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#343 of Commissions

Story for GrumpySmoke!

Debuting Rosemary, the evil AF vixen with a horsecock as big as her appetite. Walking home with some drunken friends after a big party presents the perfect opportunity for the wicked fox to pick them off one by one. She's been so good. She deserves this.

Also debuting Melissa, the subby rat with some secret hungry urges. Under Rosie's guidance, she might just learn to embrace her voracious side.

Features all kinds of vore including oral, cock, anal, hard, as well as a crushing scene, corruption, digestion, disposal, and probably more.

It was a hell of a party to mark the end of the summer. Walking home with the breeze blowing through her hair, standing alongside friends new and familiar alike, Mahiri was ready for some sleep, more than anything. Everyone was somewhere on the scale between tipsy and wasted, so they moved as a group to make sure everyone got home safely and didn't just pass out in a ditch somewhere. It was a tempting prospect, but she was starting to get the feeling she was going to end up bringing someone home with her instead of getting some proper rest. There were simply too many options.

A glance around at the group had plenty of smiles returned her way. Her twin sister Mira was there of course, pretending not to stagger. The pantheress looked ready for a nap. That was normal, though. The hyena twins Kamili and Keedee were giggling away to each other, slightly more loudly than usual. Layla the husky was in the middle of them both, shyly trying to keep up with their giddy twin chatter. Holding hands with them both made Mahiri forget which of them exactly she was dating at the moment. Maybe it was both of them.

Then there were the new friends. She had already made plenty of eyes at the nervous little yeehaw of a possum. Obie returned her look briefly then pretended to be gazing anywhere else when his blushing became too powerful. She definitely hadn't missed all the looks the cute black rat Melissa had been giving her all night long, no matter how dodgy she was when Mahiri actually returned the glances. They'd met at the library plenty of times, even talked about Mahiri's own work, but somehow the leopardess had missed that the rat had a crush on her. She was going to have to make good on that someday, if she didn't fall under the seductive spell of her new vixen friend first.

Rosemary didn't shy away from such gazes. The monochrome fox offered Mahiri a kind smile and a little swish of her fluffy tail when the leopardess looked her way. She didn't seem to mind a little staring. Mahiri had been checking her out all night, in truth. How had someone so gorgeous gone unknown to her until then? Especially with a bust and hips that rivalled the leopard's own, along with a considerable bulge that she was pretty sure had hers beat. Mahiri wanted a taste, but she was patient.

The group got to Mira's place first. She looked like she needed some help just getting up the front step. Mahiri moved in to support her sister, but Rosemary was there first. The fox hooked arms with Mira, then leaned over to whisper something in her ear. Whatever it was seemed to sober the pantheress right up. She perked, smiled, and nodded slowly. Together they shuffled off, with a jealous but nonetheless proud look from Mahiri. Oh, she was so going to be texting later to know exactly what the fox was like in bed. She gave one last glance before the two of them disappeared together through the black cat's front door.

Whether she was masquerading as drunker than she was, or the promise of dick simply had a way of making her forget all about her intoxication, Mira was all over the fox as soon as they were alone. Rosemary took her by the hips and backed the kissing, licking cat into a wall. They were swiftly locked in a groping, grabbing, grinding frenzy, experiencing as much of each other's bodies as they could with their clothes on. That much was about to change. Rosemary made sure to help Mira out of her pretty purple party dress that matched her eyes so she could get her hands on those fat tits faster.

She groped them, squeezed them hard, and then just shoved her muzzle in between them to lick all over the panther's cleavage. It was the perfect position to listen to her purrs right from the rumbly source. Mira lifted a leg to wrap a thick thigh around the fox's hips as they indulged in sloppy, drunken licking and kissing. There were plenty of nibbling from the both of them too, over breasts or ears or wherever else their teeth landed.

"Mmm, Rosie ... it's so good to meet you ..." Mira moaned in a breathy whisper.

"And it's so good to taste you," Rosemary said, with a long, wet lick of her surprisingly long tongue all along the panther's cleavage, then up to her throat. "I want more. That tail of yours just looks so slurpable."

"Ooh, that's a new one." Mira giggled a little. "You're free to lick it all you want, though!"

"That's not what I mean." Rosemary smiled softly, then just applied her teeth to the panther's sensitive throat, dangerously teasing away.

Of course that made Mira wet. The black cat was absolutely soaking her thighs for the fox before she even got a touch of that vixen cock she'd been craving. She got so much more than she expected. A swift reveal of her naked body faster than Mira could really comprehend in her inundated state soon gave her a good look at a plump sheath resting atop two smooth, massive nuts. The reveal of a blunt, flared head pushing out against her belly simply inspired more horny rumbling from the pantheress, who couldn't help but reach down and stroke that fine equine endowment, getting her hands all slick with how much precum it was spitting out.

"Nnnh, of course you've got a horsecock. Why not make you even hotter?" she said, softly chuckling.

Rosemary simply gave a little smirk."Like it? Thought you would. I don't think we even need to go to your bed. I have everything you need right here."

That cock just kept getting bigger. It was poking up at the underside of Mira's tits by the time Rosemary was fully hard. The fox humped her a few times, but she proved to be focused on her goal, no matter how much of a stretch it was going to be. Mira wasn't backing down either. She wanted that dick inside her, but she didn't make it easy with all her lusty squirming. Seizing the pantheress tightly by the hips to steady her, Rosemary finally fucked her way home with her lips locked with the black cat's own, penetrating her so deeply Mira had a bulge of foxy horsecock in her belly and beyond.

She tried to toss her head back for a mrowl of pleasure, but Rosemary would let her stop kissing her. The vixen shoved her tongue inside the cat's mouth, and then right down her throat. It had so much more reach than an ordinary fox tongue. Mira swallowed it happily, grinding on that stiff cock jammed inside her, stretching her near her limits, yet somehow never hurting her. They fucked until the juices were running down their thighs and streaming down the walls, jiggling, jostling Mira's curves with every heavy thrust, sheathing that full shaft inside her until those swinging nuts could loudly PLAP the cat's ass each time it bottomed out inside her.

