Star-napped: Chuo 2

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#2 of Star-napped

Here's chapter 2 of Chuo's story! Needless to say, he is not psychologically faring well from his situation.

I wrote this on a whim today. Enjoy.

The days passed, for what felt like a miserable eternity. At least, Chuo assumed that they were days. The bright white lights flicked abruptly on and off, on what Chuo thought felt like a regular cycle. The aliens that ran and maintained the trafficking ship had indeed taken note of Chuo's planet's day-night cycle, and set his room to go dark and turn on, to the same pattern. The traders, the kidnappers, didn't do much for the comfort of their merchandise, but there were some standards to secure higher price points. Nobody wanted pets, ingredients, or slaves that were too stressed or unhealthy.

Chuo of course didn't know he was on an alien space ship. He didn't know that aliens existed, and he had no way to even imagine what a spaceship might be. He didn't know that he was a billion lightyears away from home, and going farther still. All he knew was that he was trapped in a place he couldn't understand, and that he was terribly scared, lonely, and bored.

The lights had flicked on in his tiny cell an indeterminate amount of time ago. He'd stopped trying to count the days at day 17, any more mental tally marks and he might despair too far, he thought. 17 days of being in the same cramped cell, that was so small he couldn't even stand upright. 17 days of pure loneliness and boredom. In those 17 days he'd grown unreasonably attached to the blanket and red rubber ball that his captors left in his cell with him. The rubber ball was hardly any entertainment at all, so Chuo had become grateful for the whatever drug was in his water. It helped the time pass and kept his despair far away. Whenever he drank he would curl up on the floor and stare at the white wall, while he stimmed on his blanket or ears. It had been many days since he'd stopped counting. It was sinking in that there would be no rescue for him.

Looking out the window may have provided entertainment, but he avoided doing so, like it were sin. The endless wall of cells, filled with completely alien creatures, terrified Chuo. Maddening boredom was better that the maddening horror of the environment outside that he simply could not understand.

Chuo started to heave with the exhausted, despairing tears that had been his companion for his stay in his cell. For all he knew he'd live out the rest of his days in this evil box, and he didn't even know how he'd gotten there. Someone must have captured him, he reasoned. That of course, was no comfort.

Chuo had examined, pried and slammed at the walls of his cell over and over, during his first few days. He'd long since given up. He could no more hope to escape from his enclosure than a beetle could hope to escape from a sealed jar.

He was just laying on the floor of his cell and numbly looking at the wall when he heard a clicking and shifting sound from above. His eyes went wide when he looked up to see several spigots pointing down into his cell.

He cried out as he and his entire cell were doused in chemical disinfectant and water. His weekly 'showers' were Chuo's other way to keep time, if he wished to do so. The liquid was just hot enough to be painful on Chuo's fur. The spigots had AI that trained onto Chuo and blasted and doused him until he was completely clean. He tried to shield his face and the water got his chest, underarms, and genitals. He yelped when the hot liquid hit his sheath and moved his hands to cover his sheath and balls. When he moved his hands away from his face, a spigot blasted it, and the disinfectant went up his nose and got into his ears.

He got into the fetal position to shield himself from the sensory assault. The spigots got his anus, back and tail. His entire room and entire body was clean in just a couple of minutes. Chuo was left shocked and soaking. Sudsy disinfectant ran down his dark purple coat, the walls, and the floor. He cried through his drug induced haze. Everything in his cell, his new life, was so mechanical and impersonal. He'd become exceptionally lonely over the past weeks. There was a pit of touch starvation in his chest. The only comfort Chuo had was the routine. He would give anything for a hug.

The fans in the walls mercifully picked up, and the air became very dry. He hugged his blanket and his ball for comfort, as his fur slowly dried. If he wasn't drugged, he would have been crying from his loneliness and despair. As it was, he just laid there, staring at the wall, tail flicking listlessly.

Chuo looked at the spot on his floor he knew would open up to make way for a bowl with his daily meal. The savory sweet goop was yummy, even if it lacked depth of flavor, and it was Chuo's only real source of sensory excitement. Well, that and masturbating.

When Chuo wasn't laying listlessly, sobbing in lonely terror, or bouncing his ball, he masturbated. The Kocui, the species that Chuo was, were very sexual and social. Before Chuo was captured, group sex with other young adult Kocui was integral to his happiness and feelings of belonging. Most Kocui were polyamorous in their high libido youth, before settling on a special partner, later in life. Because he was such a social creature, Chuo would often break down into heaving sobs when he finished and came. He missed the touch of his family and friends. He missed the feeling of his best friend's cock in his mouth and ass. He missed the feeling of tongue in his mouth and on his cock. He missed the feeling of soft ass and pussy. Most of all, he missed the comfort of warm breathing bodies next to his.

