Hoppy Spring Break

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Yes, the cheesy title was necessary. Its a little early, I know but I don't know when I'll be able to post again. Be nice with your criticism.

Color. A deception of our minds showing us what we detect but not what we actually see. If we saw the world the way we should see it everything would be multiple shade of gray. The colors we see are just our eyes detecting different rays of radiation. Each color is its own type of radiation. Some are more dangerous and some are so common it would be nearly impossible to be killed by them. Although our world holds steadfast to the fact that color is reality when it isn't. I didn't know it back then but I was about to get a lot more well acquainted with color.

It was the first day of spring break. I rode down the hill on my bike, my brunette hair billowing in the wind. Brown eyes watering, I quickly turned at the end of the hill inside the small intersection at the bottom of the hill. I began to pedal my way back to the top of the hill so I could ride down again but then my mother called for me to come inside. I pedal back up the hill to our driveway and rode into my backyard, turning once I reached the end of driveway. I stopped underneath our back porch and leaned on the side of our house. I walked in through the sliding glass doors at the back of the house.

I ran through the basement to the stairs at the front of the house. As I ran up the first few stairs to the foyer I raised my hands to touch the floor above me. When I reached the foyer I quickly changed direction and up the rest of the stairs to the second floor. I rushed in the direction opposite to the kitchen, down the hall, and into my room at the end of the hallway on the right. I threw my shoes into the corner of my room and then reversed course because I knew that my mother was making my favorite tonight, chicken'n'dumplings with corn and mashed potatoes on the side.

Before the syllables even left her vocal cords I was sitting at the table, hands washed and poised in position for grace. "Dinner time!" she yelled in her sweet voice. From somewhere in the house I heard both my father and my older sister reply "I'm coming.".

Once we were all at the dinner table we said grace and began to eat. My mother asked" So honey how was your day.". "Uneventful and repetitive as always, dear," he replied in his gruff voice, " how was hour's.". "I got a promotion to supervisor with a $700 bonus and I now make $1000 more annually," my mother stated in a matter of fact kind of manner. "Hooray. Good for you mom," our resident punk, my sister, said indifferently. "Young lady you do not talk to me that. Anymore of that out of you and you'll be going to bed without finishing your dinner," my mother stated angrily. "Oh no! What will I do without dinner? What will happen to me? I might starve," my sister retorted sarcastically. "Thats it! Go too your room and don't let me catch you texting Michael while you're in there! I want lights out and devices off. No mp3, no computer, and no cell phone," my mother shouted angrily. "Fine. Good night, mother," my sister shouted as she stormed off to her room. Once she was inside she slammed the door and began blaring music. "That little girl is gonna get it," my mother mumbled under her breath as she stomped over to my sister's room and rapped on the door as hard as she could. "What!??!," my sister yelled. "Don't you dare talk to me like that Elizabeth. I am not one of your school friends. I am your mother. You better turn off that damn music and get in bed before I come in there and take all your electronics. You here me," my mother screamed. "You have got till the count of three to turn it off and go too bed. 1...," my mother said in an eerily calm manner. "I hate you mom!," my sister screamed. "2...". "I wish you would just leave me alone." "2 and a half...". "Okay." my sister said before turning off her music. "Now that's better. Good night.," my mom said as if she had just won a battle. "Good night, mom," my sister replied, utterly defeated. After that the rest of dinner was quiet.

At ten'o'clock my parent went to sleep and I stayed downstairs playing my video games on a low volume setting so I wouldn't wake up my parents. I was in the middle of a boss battle when I suddenly heard a rustling of leaves. I paid no mind to it and continued playing. For a few minutes there was nothing but a few minutes later I heard the rustling again followed by a few hushed whispers. I paused the game and stood up. I heard this whispering again so I walked over to the back door and picked JP the bat and flashlight I had sitting there just in case this kind of thing happened. I slowly opened the back door and stepped outside as silently as possible. I slowly closed the door behind me and clicked on the flashlight. I began scanning the yard with the flashlight. What I found stunned me.

