Sophie's Expose

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I don't remember who commissioned this from me...but I LOVE this story.

It has a new character of mine...Sophie the pig!

If you wanna attempt to draw her please lemme know first!

I'd love to see her brought to life!

This is a filthy one!

It has scat, farting, and massive filth scenes!

and of girl Ravage.

Enjoy Sophie's Expose

Sophie's Expose

Sophie sat there at her computer, staring at her blank screen. She adjusted her glasses and rested her chin on her hand. "Come on Soph...I need to wow them with this article. I need something beyond shocking to get their attention." The female pig mumbled to herself. Sophie was a pig in her mid-twenties. She had soft pink skin and shimmering golden hair. As was the norm of her kind, Sophie was indeed a curvaceous porcine. However, unlike her species...she did NOT like to stay clean. The nerdy pig-girl loved the sexualy taboo. It was a heavy addiction that never lost its luster. She was the kind of girl who could bask in a septic tank without batting an eye. She glanced down at her 'seat' with a smirk. Sophie was sitting on a special toilet-seat chair. Underneath the pig was some random guy she had met on 'The Outhouse'. The Outhouse was a special website for toilet fetish enthusiasts. In honesty, she had forgotten that he was down there. The only thing that tipped her off was a muffled moan as he swallowed a mouthful of her shit. "Huh, and I thought I was the pig here." She chuckled in that raspy tomboy voice of hers. "Don't talk with your mouth full." She leaned to one side, blasting a deep and thunderous fart onto his face. The male cried out as he coated the back of her chair with another cum-shot. Sophie blushed, loving how easily so many men would cum from this. The giraffe below her swallowed a few more times. Once that long neck of his was clear, he lifted his head towards her ass. Sophie gasped, clenching her cloven toes tightly. That incredibly long tongue worked its way deep into her bowels. "F-fuck!" she cried out, resting her head on her desk. He swirled that thick tongue deep inside of her. She clenched her legs together, feeling a spark rush through her. "H-hey hey hey, Easy big guy. I'm numb enough down there. I doubt I will be able to walk after this." She groaned out. The male slurped his tongue back into his lips with a pleased sigh.

"Sorry darlin, I got a little carried away. I dig that 'uninterested' demeanor of yours." He confessed.

"Eh, it would be nice to feel that rush again. The only thing that gives me a slight tickle, is eating shit from a clogged toilet. It's a curse I guess." She sighed. The giraffe shifted from under her and sat up.

"Have you heard of Club Aroma?" moaned the male as he rubbed the back of his neck. Sophie reached back and rubbed between her cheeks.

"Huh, I think that's the first time that's been cleaned in months. Nice job shit eater." She smiled. "Also...what now?"

The Giraffe reached into his pants and pulled out a red, black, and pink business card. Sophie took it with a raised brow. "Here you go, I've got tons of them. It's a special fetish club for people like us."

The pig rolled her eyes and looked it over. "What, so it's another one of those seedy, gross, underground dungeon types? No thank you, I'm bored with that gimmick."

"Actually no, this place is out in the open and is surprisingly high class. Trust me, if you are losing your 'spark' for this fetish...that is the place to go. Also, I sort of know the owner. If you were looking for a 'shocking' article. I know she'd be overjoyed to give you an interview. That is IF you can impress her."

Her eyes twinkled as the ideas started to flow. "Oh my gosh, it's fucking perfect! An exposé on scat fetishism and those behind it. FUCK YES!" she cried out. "Wait, did you say the owner is a she? Huh, can't say that I am surprised. When it comes to shit, you filthy fucks just love to have a gorgeous woman pinch one of on ya huh?" she stood up and stretched out. "How soon do you think you can get me in there?" she asked, scratching her ass idly. The giraffe rubbed the bulge in his stomach as he thumbed through his phone.

"Uhhhm, hold on, and let me check on that." He typed away and sent a message. Within a minute his phone lit up. "Oh fuck, I can get you in tonight. She is having a party there tonight with some big names. Have you ever heard of the Buckhides?"

"You're kidding me, right? Everyone in the scat community knows of them. I tried to get into their farm once, but the waiting list is insane. Who is this chick that invites the Buckhides and not the other way around?" The giraffe shrugged and began to get himself dressed.

"Not sure how she's got this much pull. I've only ever known her as Raiyne Knight." He yawned. In the middle of his yawn, he let out a gnarly septic belch. "Ugggh...god that smells even worse coming up. Thanks again Soph! Best food in town." He joked.