Chuo's internal clock and sense of routine told him that he had time before his next meal. His libido was usually much stronger, but lonely and stressed as he was, he just used it as a distraction, and he was less interested by the day. He squished his sheath and felt at his furry balls. Chuo's balls and cock seemed massive on his body, but this was normal for Kocui.

His long pink cock began to harden and grow from its sheath. His cock had the appearance of a long, smooth rod that tapered to a rounded head at the end. He worked the loose skin and his breath picked up, growing ragged. He thought about the sexual experiences he so missed. His cock was out to its full length now. If he laid it flat against himself, it went up to his chest. It started to dribble clear, viscous pre-cum.

He laid all the way down, on his back, and started to pump in earnest. The pre-cum lubed up his cock and allowed him to reach orgasm faster. He teased at his own tail-hole with his tail and paws. He huffed and moaned involuntarily. His eyes rolled and twitched, and his legs involuntarily kicked with his orgasm. He shot ropes and gouts of sticky cum across his belly chest and face. It splattered across the ceiling and walls too.

His legs were still twitching as he came back to himself. He wiped the cum from his chest and face, but there was an absurd volume of the stuff. Kocui had extremely voluminous emissions and Chuo was no different. Part of him was annoyed that he'd just soiled himself and his cell just after his weekly cleaning, but, really, Chuo was too listless and depressed to even care. He flapped his paws to get some of the cum off.

His breathing from his masturbation session made him thirsty, so he crawled over to the water dispensing nozzle and put his mouth around it. His mouth was flooded with the drugged water, and he drank it down in greedy gulps. His mind grew hazy and his extremities went numb faster than usual. Chuo guessed that there were more drugs in the water for some reason. He tried to pull away but, somehow, he was paralyzed. He tried to close his throat but that didn't work either. He just kept drinking and drinking until he suddenly was in control of his body again.

His intention had been to move way, minutes before, but now moving and thinking was too hard. So he lay down and stared emptily, where his red ball was in front of him. The ball had marks where he'd chewed on it with frustration before. He didn't really see anything though. He was falling into a numb narcotic abyss.

His cell shuddered and Chuo was pushed around, a bit, as it started to move. This didn't alarm the drugged Kocui. The cell came out of its slot in the wall and floated through the warehouse of living merchandise. It whirred through a corridor, designed specifically for transporting the goods to the purchasing center.

Chuo stared in dim recognition, as, suddenly, the front of his cell swung open. That was strange. Chuo rolled over a bit and grabbed onto his blanket. Best not to think about it too much.

Chuo heard cooing noises coming from outside. A perspective customer was wanting to examine the Kocui. Not that Chuo could comprehend that, at the moment. The cooing was accompanied by a garbled sound sound that went on and on. The buyer and a merchant were debating heatedly.

The customer wanted to know how intelligent and social Chuo's species was, to determine if he'd be a good candidate. The employee was explaining that his file was under-detailed, but it implied that Chuo was likely to be highly social and of at least moderate intelligence, considering his species farmed and built primitive villages.

The customer was a 20 foot tall, armored, and incredibly intelligent alien. He leaned down and stuck a finger into Chuo's enclosure. Chuo was terrified of the enormous finger, through his drug endued haze. But when the finger scratched and rubbed him gently, the months of touch starvation caught up, and he snuggled up and clung to it desperately.

Chuo's enclosure was tilted and he fell out of it, cushioned by his new owner's palm. The alien just wanted to test a couple things before finalizing the purchase. The poor animal below him was clearly drugged and terrified. He wondered how long it had been held in that box for transportation.

The alien stopped holding Chuo, and he whined desperately as the hand withdrew. Drugged, he wasn't even embarrassed that he was still covered in his own cum. He looked up at the huge alien, begging and questioning. Frightened as he was, of the strange alien, Chuo was more scared of being locked away in that box again. The buyer, Xkathkar, was pleased by Chuo's reaction. A desperate eagerness for contact was part of what he was looking for.

The next test would be more invasive. He cooed gently as he scooped Chuo up in massive armored arms. Using one hand he lifted Chuo's wide, digitigrade legs up, revealing his hole, taint, and balls. Chuo tried to cover up with his tail, but the drugs made coordination hard and he couldn't quite do it. Xkathkar would simply have moved it, anyway.

Xkathkar wanted to use his pinky for what came next, but used a special instrument instead, worrying that his pinky would be too large for the creature in his arms. He stuck the silicon rod inside of Chuo, and he yipped in surprise. Chuo whimpered, but then started to feel very good as the rod buzzed. His cock twitched to life, poking out of its sheath.

The instrument confirmed that Chuo had a prostate, so Xkathkar finalized the purchase.