Her mrowling fell to mewling after a few good body-shaking thrusts. She whimpered into the fox's mouth, growing more and more muffled the longer they kissed. The intense smooching that came with the sloppy fucking only grew wetter, deeper, more muffling. Rosemary overtook the panther's whole muzzle in time in the heat of the moment. Yet it wasn't until she began to open her jaws a little wider, began to stretch her fangs over Mira's entire visage that the pantheress started to think that something was wrong. It was already far too late. She was alone with the predator, impaled on her dick.

Rosemary didn't stop fucking her prey even as she began to devour her, inch by inch. The tightened, clenching muscles that came with Mira's realization just made it feel better. She had to fuck harder to compensate, so that was just what she did, ramming into the pantheress as the cat began to squirm more and more. From a little uncomfortable, to actively protesting into the gullet opening up in front of her, to a more intense fight or flight reaction of stiffened, shaking panic, Mira's struggles proved ineffective against the surprising strength of the hungry vixen. That her dark fur and hair alike had lit up with some bright, glowing, magenta highlights all over her body was the only hint of why.

GULP went the panther's head straight down Rosemary's throat. GLURK went her maw over those luscious tits. She was still thrusting, still hammering away at her newly unwilling partner, pounding that pussy until Mira simply had no choice but to squirt for the fox actively eating her whole. She pumped, contracted, and utterly gushed all over the sleek black horsecock inside her, pushed over the edge by the flexing flare and medial ring alike stimulating all her tender spots. The twitches of pleasure left her all the more vulnerable for Rosemary to keep swallowing her, but not before shooting her full of a load of spunk so potent it made her belly extra round and squishy on the way into those gaping jaws.

Deep, ravenous ULPS dragged Mira closer to her fate as Rosemary's nuts flexed taut against the panther's ass, unloading what felt like a full gallon of thick, hot fox cum inside her bloated womb. Eventually she ate the cat right off her dick, spraying the last of her massive load all down the wall she'd pinned the panther against. Clutching her meal by the hips, the fox ignored the blows of paws and claws against her chest as she forced the rest of Mira straight down her throat. A toss of her head and a lash of her unnaturally long tongue around that soft, slurpable cat tail to help cram it away marked the last sight of Mira, as a pair of sleek black legs descending into the drooling jaws of the mysterious new vixen she'd met at the party.

The frightful sight of a seemingly normal fox with a great big bulge of someone struggling down her gullet and depositing into a rounded, stretched out gut went along with the wet sounds of swallowing and muffled cries of fright from her prey. As soon as Mira was sealed away inside her, she slapped her gut and worked out a hefty, unladylike belch that only made the walls tighten around her prey. There was a faint crunch as Mira got forced into a shape even a flexible feline couldn't maintain, along with a muffled scream.

"Nnnf! Fucking ... stupid bitch ..." Rosemary giggled. "I practically told you I was going to eat you, but you were too horny to care. God, it's going to feel so good to digest you to death right in front of your friends. They won't even know you're there. Won't even hear your screams and pathetic little mewls."

Her cock stiffened again at that thought, and she reached down to give it a few good strokes, cradling her gut with the other hand. To anyone who could have seen her, it would have been obvious what she did. She stood with her inner glow revealed, glimmering with otherworldly colour, eyes white as a ghost's, her many tails on full display. Yet all the kitsune needed to do was wave a hand and her form appeared to return to her ordinary fox form - clothed, modest, and distinctly unstuffed with a squirming, screaming preybulge. Only she knew Mira was still there, in full view of anyone who could see through her illusions. She'd never met someone who could.

It only got worse for her in there. When that stomach wasn't squeezing the life out of the black cat, painfully snapping bones and forcing the minimal air she could get out of her lungs repeatedly, it was sloshing and churning her in a cauldron of burning acids, eating away at her fur, her skin, at everything precious to her. She was being digested alive, slowly, messily, sizzling away within the stomach of the evil creature masquerading as a casual party goer, and Rosemary wasn't anywhere near finished for the night.

She stalked out onto the dark streets once more, greeted by the wind brushing over her dripping cock. Only she could see it full out and stiff like that. She couldn't soften when she was enjoying the spasms of her prey kicking and thrashing inside of her. The urge to just jerk off onto one of Mira's outer walls was tempting, but instead she picked up her pace, secretly jostling and bouncing her full got as she swiftly walked to catch up with the rest of the group once more. It didn't take her long. Eating and tormenting someone inside of her always had a way of giving her all the energy she needed.

Turning a corner and slowing down, she acted as casual as ever when she came up upon the other party-goers. They turned to look at her and offered her polite smiles and waves, even as Mira audibly screamed for help inside of her. All it would have taken was a momentary break in concentration to reveal her cruel secret, but Rosemary's experience kept that from happening.

"Oh, hey Rosie! I kind of thought you and Mira were going to be spending the night," Mahiri said with a chuckle.

"Me too, but mm, poor kitty was so sleepy! I tucked her in and told her goodnight instead. Wouldn't want to take advantage, you know?"

Everyone nodded and accepted that story but for Melissa. The short, chubby rat was giving her a lingering look that made Rosemary briefly arch her brow. Then she just returned the gaze and offered her sweetest of smiles. Something lit up in the pretty girl's blue eyes. Maybe she didn't know yet, but Rosemary did. They were kindred spirits, beneath the rat's timid exterior. All it was going to take was a little awakening.

She slinked up close and gently laid her hand on the rat's shoulder, taking care not to press her squirming gut against Melissa. It might have been hidden by her illusions, but it was still very much there. Mira was getting compressed, crushed, snapped, and crunched just as thoroughly as she was being churned and melted alive. Her screams of pain reached nobody's ears but Rosemary's own, and the kitsune demonstrated a distinct lack of empathy as she quietly fought the urge to just break her illusions and jerk off to the pleasure of snuffing someone out so torturously. Especially such a pretty cat.

"Hey, Mellie, can I call you Mellie? Anyway. Wanna tell you something."

"Hm?" Melissa stopped on the spot to perk an ear, caught up in the arresting presence of the vixen.

Nobody understood what she whispered into those cute ratty ears but for Rosemary herself. She moved from one to the other, flicking her tongue like a snake as she softly spoke the forbidden language to the timid rat. Melissa's eyes opened wider with every dark syllable. She might have understood, but her body, her deep-seated instincts and urges knew what to do. Rosemary gently nudged her from behind to keep her walking, and eventually the group came upon the rat's home. All it took was a little push.

