Realized - Part 1

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This is an older work I never finished, nor uploaded. But since I'm getting back in the swing of things, I think I will actually finish it.

She was still trying to silence the siren songs of her body and mind as she pushed her apartment door open with her shoulder. Even with her new view of reality trying to drown out her senses, the routine was automatic for the bun. Kick the door behind her as she spun on the other to drop her keys on the hook in the same movement. Rotating back to the fore, she moved forward, a squeak of excitement slipping out as she clutched the metallic figurine against the heavy fabric of her sweatshirt, once more relishing in the feeling of the feline effigy in her palm.

"Eric!?" She called out to air, sniffing at the air reflexively as her tail wiggled and quivered. Her ears shot up, swiveling so fast it felt like they were trying to outpace her thudding heart. She didn't stand there in the entryway and wait for her boyfriend's reply, just because she couldn't keep still! No response came, and his scent was a little stale for him to be home. He wasn't far though, a glance back confirmed his keys were hung next to hers.

"Guh!" She sighed in frustrated anticipation, before heading for her room, losing her clothes with every step of the journey. Her breathing came in huffs as she slipped off her jeans, slipping out the last leg in the same moment she was slipping her left paw into the Vocaloid boxers she'd pilfered from him that morning. Her paw flinched away just after one pass over her moistened fluff. She had to wait this time. She held out the smooth metal figure to stare longingly at it again, she had to wait for this... for Eric.


Normally, taking out the trash, recycling, and mail doesn't take an hour. Normally, he is able to avoid the deer couple from the apartment across the lot. Usually, Luna would have come looking for him if she knew he was nearby and wanted his attention. Usually, she would be willing to get redressed to do so.

Today wasn't like most days, as Eric would continue to experience as the badger was greeted by the heady scent of his lapine lady as soon as he opened the door. He paused in the doorway, tail flicking about as he inhaled deeply, relishing in it and the way it warmed his blood. Depositing the envelope on the counter, he slipped his jacket off and onto the back of the loveseat before dropping to all fours. His ears pinned back and tail curled and flicked as she snuck into her bedroom, following the trail of discarded clothes. Already he was losing the stress he had gained from getting caught in one of the talks the cervines were famous for. Every silent step closer to her pushed those thoughts away and pushed him ever closer to slipping from his sheath. He took a pause when she started talking aloud, freezing as he heard her mumbling something. He was about to resume his sneaking when he noticed her jeans part-way in the bathroom, the crotch slightly darkened with her lust. His own bulged at the sight and smell of that. A low growl of excitement slipped out as he resumed his stalk, taking the corner to her room quick and low, pouncing as soon as he saw her gray fluffy self, sitting on her bed. He was treated to watching her flustered, thoughtful expression widening in alarm. Ears shooting up just in time for him to contact with a loud squeak from her.


Luna had tried his phone at the ten-minute mark, only to hear it buzzing on the counter. She'd given in to her body's call a few more times but never went all the way. She even considered getting dressed once...but that idea was abandoned quickly. When she found herself suddenly being launched at by a dark shape from her door, she'd been thinking and planning. Her brain was just registering Eric had snuck up on her again when his weight knocked her to the bed. She started to say his name before his teeth found her neck, and instead moaned as his body pressed into hers. She wasn't given any time to recompose herself after that, the metal figurine left on the bed sheets as he pushed her further up the bed, growling. She did try to push him away for a moment, but since that was their usual play he kept pushing onward. That was her last chance, any resistance she had for waiting to show him the artifact was gone as her own excitement and his expertise over his bunny's body broke her resolve to hold out. She helped him undress as he undressed her.

They took the time to look over the shuddering bodies of one another. Drinking in the sights of one another in equal time to the musks.

"My turn or yours?" He huffed out as his paws teased up from her right knee and into that wet thigh fur. Her toes curled as she fought to keep still. Today? The answer she gave was the whole reason she was pent up.

"Mi- '' She started to say before his paw clapped her muzzle shut with a firm paw. She mrrphed and shuddered.

"Ah-ah, silly bunny. No pet of mine will address her master until she's welcomed him home." He said scoldingly before releasing her muzzle. She immediately pushed herself up on her elbows to kiss him hotly. Her body ached to be against his, her breasts slipping against his fur as an arm slipped around her back to hold her up. Her heart hammered as she felt him shuffle into place...and immediately struck home to cries of delight.


