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Here's a quick story for my partner's birthday! Love you, Aster! Just a little non-con fic about her getting used by werewolves.~

If you'd like to support me, please favorite and leave a comment! Check out my commission info and my Patreon on my profile!

The doe's cloven hooves trotted down the forested path, across twigs and roots and decayed leaves. She held a tattered map in her paws, tracking the undulations in the land as they passed by. A rightward twist in the path, a large oak on her left. Off in the distance sat a huge boulder, marked by a circle on the wrinkled paper.

In truth, Aster had never navigated these woods before. Her paws trembled, her breaths uneasy. She knew the horror stories which surrounded this place: travelers emerging from the treeline covered in inexplicable scars; bandits stealing folks blind; but in most of the stories, those who entered the woods simply never returned.

But of course, the main road had been down for a week. Food was running out in her cottage; every dinner brought the same plain bread and water. And so, the clever deer resolved to pass through the dim woods to the nearby market.

Aster wore a short black skirt and a comfortable pink tank top as she walked. Atop her shoulders sat a woolen violet cloak. She shivered as the forest's shadows made the air chill against her flesh.

Black branches twisted like tendrils above her head, obscuring the pure blue sky, casting deep shadows across the detritus. Thickets and bushes encroached from all sides. Birdsongs faded the farther she marched.

Gosh, it was actually getting unexpectedly cold. She pulled her cloak taught and rounded one turn in the path, then another, then another, until she was in the thick of it. No chirps, no bird calls, just the footfalls of an anxious deer on broken sticks echoing through the still air.

Suddenly, a crunch broke the silence. The deer glanced to her left, then right, gazing into the dense thicket. Fuck, she couldn't see anything aside from the path itself.

"Hello?" Aster called. She bent her head low, making herself small. Her paws quivered as she gripped her cloak. Her thighs twitched in anticipation, ready to sprint at a moment's notice.

"I have nothing of value," Aster spat. "If you're here to steal, you'd best choose another mark." But no one answered. Just unnerving, terrible silence. Her legs tensed. Fuck it, she'd make a break for it down the path. She was a deer, after all. Running was in her blood.

But just as she lowered herself into a sprinting stance, a furry paw emerged from the thicket to her right. Pitch-black, and huge. That paw alone was easily the size of her face, probably larger, with thick obsidian-colored claws.

A leg then emerged, and a torso, until the predator revealed herself fully. It was a female lycanthrope, eight feet tall, clad in nothing but dark fur. Her amber eyes traced Aster's figure, cold and calculating. Black hair cascaded from the werewolf's head, past her shoulders, and onto her back. A pair of round, fluffy breasts laid bare in the shadows, dark nipples barely poking from beneath the thick fluff. Further down, a sizable package sat between her muscled thighs; a fluffy black sheath atop a pair of dark testicles.

Aster froze as she laid eyes on the behemoth. She sensed some sort of intelligence from the being - if it wanted to kill her, it would've attacked by now.

"H-hello?" Aster sputtered. "Why are you following me?"

The werewolf scanned the doe once over again, then replied, "You'll do."

Aster tilted her head. "I'll do... what?"

Without warning, a pair of gigantic black claws gripped her slim arms from behind. The doe attempted to flee, but the monster simply gripped her tighter. Aster then wrenched her head aside, trying to catch a glimpse of her captor, only to meet the gaze of another lycanthrope. A male this time, with the same black glossy coat. However, his package was notably larger; the red tip of his canine penis already peeked from the inside of his sheath.

"Wh-what is this?" Aster squeaked.

The female werewolf laughed. Her voice was scratchy and gruff. She teased, "Congratulations, mortal. You've been chosen to become our breeding slave. It's an honor, reserved for only the most distinguished vessels. You should be proud."

"B-breeding slave? But I didn't-"

The male growled from behind her. He spoke directly into her ear. "We didn't ask for your opinion, slut," he snarled, and his claw traced along the doe's neck. "Now lay down."

