[c] The Succubus's Three Nights, chapter 2

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#2 of The Succubus's Three Nights

Part 2! Our insatiable succubus returns to invade her subject's dreams, and this time finds herself in the guise of a certain mute assassin... sex, pregnancy, and some delicious ice cream ensues. Wonder if she's had enough yet?

Naia flitted around Shaun's window, tutting to herself. Shaun's seed--brimming with magic power, an incredible prize to show off to the rest of the succubi back home--was hers. Better yet, the sex had been incredible. Taking the form of that Gym Leader, swelling with kids, and then letting Shaun plow into her had been quite the treat.

The choice had been all-too-easy. Even before skirting from his dreams, she'd already resolved to return the next night.

She'd come prepared for trickery or magic, just in case he'd figured her out. But nothing seemed amiss. In fact, he hadn't even replaced the ward around his window!

"Too easy," Naia mused, smirking. She changed shape into smoke, winding sinuously into Shaun's room and then alighting down at the foot of his bed, her lithe tail whipping about in preparation. "I couldn't ask for more perfect prey." Shaun was already fast asleep, and she rubbed her hands together. "Let's do this, Shaun. Let's do you." And she leapt into his dreams.

As before, the active dream within his mindscape shone like a pearl, resplendent in chaos. She pushed into it with a purr, letting it shape her to his tastes and his desires. She found her lithe, trim form shortening, taking on modest curves; likewise, her clothes morphed themselves to a classy cream-white tailcoat over a corset with matching high-heeled boots and close-fitting pants. Her hair reshaped itself into a half-pink, half-brown cascade atop her head, and a thin umbrella conjured itself into her hand.

Liking her new form, Naia opened her mouth to voice her approval only to find an astonishing new development: she was now mute.

Of course, she didn't have much time to savor this change. The rest of the dream was unspooling around her.

Shaun arrived, looking unlike himself. Just as Naia herself had done, he seemed to have taken the form of a character from a show he enjoyed, a blonde-haired young man with a loose confederation of armor clinging to his body. Jaune Arc, the dream supplied helpfully for Naia.

As Shaun's subconscious finished setting the stage, Naia found herself suddenly and inexplicably starving for something she'd never obsessed over before: ice cream. She only had a few seconds to ponder it before Shaun pulled in.

"What's wrong, Neo?" he asked in his new form, grabbing and embracing her from behind. She was quite short; even wearing heels, the top of her head barely tickled his chin. "Hungry?"

"Nngh," she confirmed breathlessly, unable to vocalize more than that. She nodded in assent.

He leaned in close to whisper in her ear. "Well, it looks like you don't have much to wait for. Look right there." As if on cue, a table melted out of thin air, bearing a huge bowl stacked full of fresh ice cream. "Why don't you dig in?" he pressed, and Naia purred. The way his cock prodded against her back implied he'd be doing some "digging in" himself. Now that was something she could get behind.

Sashaying over to the table, Naia picked up the sleek, metallic spoon, eying the ice cream hungrily. She wondered how her trim body looked to Shaun. This "Neo" had quite the build going on, regardless of size. Taking a peek over her shoulder at him, she smirked.

Shaun eyed her with a raw hunger that left no doubt as to his appreciation.

Turning from him with a smile, Naia hummed to herself as she dug into the ice cream. It was--oh. The thing about dreams was that sometimes, reality couldn't compare. Maybe it was Shaun's subconsciousness wanting to provide his lover with the best; maybe Naia's own presence as a succubus was influencing things; maybe their magic was playing at each other.

But whatever the reason, the ice cream she ate was the most divine thing in the entire world.

A complex mélange of flavors that complemented (not overwhelmed) each other and left her mouth salivating for more, it was simply the most luxurious treat in the world, and Naia dug in happily. She shoveled it down, bite after bite after bite, and the thing was, the bowl kept refilling itself. Anytime she'd come even remotely close to denting the mountain, more ice cream appeared, and she devoured it as swiftly as she could. The more she ate, the more appeared in front of her, the dream serving up an endless mountain of the stuff for her own delight.

And that wasn't all: every mouthful left her body changing. The ice cream immediately went to her body, and she found herself plumping out. At first, it was her thighs. She felt Neo's tight pants straining against her ever-ballooning legs, but Naia didn't care--the dream told her this was what Shaun wanted to see, and besides, she absolutely wasn't going to stop devouring this delicious ice cream. Eventually the pants burst with a loud riiiip, splitting to tatters and showing off her plump, luscious thighs. And her panties behind them.

Shaun almost choked at the sound, and Naia purred. Nothing, then, but to keep going.

As she swallowed another spoonful of ice cream, this time she felt it going for her stomach and her tits. Neo's trim body was quickly plumping up, and the clothes that were around her were straining to hold her on.

Positioning herself, Naia angled her body sideways so that Shaun could get an eyeful of her changing form. Her belly plumped up, more and more, and soon the lacing on Neo's corset was struggling to hold together, small diamonds of skin visible underneath. The buttons on the jacket, too, were clearly working their hardest to try and hold it back.

Her belly broke the corset first, the garment snapping and then slumping off sensually, giving Shaun a front-row look at her still-growing tummy. Her jacket popped off soon after, the button flying as the clothes failed to contain Naia's plumping chest. Amidst the remnants, her breasts, cradled by an immensely straining bra, were bouncing.

Shaun slowly approached her, buckling down his pants to show off a growing erection. His own hands reached around to embrace her from behind. "You look incredible, Neo," he said. "So big." His hands trailed down her sides to rest gently on her hips, the touch sending electric shivers down the succubus's spine. She felt the tip of his cock nestling underneath her cunt and quivered at the touch. Oh, she wanted this. She wanted this.

"How about I fuck you full of children now?" he breathed. Shaun reached around, pawing at her tits, and began rutting her proper.

Had she possessed a voice, Naia would have screamed in exaltation as he entered her. But since she didn't, she could only moan and croon wordlessly instead. His cock felt so firm, so good in her, and her already-full belly felt suddenly as if it was wanting for more.

His breath tight, Shaun held in her for a moment before sliding his cock out, leaving her voice shuddering with even more delight. Then he plunged back in and--

Did her belly just grow?

Dreams truly were amazing, she thought, and then gave herself to him.

Shaun's pace quickly picked up until he was hammering into her, faster and faster. Every thrust and push set pleasure blooming in her like a rose, and that alone would have been wonderful. But what was better was that Naia continued eating the delicious ice cream given to her by the dream, the sublime flavor blending perfectly with the pleasure of Shaun plunging into her cunt.

And her belly grew and grew, not just from the ice cream. There were children inside too.

With one push of Shaun's cock, she felt herself ballooning to a size of at least quadruplets; another swallow of the cold treat and she burst out of her tight jacket, the fabric ripping and buttons spreading everywhere; one more bite and she was left so full, so enormous, that she could only give herself over to bliss. She felt Shaun cumming in her, the sensation warm in comparison to the cool ice cream, and she came herself, glorying in her own enormity.

Silently humming to herself in the aftermath, Naia reflected that she had never expected to spend so much time pregnant hunting seed while. Sure, it had only been in Shaun's dreams, but she had still been heavy with triplets last night, and sextuplets tonight! It was a good thing she didn't actually have to carry such enormous loads.

But it scarcely mattered in the long run. After all, she had found the easiest mark alive, and was more than prepared to milk him dry.