"Oh my god...thank you. I will pass on your compliments to the chef." She snorted and gave him the middle finger.

"You do that, and I will send you a text later on with all the details." Sophie walked into the kitchen, that bubble butt of hers wobbling with every step. The giraffe bit his lip as he watched her walk off. "Jesus, that ass sells itself. I bet you could convert a non-shiteater in a heartbeat." He moaned. Sophie glanced over her shoulder, some of that blond hair covering part of her face. She jiggled it back and forth and gave it a firm slap. The apartment was filled with a meaty slap.

"I have to admit, I do love this thing. This ass has opened a LOT of doors for me. Heh, and it seems to have opened another one." She laughed out again, her snout wrinkling in the process. "Alright, alright, get out of here you dork! I need to get ready for tonight." She let out a belch before bending over and searching her fridge. Despite her filthy hobbies, Sophie kept her apartment immaculately clean. Sophie had a lot on her mind now, especially with this new opportunity.

It was a bit later in the afternoon before Sophie got a text from the giraffe friend. Hey! Go ahead and be at this address at 6:30 tonight. Tell the doorman "I'm here to look at your pipes." And you're in! HAH URINE! Ok, seriously though. Have fun tonight and get that spark back!

She read over the message with a playful roll of her eyes. Her phone buzzed again as she walked into the bathroom. "Must be the address." She mumbled as she fussed with her hair. "Alright Sophie, this isn't just about the story tonight. Try and have fun and be open about it." She smiled at herself, happy with how she looked. She gave a cute oink as she finger-gunned her reflection. "Alright! Mephisto Lord of Hatred...I'm out of here. Don't tear the place up while I am gone." She called out as she walked towards the door, grabbing her purse on the way out. There was a soft mewl from the couch as she opened the door. "Oh and no opening portals to the hell realm!" She commanded. There was another mewl from the couch. "Alright fine, but keep it contained this time." She laughed as she walked out the door.

She jumped on her motorcycle and made her way towards the club. The motorcycle was shamelessly painted with her favorite anime character. The drive didn't take that long to get to the club and find a place to park. The sounds of thumping music and chatter echoed in the distance. "Huh, must be a party somewhere." She mumbled with a shrug. The pig rounded the corner and saw a massive line in front of her. " way." She whispered. Sophie made her way down the street, looking at the people in line. They all looked to be 'normal' people. "There's no way this could be for this club." She walked up to a random tiger who was in line. "Uhm, excuse me, sir, can you tell me what this line is for?" The tiger looked around for a moment before setting his eyes on her.

"Huh? Oh, hey there. This is the line for Club Aroma sweetheart." He responded with a smile. Sophie just stood there in absolute shock.

"Wait...this is all for Aroma?" she stared up and down the line. The tiger nodded and put on a cheesy smolder look.

"Sure is my cute little slab of bacon." He licked his lips. He shook his head and backed off a bit. "Wait...have you heard of this place before? Or are you just out for a stroll?" Sophie smirked and walked up to him, snatching his tie in her cloven fingers.

"I know enough about it to know a stud like you would feel right at home under my ass." She oinked. "Mmm, you are a fine-ass predator. Maybe I can 'feed' you some time." The tiger just stood there wide-eyed at her. "Or, you can feed me darlin. I am sure with that meat-rich diet you have, your shit just reeks." She moaned. The tiger smirked and snapped his jaws in the air.

"555-4315" he whispered. Sophie oinked again and gave him a few pats on the cheek. Sophie walked off and put in the tiger's number in her phone.

"Damn, I might need to come here more often. That guy was oink fuckin cute." She pulled her hair over her eyes and put her phone away. She got to the front where a giant bull moose stood.

"Ey lady, you havin a good night?" He asked giving her a wave. Sophie nodded and walked up to him. He just smiled at her; unlike most bouncers, she knew. She was about to speak but had completely forgotten what she was supposed to say.

"Uhh...fuck, I was supposed to say something to you, hold on." She grumbled and pulled her phone out. The moose chuckled and put a finger to his ear. He turned and pulled the rope open to let the next three people inside. She pulled up the message from the giraffe and searched through it. "Oh, right! I am here to look at your pipes."

