Focusing on Self-Improvement

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The sequel to New Inner Strength, Askel and Sym are still having a shaky relationship when it comes to their plans after they had taken over the club. Sym looks to make his host a little more aggressive in his takeover attempts.

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It had been several days since Askel and Sym had taken over the strip club, and though the two had celebrated their newest acquisitions as well as their new form eventually the deer transformed back to his previous state. When the symbiote receded however not all of the demonic changes went with it; as Askel looked at himself in the mirror he found that not only had his physique retained quite a bit of muscle but there were a pair of small fangs that poked out past the lips of his muzzle and he had a small pair of horns in front of his antlers while his longer prehensile tail swished about in the background. While he had long since accepted his role as Sym's host and recently found himself enjoying going around as a demonic rubber symbiote deer the crash to reality was much harder than he had anticipated. It didn't help that he had a reminder of the consequences of his actions as the naked muscular jaguar man showered behind him.

"I thought that we were over this in the office Askel," Sym said as the deer saw the fur of his shoulder turn shiny and black before a demonic muzzle rose up from it to look at him. "Why do you continue to hold back when I've shown you just how powerful we've become? You haven't even gone back to the club since you took it over."

Though Askel was a bit perturbed about a second head talking to him with someone else around the deer knew that the stripper feline wouldn't mind in the slightest. "Yuki can handle the day to day of the club," Askel replied as he got ready to brush his teeth, noting that they were all slightly more pointed than before. "There's no need for me to go and visit him."

"You know what I mean," Sym replied with a hint of anger in his voice as Askel began to brush. "That place could be our palace, a throne room dedicated to our worship where you could have dozens of thralls under your command. Instead you take your jaguar and your dog and you practically hide here while keeping me hidden on all of them, what is the point of giving them such desirable symbiotic forms if you aren't going to show them off? Then there is the fact that you haven't let yourself go in quite some time and leaving me pent up in here..."

"Enough!" Askel shouted, a loud crack reverberating through the air as the clawed hand snapped the toothbrush it was holding in half. The shout was enough to make Mitch look over at him and as he asked if everything was alright both the deer and symbiote said they were fine before turning their attentions to one another once more. "It was bad enough when you were whispering in my ear, I'm not just going to be a puppet that you can lead on your strings."

There was a moment of pause before Sym merely retracted back into the body of the deer to allow him to finish his morning ritual, even though his symbiotic nature would make such things unnecessary. He realized at this point that perhaps he was pushing his host a little too hard; after his time in the club where he looked to be accepting his new lot in light he had woken up the next morning and gave one look at his rubber demonic form before retracting it, and perhaps he had gotten slightly overwhelmed. While he could have easily read Askel's thoughts on the matter the trust between the two was still being forged and the last thing the alien wanted to do was go back to the way things were in the beginning. But Sym was starting to grow impatient and wasn't content on just living the cervine's life like Askel wanted, and with him already having indulged in their power once he could sense that with just a little more coaxing the symbiote would have him addicted to the intoxicating rush of Sym's form.

Fortunately Sym had allies to help with Askel's progress, most notably in the jaguar that had started to practically live in their apartment. Unlike Tobi who was Askel's friend and still had lingering regret on making him into a thrall Mitch was just a neighbor, and as such had far less reservations when it came to being the dominant one over him. This gave Sym the opportunity to help tweak the deer's preferences and whenever the two were together he gave his host a rush of pleasure just being around the other man. They had made significant progress in that regard as they shared a bed every night since the club and more than once in their symbiotic forms.

With the jaguar stepping out of the shower and drying off as the deer finished up his morning ritual it didn't take much for the symbiote to bump Askel's libido up upon seeing the naked feline. One thing Sym had managed to reinforce was that his host no longer wore clothes while in his apartment, which once more made it easy to entice both men as the symbiote took over the tail of the deer and stretched it out until it had started to push into the tailhole of the jaguar. The stimulation was enough for the feline to turn and practically pounce on the deer and drag him to the bed. By the time they entered into the bedroom Sym had coaxed the deer to let him take over and soon there was a demonic symbiote deer thrusting down into the tailhole of his rubber jaguar thrall.

"I can't believe I have to influence him to take this form," Sym said through his fanged maw as he flexed his muscles while making sure Askel couldn't hear this next part, the deer lost in the haze of pleasure as he leaned down to the jaguar's ear while thrusting into him. "Listen up thrall, I have a very important task for you. It's time we take our conversion of the Demon's Den more seriously and to do this we're going to need the proper... catalyst to make the deer understand..."


As day turned to night Askel had just finished up with everything he needed to do in town and was about to head home when his phone started to ring. He quickly fished it out of his pocket and saw that the number came from Demon's Den, which prompted him to answer it immediately. "Master, I have something that you definitely want to see," the voice on the line that the deer recognized as Yuki said. "Come down to the club as soon as you can."

"Something that I want to see?" Askel repeated, though by the time he had gotten the question out the phone had disconnected. "Go down to the Demon's Den..."

"Oh, did you have something else planned tonight?" Sym replied wryly within the deer's head. "It's been days since we visited, and you had been gung-ho on at least transforming all the other dancers like you had Mitch. Or are you not visiting that place because you know that's what will happen and you are trying to not engage in your inner demon?"