Huffing and shivering, she wiggled into place as her badger explored her body with his hands. They were still in their pet play, but she'd 'earned' her right to speak, she just was enjoying the afterglow and snuggling that went with it. Under her, she could feel his heartbeat against her shoulder blade, his stiff member pressing into the fluff of her tail. The incessant happy-wiggling of it teasing his rod. He gave a soft chuckle before taking one of her ears into his maw, delighted to see her realize too late and pull the other ear out of reach while he nibbled at the one he'd caught as she moaned. She tried to speak up, but another bite cut her off with a gasp and a shudder before she tilted her head up enough to free it.

"M-master." She managed under the distractions his exploring palms provided. "May I be free?" At the question, he nodded and responded with a slightly surprised, "Yeah, what's up to Lu?"

She shuffled more, earning a grunt and groan from the still-horny badger she was laying on.

"Thanks. Would you be up for going to the waterfall?" She asked in a hopeful tone. She'd decided to launch the surprise there for privacy reasons, but had been seduced by the conniving predator. Not that she was really complaining too much. His reply was to firmly massage at her right breast, thumb-claw flicking at the nipple while he ground his cock into her tail. "That requires getting dressed, and more importantly...not continuing where we left off." His reply was playful and curious, but it was also effective. Thankfully, she wasn't weak-willed and while she may have ground herself back against him, she goaded. "We can do it there....and I guarantee it'll be better than you can imagine."

He gave a sigh but got one last pleasured whimper out of her as she lowered her guard and he got ahold of that same ear again before he relented. They both got up, and he did take note she grabbed their collars, as well as a little metal cat-statue off the floor as she got dressed. When he asked about it, she waved him off and kicked him out of her room, assuring him he'd have to wait for tomorrow if he kept pressing the questions. It was a surprise, after all.

He was a fan of surprises, but he pieced together some very exciting theories based upon what he knew. She had clearly been very riled up about something, and now she wanted to go to the spot they always went to in order to give out any secrets they had, not to mention she was taking both of their collars. Had she found a mistress for them to play with? Did she have a new routine to add? He was bursting at the seams to know.


He loved their apartments for a plethora of reasons. It just so happened that he was wishing, more so than normal, that their secret spot in the woods was closer to said apartments...or they could move out here. It didn't help that despite showering, putting on clean clothes, and wearing a cup, he could still clearly smell her excitement. He was excited as well now, and not just from his love's alluring pheromones, but from what possibly waited for them there. She peeked at her phone a few times, messaging someone and then checking in her satchel every time.

When he turned off the cobbled road and onto the dirt one they'd made themselves, he was actively considering stealing the bag and her phone. Those thoughts drifted off when he spotted a figure waiting at the pool of the waterfall, a green avian. He gave Luna an excited look and she nodded before whispering, "There's more though~" to his now-aching ear. He gave a low growl and shifted in his seat to try to alleviate the pressure. She gave a startled squeak when he floored the accelerator to close the hundred-or-so feet to their destination. Not like there was any police out here.

While he was unbuckling, she leaped out of the car and bounded over to the bird, calling out something he couldn't catch. She slowed on approach before embracing the green bird, who was clearly female and vibrantly colored. He couldn't place the species since she had weird tail-feathers, but she was obviously a predator with that beak and those talons. He shuddered in delight and hurried to join them.


Embracing her mistress-to-be, Luna tried to contain her joy, but she still ended up nuzzling at the cloth wrap barring her way to the c-cups the avian had underneath. Those slender, feathered arms around her, the rumbling churr she could feel against her quivering whiskers and own arms, the pervading warmth, and the promise of what was to come ensured she couldn't hold back her affection.

"Eric is wondering if you'd like to introduce him to the party." Spoke a feminine, melodic voice that surely had to be practiced. Flushing, she pulled from the bird and smiled to Eric sheepishly. She could see his excitement as clearly as he could see hers. He'd figured out, at least as much as she expected, who this was. "Eric." She gushed, unable to keep her voice calm. "This is Sinder, or, Mistress...after today."

Luna looked back to Sinder as Eric approached. The birb smiled back to her before turning her attention to the badger. Eric wasn't quite as sheepish as Luna had been, holding out his hand to her. Luna giggled softly as Sinder stepped in and scooped up the badger. He'd tried to step back too late. He looked like he was getting ready to say something in a complaint, but a nip each time he tried to say something quieted his resistance. When his tail was flicking about in excitement against his back, Sinder smiled over at Luna and said. "Oh, you'll both be lovely pets."

The couple both enjoyed a rush at hearing those words, but the bird kept talking, heading for the cave near the low waterfall with a surprised but comfortable badger in her arms, to the surprise and enjoyment of all individuals involved.

