Lessons of life : chapter 2

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The pain of loss and discovery of attachment.


If it is not legal for you to be reading this, please don't read it and leave. But if you are still reading this, I don't think much matters to you, so enjoy. Please take the time to comment if you see fit. The story is copyrighted as the sole property of Pentanthin and should not be copied or distributed without the owner's consent.

**I have started to bring the facets into the storyline that will shape the future/past as they unfold for our not-so-ordinary family throughout this tragic course of events. Yes, there is sexual interaction in this chapter though you will have to read through it to see who it's about in this chapter though. I hope that you enjoy this next installment that is about to unfold.


The Lessons of Life

Chapter 2

"The Path we take"


"Now listen very closely, you two... Here it is in a nutshell, get into this bed and stop all this fussing about what happened in the shower, OK? I know you two love each other, and as a perfect case in point, I can see the grin on that silver pup's face, even with a frown.

He was raising his weak voice to stick the point in a strained manner, affected by his failing strength. Once honey-brown Fur, now thin-looking like the old hide of an otter three times his age. Josephs's eyes were trembling as if this was the last thing he could ever say, body shaking, racking pain forcing him to suppress the draining urges once again to scream.

"Dunn" you would kill yourself before you ever let anything happen to either Pentanthin or me, so I don't want to hear anything more on the morality of the matter, OK."

"Cowering" (Dunn towered in attendance), though to say cowering would be to dispute his massive frame ultimately. It consisted of an impressive 8 foot 3 inches dense golden furred Kodiac bear. He almost blinds you in the morning sunlight cascading through the windows above the bed. (Golden radiant Fur surrounding an impressive 385 pounds of solid sculpted muscles quivering visibly.)

Raising his thick fingers to scratch his flickering ear apprehensively. (causing the padded outline of his muzzle and scruff to shake like strands of gold reflecting in the sunlight) His sizeable head somberly animated the chiseled facial muscle encased in dazzling "yet disheveled" shards of head fur framing him like an apparition, further polishing the impenetrable framework holding the shattering heart of this Kodiak's appearance.

Hopping with every fiber of his being, he could somehow save the failing otter in front of him. Although resonating pain, the lingering eye's screaming (his words now failing him) displayed like a thousand thoughts across his quivering face and muzzle.

"Bewildered" and apprehended by Joe's pensive gaze only to be suspended figuratively over the endless abyss to hell with that core-shattering statement, Dunn's mind shattered.

"NO" This couldn't be happening. How could the love of my life be saying he understands my heart so truly?' (only to founder in the now trembling otter's unsteady eyes. Dunn pleaded desperately for a sign of recognition back, his gaze locked on to his now-shaking lover.

Glancing away, "I have to make sure Pen is OK!" (Flashes through Dunn's mind) his face awash with turmoil, no strength left to segregate the otters that make up my life.) Only to see the seemingly pained look of youthful confused waterlogged on Pen's face.

He shakes gently with his 5-foot 6-inch silver body as his lavender eyes leak the raw emotions down his exquisitely formed face. Terrors stricken eyes are trying to communicate back silently his utter distress. Thick silver tail uncontrollably flailing behind him with abandoned stress visibly showing!' These caused his small 129-pound silver fur to shiver and quiver uncontrollably.

Losing focus for a single beat of my heart, Pen and I revisited the past few minutes of our shared lives. Blinking those lavender eyes causes the crystal of our focus to lock for that instant. Dragging our wounded eyes back to Joe, he takes an unnatural breath with sheer pain, quaking from deep within his body, forcing the injured look now painfully displayed before us.

We both gasped at him lying on the bed, as neither of us was in shape for that comment. "Now get into bed, you two, and the "ONLY" thing I want to hear about from this point on is that you love each other AND will be there for each other!"

Joe Shuttering with relief, Joe's oh-so-delayed dialogue will go much better than he ever hoped. "I don't want you two to make this into something that it's not cub's. You two are comfortable enough with each other that you can share yourselves like that! Whom am I to say no to "THAT!!" I want my loving cubs to be happy.

Came the piercing comments shattering the strength of all three of US, with those words whispered with true love.

Joseph reached out his withered furry paws to the trembling pair. Both stood there stunned, not knowing what to think, do, or feel! He grabbed our paw's pulling with surprising strength, reviving our minds suddenly to prevent our now featherweight bodies from crashing onto his deteriorating, fragile body lying before them.

"Get in here, you two. I'm cold *AND* I want my cubs to keep this sick old otter warm!" (unable to put the force behind the gesture that we knew he wanted to.) (with a pricing squelch) The timer to Dunn's right shrilled its warning! Much to the horror of Dunn's already distraught condition,

"Joseph, you reset the timer? Dunn yelped with the sudden realization that it was not the incident in the bathroom that had the loving otter in such a pained state.

"Dunn... I told you this morning that we have to have this talk. That meant Pen too silly bear!" Enforce this point, and he again pulled both of their paws in a futile attempt to get the shaking furs into bed. "Butt...?" Dunn attempted to protest only to have his life shattered. Joseph cut his still-beating heart out of his immense chest with three simple and oh-so-horrific words.

"I heard everything."

Whispering in a very pained and overly tormented voice a mixture of feelings regarding what he now was about to do. "Listen, you know the nature of our relationship has never been to keep secrets from each other. (with a calm, raspy voice) "I DO NOT" wish for this to change our agreement, now DO I??? After the beautiful 20 years of life, we've had, OK!??!? It would help if you listened to what I say, my lover, because this is the time. We all know that things are not going to get better. Dunn This last surgery Joe only did to allow him to get to this point, AND it was worth it. (raising his voice a little to stress the points though visibly struggling to keep his composure as he again rasped a haggard breath)

"Now Dunnedward (he breathed deeply, half smile again showing on his muzzle. Trying to calm both of us, he continued to speak). You have a choice to make, my love. (glancing up to reestablish eye contact with his golden Kodiak) I want you to take care of Pen!!! What I heard and witnessed in the bathroom a few moments ago proves this. I know you would never even hesitate. The real choice is do you love Pen?! Yes, him. the "BEST" part of me, as you know so truthfully! There are effects that your answer will have if you so choose Dunn!

