An Unfamiliar Quote

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A commission for Kyouti starring himself in the fantastical world of New Rhodia.

Though he's only there to enjoy a date, he's about to find his world turned about in a strange and delightful new way.

Starring Morpheus,

and HashtagPurr's nefarious villain The Tailor! (And his big burly skunks~)

An Unfamiliar Quote.

© Tsumi Moogle '22

Characters © Themselves.

Footsteps tapping gently along the street, the Meerkat wove his way amongst the late-morning crowds. New Rhodia was ever a vibrant place, with sunlight gleaming through the odd cloud and purple shimmer, along the shining faces of expansive sky-scrapers, and the shapes of vehicles rolling by easily.

Though nearly a couple of heads shorter than most about him, Kyouti had little effort in weaving his trim frame about others. With his chocolate ears twitching this way and that on look-out as his green eyes looked over his phone, the tanned 'Kat smiled as he eyed over the profile picture of a chat-window on his phone.

A Kangaroo with similar shaded fur to his own, and bright blue eyes. 'Kyle' as he'd come to know him. It had been a little bit of a spur of the moment urge to drop him a message, but those eyes always seemed to catch him. Mercifully, he'd been delightfully engaging, refreshing, compared to some of the one-note figures he'd swiped aside in the past. Even taking time before meeting up was in its own way an appreciable change.

The small GPS marker beside his icon showed he was only a few hundred meters away and closing.

'So, where should we meet?'

'Coffee's always good. Do you have a preference?'

'Whisper is always good. Nice atmosphere.'

'True, but a bit quiet for a first meeting, no?'

'A bit. Hmm.. Have you heard of Frothy's?'

'A favourite! Best mocha for ages!'

'It's a date, then!'

The message still made his heart flutter slightly as he thumbed along the screen and slid the phone into a pocket, before turning down a side-street, towards the sheltered shape of a wide-front cafe, The slightly tinted glass unable to hide the clean and somewhat busy shop within.

The soft chime as he opened the door coincided with the soft waft of roasted coffee. A deep breath of it soothed his nerves, as his eyes glanced from the bunny barista waving to him in welcome, out across the number of well maintained timber tables, plush padded chairs more-over occupied with the array of souls, none of whom matched the figure on his phone, until he spied a chocolate hand waving from one of the booths.

Leaning about the figure before him, Kyouti's smile widened and his cheeks warmed at the figure, all the more vibrant than his profile image, the macropod grinning back and beckoning him over with an incline of his head. In a modest button-up shirt and jacket, the Roo had a modest looking build, perhaps from academia overtaking a vibrant youth, particularly with the slight bookish hunch he sat with. His smile though, quite disarmingly handsome.

'I almost worried you weren't going to make it.' Kyle chuckled warmly as he reached out to shake the smaller male's hand warmly when Kyouti padded up. 'Nice to meet you in the flesh proper!'

'Likewise,' Kyouti grinned about his soft voice, higher pitched for his smaller stature. 'Meeting you in the flesh proper. No chance I'd turn down a date!'

The Roo chuckled warmly, a modest, reserved sound, but good-natured all the same as he nodded.

'I haven't ordered yet, thought it might be a bit rude.' He stood up, making the Kat perk his ears softly as he admired the frame. Even for his posture, he was quite tall.

A polite exchange with the barista and back saw the duo settled once more with their respective mugs.

Kyle, it turned out, was a ways into molecular study of mega-fauna and flora beyond the safe-zones of the city. A varied and vibrant section of science that was evolving almost as fast as the world around it.

'And for fun?' Kyouti smiled over the rim of his mug as the Roo toyed with his own, chuckling.

'Well, I used to swim a fair bit before I moved out here.' the Roo mused with a tilt of his head.

'Barely find the time nowadays.'

'And I'm certain you'd still cut quite the figure on a spring board.' the Kat offered in a positively silvery tone with a playful grin. Kyle's cheeks warmed with a begrudging smirk.

'Perhaps not in the same sized speedos as I used to.' the Roo laughed softly, stirring a foot under the table.

'Well, turn-out pending, maybe we'll find out sometime in the future.' Kyouti's tone lowered into a smokier one as he pressed his playful air, nudging a foot along the side of his acquaintance's calf, earning a perk of those large ears.

'Only if you're similarly garbed.' mused the macropod as he sipped his mocha, looking pleased at Kyouti's perk in kind. 'But, enough about me for now. What about you, Mr. Kyouti?' His warm fingers lightly brushed out to trace along the backs of the smaller male's digits.

At least until a muffled scream cut through the air.

Heads in the cafe turned, before another of the patrons gasped, pointing out the large window front to the street.

