Lessons of Life

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#1 of Lessons of Life

A story about loss and love and life and growing up...


If it is not legal for you to be reading this please don't read it and leave. But if you are reading this I don't think that much matters to you so happy reading. Please take the time to comment if you see fit. The story is copyrighted and the sole property of Pentanthin and should not be copied or distributed without the owner's consent.

**This is my first story and it pertains to my youth. Yes, the story baseline is true only names have been changed. This story contains sexual relations between a young cub and his family. As with any real-life Lesson, there are facets to this story that aren't pleasant not for the timid at heart. You are warned now life is not easy and simple so we all have learned or are about to!


The Lessons of Life Chapter 1

{Chapter revised {7/21/09}{07/21/23}

Lessons of Life ~ In a time of strife


("Oh... I don't want to get up!")

Pulling my paw down to cup my groin, rolling and trembling with the sudden pressure of a full bladder, the only thought running..! (the silver otter sleep filled eyes fluttering open with his waking thoughts. Squeezing lightly in his attempts as his soft tummy fur rumples, the lithe otter trying to pinch it off. Shifting around in bed painfully trying to find a position that didn't put pressure on my screaming bladder. to no avail) "This is only going to end one way (with a pined huff) rolling onto my back slowly I open my eyes. I don't want to get up... it's cold out there" rumbles from my maw to my ceiling like I expect the current need to go away. But again I know better and resign myself to the cold dash to the bathroom down the hall. All I've got to do is just Make it!

"This is only going to end badly?" roles through my head..." Huffing as I roll onto my back, " I surrender.." Opening my eyes with the pang of disappointment, I tussle my nose and my whiskers bristle as I take a deep breath. Yup, it's cold... My lungs almost seize, my nose going numb just inches out of my blankets. I have to sleep in the cold but it's never a good time waking up. Looping my tail around my leg I talk to the ceiling like I expect the pressure down below to go away magically. Looking over at the clock (squinting) I again try to rethink if I have to go that bad?... As usual in its bright green light, the bluer mocks me as if to say SURPRISE!!...

I blink a few more times attempting to see what time it is. Rubbing my eyes with a sleepy paw I squint to discover '5:16 am'. Grumbling again with a heavy whimper I roll the sheets back. (sudden intake of breath) "It's too early to be this cold!" Like this simple statement will make the pressing issue of a full bladder go away? Unable to yet focus and without the 'OH Soooo COLD' trip to the bathroom, I could still sleep. But again pressure washes over my groin like needles. Curling slighting and my tail thickening, I resign myself to giving up to the inevitable... "I HAVE TO GO!!!!" my balder screams in protest loudly, in my mental haze my belly churns trying to stop when I feel my tail flump and puff with signs of slippage.

Sitting up with a stabbing pain, (I had better get moving or I will be dealing with Dunn again) I can't explain again why I'm washing my sheets so early in the morning!!!!.... Standing up with a little help from my tail I wince feeling the cold stings in my pads as they hit the wood floor. Still, with muddling thought I stretch, and through my glazing eyes, I quickly start looking for the only place I should be right NOW! Rushing forward as I don't think I can wait. ("THE BATHROOM!") my only thought or desire is only to see stars, blinding flashes of pain suddenly radiate up my fumbling leg causing me to stumble to that oh-so-cold wood Floor.... (the muffled cry of pain contorting my silver face.) "Oh this only happens to Me..... I whine through grinding teeth.

I pull my throbbing pad into my muzzle,(my pink tongue lapping at the devastating pain) holding it with both paws and wincing in pain. Taking all of a split second to clamp my muzzle down onto the throbbing big toe sealing it in my mouth. The pain feels as though my screaming toe has been ripped Off! (glancing behind me)

I see the offending school bag mocking me in its simple rumpled pile of clothes where it usually is. Damn.... me for not listening to "Dunn & DAD!"... about keeping my room up!? But hey I am a kid so why shouldn't my room be a mess? I simply try to excuse the bad habit.

Taking my foot literally out of my mouth I examine it with the intensity that any 15-year-old pup would.

It's Broken I know IT... miserably I protest to my empty room... The offending blunt object, (my book bag) as if they will somehow remove this pain that's currently the focus of my attention!!... Slowly I move to a sitting position only to be reminded (in a not-so-friendly way) that there is another pressing issue besides the now painful reminder in my Muzzle!!

("BATHROOM ") echo's in my head... I weigh the outcome of not heading the warning?!

Shaking the pain off, pulling my pad from my maw. The sopping sound echoes around my dim room as I roll to my pads and knees. My futile attempt not to add to the omnipresent pains of my current situation failed with the searing pain! With wobbly knees, I get up with a Yelp! My toe again alarms me of its painful condition... Limping on my left foot slightly, I look at my path again making sure that the hallway is clear of anything that shouldn't be there... I painfully limp for my bedroom door with my tail balancing me. Pulling the door open with a sharp tug, I look down the hall to my final destination, the bathroom's all I care about besides my screaming pady! Straightening myself out the best I can on the one-foot pad, I step into the hall wincing with my bladder picks this point to Stab me just to remind me to HURRY!!!....

Quick as I can while limping, I make it to the bathroom,...(though it's only a few steps down the hall) I make it to the only place I want to be right now. ("FINALLY") Rushing to the toilet using my tail instead of my throbbing paw. Quickly raising the lid and fishing my sheath out from the fly of my PJ's!!!.. (taking careful aim) I pull my sheath back and breathe with body shivers of joy as I feel that wonderful feeling of release begin.

Feeling better as I replace my now satisfied and softening cubhood back into my bottoms. (I flush) Getting myself ready to head back to bed, (swiveling) I turn on my one footpad pulling my tail to my left leg tightly. As I start back to my bedroom I glance at the counter stopping in my tracks. (Chills running from the tip of my tail to my pinkish nose, causing the fur to lift away from my prickling skin.

"WHAT THE..." I breathe as I now notice it's empty. Devoid of Dunn's multiple Furcare products and the usually counter-grabbing things he and my dad always seem to have taking up my limited area of the counter. "That's Odd" I grumble to no one in particular, I scratch my head fur trying to remember if I missed something as my ears flick to the sides of my head.

With a shudder, (trying in vain to get my fur to settle back down) I walk out of the bathroom heading to the kitchen. Hopping Dunn's up to help me with my toe as he likes to get up early and clean sometimes.... Yeah!..... maybe Dunn's on a cleaning spree again..." (speaking aloud only to reassure my now unsure mind.) But it's still early and I don't smell anything?.....

Shivering and limping I walk into the kitchen only to realize it too is empty! Completely devoid of everything as if nobody lived here and I was some intruder into an abandoned house. Walking through the kitchen, (with the chills and churning feeling deep in the pit of my stomach quickly intensified) the fear starts to swell within me, washing and dispelling all other thoughts as I stare into the vacant rooms?!.... (Trauma rushing throughout my brain and body in torrents) Twisting on my pad's as I rush back for dads room, (throwing the door open), with a bone-crushing force to my gut, my body goes completely numb along with the rest of my mind. (flabbergasted I stare into an empty room)

"NOTHING" no bed... no furniture.... "NOTHING's" in the room like the kitchen and living room before!... ("What about the rest of the house????") What about my room?....

