The C-Files

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I wrote an X-Files inspired vore story. Why? I have no idea. But it does make for a fun 9k story!


T he phone loudly went off, jolting Agent Cassandra Horn from her restless sleep. She bolted upright, blinking away the lingering haze of her dreams, her soft bovine eyes blinking as she carefully tried to not skewer her pillow with her horn.

"Goddamn it, Hoof." She grunted - grabbing her tiny flip phone in her large, burly hands, fingers slightly too large to use the numberpad. The voice of Thomas Hoof - her partner at the Agency shone through.

"Cassie - you know that lead I had, down in Cascadia?" He said - immediately getting down to business.

"Do you know what time it is, down here in Washington?" Cassandra grunted, a soft tone of resignation coming from her voice.

"Probably about 5 in the morning... But guess who just called me? The mayor. You won't believe this..." He continued on eagerly.

"I probably won't."

"Probably. But, get out of bed, and down to the office already. I'm getting the plane tickets now."

"I'll be down there in an hour." Horn sighed, throwing a blanket over her large warm bovine body, still not wanting to get up, as she sighed.

She didn't really want to get up - not now at least. But she was used to it by now, having worked with Thomas Hoof since leaving the Academy. He was an incredible agent, always one step ahead of the game. So she had something of admiration towards him - he could always produce results, even if it was far-fetched, and every single superior told him damn well not to do something.

It kind of reminded her of how she used to be, before mellowing out in the Agency, and getting put on the C-Files.

Cassandra dressed in a crisp black pantsuit that complimented her thick, brown derriere and her heavy, pudgy breasts, as she secured her wild mane of brown curls in a tight bun as she raced through the halls of the FBI headquarters. Her hooves clacked sharply against the tiled floor, echoing in the empty corridor, as interns scattered out of the way. Not a lot of minotaurs worked at the agency, and it showed. The ceiling was too large for one - and the chairs always too small for her.

Plus - while it might have been a bit hyperbolic, she always felt like some damned perverts were staring at her ass. She couldn't lie - she enjoyed their gazes on her heavy-set frame , but she never let them know, as she added a little bit of extra shaking to that fat ass of hers - as she smugly sat on her co-worker's desk - Agent Samson.

Agent Samson was something of her biggest admirer - the cute little wolf averting his gaze from the fat cow ass now sitting on his desk. Cassandra could tell that Samson had a crush on her, but she didn't mind. In a way, it made her feel wanted.

"Hey there, Sammy." She grinned, her bovine eyes twinkling with mischief.

"Cassie...what brings you here?" Samson stuttered, trying to keep his eyes above her fat ass, practically wiggling in his face - the cow's tail wiggling.

"Just wanted to say hi to my favorite pup." She winked, before standing up and making her way to her own desk - grabbing Samson's coffee cup as she drank from it. Samson mumbled something.

"H-hey! C-cassandra, are you going to be busy later tonight?"

She looked back - poor little Samson was practically begging for a date with her. She kept leading him on, and on, and while she never really had that much interest in him - he was a cute little thing, and she couldn't help but feel bad harassing him all the time at work.

"I suppose... I'll pay for it too, that sounds like fun..." She hinted, flirtatiously wiggling her bovine butt as she walked down the way.

"Wow." Samson said - slumping into his office chair, pumping his fist in the air. He felt so lucky - a date with the office's largest girl..!

W hen she arrived at the conference room, her partner Thomas Hoof was already there, gulping down a large cup of coffee. His shaggy fur stuck out in unruly tufts, and dark circles hung under his eyes. Thomas Hoof was also a minotaur - similar in size to Agent Horn, , but with a leaner and more muscular build.

"About time you showed up. Got the tickets already for a little later - but were you busy messing with Samson?"

"A little bit. He wanted to take me out on a date."

"Wow, messing with the guy who'll, have to wait. We're headed to Millville, Oregon, so dinner plans aren't gonna work." Hoof said, showing a grin as he, slid a file across the table. A picture of a sweet adorable little doe was in the picture. "Twenty-year-old Jessica Willow. Vanished sometime after midnight, no signs of a break in or struggle. Locals report a bunch of flashing lights in the woods. She was the third disappearance this year there."

Cassandra studied the details, her mind racing. Three disappearances in as many months, all fitting the same pattern. No fingerprints, no ransom notes, no bodies. It was a forensics nightmare for the local police - which meant, they wanted help from them...

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her muzzle. The thought of descending into that quaint country town again made her hooves ache. Its picturesque streets would hide untold secrets, shrouded by a suffocating veil of small-town pleasantries and saccharine smiles. She couldn't stand that scene - not for long, at least.

Hoof peered at her over the rim of his coffee cup, his green eyes soft with unspoken empathy. "You hate this small town stuff Cassie. But you'll see it'll be worth it. Trust me."

"Fine - call Director Wallace," she said, jaw set in grim determination. "Tell him we're heading to Millville."

T he old pickup trundled down Millville's main street, past quaint brick shops and weathered clapboard homes with prim white picket fences. Everything about the town evoked the nostalgia of a Rockwell painting, frozen in time.

Cassandra though, was just happy to be off the plane. Even though she didn't really have a lot of leg-space in the truck to stretch her fuzzy brown thighs and legs, it was better than the cramped interior of the plane, at least.

"How are you liking small-town America? You don't see places like this, very often. Really, I wonder how long this place is gonna last with you around." Agent Hoof said, a smug smile coming over him.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Horn asserted, snorting and crossing her arms.

"Well, seeing as how every time we get sent out to a small town like this, the disappearance rate nearly triples in under a week - and for whatever reason, you always seem to pack on the pounds."

