Even More Cream in Your Coffee

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#345 of Commissions

Story for Coldwarg!

Sequel to this one! https://www.sofurry.com/view/1953628/

Kaith is super pregnant, but that doesn't mean she gets to take a break. Nor have her cravings for Mahiri's cock grown any less intense. Can she balance a busy work day with the leopard's horny whims? Just how far can they go without getting caught? Maybe the sabrecat likes the danger ...

Features: Covert(ish) public pregnant sex, oral, titfucking, vaginal, facesitting, anal, and more!

Even the biggest apron size they made didn't fully cover her belly. Kaith had to special order the super extra extra large fit, and it was still hugging tightly around her pregnant tum and swollen breasts alike. Of course people were looking at her. Sometimes they leaned in extra close over the counter when they were paying for their coffee, just to catch the scent clinging to her seemingly at all times. It wasn't her own. Ever since that leopard had bred her, she'd been smelling of the other cat. Mahiri's frequent visits to the shop to re-apply her mark certainly helped.

Kaith saw her sitting there casually across the shop as if it was just another day. Only when the busy hour had passed and the customers had mostly departed did she approach. That was considerate of her. Or maybe she just had something in mind that was hardly decent for public viewing. The sabrecat looked her up and down. She started with her strikingly green eyes, and got as far as her long locks of blood-red hair. Oh! Mahiri had a new colour. It never even occurred to Kaith that her usual crimson might not be natural, such was the aura the leopard radiated.

"Hey you," Mahiri said, her elbows planted on the countertop.

"What can I get you?" Kaith did her best to play it as straight as possible, but she eventually cracked with a little smile. "You know where I live, you know. You can always visit me after work."

"I know. But I wanted to see you now. Wouldn't want you to get bored, standing here all day. Must be tough, hauling around that belly while you do your job. And those tits."

The leopard bothered with a brief glance around, at the very least. Then she went for it. Two greedy mitts were soon upon Kaith's bust, and Mahiri spared nothing when it came to squeezing. She groped in deep until the sabrecat couldn't suppress a loud moan that seemed to ring out through the whole shop. Those tits were sensitive, and Mahiri was merciless. She rubbed and kneaded until Kaith couldn't take it anymore, reaching up to squeeze her wrists and whimper for the other cat to stop.

Satisfied, Mahiri let go and instead dipped in for a much gentler kiss. Kaith found herself softly laughing when she felt the tender touch of the leopard's lips against her own. That was probably how they were supposed to start that kind of thing, but they were both well past that by then. The smooch, she went ahead and leaned into, not minding at all who saw. She even glanced to the side and found herself grinning into their little makeout session when she spotted a customer who was definitely looking her way. Jealous-looking jackal gal, she was. Kaith had to admit she liked the attention.

The kiss went on until Mahiri brushed her hands down through Kaith's hair, then kept going. They popped free so the spotty cat could play with those pregnancy-plumped sabre breasts, rumbling all the while. Kaith could feel the vibrations in the leopard's fingertips. She suppressed another moan, nibbling at her lip with her fangs.

"Every little touch ..." she began, but didn't finish.

"I bet. You know what I bet would feel really good?"

"Mmm?" It was barely a response from Kaith.

"What if I fucked them? And then came all over them? I bet you'd cum from that alone." There came that slight growl, that little bit of danger in each of the leopard's words that never failed to make Kaith absolutely drench herself.

"Hffff ..." She sucked air through her teeth, then glanced around. The one customer was finishing up and departing. It was as good a time as any. "Give me a second."

"You can have one."

Mahiri remained where she was, leaning against the counter, waiting for the sabre to scramble around the shop until she could hang a sign on the door.

Back in five minutes!

"You underestimate me again," Mahiri said, polishing a claw.

Kaith fussed and squirmed on the spot, squeezing her own bust a few times until she made her lower lip quiver. "It's not you. It's me. I'm so worked up. I'm not going to last."

"Oh careful. Don't want my ego to get too swollen." Mahiri flashed her that fangy smile she so loved. "Now. Where should we go?"

"Let's ..." Kaith looked around and thought about it. Kneeling right there behind the counter was tempting, but she knew what a mess Mahiri could make. "Let's just go around the corner. Then I can still hear if someone comes in."

"You mean they can still hear you."

The piercing gaze Mahiri gave her made Kaith blush and blaze. Not just because it was a sexy look, but because she'd been totally found out. The idea of someone coming in and hearing them, maybe getting a little turned on themselves - god, she needed to get off or she was going to start acting even sillier. Just stepping out of sight and loosening her apron was relieving enough. Sliding the straps of her top off her shoulder felt even better, and she was suppressing a moan by the time she got her bra loose and her tits finally free to breathe the same air as her.

