Sylvester and the Cave of Tentacles

Story by GreyWolf19 on SoFurry

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NOTE: I do not own Sylvester the Cat.

This story is based on a picture ( by nitemare09.

"Ughhh....." said Sylvester the cat, rubbing his head. He tried to move, and realized that he had been lying face first on the ground. "aghhhhh....stttthhufferin' sthuccotash....", he said, slowly rising to his feet. As he dusted himself off, the first thing he noticed was that it was incredibly dim. Too dim, in fact, to really tell where he was. Ahead of him was essentially nothing but darkness, but, in turning, he could see a faint glow of light, which illuminated to some extent where he had woken up. Judging from the stalactites, dampness of the air, and utterly terrifying darkness behind him, he was in a cave. The cat scratched his head, puzzled. He couldn't remember a thing about visiting any caves recently. How did he get here? How long was he, apparently, knocked out?

Why doesn't he remember any of this???

Sylvester turned away from the light to look back at the unending darkness, and shivered. Well, he thought, holding his arms close to him both from fear and from the coolness of the air, no use in stayin' in here....

He looked back at the light. It was a little too far away to accurately judge if it was the mouth of the cave or not, but seeing no other option, he figured the way out was in that direction. So, putting a paw hesitantly forward (it was dangerously dark in there, he didn't want to fall), he began walking towards what he hoped to be an exit.

Step by step, he got closer to the light. The cave walls could be seen in greater detail now, as well as where he was walking. Slowly getting away from the dark, he began to relax a little. The idea of the light being from the mouth of the cave seemed even more reasonable. He wasn't too close to the source of it yet, but he thought he saw some green mixed in with the bright yellowish glow. A forest, maybe? He let his arms rest at his side. He wasn't so cold anymore.

The closer Sylvester got to what was indeed clearly the mouth of the cave, the gladder he was to be getting out of the dark. The sunlight sure looked warm and inviting compared to the damp, dimness behind him. He was already making plans for what to do when he would get out. First, he was gonna find a way back to civilization. Second, find out how he got here in the first place. Third? A nice long cat nap.

Sylvester approached the entrance to the cave with a sigh of relief. A warm breeze gently blew through his fur to greet him. Birds chirped, perching on the pine trees which clustered about outside. He was free. The black and white cat was just taking his first step outside when he heard a soft, squishy noise, from behind him.

Startled, he turned. All he could see was the long corridor he had walked through, and the darkness beyond it. He stared into it for a moment longer, wondering what the heck could've made that kind of noise, but when nothing else happened, he shrugged, and turned to head back into the forest. Suddenly, he heard another wet, squishy noise, this time louder, and again from behind him. It sounded closer this time. Sylvester quickly looked behind him. Still, nothing but darkness, but...something had to be making that noise. Had it been following him outside? The cat shivered at the thought of it, and decided he didn't care to stay and find out. He took a few steps backward, watching for any signs of trouble, then, turned, putting that creepy place behind him. He managed a few more steps into the green, welcoming forest when he felt a thump from behind him, accompanied by a loud wet, smacking sound and, even more terrifying, and a distant, soft growl, almost like the purr of a cat. Sylvester gulped, eyes wide. He REALLY didn't want to, but he found himself slowly turning his head to look behind him. He stood there shaking, petrified, and not wanting to see what was behind him. That changed when he felt something cold and slimy brush over his tail. "Eeep!", he shrieked, both turning, and moving backward at the same time. He was expecting to see some kind of predatory animal, like a bear. But what he saw most certainly wasn't a bear.

Before the frightened cat were six large, green tentacles reaching out from inside the cave, and waving about like the feelers of an insect. Each tentacle had a smooth, green, scaly texture on one side, with a slimy, beige underside complete with an array of tiny suckers, just like a squid's. The strange appendages danced in the air, while hundreds of smaller tentacles were slithering out of the cave towards the cat. Sylvester only stood there, mouth agape, amazed at the whole sight. Slowly, the dancing tentacles wriggled towards him. Only when one of the larger ones touched his left paw could he snap out of it and try to escape. With a shriek, Sylvester turned and ran. Unfortunately for him, he didn't get very far. As soon as he broke into a run, one of the large tentacles lashed out and wrapped around his left leg, causing him to trip and fall to the ground with a yelp of surprise and pain. He tried scurrying away, kicking his captured leg wildly. But now prone, he was no match for the army of tentacles.