(panicking my Mind with the truth) They are gone?....

(scream now) "DAD... DUNN.... Where are you???" only hearing my shrill voice echoing back the empty walls mocking me into my growing fear. (lurching in fear) forgetting everything as I rush down the hall checking everywhere "Den, Office, Family room all vacant of every sign of our once loving home! The thundering realization that somehow in the night my life had been taken from me.... Tears streaming down my distressed face, I rush back to the bedroom panic driving my every step. I attempted to retreat to my only place of safety bewildered by finding to my horror that it too is EMPTY!!

Trembling in terror-stricken panic, falling to the glacial wood floor screaming "DAD WHERE ARE YOU?!..... DUNN HELP ME WHERE ARE YOU???...." Hearing my now petrified voice echoing off every surface in the house mocking the exploding panic in my mind, shattering my very will to do anything but shake and cry. My home is devoid of every shred of evidence that my loving family was once here. Completely disorientated I scream, "DADDY!!!" tears streaming down my now distorted muzzle causing my silver fur to mat against my muzzle in a rather disheveled appearance. My ears flicked wildly on my head (trying to catch any sound at all) giving my young face a terror-wild look and feer-stricken appearance.

Hugging myself as I rock shakily, rambling incoherently on the cold floor I suddenly freeze, my very breath ripped from my mouth...... I hear my dads' husky voice as if he was far away whispering "I am going to have to go away son and I will not be able to come back!" the haunting voice echoes through the house as if coming from the very walls themselves. Blinded with hysterics I franticly look around only to find the cold empty house mocking me! "DADDY NO... Please I will be a good pup I promise please NO... DADDY, please don't go ....Dunn make him stay!" I scream in my now almost nonexistent voice. The darkening claustrophobic cold now pressing into me, my very life is draining away. Everything around me starts to fade. "NO... Please G..God N...N...NOOOO!!!!" I scream to the pressing darkens as everything vanishes before my tear-filled eyes........

in a cold sweat, I sit bolt upright in bed my fur matting to my pink skin, my heart trying to tear from my chest as tears stream down my muzzle. Frantically looking around although blinded by the brilliant morning rays streaming in through the windows of my room. Hysterical I just start yelping "DADDY NO.... DUNN HELP ME.... MAKE HIM STAY!!!!!" blind with panic I just keep wailing in terror to the heavens.

With a couple of loud thumps and plenty of cursing my bedroom door nearly explodes off its hinges as Dunn's massive frame almost ripped it clean out of the wall. (the look of absolute panic distorts his golden brown face and muzzle.

"PEN... WHAT WRONG...???" Rumbles into my terror-stricken ears.

In a flash I'm ripped from my bed as though I weigh nothing to him, clutching me to his worm fury chest in his protective bear hug.

"PEN... PEN!... Look at me pup what's WRONG???" he all but shout's into my distorted face.

Blinking and holding my distorted face in my silver paws, I just keep screaming " DUNN MAKE HIM STAY" over and over as if he knew what was distressing me. Holding me tight to his plush firm chest Dunn just cradled me in his massive frame.

Dunn tenderly enveloped me in his luxurious body in a futile attempt to calm my hysterical state of being. He just holds me asking repeatedly ( "WHAT'S WRONG? " ) attempting to gain my attention. With a soft brushing of his massive paw to my howling muzzle, he pulls my face up so that he forces me to see into his shaking eyes!

"What's the Wrong pup???" brown eye's quivering with concern, The next thing I know I hear the strained weak voice of my dad at the bedroom door asking, "Dunn what's wrong....? What's going on...? Is Pen ok????"

Hearing Dad's voice only forced my stricken mind to crack, remembering the vivid dream over my now unknown reality I wail, "DADDY DON'T GO... PLEASE I WILL BE A GOOD PUP..... DON'T GO DADDY!!!!!" (high pitched voice sobbing) Dunn slowly turned with me in his tight embrace taking the 3 strides required to bring us to my father who was sagging against the door frame of my room.

"He had the nightmare again..." the hulking bear stated in a shaky voice to the frail otter pinned against the door frame, all the while cradling the silver pup in his strong arms rocking him back and forth. "DUNN!!!"

The frail otter exhaled in spreading fear, and the massive bear holding the still-tormented silver otter lunged forward grabbing the crumpling brown and tan lover by the waist in an attempt to keep him from falling to the floor. "It's OK love...... Shh..... I have you... I will always have you!" Utter helpless pain awash upon his face.

He now held both distraught otters in his strong arms. Shaking and sobbing Pen embedded his muzzle deep into the fragile otter's chest fur wailing over and over again.

"DADDY... DON'T GGGO... PLEASE STAY WITH ME.... I WILL BE A GOOD PUP I PROMISE" his dad slowly placing his shaking paws around his son's rounded ears whispering... "It's going to be ok son; I am still here with you.... Don't cry Pen... don't cry I am right here." Trembling all the while tears of heartbreaking pain streamed down his distraught tan muzzle now. bloodshot with tears of tormenting mixing love and longing into a volatile emotional bomb. "I'll be here for you as long as I can son.... I promised you that my little otter! I'm still here for you no matter what it cost ME!"... he rasps in his now strained voice.

"Let's get you back to bed love you need to rest," Dunn whispers to the failing tan otter as he carried both of them back to their bedroom, all the while with Pen falling in Dunn's arm trying to merge into his father with every fiber of his being.

With a yelp of pain due to the unexpected impact of Pen's thick silver tail on his now aching 'tenders,' Dunn wheezes "Relax Pen your dad is right here with you and you don't want to hurt him!" admonishing the distraught otter in the gentlest of stressed whispers. Dunn with a yielding squeeze of his massive arm quieted the frantic pup as he sniffled and pulled his muzzle away from his dad's chest.

"Dunn.... don't let him leave... Please make it all go away." was all Pen could say in his shrieking quivering voice. But Pen knew that he had to make sure that he didn't hurt his withering father. Either with his frantic actions or the gentle reminder of Dunn's to his current predicament.

Joseph is ever so fragile since the last surgery, getting out of bed to come tend to a screaming pup did nothing to help the 15-inch line of stitches that currently run down his chest and the Bio-monitor glowing green on his arm...

Pen repelled away from his dad in fear that he may have injured the weak form in front of him, to suddenly have him pulled back into his chest cooing "It's ok Pen you didn't hurt me... you just scared me out of my mind" with a small smile curing up the right side of his disheveled face stained with tears. He held the unique silver otter back to his chest holding back the floodgates caused by his night terrors.

Dunn placed both emotional otters onto the bed, suddenly pulling Pen back up into his arms with tender force.

"Pen my pup we Need to take a shower ok" was all the massive Kodiak had to say as the sudden realization that Pen's face was not the only thing that was disheveled and 'WET'! With a heavy groan of trepidation, the sudden realization that his PJs were damp struck the embarrassed pup like a thunderclap... Glowing with disdain and embarrassment he tried to pull away from the bear only to have Joseph say "Pen son I'm ok Silver.... I'm still here so calm down pup and go get cleaned up!" in his weakened voice he once again gave Pen that lopsided smile.