Joe's eyes are demanding, and the stressed body shows pure emotions across his pained face and muzzle. He stated these cryptic words. "I need you to think about this very hard, my love, as I have had to. Because if you agree, I will give you everything that is me, my dear, beyond what we now share.

Little did Dunn know the true meaning of this question!

With the tenderest touch, Dunn pulled his heavily furred fingers from the shaking brown withered paw. Recoiling from the love of his life, His muzzle presented in a state of shock, corners of his quivering jowls pulled tight into an almost terrifying smile.

Forcing him to move his considerable body, he quickly treaded around the bed on his nimble pads to reach the silver otter that was now almost in hysterics again. (His actions though automatic and without deliberation, foreshadowed his genuine answer. Actions betraying any chance of trying to hide his pain from the ones he loved.)

"Pen, my pup, it's going to be OK. I give your word!" whispering to break the impending onset of another disconcerting detonation from the little albino otter. Softly pulling the stifling pup into his tender arms again out of the need to take his pain away. "I will always be here for you, and you both know that!" (gruff voice echoing off both otters' cores.) Dunn scooped the silver trembling otter up, one paw gripping him to his chest to bury the distorting muzzle of the almost crazed otter in his chest fur.

"Joseph, how could you think I would not be here for my pup!" (turning to glance back down at the fragile lover of so many years, eyes streaming a constant flow of tears as they glisten on his golden Fur in the bright morning sun.)

"I LOVE him just as much as I do YOU!!!!!" He shouted, causing the glass in the picture frames on the dresser and almost every other glass sufferance in the room to rattle with his somewhat expressive response.

"I am COUNTING ON THAT DUNN, my love. You have no idea what I have done these last 13 years since the accident. Please think hard about the question I've asked you. (voice trembling) I would like you to think this through, as once you answer me, you'll have such precious little time left! Now enough about the bathroom and these depressing truths of all this. I want you two in bed with me, although if I may please ask that you remember that I reset the timer..."


Dunn's face fell in distress like he could see the headlights of that damn bus again. "I was just waiting for you to finish my love. I know you have been trying to tell me something though why this is so important 'NOW' I don't know. Just hold still, love, and hold onto this pup before he tries to tear my Fur off. I don't think any of us are not feeling your PAIN right now."

To emphasize the point, Dunn removed both massive silky forearms, allowing Pen's silver figure to hang suspended from his chest fur. His tiny silver paws locked in a death grip as Pen and Dunn now clasped tightly together, Pen's paws full of his shaggy golden pelt holding firmly to that scared, trembling body of his.

"You have my answer, Joseph," came the answer as he again grasped the shaking otter on his chest. "Pen here lay with me while Dunn gets the injectors from the shelf, would you please?" Joe's whole outward presence changes with the statement. Dunn slowly lowers me onto their huge bed's chemical-smelling soft amber sheets. Gently he rolls my shaking frame into place next to my dad.

With a muffled sob, I carefully bury my tear-stained face and muzzle into my dad's armpit. Smelling intensely of his spicy musk, the pungent chemical smell was replaced with his essence within my sensitive nose. All I want is to have his wonderful musk smother me till that is all I will ever smell for the rest of my hopeless life.

With the report of a loud "Pphhhiiissssttt" sound, my round ears recognize the hypo gun. That all too familiar telltale hissing sound as Dunn injected the first of the seven shot's my dad needed to relieve his pain. Taking only moments to adjust the gun, He delivered the remaining six shots like the professional medical tech Dunn is.

Dunn slowly lowers behind me, softly enveloping me in his massive shaggy golden pelt and holding Dad and me as close to him as he can without causing the slightest discomfort.

"Just rest now, the love I have for you both" was the last words my father heard as he quickly drifted away in the temporary release, the pain dulled by the injections. Dunn slowly stroked his thick fingers on my head. Fur with his massive paw, he softly whispers into my pinned ear. "Pen... Love, it's going to get better. I give you my solemn word," Although his fitful undulating body again betrayed his heartfelt words. Neither of us believed how any of life's joys would return to dispel the sad proclamation. "Dunn, how can anything be OK again? Why are the gods doing this to our family???" came my trembling voice.

"PUP, we will never get the response to that... Our family is such that WE will forever be the ones that will have to deal with the obstacles before us as you know too well, my love..." softly purring in my ear while his trembling framework reverberated the deep base of his voice alongside my shivering body.

We lay there for a long while in the unspoken remorse of our combined resolution. What we were facing, Neither of us was able to vocalize. We digested the past few minutes that ran us through the gambit of every emotion we possess. Dunn and Pens conjoining fate is now locked with Joseph's statements.

How could either of us survive without him there to guide us? Why's this happening to us with everything that medical technology affords today? This illness is never heard of since they cured cancer 40 years ago!!! Both are lost in the same line of futile thinking. We've run over this horse (topic) so that only a faded red stain is left in the road, now devoid of the carcass of our conjoined mental punishments.


He softly placed the washer lid after filling it again with Pen's soiled linens. Dunn pushing back the stabbing guilt of both of his otters, he put to his tasks to stop his rampant mind from thinking about the past morning events. (to no avail)

Quickly retreating to their office in the den, padding across the wood flooring with the muffled heavy reports of his footpads, the only sound in the claustrophobic spaces of the house. He was glancing around as he made his way to his terminal. The lifetime of memories displayed around the large beach house showed the signs of a once-happy family.