The moose's expression turned into a wide grin as he stepped to one side. "Right this way Miss Sophie. Go on inside and keep to the left. You will get to the VIP section. The raptor chick will know you are coming and let you in. Walk straight to the back and you'll see big red." He smiled and opened the door. Sophie was stunned at how well-organized this all seemed to be. There was even a VIP section in this place. Sophie kissed his cheek and walked inside. There was a set of medical sally-port doors in front of her. As she made her way through, she caught a whiff of fresh cookies. Once she made it through the last door, that smell melted away. She could smell hints of feces and sex coming from the other side of the leather-covered door. Sophie took her last breath of 'fresh' air and walked into the main part of the club.

In front of her was a scene out of the deepest parts of fantasy. All matter of furs walked around in skimpy leather and latex outfits. A stallion walked past her with his massive cock swinging between his legs with each step. As she glanced around, she saw furs engaged in all types of lewd acts. At one of the booths, she witnessed a mare shitting on a couple as they made out. At another table, there was a giant female gator in bondage. A large bull mastiff bitch was force-feeding her something. As Sophie got closer, she saw the canine was dipping bread and meat into a fondue pot. It took her a realize it was not chocolate in there.

"Eat up still have three more pots! I bet you like eating my hot liquid shit don't you?" she stuffed another fork into her mouth. The croc moaned out and pulled the shit covered sausage off it. Tears rolled down her face. She closed her mouth and began to chew. The mastiff gently stroked her cheek. "Good...chew...chew, and swallow!" The gator girl swallowed and moaned out, pulling against her restraints.

"T-thank you Mistress! I've been such a bad gator." She whimpered. The mastiff giggled and fit an O-ring gag into her mouth.

"Yes you have Delilah, and you are gonna start chugging my shit now. I'd hold my breath if I were you my pet." She paused and looked over to Sophie. "And it seems we have a guest. Please, take a seat and watch as I 'punish' this naughty gator. Sophie was enamored with the scene in front of her. She sat down and pulled out her notepad. "Oooh, and she's gonna take some notes. You better be on your best behavior!" Commanded the bitch. The gator nodded, looking over to Sophie with her eyes glassed over. The canine took the fondue pot in her hands and swung it over to Sophie. "Why don't you have a smell of that my dear. This is all my own that I made today. It's blended, strained, and kept warm during our playtime." Explained the mastiff girl. Sophie stuck her nose over the pot and took a whiff. Her eyes bugged out as she began to cough.

"Oh my god...t-that smells like raw ass!" she snorted out, coughing to one side. The canine giggled and leaned down to take a sniff of it herself.

"Mmmm it sure does." She moaned softly before taking a few slurps from it. Sophie watched as the mastiff slurped from it like a bowl of soup. "I take it you are new to this fetish my dear?" she asked as she straddled the gator's lap. Sophie shook her head and went back to taking notes.

"No actually, been into this since I was a teenager." She coughed. The dominant dog smiled and began to pour the goopy sludge into the gator's mouth.

"Ooooh so you're a veteran, well it's a pleasure to meet you. It's also nice to know my special brew can make a vet gag." She bit her lip as she watched the gator's belly start to swell as she began to pour the second pot into her mouth. "I take it you're that 'reporter' that Red was talkin about?" Sophie nodded and continued watching. "The name's Sasha by the way." She said with a smile. Sasha was about to grab the last pot when she froze. "Hmmmm, I could feed this last bit to you, couldn't I? Make that belly of your bulge with my melted dog shit." She smirked, but then shook her head. "No, I think I have a much better plan for this." She pulled the o-ring out of Delilah's mouth. "My dear friend, would you mind pouring this over the both of us?" she handed the pot to Sophie with a soft moan. Sophie put down her notepad and took the warm pot of liquid shit. Sasha began to make out with the restrained gator, riding on her lap. Sophie let out a cute little oink as she moved to hold the pot over them. The gator's legs were shaking as Sasha made out with her. Sophie watched as the canine slid her hand down and started to play with the gator's pussy. Those wonderful beige lips pouting out for all to see.

