New Trunks: Getting to Know Each Other.

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#3 of New Trunks

A short chapter about you and Glen being alone on his patio! Oh Man, he's kind of a mess! Luckily, he likes you a lot, and wants to make the best impression possible. Even if that ends up not going... Great?

Good luck! Let me know if I missed a tag!

After drying off and taking a quick shower you return to the patio where Glen sheepishly invites you to sit next to him on the large couch, an invitation you eagerly accept. He seems nervous again, maybe he just feels bad about throwing you in the pool.

Despite his size compared to you, this man is comforting and easy to be around. You enjoy several hours of relaxed and casual conversation with him while snacking and sipping away at a midday beverage.

All the usual stuff comes up. Studies, jobs, friends, hobbies, but it's nice that he seems genuinely interested in you. So nice in fact, you've forgotten all about how he's seen your bare ass.

You learn a lot more about Glen, too. How he and his wife split amicably when he came to terms with being gay, that he actually works as a programmer so he can stay in the cabin all the time, and that woodworking and construction are hobbies of his.

"Did you ask Quin to hook you up with me, or was it his idea first?" You scratch your chin.

"I asked him if he knew any young single guys, as a joke, and he said he knew just the one!" Glen had pulled you into his lap a while ago, which was awkward at first but you quickly got comfortable.

"I was really weirded out. Basically told him no way at first." You shake your head.

"What?! You didn't wanna go out with me?" Glen sounds genuinely hurt, but you know he's joking. "My poor heart!"

"Mhm, then he showed me your picture."

"Ahh, so it's only cause of my looks you wanted to see me, huh? Not that I'm a nice, employed, stable guy? These young guys are so shallow..." Glen laments.

"Right." You look at all him and lean back into his chest. "And you definitely didn't want to go out with me because you saw a picture of my ass."

"I-" Glen freezes. "Yeah. You got me." He squeezes you.

Glen sneaks a massive hand up your shirt but pauses. "Is this okay?."

"It's fine, Glen." You swallow. "I know you won't push it too far..." His fingers feel amazing teasing your chest.

"Nope..." His hand covers half of your stomach. "Not too far...." He spreads his legs a bit, causing you to slide between his legs on the couch. Glen leans close and just quietly breathes on you.

You lean back against his thick belly while he touches you. Placing your hands on either of his large thighs you shift slightly, rubbing your backside against his crotch. You feel the warmth of his breath and of his desperate shaft as it struggles to free itself from the denim prison.

"You are the sexiest, cutest, little guy I ever did see." His hands explore your body but never drop below your waist. "Hmmm..."

You moan quietly. "A-are you okay, Glen?" He was always so nervous, but you can tell from this and earlier that once he's got the okay he's not shy about what he wants.

"Yeah." He lifts you from between his thighs and sits you on his lap again to bring you closer to eye-level. "Just thinking about what I'm gonna do to you tonight." He turns you toward him.

"What...What are you gonna do to me?" You breathe out. Fuck you want this man. He's so big, so powerful, but so gentle. You can't wait to see how he is when you're both naked, his massive form lumbering over you, on top of you.

"First, I'm gonna..." He brings his mouth almost to yours. "Go getchya another beer!" He gently lifts you from his lap and places you on the couch. "Unless you want somethin' else?"

"What happened to no teasing?!" You bark after him in shock.

He turns around and whispers. "I get to tease." He says. "But you've been so good all day... And I did throw you in the pool..." He looks over his shoulder back toward the house. "I'll be right back, gonna put dinner on the grill. Don't move... Boy." His voice is like hot smoke washing over you.

You nervously shift on the couch as you wait for Glen to return. You rapidly consume whats left of the lemonade. Can you even handle him? You haven't seen it out in the open but you've had several opportunities to feel his cock through his jeans.

You jump in surprise when Glen grunts from behind you, so lost in your fantasies you didn't notice him come back. He walks around the gazebo eyeing you while openly massaging his member through his jeans.

He steps in front of you, bringing you level with his crotch before placing his hand on the back of your head and pressing you against his still-hard cock through his jeans. You breathe deep and whimper.

His scent overwhelms you, masculine and powerful. Dominant. A wet spot begins to form on the front of his jeans that you eagerly grind yourself against earning an amused laugh. "Yeah, you're such a good boy. You're going to look so good covered in my--"

BEEP BEEP BEEP an alarm of some kind brings you both out of your lust-driven reverie.

"SHIT, THE STEAKS!" Glen all but leaps away from you while he turns, unfortunately seeming to forget about his tail. THWACK You fall over as the large and heavy tail almost knocks you off the couch.

"Oh my god! Oh Shit!" Glen grabs you just before you fall. "Are you okay?! Oh God, Oh fuckin'!" He pulls you to his chest. "Oh bud I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have done that, I thought -Fuck!" He hugs you tighter.

You rest your head against the panicked mans chest, dazed. Both from being slapped by his huge tail and being smothered by his other huge tail. "I'm okay, not bleeding, nothings broken but uh, can I lie down a little?"

"Course! Course bud. Would it be okay if I, uh..." He swallows. "Can I carry you to the bedroom? Just in case you're hurt, of course."

You nod into his chest as he carries you inside. "Thank you." You say.

Glen must have apologized a thousand times by the time you get inside the house. Fortunately, you really weren't hit all that hard. Even so, the poor man can't hold eye contact for longer than a second.

"I uh, I have a couple more steaks." He coughs. "Those ones got a little bit well-done, so..."

You just laugh and lean harder into his chest. Just what is this guy's deal? One second a nervous wreck just touching you, and the next grinding your face into his bulge on the patio! Maybe you should take the initiative?

New Trunks: Cabin in the Woods

A few days later Quin is driving you to his father's cabin roughly an hour away from the city. It's been nice for you to see the urban landscape slowly give way to a peaceful and lush forest, you haven't been out of the city in what feels like...

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New Trunks: Tasteful Nudity and Missed Birthdays

The massive dark green crocodile hands you a cold can of beer before plopping down on the couch next to you which causes you to bounce slightly. "I'm telling you dude, just spend the weekend at my dad's cabin." His yellow eyes are focused on the...

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