ok?" I nod at him "T-tiran? I've, never even been naked around anyone else...Well, except my mother."

He smiles at me, leans down and looks into my eyes "Yer shaft don' seem ta' mind." He giggles, kissing me again. He reaches and grips the sheet, but I hold onto it tightly. "I-I don't know...Y-you're male...I'm male...Is this right?" He kisses me harder, pushing my head down with his lips. I gasp as I feel his paw stroking my sheath. My paw moves to his, holding him as he moves over me, yet not trying to stop him.

He starts to paw me, holding my shaft, stroking me through the sheets, keeping our lips pressed together. My heart is beating so fast with his touch, my paw guiding his, wanting to feel him so much. He leans up, smiling at me "Jus' say, and I'll stop if ye' wan' me te' lad." I look up into his eyes, shaking my head "I-I don't want you to stop..." Rubbing the tear from my cheek, he nods "I din' think ye' would..."

His paw leaves my sheath, with a small wet spot showing through the sheet. His paw moves under the sheets to continue what he started. I gasp as he grips me, my shaft so sensitive. Seeing my face, Tiran loosens his grip until I can get used to it. He rubs over my tip, using my own pre to lube my shaft for his paw.

I open my muzzle to speak, but he pushes a finger over it, stopping me. His paw on me feels wonderful. His free paw grips the sheet and this time I offer no resistance as he pulls it off me. I look down to see his huge paw sliding over my shaft, dribbling from the tip. I blush harder than before, being naked and with him touching me like this.

He lets go, standing up and removing his shorts to reveal his shaft, even bigger than it was before. Even his was dribbling to the ground now, waving in the air as he moved and sat back down on the bed, with it pointing at me. He goes back to holding my shaft in his paw, stroking and squeezing me. Without any hesitation, I reach out and start to stroke his, with one paw at first, just to feel it. I look up and see him watching me, smiling at me.

He suddenly leans down towards my shaft..."Wh-what're you doing???" He looks up at me "Ye'll see...Trus' me, ok?" I trusted him more than anyone, but I was still nervous as I waited to see what he is going to do. Turning back around he starts to lick my shaft, to which I gasp, my face grimacing with the feel of his tongue. I resist the urge to call out or whimper as he continues licking and stroking me. I can't help myself as I lean back down to the bed, my paw resting on his shaft as I am taken to a new place full of pleasures and new sensations.

My eyes open wide in shock as the sensations change, I sit up and stare down at Tiran with my muzzle wide in surprise. He has taken my shaft into his mouth. His eyes are closed as he moves along the length, his paw has moved down and is now caressing my sack. I have never felt this before, not even when I pawed myself did it feel this good.

Suddenly I fall back to the bed, gripping at the bedding "T-TIRAN!!! It's...I-I can't..." With these new sensations and stimulations overwhelming me, I spurt up into his mouth. I feel his lips tighten around my shaft, him sucking at it. Hearing him gulp, which at first makes me feel a little ill, as I realise what he's doing. That feeling is quickly replaced by overwhelming pleasure as he keeps going, not letting his rhythm stop or slow. I'm tingling all over, gasping for breath with my tail swaying and flicking all over the bed.

I reach down, pressing to his head, trying to get him to ease off, but he just keeps going, now using his tongue to lick the tip of my shaft, the most sensitive part. Sending a tingling sensation through my legs, my body keeps bucking and squirming with his relentless 'assault'.

As my orgasm starts to fade, despite trying to stop Tiran, a huge grin comes over my face. I can feel him with my shaft still in his mouth, his tongue licking over it. He suckles as he leans up, smiling at me as he licks his lips. "Sweet...very sweet." I assume he means that's how it tasted, though the thought of swallowing 'it' still filled me with nausea.

He climbs over me onto the bed proper, leaning down to kiss me but I pull away a little, not wanting to 'taste' 'it'. Tiran strokes my face, smiling down at me, he opens his mouth, waving his tongue around "I's'ok kid, ya see? Nothin' left." Still thinking on what he'd done, that nausea came back. He leant down to kiss me, this time I didn't pull back as he held my head, pressing his lips to mine harder than before. I felt his tongue trying to press its way through my lips...I let it through, with mine going to meet it.

With a mind of its own my tongue reaches for his, wrapping itself around Tirans' as they play together inside our mouths. Even pushing itself into his mouth, feeling around and tasting the big bear, his teeth, his tongue, as much of him as it could find. I hear him making an odd sound, like groaning and growling at the same time, so I open my eyes to see him smiling and looking deeply into mine. Feeling all giddy and 'free' I reach up, gripping his face as I pull us tighter together. Kneeling over me he grips my cheeks, I feel his breath washing over me and his shaft dangling onto my stomach, tapping and dripping onto me.