"Now," She began, clearing her sing-song voice to emphasize her factual tone. "Once you take my collars, you can't take one from anyone else until you are released permanently." Eric started to make an agreement but was silenced with another nip. He was loving every second of this.

While talking, she led the way into the cave they'd used many times, but now a King-sized bed sat at the center of the asymmetrical cavern, surrounded by pillows. Once there, she finally let Eric go, who wasn't ready and flopped onto the pillows while she was sitting at the foot of the bed. Luna gave Eric a smirk as she walked by to sit on Sinder's right. A wing tucking around the lapine after she was comfortable. Eric regained his composure and sat on the bird's left, but was not covered in a wing. Luna just smiled at the questioning look he gave her as Sinder resumed talking.

"You can ask to be released at any time if you aren't happy, and we can't reach a new arrangement. How far you go into being my pretty pets...." The couple would find a hand under each of their chins to coax their muzzles to where Sinder wanted them before cupping the muzzle, a finger stroking up and down their necks. To each, she gave a soft, warm kiss before locking gazes with her fiery amber orbs. " entirely up to you two. I won't force anything on you that you won't want."

After that, she stood up, whispering to Luna about preferences, taking their time, if not today, and something else whispered even quieter before she pressed in against the bunny, fondling her with one hand while retrieving her collar from her satchel with the other. Luna didn't notice that her Mistress-to-be had even gotten into her satchel until the bird pulled back to dangle the collar in front of her. Luna snatched it without hesitation, and Sinder smoothly spun on her talons and headed for the exit with a wink to Eric. "I'll be waiting.~"

Eric peeled his vision away from the swaying hips and glide-like walk of the bird to find Luna hanging his collar on the brass bed-post nearest her, setting something metal to the side before beaming at him and putting on her collar with a happy squeal.

"Isn't she perfect!?" Luna exclaimed, flopping onto the bed with her arms outstretched. She launched into explaining how she met her walking in these woods when she was getting ready to set up a completely different surprise. She'd commented on seeing the couple before and didn't mind the innocent trespass. Luna's legs rubbed together for a moment before she admitted that Sinder kissed her out of the blue, and when Luna protested, Sinder had pulled away looking confused. Luna looked at him, eyes dancing. "She said she knew I just wanted to be a good pet...and that she forgot to ask if she could be the one to -!" She shot up, looking around and patting the bed as if she was looking for something.

She finally looked at the pile of pillows when she kicked the metal statue by accident in her rush and gave a sigh of relief. Abandoning the other story, she asked Eric, "Hey Eric, what's our favorite species?" She asked suddenly, holding out the feline statue to him. He hadn't paid much attention to it before, but as she relinquished it to him, he noticed a few things. First, was that it was unnaturally warm, despite Luna just picking it up off the pillows. Another thing was how smooth it was. The last was the word 'Realize' engraved in the forehead of the cat.

With a chuckle, Eric held aloft the statue. "Feline, obviously...but Sinder is very clearly a bird. Did she just-so-happen to have this statue for you?"

Luna was tearing up a little bit as she scooted over, shaking her head. She sidled over his lap and tucked her arms around him, taking the figure and putting it behind him before kissing him passionately.

When she paused the kiss and just nosed at him, she smiled and said, "Realize." Before leaning back and beginning to slip out of her shirt. Totally lost as to where she was going, he watched in interested confusion as she tossed the cotton top behind her and got up on her knees to unlatch her skirt. He tried to glean more from her facial expression but saw no clues. He was distracted by boobs however as she unclipped her bra, a bit was rescued from the allure of her orbs by her tapping his nose. "Loverboy~. Panties, please? I want to be naked for this."

Whatever 'this' was, he'd apparently have to wait and see. However, she didn't specify how he was to remove her panties. With a grin, his muzzle darted in so he could bite onto the damp black laces his lover was wearing. She wiggled some, but hands on her hips stilled that. She gave a soft giggle and jutted her hips some, giving him the access he needed to lower those undies enough to slip his maw into the open space between fur and fabric and nestle his wet nose between her wet folds. He wanted to know what she meant by being naked for something specific, but currently, the love of his life needed attention. With a smirk as he felt her hands brace on his head and shoulders, he pushed forward more and slipped his tongue out to play all over her folds. He had to keep a firm hold as he mercilessly worked at her lips, she tried to pull away from the excessive stimulation, but he just growled and dug his claws into her rump for grip. His other hand worked those undies down her legs as far as they would go.