Pictures of happier times losing their appeal as their now muted images of life only now evoked the unrequited hopelessness feelings that rushed through his tormented brain. Pulling out the overstuffed and well-used desk chair, he fell into it. Hearing that straining groan of the metal, it accepted his hulking body into its confines.

"Recognize Dunnedward E Panthar," he spoke, bringing the terminal to life with its metallic voice "ESTABLISHED," only to suddenly have the holographic Display come to life with the smiling, pained face of a much more healthy, vibrant Joseph looking back at him. Glancing at the log meta stamp, "June 20, 2137: 23:05:16," he gasped. "Wh..at" was all that he uttered as the long-delayed message began to play:

"Dunnedward" listen, this file will only be played this one time. You will now know why!"

As I feared, the mutation of my genetic structure has entered the final phase. Consisting of the retardation of cellular mitosis from my foolish accident, THAT failed experiment of mine.... don't look at me that way, cub. We both know what this means. Now I have a few issues that you need to learn the whole truth behind the last 13 years of my work.

I'm sorry to tell you that you're now the sole keeper of my life's work in more ways than you know. Changes NOW!!! Since you're seeing this, I'm fading fast now, right, my love? (tears starting to stream down Dunn's shaggy muzzle) Don't cry, my cub. You know I will always be there for you even after I am gone, don't you?! Now open those eyes, my love, and look at me. I need you to know three crucial things in this order (raising his paw and extending his three fingers to tick off his points like he always loves to do.):

One - (lowering one brown finger into his palm)

You'll find two silver vials in my private lab in the containment deep-cold storage unit of the "level 5" biohazard reactants. These are for Pentanthin and Dunn, my love. Now the one with the bio-lock on it is for you. It will only be opened with your "PAC" (Personal Access Credentials), but I'll get to that shortly. We both know that Pen's been having slight problems with everything though he hides it well.

His vile contains the completed retrovirus that will finally stabilize his genetic structure to match mine. Now understand this, my love. There is nothing dangerous about this process, as it has taken me almost 11 years of painstakingly detailed research and testing to produce it. Please retrieve and administer this to him once this message is over.

Could you do this while he is sedated and asleep? There is going to be a somewhat unsettling reaction to this process. "NO" It's not an unexpected reaction, my love, but it will be disturbing, so I do not want our cub to be scared of this, OK?

Two - (lowering a second finger as if the weight of it alone was causing him pain) In the protected files under the hidden file name "Lazarus, to which you now have full access" are all the work notes and data that I have been working on in secret these past years. This information must always stay in the confines of our isolated network as they are NOT for the world. Only you two Understand!?

You see, it's with a heavy heart that I tell you this about our lovely albino otter. (face tightening into a pained scowl)There is no easy way to say this to you, my love. (inhaling deeply to steady his nerves) Pentanthin is my clone, not my son 'Dunn'!

The lies I had told both of you and that egg donor of a mother of his were only solidified when I held our "silver" in my shaking paws that first time. I could not tell you what I had done! Never was it my intention to let this secret escape my grave.

I did this for purely selfish reasons that now seem so unintelligent as I finally say them out loud! (face distorting in self-loathing to the depths of his sole) "I will pay for my arrogance with my life, as we both now know!!!" You need to review these files once the process is started with Pen, my love. I entrust into your loving hands...

Three - (his now visibly shaking hand falling from view below the desk)

Finally, the vial with the bio lock contains the completed retrovirus that my misguided previous attempts failed so miserably with. It's keyed to your genetic code only, and it'll kill anybody else that attempts to use it.

You know how I feel about this, but I did this with only one single resounding reason in mind. "Making" sure that neither of my cubs will ever have to feel the loss that is now gouging your hearts out as you are forced to watch me wither away before you!

This vial contains your completed anti-agappic; I pray to the god's that you consider using it, as I never want to think that either of you two will have to watch the other die.

"Pen will never grow older than the outward appearing age of 25 Dunn." (downcasting his eye's away from the Display with his soft round earls flicking uncontrollably with this admission) This fate is something that I could not undo, my golden bear. So my only option is to afford you the same consideration. Please, my love, do this for me as my last request. I implore you!!!

Dunn, these secrets I've now entrusted to you are the only things I've ever hidden from you! You can understand why now, so please forgive me for my deceptions. (his tear-stained muzzle once again lifting to allow me to look into his dazzling hazel eyes.) I hope you can forgive me for this, my love. Over the years, I've watched as you and Pen become closer to one another every day.

All those talks of how if we had only met at his age! All the trifles of life that jaded me into the stubborn otter you love were erased. (trailing off into unintelligible mumbles, another habit of his)

My love, you now know that the little silver otter we love so much is TRULLY the best part of me!!! I currently entrust everything into those paws of yours. I have instructed the lawyers to follow my wishes to the letter in ironclad contracts that you will shortly be getting now that this message has been plaid. I LOVE YOU so much, Dunnedward E. Panthar, with every fiber of my being!!! (projection suddenly terminating, leavening Dunn sitting there wholly stunned.)

(Blinding flash of light suddenly reveals a very mischievous-looking Joseph standing nude)

Did I forget to tell you I love you, silly *BEAR*... By the way (eyes glinting and shifting in that beautiful blue-green swirling pattern that I love so much), as a small token of my love, the company, everything I own is also yours to do with as you wish. (like some afterthought of little consequence. He was smiling that evil lopsided grin as the Display went dark, leaving me stunned, sitting in my chare wholly unnerved.


"Pphhhiiissssttt," the metallic sound rousted Joseph from his labored sleep. Opening his heavy eyelids ever so slowly to see Dunn standing over them with the injector glistening in the sunlight in his right paw. Wearily he whispers, "Dunn lay down with us before he starts to convulse!"