Just what the hell was he getting at? Sure - she enjoyed a few... Carnal delights around there, and small towns were great for having a few snacks, but he was way overstating it...

As if reassuring herself - Horn groped her fatty buttocks, taking up practically the entire truck seat - and spilling a little bit over the cupholder. It was fat and juicy enough where she just didn't even register the hard plastic on her sides, as she looked over the quaint, Pacific Northwestern town, nestled by trees and hills.

It was perfect.


Cassie's hooves drummed an impatient rhythm on the floorboards, her senses on high alert. A faint rumble came from her gut.

Agent Hoof gazed over, one hand resting casually on the wheel. "We can stop over at a rest stop on the side of town and get something to eat, if you want. It's been a long trip."

"That sounds good." She forced herself to sit still, watching the streets roll by. "It's just..."

"What - isn't four-month old jerky your favorite?" He finished with a sarcastic tone. She shot him a sharp look, but his eyes remained on the road. "Actually, no. It's erm..." She blushed. Agent Hoof was well aware of her "special" diet. It was something of a guilty secret - a guilty secret that had ended up with an awful lot of FBI interns becoming "interned" in her gut, or sat on - and a lot more small country folks being shoved up her soft XXLL+ donut hole.

Either way - he looked past that. Probably because he wasn't on the list of "yummy interns" no one would miss, and because they got along so well.

Then - her stomach growled again, as she looked out the window - her long, bovine tongue coming out like it had a will of it's own - lathering the window with her saliva, as Hoof sighed.

"Don't." He said with a sigh, another guttural rumbling coming from the bovine's potbelly. "You're looking like a freak."

Horn slumped back into the chair - her tongue still drooling over her black pantsuit, saliva soaking into it's fabric as she lapsed into a hungry, eerie silence as they pulled up outside a small gas station next to the town hall, a stately red-brick building with white columns.

Horn stepped out, pacing quickly towards the gas station as Hoof waited. Wordlessly she went inside - the glass door letting out a jingle.

"Welcome to Moxy Mart, wher-"


A fat, bovine ass descended onto the counter, crushing the front register in an earth-shattering crunch - Horn letting out a a hungry moo-grunt making itself known to the clerk, as the bovine's eyes glinted with a hunger that no amount of beef jerky could sate.

"W-whoah, w-what are you doing?"

"Getting a snack~" She groans softly, shoving the poor head of the head of the clerk was shoved up against her soft, jiggling ass.

"You're a loser anyways - no one's gonna miss a gas station attendant, if anything - it's an upgrade..." She groaned, as Horn's massive rump pressed firmly against his face, muffling his screams. She giggled, enjoying the power she held over the poor man, relishing the feeling of his face smushed against her plush behind, her hungry sphincter stretching out to take his head in.


Her butthole was the perfect place for the poor gas station attendant to go - his face revealing pure terror as his shoulders were rudely scarfed down - and then his torso and waist vanished in a flash, barely having time to wiggle, as he vanished down her ass, her potbelly expanding outwards, as she softly groaned.

T-this is my favorite part...

"L-let me out - I won't tell anyone!"

The big bovine gut let out a loud GLORP - as a steady rumble of rapid digestion took over, melting the poor goat into stomach sludge within seconds, his begging beginning and ending with the loud GLRPRS and rumbles of an overly-active gut, as her already fat ass grew out an inch or so - squishing a small donation box beneath her fat, and knocking off the cash register, as it made a loud KA-CHING smashing into the ground - sending money everywhere.

"Whoops. What a mess - aren't you happy you won't have to clean it up..?" She said, rubbing the assfat recently added to her rear, as she marched away - her colossal rear slamming into an aisle and knocking off a shelf of chips and soda, as she didn't even look back.

Cassandra came out of the gas station soon afterward, with Thomas giving haer a grin and rolling his eyes - seeing how her pantsuit seemed a bit tighter on her.

"Wow, we haven't even been here for more than a few minutes, and you've already eaten one person, Miss Horn." He said, smugly smiling as he got up from resting on the truck's hood. Agent Hoof just sighed.

"Oh, shut up..."

O n the steps of the white, pristine town hall stood a short female raccoon in a crisp pantsuit, arms folded as she surveyed the stopped pickup truck with a hint of suspicion.

I bet she didn't expect a bunch of FBI agents to roll up in a pickup truck. Cassandra thought to herself. Whilst a smaller black sedan was ideal - unfortunately for the bovine duo, larger pickup trucks were the only things that were remotely comfortable to sit in. Plus, you never knew what you'd have to lug around sometimes, even if the department would complain about the cost of gas afterwards...

_Rrrhrh..._Her stomach rumbled quietly. Was it still hungry...? Agent Horn put his hand on her stomach, feeling it reverberate.

"Cassie, you better not eat the mayor too."

Agent Hoof just sighed, as her stomach grumbled increasingly louder. While eating the mayor was off the table - surely, there was some yummy intern or political aide just waiting to have a big, lovely cowgirl gobble them up. Not that she would give them a choice, really.

Agent Hoof patted her soft, padded stomach, and steeled herself, stepping out of the pickup, Hoof at her side as they approached city hall, the little racoon mayor descending the steps, her heels clicking sharply on the stone. "Agents Horn and Hoof, I presume." Her tone was clipped, reserved. "I wish I could say it's a pleasure."

"We understand this is difficult," Cassie said evenly. "But the FBI is here to help." She said, right as her stomach grumbled ominously, breaking down the skull of a goat gas station attendant, and her eyes settled on a cute little fox right beside the mayor, who withered nervously under the bovine girl's gaze.