Aster whimpered as the razor-sharp claw ran along her flesh like a knife, then shakily lowered herself onto the forest floor. The male loomed behind her as his accomplice disrobed the helpless doe. Aster pouted as her cloak was removed, then her tank top and skirt, laid bare before the two lycanthropes.

The female werewolf smiled and said, "You look delicious, dear."

Aster stifled tears. She shook and replied, "Th-thank you. But please... just stop."

"You know that's not going to happen," the female barked. She then stared at Aster, savoring her prize. A soft, pudgy tummy. Two small antlers poking from a head of beautiful dirty blonde hair. But most importantly, a large pair of breasts atop her cream-colored belly, below which nestled her pussy, cradled between her chubby thighs. Fuck, the female was drooling just _looking_at it.

"My name is Juno," the female bellowed. "My friend is Hyacinth. You'd best memorize your new masters' names." And she bent down, sniffing between the vulnerable doe's legs. Hot breath washed over Aster's flesh. "Such a wonderful scent..."

Instinctively, the deer bucked and attempted to run, but her efforts were easily foiled. Hyacinth held her wrists tightly against the ground, splaying her wide. Useless gasps passed her lips, watching helplessly as Juno's maw came closer and closer to her slit...

Juno then opened her mouth and tenderly licked Aster's pussy from top to bottom, making the girl squirm. Fuck, it felt good, but Aster couldn't stay here. The doe squirmed and writhed, attempting to break Hyacinth's grasp, but every movement was futile. Juno pressed her snout flush against Aster's groin and ran her soft canine tongue over her slit again, and again, and again, relishing in the doe's lust. That sour, pungent smell of aroused prey. Juno knew it all too well.

The wolf then redoubled her efforts, flicking her warm tongue along the periphery of Aster's clit. The poor doe recoiled, clenching her ass, her stubby tail flitting in the dirt. Tears fell onto her cheeks and trailed onto the ground as her womanhood was thoroughly violated.

Juno then lifted her maw from between Aster's legs and lapped at the lust which

coated her lips. She asked, "What is it, little one? Are you overwhelmed?"

Aster nodded. Sniffles. "I don't understand why you're doing this."

"Because we can," Juno swiftly replied. She narrowed her eyes. "Rape is how it always starts. But soon, your mind will break. And you will willingly come with us. Let your inhibitions flee. You can find happiness with us if you would only let go."

And she plunged once more between Aster's legs, licking fervently along Aster's fur. Juno's calm, authoritative voice made the deer shiver. Fuck, she could feel herself getting wetter with each lap of Juno's slick tongue, a sticky mess of precum and saliva forming between her thighs.

Juno then gently prodded her tongue inward, pushing against Aster's pussy and

spreading her wide. The doe couldn't help but moan as Juno worked her way inside, one tender thrust after another, their prehensile tongue prodding upward toward Aster's tummy. The werewolf's tongue was surprisingly strong; its tip writhed against the doe's insides as its base greedily lapped at the resulting lust.

At the same time, Juno retracted her claws and gently rubbed Aster's clit with her paw, causing the doe's pelvis to instinctively buck forward. A desperate moan shot from Aster's maw, a mix of pain and pleasure as the monster molested her body. Fuck, she was enjoying this.

Juno then pulled herself from Aster's insides, letting her long snake-like tongue dangle from her maw. "You're delicious. I can't hold back anymore," the werewolf growled. "Congratulations, meat. You're about to become the mother to my pups."

Aster's eyes widened, her jaw gaped. "W-wait! No, please!" She pulled against Hyacinth's grip. "I'm not ready for a litter!"

"Don't worry," Juno replied. She waved her claws dismissively. "Our pack will prepare you for motherhood. But for now... ready yourself for my seed."