A look of horror from the disheveled Kodiak bear, tears matting the golden Fur of his muzzle, a ruff of his lower jowls pulled tight in a pained grimace.

"I Love you!" Was all that Dunn could respond slowly slipped back into the bed? Dunn placed the injector containing the now empty silver vial upon the elevated hardwood shelf above the oversized bed.

"What is going to happen, Joseph?" You SAID this would not hurt him!!!!"

His whole body enveloped the two otters, Dunn supporting his immense weight, his only reason for living in his massive girth. (trembling obviously with renewed stress.)

"Dunn, he is going to be fine, but the canalization process does cause a rather painful reaction, which is why I asked that you do this with the knowledge that he is to be under sedation!!" Now hold tight too...."

Cut off in mid-sentence as the sleeping silver otter suddenly started to convulse beneath him as the bear's massive weight engulfed the convulsing otter's body.

His eyes fluttered, his tail thrashed uncontrollably, and Pen's body was in total seizure. A bone-chilling pained scream escaping his contorted silver facial features rang out. The reaction now rocketed through his thrashing slender body.

All Dunn and Joseph could do was cling to the turbulent young otter as his body reacted to the now-invading retrovirus coursing through his bloodstream. The little body writhed between them for what seemed like a thousand lifetimes, dragging their raw emotions from the two in the futile attempt to quell the pup's reaction, only failing miserably.

With a muffled scream, his flailing body went limp between them as if his life was now over. With total disregard for anything else, Dunn violently ripped away, clinging to Pen's lifeless body, completely abandoned by all other actions except to awaken the silver limp body of his precious pup.

"Pentanthin, WAKE UP" he screamed hysterically, completely ignoring the pained moan of protest Joseph breathed as his actions had all but dislodged the frail body from the bed.

"Dunnward" STOP that!!!" "He's OK, just don't crush him in that bear hug you giving him...."

All Joseph could say to attempt to quell the frantic actions of his lover attempts to awaken their now unconscious silver otter, limp body shaking with the profound sobs of panic radiating from Dunn's body as he franticly embraced the silent figure in his arms.

"Dunn... DUNN!!!! (finding a voice at last though with stabbing pain Joes yells at the bear's frantic ministrations) please don't hurt him.

He was finally regaining the faint glint of sanity. Dunn looks up only to his horror to see Joseph at the edge of the bed, attempting to gain his attention. Panic once again washed over his tired mind as the realization that he just threw his dying lover across the bed. With 'NO' consideration, Dunn caused unintended pain with his actions. Visibly shaking, he locks his terror-stricken wide brown eyes onto Josephs's contorting form in that first precise moment of realization.

"I..I... D...d... didn't mean to....." (shame and self-hatred washing over his mortally wounded face, quickly reaching a trembling paw over to assist his now pained lover from his current predicament.)

"Shh, love, I am OK, just a little startled," came the reply from his withered maw, attempting to hide that he was indeed in pain.

"Joseph, what can I do...?" came a quelled growl of panic as it swelled up from his gut in the futile hope to retract the hasty actions to revive Pen.

Dunn slowly helped the pained otter return to his side with the most outstanding care.

"Hush, Love, it's alright. It's better than it looks. (Joseph lied) Now, please put that pup back down and help me get settled; we have a few things we need to discuss, don't we? "Pen will sleep for another hour at least as his body is now reacting to that injection you just gave him!" He was placing his trembling paw onto his heaving chest to reassure him, trying to show that everything would be OK. However, he needed to be succeeding in his attempt.

"Joe...." was all the golden Kodiak bear could get out of his muzzle; he was engulfed in the passionate kiss of his fragile lover.

Tears streaming down both their faces matting their respective Fur, passion never to be quelled, only softened by the supple brushing of Joe's tongue as he weakly licked at his tight jowls. Shaking paws, still holding the now sleeping pup between them, they shared the tenderest of kisses between them. The futile attempts to appease life's events are pressing upon the 3 of them...


May 16, 2138 -

The worst day of our respected lives,

Dunn was lying in their bed with the constant interruption of family. Holding the unconscious body of Joseph in his tree-trunk arms, Pen whimpering on his chest in fitful slumber. (reflecting on the last five days with his exhausted mind pondering repeatedly)

First, the now silver-amber otter sleeping on his chest is not the son he always believed in but his dying lover's CLONE!! That still raw realization now held deep in his turbulent mind as the fading progenitor in his arms rests soundly in the slumber of a coma. He was detached from the unstoppable pain of the last few days of his life.

(His thoughts shattered once again, interrupted mid-thought by "Dianna" as she opened the door of their room again)

"What do you want, FEMALE???"

(Dunn snarl at her fat intruding form in the cracked doorway. What other than money brought that "EGG DONOR" here, I would not hazard to say.)

"Just checking in on you guys!" She retorts with a pensive scowl on her fat face in dispute to his glare of hatred.

"This is a family matter, FEMALE, so please close that door, AND I will come out when it is time!!!"

I am again snarling at her through gritted teeth.

With a frosty glare, she retreats away from the opening, leaving the door open in haste to remove her distasteful appearance from Dunn's site. With a fragile whimper, Pen stirs on my chest to open his now swirling emerald eyes. Sleepily he looks up at me in a querying gaze met by my own bloodshot brown eyes.

"Is it time, Dunn....?" His pale face distorted with fear. Asking the question neither of them is ready to have answered, body trembling, Dunn stroke down his softback from his shoulders to his quivering tail.

"Soon, my love.... soon....." I softly reply as my eye's again blurred with the seemingly invariable flow of tears. Round ears pulled forward to hear the berating raspy breath of the fading otter in my arm's while we quietly talked.