The crowds of pedestrians had started twisting about en masse, looking out for the source of the scream, whilst simultaneously pulling away from it's direction. A confused panic breaking out before a streak of air-warping light engulfed a couple of foxes. Their forms thrummed and glowed, until with a flash, the sound of elastic snapping left a couple of pair of russet-brown coloured underwear to flop to the ground, steaming slightly.

More patrons stood rapidly, as the Barista's eyes widened. He made an anxious break for the doorway, attempting with several souls to vanish into the crowd, as more beams struck the fleeing masses. Socks, Shirts, sneakers, purses, even the odd plush-toy of vibrant colour amassing on the ground.

Only to be plucked up up by the hulking figure of a pair of skunks, walking behind a shorter form in an odd mix of what looked to be spandex shaped and padded into what would normally have been a rather snappy jacket. Its vibrant shades a shock against the feline's honey-brown fur. His eyes covered by a pair of slim shades which glowed with some means of GUI beneath it.

'Tailor.' Kyle murmured tensely, tugging Kyouti down with him as the patrons kept low. Some

peeking up at the window, glancing at the laughing Geoffroy's cat spinning the sleek black and silver ray gun over a finger, before aiming again into the backs of the crowd.

One patron, a monkey gave a yell of dismay as the villain's beam caught up his partner. Leaving a pair of snug booty-shorts in its wake.

The feline's eyes glanced towards the cafe with a smirk.

'Stay low.' the Roo whispered softly to Kyouti as he swallowed gently, glancing around. Several phones were being rapidly tapped on, a couple of people trembling as they made desperate calls.

'Where are you going?' Kyouti hissed back anxiously, staring into the taller form's blue eyes.

'..I'm going to try and get help. Keep safe.' Squeezing the Meerkat's hand, he gave a hopeful smile, before his fingers gently slid free as the Roo ducked behind the counter, to vanish into the back of the store.

Blinking in confusion, the Meerkat watched after him, only to look back out towards the villain on the street, flanked by his large cronies.

'Guess I'll have to try out the scope on this thing too. See if I can't get ahead of the curve.' Purred the villain as he tapped the side of his glasses, and lifted the ray gun with a lick of his lips. Another ray seared off down the street, eliciting another chorus of yells of terror.

'Oh gods, what if he comes here..?' whispered another patron, whimpering.

'Just-.. just stay low. Maybe he'll forget about us..!' trembled another.

'But he knows we're here- Wait..! is that?!' piped up another, looking up.

Tailor's cronies saw it too, growling and dropping their armloads of clothes, before a streaking blue form slammed one of the skunks into the ground and all but surfed several feet atop him in a hefty stomp. The tell-tale cobalt blue and black was an odd sight on Morpheus, wearing the shape of a Rhino. His masked eyes on Tailor as he launched into a roll, A sizeable Pangolin with gleaming silver spikes in an instant as the villain's ray turned on him. The beam shooting wide as the hero rolled with stunning speed at the second Skunk, and unfurled into an upward kick. He twisted, arcing in the air, with his shape compressing into a fluid Red panda, landing adroitly on the other side of the fallen mephit.

'Spring Line's not for a while yet, Taggart!' The hero narrowed his eyes, darting aside another shot as the villain snarled. 'But you're just in time for the Fall collection!' His cape spooled into his hand like a coiled rope, tipped with the morphic metal of his suit. Tailor's eyes narrowed as he leapt aside the hero's first lashing swipe, glancing towards the cafe with a smirk as he fired once more at the hero, turning to sprint for the unlocked door.

Crashing through it, he laughed as the crowd screamed about him, trying to pull away.

His gloved hand reaching out, he snagged a canine from the crowd, to point the glowing tip of his ray gun against.

'That's close enough, Hero. You know I enjoy giving my toys time to settle into their new shape, but I can make it permanent with a switch-flip! Are you ready to give up all these people for me?' The cat panted with giddy defiance, grinning wide as the dog in his arms whimpered, shaking his head.

The hero outside the doorway gritting his teeth with a growl, shape bleeding back into his normal hyenid one. 'Or are you going to piss off and let me finish my shopping?'

'How far do you think you'd get before the RADs get the drop on you, cat? Let them go, and come out quietly!'

'Oh you wish, you little eyesore! As if I'd turn up a chance to have you over a barrel!' The cat grinned wickedly. 'I'm thinking some cute boots, for this pup.' The cat's eyes glanced at his GUI for a moment.

It was all Kyouti needed.

The Meerkat's small form pushed up with surprising speed, grabbing at the feline's ray and shoving it up only an instant before the ray fired. The queer light coursed along the cafe's ceiling, making it warp and tremble, looking for a moment like shifting leather and treads, before seeming to right itself. The crowd, in cacophonous terror started a fresh crushing push for the door to get out.

Tailor yelled in shock and fury as the Meerkat's momentum pushed them back in a tumbling pile, allowing the dog to sprint for the door, screaming.