<<On the bed behind them, the metallic feline cracked and stretched as metal flakes sheared off. Peeling freely away from the cerulean fur that had been encased within. Shaking free of its shell, the tail of the small cat unfurled, larger and larger still until it was thrice the size of the feline itself. Lifting free from the bed, the blue feline floated up until it was eye-level with the bunny who was a little too busy cumming from the greedy assault of her lover to notice. With a purr, the feline dove forward, seeping right into the Lapine's head.>>

Luna would once more find herself floating in a soft yellow mist in front of a blue feline that smiled knowingly at her. Without a word, the feline twisted into an anthro feline fur changing patterns until Luna's dream body was staring at her. With the same knowing smile, the feline crouched and pounced into Luna.

With a gasp, Luna was brought back to the cave to the tune of a body buzzing and shuddering from a fresh orgasm. A blue cat floated at eye level as she moaned happily from the delving tongue within her. Lifting a hand, she felt the warm buzzing and pressure settle in as her paw changed. Grey fur and white paw pads both were replaced by a new feline counterpart. Grey fur darkened into a pitch black as blunted claws became curved retractable versions, while white paw-pads began to glow a soft cyan as the color changed to match.

Luna looked expectantly at the other hand to find the same, and she cried in delight. She could feel the buzzing in her ears, shrinking those floppy things to expressive black triangles with glowing cyan accents. She felt it in her feet, compressing those bounding paws into agile predatory paws. She could even feel her tight little teardrop tail pushing out from her, growing longer like her badger's, flicking sporadically from lack of control. She ground against Eric's face in bliss. Having your dreams come true kind of turns off other parts of the brain. The part like warning Eric about the cat slipping into his head. Not that he seemed to notice right away, he only began licking more nuzzling more fervently after a moment.

<<Eric gave a cry of alarm as all the lovely sensory confirmations of his bunny tipping over the edge were robbed and replaced with a fuzzy warmth against his body, a fruity scent in his nostrils, and a pale yellow mist surrounding him. For a moment he failed but felt the feeling of being suspended in the air. At least he didn't start spinning from the reaction. Instead, a dim flash of blue white heralded the manifestation of a glowing blue cat in front of him, a throwaway. The cat had a HUGE tail in comparison to itself, and an unsettling smile.

He didn't notice that anyone else was there until a green-feathered hand pet at the feline's head. When he tried to speak, he found he could not! Instead, Sinder was the one who spoke up. "Calm down, this is a mind-scape activated by your mate, Luna. She knows you would try to hide your deepest desires if I asked you in person, so this was the solution we came to." Once more, he found he couldn't speak. Clapping his mouth shut, he found it hard to think straight for a moment before his head felt fuzzy and a white wisp was floating over to the bird. He shook his head as she took it and slipped it into the blue feline, which immediately began to distort towards a more humanoid shape!

"Interesting, you two are really quite perfect for each other, and will soon be perfect for me as well." She'd wink and start to walk into the yellow mist that enveloped her. Completely lost in all the questions he had, he could only float in silence as he watched the feline lose distinguishing features and become entirely a blue glow. That blue glow contorted little by little, the general shape conforming to that of a modestly endowed effeminate feline, at least what he could tell by the silhouette anyway. When the glow began to fade, of course, and the finer features began to re-develop, he felt a fresh flush of warmth.

The now-anthro and now-female feline had a primary color of a rich black, with a few stripes across her form of glowing amber to complement the soft amber glow of her fleshy bits. He spent a healthy amount of time admiring the alluring glow of said glows; her nipples, her nose, the insides of her ears, her tongue and lips, her slit, and even all six inches of her barbed cock. An intersex feline, clearly, with some mild athletic toning to her slender shape. Amber eyes trying to pull the attention from her pouty-but confident expression. She was larger in the chest than Luna, but still considered a b-cup, he observed with interest. Only when he caught sight of her collar did he find he could now speak. "No ****ing way!"

Her collar was similar to his own but with an amber gem at the center of her neck, in the middle of the two rings, the collar bore. One for the leash, the other carrying a stamped feather in plastic and her name tag...which read "Eris" in flowing script. The different fur pattern had thrown him off the trail, but that was his dream pet persona. Not the one he'd shared with anyone, even Luna. Luna knew it was an effeminate kitty...but that still was male. He'd never told her that he craved the soft curves she had, the tender chest, the sweet flower between her legs. He certainly loved having, and using, his pecker too much to want to give it up...but a twin tooled intersex cat was everything he wanted. Even the stuff he said he was just curious about. That is why he took a step back when she took a step towards him and repeated the act when she took yet another step. Some primal part of him knew what was going on. He so desperately craved it, but that conscious fear of how he would be seen if others knew what he wanted spurred his retreat.