"Ok... Dad but when I'm through can I come back and lay down with you and Dunn if it's ok?" pleading lavender eyes suppressing the shame of his now bright pink/silver/yellow fur. "You go get cleaned up now my tender little pup!... I will be keeping your spot warm for you OK?.... Now get going before you wind up with your fur smelling like pee all day ok?" Joseph retorted as he let a rather haggard breath escape his muzzle trying to hide the enormous amount of pain washing through his whole body while he slowly sank into the soft bed below him.

"Come on pup... let's leave your dad to rest a little bit while we go get you cleaned up!?".... That big smile on his muzzle showed frightening teeth with an ever so creepy loving smile framed by his massive head, fluffy round ears pointed forward listening intently. It's not that he was menacing or even had a mean bone in his engineered body, it's just that Dunn was more Kodiak than any other Anthrop, and just by his nature he looked the better part of any horror movie monster in the morning before he put himself together. Hair all fluffed out and slightly droopy jowls with those huge sharp teeth that sparkled when he smiled.

Pulling Pen to his chest and kissing his head-fur, whispered sweet nothings into his flicking round ears, attempting to lighten the mood only causing him to murr of laughter to erupt from the ticklish effect on his sensitive ear hair.

"Now?.... Now don't make me through you over my shoulder like something I hunted PUP because I'll make you scrub every spot of my fur to get that smell out. It's all right now ok?" The dark corners of his muzzle pulled up to let those sparkling teeth again as they glisten in the morning light.

Rubbing his eyes with quivering paws Pen meekly responded.

"Ok Dunn let's go but I LOVE YOU DAD!!" was all he was able to say as Dunn just huffed and threw the soaked otter onto his shoulder. Placing his big paw on Pen's rump grabbing his thick tail at its base to hold him steady, the only reaction it got from fidgeting Pen was a flurry of tickles. The gruff growl from the massive bear caring him to the bathroom startled the pup suddenly. *Yiping* with the sudden feeling of his tail being squeezed in its most sensitive spot.

Surprised again at hearing a real chuckle from his dad, that music drifted into their back-pointed ears as they both quickly exited the bedroom. Dunn squeezed Pen's tail tighter with his fingers and playfully leaned back giving the happy silver otter the feeling of falling from the solid shoulder! The sudden combination of movement and vertigo caused him to flail about like an otter out of water.

"Stop that pup... you're soaking my fur! 'WHY' didn't you go to the bathroom last night before you went to bed?" (in a mildly irradiated tone although still tickling the squirming albino on his shoulder.

Breathless with a feeling of urgency Pen stated gasping.

"If you keep tickling...mee.... you are.... going to get a lot more of what you're complaining about!!" Suddenly ripped away from his fury warm body Pen's held at arm's length from the immense frame of his teddy bear's, suspended in mid-air a slack jaw look upon the bear's muzzle just staring over his shoulder at the still flailing otter.

"You pee on me and so help me I will return the FAVOR!" (mock, menacing snarl) "Eww... that's not funny Dunn... I was just kidding!" (shaken quizzical look) "Knowing you PUP you would just stand there gawking like you like to do so much you little PERV" (fury fingers gripping the swinging tail tighter) "NO I WOULD NOT" Protesting in a somewhat unconvincing fashion.

"Come on Pentanthin.... I know you better than That! How many times has Both your dad and I caught you looking in the room at night?" a big grin on his muzzle and eyes sparkling like dark chocolate diamonds. "Huh?!?!?" looking at him with his best angle expression. "You know I can see in the dark kiddo Rrrighttt? (making sure to keep eye contact) Who do you think you're fooling? You sneak in on us like that my little albino pervert all the Time!" Rounded golden ears pulled forward flicking intently while waiting for his response.

"I don't peek in on you and Dad Dunn... I.... Umm... I just am making sure you guys are still there... Yeah... that's it!?" the forced lie failed miserably as he spoke. He tried to play off the deep blush of red spreading across most of his upper body and face.

"Besides it's not like I haven't seen you guy's a thooouuusandddd times before NAKED!!!" thick tail swinging swiftly back and forth above him betraying his nervousness. "Yeah, but you're always going for that thousand and "ONE" time my little albino otter." He retorted while setting Pen down on top of the closed toilet seat.

"Now get yourself out of those wet clothes while I get the shower going for us. Ok... You know Pen... It's not an easy time for any of us lately! You have to be strong for Dad... Nothing's easy for any of us with him being so sick, (eyes breaking with the torturing statements) I know you don't know what is going on!?..." Dunn's face lost the signs of humor and frivolity, replaced with a look of almost anguishing pain washed over his eyes. "Ok.... maybe you do understand what's going on pup?... But help me out here please... and get ready for the shower." Dunn stated flatly, spinning around on the heels of his large footpads as he quickly turned away. Only trying to face away to hide the pending explosion of grief threatening to escape from him, he had to face the shower door hopping to hide so the pup wouldn't discover the true torment that he was in. His whole body slumped making that massive frame of his appear to shrivel as the pain slammed into him.

Standing there on the toilet Pen watched as Dunn's face contorted within the mirror-like reflection of the shower doors. His eyes streaming tears down his golden fur! He quickly tried to hide this fact by opening the large solid glass door to start the shower. "Dunn...... Ummm..... Did dad hurt himself because of me this morning?" shaking voice feeling the pain deep in His gut as if it has caused the weight of the world to somehow come crashing down upon Pen's soul. Just voicing the statement alone shattered his will to live, body tensing up waiting for the answer they both already knew!...

"Stop that now Pentanthin..." with a ragged breath.

"You could never hurt your dad by being scared or calling out to him!!.... Yes... he's not feeling good right now and yes HE's JUST TIRED!".... (not even moving but his voice betrayed him as the utter lie was spoken) His massive frame shook with a ragged breath as Pen could suddenly smell the rotting fear blistering from him like he was radioactive.

"Dunn....?" voice a whisper now as tears streamed down Pen's face.

"Dad's not getting better is he?" Pen wheezed holding his arms around that delicate small chest hoping that he'd lie to the pup one more time?! Although he knew the truth, hell everybody did. Joseph is going to 'DIE' and there is nothing anybody could do for him. Standing there on that toilet tears running down his pained face and for the first time since this nightmare started, the distraught otter remorsefully stated the one thing that brought the massive Bear to his knees.

"When.. is....... he going to......... DIE..?!?!?!?!"

A shrill voice squealed as he again fell into hysterical sobs, pads rubbing the pink fur-lined puffy lavender eyes. Desperately trying to shut out the painful reality of the forthcoming answer. Dunn fell sobbing to his knees shaking as though his pup had just ripped his still beating heart out with that question! (though it did in the figurative sense.) Pen had finally with his 15-year-old question dared to voice the one thing that none of them have dared to muster the will to say. Shaking visibly Dunn got back to his feet and latched onto the hysterical pup like he was the last thing on earth. (his massive sobbing voice Boomed)


This one statement shattered their minds, yes they have been through the numerous surgeries, the chemo, and every other treatment that was thought of or available. The bitter reality of the cancer was undeniable. They could gut Joseph out and pump everything into him they could find. It still wouldn't stop what was happening as Dad was dying and there was nothing that neither 'HE' nor anybody else could do about it.