"Is that so?" Fletcher's eyes glinted behind wire-rimmed spectacles. "And how do you propose to help, exactly?"

Cassie bristled at the implication. "By finding the perpetrator behind these disappearances, of course." She said, with a confident smile that happened to gaze over the fox, a small bit of hungry drool escaping from her snout onto her black pantusit.

"I see." Fletcher's shoulders tightened, betraying her tension. "Well, you'll forgive me if I seem...skeptical. Outsiders poking into Millville's affairs often do more harm than good..."

"With all due respect, Mayor," Hoof rumbled, "We'd be here regardless, if you called us or not. Our department handles affairs like this." His eyes glinted with quiet steel, matching Fletcher's gaze. "Because we're here to stay until this case is solved."

Fletcher's lips thinned, but she inclined her head. "Very well. Follow me."

She led them inside the town hall, as Cassandra's stomach gurgled again, and the fox at Fletcher's side seemed to shrink further and further, his eyes darting away from the hungry cowgirl as he slowly edged away, sweat glistening on his forehead.

The poor little fox intern though, soon had a hand placed on his shoulder, and he looked back - seeing the wide open, salivating cow maw, an abyss from which no return was possible, easily capable of swallowing him down... A faint gust of bad breath, caustic in nature from an overactive stomach washed over him...

Mayor Fletcher looked back. For whatever reason - her intern's face, covered with orange fur, seemed to have turned a bit white in the face, and Agent Horn patted him slowly on the back. The mayor looked away - continuing to lead them on, as the agent leaned over, beside the fox's ears... The fox going deathly pale, knowing what was coming next.

"W-wait, p-please, I-I have a family..." He creaked out quietly.

"Sounds like brunch." She said - then her maw went around his head. Quiet GULPS easily sent that poor foxy intern down to her gut, pudging it out a little further, as her pantsuit struggled to fit - a few buttons poking out, showing the faint accent of her brown fur, as she enjoyed the yummy taste of the fox - if he tasted this good, his family had to taste even better...

Finally, they came to the mayor's office. The faint struggling outline in Agent Horn's stomach having already faded after a few quiet GLORPS - the fox providing little trouble for her herbivoric stomach to break down, as the mayor opened the door "Have a seat."

Cassie sat across from the mayor's desk while Hoof prowled around the room, examining the antique furnishings with interest, and Mayor Fletcher sat down in front of them.

Fletcher sighed, steepling her fingers. "I suppose there's no use delaying the inevitable. In the past three months, we've had five disappearances - two males, three females, ranging from sixteen to sixty-two years of age. No connections between victims, no signs of a break-in or struggle. Just ordinary people living ordinary lives before vanishing into thin air."

"No clues left behind?" Cassie asked, frowning. "No ransom notes or messag-"


She let out a loud, burp, carrying the undertones of melted fox to drift over the mayor, as Agent Horn blushed slighty - enjoying the feeling of her belly rippling and jiggling from the recoil of her burp.

"Excuse me - it must have been my breakfast..." She said - as Mayor Fletcher sighed.

"Gross.. But anyways -" Fletcher shook her head. "It's as if they were erased from existence." She continued, with a faint hint of worry.

Cassie glanced at Hoof, who had paused by the window, gaze distant. His ears twitched as he turned back to them. "Sounds like we're dealing with a professional. Someone who knows how to cover their tracks." Hoof gave a bit of a wink towards Cassandra.

"Perhaps." Fletcher didn't seem convinced. "Or it could simply be the work of a very meticulous amateur. Either way, no officer in Millville has figured out what was going on. So I believe, this won't be so easily solved."

"We'll see about that." Hoof's eyes gleamed with challenge.

Cassie sighed inwardly, knowing this was shaping up to be a long investigation. Mayor Fletcher was already proving to be as stubborn as she'd expected, and if Hoof insisted on butting heads at every turn...

Well, she'd just have to rein in his rebellious streak before it derailed their case completely.


And maybe find another snack. Maybe that family the fox mentioned would make for a good lunch-time meal.

"Thank you for your cooperation," she told Fletcher, keeping her tone polite but firm. "We'll do our best to resolve this quickly and discreetly." Her stomach rumbled at that last part - discreetly.

"See that you do." Fletcher stood, ushering them from her office. "The people of Millville have already suffered enough with all these disappearances."

There was a hardness in her voice that gave Cassie pause. What else was the mayor hiding behind that composed facade?

She glanced at Hoof again, seeing her own questions reflected in his eyes. This case was turning out to be far more complex than either of them could've imagined, most of it owing to Cassandra's seemingly endless hunger since she arrived here.

H orn and Hoof stepped out into the crisp autumn air, leaves crunching under their hooves as they made their way through a park adjacent to the town hall.

"Cassandra Horn - I'm sure you couldn't have gone for a more rude impression." Hoof said, as they walked, Agent Horn shrugging.

"Well, I was hungry. What did you want me to d-"

"I'd want you to not eat her assistant right behind her back, and burp right in the mayor's face. That'd probably be a good start..." Agent Hoof said, his annoyance shaking off. "What do you make of her?" Hoof asked, jerking his head back at the town hall. "Think she's involved somehow?"

"It's too early to say." Cassie unlocked the truck and slid into the passenger seat, her fat ass squishing the cupholders again - and making pulling out her seatbelt impossible. "But she's definitely hiding something."

"Sounds like a cult to me." Hoof fastened his seatbelt, eyes glinting with interest. "You saw how she talked about her town. Even her people. Almost like she thinks she owns them."

Cassie frowned, fingers tightening on the wheel. "We can't jump to conclusions. Not yet."