There was a gleam in the leopard's eyes just looking over them. They had grown so big in the past months. Kaith's tits had kept up with her own belly as her impulsive pregnancy progressed, and they were so tender that the slightest pinch to those perked nips got the milk flowing. She let it dribble down onto her fur, and onto her apron as well. It was hard to think about work when she was absolutely quivering with desire. She watched the leopard unbuckle her belt, she bit her lip at the sound of a zipping lower, and then she half-lidded her eyes and breathed in nice and deep when the big spotty cat freed her stiff cock from the confines of her clothes and let the scent of her lust fill the air, blending with that of sweet treats and hot beverages. It was all for her, Kaith thought to herself.

Slapping that shiny dick atop her tits was almost enough. A shudder of pleasure passed through the entirety of Kaith's body. When Mahiri started grinding, she was already moaning, already whimpering like a needy little slut for the leopardess who hadn't even started properly fucking her tits. Kaith's heart was pounding with need, and she wasn't getting any calmer when she felt the smear of precum spreading over her tits. She sucked another breath that doused her senses with leopard musk, mouth watering in response, panties absolutely drenched. It only occurred to her then that she should have stripped right down for that, but it was far too late to bother.

A slow thrust got Mahiri snug in the fluffy cleavage of the pregnant sabrecat, She stuck her cock right between those tits and let Kaith's milk run slowly down her spotty thighs. The flow only grew thicker when the leopard started to fuck those tits. Kaith squeezed them around Mahiri's cock so she could watch it sliding and spitting all over her fur while the other cat humped, and rubbed, and massaged her ultra-sensitive breasts with each pleasure-giving stroke, making more and more a mess out of them both with every second.

"Ohhhh, Mahiri, that feels so good ..." Kaith's words came out as a purring moan, almost incoherent, but the leopard had long since learned to speak such a language.

"It's even better for me," Mahiri rumbled back, only to softly chuckle. "Probably. Just listen to you."

They were a purring, moaning, puffing mess of unsubtle sex, broadcasting the sound of their indulgence all throughout the cafe. The slick sound of Mahiri's shaft smoothly stroking back and forth along the soft fluff of the sabre's chest was nearly as loud as everything coming from their mouths. Kaith looked up with a wondrous, needy look on her face, content to just watch the leopard pleasing herself with her body. She made sure to squeeze her tits around that cock nice and tight, massaging it as much as she could, squeezing it firm in the warm embrace of her increasingly soaked cleavage. It didn't take long to get that cat dick really twitching. That meant even more of a mess splashed all over Kaith's juicy bust, streaming down along with a slight sheen of sweat that came with the sheer excitement she worked up just having that leopard grinding on her.

Mahiri leaned down closer and closer to the sabre, flashing her own fangs, rising up into a snarl of triumph that was loud enough to leave the shop and spill down the street. It was her proclamation of triumph, of dominance, or maybe it was just her making some noise because it felt so good to fuck Kaith's tits she simply had to make a great big mess of them. Precum alone had already painted the sabre from fangs to nips, but Mahiri wasn't nearly done creaming her. Spurting and thickening as her cock stiffened even more, the leopardess eventually just seized the sabre by the chest and held on tight, madly fucking her way to a sloppy finish Kaith wasn't entirely ready for.

That damn leopard always came harder than Kaith expected. She didn't know how she still hadn't learned that so many months later, but she soon found herself facing the consequences of her ignorance when she got splattered from face to tits and well beyond. She got a faceful of cat cum straight from that shiny black kitty cock, and plenty more in her open mouth. The rest poured down over her bust, soaking her to the skin in the possessive mark of richly scented feline cum. There was an ample cascade down Kaith's apron she didn't really notice. She was too busy cumming.

All it took was the warmth of Mahiri's spunk, and the feeling of her cock pumping and flexing where it was nestled between Kaith's breasts to make the kneeling cat squirt. Her pussy simply went off, flexing, clenching up tight, then releasing a great mess of juices into her panties. She soaked them right through with the lust pouring out of her, leaving streams rolling down her thighs. Now she was really regretting not stripping down entirely before they started. There was cum and milk on her work clothes, and she was absolutely drenched in her own climax, but the purring afterglow they shared was so very worth the inconvenience.

She didn't rush back to work. There was time to linger and drip. Only when the heavenly moments that followed Mahiri's finish faded did reality start to kick back in. The sound of the bell ringing at the front door made her scrunch up her face in annoyance. Couldn't they read the sign? She waited to see if they'd go away, but then they rang again. Someone needed their coffee, and fast. Looking up at Mahiri, she couldn't help but fuss.