"P-pleeeeeeease pour it!!!!!" she cried out, clenching her fist tight. Sophie began to feel that spark between her legs. Watching this gator in absolute bliss was beyond arousing. Sophie began to pant under her breath as she tipped the pot over. She watched as the thick sludge poured over the two females. It coated them like chocolate fudge, sticking to their bodies. The gator let out a massive cry of ecstasy as she reached her orgasm. Sasha quickly fingered the gator girl, letting her ride out that orgasm. "Haaaa...H-haaaaaaa...FUCK!" she cried out, yanking against her restraints. The sound of stressed leather could be heard from under the gator. With a loud grunt, Delilah ripped off the leather restraints. She grabbed ahold of Sasha and threw her to the floor, quickly laying on top of her. Sophie just stared, her eye twitching as she began to get wet. Her hand moved between her legs, seemingly on its own accord. There was a firm tap on her shoulder.

"Miss Sophie? Madame Raiyne is waiting for you in the VIP lounge." Sophie spun around to see a massive bull standing behind her. He smiled down at her, giving her a wink. His gaze shifted to the scene on the floor. He raised a hand to his ear and spoke out. "We are going to need a clean-up crew at table five. Give it ten minutes before coming out." Sophie snapped out of it and made her way to the VIP section. The bull gave a nod to Sophie and began to walk beside her. As Sophie looked around, she realized just how clean this place was. Despite the fact it was a scat fetish club, everything was kept rather clean. There was such an air of sophistication about the place. "Mistress Ravage tends to run a pretty tight ship around here. She likes to bring a little refinement to this chaotic and most taboo of fetishes." Sophie's eyes lit up as that name danced around her ears.

"Wait, you are telling me that THE Mistress Ravage works here also? My god...whoever this Raiyne woman is must have some serious connections. The Buckhide's AND Mistress Ravage...fuck."

"Heheheh, yea...something like that," he mumbled giving a nod to the VIP bouncer. She nodded back and opened the rope for them. "The name's Vitelli by the way. I am Raiyne's, right-hand man. Well, when her brother is off anyways." He smiled, making idle chat as they approached a curtained booth. Sophie was rather enamored with the hunky bull in front of her.

"Jesus you're hot." She just blurted out as she eye-fucked the hell out of him. Vitelli burst out laughing as he reached down and grabbed a full handful of her ass. He did a double-take as he glanced down to her backside.

"I've never met an ass I couldn't palm...god-damn girl." He moaned, giving a firm swat to Sophie's ass. The pig girl giggled and smacked him back.

"So, think you and I can play sometime hot stuff?" teased Sophie. Vitelli's expression turned into a suave grin.

"That may be more of reality sooner than you think." He whispered, pulling back the curtain. Sophie's jaw hit the floor as she saw who was in the booth. It was Roland and Vira Buckhide, along with Mistress Ravage herself. Sophie couldn't help herself and began to wet her pants out of sheer excitement. Vitelli closed her jaw with a chuckle. His hand also dipped between her legs as she pissed. The bull lifted it to his lips and took a few sniffs. "Mmmmm, nice could make some money selling that here." He licked up his fingers.

"Are you quite done with her? I did say you would be the one to break her in Vitelli." The red doe called out. Sophie glanced over to Mistress Ravage who sat in the center. She wore black latex gloves, a leather corset, and a leather miniskirt. She sipped from a glass of wine as red as her fur. Those emerald green eyes locked on Sophie's. "Welcome to my club, my dear. My barback told me quite a few stories about you, and I am very impressed." She moaned out, taking another sip from her wine.

"Uhm, pardon me, Mistress...but I thought this place was owned by Raiyne Knight?" Sophie mumbled with a clearing of her throat.

"Oh, it is my dear. That is my real name after all." She winked. Sophie nearly fainted as her mind went into overdrive. "I want to offer you a free VIP membership here. There is nothing sadder than someone who gets bored with this fetish. I will reignite that flame for scat." Ravage stated. Her voice held such command and dominance to it. It seemed that the world itself would yield to her command if she wished it. "There is one little catch." She snickered. "I want to break you...right here...right now, in front of everyone." This time it was too much for Sophie, she fell back against the bull as though she got hit by a taser. Vitelli caught her, holding her close to him.

"Whoooa, easy there baby-girl, I got you." He whispered, stroking her face lightly. Ravage held up a hand clicker and pushed down on the plunger.

"One..." she chuckled. Sophie's ears rang like a flashbang just went off in the room. "Roland, please take your daughter to the center stage, please. Do be careful with her, the poor girl looks like she's about to lose it in my booth." She snickered. Roland smirked and scooted out of the booth. He held a hand out to Vira who slowly got out of the booth as well. Her belly looked rather filled out and swollen. Roland reached down and lightly pushed on her belly.