"All I'm saying is we should keep an open mind." Hoof shrugged. "Never know what we might find in a place like this. Could be anything as far as we know, but we still haven't even checked the victim's residence. But so far, I'd say it's a cult."

Cassandra sighed "We'll need to approach this professionally and objectively. No conspiracy theories, no wild speculation, Agent Hoof. I've already caught enough of the director laughing at us for being a bunch of crazies."

"Message received, Agent Horn. Let's check out the house before you get your panties in a twist." Though his words were flippant, she caught the hint of annoyance in his tone.

"Don't make me file for harassment."

Hoof sighed, staring out at the picturesque town that hid so many shadows. This was going to be a long case in more ways than one - his partner couldn't stop eating people, and now it was up to him to prove his hypothesis - and why was his stomach feeling so damned_empty_..?

T he old Willow house loomed before Agents Horn and Hoof, an old sea-side Victorian manor clearly having undergone some repairs - a fresh coat of paint marked the house in a satin red gloss, while the roof seemed to be falling apart, as both of the minotaur FBI agents knocked on the door.

An older-aged - likely in her 50s wolf woman answered, signs of fatigue clear in her eyes, as a similarly weathered older wolf man came up behind her. The parents to Jessica Willow.

Horn wrinkled her nose at the musty air drifting outside, traces of lavender clinging to the scent. "Mrs. Willow, I'm Agent Cassandra Horn and this is Agent Thomas Hoof. We're with the FBI and investigating the disappearance of your daughter. May we come in and ask you a few questions?"

The wolf mother nodded, ushering them inside the dimly lit house. The front hall was cluttered with old furniture and dusty trinkets, and Cassie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they followed Mrs. Willow into the living room.

"Please, have a seat. Would you like something to drink?" Mrs. Willow asked, gesturing towards an old-fashioned tea set.

Cassie shook her head, unable to shake off the musty smell that seemed to permeate the air. "No thank you, Mrs. Willow. We'd just like to ask you a few questions about your daughter and her disappearance."

The old wolf's face crumpled, and she sank down onto a nearby armchair, as her husband rubbed her back. "I'm sorry. I don't know what else to tell you. We haven't heard from Jess in weeks, and when we went to check on her room, she was just gone. No signs of a struggle, no clues, nothing."

Cassie leaned forward, placing a gentle hand on Mrs. Willow's shoulder. "Can you think of anyone who might have wanted to harm Jess, or any strange occurrences or people that she may have mentioned?"

Her father shook her head, tears welling up in his eyes. "No, Jess was always a quiet girl. She didn't have many friends, and mostly kept to herself. I can't imagine anyone wanting to hurt her."

"Could we see her room?" Agent Hoof asked, as both of the concerned parents looked at each other.

T he duo looked around the room. It was your standard room belonging to a young wolf-woman, with frilly décor and posters of pop stars plastered on the walls. Cassandra couldn't shake the feeling that they were missing something.

As they searched the room, Cassie's nose was assaulted with the scent of lavender, stronger here than in any other part of the house. She followed her nose to a small wooden jewelry box sitting atop a cluttered dresser.

"Mrs. Willow, may I?" Cassie asked, holding up the jewelry box.

The wolf mother nodded, wiping away her tears with a handkerchief.

Opening the box, Cassie found a handwritten note inside, addressed to Jessica.

She read it carefully, feeling a chill run down her spine as she realized what it was. "Mrs. Willow, do you recognize this handwriting?"

The wolf mother took the note, staring at it for a moment before shaking her head. "No, I don't. What does it say?"

"It's a love letter, from someone named Leo. It seems like Jess was quite taken with him." Cassie handed the note back to Mrs. Willow. "Do you know anyone named Leo?"

Both of Jessica's parents shook their heads, confusion evident on their faces.

Agent Hoof spoke up, "We need to find out who this Leo is. He may have information about Jessica's disappearance."

Agent hoof agreed, "We should get a handwriting analysis done to find out who wrote this. In the meantime we'll start looking into anyone who might be connected to Jessica, and see if we can find a Leo..."

"Thank you - so much." Mister Willow thanked them, but Horn and Hoof's thoughts were squarely on lunch plans.

"We'll be back if we hear anything more about your daughter, or find them." Agent Horn reassured them, as both of the hungry cows stepped outside, into the gentle Cascadian air, and looked at each other - a chorous of stomach rumbling coming over each other.

"We need to eat somewhere. Fast - before you decide to taste Willow's poor parents." Hoof said, as Horn guiltily smiled.

"I considered it..." She said - hesitating. She already ate two people so far, an awful lot for a day, let alone a week... What was causing all this hunger?

T he town of Millville was eerily silent, its streets bare except for a few locals hurrying about their business. An unseen tension hung in the air, as if the whole town was holding its breath, as Agent Horn and Hoof drove through it, looking for a fast food place.

The only diner in town - the Fox Den, a mom-and-pop diner that was nestled in downtown, run by - you guessed it, two foxes in their early 50s, as Agent Horn and Hoof walked inside, stomachs rumbling loud enough to overpower some of the chatter.

Both of the agents sat down - practically drooling all over the table and booth, as Agent Horn looked up at the waitress. A younger fox-girl, practically the age of the poor intern back at the mayor's place.

In fact - they struck an uncanny resemblance, and for whatever reason, Horn's head began to turn fuzzy, with the thought of eating this entire family of unknowing, delicious foxes, crammed into her gut or ass.

"Hi - Welcome to the Fox's Den! I'm Ann - what can I get for ya..?" She said chirply, with a sweet smile.

"You look familiar..." Horn said, drooling over the table.