"Now what? I can't serve them looking like this. And I don't think they're going away."

"Relax." Mahiri added a little purr to her words, rolling her r. "I'll take care of this one."

Kaith looked up at the leopard and just furrowed. "What? Do you know how?"

"I've learned enough by watching you. Even before we were fucking. Get yourself tidied up, I'll be right back."

Thankfully, she remembered to tuck her cock away and zip her pants back up before walking out in public again, though she still had that recently-satisfied look in her eyes and swish in her tail. Kaith snuck off to the employee washroom to at least rinse herself off and apply several fistfuls of paper towels to her fur and clothes alike. She was still going to smell like leopard for the rest of the day, even if she had a full scrubbing shower, but that was fine. She liked that. Part of her dreaded what she'd find when she returned to the front, but Mahiri seemed to be handling things just fine. In her way.

The leopardess was all leaned over the counter, tail slowly swishing, and she had one of Kaith's regulars looking considerably less grumpy than he usually did. The old bird was listening to Mahiri's every word, to the point he didn't even look Kaith's way when she spoke.

"I'll be right there with your usual!"

"Take your time," he said. He'd never said that before, at least not to her.

Nonetheless, she moved at her usual quick pace to get his particularly thick, extremely caffeinated drink ready. Mahiri went on murmuring to him in a low voice. Kaith wasn't really listening, but she had that bird nodding along to her every sentence. It was like she was casting a little spell on him. He even tipped generously when Kaith finished and slid the cup over to him with her usual customer service smile.

"Thank you! Just let me know if you need anything else."

"Mmhmm," the bird said, giving a lingering look at the leopard before finally taking his order and turning away.

Mahiri was wearing a proud grin when Kaith turned to her. The sabre couldn't help but laugh.

"What can I say? You're a natural. Not sure if I'll be hiring you on anytime soon, though, given the distraction you are ..."

"Oh, don't let me distract you. No reason I can't help you out, right? Must get tiring hauling my cubs around everywhere."

"Well. I won't refuse the help, if you're offering. But I really do need to keep serving! There's another peak coming, and - " She stopped herself when she realized how that sounded, but to her surprise Mahiri didn't pounce on the easy joke.

"Don't worrrrry." Again with the extended r and the hearty rumble. "I'll be good. All business. You'll see."

That much was a lie just to look at her. She was dressed in such a way that wasn't exactly professional, but her exposed cleavage was bound to sell a drink or two, at least. Kaith just hoped her own outfit wasn't showing signs of soaking through. The busy hour was coming, and she simply had no time to change. Sure enough, people started flooding in one by one, then two by two, and so on.

To her surprise, Mahiri was actually helpful. The leopard had been studying her carefully enough to know the names of toppings and various preparation methods. The only downside was how little room there actually was behind the counter. That meant brushing up against each other plenty of times, and the leopard wasn't exactly avoiding such collisions. They ended up grinding on each other right in front of dozens of customers, and sometimes even stealing a little grope or pat of butt, bulge, or busts alike. Mahiri wasn't the only perpetrator. Kaith got in on it too.

By the time the hour was over, Kaith was positively quivering. Her legs felt like they were going to give out from under her. That was normal for her line of work, but this was different. She was drenched again. Her pussy felt wetter than she did after cumming for the leopard. She needed some relief, and she wasn't going to be able to focus until she got it. Huffing, sucking her teeth, and eventually whimpering caught Mahiri's attention. She leaned close to check on her.

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just ..." Kaith began in a soft voice, then glanced around and spoke even quieter. "I'm so fucking horny right now ..."

Mahiri smiled at that and patted her on the head, but she certainly didn't dismiss such urgent needs. She knew well not to neglect that pregnant kitty whose hormones were going absolutely wild.

"I can fix that. There's barely anybody here anymore. You just keep working and I'll eat you out."

"Wha ..." Kaith gasped. The thought alone almost made her moan out loud in front of the remaining customers. "Mahiri, no, someone will definitely see ..."

There were only a few people left in the shop, but someone else could have entered at any moment. Just because the rush was over didn't mean there weren't stragglers. She was still considering the wild idea anyway.

"Not if I kneel down behind that gorgeous ass."

Mahiri had a point there. Her butt was huge after months of growth. Kaith still had objections, though.

"Okay, then they'll hear. You know I can't keep quiet when you're using your tongue ...."

"Hm. You're right about that. Think you can bite your lip?"

"Nnnn ..." She already was.

"I know how much you need this. I'll be subtle. As much as I can anyway." Mahiri stroked her claw down Kaith's spine until she reached her tail, which she batted at before tucking a finger into her waistband.