Dunn practically smothered his pup pulling his shaking form into his broad and massive chest openly weeping. The word "SOON" echoed in their minds like the death chime of hell itself. Neither of them wanted to allow for this truth, but there it was spoken finally. Like a blow to the head, it robbed both of their strength, the statement of fact only forcing them to cling to each other for dear life. No force on earth could make life better! The now Asked and Answered question nobody dared speak shattered the illusion that things were going to get better for them. The floodgates opened for both of the distraught Anthrops, they lost the forced composure that had been their front to the world for oh so long!

Crushing Pen in his arms, Dunn just let his raw emotions flood out, only to be repaid in kind. Openly sobbing in each other's arms they cried, shaking and completely abandoned of all the joys life once held. Clinging to each other, letting the raw emotions pour out into their loving embrace. Tears matted his golden fur just as Pen's silver fur all but matted to his face. Pen pulled back from Dunn's heaving chest, fur spiking out in all directions of his puffy appearance. Looked into those rich chocolate eyes, irises almost completely removed showing a deep empty sole reflecting the true hopeless and devastated reflection of feelings they both shared!

Neither Dunn nor Pen moved or said a word, just holding each other all the while attempting to reclaim the futile front they have been showing the world! They had to be strong for Joseph. Dunn not saying a word, just picked his shaking pup up into his trembling arms, stepping into the shower and holding the crying otter tight to his chest. Reaching over with a shaky paw touching the controls he turned the water on and quickly turned his back to the shower heads. The cold blast of water hit him full force in the back and wide shoulders, though he did little more than pull his pup tighter to his chest to keep from getting splashed with the ice-cold water. ('Not' that it would have fazed either of them in their current state.) All he could do was stare into his eyes and let the raw emotions pour forth. Both for the first time, admitted to their selves and each other that the frail otter that made their lives worth living would soon be gone.

Holding tight with one of his massive paws, his claws lightly pressing into Pen's silken back fur. Reaching behind him using a shaking finger, adjusting the water temp, turning off the side sprays with a tap of his claw. Softly he whispers with a depressing tear-stained face. "Pen get those PJs off and through them on the floor ok?"

Slowly lowering pen to the cool tile floor releasing his loving bear hug. (hot water has a numb contrast against the cold tile.) Slowly he slipped the pee-soaked Pj's off with a slight shiver as the pungent heavy material peeled away from the lower fur only to reveal the dark yellow stain down his lower half. (With utter disgust cascading over his face and upper body)

Pen tossed the offending garment out of the shower to the floor making a sickening wet splattering sound. Dunn just stood there with his eyes closed letting the water beat on his massive shoulders and back. Not caring or even looking, just silently letting the anguish and pain bleed from his body in the river of tears running down his darkening face.

"Dunn... Umm...." trying to speak but coming out in a raspy incoherent yip.

Opening his eyes in an attempt to break the mood, Dunn smiled that toothy snarled smile of his "It's going to be ok... Pen you know that right?" Those trembling eyes' betrayed him with every beating of his breaking heart. That mournful face of his shaking slightly. "We will get through this together son!" trying to reassure both although his deep base voice came out more grave and meek than ever heard before!

Looking down from his massive looming stance at the silver otter trying to calm them both with his words but raw emotions showed the truth of his words...

Pen all of a sudden in a clear voice spoke "Don't talk about it ok? I know Dad's going to get worse but we have to be strong for Him!" Pen stated in a voice that came from the depths of his soul. (Though at his young age as it is, to this day he still has no idea how he could have said it.) "I know we'll be ok pup, 'WE' will be together always, now let's get cleaned up and back in bed with Dad OK?" "Umm... Dunn, shouldn't you take your PJ's off too?" (inquiring with a little hint of a curl on Pen's lips.) pointing the silver paw and finger at his now soaked 'night shirt'.

To Pen's utter shock, Dunn just leaned way down and kissed him right on the edges of those velvety pink lips. Pulling back he smiled for the first time this morning. "That's the real reason I love you my pup!... No matter what, you'll always seem to notice the trivial and bring it to our attention. 'YOU' know your dad and you are just Alike!?" Smiling the whole time he spoke just looking down into those lavender eyes shimmering with pain. Dunn is a big Kodiak and although his pup isn't that small, it's still not an easy thing for him to move around in the shower let alone remove his nightshirt as he liked to call them not "PJs". Knowing this, Pen just reached up and grabbed the hem, hooking his thumbs into the thick silky wet fur and shirttail of the offending wet shirt slowly pulling it up.

Dunn just grinned down at the loving actions of his pup, lifting one massive pad than the other allowing the little otter to remove the wet garment from his upper body. As Pen very slowly stood throwing them onto his own. (eye's inspecting every golden strand of fur and sinew of muscle) Reaching out pulling the playful pup into the fur-covered wet hip holding him tight to his massive frame.

"We will be alright Pen I promise you!" said as if trying to convince himself more somehow with the statement.

"Now let's get you cleaned up before you wind up looking like a golden retriever!" (with a bemused look) lifting Pen once again into his solid fur-padded belly. Half-heartedly chuckling and trying to pull away from the big bear, although Dunn didn't allow the squirming otter to budge one inch! Instead, he just spun around letting the very cold water splash from a side jet spray down his chest and onto the now shivering pup's head fur, soaking both completely.

*YIPPING" and struggling to pull away from the cool cascade of water now running over his face although. Pen's still too short for the shower spray normally to hit him directly when standing in the shower by himself. He usually has to pull the wands down to his height to take a shower. But with Dunn in here with him that didn't need to happen. His massive 8 Feet 3 Inches of solid muscle covered in lavish golden hair covering the 385 lbs. chiseled muscled frame towering over Pen's mere 5 foot 6 inch small compact silver body, lucky to weigh 129 lbs. soaking wet even. Although that never seemed to bother him as Dunn is the 'Big teddy bear' as both otters call him sometimes though to everybody else he usually meets he frightens!

Dunn finally chuckles asking "Is the water too cold?".... although he didn't move an inch to adjust the temp, holding tighter to Dunn's upper thigh with his thick prehensile silver tail when Dunn pulled him closer to his big chest. (cold water streaking through their fur) Pen just shook hoping that he would get the hint.

"For an otter, you don't like cold that much pup, why is that?" jokingly as he rubbed the back of Pen's neck. "Because I'm a tropical otter That's why!" trying to press deeper into his upper groin area to stop the cool water from soaking his quivering body to no avail. "Besides you know I like hot water not cold." Dunn's wet-furred paws pressed Pen's muzzle firmly as he furrowed into the cool wet fur of the bear's hard upper belly.

"You know pup..... you need to find a way to enjoy cooler water. I can't tell you how many times I've had to take a cold shower in the morning because somebody has used all the hot water. I can't tell you how hard it is to get this fur clean in cold water!" Acting like it happened or bothered him. He glared down at the pup's buried face. Of course, this didn't illicit a single response from Pen's slightly shaking frame. Finally, he reached behind the shaking otter and readjusted the water so it was more of a comfortable temp. (for Pen)

"Happy now pup?"