"My inner demon is you Sym," Askel stated, though he had bit his lip that caused the symbiote to chuckle. "Fine, let's see what Yuki wants, but it's just going to be a quick in and out."

"And if what Yuki is bringing us in on requires our... special touch?" Sym asked simply.

Once more Askel found himself faltering slightly at that, feeling his lust already starting to rise at the thought of going to the club that they technically were in charge of since the owner was their thrall. "I... suppose that if it was needed..." Askel replied before he shook his head to regain control of his increasingly lewd thoughts. "Let's just see what Yuki wants, no converting the other dancers though since we still don't have a plan on that."

"As you wish," Sym merely replied, Askel unaware that there was a smirk on his muzzle as they made their way towards the strip club.

By the time they had gotten to the club it was already hopping; ever since they had converted Mitch he had become a crowd favorite, and with the ram also getting an intensely sensual form he would go out himself to the glee of the patrons. But Askel wasn't there for the dancers, which usually caused Sym to fume, and instead went around to the back where the employee door was. It was easier for him to go that way and avoid the crowd and bouncers, and since there was a pin lock all he needed was for Yuki to tell him the password. After that he could come and go as he pleased as Askel opened the door and immediately turned to go up the stairs to Yuki's office.

"Ah, there you are Askel," Yuki said as he got up, making sure not to call him master in case anyone happened to come up as well. As the deer looked the thickly muscled ram up and down he could see that the boss kept up his sense of style and had bought himself a set of new suits for his bigger body. "I was told that you were looking for someone to help you and Sym out in more of an assisting capacity and Mitch actually clued me in to two that would be perfect."

"I see, you were told this?" Askel replied, mentally glowering at Sym as he could guess that the symbiote was the one that had spoke on their behalf. "Well, I came all the way down, may as well see what you're talking about." Yuki nodded and led him over to a set of windows that overlooked the club, and as the ram directed his attention he saw two rather large canine men sitting at the bar talking to each other. "You mean the great danes, which one in particular?"

"Both of them actually," Yuki explained. "Mitch says that they've been coming in for months and from what he and the others have chatted with them the two are stuck in dead-end jobs and don't have much in the way of friends outside of each other. Considering the cash they throw around and the fact that they're both pretty ripped I'm guessing they're in construction."

"So they're not brothers or lovers or anything like that?" Askel asked.

"Childhood friends, or so they say," Yuki said. "They're joined at the hip though so they would be a package deal, otherwise one might notice the other acting strangely or going off on his own. Would you like me to get Mitch to invite them to one of our private rooms?"

It was a risky proposition, Askel thought to himself, but before he could relay that thought the deer felt his lips move of their accord. "That would be perfect," Sym said through him. "The jaguar will entice them in and then we will take it from there Slave."

"Thank you Master," Yuki replied, the two letting the guise of their relationship slip as the ram bowed in reverence to them. "I'll get started right away, you can use suite two."

Though Askel was fuming he didn't say anything as he walked himself down to the room in question, which thankfully was soundproof for what he had planned. As soon as they got inside he locked the door behind him and went up the mirror, which as he did he saw one of his eyes turn completely black. "Sym, what are you thinking?!" Askel practically shouted. "I thought you were going to let me take the lead on this!"

"Because I thought that you had finally accepted what we are!" Sym retorted as Askel saw one of his arms turn black and rise up to point at their reflection. "I thought that when you had latched onto that demon form that we were on the same page, but it appears that we have more work to do. And yes, I had Mitch find you more creatures to assist you in finally showing your rightful place as the superior entity!"

Though Askel scowled at that Sym brought up the memories of when he had encountered Mitch and Yuki here in the first place, feeling himself shudder at the power that he had felt in that form. He did feel... superior, that they deserved to take over this entire club because they were the strongest. After that night though he had started to fall back on those feelings and had wondered if he had gone too far, especially with the way the Yuki continued to look up at him. He knew that Sym didn't like his hesitancy though and had more to teach him about being a proper host as he watched the symbiote retract back into his body when they heard a knock at the door.

With the plan already in motion Askel found himself going with it as he went over and opened the door. Though he had seen the two great danes before there was quite the difference in seeing them from a second-floor window and seeing them right in front of his face. Yuki hadn't been lying when he said they were stacked; even with the somewhat loose-fitting clothing they wore he could see that they both had a shredded physique and were taller even then his own augmented form. They both had big grins on their faces and as they looked down at the deer they asked if this was the right suite for them to see Mitch do something called a demon dance.

Demon dance... Askel had to refrain from rolling his eyes as he knew what Sym had set up for them. It was likely how they vetted the two to be an easy target for them as well and he could see that they were definitely excited for it. He nodded and said this was the place and that he was just getting everything ready for them while motioning for them to have a seat. The two men nodded and went over to the couch that surrounded the small stage in the middle of the room and they seemed to promptly forget that the deer was even in the room, which was just fine for him as he watched them wait with their bodies trembling with anxious energy.

"Alright Sym," Askel said, this time mentally to make sure the two didn't think he was having a conversation with himself. "What are you going to do with these two? I doubt you're looking for a pair of secretaries."