He almost fell forward as he bumped into someone warm and soft behind him, and while his leading foot moved forward as if to pull away.....he didn't. A rumbling purr against his back and a feeling of safety came with it as arms slipped under his and around him. He broke his gaze from Eris to look over his shoulder to who this welcoming person was. He didn't recognize the similarly colored feline embracing him at all. While both her and Eris shared black as their primary color, her fur was thicker and fluffier, she lacked any striping patterns, and her glow was a soft cyan instead of the warm amber of Eris. He saw Eris enter his peripheral vision, but his gaze stayed with the cyan beauty. Her smile begged for his trust....and soothed his fears long enough for Eris to dive into his chest!>>

Eric took a moment to come back to terms with what he was really doing as the transition was so sudden he just continued with what his body was telling him while his senses caught up. His licking slowed until he pulled free from his lapine lover with a soft kiss to her joy buzzer. The experience was so disconnected with what he was doing 'before' and 'after' the 'mindscape' thing, that he had discounted it for long enough to finish playing.

That was when he got the first feeling it had been real. That soothing, massage-like warming sensation seeping into his ears as they changed. He didn't need to be able to see them to know his white-furred and rounded badger ears stretched up and out from his head. White fur was replaced with smooth black fur on the outside of those tall triangles, while the insides were replaced with softly glowing blue fur. His hands darted up to his ears as he pulled back away from Luna.

Many things happened to Eric in a short expanse of time after pulling back his muzzle from Luna. His paws reached his ears, finding they felt exactly as he expected...and hoped they would. He could feel the rewarding enjoyment trickling into his skull as he felt those un-ordinarily long feline ears. He also felt the delightful warmth causing his changes to spread from his ears onto his paws...and onto his head. Pulling back from Luna also shifted his field of vision, and thereby let him see what was becoming of his mate. She was already feline up to her knees, her shoulders, and down to her neck! Tears welled over from those cyan colored eyes as she looked down at him. Those same eyes that had comforted him long enough to accept Eris into him.

Luna didn't have words to do justice to her happiness, and that was even before she saw the blue cat slip out of Eric and jump into the air...solidifying back into metal before it landed in the pillows surrounding the bed. Seeing his ears grow long to change into what she assumed was his ideal feline ears, just lumped it all together. She reveled in the feeling of her tail flicking and curling behind her, and just everything happening in this moment. She could smell her own scent shifting to that of a feline more and more as the time went by. She knew without looking where her changes were, so she invested her time watching Eric become his ideal pet.

Luna knelt down over his lap as he changed, getting a close-up view of the angles of his jaw, eyes, nose, and cheeks rounded and slimmed to the gentle curves of a female in perfect concert with the compression of his muzzle, change in his fur pattern, and the shift of his eyes as they were made feline. Despite the new black of his fur, she could easily see the red of the skin beneath as he felt over his new face with his now-matching paws. She brought her own paws down to brush his paws away from his face enough to kiss those tender amber lips. It felt just like kissing a girl, and the rough lick at her lips gave away he wanted to deepen the kiss further. She didn't let him though, pulling away so she wouldn't be distracted from getting to watch.

His changes were just slimming down his neck and getting up to his slimming biceps when she was caught off guard by a spike of pleasure as her changes reached her wet snatch. She shuddered, having to brace herself as she could feel every piece of flesh change to the feline counterpart as it spread up into her, while her breasts swelled with size as the changes reached there as well. While her mind was currently overcome by bliss unlike any she'd ever known, she missed the start of Eric's own breasts as the changes reached his chest. "Mnnph~!" Came his high, purring tone as his chest pushed out and against his white shirt. He panted, the sound of his own voice and the mewling cries of Luna as the last vestiges of bunny-hood were consumed by the new feline form pressing his buttons almost as much as feeling his breast swell under his thicker nipples. This was better than he had dared to dream! He completely forgot about being nervous of Luna's response as his now-feline right paw slipped under his shirt and rubbed at his right breast in just the way he'd done to Luna many times before. He moaned the lusty female moan music to his twitching feline ears, his other hand moving into his shorts to pump at his rod.

"Oh~. Oh, Eric~." Called a mostly familiar voice. Even after responding between panting mewls as he worked at his changing body, his hand spreading the feline changes to his cock and ensuring barbs tugged at his pads with each pump, he wasn't really paying attention to Luna until she whispered in his ears a few words that woke up the part of his brain that had been nervous about Luna seeing what he wanted Eris to be.