Standing at about a foot tall holding a woven basket full of eggs was a brown rabbit. As soon as the rabbit realized it was caught it began to run. I began chasing it as a light flickered on in my head and suddenly, I realized I was chasing the easter bunny. The easter bunny just couldn't get away so it decided to go for its last resort. It stopped, thumped its foot on the ground three times and a rabbit hole appeared next to it but it had taken to much time. I had him before he could even jump. He squirmed in my hands and to speak. " If you're gonna hold me at least hold me correctly you idiot," he said in a British accent. "Oh, sorry," I said completely confused, releasing my grip on him slightly. "Thank you.," he said and then he bit my finger, causing me to release him entirely. As he fell to the ground he yelled "See ya later, sucker.," and jumped into his hole before I had a chance to grab him. I tried jumping in after him but the hole closed before I could get in.

I picked up the bat I had dropped when I began chasing the easter bunny and made my way back through into the house. I put the bat and the flashlight back at the back door. and took a look at the spot where I had been bitten. It was throbbing like crazy. I walked over to my video game but suddenly I felt really tired so I turned off the TV and not the game, walked upstairs to my room, flopped down onto my bed, and immediately fell asleep.

In my dream I was standing in a large meadow. At the end of the meadow there was a large abandoned mansion. It was a mansion I had seen when I was ten. I walked up to the giant doors and pushed them open. Inside, the mansion was dusty and outdated but still quite aesthetically pleasing. In the center of the room was a pedestal with a fabriche egg sitting in the middle on a red velvet pillow. The pedestal was covered by a large piece of glass. I walked up to the pedestal and removed the glass covering. After gently placing the glass onto the ground, I picked up the fabriche egg and examined it. It was made purely of emerald. There were no flaws in it and the egg was cut perfectly. I held it up to a ray of light shining through a hole in the roof to get an even better look but the egg suddenly began to grow. It began too cover my entire body until I couldn't move anymore.

I sat up in my bed. I felt energized and ready to talks on the world. I swung my legs out of bed and stood up. I looked at my clock. It was a little before seven but I felt like I had been given a new bodily energy source so I walked out of my room into the bathroom. I flicked the light on and suddenly noticed that I had obviously lost a few pounds overnight because instead of being my chubby self I now had muscle tone.

After staring at myself in confused shock for a few minutes, I hopped into the shower, washed the thin layer of filth left on my body away, and walked back to my room wrapped in a towel. I threw some underwear from my dresser on, my underwear barely clinging to my body. I flung open my closet and pulled out my favorite neon green pants and my favorite faded gray v-neck. I quickly sat down on my bed, put them on, and stood up to get some socks from my dresser but as I did my pants fell down to my ankles.

I shuffled over to my closet and got the matching belt but before I could put it on I began to feel the urge to use the restroom. I tried to make my way to my door so I could go back to the bathroom but the urge was to strong. Suddenly, my body involuntarily squatted down and I felt as I pinched a loaf into my favorite pants. After I had finished I looked down to see the damage but what I found surprised me. Laying there in my pants was a shiny green and blue striped egg.

I picked it up to look at it, thinking I was crazy or still asleep, but before I got a chance to get a good look at it my insides suddenly felt like they were being ripped out of my body.

After the pain had passed my body began to change right before my own eyes. I watched as my calves grew even fuller with muscle. I pulled off all of my clothes before the changes got any farther. I watched in horror as my feet grew larger. The bottoms of my feet felt tougher. I sat down on the floor to examine what had happened and found that pads had grown on the bottoms of my feet. As I was sitting I felt the sudden expansion of my gluteus maximus and quickly decide that I should close my curtains before it got to the rest of my body. After I had closed the blinds I suddenly felt my "soldier standing at attention" and immediately glanced downward. That glance quickly became a stare as I watched my balls grow to the size of those little blow up beach balls you get at carnivals and fairs. My shaft followed suit growing to about nine inches tall with a diameter of two and a half inches. Then, like my calves and gluteus, my thighs grew stronger. Untoned abs became a full on six pack in. My chest was instantaneously defined. Then a thin coating of tan fur grew over my body. I could suddenly hear even the quietest of sounds. I ran over to my mirror to find that my ears were protruding upwards from my head. My nose became gray and triangular. Shooting outwards from the rest of my face, a short muzzle grew out from my nose and mouth. My tongue grew longer to fit my new face. I felt as the skin underneath my cheek fur changed to a more flexible skin. Growing out to about half an inch, my two front teeth were now buck teeth. Then my crotch was got tingly. I looked down just in time to see a small amount of furry skin grow around the base of my ginormous member but my attention was quickly placed somewhere else as a floomf sound resounded from my rear. I turned to find a large puff of a tail sitting atop my recently enlarged buttocks. I looked back at the mirror just as my hair changed color but instead of turning tan like the rest of my body, it went blonde. Finally, my pupils grew larger and my iris had blotches of red mixed in with the brown of my eyes.