"I'm not going to do anything to them," Sym replied. "Neither is Mitch, this time I want you, as Askel, to bring these two into the fold." Askel found himself balking slightly despite himself, even with his enthusiasm in helping Sym in establishing their presence here he always found the alien to be the corruptor and him just the host along for the ride. "That is exactly the thought process that I'm looking to change; you don't want me to just take you over, and I'm not going to stand idly by while you squander our potential with these petty emotions of yours."

"Well excuse me for having reservations for enthralling people," Askel stated, a grimace showing on his cervine snout. "Those emotions are what make me metahuman, by the way."

"All the more reason for you to overcome them," Sym shot back as Askel could feel the symbiote's power surge inside him and caused his body to swell briefly with muscle before calming back down. "I know that you still yearn for that demonic desire you had when we first came here, and eventually just exerting it on Mitch and Tobi aren't going to be enough. It's time you finally behave like the apex predator you are Askel, and since that jaguar is about to show him his true form you can either embrace our symbiotic bond or you will have two of those walking liabilities that you are so wary of creating."

That bastard, Askel thought to himself, he was going to paint him into a corner and make him move forward with the conversion that he had been promising the symbiote all this time. There was a dark chuckle in his mind and as he glanced over at his reflection in the mirror he saw himself stick out his tongue and smirk in recognition. As his face went back to the frown he had before the deer also realized that the symbiote was gaining better control of his host body since he couldn't even feel his muscles move at that. If he kept denying Sym the symbiote might go back to its old ways... and that meant struggling not to become a mindless thrall with his other self at the steering wheel as the lights dimmed save for the one on the stage.

In the next few seconds the music began to play and the two men started to clap and cheer as Mitch came out from behind the curtains. Just as the deer suspected he was in his symbiote thrall form, the rubber of his body glinting in the light as his hands played with the curved horns on his head before sliding down his even bigger chest. The only thing he had on was a thong that left little to the imagination and as he whipped his prehensile demonic tail around the head of one of them. For their part the two great danes were completely mesmerized by the dance, which Askel knew would only make it easier for him to go up and see about adding two new thralls to the mix.

But as Sym watched the deer start to move up to them the symbiote wasn't going to stand idly by. The hesitation and fear that his host had was greatly hindering their progress; they could have this entire club under their thumb by now and create a demonic paradise with the resources and bodies of the patrons spread out at their feet. Askel needed to embrace his new lot in life, and as the days had passed he had a few ideas of what he was going to do for the deer so that it would happen. This wasn't just about getting two new thralls, Sym had quite a few plans for augmenting his host that would require the deer's attention to be... elsewhere while he worked.

With the symbiote shielding his thoughts Askel had no idea what the entity within him was planning as he tried to figure out what to do. The great danes, whom Yuki had said were named Sebastian and Dan, could easily beat him into a pulp if he wanted and even with Sym and Mitch's help would be a tough fight. The one thing that was clear was that they were into men and rubber, and as they both started to pitch a tent in their sweatpants they were also very comfortable with one another. Askel needed a way to pacify them so that he could properly enthrall them, and without the help of the jaguar except as enticement it meant that he would have to take on both at once as he sat down next to Sebastian.

At first Sebastian didn't even realize that the deer had sat down next to him, but as he made his presence known during one of the lulls in the dancing the great dane looked over and remarked his surprise that Askel was still there. With Dan still fixated on the jaguar as he changed out the music it gave Askel a chance to try and get some more information and not get distracted by his muscular arms flexing while he took a drink. It was clear just from the conversation that they were having that this guy was a nice guy that was slightly more dominant, and since he was interested in rubber eyes it meant that it would be easy to come off as submissive and let him make the moves. As the stripper jaguar came back onto the stage Askel knew that all he had to do... was...

Askel found himself blinking several times as nothing came to mind. It was the first time ever that the deer could remember drawing a total blank, though as he scratched his head he was unaware that the tendrils in his skull could be seen bulging and shifting the fur. Any time that he tried to steer his thoughts to presenting himself to the canine they evaporated in thin air before he could even grasp them. As the dance continued and the jaguar began to tease taking off his thong he knew that if he didn't do something soon they were going to be fixated on the danger again, which meant that even though it would be harder he would need to take a slightly different approach to these two.

Sebastian had just started to turn his head back to finally see this exotic feline in full rubber finally take off his thong and show them the goods when he found the deer sliding up to him and whispering something into his ear. With the music still going and his gaze still fixated on the dancer he couldn't quite here was the strange man was saying and found himself leaning in. The great dane would have blown the guy off but since he had allowed them in he wasn't sure if this guy worked for the club or not. Though he found himself getting slightly irritated he leaned towards the deer and asked if he could repeat himself, but as he did his eyes widened slightly as he found the other man lick it.

It was a bold move but he... but Sym wanted these two under their heel and all he could think about was what sort of symbiotic abilities he had to do so. While the great dane would believe that he was just getting a sensual lick in reality the deer's tongue had transformed into a shiny black tentacle that he began to push into his ear. He had hoped the shock of such an amorous advance would shock him long enough to get the symbiotic tongue into him, but to Askel's surprise he saw that Sebastian glanced over at him with a smirk on his face. Looks like this guy was into it, the deer thought to himself, though as he nuzzled against his head to keep up the ruse of this being just a lick he couldn't help but feel a tremor of pleasure at watching his mutated tongue wiggling and slithering into his skull.