Whereas she might normally have shyly said goodnight to everyone and shuffled up the sidewalk all on her own, totally ignoring the signals the others were giving her, Melissa found herself possessed by a spirit of unusual confidence. She cleared her throat, opened her mouth as if to speak, only to falter. Instead, she stepped closer and stood up on her toes so she could whisper to Mahiri.

"Do you want to ... come over?"

Mahiri's look of surprise quickly faded in favour of a pleased, flirty expression. She rumbled warmly, swished her tail, and lowered herself down to Melissa's height.

"I thought you'd never ask. Literally speaking, that is."

The rat hesitated briefly, but she eventually offered her hand and Mahiri took it, intertwining fingers. They squeezed and looked fondly into each other's eyes, slowly breaking from the group with a whoop or two of encouragement - and the vixen's watchful gaze following them the whole way. There was no need for her to go with them. Her work was done for the moment. She could have a little fun. Clearing her throat, she spoke as casually as she could, concealing the bloodlust that threatened to quiver in her voice.

"Hey, you wanna know a shortcut? We can cut through the woods here. It's nice, lemme show ya."

She received a few looks of doubt in return. For one, it wasn't much of a shortcut, and it meant cutting through a dark forest in the middle of the night, where all manner of beasts lurked. The spirit of adventure wasn't present in the sleepy, horny partygoers. She corrected that by beckoning to them.


The word wasn't audible, but they felt it inside them. Four subby bitches looked her way and obeyed her will. They followed their mysterious new friend into the dark as she bounced and jostled Mira mere inches from them, belly tightening and shrinking around the softening, dying cat inside her. She was getting thicker by the second, absorbing all those juicy curves for herself, and nobody noticed a single thing was amiss. She was no amateur.

It wasn't until they'd wandered into the woods for several minutes, directed by little more than phone flashlights that anyone started to get suspicious. Rosemary heard them murmuring behind her. She turned and flashed them a grin, one that was especially toothy thanks to the feeling of Mira starting to collapse under the pressure of the crushing, kneading digestion working over her weakened body. The pantheress was twitching and gurgling rather than screaming, coming so very close to being nothing more than some extra hefty curves and a brand new tail on the kitsune. Another minute or two of churning ought to do it, Rosemary figured.

"You know, I've been holding back for so long," she told them, still smiling broadly. "You can't see them, but I literally put myself in chains so I wouldn't act like I am tonight. I wanted to see how long I could last. And I did such a good job, that you're all going to be my reward tonight. My little cheat day."

There were plenty of confused expressions directed her way. She laughed when she saw them.

"Aw, lookit you all! Standing there with your stupid little faces. You have no idea what's going to happen to you. Now, shut up for a second." She snapped her fingers, and they all fell silent, aside from the occasional mmf from their forcefully sealed lips. "I need to think. How will I ever decide who gets what? I have so many things I want to do to you. So many places to put you."

Nobody could move. Their muffled voices grew increasingly urgent and distressed as she paced towards them, dropping the illusion as she went. Her eyes went white, her many tails swished through the air, and her stiff cock squished up into her softening, shrinking gut. She was fully on display to the wide-eyed foursome, and they couldn't do a thing about it as she paced back and forth between each of them, stroking them with her fingers and tails alike, or simply rubbing her cock against their mostly frozen bodies. A twitch of their muscles or a tightening of their chest was the best they could do for a reaction. Finally, she smacked her lips and stood in front of them once more.

"Mmm, okie dokie. You and you." She pointed to Keedee and Obie. "Look at me. That's right. You won't blink, because you're good little sluts. Just keep looking, and watch me get bigger."

She wasn't actually growing at all. At her command, those two captives were shrinking right out of their clothes, vanishing into a pile of party outfits that they had to crawl out of once they were no more than six inches tall. Obie barely managed to escape from beneath his hat. The hyena and possum were free to move, but they couldn't go far at such a tiny size. The vixen towered over them, hands on her hips, an absolutely sinister grin flashing all her fangs at once.

"Better run. I'm going to be hunting you when I'm done with these two. Off you go, little hens. You're in the foxhouse now." Then she paused, and tapped a finger to her lips in contemplation. "Hmm, no. We'll workshop that. Anyway, I'm going to murder you if I catch you. Bye for now!"

Keedee didn't move at first, too busy nervously yipping as she started up at the apparent titan before her. Obie apparently nabbed her by the wrist and pulled to break her out of her trance. The two of them took off into the woods, hardly knowing which direction led to safety, if there was ever such a thing. That left just Kamili and his new husky girlfriend looking over the vixen stroking her horsecock right in front of them. Her pace quickened as her belly grew louder and louder, crunching as it smashed Mira down into an impossible shape, all but snapping her in two in the last seconds of life spent dissolving inside the vixen. A deep glurrrrrrn and she stopped twitching, left as nothing more than a vague bulge inside Rosemary and another tail to add to the others as the spirit claimed her soul right along with her nutrients.

"Ahhhh. God. It makes me so horny when I get to snuff one of you idiot mortals inside me. Every time! You'd think it would get old, but no matter how ancient I get, mmmf, exquisite." She smacked her lips, then just turned to wink at the husky. "Hey, Layla. Think I'll make your BF cum harder than you can?"

The fear had faded from her captives' eyes in favour of subservience, of awe and attraction, just the way she liked. She beckoned to the hyena and had him walk right over to her, standing before a dick that had to have been at least thrice as long as his own, and so much thicker. She stroked it in his face and shot some precum over his muzzle when her dick flared out with pleasure, but she suppressed the urge to blow a load all over him no matter how good it felt to finish off the pantheress. Instead, she snapped her fingers and made the hyena strip in front of her so she could grind her cock against his much more modest length, snickering to herself.

"That's it, huh? I mean, size isn't everything. Pretty sure you're not great at using it either though, I mean just look at you. Pathetic little runt. Perfect for destroying."