"Gosh, that's a lovely sight, my daughter." He moaned. Sophie came to just in time to see that massive cock of Roland's spring to life. Vira gasped out, blasting a thick equine fart from under her tail.

"DAD!" She cried out, clenching her legs tightly. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!" she whimpered. Roland laughed out and pulled away from her. "Dad, you know that ah haven't shit in two days! You and Ravage haven't been helping that either. Both of you giving me a Mag-Cit cocktail." She huffed, another few wet, beefy fart's ripping from under her. Vira's eyes shifted to Sophie with a smile. "You are in for one hell of a night cutie." Vira moaned as her father lead her away from the booths. Sophie blushed, wondering what was in store for her. Ravage patted the booth with a smile.

As I said earlier, my giraffe friend has spoken very highly of you. Tonight, my dear, I am going to give you back your spark for this. It is going to push your limits, but you will thank me. Once I am done with you, I will give you that interview you want. I am also giving you the full rights to it. You can do whatever you wish with it, as long as I get a copy. Is all of this agreeable to you sweet thing?" she asked while finishing off her wine. The pig-girl gave a nod as she scooted closer to Ravage.

"Fuck yea..." she whispered, her mind still a daze from earlier. "By the way, you are like...totes cute." She said nervously while playing with her hair. Ravage smirked and leaned in close, hovering her lips in front of the pig.

"Play your cards right, and I might be interested in a cute thing like you. Always had a thing for the chubby ones." She whispered. "Mmmm, though for now my dear. You have a date on the center stage, and I don't like keeping my guests waiting." She gave Sophie a few pats on the shoulder as she slid out from the booth. Ravage led the pig-girl towards the very center of the club. Standing near it were both Buckhides, as well as the bull from earlier...and an empty tub. It took her a minute to realize that Vitelli was buck-naked.

"Ohhh....fuck." she whispered, taking a look at the massive hanging cock between his legs. Her mind slowly began to piece things together, and what was about to transpire.

"Go on and let me see that cute body of yours my dear." Whispered Ravage from behind. As Sophie stripped, Vitelli handed the doe a microphone. "Hello everyone, are you guys having a pleasant night? Goood! Well its about to get even nicer. We have a new member of the club here that wishes to prove herself to us. I find it was fitting to be a little on the cliché side about her initiation. Here we have the..." she paused to glance over to Sophie. Her jaw dropped as she saw the fully naked pig girl standing there. She stammered a bit before muttering under her breath. "God...damn, erm, right!" She cleared her throat. "She is gonna get fucked in this crystal-clear bathtub. Our favorite bull here will oversee making her hooves curl. While all that is going on, we have the Buckhides here as well. Now calm down, calm down...Vira is NOT knocked up by Roland...yet." She chuckled. "Nope, that wonderful mare has been coincidentally saving up for a few days. I was going to be greedy and keep it all for myself. Though I see a greater opportunity, especially with her legendary father here as well. Sophie my dear, go ahead and lay down in the tub if you please." She called out. Sophie blushed and climbed into the tub, laying on her back. She glanced around the room, realizing that all eyes were on her. She glided her hands around that clear plastic tub, loving the idea of it. Vitelli bit his lip and crawled in over her. The tub was made for this sort of thing as far as size goes. Ravage smirked and let out a loud whistle. A black pillow was tossed to her from somewhere in the club. "Here you go darling, don't worry about it getting nasty." She winked. Sophie lifted her head and let Ravage put it in place.

"T-thank you." Sophie gasped out. Vitelli was already putting his hands all over her body. The pig gasped out, digging her fingers into the bulls back. "F-fuck!" cried out in pleasure. Vitelli nibbled lightly on her neck and ran his hands over every inch of her body. Ravage gave a nod over to Vira. The mare took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the tub. Roland turned her around and grabbed both of those plump mare cheeks. Vira whimpered out and kissed her father rather intimately. As the pair made out, Roland lifted the back of her skirt up. The massive stallion slowly pushed Vira down until she was sitting on the tub.

"Go on baby, you've held it long enough." Whispered Roland. Vira moaned out and lift up her tail.