"Dunn, what are we going to do..." tears flowing freely from his silver demure face as his muzzle quivers with every strained word.

"We live Pen...... We live and remember everything!" was the only reply I could muster, the realization that I don't hold any of the answers he was so desperately trying to understand. With a sudden coughing fit, Joseph's eyes flutter open, startling us both away from our painful talk about the future, the bio-imager blinking suddenly green in sharp contrast to the deep red of the last two agonizing days.

"I LOVE YOU CUB's........" exhaled in Joseph's final breath as the imager suddenly turned bright violet, signaling the loss of brain activity and body functions! Enlisting the cold automated metallic voice of the bio-care unit:

"Time of death .. 5:16 on May 16, 2138," Stated in its unfeeling mechanical voice, our world-shattering into a thousand shards along with our hearts, the gut ranching realization it was indeed that moment in our lives.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" *ROARS* with the stabbing realization."

The walls of the room shutter with the release of pure unadulterated sorrow, glass all around the room shattering under his colossal exclamation of pain, only to have the little amber pup join in with his strained, tearful wail.

"DADDYYYYYY..... NOOOOO... DON'T GO.....!!!!!!

His small voice was all but drowned out by the earth-shattering guttural roar. That thunderclap of pain resounded throughout the house, signaling their love's passing. Both of them wail inconsolably into each other as they hold the now lifeless body of Joseph. Suddenly the family alarmingly bursts into our most private moments through that damn open door. They were shouting questions as if this was some inquisition.

That oh-so-painful confirmation that they already could see though they failed to actually look. With the bright violet light radiating from the bio-imager affixed to the corpse of the otter we loved. Desperately clinging his body into our shuttering forms, all we could do was wail in the loss as the Fur's around us pounded us with questions at this most inappropriate moment.


Again, I roar with that telltale sound of glass shattering around the room, startling the conservative mass around us into utter silence. "GET OUT NOW!! I again boom into their faces as all eyes are on us, grasping at the stark realization that we now held Joseph's lifeless body between us. "Well, you don't have to be so bearish about it, you beast!"

That shrill statement of Dianna's only caused me to lash out with a massive paw, swinging in her direction, trying to remove her visage from my site though they all were well out of arm's reach.

In a restrained growl, "Get out now, people, and let us grieve you money-loving vultures!!!!!" Dunn gritted through bared fangs, his ruff standing on end, body trembling with utter rage and still clutching the two most precious things in his life to his chest. With that demonstration of pure anger and anguish, the family resigned itself to getting out before the highly hysterical Kodiak bear mauled them to death where they stood. Everybody exited just as fast as they burst into the room though some were a lot more reflective of the brutal actions of the bear with such disregard for their feeling.

"What is going to come to pass now???? What do we do???" raced through Dunn's shell-shocked mind as he held the now lifeless body of Joseph, sobbing from the depths of his shattered soul. He was lost in the sudden real grief of everything. The two are now crying uncontrollably, surrounded by the dishevelment of their once peaceful room and lives. The stark realization that life as they knew it was over!


May 19th -

The second worst day of our lives unfolded around our once tranquil home.

People and Furs mulling around the grounds now that the interment was over. (with way too much fanfare!) Joseph wanted only a simple cremation though that was not possible as just about every vulture was attempting to gain access to Pen and the vast assets now in his hands.

Dianna's utterly useless deadbeat "boy-toy" of the moment constantly attempts to garner Pen into their good graces with no success.

Geain { Gee-A-in} that distasteful draft horse mongrel! He constantly grabs Pen by the neck, only to direct him to Dianna's grasp. Yet again, attempting to persuade Pen, she had his best interests at heart. The truth be told, that FEMALE could hardly touch the pup. She's devoid of genuine feeling, a feral expression always upon her face distorting in disgust with the sliest contact this he son.

"Why won't you listen to your "MOTHER"????"

The abrasive horse's voice belongs to non-other Geain Dunn's ears suddenly picked up the agitated voice through the open window forcing the bear to glance away from the conversation as it was repeating with every VIP in attendance today. "Listen here, you mutt!!! You will do what your mother tells you, or I will make that tail of your sting with the thumping you will get for disobeying."

The following statement is adrift in the air of the open window. It was followed by the report of a very LOUD solid sounding crack of a hand against something. *YELP* following in Pen's young voice, causing the bear to suddenly see red!! Dunn's "Ruff" suddenly stands up, giving him a frightening appearance. (scaring the hell out of the President of Geoncorp in front of him!)" Teeth are gnashing in the rabid ferial snarl, thick saliva bursting forth from his mashing jowls.

Dunn abandoned his formalities completely, dashing through the mangling crowd for the back door, attempting to get Pen to his side no matter what it took. Unfortunately, for several "GUESTS," he did not do this with their concerns in mind.

Several guests were being thrown out of his way (some latterly being tossed to the ground) as he stormed forward only to burst out of the back door to locate Pen and "KILL" that ex-con boy-toy that now was holding an upended squealing otter by his thick tail several feet off the ground.

It happened so fast that nobody really could see the actual event, although the aftermath was witnessed by everyone in utter horror. Dunn lunged for Pen in a flash of panicked rage. The blinding gold flash blurred forward and accomplished several things at one time.

(One) In a single fluid movement, the bear retrieved the upended otter from the grip of the aggravated horse.

(Two) The herculean balled-up paw's bone-cracking blow slammed into the horse's muzzle, literally knocking him out of his cowboy boots.

(Three) And finally, that monstrous blow sent the now unconscious horse flying back a good 15 feet to crumple unnaturally into a mass of bleeding flesh on the beach's hot sand. The earth-shattering blow forced all that witnessed it to gasp in sheer horror. Geain's shattered, long nose displayed in a bloody and unnatural angle as it came to rest with his now distorted body.