Maybe it was just the grinding, or maybe the insults did something for him too. That hyena got hard for the mean fox as she beamed in his face, visibly thickening with all she'd stolen from Mira. Most of that cat went to her tits. They were even fatter, perfect for shoving the hyena's face in between and smothering him deeply in soft cleavage. She held him there until he was struggling for air, and then she held him there a little longer, just to feel him squirm. He gasped for her and looked up with mesmerized awe. It was all so easy

"I was thinking about breaking you around my cock, but that adorable little dick of yours gives me a better idea. Here, boy! Get your treat! Oh, you're a good widdle twink aren't you? Come to mommy!"

She tipped her blunt cock down towards his own, bending so she was at his level. Licking his face a few times, she took him by the shaft and directed his right up against her own - and then inside, easily taking his inches deep into the squeezing, wet confines of her own leaking horsedick. She barely let him thrust. Instead, she fucked his cock with her own, taking him balls deep, squeezing him, milking him, nearly knocking him right off his feet. He whimpered and 'yena-giggled for her, standing up tall on his toes as she pulled him deeper and deeper. The schlurp of wet cock sex all but drowned out his voice, but not hers.

"Mmm, how's that look, Layla? Think your boy likes fucking my cock better than your cookie. I mean, who can blame him? Your pussy's too fat for his needledick anyway."

The husky stood visibly dripping, canine cunt so swollen it showed right through her shorts. It was already a dangerous choice of apparel for a party where she was likely to get turned on, with that fat pussy of hers. Watching Rosemary work Kamili left her drenched, soaking through the fabric until it was all but translucent, projecting a scent of canine need. Yet that was nothing compared to the vixen's own musk, drowning out their sense of self-preservation. She sucked Kamili off with her own cock until he was scrambling, digging his toes into the ground, twitching and grasping at her shaft as she mercilessly pulsed it around his own.

"Gonna steal all your cum," Rosemary teased, sticking her tongue out at the hyena. "Then I'm going to add you to it."

Even plainly stating her intent couldn't distract him from the pleasure. She sucked his cock with her own until she had all but lifted him right off her feet with the power of that big fat equine shaft. Clenching, squeezing, and finally milking him dry, she flashed him her most evil of grins, staring directly into his eyes until his face was all scrunched up in pleasure. He came for her, just as hard as she wanted. Hot spurts of hyena cum got all swallowed up by her hungry cock with an audible GULP. The muscles working inwards could have easily taken the entire hyena inside if she wanted, but that would have been a bit more gruesome than her mood called for. Instead, she remained content to simply drain him of every drop he could offer her as tribute to her perfect cock and her big fat balls.

"Good boy! Ohhh, my perfect little cockfucker!" Her tone was mocking. "You're going to look so nice getting clenched on while I snuff you in my nuts. Give me that dumb face."

Snatching him by the head, she forced him to bend down until his cock naturally slipped out of her, to be immediately replaced by her muzzle. There was a flood of precum smearing over his cheeks as she enveloped him. The dawn of reality slowly broke in his musk-addled mind as she swallowed him whole. Layla didn't react, beyond whimpering a little, but only because her cunt was quivering so hard she nearly came on the spot. Rosemary didn't even have to shove him in. Her cock was strong enough to swallow him down all on its own.

Lifting him right off his feet with those sloppy, squelching swallows, she left him kicking his legs through the air in realization of how bad things were getting for him. He slipped and slid down through the flood of precum leaking from her shaft. It was thicker than his own cum. Wiggling his fine ass back and forth, presenting it to Layla one more time, the vixen bit her lip and enveloped that cute ass. From there it was a long, hot slurp of his legs all the way down. He made for a pretty bulge in her dick until he descended all the way down into her shiny nuts. They sagged down to the ground with his weight, only to clench right up around his girly frame, forming a distinct outline of his shape for Layla to see.

"God, I can already tell he's not going to last long in there. Watch me turn him into jizz, you drooling bitch."

The description wasn't unfair. She was panting, dumbly staring while she dripped from tongue and pussy alike. Kamili got his first clench, giving a muffled cry that blended with the heavy glurrrrp of cum soaking into his every single spot. His body held up to one squeeze, but by the second things were already getting sloppier, his cries were already getting wetter and more gurgly, and the fine details around the edges were smoothing over in the process of his swift, yet no less unpleasant digestion. She smothered him in cum and drowned him in the humid scent of horny, virile vixen, converting him into her next load with every flex of her nuts all around his soft body.

By the third clench, he wasn't forming coherent words anymore. His muffled cries became more of a gargling noise, and the outline of his alarmed features began to smooth over in favour of a distant semblance of what he once was. Rosemary just stroked her cock harder, leaking juices all over the grass. The fourth one lasted longer, straining with a crunching noise, making him sink all the more deeply into himself. When she was done, there remained a lump in the middle of her sleek black balls that resembled a person, but it was hard to say for sure. Kamili was hardly making a sound anymore. She was ready to silence him.

The first hefty, churning, messy PUMP around his body just kept squeezing down until her balls gave a great, satisfying GLURCH and he was gone. All that remained were the orgasmic gurgles and the swell of her nuts plumping up with the creamed contents of the former hyena. Her cock thickened, growing even girthier thanks to the dickfat he helped contribute, but most of all she was sloshing, dripping, and absolutely throbbing in the aftermath of digesting him. Another meal, another soul, another tail for her collection. She swished them for Layla as she started towards the husky.

"Mmm. I killed him so fucking good, did you see that? Bitch-ass twink didn't last a minute in my nuts."

Swinging her hips, she thrust her cock in Layla's face, not quite touching but thickly spurting. Stroking with both hands kept her balls gurgling, kept her cock shuddering and flexing. Her flare swelled out to its fullest size, but somehow she didn't cum just yet. She held on, edging, building, making herself leak and her veins go taut all over her meaty cock. Only when she couldn't take it anymore did she toss her head back with a cry of pleasure and jizz right in the frozen husky's face. It was a hell of a way to break her out of that spell. The jet of hot, fresh vixen spunk shooting all over her knocked Layla right off her feet.