"No... not until I get clean and I'm not!!..." (protesting captive against Dunn's wet furry body) "I know dad doesn't want to look at or smell my nasty yellow fur so can I get cleaned up now?" (self-loathing dripping from every word only pulling his face out of Dunn's musky dripping fur to finish his statement.)

"Well you're the one who is trying to crawl into my crotch now, aren't you? Or are you just trying to make sure that you have to help me wash this body of mine so your dad doesn't have to deal with me smelling like your pungent pee?" Raising an eyebrow in a quizzical look directed right at the questioning expression on his pup's matted face. (lavender eye's swirling back) "No.... Papa Bear I just don't like cold water and you know that." Although he was also utterly enjoying being held like this with his hard wet lower furry body pressed tight to Kodiak's. "Well, then how about I get you cleaned up so we can go back to bed and cuddle with Dad?" (smiling down with only love radiating from the dripping wet golden bear)

"Ok... You have to put me down papa bear?!" (Forgetting all the morning's traumas the two finally lose themselves in each other's commanding presence) Dunn slowly sliding down the supply pup down his soft and dripping lower half experiencing shameful scintillating chills, mind losing focus at the sudden unwelcome situation he has been denying since Joseph became this ill. Still, the pleasures washed through him till his toes curled and his stubby tail tucked in tight.

Reluctantly withdrawing from Dunn's flowing hard lower body taking a step away examining every detail displayed before him, suddenly being ripped back up into the bear's loving embrace with one strong solid arm holding him to Dunn's expansive solid upper body. "You know pup, you'll need to make sure you go before bed so this will not happen RIGHT???" (running an extended claw down the inside of the now yellow thick tail)

"I did!!!!..... I swear I did." Meaning every word as Pen hated having this problem! (Although it's only been happening for about 2 months since Dad got sick.)

"Well if you did... I wouldn't have to wash this again?" as Dunn thrust the yelping otter under the hot stream of water! The laughing bears suddenly adjusted his position so that the thrashing otter got full force in his crotch. Yelping in surprise as the stinging spray struck my tender belly and sheath "STOP!!!?.... Hey that hurt you know?!!" protested the yelping otter in a high voice but he didn't move an inch. Letting the hot water forcefully wash the fading yellow stains of his accident away, Dunn reached his right paw down and pulled pen's legs slightly apart so he was sitting in the palm of his ursin cradling paw to allow the water to rinse the rest of the offending yellow from his fur. After about a minute of this, he stepped back removing the otter. The absent shower stream removed, Dunn pulled the pouting otter up so that his crotch was level to the jarred muzzle and sniffed deeply sinking deep into the dingy silken furry sheath.

"Pen you stink and you know what that means" the bear mumbled deep into his soiled furry crotch, slowly pulling his lopsided grinning muzzle from his pup's crotch, Dunn flopped him over his shoulders, reached over to the side of the shower grabbing a bottle from the many. And preceded to hand it to him to apply the contents to one of the clinging paws now embedded into the bear's damp solid furry back. "Dunn, you can put me down so I can wash... ok?

Holding the swaying thick tail with one big paw firmly planted on Pen's firm butt. "Yeah I can..... but I want to make sure you wash the shoulder you soaked to the pup!" (grinning down into the quizzical otter's eyes) "Hey you're the one that tossed me over your shoulder as if you hunted ME!" protested a little pup to loud causing Dunn to squeeze his tail at its base a little hard. "Only because you were dripping on the bed there Pen!" (a mock stern look on his face) those brown eyes showed there was no feeling behind his statement other than an attempt to lighten the mood.)

"Ok but then you have to help me wash!??".... "Well what else is new little pup? It's not like I haven't been doing that for the last 13 years, isn't it? (the question is more of a statement than anything else.)

"Well, I'll let you do it because you like it so much then!....." trying to hide the smile that was now threatening to crawl across his pink lips. Suddenly he just lunged forward into the shower spray aiming it directly at Pen's tail hole and butt. The now laughing and squirming otter nearly let go of the bottle of body shampoo trying to get away from the invading stream. (suddenly the water turned ICE COLD as his Yelping was heard) in surprise not only thrashing the pup attempted to dislodge himself from the cold situation. Only to hear Dunn's deep rumble of a laugh escape his muzzle.

"You had better be a good pup or it's a cold shower, you're not getting out of here until I'm clean!... Since I have to use this paw of mine to keep you in place" to emphasize the point he rapped his thick fingers around the inner sensitive base of the tail holding him still on his shoulder.

Giggling and shaking like a mad cub Pen tried to wiggle away from the invading paw only to find his tail was well and truly planted in the bear's tight grip.

"Dunn let me go your going to make me pee again!!!" (franticly realizing that he suddenly had to go) "Yeah.... so what about it?... Not like that would make me let you go now..... you will just have to clean me up still, so go ahead!" "No... I'm not kidding... Dunn I have to go..." (squirming and writhing on his shoulder)

He held the frantic otter in place. That feeling of a pending accident at the front of his mind! The Bears' vice-tight hold on his tail, now lightly tickling the trembling otter with the undulation of his fingers. This didn't allow Pen to do much more than he was already although it did cause strange feelings to explode in his sensitive tail base. "Well then Go.... if you have to! It's not going to bother this big old bear now is it pup?" (scary smile plastered across his muzzle with his nose twitching still filled with the long absent sents)

"Noo... I can't... that is gorse!?!" (looking a little distressed at the bear's joking comments) "Well pup... it's not the first or last time this fur of mine has been soaked in your pee now is it?" reaching his left fingered paw under pen's tail. Pulling his dingy silver sheath out between his now open legs." Slowly rolling the otter onto his side braced Dunn's broad shoulder. Pen reached around to wrap his arms around the thick neck to hold steady in his precarious position. The bear's opposite shoulder latched with frantic silver paws trying to hold on all the while attempting to twist away from Dunn's invading fingers on his sheath. Suddenly to his utter surprise, Pen felt Dunn's fingers pull his sheath back with the sudden pressure at his tail hole. The confused pup froze instantly.

"Dunn what are you doing???" (holding completely still, examining the sudden influx of new feelings in his young mind) To his utter surprise, Pen suddenly felt his now unsheathed cubhood get warm combined with the sudden urgent feeling of screaming bladder at the same time.

"Dunn Don't I am going to pee" (squealing frantically trying in vain to stop what was about to happen) With a muffled grunt Dunn was hit full force with pen hot morning stream. All Pen could do was moan as he felt the retracting bladder let go! Pen thought he was spraying down Dunn's body with His pee. Pen just wiggled and moaned as his balder emptied! (Little did he know that none of it was hitting any of Dunn's fur at all.) On to his chest and neck?.... As Pen's stream subsided he started to realize that something was different.

For one, he was quiet.... "too quiet", the more intriguing thing was that his unsheathed member was nice and warm, considering Pen was over Dunn's shoulder in the tempered shower stream. "Dunn..... Wha....." that was all he could get out before I felt it and dropped the shampoo bottle from my paw in surprise. The heat in my cubhood suddenly moved, a soft rubbery feeling was wrapping around me! I went rigged on his shoulder feeling the strange feeling of something around my unsheathed member.