He was spinning on the ball of his pad to face Dianna.

"You get that thing off my island *NOW* Female!! If you or anything you try to say is related to you in any way again ever steps foot within 1 mile of Pen or his property, I will make sure that the only thing you enjoy for the rest of your life is YOUR DEATH!!!!!!!! He all but roared directly into her face.

Everything stopped instantly as Dunn's rabid framework up-righted Pen into his body, slinging him over his shoulder and glaring at the people and Fur's now shell-shocked around him. Nothing moved as he gruffly announced:

"This party is over everybody (glaring menacingly at Dianna, he continued). GET THE HELL OUT NOW!!!!"

Dunn's muffled growls to nobody simultaneously, eyes transfixing on the now broken and bleeding horse on the beach. Fear stricken, everyone quickly retreated away from the feral Kodiak, now threatening to literally vizierate everybody that dared to get within reach.

When it took Dunn to pull Pen from his shoulders, the floodgates opened, and the mass of bodies walking as fast as they could on two legs quickly made their respective exits! (a few even going so far as to outright run)

Pen mortally wounded look upon his worn face, he forced himself to take a deep breath. "Are you OK? Did he hurt you? Can you move your tail? What happened?" he all but rambled in an attempt to determine the condition of the only remaining reason he is on this planet.

(Moving his tail as if to answer the question, Pen looked up with tear-filled trembling green eyes and squeaked)

"I'm OK, Dunn. He just slapped me because I would not sign those papers....." submissively, he replied, on the verge of losing his self-control completely with the hard-handed treatment he had just received from Geain. "You will never see that beast again as long as I live, Pen, that I guarantee YOU!!!" he forcefully stated

A look of utter determination on Dunn's tense face, ears flat back against his skull, Dunn's eyes broad with concern giving his general appearance one of a Rabid Bear. He glanced down to see the papers Pen had mentioned on the ground at his feet. Only able to make out the words "Durable Power of Attorney" legible across the paper's surface, his eye's again flashed with pure hatred. "That bitch tried to pull a fast one, and now she will pay," rambled across clenched jaw as Pen looked at him intently from his pinned position on his shoulder.

Dunn only caused Pen to smile as his big gruff teddy bear saved him from that menacing beast of a boyfriend his mother has! Grabbing a napkin off the table and using it to retrieve the paperwork from the paved patio floor carefully, he slowly walked them back into the house. Headed first for the kitchen, he opened the counter drawer pulling out a plastic bag.

Shifting the weight of his pup, "Hold on, Pen," was all the warning given as he turned the Pen back onto his wide thick shoulder, allowing him to use both paws to deposit this little document into a safe place.

"I know just what to do with this little bag!" his eye's sparkled with bemusement. Depositing the item on his desk, Dunn hugged Pen tightly to his should only to speak sternly, "LOCKDOWN." With that, the whole house suddenly had a loud echoing chirp. The security system the loud mechanical voice stating.

"Emergency" as if asking for confirmation.

"Non-Emergency" was his only reply as the house suddenly went quiet except for the plasma shielding encasing the house, slightly changing the color of the dimming sunlight coming in through the office windows, giving them a more bluish hue. "Let's go lay down, pup. I think we have had just enough of everything today. Though I do not think we can handle it anymore, even tomorrow. What do you say, pup?" with that, he slowly turned to leave the office, heading for their room, as they've now taken to calling it. Neither of them felt comfortable sleeping anywhere else as it smelled of Joseph. Pulling Pen tighter into his chest, he softly growls, letting the feel vibration of his chest and fur rumble against the shaking otter's body.

"Dunn..." trying to speak but is quieted with a soft kiss to the darkening nose. "No more talking, pup, OK? We both need to cuddle and forget this day, for right now, you hear ME!" Emphasizing the statement, he squeezes Pen tighter to his chest, forcing the pup's breath as he tries to inhale. "OK," sighed the haggard otter while they headed down to the hall to their bedroom.


May 11

"Joe...." was all the golden Kodiak bear could get out of his muzzle; he was engulfed in the passionate kiss of his fragile lover.

Tears streaming down both their faces matting their respective Fur, passion never to be quelled, only softened by the supple brushing of Joe's tongue as he weakly licked at his tight jowls. Shaking paws, still holding the now sleeping pup between them, they shared the tenderest of kisses between them. The futile attempts to alleviate life's events are pressing upon the 3 of them. They were lost in the tender kiss they now shared. Eyes sparkling with longing half closed, exchanging the passion in the only way currently available to the pensive failing otter.

Breaking the fervent kiss Dun pulls his ravenous maw away for the trembling otter in his loving grasp. "Let me put Pen back in his bed, Love, and we have a few things to discuss?!"

He whispers with a heavy sigh, jowls dripping and salivating at the sweet taste of his lover's kiss. The Longing flush on his face, that brief, passionate kiss stirring his loin's way past the point of suppression. Slowly withdrawing with Pen pressed tightly to his massive chest. Hard silken Fur covered Peck's heaving against the sleeping otter's body and trying to suppress the frantic need for release throbbing behind his eyes and in his ringing ears.

His golden locks shaggily shimmering in the morning sun to the enchantment of Joseph's gaze, head fur hanging over his lust-filled eyes Dunn just smiled down painfully at Joseph's gleaming eyes.

"What's wrong with you, BEAR?!" he screams into his turbulent mind. "There's no time for "THAT," now get this pore pup in his bed!" forcing his overpowering needs to threaten to harden against his will under his power again.

"I'll be back after I tuck our "silver" away in his bed, love?" Stressing the understanding of the information he had to receive by E-massage. "Of all things" Trying to suppress the now growing problem on his still nude quivering body, hurtfully escaping from his lover's embrace, he slowly starts sliding Pen lower into his Fur covered lap.