"Ffffff ..." She huffed hard, probably already turning some heads. "Fine. Just ... make sure you're hidden."

Mahiri sank down behind her in an instant, ducking right out of sight before anyone could realize what she was doing. She was as good as invisible where she was crouched down behind Kaith's ass, further shrouded by the countertop. Even if someone walked right up to the two of them, they probably wouldn't have noticed unless they leaned all the way over it. Mahiri tugged Kaith's pants down just enough to get access to that tender, aching pussy. Even the sensation of the leopard's breath warming her folds was enough to make Kaith jolt, to make her shudder and twitch, going tight and wetter by the second. There was just so much to lap up, and Mahiri took to her task with her usual enthusiasm.

Gripping the edge of the counter and digging her claws into the top, Kaith found herself caught up in the effort not to scream in pleasure while her customers were just trying to finish their drinks. The first touch of Mahiri's tongue was enough to send her right to heaven, quivering and grinding back at it purely by instinct. The scratchy touch of her every slurp cleaning up all those leaking juices, of sponging up all the sabre flavour she could get made Kaith absolutely tremble from ears to tail. She curled her toes, stiffened her spine, and focused purely on making as little noise as possible, no matter how good it felt to have the leopard eating her out from behind. Eventually she couldn't help at least a small whimper.

A glance around at those who remained, lingering on their phones or laptops made her clench her teeth. They weren't looking at her, but one sound too many and they were going to know exactly what she was up to, just a few steps away from them. It would have been a scandal, or so she figured. Slowly rolling her hips up and down, bouncing her great big booty in Mahiri's face a little, she kept her pussy all lined up with that utterly stimulating tongue, riding it, grinding on it, even taking it right inside of her. Feeling the slightly sandpapery texture dragging over her most sensitive spots was enough to make her tighten, to make her juices flow right into the leopard's open mouth, and to put her willpower to the ultimate test.

"Ah, Mahiri, I ... I'm going to ... you need to st -"

She couldn't finish. Either she got too caught up in breathy, stifled moans or she simply didn't want to tell the other cat to stop. Not when it felt so good, not when she stroked and tasted all the right spots. Mahiri knew her body so well, and she used that knowledge against her. Licking right in the place that always made her leg shake, the leopard pushed deeper, mouth wrapped around as much of her pussy as she could get, sucking, shoving, slurping. The noises alone were barely drowned out by the whir of machines brewing away, and Kaith's voice was most definitely audible. There was no holding it in.

"Ahhh, Mahiri, fuck, I ..." It started as a harsh whisper, but it became a full-throated scream when she simply broke. "Ah! AH!"

Eyes were on her as she arched her back into a leopard-drenching orgasm, giving Mahiri plenty of flavour to lick right from inside of her, soaking in her lust, in her release, in her quivering climax squirting right between her lips. She kept going, writhing, flexing, shaking all throughout her peak until all the pent up need had been milked out of her by the spotty kitty's expertly applied tongue.

"Ahhhhh ... sorry, everyone! Burned myself! I'm okay though! No need to come over here!" she said, trying to cover up her chest as best she could without making it look too obvious.

People nodded and turned back to what they were doing, eventually. A few of them gave her some lingering looks with barely suppressed smirks. If they knew, they didn't disapprove, which was about as good as she could hope for. Mahiri kissed her right on the pussy lips and slowly rose up from below when she was done. Her face was a mess, but that didn't diminish how pleased with herself she was. A great big grin gleamed in the shop lights, and she was hardly subtle about slurping her chops for all of Kaith's taste left clinging to her lips.

"God, you're even tastier than the treats you make."

"We really shouldn't have ... " Kaith's voice was soft, flustered, and so very satisfied. "But we did."

"And I'm horny again. No surprise there I'm sure." The leopard pressed up closer to her, to let her feel that ample bulge softly throbbing against her hip. It pulsed all the more when she gave a few little teasing humps.

"Let ... let them clear out first, at least."

Mahiri got somehow even closer, kissing Kaith on the neck - then nibbling in just the way the sabre liked.

"Okay. But I wanna do it right here. Bend you right over the counter and lift up your apron so I can watch that fine ass jiggling. How's that sound?"

"Not so loud, god ... " Another glance around didn't give her a sense of whether anyone was listening. "But yes. Yes, let's do that ..."

She was wet again. It didn't matter how many times the leopard made her cum. She was always lusty for her leopard. For now though, she gave a little swing of her hips to bump that horny cat away from her before she made her make a bad decision. There was fucking in public, and then there was getting railed right in front of an audience. It took longer than she hoped for people to finish up and start leaving, but after an agonizing few minutes that felt like eternity, the shop was empty and quiet once more. There usually wasn't a rush for another few hours, when the nighthawks started shuffling in. She was free to give herself up to the utterly shameless whims of the spotty one rumbling nearby. This time, she was the one who took the initiative, reaching out and taking Mahiri by the wrist, tugging her close.