"Why didn't you say you wanted to be a pussy-cat like me~?"

Both arms moved to cover his chest at that remark, ears pinning back as he looked up at her in shock. He looked into those happy, safe, smoldering eyes. Those weren't eyes of scorn, they were curious, loving, and excited eyes that he'd always loved. They just happened to be about 5% sexier with those slit pupils. He started to say something, but his changes weren't slowing down just for him to say something romantic and heartfelt. The combined spread from his cock and down his torso gave him a barrage of feelings. He yowled in delight as a firm pressure between his plumping thighs gave way to a sinking feeling of pure orgasmic bliss as he endured his labia plumping, his tunnel forming in him as his hips widened to accommodate the new sexual organ, his belly padding out to protect the ovaries and womb blossoming within, and the clit forming at the last bit. Feline seed darkened the loose-fitting boxers and still-fitting gym shorts she was still wearing, while her desire soaked into the fur of her plump thighs, and her poor boxers and shorts, as well as the sheets under her. She couldn't think straight other than being higher on orgasm than she had ever been, and happier than she thought she could ever be. She felt like a bundle of electricity. She only subconsciously registered the feeling of her legs slimming down into their new feline shape.


An irregular harmony of purring played between the two felines as they got their bearings with their new bodies. The afterglow of the change-caused orgasms leaving the two of them pleasantly drunk enough for the shift of the metal feline back to its glowing blue shape. Luna took advantage of recomposing to note some of her dual-tooled partner's distinctions. The big and easy to notice ones were their differences in color and sexual anatomy, but there was also the fact Luna had the larger chest and curves overall. Eric's ears were also close to that of a lynx, rather than that of a house-cats like Luna's, and that her tail was twice as long as Luna's as well. Eric kept giving her looks, but not saying anything as she caught her breath. Luna took in her body with a pleased curiosity. It took her a bit to really notice that Eric was nearly the same size as her, a little smaller in fact if she didn't count the ears! She couldn't resist anymore and fully snuggled in with her fellow feline, licking at her and relishing in the feeling of being licked back.

"There's my pretty kitties~." Rang the voice of her Mistress into their midst. Luna pretty quickly sat up after one more kiss to look over at her. The Phoenix somehow looked even more inviting than when they had arrived, at least to Luna, and was carefully picking her way across the pillows. Luna's heart hammered in her chest as she sat more upright, leaning over the edge of the bed in expectation. That same heart felt like it was given a tranquilizer as a feathered hand brushed from an ear, down the side of her head before rubbing softly under her chin, spurring her to stand up off the bed and lift her head to follow the hand as it moved away. Her eyes drifted closed as she let herself be led by the chin-scritches, losing track of anything else until she found an arm tucking under her rump and lifting her up. Her eyes shot up as she was pulled in against her Mistress and kissed passionately by her. There was a soft pressure in her head, and somehow she knew it was from her Mistress. The pressure bled away as she let her in, and her head grew fuzzy and warm. She giggled airily as she watched Sinder's beak turn to look away from her. Luna nuzzles lazily at Sinder's neck as she tucks in against her mistress. She didn't feel alarmed that she couldn't think straight, she had her mistress...and that meant she was safe. She was otherwise blind to the world for the time being.

Eric's tail had tucked around her waist on reflex when she heard Sinder speak up. Looking past Luna to the avian, only to find her turning and moving to the edge of the bed on what looked like the impulse. "Luna, hold on a sec." She asked, only to clearly be ignored by the other feline. She covered her chest, despite the fact she was still clothed as she wiggled towards the edge of the bed. "Luna." She insisted again, but the Phoenix got to her before Eric could, petting along her head and then scratching under her chin, leading her up off the bed and into an embrace with those same scratches. Eric froze in place as she watched the bird crouch just enough to slip her arm under Luna's rump before embracing her in with that arm and subsequently kissing her. Eric scooted to the edge of the bed, and was just planting her paws on the pillow-floor when the kiss was broken and Luna mewed out, "Yes Mistress, I want to be a good kitty." Her collar immediately changed to having a cyan stripe in the middle, with a cyan colored-gemstone in regular intervals, and then she nuzzled onto the bird.