Another tentacle grabbed hold on his right leg, and began to pull him back. Sylvester reached for whatever he could for leverage. A tree trunk, some roots, the grass itself, but the pull of the tentacles was too much. He was dragged back, kicking, screaming, and digging his claws into the dirt along the way. The trees grew further and further away, and soon he felt himself being dragged into the mass of smaller tentacles that had started forming earlier. These were just a solid green, and had a rubbery quality to them. He felt them brush past his chest fur as he was being dragged helplessly backward. To him, they felt like worms almost, reaching out and touching him at each chance they got. Suddenly the bright sunlight was cut off by the cave's ceiling.


His hope began to fade along with the light as he was being dragged back into the darkness. Tentacles were now all over the place, both large and small, dancing about. Their shadows fell upon the kidnapped cat as he descended into the unknown. Down and down he went. The light was growing smaller by the second, to Sylvester's dismay, and more and more tentacles were poking and prodding him as he went.


A tentacle coiled around his tail and tugged at it playfully....


Another slivered from his neck, along his back, and joined the tentacle already around his left leg.....


One of the large ones slid across his back and away, giving wet kisses with its suckers as it did so.....


The light from outside was fading.....going......going.....gone.

Sylvester was in total darkness. But oh, no, not alone.

The scared kitty whimpered, still being dragged downward. Nothing could be seen anymore. All that could be heard was the dragging of his body across layers of tentacles and the cold cavern floor. He thought the dragging would never end. He would simply be pulled down through the bowels of the Earth, never to be seen again. At this, he let out another terrified cry, which echoed noisily around him. Suddenly, his legs were lifted up from behind him. He was dragged from the cave floor up into the air, but he couldn't tell at what distance. The cat hung there upside down from his legs, terrified. The effect was dizzying, sensing hanging upside down, but not being able to see the ground beneath him. All he could do was flail his arms about uselessly, but that was attended to when a set of tentacles coiled around his arms, binding them together in front of him. Soon, more tentacles joined in. The larger ones, from the feel of it, moving his helpless body around, suspended in midair. One coiled around his torso, holding him snuggly in place, while another, seizing the chance while Sylvester screamed, pushed into his mouth, giving off a wet, salty taste. Just like calamari, really. More joined in, and helped move him from being upside down to being level once more, facing the ground. At least, that's what his senses told him. A tentacle from behind coiled around his tail and lifted it up along his back where it joined another tentacle, which was starting to wrap around his neck. He moaned, afraid, mind racing at the possible outcomes of this situation. It's going to eat me...whatever IT is....

He jumped slightly when another tentacle poked at his tailhole.


He felt its slimy tip gently prod and rub the tender area. Now Sylvester's mind was really racing. If it was going to eat me, wouldn't it have done it by now??? And what the heck is it doing anyway? "Mmmmmmmmmmfgh..."

The tentacle continued to lap at him, lathering his backside with the slime it secreted from its suckers. He couldn't help but moan at it a little. He was scared out of his mind, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't feel at least a little pleasurable. Lap lap lap, it went, making a lewd, wet, slurping noise. Funny way of kidnapping someone....He thought, absentmindedly. Gently, the tentacle started to press into him. Having been lubed up thoroughly, it wasn't too painful, but it was enough to make Sylvester start to panic again. He kicked and struggled, but no matter how hard he tried, the tentacles didn't let up one bit. In fact, his struggling almost made it easier for the tentacle to push into him. Slowly it maneuvered deeper into his ass, stretching him out as it did so. As it filled him, he let out a dismayed (yet slightly aroused) groan, realizing that it was one of the larger tentacles that was wiggling around inside him. Without much resistance, he was soon stuffed completely by the slimy invader. He stopped struggling as well. In such a position, moving around too much could cause him some harm. In any case, it felt good, and if he was going to get eaten, or, mated with (that seemed the more likely explanation to him now), he might as well try to enjoy it. And in the end, he found out that was actually quite easy to do, despite the circumstances, especially when the tentacle started to slowly pump in and out of him.

Was it wrong that he had went from being mortally terrified to increasingly aroused in such a short time, and in this situation? Probably. Did Sylvester the cat, whose ass was getting fucked by a large, slimy tentacle and starting to actually enjoy it, care? Nope. Already he felt his groin start to tingle with excitement, and his cock growing harder. He couldn't help it. The pumping of the tentacle in his backside and the rubbing and teasing of the ones all over his body were making him hungry for more. And soon, his captor granted that request.