"Now. I need it. I want it all. Right here. Where anyone could see if they walked in."

"Ooooh, girl. There's that feisty cat. Let me see those fangs."

Kaith took it literally and flashed them, much to Mahiri's visible delight. The two of them rubbed against each other a little longer, but it didn't take long before the leopard took her by the hips and turned her around, pushing her until she had her belly softly resting right atop the same counter she served at. Partly bent over, slowly swaying her hips and tail alike, the sabre was on full offer to the horny leopard, who took the opportunity to tug those pants down and fully expose Kaith's fine, round ass and positively pulsing pussy all over again. Just before Mahiri actually stuffed her full, softly growling with barely-controlled intensity

"... Okay but go gentle though. I'm so tender right now. "

Mahiri lowered her growls to a more soothing rumble to show she heard her. Even her gentle touch was enough to get Kaith whimpering anyway. She cried out across the shop when that cock so much as prodded her. Taking it inside left her legs quivering. It was a good thing she had the counter for support, because she was soon clutching it, clawing it, even digging some grooves into it, to her dismay. She could polish over those later.

The most important thing for her was the feeling of that potent, breeding catcock sinking inside of her. She tightened up around it at first, only to relax when she confirmed that Mahiri really was taking it slow. Easing inside of her sensitive cunt was no less overwhelming. Every throb of the leopard's dick sent a tremor through her entire body. She felt liable to collapse, but Mahiri had her. The spotty cat clutched her by the hips just right to keep her feeling supported, keep her comfortable and ready for more. Only when they were nice and snug together, cat cock balls deep in her pregnant pussy did Mahiri actually start to fuck her properly.

Their gradual pace came in contrast to just how drastically Kaith reacted to every little thrust. She didn't hold anything back anymore. Between impassioned cries of the leopard's name, sharp shrieks of pleasure, and her oh-so-bassy rumbles, she broadcasted her rising ecstasy to anyone who happened to be walking by the door. She didn't care. There was nobody there. She needed to let Mahiri know exactly how good her cock felt inside of her, even when she was barely moving it. The slow, smooth thrusts were enough to bring them both all the pleasure they needed, especially when she was clenching down so hard every moment.

"Maybe I'll end up breeding you again. Could happen. Maybe we're just that compatible."

No matter how silly it was, Kaith's cheeks went super hot just to hear that. Maybe Mahiri could, for all she knew. She felt ready. Even with her tits leaking again, her pregnant belly jostling with the light yet deeply pleasurable thrusts, she felt ready to accept the leopard's seed all over again. She was blazing, trembling, and pumping down on that cock hard. The juices of their very public mating soaked down Mahiri's thighs, and the thought that anyone could have walked through that door at any moment to see them in a very compromising position was getting her even wetter.

"What if someone sees?" she whimpered, unable to keep the excitement over that thought out of her voice.

Mahiri's answer came with a deep, close-up growl right near Kaith's ear. "Then they'll get to watch me cum inside you."

That alone nearly set Kaith off. She could only whimper in the leopard's grasp, pushing back into the slowly rising strokes of her cock. Mahiri went just a little faster, a little harder, but she made sure not to hurt that precious knocked up cunt in the process of pumping her full of another load. Kaith felt the tap of a pair of heavy, flexing nuts against her pussy lips and that was when biting her lip couldn't hold it back anymore. She shrieked and screamed for her leopard as her pussy went off again, wildly contracting tight around Mahiri's every single inch buried inside of her. If that didn't milk out another load of hot cum, nothing would.

The quivering, clenching cat cunt sheathed around Mahiri's cock proved irresistible. The leopard lunged, bit, scratched, but all in just the right kind of way that still had her treating that lovely plump kitty with the utmost of care. It kept Kaith cumming a little longer all through the process of getting filled again. And maybe even knocked up. She didn't know how that would even work, but the sheer warmth she felt within herself told her anything was possible. They rocked together until she was certain someone was going to walk in at any moment to see them grinding out the last few spurts of their mutual cumshot. She had to admit she was slightly disappointed when no one did.

"God, what a mess," Mahiri said once she schlurped her wet cock out of Kaith again. She stood with it on full display, dripping on the floor. "Hey. You should probably suck this clean before I get your juices on anything important."