Tiran backs up and I open my eyes to see him stroking his shaft, I know what's coming. "Kar? Ye wan' te?" Looking down at his thick shaft I nod slowly, before asking "Will...will it hurt?" He strokes my face, "A' firs' it will, but I'll be gentle...don' worry." I look up into his eyes before I sit up and hug him, feeling his shaft against my chest. He holds me tight as he whispers for me to turn over. I almost don't want to let go, a little afraid of what was to come, but slowly I let go and turn around onto my knees.

I kneel onto all fours, keeping my head turned to watch Tirans' every move. My tail stays low as he rubs over my rump cheeks. He grips the base of my tail, trying to lift it up and to the side. Shuddering my tail stiffens, almost trying to keep itself low, my nerves getting the better of me. Tiran smiles at my apprehension, stroking my tail from base to tip, making that low growling sound again. I've never had my tail stroked like this before, yet strangely it feels great. After a few minutes I start to feel relaxed, even my tail goes soft in his grip.

Tiran rubs over his shaft, coating it in his pre, as he shuffles in closer behind me. "Relax fer me kid, I'm gonna try ta' loosen ye' up a bit, ok?" I feel his finger pressing against my tail hole, and I instantly know what he's going to do. I do my best to relax for him as he starts to push inside me. Gasping and gritting my teeth, I lower my head and close my eyes, trusting him completely.

As he pushes in deeper it feels strange, yet doesn't hurt as I expected it to. His finger gets all the way in as I feel his knuckle against my rump. He starts to stroke in and out as his other paw caresses my hanging sack and strokes my shaft. I can't describe the feeling I'm having, and I don't want to. I just want to enjoy it.

He carries on for several minutes, I start to purr. "Mmm, startin' te' enjoy it aren' we..." I hang my head, not responding to his words, apart from now willingly flagging my tail for him.

He pulls his finger out slowly as I hear him shuffle in even closer. Stroking his shaft, he places the tip against my tail hole. "Be, gentle..." He whispers back to me "I will sweetie, I will..." I can't help but smile at hearing the word 'sweetie' coming from Tirans' lips. This big and butch bear talking like that, I never thought I'd hear it. My smile turns to a gritting of teeth as I feel the pressure on my tail hole increase. Tiran pushing against me, gripping my hips and holding on tight.

At first it feels like I'm too tight for him, but suddenly he slips inside. I cry out loudly at the sudden invasion of my body and he holds still, stroking me and whispering for me to relax. I try my best to hold still and relax for him, but this is a whole new feeling. So tight, his thick shaft inside me, stretching me wider than I'd ever been stretched. "Kar, lemme know if it hurts ya' too much..." My purring turns into a little whimper as I shake my head "It...It's just...just tight." Holding his position, he reaches under me and starts to stroke my shaft, which feels even more sensitive than before. "T-tiran? Wh-" "Shhh. Don' talk lad...Don' talk."

As I get used to him being inside me, my whimpering returns to a purr. My tail sways and flicks about as he strokes me, and caresses my sack. Part of me wants him to stop, as I feel like I'm going to spurt again, but the other part just wants him to do whatever he wants to do with me. The latter part wins the argument...

He starts to push deeper into me, yet it doesn't hurt this time. I hear him moaning as he starts to pull out, to which I whimper a little not wanting him to leave me yet. He says nothing, pushing back in, holding onto me and stroking me. I feel him lean over and rest down onto my back, his breath on the back of my neck as he starts to slide in and out of my body, stroking my shaft and caressing my sack. It doesn't take much of this before I feel my shaft tingle and throb in his hand.

This time I don't announce it, growling as I spurt into his paw. I buck and spasm under Tirans' weight, almost falling to the bed, spurting everything I have for him, my shaft throbbing hard, my barbs thick and at attention, so sensitive in his grip.

Panting and purring as Tiran strokes me a little more before letting go. "Hehe, ye' enjoyed that, didn' ye'." Oh yes, I can't describe how much I enjoyed that. With my head hanging I try to nod and speak, but before I can muster the strength to speak, he grips my hips. With my seed all over his paw, Tiran pushes himself deeper into me. Gasping, but not in pain, I open my legs a little more, wanting to feel him even deeper.

Leaning down to my back again, breathing onto my neck he grips to my shoulders, pulling against me, pushing deeper and deeper. I want to call out for him to stop, but I can't, something holds me back. I feel him against my insides, so does he as he stops pushing. "Oh laddie, I didn' think ye'd be this...deep." He didn't? Neither did I...