Still, Dunn was not speaking and I suddenly felt really stupid as I realized why. He had me in his maw!!! The whole time that I was peeing he had me in his mouth and I just froze.

The feeling was like nothing Pen had ever felt before!!!

Yeah, he had seen him and Dad do this all too many times! But never actually felt somebody else do it to him before?... (other than when Pen did it to himself. although he didn't like it because it was not so easy to bend down AND he always got a painful cramp in his tummy.) With a jowl smacking pop he released Pen' excited cubhood from his muzzle and sighed. "Sorry about that!?!?.....Pen I just could not help it!" (fear suddenly itching at the back of his mind) "I hope I didn't upset you or anything?" (letting out a pensive breath) "Ummm..... Noooo...... Why did you do that Dunn? (a look of true surprise and a little bemusement Dunn searched his silver cheek and eyes)

"I just couldn't help it Pentanthin..... I'm so sorry!!!" (Using the albino otter's full name, which usually was a way for him to get his undivided attention.) "It's ok Dunn.... but it felt weird and not like when I do it to myself?" (slipping from pen's lips without even thinking about it) "Well I didn't think Pen sorry.... I just lost my head for a moment..... I wasn't thinking!." (worry spreading across his face)

"It was okay..... Just..... I wasn't expecting That! Anyway why did you let me pee in your mouth?" (ears pushed forward, smiling sweetly) as he looked up with those sparkling lavender eyes! "Oh......sorry....... just something I sometimes did with Joseph is all" Looking away from Pen tensing up as if he was ready to drop the questioning otter only to run away. (like Pen had done something to frighten him away.)

"HUH... I've never seen you do anything like that with Dad before?" (pulling on Dunn's matted round ear to get him to look at him again) Still holding the questioning otter on his shoulder, he reached over and reset the temp of the water so it was comfortable for Pen again. Dunn moved to pull him off of his shoulder. The little otter stopped him by holding on to his shaggy damp head fur. "Dunn it's ok, it was a different feeling is all." trying to make him understand that nothing he did scared the pup.

Again Pen gets the half-hazard toothy bear grin of his as he finally looks the worried otter in the eyes.

"Pen there's a lot of things that I and dad did and you know it. It's what a bear and otter do when they love each other so much" (glazing over in the eyes as if he just drifted away into another world) "I know you guys do all sorts of things but why did you do that to me?... Why is your finger still squishing on my tail?" asked Pen with both his silver ears flicking questioningly, the sparkling lavender eye's looking deep into the rich chocolate brown eyes before him. Shifting his hips to emphasize the fact to him, in doing so bringing him back from where ever Dunn just went.

"Well I didn't mean to do that sorry pup, I just wasn't thinking sorry." With that, he quickly dislodged Pen from his shoulder and lowered him to the shower floor. Concern washed over his expression at the feeling of injuring his pup in any way.

"Hey Dunn, it's ok..... It felt kind of good!..... Is that why dad likes you doing that?" (looking up at the now somewhat shaken bear before him) "Well... Umm..... yeah.... Well we would not do that if it didn't feel good now would we?" (scratching his ear absentmindedly)

"No... I guess not... but I didn't shoot out the *SPUNK* like you both do when you do it to each other though?" His simple admission revealed the many times he had snuck into their room to watch. Sometimes getting closer than Dunn would like. Joseph always just grabbed his attention back again with a seductive or breathtaking ministration. "That is different Pen, you're too young to do that like we talked about remember? When you get older and meet somebody that you are in love with then they will do that for you!... You will do it to them trust me on that pup." (scratching his head and looking down at the wet silver pup with those brown eyes gleaming, smiling that horrible smile of hi).

"Oh... well then I guess I'll find out what it's like *HUH?!?!* You and dad used to do it all the time didn't you?." (the truth of a cub stitched into every word) "Yes Pen we did!" (bitter reminiscing look crossing his face)

"Now let's get clean before we run out of hot water and I have to listen you to complain about it. Now grab that bottle and let's get you cleaned up. "Ok... But it did feel good you know" Reaching down between Dunn's legs to retrieve the fallen bottle of body-fur shampoo as he moved his massive foot pad to allow pen room to get to it. (standing up slowly watching the water drip from the clumping fur of his lower body in a sparkling show, handing the bottle to him Pen got a toothy smile and a "THANKS".

Reaching over Dunn proceeded to shut the shower off at the head, opened the bottle pouring a large amount into his massive paw. Handing the bottle to pen to do the same! "Now get the entire area clean pup... I don't want to have to deal with you getting another rash now ok?" (visions of his furless tail and crotch bright red) "Gee that was when I was 7 years old Dunn" (sullen look on Pen face) the obedient otter proceeded to spread a good amount of the thick liquid onto his belly and crotch. Both Anthrops worked their body fur briskly to work up a good lather deep into the respective coats. We both started to work the lather deeper into our fur, Pen concentrating on his belly and lower half while Dunn was more concerned with his upper chest and shoulder fur.

"Umm hey, Dunn... Why did you grab my tail like that? looking up at him with a questioning look on his white face. "Well you know what me and your dad do Pen it's not hard to guess why I did that, though I shouldn't have." He started with a somewhat disheveled look on his face as shame bloomed into his mind. "Oh.... Ok...... it's not like it felt bad at all though!!!" (smiling up at him with lavender eye's squinting trying to catch his attention)

"Now pup... you know we have talked about that..... Many times!.... No, it's not ok for anything like that to Happen... PUP!... Stop looking at me like That!" though he was still grinning back down at Pen like the cat that ate the canary. "Well, it's not like you just didn't have me peeing in your mouth now is it?" smiling into Dunn's now pensive expression as he was now looking directly into his soul. Without a word he reached out and turned the leaver on the shower head, pointing it directly at the troubling pup dousing him with the tepid water.

"Hey........ that's not funny at all...... now I have to get more 'shampoo!'..... I didn't get to wash my tail and leg fur!... (protested the questioning otter with a mock snarl on his face) He just reached down and scooped Pen up with his paws pulling him up into his soapy chest, proceeded to smear him with the thick slippery foam clinging to the golden furred body. "There now you can stop complaining!?" (Dunn all but laughing with the now confused otter tussling on his furry belly)

"But I still need to wash my tail and legs" Pen protested only to stop dead in his tracks as Dunn's soapy hand made contact with his tail pulling it up and around to brush it into his chest coating it in the thick and musky smelling shampoo. The surprised pup just wrapped his shaking arms around his thick neck so that Dunn could use both paws to work with. This was not the first time they had showered like this. Never sexual Dunn would often wash the silver otter while he hung like an overstuffed ragdoll from his neck.