She was flattened in an instant and covered in cum seconds later, drenched in the constant flow from Rosemary's cock. The fox was still jerking herself even as she moved to overtake the fallen husky before Layla could escape. The dog squirmed, but she was no match for the smothering pressure of the vixen's ass pressing right down on her face. Rosemary pressed down just right to overtake that canine muzzle with her cheeks and kiss her donut directly against Layla's lips to force her to kiss no matter how much she tried to turn away. The fox gave her cock a few strokes as her cumshot finally slowed, dribbling into the dirt.

"Your boyfriend made for so much spunk. Think I still got some all nestled down in there for later."

"Wha - hmmf - get offmmmf ..."

"Poor pup. Too dumb to figure out how doomed she is. At least you're going to make my asshole feel nice. Going both ways."

Grinding back and forth, rubbing that thick ring all over her new throne's face, with her nuts resting comfortably on Layla's plush belly, Rosemary took as much pleasure as she could in the total domination of her prey. Everyone else had ran off, not that they could have saved her. Layla was all alone in the woods with the deadly predator, and her struggles utterly failed to keep her from getting her muzzle jammed in the vixen's ass. The most humiliating of fates awaited her, one squeeze at a time. She got to listen to the increasingly muffled sound of the kitsune moaning in pleasure, bobbing up and down on her pointed, wolflike muzzle like it was nothing more than a dildo.

"In you go, bitch. Get nice and comfy. You won't be nearly as pretty on the way back out."

She bounced a few more times, slamming down until Layla had her whole ass inside the vixen. That was where Rosemary paused, not for lack of ability to keep going. She simply wanted to flex around those stunned features for a time, bathing the husky in heat before she kept going. Any sort of stretch she needed, her body easily accommodated her. She schlurped along the other canine's body with ease, harshly squeezing down until it was outright painful, delighting in the kicks and thrashes from her prey. Deeper and deeper she went, her belly bulging once more, even more so than when she'd eaten Mira. There was plenty of meat on that plump dog, and she was taking it all for herself.

Unlike her other meals, who'd grown more desperate as their fate loomed nearer, Layla simply seemed to slump. She'd already given up. It made sense. There was no escaping from that vixen who wanted her. Rosemary thought she might at least display some survival instinct though. A good squeeze on her and then some pokes to her face as it bulged deeper and deeper into her body. Those thick thighs vanished into Rosemary's hungrily flexing asshole. That shiny black ring consumed the husky right down to her paws, sealing Layla's fate with one last lewdly squelching contraction of pleasure and hunger alike.

"Haha, you're butt food. God, you barely even put up much of a struggle. You want to be ass fat? Get all tingly thinking about me shitting you out?"

She slowly stood despite the extra weight inside her, jostling her gut and nuts alike with every motion.

"I don't even think you're worth pulling up all the way. I'm just going to finish you off in my intestines. Get mulched, idiot."

That was exactly what described what happened after that. She treated the husky's body like she'd thrown it into a trash compactor. The scrunnnch of those powerful inner muscles working her over like an industrial machine kneading dough came along with the inevitable muffled screams that came with being brutally digested by the spirit's body. Rosemary's cock twitched and jumped with pleasure as she subjected Layla to a squelching symphony, absorbing her directly without subjecting her to so much as a drop of digestive acids. It was simply a process of crushing the life out of her and pulling her away, directly claiming her into the curves of the predator to make that ass and donut alike all the fatter to smother her next victim.

She was already walking off into the woods before Layla was even dead. The shrunken duo had several minutes of a head start, but at their size that hardly mattered. Her eyes cut through the dark, seeing into every shadow, and her keen nose caught the scent of their fear. She strolled casually through the trees as she compressed Layla into a twisted, broken form. Crunches echoed through her bulging gut as she forced that dog into a smaller and smaller shape, outright claiming her, draining her, adding her to her curves clench by merciless clench.

Layla's cries were constant right up until the moment Rosemary violently silenced them with a skull-crushing crackle of force that pulverized Layla into complete submission. The fox snickered when she felt the dying spasms of the dog she stuck up her ass, slowly siphoning the soul from her prey just as efficiently as she took those curve-padding nutrients. Another tail effortlessly sprouted to add to the mass of recent trophies. She could have displayed so many more, but that would have been a burden, so she was content with her favourite nine. They made for an extravagant display as her belly shrunk down once more, and she stalked the night for her shrunken prey. After three big meals, they were going to be little more than dessert.

She hummed a song to them just to make sure they knew where she was at all times. It wasn't going to give her any sort of disadvantage. They'd become separated in the panic to escape, which suited her just fine. That meant she could pick them off one by one. Tiptoeing along, frolicking through the grass, swishing her tails happily as three fresh souls wailed within her, she eventually paused by an unassuming stump. With a tap to her lip and an innocent hmmm, she scanned her surroundings as if she didn't already know exactly where Keedee was.

"Where could she be? Gosh, the way she's panting, she must be so scared. I hope someone comes along to scoop her up soon!"

Despite the taunting, Kee didn't move from her hiding spot. Maybe she was waiting for the right moment to break into a run, but it never came. Leaning her head back, then lunging forth, she shot her tongue out like a frog, letting it unfurl to its full length. Her aim was true enough to snag the hyena around the waist and wrenched her into the air kicking and screaming all the way. Having her world suddenly turned upside down by the drooly grasp of the vixen's slurping appendage left Kee helplessly flailing, dangling there where she was coiled up as if by a snake. Rosemary could speak just fine as she slowly reeled in her spotty catch.

"Already churned down your brother, by the way. He made my dick fatter. Just so you know. Were you twins? Looks like I'm completing the set tonight."

Drool poured down to swirl around her outstretched tongue all through the process of dragging her in. She took it extra slow, until Kee had struggled herself to exhaustion. When that wasn't enough luscious fear for the fox, she continued.

"Mmm, look at you. You're like a little chocolate chip cookie. I bet you're nice and crunchy. I've been dying to use these teeth on someone lately."

That got the fighting going again. Keedee inched towards the fox's open maw, watching those fangs gleaming in the moonlight. She kicked her legs and even tried to bite the tongue that had her in desperation. Rosemary didn't flinch. She breathed hotly over the hyena when she was close enough to feel it, holding her in place, dangling her above her jaws. A quick lunge at her prey to make her flinch and shriek left the fox snickering. She bobbed her head from side to side, huffing hotter and hotter breath over Kee until the hyena was sweltering. Only when she'd taunted her meal to the brink of passing out did she drag her all the way inside and seal her lips around the waist of her fighting meal.