Eric definitely felt uneasy. She felt vulnerable, exposed, nervous, fragile, and afraid. She opened her mouth, but only exhaled soundless air as words failed her. Seeing that simple exchange between Luna and Sinder filled her head with noise. She really, /really/, wanted exactly what Luna clearly had. She also wanted Luna! However, not only was she in a new body, but she loved this body more than she knew how to describe...but she was still nervous. It was most likely the bird that did this, all of this, and she was immeasurably grateful for it...but it was too much all at once. Her tail gripped more tightly to her abdomen and her ears flushed flat on her head. Her heart felt like it was going to break free of her chest, and it almost did as she mewed sharply when Sinder broke the apparent silence.

"No rush. Take your time. If you'd like, I could come back later. Or if you find yourself hungry, you could come get something to eat in the house." She said in a warm, inviting tone. She didn't understand it. She didn't even register she was hungry before she was pushing onto her feet to follow. She was frustrated her brain didn't seem to be working right, and this was just happening! Thankfully, the house was close enough that it didn't feel like she was hiking along, but just far enough for her to sort her thoughts. She waited until they were inside the large wooden house, closing the doors behind them without thinking about it before taking a few deep breaths to center herself.

While Eric was sorting her thoughts, Sinder finally set Luna back onto her paws, who blinked and looked around a bit confused. Her ears flicked and she gave a soft meow in question, "How did we get here?"

A quick look around the large entry-room clued her in that they were in a wooden building of some kind, there were two food-bowls on either side of a water bowl, Eric-kitty was here as well looking like she was trying to hide in plain sight, and so was Mistress! She started to ask something again before Sinder smiled and nudged her with a talon, before pointing with that talon to the food-bowl with her name on it. She felt herself flush to the implication even with a rub between her ears in encouragement.

"Go on, eat your supplements. You probably have a busy day ahead of you Luna~."

She didn't really pay too much attention to Sinder inviting Eric over to talk while Luna ate, she merely gave in to the hunger she'd been pushing to the back of her mind and got down on all fours like the pet she was. There was something satisfying about hearing the jingle of her collar as she moved, the soft click of it hitting her food bowl. It stroked all the right buttons knowing she was doing all this for herself as much as her Mistress...not to mention showing Eric what she is missing out on~. The food wasn't bad either, not super flavorful, but satisfying all the same.

Eric was easily distracted today. It was hard not to be with the scenes playing out in front of her having been plucked out of fantasy. The feline pet in front of her that had been her bunny girlfriend that same morning just fit into the pet role they'd been fantasizing for years. She watched in jealous attention as she was commanded to eat from a common pet dish...with her name on it...while a short distance away was a food dish with the name "Eris" on it. The buzzing warmth between her legs that she silenced by rubbing her thighs together was just one more reminder of what, and who she was now.

"You wanted to talk, Eric?"

Came the sweet tone of the bird from right beside her. Her head slipped over to her and up a little to meet her gaze.

"Yeah. How did you do all of this?" She asked bluntly as she resisted stepping closer and leaning into those inviting feathers, that alluring apple scent.

"I'm obviously not an average bird, I am a phoenix, among other things." She said simply, taking a step back and heading for some seating by the entrance. She beckoned for the feline to follow her, and with one look back at the happy Luna...she did follow.

Upon sitting, Sinder patted her lap and opened her arms for the intersex feline. She was greatly amused that she was still wearing the much-too-large t-shirt and the shorts that were the only reason she still was wearing boxers. Eric gave her a torn look at the obvious invitation she'd been given, and for a moment she could see the cat consider the other chair, before giving in and sitting on her lap.

Sinder chuckled softly and tucked an arm immediately around the lap cat's abdomen with a soft churr. Eric's tail fluffed and stiffened at the act of simply being pulled into a cuddle by the Phoenix. Sure, there was a pervading, soothing warmth seeping into her fur, but it was still a bit rude. Eric leaned back against the feathered chest without really thinking about it to look up at the bird she was sitting on. Her tail began to sway as she got the time to soak in all that was happening, instead of it being a swirl of lust and confusion. She didn't really notice she was staring into the warm smile and welcoming gaze of the bird for a few moments before she would remember her questions.

" didn't answer my question. I asked how you did this....and you sort of avoided the question." She said simply, not perturbed by it...she just had noticed. Like she noticed the smoky scent mixed in with the aroma of fresh apples that pervaded the air around her. The bird smell mixed in gave her no doubts about where it was coming from.

"Well, to put it simple enough for you to understand, not meaning to offend, I used magic. " Responded the bird in the same even tone as before. Eric's ears turned back as she pouted.