It almost alarmed Kaith how quickly she leapt to tend to the leopard at a single command. She did what felt good to her, and kneeling before that great, shiny cock was a tempting prospect at any time. It took her a little effort to lower herself down for it. Mahiri made sure to support her in her heavy kneeling, holding her by the hands until she was squatted more or less comfortably in front of the cat. From that angle, she was probably hidden behind the counter if anyone did come in. She was safe to go down on that juicy cat cock with all the enthusiasm it deserved.

What she totally forgot about was the window. Maybe she was obscured to any customers who entered, but anyone walking by on the street had a full view of her throating and glurking around the leopard's shaft, bobbing up and down in slobbery tribute to the sex-slick dick she so loved. Mahiri even waved to someone walking by, mid blowjob. Kaith didn't notice. She was busy swallowing down the precum spitting from the still-stiff cock snug between her lips, cleaning up every inch of it with her tongue even as she bathed it in her drool. She couldn't help slavering over such a delicious treat, pressing her tongue right under the skin near the head, lapping up every single trace of flavour she could get.

It was so much more than a cleaning. Neither of them were surprised by that. Once she was sufficiently caught up in the leopard's flavour, Kaith couldn't stop sucking. She rocked forward to shift her weight from heels to toes, pressing her face right into the fluff of Mahiri's crotchfur. She sniffed and huffed when she wasn't just stuffing her muzzle with cat dick, slurping and slobbering all over every inch she could get, letting the resulting mess pour down her chin, her chest, and her apron alike. Once again she should have stripped right down first, but she simply didn't have the time to worry about it.

Guzzling precum told her she was doing a good job. Mahiri couldn't help but clutch at Kaith's head, sliding her fingers through the sabre's hair as she slowly bobbed into the mouth wrapped around her dick. She lightly fucked Kaith right between the fangs, grinding on her tingly tongue, twitching between her lips, and the knocked up barista never stopped for anything silly like air. No matter how much leopard cum she got, she always craved more. Her eyes were shut, her mind was clear, and she let the sensations flow through her as she guzzled her treat from the tap.

Latching on tight when she felt the telltale twitches of the leopard nearing her peak once more, she delved down until she could swallow as much cock as she could possibly fit. Eagerly sucking hard, with Mahiri's hand on the back of her head, guiding her on, she was ready to drink as much of that fresh spunk as she could get. The leopard's dick flexed, stiffened even more, and Kaith was there to milk it as hard as she could with deep sucks and firm drags of her tongue. Not to mention how hard she was gulping around it, already chugging from it even before Mahiri blew her load. A good pump of the leopard's plump, soft nuts to tighten them up against Kaith's chin, and the spotty cat gave a half-roar, subduing the sound down to a still-fierce rumble as she blew hard in Kaith's eager mouth.

Shamelessly guzzling cum like a practised slut, the sabre slathered her senses in the taste of leopard jizz and warmed her belly with the sheer excess flowing down inside of her. She did her absolute best not to spill a drop, but some of it still blasted back out of her mouth anyway. That cat could cum hard, and she wasn't holding anything back pouring it all right down Kaith's gullet. Gulping hard, the sabre managed to keep pace with Mahiri's fat load, but it wasn't easy. She drank herself into a stupor, swelling herself, soaking her palate in the taste of cum, and when she was done she could barely even see straight.

Slowly sliding from Mahiri's shaft once it finally stopped throbbing in her mouth, Kaith gave one last heavy gulp to finish off her meal. It made her hiccup when she was done. A little giggle escaped her at the sound of that, followed by a slightly woozy moan. Mahiri's cum felt wonderful in her belly, but feeling that content had a way of making her want to have a nap. That was out of the question. Right on time, as if waiting for the two of them to finish, someone entered before they could properly enjoy the afterglow.

Mahiri quickly tucked her cock away, though she didn't run to hide. That left her standing about, casting her typical sultry looks at the innocent customer who had just walked up to the counter. Kaith quickly adjusted her apron to make sure her tits didn't spill out and gave a good lick of her lips to hide the evidence of that mid-shift suckoff before she finally gave the standard greeting.

"Hi! What can I get for you?"

The possum looked a little shy, maybe even intimidated by the two of them standing there like that. Mahiri seemed to stare right through him, but she remained silent, staring him down like she was ready to pounce. He gave his order very quietly, and Kaith nodded, turning to brush past the other cat and get it ready. It was only when she got her customer served that she noticed what had been dribbling down her apron the entire time. A thick, fresh streak of feline cum was plainly visible, clinging to her top just over her bust.

"Oh my god ..." Kaith said when she looked down.


"Has this been on me the whole time?"

Mahiri glanced around to look. Her beam of pride wasn't exactly comforting.

"Probably. Don't worry about it. He probably just thought it was coffee foam. Or frosting. Or ... something."