Sitting up with an electric chill rushing from his now compressed sheath, he finally swings his thick legs over the edge of the yielding mattress, eyes aflutter at what just the supple kiss of his lover can do to him. Leg's tensing up as Pen's limp weight applies pressure to spots he can no longer ignore! Stifled a groan, Dunn stands, hoping that Joe missed the signs of his lust welling up in him. (though, honestly, he would be a fool to think anything can get past that steel trap of a mind he has!!)

"Dunnedward, take your TIME" The soft sound of whispers hits Dunn's ears as Joe's eyes flutter closed, signaling his impending state as he shutters with the pain running through him. His failing body still shows the true nature of his once muscular tight body, although now only a hollow shell withered to the bone.

"I Love you, Joseph he murrs," slowly pulling his gaze away to head for Pen's room to deposit the sleeping pup into his freshly made bed.

Still futilely suppressing the hardening result of that single kiss lingering on his tongue. Tasting his relaxed jowls, he feels the pulse of his impending problem only to moan aloud with every pitfall of his now trembling feet.

He was trembling with the pressure of Pen now evident against his hard sheath. Startling by the realization that the young otter has wrapped his youthful legs around his left leg, only to cling to him like a second pelt.

Growling in distress, Dunn hastens his pace to the bed before him. He feels his knees weakening with the sensation now exploding down below. With a heavy sigh, he lowers himself and the sleeping pup onto the soft surface of the bed below.

Relaxing back with the blinding flashes in the corners of his eyes, the smell alone making starts to flash across his vision and shift in position caused by Pen's sudden grasping of his tail. His sleeping mind is lost in some fitful dream soliciting this reaction, causing Dunn to breathe in a haggard breath. Attempting to prevent the desperate enrages of release he so desperately longs for.

Sinking into the fresh bed below him, the feeling of the mattress ventilation system kicked in with a shutter as the slightly cool air flowing up through it into his back. Dunns caused his stubby tail to thrash in the tight grip of Pen's clutched paw.

He felt the cool air rush up his hard cheeks due to Pen's hip pressing between his now spread legs. Shuttering again in the futile attempt to stop the impending reactions, Dunn growled deeply as his now overstimulated sheath and tail-hole quivered with abandonment as electric sensations rushed through him. Lust flashed over his face as that sudden rush of approaching passion exploded through his body, exquisite scorching tendrils of pure electricity touching the most private of parts in and on his body. The eye's slammed shut with the impending explosion, and he just stifled the deep guttural roar that threatened to escape his clamped muzzle. Then it happened!

Tail suddenly pumping into the cool air of the mattress accenting the shivering tail-hole, white heat suddenly burst through his mind as every thought melted into the pure blinding light of orgasmic bliss, the feelings now racking his body. Thrusting hips involuntarily into the body pressed tightly to him only to match his undulating powerful thrust causing his trapped sheath to expose the throbbing member it contained unwillingly. Their bodies tensing, awash with explosive tender electricity as his crimson cock suddenly burst forth into the silken Fur now surrounding it.

That did it; with an almost subsonic growl, he released, his heavy tufted balls slamming tight into the bases of his cock, contracting with exquisite pain, and the first explosion of his seed rocked forth. Thrusting in a rut, hips abandoning all logic and mental control, he continued to drive his exploding cock into that silken heaven of Fur surrounding it. Eye blackening with the lack of air Dunn pumped forth his pearlescent water of life onto the groaning pup's ever-fighting body as it delivered tear-filled memories triggered by this very feeling around his member.

Pen holding tighter in the embrace, his dream telling him, "Safety & Love!!", eyes fluttering as his body was enveloped in the warmth of 2 massive appendages clinging to his silver Fur covered body causing warmth to spread all around him.

Blinded but still with the hint of a mind returning as the orgasmic sensations rang in his fangs, the sound of heaven allowing him to hear songs sung only for the gods. Never in his life had he had an orgasm this completely. Every part of his massive frame stung with the harmonic blinding white bliss that enveloped the two beings in the eyes of his mind. Dunn, only to lose all sense of self to pure euphoria. Time was stopped as if to say "heaven," only to start to tumble back to earth away from that perfect moment that is now etched within his quivering skull to last forever.

He was gasping for air now that his protesting lungs heaved in the much-needed air he could not breathe in the throughs of that harmony, eyes still stuck in the back of his skull. He could not see anything, though, blinking in the attempt nonetheless.

Body trembling like a newborn cub in the cold, he earnestly tried to fill his lunge with air as he slowly returned to his mortal coil. Nothing in the world had ever come close to what he now found reluctance to let go of.

How could this have happened to him?! (raced across his mind as his body started to respond to his mental will.)

After much heavy breathing, Dunn could finally move his body again, although considerably weaker than he ever remembered feeling after an orgasm. Slowly rolling Penn off his now soaked groin to only gasp as the cool air rushed over his unsheathed member. It was causing another blinding volley of watery "spunk" to hit Pen square in the gapping muzzle. Looking down, he realized he had soaked the front of his pup completely! (his pink skin shows through his glistening silver fur.)

With toothy grimmies about his reluctant muzzle, he gently reached down, pulling his sheath over his pulsating member. With the fluid movement unpredictable by his massive bulk, Dunn, using a shaking paw, slowly lowered Pen to the bed below him.

With a deep exhale, he shifted their positions. He needed to get the pup cleaned up before his impressive seed stain dried that silken Fur into clumps. Still feeling the lasting tingles radiating from every cell in his body, he just laid back, enjoying the final fading memories of his trip to heaven in his silver cub's embrace.

After about 5 minutes of daydreaming and reflecting on this bizarre morning, he looked down to discover that the motionless pup of his was sprawled out next to him, fur matting in the morning air as the copious fluid was drying.