I stared at myself in awe, wondering why my I had changed and why my hair had become blonde and not tan. I needed to talk to someone but not just anyone. I needed to talk to someone who I could trust. I was about to start putting on my pants again when a sudden realization hit me that I had managed to miss in my panic. My member was still erect and it wasn't showing any signs of going down any time soon. I would have to make it go down.

I searched my room for anything I could possibly use as a makeshift condom for my now giant cock. I decided to go with the towel I had just used to dry myself off. I put my trashcan beneath where I was standing to catch any run off. I began to rub my penis thoroughly. A few globs of precum poured out of my mountain of a cock. I felt my body beginning to tense up and quickly grabbed the towel and held it over my cock as it began to erupt. The orgasmic pleasure that came with my enormous cock caused some of the run off to miss the trashcan but in that moment it didn't matter, the pleasure was to wonderful. After the pleasure subsided, I felt a strange sensation come from my shaft. I looked downed and watched as my flaccid cock slowly made its way inside my body and after it had gone I could still feel it sitting dormant inside of me but in its place was a large slit. I freaked out for a second, thinking I was turning into a female but was relieved when my excitement caused my cock to reveal itself again.

I decided to make it so that I was as unnoticeable as ever. I threw on the under I had taken off which now fit me quite well and went over to the closet to pull out some other clothes. I pulled oit and put on some regular blue jeans that my aunt had bought for me three sizes to large, an old gray baggy T-shirt, and a baggy black hoodie I had gotten for myself to cover my recently grown tail.

Before I called my friend I decided I would check and see if my voice had changed. I started out easy. "She thellth theeshellth by the theashore." I said aloud. Well my voiced hadn't changed but I was goking to have to work on my pronunciation for a few minutes. After practicing for a while it all came to fruition when I finally said "She sells seashells by the seashore."

I picked up my phone from my nightstand and called my best friend Sam, since I know she hates to text. "Hello," Sam said in her melodic voice. "Sam, could you meet me at the abandoned mansion," I said quickly. "Yeah dude, but could you tell me why first?," he replied. "It'd be better if I showed you, okay," I shot back. "Showed me what? You are acting so weird today," she said in a voice two octaves higher than normal. "Just trust me on this one," I said as calmly as I could. "Okay! Okay! I'll meet you there," she replied. "Thank you, I'll see you there. Bye." I said. "Bye," she said and we both hung up.

I stared at my feet, thinking how I would hide them. I walked over to my closet and pulled out the size 18 Nikes my uncle had got me for my birthday but even those were too small for my now gigantic feet. I was gonna have to go barefoot. I grabbed an old blue beanie from my closet and began to walk out my room when I noticed every step now felt like it took nothing out of me. 'I should test this' I thought. I threw hood over my head, made sure the back was covering my tail, and walked downstairs.

I walked into the kitchen and got some carrots before I went to the front door. As I walked out I grabbed my keys and locked the door behind me. I walked slowly down the walkway in front of our house to the sidewalk. Once I reached the sidewalk I took off at speeds that surpassed a cheetah's. As I ran I made sure to stay in the shadows. After a few minutes of running I slid to a stop at the wall that seperated the forest from the old mansion. I squared on my knees and was about to crawl through the large hole in the bottom of the wall when behind me I heard the voice of a young woman. "Sir. Excuse me, Sir," she said as I stood and turned to face her. She was a very young woman with short brown hair. Holding firmly onto her hand was a young girl who was obviously the woman's daughter. "Sir. My daughter and I would like to know where you got those wonderful shoes. You see my daughter loves animals and..." she said. Cutting her off, I replied, "Ma'm, trust me, you do not want to know where I got these from," and with that I sprung through the hole. On the other side, I took off my beanie because my ears had started to hurt from being under it.