Though smaller than the villain, Kyouti found himself atop Tailor's form, grasping at his suit and widening his eyes as the Geoffroy's cat snarled, lifting the ray towards the Meerkat.

With a thick squidge, it met a thick, tarry mass, a thick tendril reaching from behind the Meerkat, and gunking the villain's fingers as Kyouti threw himself aside, pulling the mass back.

And with the path clear, Morpheus grit his teeth as he leapt through the crowd, not through the door, but the window instead. Shattering through the safety glass, his cape-whip smacked the ray from the feline's slick, fumbling fingers, as he landed atop the Villain.

'Alright, Taggart, lights out!' The hyenolf growled, catching a flailing punch, and jabbing the cat in the neck with a thumb.

Those few still in the cafe watched, in slower attempts to leave, as the villainous cat slurred, his eyes rolling back and slumping, out like a light in seconds.

Kyouti starred, watching the hero's shoulder sag a little with an exhalation of relief, before tensing back up as he hefted the unconscious feline up onto his shoulder, and carefully slid the glasses from his foe's face.

It was the most awkward sight, to see the Hero's shape ripple, and take on Tailor's own native size. His suit seemed a little too large for him, as he slid the glasses on over his domino mask. The GUI illuminated, as he picked up the ray gun.

'Well, time to clean up.' The hero murmured, glancing about at the cafe. 'Do let the barista know I apologised, won't you?' he said at large in the villain's voice. Hopping through the window, the rays shot out over the collected mass of clothes, which began stretching, undulating, pulling back out into their original selves. People looking about in confusion, in relief, a number hugging one another.

Watching the hero moving so fluidly and reversing the damage, the Meerkat swallowed. His heart refusing to stop pounding, his nerves alight, and his stomach wrenched tight with latent fear and adrenaline.

The sound of sirens wasn't far off, though. Morpheus' head turned towards them, frowning gently as he set the villainous cat down between his knocked-out cronies. Setting the ray gun a small ways away, he dropped the glasses atop them, and taking on a tall, Kangaroo shape, he leapt high, up onto a balcony, and up beyond, vanishing rapidly from sight.

Watching the retreating form, Kyouti managed to find his feet under himself. Already the flashing lights of the Rhodian Awakened Dampener squads was reflecting off the windows down the street.

And media cars wouldn't be far off.

He didn't need any of that.

Glancing back at the booth he'd been enjoying just minutes ago, the Meerkat adjusted his glasses, shook his head and eased himself away, slipping into the crowd and from sight.

Night had crept on, the lights of New Rhodia glowing, and making the expansive city all but gleam. An impressively designed city, despite the horrors that seemed so often to wreak their way through it.

Staring out from his apartment, the Meerkat frowned gently, softly squeezing a hand, recalling the kangaroo's grasp brushing out of it. Swaying his fluffy tail, he tugged his phone from a pocket to look over. Several messages to Kyle had gone unanswered. He was normally very prompt in his responses. Or at least giving reason for delays.

With a soft buzz, a message rolled over the screen from an unknown number. Not private, simply, unknown. The Meerkat tapped on it.

'That was a risky manoeuvre today, but it paid off in spades. Always good when I get to team up with someone.'

Staring at the words, Kyouti's eyebrows raised as he looked about over the windows and buildings, scanning roof-tops suspiciously.

'Is this Morpheus?' He tapped back gently, half expecting the message to be denied.

'I would say in the flesh, but, well, digital.' It was followed with a pair of hand emojis. 'But in all seriousness, thank you. You saved a lot of people today.'

'I couldn't really stop myself. He was going to... and I just... jumped.'

'That tends to be the way it goes. And I'm glad to hear it, too. Not many people can do that, even when they go looking for a chance to. Would you be keen to talk about this in person? I think you've got potential to do some real good, and I'd be glad to help you find your feet, if you want.'

Swallowing gently as he stared at his phone, the Meerkat found himself smiling, perhaps at the praise, maybe at the idea that was on offer, he wasn't sure. ...But he did want to.

'I think I'd like to talk about it, sure. Is this the part where you swing down into my place promptly, or turn out to be in my living room already?' he texted back.

'Finding your number was hard enough. I'm a hero, not a stalker.' was followed by a laughing emoji. 'This address is a safe-house. I should be there shortly.'

'I'll be there.'

The address was a quiet street, further out from the city. Adjacent to a more industrialised part of town, the building complex probably could make a handy get-away, or place to lie low in dire times.

Glancing again at his phone for the front door code, the Meerkat tapped on the aged panel, before the thick click of the locks released, and he could push the heavy door aside.

An aged place, slightly musty, but with warm lighting, the Meerkat padded his way down the hall, swathed in worn-through carpeting and deep green walls. On, past several doors with tarnished numbers on them, until he came to the right one. He glanced up and down the hall before trying the handle, which to his surprise swung open.