"Ohhh, yeah, you feel just right in there. Such a succulent chewtoy. Let's get those spots nice and gnawed now."

She took her time to really savour those struggles, soaking her prey in spit all the while. Keedee's legs thrashed wildly where they stuck out between the fox's lips, slowly getting slurped inside, little by little. Eventually Rosemary just reached up and crammed the last of her meal into her mouth, letting the hyena bulge in one of her cheeks. That mean drooling all over her, letting it dribble down her chin inelegantly. She was going to make even more of a mess once she started biting, but she settled on simply pressing her teeth against the supple body of the spotty girl trapped in her jaws. A subtle kneading and sampling had the same air as carefully measuring before a cut, sizing up that meat before she started really tenderizing her.

The first crunch sent a stream of red squirting out and cascading down her tits. She chomped deeply into Kee nice and slowly, sinking her teeth right in until they punched through to the other side. Of course, she knew well how to avoid all the vital spots and make sure her prey could still scream as she got slowly mashed and pulped by those many fangs. Going for another bite, Rosemary worked on one of those meaty thighs this time, snapping it in two without quite severing it. She crushed some ribs and cracked Kee's spine, but nothing she did in the the process of that slow, gnawing torture was enough to prove fatal. Only when she'd done enough damage that Kee could barely rasp a scream anymore did she start properly chewing.

Rosemary launched into it as swiftly as if she'd just popped a stick of gum into her mouth. The results were predictably messy and gruesome, with a shower of red pouring over her chin and staining her muzzle. She all but bathed in the blood of her diminutive victim as she dug her teeth into her over and over, indiscriminately demolishing her puny body under the force of her powerful jaws. Focusing more on pressure rather than shredding that tasty hyena, she loudly crunched and crushed nearly every single bone in Kee's fading body, and yet that spotty girl was somehow still breathing in wheezes, still twitching after a few seconds of getting treated like a piece of candy.

Smacking, popping, crackling chewing rang out through the forest until the kitsune finally paused after nearly a full minute of ruining Kee's body to shift her over for the finishing blow. Placing that shrunken skull between her teeth, she put all her strength into smashing it like a grape. It gave a suitably satisfying pop, and then Kee was dead. Chewing her for a while longer ensured she was little more than a bloody pulp for the fox to swallow down with a lingering sigh. Another one for her belly, just as pleasing as the others, if not quite as filling. Aside from some cursory slurping around her muzzle, she didn't bother cleansing the blood from her fur. It made her all the more horrifying to see stalking through the woods after her next meal.

The possum was more experienced in the wild, but that didn't serve him much when he was a mere six inches tall. Every step the fox made towards his hiding place was a tremor beneath his feet. He kept his back to a tree and angled himself to be as invisible as possible, but he couldn't conceal his terrified scent. It was worse when she went silent all of a sudden. He lost track of her for nearly a minute, and it was anything but a relief. Only when he couldn't stand it anymore did he peer out from where he was hiding. She snatched him up from behind as soon as he looked the other way.

Dangling a screeching, flailing creature by his pink and black tail, she laughed menacingly as she brought close to her bloodied jaws. Her teeth were dark crimson when she grinned menacingly at his shrunken form, casting him a wicked stare that brought him to brief silence. She licked her lips and blew her coppery breath over his naked body, leaving him to shield his face from whatever was to come. Tipping her head this way and that, she eventually just stuck her tongue out at him as she taunted him.

"Oh, you really are cute like this, I have to admit. Your big scared eyes! So precious. I'd feel bad about what I'm about to do if I knew how. But how to kill you, I wonder ..."

She turned him around, swinging him by the tail as he batted at her fingers without thinking about what might happen to him if she let go. Eventually she leaned in extra close to him and spoke in a mockingly pouty voice.

"What's that? You want me to drop you? Well, if that's your wish, I'll just have to grant it. I'm feeling pretty full anyway. Think you'll make a better crater, yes you will!"

With that, she released him. He plummeted from her hold and hit the ground hard, saved only by the softness of the soil beneath him. Even so, he was left stunned and struggling to rise, pushing his hands to the dirt with his arms collapsing beneath his weight. She loomed, beaming with delight, and eventually gave him a little nudge with her toe that might as well have been a kick. He flopped onto his back, all sprawled out, and was helpless to avoid the approach of her dark black pawpads. Pressing her foot down over his entire body, she smothered his face between his toes and rubbed her heel against his cock until she got a reaction.

"Oh, come on. Quite squirming and give it a huff, dirty little paw-sniffer. Maybe I'll go gentle on you if you're my good little footslut."

He hesitated, but gave her a tentative snurf that grew a little more enthusiastic on her second try. Her grin grew unnaturally wide when she felt his tiny cock pressing up against her paw. Rubbing it against him while he was completely immersed in her paw musk, she teased him until he was giving a tiny muffled whimper underneath her. It was partly pleasure and partly the total lack of air that came with breathing nothing but her grass-stained paw. She edged him until his legs were kicking, rubbing just right over his shaft. Nodding her head as he trembled near passing out and cumming for her alike, she delighted in draining his balls with nothing more than an overpowering, precarious step on his entire body at once.

She let him come down from it, even spreading two toes so his muzzle could wedge between them. He wasn't free to move, but he could breathe at least, puffing in the aftermath of the huge footjob he just got. Obie looked up at her, but could barely see her face through the blur of pleasure that came in the aftermath. If he got a better look at the bloodlust in her eyes he might have seen it coming. She couldn't help pressing down a little harder, then a little harder still, until he wheezed under all the weight forcing the air out of his tiny lungs, then began to choke and gurgle as she slowly, ever so slowly crushed him down to the forest floor.

Taking her sweet time so she could watch his expression distort while she smashed his body bit by bit lasted for as long as she could resist her growing bloodlust. A flash in her eyes and a gnash of her bloodstained teeth came before she wrenched her paw up from his half-crushed body and stomped it down on him as hard as she could. The resulting splurch and CRNNNCH of bones left her lower lip trembling with pleasure. Her dick throbbed hard enough to spurt precum on a nearby tree, but she didn't jerk herself off just yet. Instead, she stomped down on the pulped possum a few more times to make sure she flattened every last trace of him. Crushing him into she'd all but liquefied him, she left him as little more than a stain on the grass and some gore clinging to her paw. That, she wiped off on the bark of a nearby tree before moving on to other needs.