Looking on in total love, Dunn was suddenly ripped back to reality as he witnessed a soft pink tongue slipping out of those perfect silver-covered pink-trimmed lips. Darting lazily back and forth across his jowls, Pen was cleaning the unintended ruminates of spunk from his lips in his sleep. To Dunn's shock, the sleeping otter's meek voice murdered his name. Without thinking, he lowered his shaking muzzle to Pen's muzzle, letting his wide tongue slip-free in one painfully slow lick cleaning the remaining fluid from his sleeping jowls.

The second his tongue touched the silver lips of his pup, his eye's exploded in stars again; nothing could prepare him for the intensity of this kiss. Their chest suddenly seized in utter constraint as his body was racked with that stinging feeling again. He let his tongue slip unopposed into Pen's sleeping maw. In that instant, Dunn found the reason to keep going renewed with utter joy; Pen opened his tender maw, accepting the passion that was now broiling anew within Dunn's body. Slowly his tongue slipped into the succulent muzzle of his pup, and all he could do was lose the presence of self as the tiny pink tongue lazily danced across his undulating pink member.

Breathlessly Dunn recoiled from the kiss only to catch his breath, that incredible kiss reducing his mind to bliss-filled wonder with every moment. Slowly he lowered his muzzle again, letting his broad moist tongue dance onto the matted silver Fur before him. Stars explode as his seed and that silken Fur mix, dancing across his senses. The textured flavors exploded throughout his body as he ravenously cleaned up the sleeping pups' matted Fur with his tongue.

In total abandon, tongue glazing back and forth, relishing in the exquisite feeling his actions invoked deep within him. Dunn All but devoured the silken body below him. With sudden realization of pressure to his tongue, Dunn opened his eyes to discover his muzzle was clamped around the now extended sheath of the sleeping pup.

This only second to the sudden memory of this morning as Pen accidentally let loose with his morning water. His supple tongue slipped into the now extended sheath encasing his young cubhood against soft velvet member. Feeling the supple Fur rubbing against the roof of his mouth, the indescribable sensations as his tongue forcefully wrapped around the unsheathed tender member now pressed against his tongue.

With a shutter of his body, Pen suddenly rapped his paws around Dunn's head, latching on to his twitching ear with a vice-like grip. Dunn froze in place only to find Pen thrust softly into his now filled muzzle, "Dunn...." slowly escaping from his sleeping lips, further driving the bear to continue his exploits (Though he would never willingly do this to his pup!!!).

Tongue descending smoothly to engulf the now throbbing member trapped by its velvety grip, Pen increased his thrusting and latching onto the bewildered bear's head fur. His youthful balls softly brushed against Dun's pursed lips.

Completely lost in the impending feelings, a siren's cry expounded from Pen's lips in a matter of moments. His pulsating member throbbed uncontrollably within the velvet tongue that now encased it. Hearing the pounding heart pressed against the painfully bent ear. Dunn got a sudden stunning taste of something. Dunn Registering like that delayed reaction of a sudden blunt force trauma, his taste buds exploded. (Though nothing more than the smallest of ejaculations)

This undeniable taste of seaman washed over his tongue. Suddenly the white heat of recent memory passed over the two, only this time, it was shared. Both were ripped from their bodies. In utter bliss, they rose to the heavens in the electrifying sensation of pure white euphoria. The body's losing every sense of self, and they rocketed into the limitless confines of orgasm.

To Dunn's astonishment, he merged body and soul with his pup. There were no borders to them. Both intense and terrifying, every fiber of the two was integrating into the single point of infinite blinding white energy sweeping them away. With great reluctance, the feelings began to fade as they both descended, ripped from that infinite place devoid of time. They were slowly receding from the heavenly playground they shared, only to once again resettle into their respective bodies slowly as the feelings abated.

Gasping for air again, Dunn was struck with the fact that his little silver pup had given him something precious (His first real orgasm.) Nothing in this world would tarnish this memory as now this was strictly Pens' and his.

Although guilt is starting to form at the back of his head as the sudden realization that, for the second time today had his SON's sheath in his lecherous maw, devoid of the guilt he felt he should be racked with. All he could do was pant and ponder till his body would do what he willed it to again. Ear's ringing and vision were still clouded with the unbelievable explosion of colors as they faded away from that spectacular blinding white light. With a slurping sound, he reluctantly withdrew his expanding pink tongue from Pen's softening sheath.

Taking great care not to overstimulate the young otter's sensitive member Dunn pulled the sleeping pup's paws free from his painful ear. Leaning back with his now snoring pup draped across his head, he slowly pulled him down until the amber-silver otter rested on his heaving chest. "I love you, Pen, with everything that I am! You're the only reason I will ever do anything in this world of ours, my LOVE!!!" he whispered into the sleeping otter's twitching ear to only get a soft snort and murr in response--a lazy smile.

Dunn's eyes sparkle with his sole showing through pledging to the sleeping otter his undefeatable personal protection from his loving bear.


Unbeknownst to the two, "secretly" watching from afar, a sobbing otter closely inspected their entire episode in the next room. Joseph had initiated the holographic Display the second Dunn had closed the door.

Though unable to be there in body, he was in spirit; he revisited a similar experience 20 years before in his mind. Tears ran down his muzzle with the repentance of not being able to physically experience this pure moment with them, suppressing his feelings, knowing that he had made the right choices concerning his Cubs.

"End Recording" was all he could whisper, only to have the metallic voice equally as quiet respond:

"File and authorization?"

Breathing deeply, he responded:

"System protocol Pentanthin" caused a series of chirps in response as the system logged off and shut down into standby.



End Chapter two - The Path we take

Comments are always welcome. Please let me know what you think.

Pentanthin ~