Sylvester felt a series of small tentacles glide from his face down to his groin. They slid past his half-hard cock, to his disappointment, but then coiled around his balls, and tugged on them, holding them as far back as they could without hurting him. "Mrrrrrrrrr...." he moaned, unconsciously trying to swish his tail in arousal, but unable to do so because of it being tied up by his back, which only made the cat even hornier. He started to care less and less about escaping, and more about wanting this....thing to do more fun stuff with him. He supposed that made him rather slutty, but he didn't mind. He could think of a lot worse fates than this.

For what seemed like hours, the tentacles worked the cat, making him unbearably horny. His cock was fully erect now, throbbing with a need that, so far, he wasn't given. His lusty moans echoed in the darkness, mixing in with the chorus of squishes and slurps from the tentacles. Sylvester couldn't remember ever being so horny in his life. The tentacle in his ass and the one tugging at his balls felt amazing; beyond anything he's ever felt before, but...he needed more. He moved his hips forward as much as he could, humping the air hoping desperately that another tentacle would respond and attend to his member. But for ages, there was nothing else. Just the fucking, tugging, and rubbing of everywhere on his body BUT his cock, it was excruciating.

Suddenly, giving in and enjoying all of this didn't feel as much of a good idea as it did before to Sylvester. Maybe the tentacles were just going to torment him forever, never allowing him to just let go and cum. With a worried moan, he struggled in his bonds. There's gotta be some way out of this! I need to get outta here! I....he moaned....I need to cum! He was getting desperate. The tension building up in his groin was driving him insane. Nothing else mattered anymore. Nothing except the need to release.

In the damp darkness of the cave, Sylvester was finally granted what he wanted. Out of nowhere, and almost absentmindedly, a tentacle caressed his shaft, causing him to let out a muffled shout both from surprise and from pleasure. It slid up and down, tickling and teasing him beyond comprehension. Then, quickly, it coiled around his cock, gripping it tightly. The tentacles held him there like that for a long painful moment. He humped into the tentacle's grasp as much and as hard as he could. He was going to orgasm whether the tentacle would jack him off or not. He couldn't bear to wait any longer.

Eyes rolled back, the cat thrusted his hips back and forth. Just a little more, he thought....almost there. The tentacle in his ass pounded him in rhythm with his thrusts, and the ones around his balls tugged in the same manner. It was all just too much. He was going to cum soon, and he knew it. Suddenly, to Sylvester's delight, he felt the tentacle gripping his cock begin to stroke him as well. With a final muffled moan, he felt himself going over the edge.

His toes curled, and his paws clawed at the air for something to hold on to. His body began shaking with tension, as the tentacles fucked him silly and pawed him off furiously. This was it. He couldn't take any more of it. He thrusted forward one last time.


Sylvester kicked and trashed about in the tentacle's grasp as he orgasmed, shooting an almost continuous length of cum with each throb of his cock, which was being pumped rapidly by the firm grip of the tentacle. Below him, he heard faint dripping noises as his cum hit a pool of water. As he came, the tentacles in his ass and mouth added their own orgasm as well. Thick, warm liquids filled his bowels and mouth. He swallowed some, but most just ended up oozing out past the tentacle he was already pre-occupied with. He was hardly aware of it, though. Eyes glazed over with euphoria, he let every ounce of cum get milked out of him in the blissful darkness. He wasn't aware of anything else except for pleasure.

Thirty seconds later he was still cumming, though not in the huge bursts he was before. His body relaxed into the tentacles, giving in completely. He never felt so much pleasure in his life, and quite frankly, if it was his fate to be a sex toy to this creature, well, maybe that wouldn't be so bad. Sylvester hung there, exhausted but thoroughly satisfied, letting the tentacles squeeze out the last few drops of his orgasm. He let his bonds take on his weight. He had absolutely zero willpower left in him. As the tentacle in his mouth slowly pulled out, still dripping with its sticky, but pleasantly warm goo, he let out a long sigh. The tentacle in his ass soon followed suit, but the ones around his balls and cock still stayed there, gently massaging him. Drunken with afterglow, he found himself growing incredibly sleepy. Did he care about what would happen now? Not in the slightest. But that was alright. He was totally submissive, and that's how he wanted to be.

Eyes drooping, he began to fall into a deep, blissful sleep. The last thoughts in his exhausted mind already imagining his next session with his new unknown master.