"Holy hell dude," Sebastian said with a huff when Askel pulled away, letting his tongue morph back but letting the black droplets of drool soak into the fur of his coated ear as the enthrallment symbiote began to spread. "That was awesome. You got quite the skilled tongue."

"That's not all that's skilled," Askel said as he kept the grin on his face, and though that wasn't how he usually talked he found that it was easier to flirt than he had originally intended. "Also why are you wearing all those clothes? The two of you must be very uncomfortable and this is supposed to be a place where you can relax."

The conversation of the two had caught the attention of both Dan and the dancer, the other two looking to see as Askel pressed against the great dane. Though the deer had started to tap into the brain of the man and was making him more accepting of a more assertive advance to him the other two were not being influenced by him yet as Dan looked back at Mitch. "Hey, is that true?" Dan asked. "Can we... well, get naked here?"

"For two studly men like yourselves?" Mitch said with a smirk. "Go to town, especially considering who you have with you. If you think I can be a rubber demon, you should see this guy." As Dan and Sebastian both looked over at Askel the deer could see the jaguar give him a wink. While Mitch wasn't going to be converting the two himself he threw the symbiotic deer a bone, and with that pretense it gave him the opening to start manifesting the rubber underneath his own clothes.

With Sebastian being influenced by Sym the great dane just chuckled and told his friend that he was going to take advantage of their good fortune and began to take their shirt off. While Askel would like to get his hooks into Dan as well he seemed to follow the other man's lead and did the same, revealing the rather large eastern dragon tattoo that he had on his meaty chest that snaked down to his abs. Both these creatures were chiseled like they were made out of marble and as they flexed their bodies to get out of their pants next the deer found himself staring at them with more than just lust. Sym definitely had good taste, Askel thought to himself as they pulled off their pants completely after getting rid of their boots, and there was something about the fact that Mitch was starting to give him bedroom eyes that was thrilling.

Take control... at first Askel thought Sym was prodding him again, but as they showed off the boxer briefs they got and Mitch had them flex for him to get his thong off he realized that it was his voice that said it. He had already gotten a reward from being bold once with having the symbiote slowly spreading over the mind of the nearest great dane, who also had a tattoo but of a phoenix that took up his entire back, so why not keep going? While both these men should be incredibly intimidating he found Sebastian looking back at him more than once as though showing off for him. This one was being rather easily influenced, and as Askel found himself able to influence the great dane more he tried putting a thought in his mind while reaching forward and gently squeezing his groin to find him packing quite the member.

"Hey, what's the deal with this?" Sebastian said with a grin as he lifted up Askel's shirt, revealing his shiny rubber abs that were underneath that might look like a shirt to the untrained eye. "Hey Dan, this guy is packing rubber under his clothes and he's hiding it from us! I don't think that's fair, do you?"

For a few moments there was no response and when they looked back they saw that the other great dane had his muzzle buried in the groin of the jaguar whose cock was pressing against his chest. Sebastian playfully slapped the other guy on the butt and when he turned to ask what was going on he repeated the question as Dan looked at Askel. "Oh, yeah, you got rubber under there?" Dan asked, Askel nodding. "Yeah, show that off!"

"Maybe you should be the one to do it for me," Askel replied coyly as he glanced over at Sebastian. "Your friend wouldn't mind, right? I'm not a dancer and I'm giving you permission, go ahead and touch me all you want... as long as I get to do the same."

While Askel had originally intended on just letting the great dane explore his body the last part of his statement allowed him to maintain the upper hand. Why should they be the ones that controlled the narrative, the deer thought as he ran his hands against the hard muscle of Dan's body as Sebastian egged him on to get the cervine naked. "Come on, you can do it sexier than that," Askel said with a smirk as he began to get more into the mindset, feeling the symbiote bubbling to the surface as his shrit was pulled off to reveal his own shiny athletic physique. "I'm sure your friend can think of a way to get my shorts off."

"Yeah... I think we can make this happen," Sebastian said with a big grin on his face as he saw the big man come up behind the great dane and put his hands on Dan's shoulders. "I bet you can do it with your teeth."

"Aw, come on man!" Dan replied, Askel briefly worried that he had pushed it too far until he saw the grin on both their faces. "Why don't you go down there with your teeth?"

"How about both?" Askel interjected, bringing his hands up and putting his hands against the heads of both men. While Sebastian just got stroked along the back of his head Dan was being teased by the ear as he used Sym's power to morph his finger into a tendril that slipped inside of him. "Go on down and get a taste, I think two big strong dogs such as yourselves can handle what's down there."

The combination of the challenge and the influence that was coming from the symbiote within was causing Askel to pant as he saw these big, powerful men look to each other and goad one another before slowly lowering down. This was becoming really intense, the deer mused as he pushed a tendril in Sebastian's ear as well to keep corrupting their thoughts, and it was having an effect on his body. Though he knew not to transform in front of them until they were fully converted he felt his form growing as his horns pushed further out of his skull, though the biggest changes were happening to his groin. The nine-inch cock that he had been hiding away was slithering down his shorts like a python as the symbiotic augmentation was growing it out until it was already a foot and a half long, which the two marveled at once they had gotten down on their knees.