"Oh yeah. My little brother is up at city hall. You've probably seen him - you look like you're here on busines-" Unfortunately, for Ann - this was as much as she was able to say. Hoof - not normally the type to eat people, couldn't help himself - lunging forward, and devouring the poor young foxgirl in a startlingly loud GULP!

He wasn't a very experienced, or practiced pred - and it sure as hell caught the ears of every patron in the bar. All five of them - including the terrified fox mother and fox father, having just seen their daughter get devoured.

Hoof looked around the room - his stomach churning as the poor girl slammed against his insides, trying to escape, as his hand roamed his fuzzy stomach, slightly poking out like a beergut from his suit.

"W-whoops..." He stated. His stomach's growls temporarily sated, as he let out a loud URPP - subsequently ending the faint cries for help coming from his gut, as that all-too-strange hunger came back, and the two hungry bovines leaped into action.



The diner's inhabitants were devoured - one and all, except for the poor two fox parents. The mother was underneath Agent Hoof's fat, overweight stomach, jostling with the outlines of four patrons trying to escape - crying out for help in unison, as he drooled on the white tile of the floor. He couldn't help himself - it was a carnal hunger that needed to be filled.

"S-sorry about this..." He grunted, as he looked over to his side.

Agent Horn had eaten several poor patrons - most of whom had been digested already into thigh fat and ass-padding, as she was cruelly pushing her fat belly against the face of the prone fox father.

"You know - this belly digested your little boy, and I promised him that his family would join him. I guess you'll do, for now..." She said, with a cruel glint in her soft, big bovine eyes, as she opened her maw - that great long tongue lolling out, as the fox father let out a muffled scream...

"N-no! N-not my boy Leo..!"

Agent Hoof felt a strange hunger though - in his loins, just seeing the big cowgirl snuff out the life of this poor family. Hoof wasn't really included - he was just doing it because he was hungry - and that damned buzzing in his ear kept getting louder, the longer he didn't eat anything.

Looking down - and unfastening his belt, staring at the poor mother, his fat, colossal bovine cock came lose.

"S-sorry." He managed to say - before stuffing the face of the poor fox mama into it - his cockhead eagerly gulping, and devouring her, as she slid into his colossal, rumbling balls. He never knew his balls could be hungry, until now, and he looked over at Agent Horn, stuck in the bliss of digestion, as he slowly got up - coming behind her.


The two began making loud intercourse - while their victims steadily digested, to the two horny FBI agents not giving a damn about their jobs - having just stopped in for a quick bite, at the misfortune of everyone in here...

Both of the agents woke up in the upstairs bedroom of what was once the owner's bed - now largely collapsed. Agent Horn's gut was grossly oversized - but eating a month's worth of people in a single day would do that to her. Meanwhile, Hoof had a relatively normal beergut.

Both of them looked at each other. The ringing was gone - and now, they were left with questions, as they got up.

"T-this wasn't what I thought it was... R-right...?" Agent Horn said. Did she really just eat that many people - and then have _sex_with her co-worker..?

Agent Hoof seemed to be thinking the same way, his hands roaming his gut. His shirt was loosely fitting around it - as he tried to fit the buttons over his gut, though it was proving difficult. "I dunno... But what I do know, is I think we just ate the parents of Leo. And you ate Leo."

Agent Horn sighed. This was quickly becoming a cold case - and doubling the town's disappearance rate wasn't helping them at all...


E ver since the FBI had shown up - a record of nearly twelve people had gone missing in the small town of Millville, without a single eye-witness, so far. All of them had been compacted into very raveniously hungry cowguts, and melted away, without a chance for something such as "due process" or a "court".

They were simply guilty of being delicious, walking snacks in Agent Horn's eyes - and at least, according to Agent Hoof, awfully yummy in his eyes now. The constant buzzing noise seemed to stimulate their stomachs, twisting their desire to find the truth into a bizarre quest to eat until they came to the bottom of whatever mystery was in town.

So the two of them walked around the sidewalks, like they owned the place. Interrogating a poor old goat grandma, finding herself uncomfortably wedged between the two hungry predatorial bovines, who found herself too slow to get out of the way - GULP! Slipping down Hoof's maw, without a second thought as he loudly groaned, feeling the old goat granny in his gut, as he looked down, rubbing it softly.

He was starting to realize just how right Horn was about just eating in general. His stomach loudly gurgling, as it began digesting goat - as she cried out for help from inside his gut.

"S-stop resisting, ma'am... I-It's for your own good..." He lied, panting... His stomach loudly gurgling and growling, as he rubbed it softly, the granny putting up a fight against his naturally herbivore stomach.

"H-help!" She cried out, melting away into slosh as he licked his snout. Now - where were a few more snacks hiding at...?

The two minotaurs exchanged a hungry look, a silent promise to uncover the truth - after getting a few more snacks. Jessica Willow's life depended on them being well-fed. Whatever evil lurked here would soon face the full fury of the law.

After of course, a few more yummy snacks.

T he two hungry preds went through the park, intent on finding some "clues" - at least, if anyone asked them what they were up to, that's what they'd say. The reality of it thought, was far more insidious, as the two of them walking along, sizing up snacks and pursuing leads.

A pair of deeply-in-love otters sitting on a park bench? Sat on by Agent Horn, who hefted up her skirt, revealing that ever-hungry donuthole, rudely sitting on one of them - leaving the other one shocked, as her hand wrapped around his body.

"Aaah... S-sorry, but your partner's a little indisposed..." She grunted, as her stomach outline briefly jiggled, the poor otter glancing to see his mate squirming for help, and dissolving away in seconds - just long enough for him to glimpse upward, and see another pair of bovine asscheeks belonging to Agent Hoof coming down to crush him.