"Thank you Daddy." She cooed and started to push. Sophie watched as that leathery pucker began to flex above her. A nice rich fart blurted from between her cheeks. Sophie gagged loudly as that thick miasma filled her nose. She had not 'smelled' a fart in quite some time. Her nose had gone blind to that sour, sulfuric odor. She fought against Vitelli, trying to get closer to Vira's pucker. Vitelli chuckled and helped her up, pushing her right between those heavy equine cheeks. Vira let out another deep equine fart right in Sophie's face. The pig-girl retched out, coughing heavily as she inhaled that effluvious release. Sophie opened her mouth as Vira fired out one last fart right upon her tongue. Sophie felt her eyes roll back as the mare's flatulence continued to blow onto her tongue. The fart was so wonderfully thick that Sophie was able to chew upon it as he hung in her mouth. That warm air was soon replaced by something much heavier. Sophie's eyes opened just as Vira began to empty her bowels. Sophie moaned out, letting her mouth fill with Vira's scat. Roland glanced over Vira's shoulder.

"Oooh that's a pretty sight." He hissed. "That's a good girl." He chuckled. Once her mouth was full, she just sat there and let the mare shit on her head. Vitelli lowered her back down into the tub. Those rich mare apples now plopping on his back.

"Alright darling, take a nice deep breath, heh, if you can." Whispered the bull. Sophie held onto Vitelli, having an idea as to what was going to happen. She took a deep breath through her nose and braced herself. Vitelli began to nibble her neck as he pushed his girthy length into her pussy. Sophie moaned out, closing her mouth tightly. She began to rub over Vitelli's back, smearing Vira's shit all over him. Her tongue wobbled around, churning that wonderful horse scat inside. Ravage watched from the sidelines with a smirk forming across her face. That crystal tub began to fill up rather quickly as Vira's stomach deflated. Ravage gave a nod to Roland as she took a seat on the stage. Roland gave Vira one last kiss before sitting on the other side of the tub. Roland grabbed the rim and lifted his tail up. Unlike his daughter, Roland's release held no refined elegance. While Vira pushed out lovely formed mare apples, Roland's pushed out a thick torrent of manure. Vitelli gasped out as he felt Roland's shit splatter on his back. "Fuck...Roland! I would like to last longer than five minutes in her!" he grunted as his entire body tensed up. Sophie swallowed her mouthful of Vira's shit. Her throat bulged out with a loud gulp. She let out a loud gag as the slimy mouthful landed in her stomach. Her eyes shot open as she dry-heaved again.

"'s actually disgusting!" She cried out. "I can taste it hrrrrrk again!" she whimpered happily, tears streaming down her face. Vira snickered as she swung her ass over and began to shit on Sophie's face.

"Yea, that's my fault darlin...though good to know this batch gets to ya." she winked. Sophie just lay there, her face getting covered in Vira's filth. She closed her eyes and basked in the foul-smelling manure. Vitelli leaned down and took a large bite of the horse's mixed manure. He brought his lips to Sophie's and began to make out with her. The pig's septic serenity was shattered as her mouth was invaded. She let out a loud squeal as she wrapped her legs around Vitelli. The bull couldn't help himself any longer. He quickened his thrusts, jackhammering the squirming pig under him. Sophie greedily slid her tongue into Vitelli's mouth. She wanted every drop of that rancid mixture. By now, the tub was half full of the Buckhide's mess. Vira's wonderful clumps turned into the same sludgy flow her father had. With a conjoined sigh of relief, both equines finished up. Vira stood up, her legs wobbling as she tried to get her footing. Ohhh fuck yea that feels better! Might be a while before I hold it for that long again" She groaned out, stretching her arms above her head. With a gasp, she felt herself get lifted into the air as Roland scooped her up.

"Darlin, by the time I am done with you, you won't be able to hold it in for a week." Roland whispered into her ear as he walked off. His erect shaft bounced with every step. Sophie had lost track of how many orgasms had rocked through her body. Her mind clouded into a haze of orgasmic bliss. Ravage stood up and walked over to the tub. She gave Vitelli a few taps on the shoulder.

"Darling, give the poor girl a ride. I fear she is going to let herself drown in there." She chuckled. Vitelli reached down into the muck and scooped the pig up. He twisted around and took her place. Sophie now saw on his lap, with his length still buried inside of her. Ravage reached out and scooped the horseshit away from her face. "There you are sweetheart. Are you doing alright?"

"Umhh....hmmmm" moaned Sophie. Her head was swirling like she had taken five shots of vodka. Ravage reached out and held both of her cheeks to help the porcine come back down. Ravage waited until she was almost recovered...before pushing her lips against hers. Sophie squealed out again in sheer delight.