Just like they were supposed to be... the sight of these two creatures kneeling like that was getting the deer increasingly turned on and as they began to play around with actually trying to take off his pants with their teeth the feeling of their muzzles on his synthetic groin was heavenly. At the same time the symbiote was spreading over their minds and he could sense their thoughts, which while they were dominant in nature they quickly recognized that they were in the presence of someone that was even more superior to them. Catching those errant thoughts was like a live wire that shocked Askel to the system and when they finally managed to pull down his underwear he found his head pressed against their heads.

"Now that you have released the beast," Askel said, his voice growing deeper as the two nearly naked great danes looked up to see that the deer's eyes had begun to glow red while his blackened lips curled up in a smirk. "I think it's time for you two to start worshipping it..."

Askel watched as the look of surprise that was on their face was quickly turned to a glazed over expression as he used the symbiote in their brains to continue to influence their thoughts. Such power, strength, masculinity... and all it took was a bit of mental tweaking in order to get into their minds and get them to begin to nuzzle his huge rubber cock. At this point the deer completely let himself go for the first time in front of someone that wasn't a thrall, growling in pure pleasure as he allowed the symbiote form to reassert itself over his body. While he had thought that Sym would once more be taking the reins from him like he had done before the deer was surprised to find that the influence of the symbiote was absent just like he had promised.

As the cervine let out a huff Sym was busy at work, but in the background as their shared frame continued to grow. Mitch had made a great choice with these two, the creature thought to himself, the fact that these great danes had fantastically muscular bodies before being altered by them gave Askel the idea of wanting the same for himself. There was still a disconnect in the mind of the deer between their physical forms even though his was altering to become more like their shared symbiote body. Sym knew that forcing his host into accepting their body would only cause rejection, but having a two handsome studs nuzzling against his groin while their naked bodies knelt there was giving the deer deliciously devilish ideas that the symbiote was reinforcing in his mind while still in the background.

Without the prompting of the symbiote Askel found himself left with two enthralled creatures at his legs, and with Mitch having left and the room belonging to them for as long as he wants the possibilities are endless. Sym wanted thralls, Askel thought to himself, but he hadn't dictated on how to do it. He felt a little unsure of himself in this regard and realized just how much he had been leaning on the alien symbiote when it came to what they had been doing. As Askel thought about it he realized just how much he hadn't been pulling his weight in this relationship... though were his thoughts not mired in the haze of lust that came from the set of hands that were rubbing along his rubberized half-hard shaft he might have remembered that he had never thought that way in the first place.

With the great danes both starting to become more amorous without the direction of Askel the deer couldn't help but watch them, a smile forming on his face as he found that it was actually rather endearing. Such strong men... powerful creatures that could have easily broken him in half, and yet with a little subterfuge and a potent symbiote crawling over their brains they were like putty in his hands. He could transform them into anything with the alien substance that was coating over his body without him even realizing it, but as his demonic horns grew longer and his frame expanded he looked down at himself and saw something that he felt didn't inspire such worship. Normally that meant retreating back and letting Sym take over, but Askel found another path to walk down as his ears twitched from the rubber covering them.

A similar situation was happening with the two great danes and as Askel watched them get covered he realized that he had the solution right in front of him. These two were all about respecting strength and assertiveness, and that was what he was going to do as he let out a growl that exposed his sharpening teeth. "Time to put you two to work," Askel said as he sat down on the couch, shivering with delight as the two nodded. "Since you already know your place I want you to take it up and give worship to this body."

"Yes master," the two great danes said at the same time, almost in unison as they moved over the thick carpet. The shiny substance had started to leak out of their mouths and cover their muzzles, and as it erased the slightly different patterning that they had on the fur an idea came to mind that caused the corrupted deer to grin. If these creatures really were inseparable then he could just give them bodies to match, though that thought was interrupted when one of them slid their synthetic muzzle down and completely engulfed the head of his cock.

Yesssss... Askel practically hissed in delight as he could feel the thoughts of the two, sensing their delight in being able to serve the deer that was growing bigger before their eyes. With the mental state of the cervine in flux and his thoughts focused on what he could do to these two it gave the symbiote an open door to do the same to his host. Askel let out a grunt as his already decent physique began to swell and grow, his legs stretching out and nearly pressing against the stable as his thighs thickened while the hands of the canines pressed against him. Though the eyes of the deer began to glow red it wasn't due to Sym taking control, at least not directly as the nearly completely rubberized deer demon let out a laugh while putting his clawed hands on the head of the one that was still licking up and down his shaft.

"You can do better than that," Askel said with a growl. "Especially with the power that I'm giving you." Sebastian let out a muffled grunt of surprise as the growing cock, which had gotten past the foot mark already and was still growing, slid almost effortlessly into his throat. The deer found his tongue licking his lips as he watched his member stretch out the shiny skin of the great dane's throat, and before Dan could back away to shift position the deer reached out and wrapped his fingers around the back of his neck to bring him in.