The two minotaurs sat on the park bench - enjoying their ass-snack meal, as Agent Hoof grunted and groaned, feeling his inexperienced donut-hole get stretched out, enjoying the descent of the slim otter through his butthole, as he squirmed...

His packaged grew firmer and firmer in his tight pants, as the poor victim vanished further down his anus, and Agent Horn couldn't help herself - stroking his pants as he winced.

"I-I'm not even done eating y-yet..." He blubbered out, as she greedily stroked, a passing lionman looking at their public indecency, hurrying away, not wanting to get involved with whatever public act of indecency was happening there - hurrying into a bookstore.

Agent Horn and Hoof stopped briefly - looking over at the bookstore. Both of them licked their lips - the buzzing seemingly growing louder from inside of the bookstore.

T hey conspicuously followed the lionman into the bookstore. Hungry, guttural groans coming from both of their guts, as they cornered him in an aisle. The poor kitty looking up at both agents looming over him, maws open and drooling, hungry bovine bellies just waiting to sample a cat, as they crushed in around him.

"I found him first." Horn said, a bit of saliva dripping down and coating the lion's ears, as Hoof tried his best to wipe some of the saliva from his mouth... But in the end...


Agent Horn was faster, gobbling the poor excuse for a great cat down. The lion struggled immensely down her wide gullet, trying to put up a hopeless fight, wiggling right down to her gut...


Books fell off the shelf and scattered onto the ground, as Horn straightened her tie and strode up to a lonely, slightly spooked fox sweeping the front steps of his bookstore. "Excuse me, sir. Agents Horn and Hoof, FBI. Do you have a moment to answer some questions about the recent disappearances?"

Her stomach jostled around, as if to add onto that statement. The faint cry of screaming and banging coming from her rumbling stomach causing the poor fox employee to look up at her nervously, realizing very well he could be on the menu, and he peered at them over round spectacles, pausing in his sweeping. "Well, I'll do my best. Name's Leonard Price, but folks call me Lenny." He leaned on his broom with a slightly nervous smile, seeing the outline of the poor cat turn to mush. "What can I help you with?"

Hoof stepped forward, a disarming grin on his bullish face. "So, this is your bookstore..." A disarming gurgle coming from his gut, as he chuckled. "Why is that buzzing noise so loud from in here...?"

"Well, I don't know about any buzzing noise..." Lenny scratched his chin, nervously looking behind him.

"No, he's right. There's a buzzing noise. Coming from you... You smell awfully yummy..." Horn stated, a bit of cow saliva dripping on the counter as the hungry duo loomed closer and closer. Lenny realized very quickly that playing dumb would end up in a one way trip down a bovine's gullet.

"W-well, you know, some folks been whispering about a secret cult snatching up victims for their rituals. But that's just small town paranoia, if you ask me..." He said, hoping they'd take an interest in the very, very interesting hook he provided them. Normally, out-of-towners couldn't resist the lure of delving deeper into the secrets of the town.

Horn's ears perked up. A cult? A bunch of yummy delusional nitwits that no one would miss..? That sounded like the perfect lunch. She pressed Lenny for more details, watching closely for any signs of deceit - planting both of her hands on his counter, dominating the poor fox as she leaned over him, as he curled up beneath the desk, only a few feet away from a very, very hungry cow couple.

"I-I don't know much about it, just wild speculation really." The fox shrugged. "Supposedly they been around for decades, worshiping some pagan deity or other. Rumor is they make sacrifices under the full moon to gain magical powers or some such nonsense..."

Lenny laughed, but his eyes held a guarded look. Hoof's suspicions deepened. Maybe there was a point to keeping him around for a little longer.

"Interesting. Did you know a Jessica Willow at all?" Agent Hoof asked - his hand blocking the hungry Agent Horn from devouring the fox at the moment, as she let out a cute little frustrated sigh, glaring at Agent Hoof.

"A little bit. She came in here, from time and time..." Agent Hoof quickly racked up what day Jessica Willow vanished. It was around the date of a full moon.

"So, Jessica disappeared around the full moon... Meaning this cult is responsible." Horn studied Lenny intently, as he stood up, nervously, and hesitated, just for a fraction of a second, before replying. "Can't say I've noticed any pattern beyond local gossip. Like I said, it's most likely just some talk trying to make sense of tragedy."

Lenny's words rang hollow. Horn was certain now that he knew more than he let on. This quirky bookshop owner would bear further investigation - and he licked his mouth, taking a step closer. He was done playing "good cop", and Hoof exchanged a glance with Horn, who gave a subtle nod. His partner had picked up on Lenny's deception as well. They would get to the bottom of this.

"Well, we appreciate you taking the time to chat with us, Mr. Price," Horn said smoothly. "Now, if it wouldn't be too much of a bother..."

Lenny recoiled back as Horn's mouth opened. Hoof smiled.

"My partner's feeling awfully hungry. Your patrons were delicious mind you, but if you don't know anything else..."


Horn burped - spilling a few bones over the counter of half-digested patrons and townspeople, spraying poor Lenny with the debris of post-digestion, as she groaned softly.

"C-can I eat him now...?" Horn said, as Lenny groveled, knocking against the shelf behind his counter - spilling some books onto the counter, one opening up to a very particular page. The book in question was old and worn, as if read many times over.

Hoof's gaze fell upon the book, and he pulled it out, leafing through the pages, discovering they were handwritten. Diagrams, symbols and strange passages about summoning rituals filled the yellowed paper.

"Quite the interesting reads you have here," he commented. Lenny fidgeted, glancing between the open, hungry maw of Horn and the book Hoof was holding..