"Now wrap your leg's around my hip pup so I can get the shampoo and do your back ok?" (starting to lean forward) With little thought to his actions, Pen quickly wrapped foamy silvery pinkish skinned legs around Dunn holding onto his slippery fur as he bent down to grab the bottle off the floor. Feeling his thick arm rap around his butt and back as they moved down. Retrieving the bottle so they could get through with the shower, Pen quickly readjusted himself on the slippery body to prevent from falling. (not that would ever happen)

"Now let's get that back of yours clean along with that yellow tail of yours pup," Dunn stated trying to concentrate on cleaning the pup only. This had already gone too far in his mind. Way too far because if Joseph found out about his little stunt he was sure that it would be the least thing he ever did! "It's not that bad Dunn" (Pen whined as they came to a standing position again)

"No... Then why does it look like your fur is dingy" (laughing) Quickly swishing his tail, shedding the water from it as he let it flail back and forth. "That's because it's a wet silly bear!" "Yeah because somebody didn't do what they were supposed to last night I would think?" (snickering and working the shampoo deep into the relaxing otter back and franticly moving tail. "Now stop that before I have to do something brash!" (all the while grinning like mad) With that the bear once again grabbed the base of Pen's tail. With one massive soapy paw, he proceeded to lather it up.

"Hey, that tickles back there!!" giggling but not letting go for fear that he would drop him to the hard tile floor of the shower. "What tickles?.... Oh, you mean this?" Dunn let his curled fingers slide in spreading his claws up to avoid the sensitive area (planted at the root of his thick silky tail) starting to descend. (sliding them slowly from the base to the end only to return to the quivering thick base) (Gasping) "Dunn.... don't do that!...... 'IT' feels funny when you do That!" (to both of our surprise Pen lightly squeezed his legs to quell the shiver that ran up his spine)

"Hey pup you are okay..... we're both males and you know I would not ever do anything to hurt you!?....(rational mind slipping away) Although if you keep squeezing me like that you're going to kink something that I want to keep strait, as it's trying to point to my tummy but you have it pinned!...."

To emphasize the point Dunn tightened up his gut and puffed it out compressing the now rigid member against the washboard abs of his stomach. With a groan from deep inside Pen, He reluctantly loosened his legs! (Oh... did that feel good while he did it) "Sorry just felt funny but good is all." smiling over his shoulder as Dunn still had a growing problem." (it didn't help that he was stroking Pen's tail back and forth.)

"Now hold still before you start complaining that you're cold ok?" "Ok... But it does feel good." (pleading to have the feeling return) "Yeah I gathered that from that little appendage of yours trying to drill a hole in my gut. Remember pup?" (flexing his firm gut a few times to see the reaction)

"Sorry.... I 'really' Did enjoy the feelings!" Pen was currently experiencing a new feeling that just made his mind explode. Nothing he ever did to himself felt like that! (like an addict instantly hooked!) "No you're not Pen! You 're still trying to bore a hole in me with that puppy pike of yours!" (feeling his member painfully trapped in its confining sheath) Steadying himself and letting Dunn finish his surprisingly wonderful scrubbing on his back, the lightly shaking otter just purred softly as the scintillating paw worked the lather into his fur. Washing every exposed part of the shaking silver body with exquisite slowness.

"Now don't get any funny ideas about this!" The only warning that the quivering pup got as he felt the massive pawed finger work under Pen's tail and down his firm furry butt. Stars exploding Pen's eyes when Dunn's slippery digits slid over the pulsing tail hole, working down over his taught small silver balls. Pen went rigged holding his breath as the sensation washed over him. "Do that again" was all he could say in a forcefully exhaled raspy breath.

"Huh... Oh did that feel good or something?" (smile plastered across his golden matter muzzle) Painfully slow the comment hung in the air. The now visibly shaking otter (even in the water) just waited desperately. Feeling the movement at the tip of his tail as they slipped back to the slightly pumping thick tail. Lightly grasping the thick base Pen gasped followed shortly by the feeling of thick furry fingers sliding over his sensitive tail hole again. Shuttering against his body as his hand slid over the lively quivering hole to slowly slide back down over his sheathed cubhood once again.

"Ohh!!!!...... THAT FEELS GOOD" (forcefully grinding his now fully erect sheathed member into Dunns' soapy body, pinning the monster between them with utter euphoria washing over the now shuttering bear. Feeling an explosion of feelings rush through his body, Pen all but merged with Dun in an attempt to find the limits of these wonderful feelings.

"Like that do you pup?... Let's see if it was this you liked...."

With that, he this time used his finger to push against the quivering tail hole between undulations, letting the slippery digit work back and forth over the quivering opening and it repeatedly was compressed by the thick base. "Oh Dunn don't stop it feels so good!"

Clasping tighter into the shaking Kodiak's body, his legs sliding the now rigged member into the soapy fur, compressing it so hard it rockets from its sheath when it finally changes angle. Press hard against his slippery belly fur, Pen instinctually moves just enough for Dunn's painful member to slip free only to slide free from the still-compressed sheath. Suddenly it happened with just a little shutter from Pen as His body shook violently, (tail pumping madly, Clinching his tail hole and forcing things to move! thrusting rapidly against the explosive bear's receptive body. Pen suddenly felt that thick finger violently pushed into his tail hole. (Freezing in place, body shaking, pleasures unfathomed exploding from everywhere below radiating from his very soul! Pen couldn't breathe and his body tensed up causing his whole form to shutter violently against Dunn's now gasping body uncontrollably.

"What's happening" Pen moaned with an incredible feeling of joy starting at his throbbing member and tail hole spread out throughout his body making music ring out and stars explode in his vision... Feeling like he was lost in time and space itself. Swallowed by the unbelievable reaction slamming through his body, the eye's mashed and fluttering, holding on for dear life unable to breathe. Pen's body clung as his sex was racked with the new feeling. Dunn gasping held him tighter against his body as his now exposed pulsing cock throbbed explosively. Breathing heavily and taking gulps of air, the quaking otter could not see as his body was doing something new, and "HE LOVED IT?!!!" All he could do was let the sensations slam through his now undulating body and tail.

"Relax Pen.... it's OK!...... I didn't mean to make that happen to you!??!..... But I am guessing you enjoyed IT!" Dunn gasping trying to force the words out to explain his actions. Their mind reeling from the unhinging euphoria that clouded his mind. Holding the breathless otter as he went limp in his hands. Throbbing cocks berried exquisitely in each other's fur, holding the pup tight to his body. With that, he suddenly withdrew the thick finger from Pen's relaxing tail hole. Stepping both under the shower steamy spray washed the thick white cum from his silver fur and the soap of Pen's back and tail. After rinsing his back thoroughly, allowing the lost otter to come back to his senses. "Can you stand up now pup?" (shaking golden body stinging with the heavenly afterglow of his massive release)

"Umm... yeah I can though my legs feel a little wobbly." The glassy lavender eyes peaked through his peeking pink-lined eyelashes.

"Ok.... I'm going to put you down now but just hold on so you don't fall. We need to get rinsed and out of the shower!" (terror swelling in his mind at the reality of what just happened)

Somewhat shaking Dunn lowered Pen to the floor, although there was his rather large speed bump on the way down to which the giddy pup just giggled. Dunn was very embarrassed about this fact. Looking up Pen just smiled with a goofy grin on my face.

" I loved that Dunn... that was unbelievable..... THANK YOU! (my mind is still lost to the sensitive tingles still fading down below) Sorry.... I don't know what happened.... BUT I LOVED IT!" (eyes gleaming with love)

Dunn just weary looked down at the giddy silver otter with a very unsure look on his muzzle. "It's ok pup.... you just had an orgasm is all??!" Dunn not knowing how to react to the situation though not regretting the physical release at all!