Juno then gently touched her package, spurring her canine cock to rise from its dark sheath. Her penis was huge, cherry-red, studded with bulging veins and ending in a throbbing spade-like tip. A bulbous knot then emerged below it from the mess of damp black fur. The wolf smiled as she surveyed her prey, rubbing along her length and savoring her view.

"Wait! That'll never fit!" Aster cried. "You're way too big for me."

The wolf's cock throbbed. "Oh, we'll see about that," she said. "Now get ready, because I'm not holding back." And she bent downward into missionary position, the tip of her cock quivering against the doe's slit.

Unexpectedly, Aster then felt Hyacinth's grip on her wrists loosen. An unfamiliar scent then greeted her nose before she had a chance to react: musk, sweat, damp fur, and clove. She wrenched her neck backward in time to see the monster standing above her, fully erect. His cock was somehow even larger, but similarly spaded and knotted. Hyacinth gazed down at his prey with a smug, predatory smile. Precum already dribbled down the side of his shaft, forming a succinct droplet on his glans.

"I see you smelled my musk," Hyacinth said. "Hypnotic, isn't it? You'll be smelling this a lot from now on, so you'd best get used to it."

He then lowered himself on all-fours and dangled himself above Aster's prone mouth. His muscled, furry arms held him on either side of Aster's body. Fuck, his musk was_strong._ But Hyacinth was right - it was intoxicating. Aster was suddenly filled with the urge to take the wolf in her mouth, to run her tongue along his red cock and...

The doe yelped. A sudden pressure pushed against her slit, then forced itself inward. Juno. Fuck, she was already sliding herself in. Aster could feel the werewolf shudder in pleasure as she violated her prey for the first time. Her back arched, a howl escaped her lips. "Fuck, meat. You feel good," she growled, and bared her fangs. "You'll be a wonderful mother to my litter."

The comment made Aster shiver. Fuck, she was about to become a mother. No, not just that. A cocksleeve.

Hyacinth's hips then bucked forward. His drippy cock was forced directly onto the doe's face, smearing lust on her cheek. The warmth of his member pulsated against her flesh.

"Take it or die," Hyacinth barked. "I don't have time for games."

And so Aster took the animal in her mouth, moaning softly as she was raped from two ends. The werewolves then began thrusting against her insides in tandem, one inside her pussy, another in her throat. Almost immediately, Aster's oxygen dwindled. It was hard to breathe; Hyacinth's sweaty musk overtook her, filling her mind with a milky haze. She could barely move, sandwiched between the werewolf's huge biceps.

Hyacinth's length filled the entirety of her mouth, cradled between her thin cervid tongue and the roof of her mouth. She felt his cock twitch eagerly as it searched for her warm, tight throat, sending spurts of bitter precum into her tummy. He thrusted himself past her tongue once, then again, and again, until his spade met the back of her throat. His entire body shook as he felt the doe's insides massage his glans, his fluffy tail swishing in the air. "Fuck," he bellowed. "That's it. Keep going, just like that."

And so he continued, fucking Aster's throat raw. The doe kissed his knot with every hump, her eyes watering, her lungs screaming for air. But the fight was gone from her; she simply laid there, limp, just a fucktoy waiting to be filled.

Meanwhile, Juno tucked her tail between her haunches and humped fervently at Aster's pussy. Desperate moans and growls emanated from her buxom chest; she hadn't bred prey in two months. More than pent up, she _needed_to make a litter.

"There we go," she growled, bent over Aster's chest. "Good girl. Take it nice and deep."

Aster couldn't help but whimper as she briefly met Juno's gaze. The werewolf's pupils were slitted, her gaze predatory. Aster really was just a breeding slave to her.

"Beg for my knot," Juno ordered. Her claws gripped Aster's flanks, sinking into her flesh

and leaving dark red streaks. "Beg to be impregnated by your alpha. Moan for me."