With the idea he had in mind Askel wanted to make sure these two understood just how they would be doing everything together, and though his cock was occupied he felt his morphing body more than willing to accommodate the other muzzle. Just like his friend Dan didn't hesitate at all as their rubbery lips met in a kiss, and without even batting an eye he allowed the thickening tongue to push into his maw. The increasingly muscular deer didn't need to tell the great dane what to do as he quickly began to lick his own tongue around it, which he could feel it starting to stretch along with the muzzle that was housing his new rubber cock tongue. Though the pleasure coming from stretching out the mouths of both men were intense Askel could register that something was happening to their heads as their skulls morphed and their muzzles stretched out even more.

While Askel could appreciate their forms there was another idea forming in his mind for these two as he could see both of their partially assimilated bodies quivering from the alien symbiote cum being pumped into them. Both his regular and cock tongue were making sure that these two were thoroughly seeded and as their washboard abs began to push out from the fluid the deer continued to change. He wasn't going to change the physiques of these two fine specimens, but that didn't mean he wouldn't take a little inspiration from them as the table cracked from his hooved foot hitting against it. His entire body had surged with new growth as the power coming from the two whose throats were squeezing against his sensitive shafts flowed into him.

It took all of Sym's resolve not to push the deer into full corruption; though as the deer turned to the mirrored wall and saw a pair of glowing eyes set against a rubber deer head he was doing just fine on his own. The symbiote started to whisper again to associate the intense pleasure and raw dominance that Askel was feeling not only to him but also to their body. Finally, Sym thought to himself as he could see the symbiotic rubber on their shared head begin to shift just like the two creatures that were practically on top of him, he was finally getting a host worthy of him. With the pleasure being fed into the creature Askel couldn't stop the mutations happening to his already rubbery form even if he wanted to, though stopping the power that was growing inside was the last thing on his mind as the lips of the lupine muzzle he had created on Dan pressed against his own.

Soon the huffing and grunting that was coming from the couch wasn't just from pleasure as Askel felt his entire body buck upwards, which only caused his cocks to go deeper into the two creatures whose horns began to grow in at the same time. The transforming deer was becoming insatiable and when his hooves hit the already busted table again this time he felt talons dig into it. Though he had two men that were being penetrated by his members, both of which had started to slide completely up and down their throats, he saw that his feet had split and formed into a set of almost draconic feet paws complete with talons. When another surge of lust hit him it caused Askel to grip them once more, and as the dexterous toes folded in he was shocked to find that they resembled rubber deer hooves once more.

With Askel completely inundated Sym decided to lend a helping hand, though he continued to keep his host propped up as the fingers that had been grabbing onto the horns of the rubber lupine-headed men slid down to their necks once more. "My eager hellhounds..." the demonic deer hissed once more, which grew even more pronounced as the symbiote decided to add upon their muscular body as it sounded like two voices were leaving his muzzle at once. "My stunning guardians... my twin pets..."

When both Dan and Sebastian looked up the symbiote that was in their mind had already started to sync their thoughts together. It was an interesting plan that even Sym hadn't thought of for the two, and given to how they were taking it as they moved their heads back and forth at the same time the two were clearly into the idea. Their demonic symbiote master formed a spiked rubber collar around their necks as Askel gave a mental command for the two of them to move back, feeling his tongue retract and form back into his natural tentacular state with the difference of a split forming in the middle. With his muzzle becoming increasingly serpentine Sym could feel that it was doing what he wanted; Askel was disconnecting from his deer form and latching onto this one, hopefully for a long time if not permanently as he ordered the two men to stand at attention.

The two did so in almost identical fashion, and as the rubber continued to coat down their chest and to their cocks, which had already become a shiny black from the symbiotic fluid leaking and coating their groins, Askel saw their blank black rubber eyes staring forward. These could be a nice pair of drones, he thought as he stood up himself, but what a waste of potential that would be. There would be others that he could do that too, unaware that Sym's voice was still slightly ahead of his own and guiding the corrupted host down deeper, these two were already slated to be something else. Before he could do anything with them though a sudden jolt that went down his spine caused Askel to nearly fall forward. The thick arms of the two transforming men caught him and as they asked their master if he was alright the deer's body shuddered and trembled as his spine began to push up.

Askel was panting heavily as he could feel the spines that formed down the middle of his back extend all the way down to his tail, gritting his teeth from the overwhelming sensations as the muscles of his back began to bulge. "Sym... what's... going on..." Askel panted, though he could feel the tendrils of the symbiote were taking control of his own lips while a pair of rubber wings began to emerge.

"You're finally allowing yourself to blossom," Sym replied through the serpentine maw of the transforming creature, his breath coming hard out of his nostrils that were still cervine as he grew another several inches to accommodate his new frame. "You've taken two of your own thralls, you finally understand the power that comes with this new form. With that we can grow even more, I can improve this body until we've reached the pinnacle of strength and majesty!"

When Askel felt control return to muzzle the only thing he could do with was groan in pleasure as he got back to his feet, feeling his new toes spread out and grip the ground to anchor him as the muscle growth on his shiny body began to get more pronounced by the second. It was as if holding onto the ripped physiques of the two creatures, whose respective tattoos of the dragon and phoenix they each had transferred to the other in shiny silver latex, was absorbing into his own form as he grew taller and bigger by the second. Even his voice was growing deeper as the creatures that he originally needed to look up to were now doing the same to him. This was the way it was supposed to be though, Askel's inner voice whispered as he found himself flexing his new muscular physique that riveled the two.