"Mahiri, it's so obviously your cum ... "

Kaith knew something was coming when she saw the leopard break into a mischievous smirk.

"What makes it obviously mine?"

"That's not what I mean. Come on, I just ..."

"Look at you. How hard are you blushing right now?" Mahiri reached up and softly placed her palm on Kaith's cheek. "Have I got you a little worked up, even now?"

As much as she wanted to fuss, Kaith had to confess instead. "... Yeah."

"Break room time?"

"Unngh, I want to so much ..."

"I'll do that thing you like."

Kaith's eyes lit up. "Nnnh, you will?"

"Mmhmm. Here." She took the sabre's hand. "I'm sure the cute boy doesn't need help remembering what side to drink out of."

Kaith simply had no choice but to be led away, even if it meant potentially leaving something waiting. She felt such an urge that she was twitching her tail with every step. Once they were all alone though, instead of pouncing on the leopard who could give her what she wanted, she found herself slumping into Mahiri's embrace. There was no force more powerful to her than the pregnant-horny. Mahiri traced her claws down those exceptional curves of hers, sometimes groping, sometimes working to strip the clothes from that ample body, one layer at a time. She didn't stop until she had the sabrecat right down to her bare fur, and she was just as thorough with herself, grinding on Kaith's naked form the whole time.

The teasing left Kaith shaking with need. It was even more unbearable when Mahiri licked her on the back of the neck, and worked down from there. That tingly tongue slipped down her spine, tasting and grooming all the way. Eventually, the leopard ended up on her knees behind the pregnant kitty, and kissed her right on the base of the tail. Clutching that and lifting it up high left Kaith whimpering with anticipation. She didn't have to wait long. Soon she had a muzzle pressed between her cheeks and a warm kiss planted right on her rim, followed by a generous lick.

Nearly every part of her had grown extra tender in the advancing months of her pregnancy, and that was no exception. It always made her a little blushy to even mention it, but she found she absolutely loved attention to her ass ever since it got bigger, and Mahiri knew it. She made out with that tight hole until the sabre was rowling for her, whimpering and growling at the same time. There was no need to hold back anymore. Kaith could be as loud as she wanted, and that was exactly what she was while the leopardess ate her out and licked her ever so deeply, leaving her legs trembling and her hips dangerously wobbling.

She was going to fall right on top of Mahiri if she kept up like that. By the way the leopard tugged at her, that wasn't entirely discouraged. Kaith struggled to keep her balance while that rough tongue pleasured her with every smooth stroke. She eventually accepted Mahiri's guidance and slowly eased her way into that spotty face, carefully following the cat to the ground until she could make a seat out of Mahiri. That was a whole lot of weight right atop the leopard's face, wedging her muzzle even deeper between those thick cheeks, but that didn't dampen her enthusiasm in the slightest.

Utterly smothered, Mahiri still made the most of everything she could give, kneading and massaging that fine ass as she rimmed Kaith stupid. Screeching and wailing into the air, Kaith rocked back and forth, riding that muzzle and tongue alike, grinding, sliding, and smothering a little deeper with each moment. She pressed down until she could feel her bare cheeks touch the floor, utterly squishing the other cat beneath her, and she didn't get a word of complaint. Not that Mahiri was in any position to stay anything, but she never slowed, never stopped tonguefucking Kaith's taut asshole no matter how long she went without air.

Watching Mahiri's cock pulsing in front of her was what made Kaith finally relent. She was pretty sure she could have stayed there until her seat passed out, but she wanted more. Rising up slowly, she crawled forth, nuzzling against that well-drained cock. Even after all that, Mahiri was still ready for more. She got even stiffer from just a few licks. From seat to rider, the leopard slipped out from under the sabre all in one smooth motion to get behind that heavy ass she just so thoroughly pleased. A nibble on Kaith's tail just made her lift it all the higher for the equally horny cat.

It was far from the most comfortable place to fuck, but neither of them cared. Kaith firmly planted herself on all fours, with her belly nearly touching the floor, and happily allowed the leopard to mount her from behind. Latching her jaws onto some loose scruff and offering a bassy rumble made Kaith absolutely squirm with desire. The first grind of cock between her cheeks already had her twitching, flexing, squeezing down on nothing in particular. She needed it in her ass, and she was going to keep making those fussy, borderline alarming feline noises until she got it.

"Mmmmmmm ..." she started, trying to sound out Mahiri's name but getting no farther than the first syllable for a while. "Mmmm - Mahiri! I need it ... I want it so much ... want you to fuck my ass ... "

The leopard spoke surprisingly softly for the moment. "Don't worry. Everything you need is right here."