"I thought that I was too young to have one Dunn?"

Pen looked up at his dripping massive furry face I could do nothing but smile up at the scared bear.

"No you're not too young to shoot cum." (eye's shaking slightly, round ears pinned back tight against his head and his lower jaw trembling visibly) He corrected Pen as he turned the shower off. "But you're not he snickered, pointing to Dunn's softening cock and the white string hanging from the sheath tip!!) This simple statement and gesture made the thunderstruck bear's face contorted into a horrific scowl.

"I AM SO SORRY PEN" Dunn all but shouted at the suddenly inquisitive silver otter's expressive face. In the feeble attempt to get past him and out of the shower, he made another frightening mistake. His actions only did one thing; bring Pen face to crotch with his softening matted furry member! The pup tried to protest the Kodiak's actions. Through both of their action Pen was suddenly shaken to find that the horrified bear suddenly attempted to flee, the pup tried to voice his concerns trying to calm him down. Pen opened his muzzle to speak, but he wound up doing a lot more by getting a rather surprising and unexpected sticky and salty-sweat sheath in his gaping maw!.

They both froze instantly, Pen for the fact that for the first time in his life, there was a sheath dripping buttery seamen in his mouth!

Dunn for the fact that Pen's supple mouth was now suckling on his ultra-sensitive sheath. Without thinking about it Pen's velvety pink tongue slipped out tasting the sheath's content only to probe deeper as the taste was musky but altogether wonderful.

Dunn just froze in place as his young tongue explored the wonderful inner surfaces for more of the wonderful-tasting substance. Pulling back as if Pen just bit him.

"Pentanthin I didn't mean... "Was all Pen let him get out before the otter rushed forward. Before he could finish his plea, the crazed silver otter hungrily latched onto the object he wanted. This time taking a good 2 inches of the succulent sheath into his maw. Pen started sucking lightly to finish getting that wonderful-tasting syrup out before Dunn could protest or get it away from his hungry mouth. with a sudden painful yank, the suckling loud pop of Dunn's hardening cock pulled away in his rapidly expanding sheath.

"NOW I KNOW WHY DAD LIKES THAT SO MUCH!!!" (Penn yipping at the top of his shrill voice with a shit-eating smile awash on his muzzle, pink tongue darting across his jowls liking his lips franticly) Befuddled Dunn just reached over and flipped the shower to dry. blowers kicked on from the floors pushing a blast of hot air coating them both in hot heat. the jets pushed the water from their coats as he relished in so many feelings.

Dunn once the blowers had done their job reached to open the shower door only to in horror see Joseph sitting on the toilet looking back at him. His withered emotionless face stared back with questioning hazel eyes devoid of a reaction.

Suddenly babbling incoherently, Dunn's mind shattered on the spot.

"Joseph I... Uhhh... IT WAS AN ACCIDENT!!!!!" was all he YELPED.

Pen, stepped out of the shower into Dad's open embrace as Joseph just watched them with a blank face, body language devoid of any sense of his true feeling and reaction! "Your right Pentanthin that is one of the reasons I like it so much!" (smiling at both of them as they had just answered the meaning of life)

With that Dunn hit the floor of the shower like a ton of bricks sending the countless bottles of god knows what flying everywhere. The massive bear passed out cold in the shower stall almost taking out the shower door with him when he fell. Joseph calmly reached over tapping the controls and turned the cold water on the whole time smiling at Pen's giggling face. "Pen would you be so kind as to help Dunn when he wakes up? I can't pick that beast up anymore." (eyes sparkling with love and unfathomable understanding)

"Dad you are not upset are you?" (slightly shaking not sure what to expect) "Not at all.... it's not like you did something wrong or anything Pen, though I think we will both have to help Dunn understand that. But doesn't he taste amazing?" With a guttural groan, a stirring Dunn opened his eyes completely lost for a brief second as he was trying to figure out why he was in such a predicament. That was until he focused his eyes and realized that both the otters in his life were looking at him with grinning faces. His actions slammed into him like an out-of-control bus.

"It was an ACCIDENT!!!....... I....I...I didn't mean to have any like that Happen!...... Please Joe........ don't hate me! I didn't want it to happen!!!" Dunn screamed so fast that it almost came out almost as one word as he was trying quite amusingly to get to his feet.

"Dunnedward STOP before you hurt yourself!.... 'NEITHER OF YOU DID ANYTHING WRONG SO JUST STOP PLEASE!'... Now turn that shower off and get out of there before you do hurt yourself!" "BUT.T....?" was all that he could say as he finally got traction on the wet tile allowing him to get back to his feet and turn the cold water off. "Now if you would please get dried off and help me back to bed?.. I don't think I can make it!..."

With that statement, our previous actions slammed into both of us with such force that we both went to the floor this time. How could we have even enjoyed the little shower escapades with what was going on in the house? We both looked at my father like we had just been sucker punched with the force of a speeding Bus. "SORRY" we both retorted in unison like to scolded cubs caught trying to light the living room carpet on fire.

"I will not say it again, you two didn't do anything wrong O.K.!! now if you would please finish up so I can get back to bed my cubs?" With that, they both just looked at Joseph for a split second. quickly grabbing the towels as Joseph hit the blowers overhead. They quickly dried themselves as Dad helped Dunn dry his back with the extra towel he always needed. In no time they both were dry and trying to get Joseph to get up so they could help him back into bed.

"Now you two had better stop this apologizing behavior before you drive me to an early grave!" That statement shattered them both, stopping in their tracks as that bus backed up to get us one more time. "Joe that is not funny at all!" Dunn all but yelled to only receive a shifty grin from the frail otter. "Then stop acting like it's wrong and help this sick body of mine back into bed so I can cuddle with my two cubs!" grabbing onto Dunn's arm to allow himself to be pulled up.

Carefully Dunn pulled him into his arm's picking him up with no effort at all! All three headed out of the bathroom and back to their bedroom. Placing the frail-looking otter onto the pulled-back sheets of the bed, he slowly laid him in the middle with the care that a new parent would take to a newborn cub!...

"Now listen very closely you two... Here it is in a nutshell, get into this bed and stop all this fussing about what happened in the shower. I know you two love each other and as a very good case in point (raising his weak voice to stick the point firmly into their minds) DUNN... you would kill yourself before you ever let anything happen to either me or Pentanthin so I do not want to hear anything more on the morality of the matter OK."

Both Cubs gasped at the statement with him laying on the bed as neither of them are in any shape for that comment!

"Now get into bed you two and the only thing I want to hear about from this point on is that you love each other AND will be there for each other. I don't want to make this into something that it is not! If you two are comfortable enough with each other you can share your selves like that then who am I to say No to it?!... I just want my cub's to be happy."

With that, he reached his paws out to them. Dunnward and Pen both stood there stunned and not knowing what to think, do, or feel he just grabbed their limp paws and pulled.

"Get in here you two I'm cold and I want my cubs to keep this sick old otter warm...


End Chapter One...

Please let me know what you think, and comments.