I stepped out of the view of the hole just in case the woman decided to see where I had gone. After a few minutes I decided it was safe and began walking down the dirt path to the old abandoned mansion. I reache'd the clearing that lead to the mansion gates. Looking up at them as I walked through, I thought these gates must have been extremely elegant when they were still in use. I walked down the rest of the way to the mansion.

The mansion was two floors tall and had obviously been neglected, vines growing up the sides. The outer façade was some kind of white marble and the front doors were wooden and grand but still showed the weather's toll on the building. All of the windows were covered in a light layer of dirt. I opened the front doors into the main hall. The stairs, elegantly placed in the center, had been ravaged by age, broken and unfit for use. The floors were a large checkerboard pattern. Hanging from the ceiling was a large crystal chandelier that was covered in cobwebs. The rails on the upper floors had been defeated by age and had fallen from where they originally were placed, leaving a giant gaps in between the stair and the upper rooms.

I thought to myself 'I think I'll try something.'. I walked up to a spot where the railing had fallen. I stood there trying to scrounge up the courage within myself to do it. I crouched down low and jumped with all my might. I landed on the second floor with a slight kicking up of dust which had sat there for decades or centuries. I turned to face the doors and sat on the edge to wait for Sam, knowing that I couldn't be seen up there because of the lack of light.

About five minutes after I had gotten there I saw a head with black, blue, and red hair pop through the opening in the doors. "Roger?," she asked as she stepped the rest of the way through the doorway. I rolled backwards slightly and pushed off from the edge slightly and landed on the floor with my knees bent and my arms out to keep my balance. "Oh, there you are. So what is this thing that you have to show me?," she said matter-of-factly as she stepped towards me. "I said" Wait. I'd rather you stay there." "Why?," she asked as she stepped right in front of m "And why do you have your hood up so I can't see your face?" She put her hands up to my hood but I caught her wrists before she could grab it. "What? We've been friends since we were four. Nothing about you could surprise me," she said. "I... well..." I said but I let go of her wrists and closed my eyes, waiting to hear the pounding of footsteps as she pulled off my hood.

At first I heard a gasp escape her lips but then she started laughing at me. I opened my eyes to find her pointing at me,standigng leaned back in her loligoth red and black dress, and laughing so I bit her finger. "Ow! Whatja do that for!" she yelled. "I did that cause this isn't funny!" I shouted back. "Well it may not be funny to you but it is hilarious to me." she replied, examining her finger. "This is serious. I need your help to figure out how this happened to me." I shot back. "Okay, okay," she said, "wait do you have a fluffy little tail.". "Yes. Wait. What?" I said confused. Before I came out of my daze she was behind me lifting up the back of my hoodie. A few seconds later she fell over on the ground, laughing as hard as a person could laugh. I said, "C'mon." "No you c'mon. How do you not find this the slightest bit funny?" she asked. "I don't find it funny because I'm the person it happened to." I said. She stopped rolling around on the floor and stood back up. "Alright I'll stop. So how did this happen?".

I told her everything that happened up until she walked into the mansion. "Wait you said that the bunny bit you and then this happened to you, right?" she asked. "Yeah," I said and then it clicked in my head," Oh shit! I am so sorry.". "Nah, its alright but I'll tell you one thing. I'm gonna be the first loligoth easter bunny." she replied calmly, "It did hurt though so you should be careful with those teeth. Hey do you hear something?"

Immediately after she said this a large hole opened up below us and gravity went to work. We were both sliding down a long grass covered tunnel which was strangely closing behind us. Suddenly we reached the end of the tunnel and landed on a large red velvet cushion. I stood and help her get up to her feet. A shorter rabbit person like myself wearing some blue jeans and a Hawaiin shirt walked over holding a clipboard with some papers on it. "You violated chapter 31 section 53 of the easter bunny code. We will now have to erase any memories she has involving the past few hours. Please step off the landing pad and follow me." he said in a laid back voice. Sam was the first one to speak up. "Um... I don't think that'll be necessary since he bit me." she said as we followed the rabbit guy in the Hawaiian shirt. He stopped in front of a room and said," Please ma'm step through here and in few minutes you won't... Wait. Whaaaaaaat?" he said as he turned to face us. He put his clipboard in one hand and bopped me on the hard with it. "You idiot! You're not supposed to do that! Well I guess there's no reason for you to go here." he yelled. "Yeah I would think that you shouldn't." I said. " Well I guess I'll have to take you to one of the holding rooms until you've changed. Follow me." he replied angrily. We followed him down a few more empty corridors to another room. "Go in here." he said with a slight gesture to a blue door in front of us. "Could he come with me?" Sam asked without skipping a beat. "Yes." the Hawaiian shirt guy said in an annoyed manner. "Are you sure," I said, blushing beet red," I really don't think I should...". "I want you to come with me." she said subtly but firmly. The hawaiin shirt guy said" Just go in already." I opened the door and we both stepped through and closed it behind us. We could here the muffledangry ranting of the Hawaiian shirt guy through it.