As his new mutations began to settle down the deer, though as he looked at himself Askel couldn't bring himself to recognize himself as such, looked to his new thralls that had been supporting him during his transformation. They were both coated nearly completely in the shiny black symbiotic rubber and the red glow in their eyes showed just how mentally they were corrupted as well. The paunch in their stomach they had gotten from being flooded with the alien substance had also dispersed and converted their insides leaving the eight-pack they had behind with the tail of the dragon tattoo on both their chests in the exact same spot. The features of their great dane heads were completely enveloped and changed into that of wolves, or more specifically of the infernal hellhound that would serve their demonic master with total and complete loyalty.

Seeing the two standing there had Askel licking his lips and his two-foot long rubber cock swelling once more. He hadn't gotten off before, his task filling the two with his symbiote so that he could make them into his thralls, but with that task done the demonic creature found himself wondering just how in sync they were. That would include once more alteration to his body but it appeared to him that Sym already had them covered, the rubber creature gently stroking his shaft as it grew a cleft in it just like his new forked tongue had. His body shuddered in pure delight as the one prehensile cock he had shifted and morphed until he had two, the shafts quickly filling out until they were almost as big as what they had been before.

The twins shafts twisted around one another for a bit before Askel told the two hellhounds to service him, this time with their tailholes as he sat back down once more. The tearing of cloth could be heard as his spines dug into the cheap fabric but the symbiote demon didn't care at all, not when he had the two hunks turn around and show off their shiny bubble butts framed by the thicker lupine tail that draped over it. They were quick to brush that aside to expose their synthetic holes, and just as he had thought the two were doing it at the same time. While it was fun to watch them move and act in unison as his submissive demon hounds though there was part of Askel that wondered what would happen if they were given independent thought once more.

Given his confidence that he could handle anything that might happen the symbiote demon did just that, watching as the glow left their eyes and they became solid black orbs once more. Since had just been using them as puppets for the moment the two had gotten their first unaffected glimpse of each other's bodies as they looked at each other in shock. "Holy shit man," the one that Askel believed was Sebastian said as he rubbed his hands over the other hellhound's shiny form. "Look at you!"

"Look at me?" the second hellhound replied in awe as he ran his fingers over the dragon tattoo on the other hellhound, which caused the latex lupine to shudder and his cock to throb. "You have may tattoo! Or... do I have your tattoo?"

"I... I don't know man," the first one said as they continued to rub their hands over the other's chiseled form. "It's weird too because I don't even really care. I feel... really good." As the two turned towards the hybrid creature who was just watching him with bemusement the symbiote could sense the lust that had been building in them returning with a vengeance as they both looked down at the twin cocks nestled in Askel's lap. "And I really want that cock inside of me."

"Me too man," the second hellhound said as he found himself shifting, which caused their own erect members to slide against one another. "Hey, is it weird that we're going to fuck our master together like this?"

"I think it would be stranger not too," the first hellhound said with a grin, which caused the other one to mirror it. With the flexibility of his cocks the two were actually able to both sit with their chests pressed up against one another, their cocks throbbing at the same time as Askel guided his demonic shafts into their tailholes while they continued to rub together. "Man, it's like... I'm having sex in front of a mirror."

"You would know," the second hellhound replied, the two laughing before Askel leaned forward and brought their muzzles into a kiss. As the twin rubber creatures started to make out the synchronicity that they had shared before the symbiote let them loose was still there as their inner walls squeezed down on his shafts at the same time. Though some of their movements were independent of one another, both of their hands roaming over different areas of their muscular bodies, their bodies were as one as their cocks throbbed at the same instance.

As Askel leaned back and let his thralls do the work both he and Sym couldn't help but probe into the minds of the two that had impaled themselves on his cocks. To his surprise the two had never even looked at one another in a sexual way before, the two agreeing to maintain their friendship over anything else. That didn't stop them from sharing in explicit activities together, such as the strip club that they had been a part of before the demonic deer symbiote had gotten his claws into them, but this was the first time that they were actually together in a lustful manner. From the way that Askel saw the two hellhounds sucking one another's tongues it was clear that they believed their new relationship was worth it, though to have the two hellhounds be independent of one another but still act like twins was going to be interesting to see play out.

For the moment though Askel was only focused on one thing, and that was the pleasure that was coming from these two sliding their hips up and down to bring as much pleasure to their master's cock as possible. A deep chuckle from inside his head made him aware that his symbiote was also enjoying this as well but he didn't care at the moment. This was his conquest and they were worshiping his body like they were supposed to, like they were all supposed to. As Aske looked around he couldn't believe that he had any doubts that they would be able to take this place over as two of the hottest, strongest men that could be found here bent to his will and were practically impaling themselves on his huge cocks to show their reverence to him.