It was cleaner within, a simple, single-bed apartment, kept clean and organised. The single bed looked more for function than form, with a simple sheet and pillow, a few books in a book case having titles to do with anatomy and physiology, first aid, and several villain biographies. The other nook held some secure cases, behind a table and some fold-out chairs, a sizeable first aid kit, and several curious jars with floating blobs within them. Leaning in, Kyouti lifted a finger to tap at one, before the distant 'Clunk!' of the front door opening made him jump slightly.

Slightly muffled footsteps walked down the hall with a brisk pace, coming to a stop outside the Meerkat's room. Before a soft click and squeak of the door handle turning, revealed the unmistakable profile of the familiar hyenid hero.

Morpheus' covered eyes fixed on Kyouti immediately before a smile spread over his face.

'Got here a little faster than I thought. Sorry to keep you waiting.' he said amiably, closing the door behind him and approaching the smaller form to offer a hand.

Looking at the gloved hand, Kyouti took it to shake softly, surprised at the warmth in it, as the hero settled himself onto one of the fold-out chairs with a sigh.

'So.. into the deep end of things from the get-go.' the hyenid smiled softly. 'You have some kind of tentacle powers?' he watched as the meerkat nodded, and turned about to show the smooth and steady push of four, thick black tendrils from his back. Waving about softly in the air, before withdrawing. 'Movement, and stretch and all the good stuff?'

'For a start.' the Kat nodded, easing onto a chair as well and glancing about the room. 'They can also sort of.. emulate things I experience.' He watched the hyenolf's head tilt gently. 'Like, they can replicate something I've smelled, a sound I've heard, or things I can see. ...Or impart the same force of a strike if I take one.'

Perking his rounded ears, Morpheus smiled gently as he nodded.

'That last one in particular sounds like it would send a number of bad-guys sprawling in shock. But the other abilities would be very useful in a range of instances. Espionage in particular, in forensics. ..I noticed you're not registered?'

'It could be a handy trick for villains or heroes to have. Easier to say I'm not awakened, than have them head-hunting me.' The Kat offered with a slightly wry smile. Morpheus chuckled.

'Yet here you are.' the hero winked softly and smiled back. 'But this is all obligation free. I'm not strong-arming you into anything, of course. It's not an easy job in the slightest. We face some tough crowds, villains and hardships and anguish, but there's a lot of good to be had out of it.

'Tailor's a pain in the cape to be sure, but there's much worse. Dominion not least of all.' They both shared a quite shiver at the mention of the diabolical wolf. 'Battering Ram, Permafrost, and a whole slew of folks whose awakening didn't give them an easy path forward. Even with all the help we're afforded when it happens, the after effects are sometimes completely left of field.'

Kyouti nodded as he listened, looking the tall form over as he spoke. One of the icons of the city in the wake of Rivet's retirement, and Conviction's sacrifice. Despite the lengthy years he'd been at it, he still stood, and as now, sat, tall. Wearing that indefatigable smile.

'Do you think it's worth it?' The Meerkat asked.

'Even a single "Thank you." sometimes makes all the difference.' Morpheus grinned gently. 'I wouldn't give it up for the world.'

'When that's usually what's on the line?' Kyouti offered, earning a hearty laugh from the hyenolf, nodding and grinning.

'So, if you're down, you should sketch out some ideas for what you think would work for a costume for you. I might know a guy who knows a guy who dabbles in megamesh and marsteel. A moniker never goes astray, either. Last thing you need is your name plastered all over the news for folks to ambush you with.'

'I'd been pondering that, actually. I imagine there's not many awakened who don't think about it. I kind of like the sound of "Quote".'

'Huh.. Short, direct, stylish. Fits you to a T, I think. Or a Q in this case.' Grinned the hero warmly with a nod. 'Well, Quote. I've snagged plenty of your time already today. I'll have to pull some strings before we can organise stuff further. Once we get you kitted out, I can take you out on the town a bit. Get your toes wet in crime-fighting and people saving.'

'All the good stuff?' Kyouti grinned.

'All the good stuff.' Nodded the Hyenolf, getting to his feet.

'Hey Morpheus, before you go?' urged Kyouti as he stood up too. 'I had intended to invite you over earlier today. You know, before the attack.'

The hyenolf blinked softly under his domino mask, looking at the Meerkat with a twitch of his ears.

'Before the..?'

'It's the laugh, gave it right away.' grinned the smaller form as Morpheus exhaled with a begrudging smile. His form rippled into the familiar kangaroo that had sat at the Booth in the cafe.

'Must mean I like you, since you got the authentic one out of me twice.' the hero grinned gently, finding the Meerkat taking one of his hands to squeeze.

'Well, since you're already here, d'you feel like getting a little more time with me to unwind?'

Morpheus' cheeks flushed slightly as he inclined his head.

'I think I'd like that, yeah.'


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