"Well...then why?" Was her next question, searching the beaked face for any hint of mischief. A hand, specifically not the hand resting on the feline's hip and instead her free hand moved into Eric's vision before moving closer to her face, though Eric of course tried to pull her head away from the hand. Her head was against a feathered chest though, so had nowhere to really retreat to.

"May I?" Came the amused churr from the bird. Pulling her gaze from the hand, she gave Sinder a confused look before she felt the fur under her chin invaded by firm fingers. She gave a twitch to consider pulling away before the scratching began and she melted.

"FfffffFF~!" Was all the purring mess of lap kitty could manage as the Phoenix invited herself in. All Eric wanted to do was keep that hand where it was, moving her chin and leaning forward some to keep in constant touch with it. She felt all warm and fuzzy and rubbed all over herself. It wasn't quite right in this odd fitting clothing, but she didn't feel like taking them off. She just...wanted to nuzzle something. She'd long since closed her eyes and didn't really even register that the bird had led her about with scritches until they were snuggled on the couch nearby. She just knew that she suddenly had something warm, soft, cozy, and lovely smelling to nuzzle on. Her claws flexing and unflexing as she nuzzled deep into those feathers and purred. She was completely unaware of time passing, so when the hand pulled away only to be replaced by a few teasing licks from a sandpaper tongue and then the happy nuzzling of another feline...Eric had a moment of dysphoria to find herself now being snuggled up to by a cat that took a second to click as who Luna was now. Her muzzle was pushed some into the air as Luna nuzzled fervently into her lover's chin.

"I got jealous of you when I saw you snuggled up with Mistress." She purred out, arms slipping up under the back of her shirt. "But why aren't you wearing your collar...and more importantly." She said, her voice starting to smooth out some from purring as she pulled away just enough to be able to nip Eric's chin. "Why are you still wearing clothes, silly kitty? A pet doesn't need those~."

Eric looked from the Phoenix they were snuggled with to Luna as Sinder leaned in and whispered to Luna. "Be a good kitty and help your mate get comfortable, hmm~?" It took the poor intersex feline just a little too long to figure it out. It was all the time Luna needed~. With how much more slender she was now, Luna had her shirt most of the way off before Eric was able to really figure out how to resist! She went to pull her arms down, hoping her elbows would catch and help keep it on, but instead just helped by pushing her arms down through the neck. "H-hey!" She protested as Luna flicked the shirt away. She held onto her shorts with both hands as Luna wiggled closer....and then shifted so she was straddling over the dual-sexed kitty. Eric didn't release her hold on her shorts, but her attention was on the purring feline over her and that smug face of hers. Eric gave a shudder as she felt an invader in her shorts, and looked down between their breasts to see Luna's tail snaking into the hem of said shorts, right along with her belly. Brushing by some sensitive parts, the tail came out the right leg of those shorts before it began to push down. Eric's grip failed as she gulped and purred.....that...was all kinds of sexy. Her gaze moved back up to that of the cyan feline before she found herself slipping into a kiss with that alluring lady as her shorts and boxers were stripped away and dropped off by this naughty feline.

She was just poking free of her sheath, getting into the swing of things when the surface under them shifted and they both gave an unhappy mewl as they were pulled apart. Luna pouted, while Eric shot an annoyed look at the Phoenix. The avian winked at her before pulling Luna over with the same arm she pulled her away with, tucking her in close and kissing her firmly as the bird's knee split apart her legs to grind against the pet's pussy. Luna moaned hotly and tried to squirm away, but the avian was relentless. Eric watched with full focus, annoyance petering away as her barbed shaft slipped free. Luna didn't resist for long, soon kissing back and shuddering in increasing ferocity until she yowled, her fem-cum trickling some along the 'scales' of the bird's lower leg, the pleasure pet being pulled into a purring mess against the birb as sweet accolades of being a good pet for disrobing her mate, at what a good kitty she was, and how she'd make sure to get Eric comfortable at being just as good of a pet as she was. Eris was quivering. Her own thighs drenched and cock slick in excitement, but not once had she tried to pleasure herself.

Without looking at her, talking to her, or outwardly physically saying anything...Sinder had made her plan to sway Eric clear. She understood perfectly she wouldn't be allowed any frisky times with Luna, or even with the Phoenix until she caved and became a pet. Even as Sinder calmly began to stroke and rub her ears, she knew that they were both on the same page. The feathered woman was going to use her own desires, and Luna to break her......and it was the most lust-igniting power play she'd ever witnessed. She shuddered so hard she couldn't begin to try and hide it. Sinder just played along, giving her a soft caress. "Now, what other questions did you have, Eris?"