She didn't have to. Given the way her body worked, she probably could absorb them fully. The only reason she was looking for a spot in the woods to leave behind what remained of Mira, Layla, and technically Keedee was because she wanted to. It just made it all the more satisfying to digest someone alive knowing she was going to shit them out afterwards. There was nothing more humiliating to do to someone, nothing that could have possibly made those three pretty ladies more owned. She didn't make a ceremony of it. Any spot where she could lean back against a tree and feed the roots was good enough.

A massive dump of her victims' former selves came with plenty of grunting and groaning. It was no strain, even when their ruined bones tickled her thick black ring on the way out. She was still so pent up, still so needy that she didn't even wait to finish before she started rubbing her cock again. It dripped as she squeezed out the pantheress, the husky, the hyena. They were all used up after their swift trip through her brutal digestive system, adding to the curvy body that had lured them in, had mesmerized them, or simply hunted them down.

When she finished, she whirled around to admittedly admire the massive pile she made out of them, all topped with mostly indistinguishable bones and tufts of fur. None of them were recognizable anymore, and that was what made her cum. Not because she liked looking at what she turned them into, but because she loved what it meant. Three beauties, painfully digested or chewed up, claimed and dropped off in the forest to feed the plants. That was worth jizzing all over the mountain about.

She left that crude monument to her cruelty behind without a further thought. Four lives ended for her amusement, for her pleasure, and for the enhancement of her seductive body. Her hunt was over, but that didn't mean she was done with the group. There was someone she needed to visit - someone who was still hearing her voice whispering away, no matter how far away she might have been.

After an hour straight of cat and rat sex, of Mahiri cumming inside and all over Melissa from every angle, in every hole, the two of them were a sweaty mess of hot, contented bodies clinging to each other in the aftermath. Needless to say, the leopard had taken well to learning of the rat's crush on her. They still had more lost time to make up for, but that could always come later. Mahiri squeezed and sometimes licked at the cutie clinging to her, her cock finally soft after taking her mouth, her pussy, and her ass at least twice each. It was less of an afterglow and more of a beacon of satisfaction.

"I just want this to last forever. I just want ... I just want ..." Melissa began, her voice growing softer with every word. She spoke barely above a whisper by the time she was done. "I want you ..."

Mahiri offered her a good purr, along with a little chuckle. "I think you got me."

The rat was coated in cat cum from her face to her toes, leaking from two holes at once, and yet she still went on, silently mouthing her words.

"I want you forever ..."

The leopardess didn't hear her. She was content to cuddle with the creamed rat, rumbling happily to have been able to fulfill such a cute crush. Melissa meanwhile stared up at the ceiling, listening. The vixen was in her ear again. Not literally this time. Yet Melissa knew she was watching, nodding, encouraging her. She wasn't being forced to do anything. Rosemary simply told her she could be exactly the plump, predatory rat she wanted to be. She knew she could get that cat, if she really tried.

Whether it was some dark spell that had come over her, or she simply felt inspired, Melissa sat up suddenly with a burst of energy. Mahiri gave her a surprised look but didn't think much of it. The leopardess was ready to slumber against the splattered, sweaty rat without much more thought. She needed time to sleep off the party anyway. It was only when the rat climbed right on top of her, sitting that thick ass down on her hips that she roused herself from drifting off.

"Oh my. Is someone still feeling that urge?" She beamed up at the rat, sleepy but pleasantly surprised enough to firm up a little again.

"K-kiss me?" Melissa spoke it like a question. She never did like telling people what to do.

Leaning in close, she made it easier for the cat to lay a smooch on her, and she returned it, a little firmer than before. She wasn't just being kissed, she was pressing firmly into the leopard, tasting her, licking her all over. When she wasn't fully sure where to go from there, she let instinct take over. It wasn't going to work if she thought about it. It didn't even make sense. No way should a timid rat like her have been able to overpower and claim the feline she so greatly desired to feel in her belly. Yet when she opened up wide, she knew it had to happen.

She was drooling so much it was raining down on Mahiri's face. The first taste was so intensely pleasurable to her she almost came all over the leopard. A deep breath, and then a lunge got her whole muzzle wrapped around Mahiri's face. The expected confused response was muffled, as was the firmer protest when Melissa descended upon her prey to completely engulf her entire head in wet, slavering rat maw. She nibbled away and inched down over those pretty features, pushing the leopard's muzzle closer and closer to her throat, trembling with the anticipation of getting that cat inside her at last.

Of course the leopard began to resist when she realized what was happening. Even a little drunk and thoroughly satisfied after pumping the secretly predatory rat full of cum, she wasn't oblivious. Mahiri was definitely bigger and stronger than Melissa, but she simply couldn't budge that hungry rat off of her. Pushing at Melissa's arms amounted to nothing, and she couldn't pry herself out of that waiting throat either. Something was coming out of the shy rodent that pushed her far beyond her ordinary abilities, pushed her into being the cat-conquering predator she always wanted to be. She was going to get that leopard gurgling in her belly that night, and nothing was going to stop her.

The first deep, heavy GULP was orgasmic. Melissa moaned around her squirming prey when she felt that bulge in her gullet. It shouldn't have been possible, but she always knew she was different. She was built to consume cute kitties like the leopard. Swallowing harder and harder, she overpowered the cat with her weight and her hunger alike. Every shove, every kick, even every scrape of claws was something she ignored in pursuit of her greatest triumph. She could feel Rosemary's eyes upon her the whole time. Under the mentorship of the vixen, she could do anything - and have anyone.

Another loud, echoing ULLLLP dragged out even longer in the process of squishing the leopard's plump tits into her throat. She gnawed on those a little on the way in, but she was solely focused on her goal of getting that whole cat inside of her. It didn't matter how much she stretched her, how fat she was going to make her. The rat feasted upon her relentlessly, gobbling, guzzling, stuffing her away with the help of her exceptionally powerful throat. Mahiri's voice was a muffled cry of shock, frustration, and sheer panic all the way down, and Melissa fucking loved hearing it.