Then she gave another dominant growl and penetrated Kaith deeply. For how tightly she was squeezing, she accepted that cock with ease. Mahiri sank inside her until she slapped her nuts hard on that fat ass, sending a pleasant jiggle all throughout Kaith's body. Another moan, then another deep rowl, and she pushed back to grind on that heavy sack until it started swinging into her. Mahiri wasn't nearly as gentle with her ass as she was with her pussy. One good pull, then a huge, lunging thrust smacked her balls against Kaith's thighs, and the thrusts that followed were just as hard, just as deep, coming at her faster and faster in plunging, soaking, stuffing strokes.

"Yes .... yesssss ... " Kaith started with hissing through her teeth, but it didn't take long before she was shouting for the leopard, dignity be damned. "Fffffuck! Ohhh, Mahiri, fuck me fuck me ... fuck my ass ... take me ... use me ... I'm yourrrrrrs ...."

That last word rolled into a whiny, rumbling purr of pleasure that drowned out anything else coherent. Kaith lowered her head and snarl-mewled towards the floor as if it had offended her. She begged for more by bashing back to bounce her butt against Mahiri's hips. The heavy thud of each thrust went along with the slurping, sucking sound of a wet cock delving deep into the fine sabrecat booty. Just watching that ass jiggle made Mahiri throb. Kaith knew it did. The leopard couldn't help but grope and even spank at those heavy cheeks while they wobbled against her, but she never lost sight of the main attraction, fucking that tight hole until she was outright snarling near Kaith's ear.

For all the ferocity on display from the big cat pumping her full of precum, Kaith couldn't mirror it in the slightest. She gasped, she whimpered, but more and more she was simply screaming. It didn't matter who heard her. Nothing mattered more than that fat leopard cock plunging inside of her, or those nuts pounding against her butt and thighs. She took Mahiri deep and kept pushing back for more no matter how hard the big cat fucked her, and she didn't need a single other sensation for her pussy to start trembling for her insides to start quiverng all around the leopard's shaft until she was moments away from utterly exploding.

The screech that escaped her when Mahiri fucked her butt until she came was the kind of thing that would have sent panic through anyone who heard it out of context. She arched her back and threw herself into her shaking, shattering climax. Cumming hard enough she could hear herself squirting all over herself and the floor alike, she milked that cock with hard flexes until Mahiri simply had no choice but to snarl, bellow, and shoot her full of spunk one more time.

Their collective cacophony shook the very walls once Kaith was really gushing, and Mahiri was dumping her nuts in that hefty sabre rump. Of course someone heard them. The soft patter of feet on rapid approach was something Kaith either didn't hear or simply didn't bother to think about until a voice interrupted them in the middle of their screaming, gushing climax.

"Oh god I hope it's okay to come back here! Are you okay? I heard ..."

Kaith looked up and barely perceived the familiar face of a very concerned-looking possum standing in the doorway. The longer she looked at him the more his expression shifted from worried to stunned, then thoroughly embarrassed. He was so caught up staring he couldn't even move. Mahiri waved to him, giving one more hump of Kaith's jiggling butt for good measure.

"Hey Obie! We're kinda busy. Be out in a second."

"Ohhhhhh I'm so sorry ..." His voice got smaller and smaller until he shuffled out of sight.

Kaith was left blushing hard, panting in orgasm, trying not to outright drool on herself. She murmured to herself.

"I hope he didn't secretly take pictures or something ..."

Mahiri heard her anyway. The leopard patted her on the ass, ever so slowly pulling out. "Don't worry. He's a good boy."

A pop of cock from rump that left cum streaming down from Kaith's well-fucked hole made them both briefly gasp. Kaith didn't have any energy left to even moan, much less speak. Mahiri whispered softly to her.

"It felt pretty good getting caught like that, didn't it?"

Kaith shivered despite the heat steaming off her body. She thought about it.

"Maybe just a little."

The leopard just chuckled, slowly rising and reaching for the sabre to help her get up. Kaith needed all the help she could get. She stumbled slightly but the surprisingly strong spottycat held onto her, supporting her until she could stand on her own. The two of them exchanged a fond rumble, and then a little peck of a smooch that stood in contrast to the intensity of their mating. Then Kaith gave a sigh.

"I guess I better wash up as best I can and get my clothes back on. There's always a little rush of the night workers in a little bit. And I ..." She considered a moment, then just chuckled. "I should probably give our little witness a free drink voucher or something."

Another nuzzle, and Mahiri handed over her work clothes, finally allowing her to settle down. Not that she could ever fully calm herself in the leopard's presence. It wasn't going to be the last time she succumbed to temptation at work. And it wasn't going to be the last time they got caught, either.