As instructed, muffled, pathetic moans sounded from Aster's full mouth. Her body spasmed as she fought for the slightest gasp of air. Pressure mounted within her loins, she felt her entire body tensing. Fuck, she'd never felt so desired before. It was as if a switch had been flipped within her. She writhed now not because she wanted to be freed, but because she wanted to be raped harder.

Hyacinth readily took the bait, harshly holding her arms to the ground as he pumped her full of his sticky precum. "Stop squirming. I'm not done with you yet," he growled. "You will swallow my seed, like it or not." His then dick quivered against the back of Aster's throat, his balls tensed.

At the same time, Juno's humping intensified. Aster's insides grew tight around her canid cock, massaging her cherry-red flesh and milking every drop of lust into her womb. That desperate, broken look in the doe's eyes triggered Juno's predatory instincts. Juno was slapped with the sudden urge to impregnate the poor doe, to conquer her, to own her, carnally and completely.

"Get ready," Juno warned, and thrust harder against Aster's insides. "I'm about to give you a litter, meat. And I'll make sure you don't spill a drop."

Juno's pink knot then began kissing Aster's entrance, each fervent push eliciting whimpers from the poor doe, until it eclipsed her slit and popped inside. Aster writhed desperately against Juno's body, her moans muffled by the flesh which filled her maw. She could feel the monster twitch against her womb, pressing up against her clitoris, overstimulating her lower half, melting it into mush.

Juno then threw her head back into the air, letting loose a fierce howl. The doe's insides were tight, warm, perfect. The werewolf's thrusts became frantic. Her knot inflated to full size, her legs locked, her hot breath fell over Aster's breasts. Her maw curled into a brutal snarl, deep growls filled the air.

"You're mine," Juno barked. "Now take it!" And she thrust herself as deeply as she could inside the prone doe, her spine curling, a deep guttural moan erupting from her throat. Her cock flared against Aster's walls, and load after load of warm cum spurted deeply inside the doe's womb. The warmth was overwhelming; not a drop of cum escaped the dog's pulsating knot.

The sight of his packmate's orgasm set Hyacinth over the edge. He, too, began to hump Aster's insides fervently, plunging his way past the base of her tongue. Pressure built between his thighs, his breathing quickened. His own heartbeat echoed in his ears, the moans of his prey invigorated him. The doe was just so weak, so pathetic, _he needed to own her. _

"That's it, prey," he growled. "That's it. Drink my cum." A moan fell from his lips. His tail wagged. His hips twitched uncontrollably. "Good girl! Good - ah!"

And just as with Juno, waves of cum erupted against Aster's insides. She greedily drank the werewolf's seed, allowing it to fill her belly. Its smell was pungent and sour, the same as his balls. Aster relished every twitch of the werewolf's flesh, every moan that erupted from his lips, every instinctive thrust of his hips. _She was his bitch now, through and through._Cum spilled from her lips, flooding her throat, her nose, coating her tan fur. She had never felt so thoroughly owned.

A profound warmth then emanated from Aster's belly and abdomen to her spine, filling her incapacitated body with pleasure. The thought of being used from both ends... it made her giddy. Apprehension fled her mind; Juno's commands burrowed in their place. She needed to be owned. She needed to be used. She needed to become a mother.

Through Aster's hazy consciousness, a tingling feeling arose from her pussy. She felt herself twitch uncontrollably, a grunt escaping her lips. First her hips, then her legs, then her whole body. A barely-conscious orgasm wracked her prone figure, causing the doe to writhe violently against her captors, squeezing the last bit of seed from Juno's cock into her womb. A pathetic bleat emanated from her filled lips.

Hyacinth then removed himself from Aster's mouth, allowing the doe to breathe. Desperate gasps came from the deer's maw.

"You did good there," Hyacinth snarled. "You'll make such a good breeding slave. But next, you'll have to bear my litter."

Aster simply stared at him with half-lidded eyes, relishing the quivers of Juno's knot against her clit. She then smiled weakly and replied, "Of course. I'd be honored, master."