She was absolutely devouring the spotty cat faster than she ever imagined she could. As much as she knew she should have been savouring such a once-in-a-lifetime experience, she simply couldn't. There was no slowing herself down, no suppressing the hunger that had ached in her for so long. She lunged forth when she felt she could fit some more inside of her. Mahiri's legs kicked at her, even landing some solid blows with her knees, but the rat simply would not stop. She got down to the leopard's waist and curled her tongue underneath the same plump nuts that had plapped so nicely against her from so many angles. That extra bit of leverage helped her get her meal down even faster.

Rolling over with a pair of kicking legs sticking out of her maw, Melissa simply had to start pleasuring herself. Reaching out around her expanding, wobbling belly full of struggling leopard meat wasn't enough. She curled her tail between her thighs and plunged the tip into her creamed pussy. Mahiri's cum squirted out of her with every plunge of naked pink deep between those plumped lips, serving as some extra lubrication for the rat to fuck herself stupid. She was quivering with pleasure as those long, rosette-covered thighs descended between her rat teeth. Nibbling and gnawing over those ample legs all the way down to the leopard's ankles. One good, thorough lick all along the pads and toes of the helpless feline, and it was time to swallow her down for good.

Melissa braced herself for the final gulp. She knew it was going to make her cum, but she didn't expect to go off that hard. Pouring her newfound energy and strength into squeezing the leopard's curves down her bulging gullet as hard as she could, she relentlessly tailfucked herself into a soaking, splattering orgasm even better than those the leopard had given her herself. As good a fuck as Mahiri might have been, she was an even better meal, one that left Melissa screaming with pleasure as if to go completely mad once her mouth was empty and the rest of the cat was sliding down to stretch out her hugely engorged belly. Swallowing someone taller than her meant Melissa was absolutely bloated, completely immobile, but there was no need to go anywhere for a good, long time.

She never stopped using her tail on herself, no matter how hard she just squirted all over the bed. In and out it went, squelching into her wet cunt, soaking her thighs, her tufty fur, and the underside of her belly. The shapes and indents of the leopard struggling within that messily churning gut were plenty visible, but that didn't bother Melissa any. She stroked over the shape of the cat, crying out over and over in desperate, wailing bliss. She couldn't believe she'd really done it. She couldn't believe Mahiri was going to be all hers. So many days watching her, admiring her, so many nights fantasizing about her, and she had finally found it in herself to take her.

"Goooood girl," came a soft, almost moaning voice from the shadows, as if to remind her that perhaps it had not been all her after all. Rosemary eventually stepped into view, seemingly from total nothingness, but Melissa may just have failed to notice her. "My my. You were so hungry. I'm so happy you could have this pleasure at last, Mellie."

Rosemary climbed into bed with the well-fed rat and began to rub her hands over the leopard as well. All the touching and stroking didn't make Mahiri's situation any better. If anything it just served to rub the slowly flowing acids into her fur all the deeper. Melissa's belly worked faster than it ever had before. Rosemary shared just a little of herself to make sure they both got to enjoy the rising suffering of the rat's prey together. If the physical sensations weren't enough, the vixen went ahead and raised her voice to speak to the cat while she could still hear anything but her own digestion.

"Your friends are dead, b-t-dubs. Squished and jizzed the boys. The girls are a pile of fox shit in the woods. And fat on my tits, obviously."

She kneaded in deep all over Melissa's pudgy body, swishing her many tails.

"You're going to look so good on this soft cutie pie. Love seeing you stupid cats get put in your place."

Snuggling up beside the rat, the two of them continued to rub at Mahiri as the slow, glorping process of converting her into sludge sizzled over her spots. It was an agonizingly slow process that had her screaming herself hoarse once the juices really rubbed into her fur. The rat's massively distended gut wasn't getting any smaller anytime soon. Instead, she slowly closed her eyes after weakly squirting over her thighs one more time. Just having Mahiri inside of her at last, after dreaming of it for so long, fingering herself to the thought so many nights was everything she wanted it to be, but her body was utterly spent. With the vixen at her side, smooching her on the cheek, she knew she was up for it. She never slept better than she did with a struggling leopardess slowly dying inside of her.

It took hours for Mahiri to stop moving. Even as her body actively dissolved and collapsed in on itself, she was still wriggling, fuelled by pure instinct and adrenaline. There was no numbing the pain. It wasn't until something shifted, until the walls squeezed her at just the right angle to crush the last life out of her that she collapsed into the slop she was melting into. Her body got picked down to the bone all throughout the long night, siphoned off through Melissa's intestines to make for even more fat on her already doughy form. She was truly hefty when the morning light snuck through her curtains.

Sitting up with a long groan, she found herself alone. Rosemary had departed in the night sometime, leaving her to deal with the consequences. She immediately felt the bloated sensation in her lower belly. It was prominent, but not yet urgent. There was time to slowly rise and look herself over in the mirror. Nothing she owned was going to fit anymore, not with all that former cat padded all over her curves, making her tits extra plump, her belly extra round, her ass and thighs even juicier than before. Melissa was pretty sure even her tail was a little fatter. She slowly shuffled across her bedroom when she was satisfied, still smelling of sex from the previous night, and took residence in the bathroom, perched atop the toilet. She was going to be there for a while.

A whimpering, sometimes lip-quivering, sometimes even moaning process ensued. She remained there for the better part of half an hour, awkwardly reaching back to flush whenever she could. There was so much to get rid of, even after all she'd added as new pudge. It was the biggest dump she'd ever taken, overwhelming yet strangely satisfying all at the same time. There was no discomfort, even after that enormous meal. Her body was better at this than she ever thought. Only after she'd flushed away a few dozen pounds of rat shit that used to be Mahiri did she finally sigh and slump, simply sitting where she was a little longer to catch her breath.

She couldn't wait to do it again. It was just a matter of finding the right fixation to obsess over. She didn't know who or what Rosemary truly was, but she knew the vixen had done such a fine job helping her achieve what she thought impossible. And if everyone felt that good to eat, she didn't ever intend to stop.