As the bulges that his shafts were creating in the two creatures rubbed together and caused him to shudder though there were other things on his mind, and given his new means of thinking with Sym helping instead of directing he could focus on plowing his thralls while scheming. "These two will make fine guards for this place," Askel said with a confident tone in his deep voice. "Perhaps we can find a few more that will help them, another couple pairs of friends who wouldn't mind working together as well as the matching uniforms."

"I'm sure that Mitch and Yuki could find something," Sym replied as the head of the symbiote rose up from the meaty pectorals to look at his host. "You seem to have a plan in mind, I thought that taking this place over would be too risky."

"Fuck that," Askel said, pausing as his clawed feet gripped the carpet and caused tears to form as the two hilted him at the same time while still holding one another. "You were right all along Sym, we are the apex predators of this place, it's time we start acting like one. If we can bring two monsters like these great danes under our heel then the rest of this place doesn't stand a chance."

"That's good to hear," Sym replied as he sank back down, his host syncing with him more like the two hellhounds that were on the bring of orgasm. "So how shall we start then?"

There was a moment of pause as Askel's desire and the pleasurable sensations that had been building up inside of him overwhelmed him, the two former great danes letting out a howl that turned into a gurgle as their stomachs once more were flooded with symbiote seed. While most of it would be dispersed throughout their new forms some would be stored to convert others as their own cocks slid up their bodies before spraying their mutated seed on one another. "I think... we need to talk to Yuki again," Askel finally said as he petted his new hellhound men while they rested against one another. "Once we found some attire fitting for these two to blend in a bit better."

As the night wore on those that worked in the club eventually saw the last of the customer's leave, the DJ giving last call as the patrons paid their tabs and got out. For Mystic it finally allowed him to breathe a sigh of relief; the boss had been calling other dancers up to his office all night for some sort of employee review and while the fox appreciated all the attention and tips he was getting it was hard to entertain an entire room by himself. It also didn't help that several of the security officers had also been called up at the same time while he was on stage dancing. As he gathered up the rest of his money and went to the backstage it made Mystic wonder if someone had gotten caught stealing or something.

Just as he got to the room to deposit his money and change the vulpine saw that there was something taped to his locker. It was a post-it note and it told him that he also needed to meet with Yuki and told him to come up at around three. As he looked up at the clock he saw that it was around two-thirty, the night being somewhat slow with some patrons leaving as the dancers became sparce, and decided to just go up and wait for his turn. While he only had his thong on he decided to leave it and just put on a shirt so he wasn't nearly naked as he went through the hallways that led to the office.

When he got to the stairs that led up Mystic was slightly surprised to see the two bouncers at the door already, both of them standing guard with their hands across their chests. It was definitely strange to see them there when normally security would be all over the night's take, but when he waved to them as he went up the two just gave him a look before they nodded. What was going on with this place, Mystic thought to himself, did someone really try and rob the place? For the first time since he had started working here the vulpine found himself slightly worried at what he was in for as he got to the upper door and saw two very well-muscled great danes in suits standing there at attention as well.

This time one of the canines stopped him while the other moved to block the door, which with them wearing only suit coats and nothing underneath the fox could see they had identical dragon tattoos on their chests. "Hey, boss gave me a note to come in," Mystic stated as the hand of the canine pressed against his own stomach.

"They're not ready for you yet," one of the two replied while the other nodded his head. As Mystic just shook his head and started to argue that he wanted to hurry up and go home he couldn't help but notice that these great danes didn't just have identical tattoos, the two were twins as one suddenly opened the door while the other that had been holding him stepped aside. "Nevermind, the boss wants you to come in."

The fox just rolled his eyes and stepped forward to go into the office, but as soon as he walked in what he saw what not what he had been expecting. Mystic's eyes went wide as he saw an absolute beast of a creature covered head to toe in rubber standing behind Yuki's desk, the demonic creature standing there though was not the ram. He was thrusting his hips and sliding his massive cock into the falcon dancer that he recognized, though as his stomach was bulged up with every push into his body something was happening to him. The thong that had been brushed aside for the rubber hybrid to plow into his tailhole was growing tighter as the cock within was lengthening, and as the avian cried out in esctacy his head was hanging more and more over the side of the desk as tendrils of symbiotic goo slithered visibly through his body while the black substance leaked out of his beak.

"Ah Mystic," another voice said, the fox jumping to the side when he saw the demonic rubber ram that he vaguely recognized as his former boss. "You're early, but no worry. Our master is more than willing to do your meet and greet now if you would like to join your fellow dancer on the desk."

"Our... master..." Mystic stammered, his brain still broken at seeing the somewhat thin bird's frame filling with new muscle as the face frozen in pure bliss had the strange shiny substance starting to spread over it. With every thrust of the much bigger man the avian dancer was growing bigger until the arms gripping the side of the desk bulged with muscle and his chest looked like he belonged with security instead of on the floor. "I... it..."

"Master Askel has a new direction that he wants to take us," Yuki explained as the avian orgasmed, his thong quickly staining with black before the growing cock, which was as shiny as his cum, popped out and began to coat his feather. As claws grew out of the fingertips of transforming man it finally caused his brain to restart, but as he decided to make a run for it he suddenly found himself face to face with four identical rubber hellhounds that began to surround him like a ravenous pack. "Of course if you wish to go a different direction there is always more room in security..."

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