"Oh, just some...obscure works of fiction," he said unconvincingly. Hoof arched a brow, flipping through another journal. Horn looked back.

"Can I eat him yet..?" She whined, as his stomach growled too. Increasingly - Lenny found himself becoming more prized as a snack than a piece of information.

"These seem quite meticulously written for works of fiction. Never seen anything like this in a mainstream bookstore." He watched Lenny closely, noticing beads of sweat forming on his brow. His paws twisted anxiously in front of him.

Hoof snapped the journal shut, a triumphant smirk curling on his lips. He had found his Achilles heel at last. Lenny Price knew far more about this cult than he was letting on, and he was determined to get the truth out of him one way or another.


"N-no! L-Let me out!" Lenny cried from inside of Horn's stomach - the normally extremely lethal acid of the bovine Cassandra Horn muffled by some acid relief medication.

"We might. If you just tell us what we want to know..." Hoof said, down at the squirming fuzzy gut of his partner's belly. Hoof set the journal back on the shelf, keeping his gaze steady at the sloshing, glorping gut.

"Well, you see...some of my customers are interested in...alternative beliefs!" he stammered.

"Beliefs that involve human sacrifice?" Horn asked bluntly - then letting out a nasty BWOORP. Lenny screamed briefly - acid flying around her gut and getting all over his fur.

"Y-yes! T-the cult practices human sacrifices - e-eating people whole. T-there's a secret room here, a-and..."

Another loud BWOOOOORP shook the library, louder than the last. Even with the anti-acid stomach medication, poor Lenny dissolved in seconds from the sheer violence of Agent Horn's burp, his skeleton barely visible, before that too quickly dissolved away - and she burped up the skull onto the ground.

"W-whoops." She said, as Hoof sighed, his stomach also hungry. He wanted to eat that poor fox next... But oh well. He had toyed with that annoying fox long enough. It was time to get the answers they sought, one way or another.

"He said there was a hidden room somewhere, before you digested him." Hoof growled, cracking his knuckles menacingly, as he stomped his hoof across the floor - feeling it out, as his hoof finally hit some hollow part of the floor - and with a resounding crack, smashed right through.

"Found it." A grim smile spread across Hoof's face. Jessica Willow's abductor was within their grasp at long last - alongside the chance for an even larger lunch.

Both of them went down the trapdoor behind the counter and down into the musty basement below. The sight that greeted them in the hidden room was enough to cause Horn's stomach to loudly churn - mostly just finishing off the poor skeleton of what was once Lenny, but also from the disturbing scene, taking in the occult symbols scribbled on the walls and the large pentagram etched into the floor. Candles were strewn about haphazardly, their wax dripping onto the stone in twisted shapes, a faint buzzing coming from it.

"What is the meaning of this?" she growled, noticing the scene, while Agent Hoof snorted in disbelief. There was more to this than some small-town cult. The precision and detail that had gone into these symbols bespoke of expert knowledge in the occult. And the cult's ability to abduct townsfolk without a trace pointed to sophisticated planning and resources.

His stomach growled hungrily, and then he heard a faint cry from a corner in the room.

"A-are you with the police, mister...?" A woman asked quietly - and he turned, seeing none other than a young wolf woman, looking hopefully up at him from a small cage. Jessica Willows.

Hoof bared his teeth in a predatory smile, licking his mouth. She was already a missing persons case... Who would miss her...? His cock grew hard - thinking about plunging the wolf girl down his cock, but Horn was faster - leering over her.

"Oh, miss - you must be Jessica..." Horn said gently, and sweetly - a bit of saliva trickling out of her mouth onto the ground, as poor Jessica shyed back.

"Y-yeah... W-who are you?"

"Oh, we're with the police. Who took you away from your parents?"

"I-It was that stupid, evil mayor! S-she has some kind of mind-control device... A-and she was gonna eat me tod-"

That was as much as Jessica could let out, before Horn couldn't hold herself back - devouring the poor unfortunate girl. Hoof glared at her.

"That was going to be my snack - but I suppose eating her family wouldn't hurt..." Horn thought for a second - while he was briefly thinking about taking the mayor in for justice - that brain fog instead made him crave something entirely different. What was better than washing down dinner with a whole family?

"Jessica did say she was responsible for all this, after all." Hoof responded back, as her stomach churned, the anti-acid pills settling her stomach for the moment.... Hopefully, Jessica would last longer than poor Lenny.

A gent Hoof and Agent Horn returned back to the Willow residence. Agent Hoof's stomach growled and gurgled, as he sat down on the living room chair in front of Jessica Willow's poor parents. Jessica was only a few feet away from them - struggling and squirming in her gut, begging to be let out to see the family so close to her.

They looked up eagerly at the cow agent duo, Hoof grunting as she rubbed her jiggling gut.

"W-we came by to inform you that poor Jessica is... UUHRP!" Hoof burped - a nasty belch that caused the two poor wolf parents to cringe from the smell of their smelted daughter, as Hoof regained her composure. She never thought she'd be so bold as to visit the family of someone she'd eaten - and was digesting...

"P-poor Jessica's is no longer with us..." She grunted, sinking into the comfortable armchair as her belly let out a loud gwoooorp, jiggling and rumbling. Her parents looked right at that thickly padded, brown fuzzy gut clearly poking through her pantsuit - and for a second, they thought they saw the outline of their daughter, pressing against the bovine's overactive stomach, as she grunted.

"Sorry. J-just some indigestion from a snack..." She grumbled, jiggling her belly more - and more. Poor Jessica melted down within seconds - never having a chance to see her family, as Horn and Hoof smiled at each other. Light cries of desperate pleading and begging came from her gut, but Horn just rubbed her gut.