The room was painted light blue but was entirely bare except for a bed in the far corner and a small desperate room which was most definitely a bathroom. Sam walked over to the bed and sat down. I walked over and said "If at any moment you feel you don't want me here anymore I'll leave.". Although, she wasn't paying attention too that. She stood up and began unzipping her dress. "Hey! Wait! What are you doing?!" I asked as I turned so I wouldn't offend her by watching. "Well I thought that I should get undressed. You don't have to look away its okay if you look." she replied. I turned back to her as she got her dress off. She shook her hair and in that moment I forgot where we were and kept up to kiss her. For years I had had a silent crush on her but I was always too afraid to say anything but now I felt like I could do it. She gasped but received my kiss without hesitation.

After we pulled away from each other she asked "So the whole time we've been friends you've liked me.". "Yes," I said as I looked into her eyes," I never asked because I was afraid it would ruin our friendship.". "Well I've always sorta had a crush on you too." she replied. "Really?" I asked. "Yes." she said. Suddenly a painful expression appeared on her face. She immediate pulled down her panties andsquated on the floor. After a few minutes she stood back up. Laying there in her pantiies was an egg with a large pink heart on it.

She stepped towards me and undid my pants. She then bent over on the bed and looked at me. I understood what she was suggesting and understood it was not entirely her giving off these signals but the only way to relieve these would be to give in. I unzipped my jacket and threw it in the corner. Next came my shirt and my pantsand lastly, I threw my underwear on top of my jacket. My soldier had head heard the call and was standing at erection. I walked behind her and inserted as her anus widened to allow my entry.

As our bodies rockked in succession, the rest of her changed. Her whole body became covered in black and brown fur. The clasp of her bra snapped as her breasts enlarged to the size of cantelopes. A tail sprung up in front of me. Her butt expanded with muscle as I pounded away. Her thighs and calves grew harder and tighter. Her waist widened. her feet grew larger and pads grew on both her feet and hands. As she moaned from the pleasure her expand outwards into a muzzle and her two front teeth grew longer. As I felt my body tense up and begin to climax her ears shot upward and stretched from the top of her head. We both moaned in pleasure as I began to fill her with my seed, the orgasmic pleasure holding us both in place as cum began to spill out of her anus.

I pulled out and turned to sit on the bed. She looked at me, her eyes still changing color. My shaft sliding inside me. She pulled me in for a long kiss and laid me down on the bed. We both fell asleep staring into each other's eyes.

When we woke up Sam got up and ran to the bathroom. From the bed I could hear her vomiting, a sudden realization hit me like a truck. We hadn't worn protection and both half rabbit, the reproduction machines of Earth. Simultaneously we both yelled"Shit!".

After we were redressed, we exited the holding room and looked for anyone who could give us information. We found a desk where a rabbit guy was sitting. He looked up and said" You two again. What?". "How do we get out of here?" we both asked. "Why?," he asked us, looking at us suspiciously," You didn't... Aw man! You know I have to clean that up?". "Sorry." I said. "Whatever. Just imagine where you want to go and stamp one foot two times." he said as he angrily stood up. "Thank you." Sam and I said in unison. Sam stomped her foot twice and we both jumped down the hole.

We came out of the hole into a rite aid. Sam walked up to the register and asked where the pregnancy tests were. She ran down the isles and then came back with a long box and paid for it at the register. She immediately went to the bathroom a few minutes later she came back. She looked at me with a half hearted smile and nodded. I was going to be a father.