"That's another one boss." Chuckled Vitelli as he began to thrust up into her. "Oh...I think you have her pissing herself." He grinned. Sophie clenched her legs tightly as started urinating. Ravage held the kiss for as long as Sophie wanted it. Eventually, Sophie pulled away gasping for air. By now, the poor girl was hanging on by a threat. Her body completely limp in Vitelli's arms. "Fuck...she's like a vice around me Rav!" he snorted out as he bounced her on his lap. Ravage grinned and stood back up. She turned around and lifted her flame-like tail.

"You know what to do Vitelli." She whispered. Vitelli nodded. Ravage could see how close he was as well to blowing his load deep inside of her. Vitelli gently took her head and positioned it right in front of Ravage's ass. "Open wide darling, this is just for you. Consider this my 'yes'." She moaned out. Sophie drunkenly opened her mouth and waited. Ravage put her hands on her knees and began to push. Ravage pushed out a single, long turd that plopped down into Sophie's mouth. "Hooooold it!" she commanded as she stood up and turned around. Ravage's shit was the most deliciously vile thing she had ever tasted. She could feel a knot growing tighter in her stomach. It was unlike any scat she had tasted before. It was like eating from the toilet at a five-star restaurant. Tears streamed down her eyes as the scat melted on her tongue. It was both delicious and absolutely disgusting. Sophie began to tremble over Vitelli's shaft. The bull tossed his head back with a moo.

"M-MISS RAVAGE!!" he snorted. Ravage just rested a hand on his shoulder. This was all the 'permission' Vitelli needed. His shaft erupted inside Sophie's pussy. Sophie's body trembled more and more as she felt something inside her on the verge of snapping.

" Swallow!" Commanded Ravage. Sophie swallowed it down with one gulp. Her eyes clenched shut as she screamed out. Her hands clamped on her face as every muscle in her body fired off. She involuntarily stood up with a blissful squeal. She lost her balance and fell out of the tub. Her body twitched, trying to get burn off that explosion of energy. Ravage calmly walked to her side and sat down. She pulled her into her arms and rocked back and forth. "Shhhhh, it's okay darling. Burn it off, that's it." She spoke in a calm, collected voice as she stroked the pig-girl. "Heh, hell of a first date huh?" she teased. It took Sophie a good ten minutes to come down from her high.

"S-so..."she huffed, panting heavily. "We-we're dating?" she mumbled. "T-that's cool." She nodded slowly. Ravage chuckled as she kissed the girl on the lips.

"Oh yea, we were dating from the moment I laid eyes on you. Not gonna let someone else stake a claim in my little piglet." She teased. "Come on babe, lets get you showered up. Even I lose my love of this after a really good orgasm." She helped Sophie up and led her to the back room. "Oh... and to the rest of you, have fun in the tub. We are shutting down tomorrow for a deep go wild!" she shouted out as she gave Sophie's cheek a kiss. "Do NOT disturb me, I will be getting to know my new lover." Ravage smiled and took Sophie into her own private quarters to clean up.

After the two of them showered up, they plopped down on the couch in Ravage's room. Sophie remained a little quiet as she took a moment to absorb everything. "S-so you were telling the truth, right? Like this wasn't some ploy to make me cum harder? You actually want to be with me?" Sophie's voice held a quivering uncertainty. Ravage gently played with her golden hair and nodded.

"Yes, but only if you will have me. I am not about to drag a sweet thing like you into something you don't want. I just, I fell for you incredibly hard." Replied the die. Sophie leaned against Ravage and rested her head on her shoulder.

"Then my answer is fuck yea...absolutely fuck yea." She chuckled.

All in the family.

All in the Family ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dinjur brought the mail in, tossing the armful of various letters on the table. "Yeulch, why do I get the feeling these are mostly bills and 'limited-time...

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Magic Mares (WARNING: Contains-Scat, Mare-farts, Watersports, Vomit)

Magic Mares Starlight glanced around nervously as she knocked on Trixie's door. The light purple mare doubled over, holding her stomach tight. "Ahhh come on said you'd be here!" She mumbled, feeling that intense pressure in her bowels...

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Club Aroma/ Training Day (Warning Scat!)

Club Aroma Krys quirked a brow as she watched the fox leave out through the front doors of the club. She couldn't help but chuckle as she saw the state he was leaving in. "God...damn, Ravage must be breaking in a new one already." She muttered...

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