"It's too late for that now, sweetie..." She groaned softly, as the parents looked at her funny.

"W-who are you talking to?" They asked, but Hoof didn't seem particularly concerned with them - looking at them as if they were just more snacks for her fat, juicy body. Which, they were.

"You know - do you mind if we help ourselves to some desert..?" Hoof asked, the poor wolf family looking up at the ever-hungry bovine couple, as they looked at each other nervously. They already had a rough idea of where their daughter had gone to, and they were powerless to stop the two looming bovines...

Both of the poor parents found themselves traveling down a slick, lubricated throat into their stomach depths, doomed to digest alongside the rest of the forsaken townsfolk of Millville. As the parents slid down her throat, Agent Hoof couldn't help but moan in pleasure. She always enjoyed swallowing and digesting her meals without a fuss. The parents, like all the other townsfolk, were no exception; they were just another snack that she and her partner had enjoyed.

Horn must have heard it, as he came right beside her - squeezing her belly full of digestive juices - and taking out his large bovine cock, winking at her.

"Looks like I'm not the only one hungry for more, Agent Hoof." He chuckled as he slowly approached her with his erect cock.

Hoof licked her lips in anticipation, eager for some post-meal pleasure with her partner in crime.

"I'm always hungry... for more than just food." She purred, as she climbed onto Horn's lap, straddling him with her thighs.

As they kissed passionately, her belly continued to churn and digest her latest meal. The sound of the parents being turned into nutrients only seemed to fuel their lust further.

Horn grinned, his large hands grabbing onto her hips as he guided her onto his throbbing member, slowly entering her. The sensation of him filling her up made her moan in ecstasy as she rode him, her body undulating with pleasure.

The two agents continued to fuck, their hunger for pleasure and prey insatiable. As they finished, exhausted from the physical exertion, they laid on the remains of the broken, shattered couch, and passed out.

The next morning came around. Agent Hoof awakening in the debris - a hand of his drifting down to his "dad bod" sized gut, and the fattened, juicy cock in his pants. That bizzare buzzing noise had ended, and Hoof's hunger had ended too - and yet he still felt oddly content and satisfied, with a fondness for the entire ordeal that had melded into a warm empty feeling in his gut. That haze that had plagued him all of yesterday was gone, finally... Now being replaced with what he remembered.

Hoof gasped - remembering those poor folks that he and Horn had..eaten. And with a twist of his torso and a stretch, he saw just how fattened his gut was, as he shook it steadily. He counted ten - no, twenty... Thirty or so poor people having been put through the process of being broken down into nutrients for the hungry cow detective.

The poor townsfolk. They all... were part of him now, as he sighed. There would be a lot of explaining to the director about all this.

The next morning after flying back to Washington, Agent Horn and Hoof stood in Director Wallace's office, facing his stern disapproval.

"I sent you to investigate a few missing person reports, not to cause the largest mass disappearance case in North America!" Wallace slammed a newspaper on his desk, the headline screaming "ALIENS?" in bold print.

Horn flushed under her fur, gaze fixed on the floor. She knew they'd gone too far last night, but couldn't bring herself to regret it. Not when the Reverend was hiding something - and how delicious Jessica and her family tasted.

Hoof shuffled beside her, radiating guilt. "Sir, we have reason to believe there's more going on here than a few missing people. This cult is involved in--"

"Enough." Wallace pinched the bridge of his nose. "I will not have you harassing innocent civilians and sullying the Bureau's reputation over some crackpot conspiracy theory."

Hoof stood up straighter, meeting the Director's gaze. "If you call us off the case now, you could be allowing a dangerous criminal operation to continue unchecked."

Wallace studied them for a long moment, frown deepening. Finally, he sighed and waved them off. "You're off the case. I can't have two of my best agents roaming around rural America devouring people. Even if a cult was indirectly responsible for it."

A sigh went throughout the room. While both the bovine agents realized that they were lucky to keep their jobs after eating Jessica and her family, Hoof and Horn nodded, looking at each other sadly. As they began to walk out, Horn put a hand on Hoof's shoulder to comfort her. With one last, shared glance, they left the bureau and went back to Millville.

T he mayor was headed out to her car - smuggly content. She had managed to get the stupid FBI agents to clean up her mess for her - devouring all the witnesses associated with the case. While an unfortunate amount of regular citizens were eaten - that was fine. As long as she came out of it alive.

She fished around in her pocket for some car keys - unlocking her sedan, and opening the door - only for it to be slammed shut as she opened it, by a furry, brown hand. From a bovine. As she looked back - there was Agent Horn, and Agent Hoof - both with mischievous, hungry smiles - drool trickling down, as the poor mayor cowered, and they stepped closer...

"You know, you shouldn't have tried to cover up a criminal case," Horn murmured, as he and Hoof passed her a quick, knowing glance. They weren't going to let the mayor get away with this.

"B-but.. I.. I didn't.." The mayor stammered in fear, trying to lie through her teeth as the two moved closer, and closer..

"Don't worry," Hoof consoled her. "Jessica told us everything, before we ate her."

Hoof and Horn both opened their mouths wide, a warm, wet interior begging her to join them. The mayor started to shake from both fear and arousal, her feet eventually separating just enough for Horn to leap forward and envelop her in his hungry embrace. She tried to scream no, but it barely made a noise as Horn gulped her down in seconds, their stomachs gurgling in delight from the additional meal.

After they finished, they both stepped back away from the car, Horn licking his lips in contentment. Hoof just mumbled.

"Next time - I wanna eat them."

The End!