As he pulls back, it feels as if my insides are going with him. I let out a loud groan, which turns into a moaning-purr as he pushes back in. Sliding in and out, whispering in my ear and kissing the back of my neck. After a few moments, Tiran reaches down and grips my arm, pulling it up and pushing me down to the bed.

Laying flat on top of me, he pushes in harder, pressing his legs to outside of mine, he grips both of my arms, holding me down and in place. In any other situation I'd be panicking now, as I am really claustrophobic, especially about being unable to move. But I trust Tiran. I smiled to myself as even if I didn't there's nothing I could do about it. This pleasure I'm feeling is more than I've ever felt, it's almost paralysing.

Tiran strokes through my mane, whispering into my ear "I'm close Kar...Is it...alright fer me te'...inside ye'?" Part of me is eager to know what it feels like, but my nerves take over "N-not this...first time...Please...C-can you, pull out...before?" Tiran kisses my neck "Hehe, ok lad, I will." After a few moments, he leans up, pushing his paws down to my rump, pulling out more with each motion. As I feel him pulling out, I think on where his seed will go; Over me? Onto the bed? I couldn't help but wonder, or is that, fantasize and wish?

With a moan from both of us, Tiran pops out, kneeling up and off of me. I turn round to see him rubbing his shaft, groaning as he gets close. Lending my paws to the task, stroking over him and squeezing, his shaft pointed straight at me. I can't take my eyes off it, wondering when he's going to squirt, and what it'll be like.

Groaning, he starts to rub himself faster which tells me he must be really close now. I pull myself up, taking his tip into my muzzle without thinking, licking hard and sucking. "K-kar, what''..." Before he can finish, I push him over the edge. He growls out, as I gasp and gurgle with his seed shooting into my maw.

With his seed spewing into my maw, it's too much, the taste is overwhelming and I can't hold on. I pull off, still with him shooting over me, my mouth dripping to the bed and down my chest, spitting and coughing the rest out. Tiran turns it away from me for the last few spurts, but I'm well and truly covered from face to my belly.

As I cough, I hear him giggling at me, I turn and glare a little at him. "Ta' much fer ye' lad?" I nod up at him before hanging my head and getting my breath back, letting his seed drip from me. " off guard. Didn't, expect that...and...the taste..." I feel his hand stroking over and through my mane "Don' worry 'bout it Kar, I know I taste strong. Heh, I'm surprised ye' did that, takin' me in te' ye' muzzle." Nodding and smiling, I agree with him.

Once I stopped coughing, I turn to sit and look at Tirans' body. He smiles at me "How was it lad?" Going bright red with the question, I look off to the side "I...I can't describe it. It, hurt at first...But then, it just...felt..." I can't put it into words, so I simply say "Great!" He leans over, kissing me then climbing off the bed. I add "Tiran! Don't, don't go." "I aint goin' nowhere. My legs asleep is all." "Oh, I erm...I thought you were disappointed with me." He sits on the bed beside me, grabbing me in his arms and yanking me over to lay across his stomach, "Never." He pulls me up, kissing me again as his hand strokes over my chest.

"I really enjoyed it Tiran, but...I just can't describe how it felt." He nuzzles my cheek, "Was te' same my first time." I leant back on his chest, turning a little to look up at him, "You're first time? You've, done this a lot then?" "Once or twice lad, sure. Never like this though...Never wi' someone I really had feelin's for." Blushing again, I really didn't know what to say.

After an awkward silence, Tiran says "Kar, I wanna feel ye' inside me te' ya' know..." All I can think of to say is "N-now?" He laughs, stroking my chest "Haha, not yet lad. I think ye've bin' through 'nough fer tonight...Soon though, ok?" Nodding and with him stroking me I purr, thinking of what it must be like to be inside someone else. How will my barbs feel, and will it hurt. I hope I find out soon.

Hugging me with his powerful arms, Tiran asks "Ye' tired Kar?" I'm not tired, but I am a little nervous about doing anything else with him, so I reply "Not really...But, it's, it's late..." He squeezes me again, probably sensing I'm still nervous, "S'ok, we best be getting' some sleep. Don' worry 'bout the mess, I'll clean it up in te' mornin'."

I hadn't noticed it before, my attention was completely on Tiran, but once he mentioned it the scent filled my nostrils and lungs like a fire. The smell was so strong, both from him and his seed. Feeling a tingle, I shudder as I look down to see my shaft started to re-emerge, ready and willing for more. I however, am not and try to hide it from his view.

I see Tiran looking down at my re-emerging shaft, a little smile on his face. His paw moved a little towards it, stopping when he saw me looking at him. He grinned, asking "Sure ye' don' wanna try it lad?"