Renapony: Breeder

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#3 of Renapony

Mist has been living on the goblins farm for a couple of months now. This can't be all her life is meant for is it? It certainly isn't, as her master puts her talents to appropriate use.

There is another version of this involving a very different outcome for Mist! There is a live birth here, as well as Milking, Artificial insemination and an auction!

Also if you liked the story, give me a poke on Discord at absorbentgene I'm always looking for people to play out idea's I have in this universe as I work on expanding it all!

As another day dawned, Mist did the same. Shifting on the straw filled bedding, she would stand and stretch as much as her bindings would allow.

She was a very different renamon than what she had been only 2 short months ago. Every day was spent in intense labour, working hard to haul a plough, and it had affected her physique and balance. Her slim form had become quite a bit more athletic and toned. She was far more balanced on her hooves, and far more confident in her movements.

Not only that, her now muscular body had become covered in a thick layer of fur. Normally kept trimmed, she had no power to do so herself and her master hadn't cared enough to trim her. It left her looking wild, covering her sex and nipples. It even draped over the edges of her boots and gloves, now accentuating the unremovable gear.

Yawning around the bit in her mouth, the snug harness wrapped around her head keeping it locked comfortably in place, she glanced around the high walled pen she lives out of. She could hear the other animals beginning to wake.

Mist heard the goblin enter and set about getting them all fed. It was a routine Mist was very familiar with and today was no different. After being fed and watered she fully expected to be led out and either put to work around the farm, or she would spend the day training with him.

After wolfing down her food hungrily, she was surprised to find him tying her reins to a hitching post outside of the paddock. She looked around, confused and curious but she could see nothing to suggest why the routine had changed.

She didn't have terribly long to wait though as her sister Smoke strutted out next to her. Glancing over, Mist could see she had been saddled already. The goblin untied Mists reins from the hitching post and spent a few moments tying it off to the saddle Smoke wore. With that done she watched with perhaps a touch of jealousy as the goblin mounted Smoke beside her.

With a tug of the reins he steered Smoke away and Mist soon felt the tug herself and she wound up falling into line behind her sister. The small party trotted onto the path leading from the goblins farm and onto a familiar road. Mist had walked along this once already coming from the town where she had been bound. It appeared they were going back for some reason. Perhaps some maintenance. She could use a trim...

Coming to the gates, she saw guards standing by looking rather bored, just another set of renaponies. Another day. She soon found herself pressed into a throng though after only a few short turns.

The sun was shining, the weather was beautiful and today was market day. She knew that goblins could be quite proliferate in their clusters, but this was something else! There had to be thousands packed in among stalls, gabbling in their language while rapidly gesturing. It was an assault on her ears and found herself straying back and forth, as goblins jostled against her or tried to cut between herself and Smoke. She found the rope that kept her bit tied working as a lifeline as they marched along purposefully.

Finally turning into the square where the blacksmith worked, she spotted a great auction ongoing. Renaponies were being sold off too. Serious buyers. Almost right on time, a large solar sail powered ship lifted off from a star port that had to have been nearby, shuttling off with either a hold full of renaponies for sale elsewhere, or a newly kitted goblin expedition off to explore a new world.

She felt a lurch of uncertainty. The grav plough could be easily calibrated for one... was she about to be sold? Getting led through the edge of the crowd, she saw most were goblins but there were others too. A handful of other green skins loitered or bidded. A few orcs, hobgoblins, even a pair of bugbears; who already had a rather nervous looking renapony between them as they chatted to each other. What was most obviously out of place and eye-catching was the huge purple scaled dragoness in a beautiful red dress accompanied by a dashing uniformed, though nervous, little male fox with a dash of pink hair topping his head. They seemed to be chatting but Mist never got to find out anything more. She found herself led in, relievingly, into the blacksmiths shop.

It was only then as her master dismounted Smoke, did she see how displeased he was. He must have forgotten it was market day. He led the two and hitched them individually to a hitching post and turned his attention to the blacksmith. Glancing to her side, Smoke met eyes with her and nodded reassuringly. There were several other renaponies who looked like they had just been bound and were getting ready to go to auction immediately.

Once again, Mist never learned their fate. She was taken by reigns and pulled into the main forge again. The master led Mist aside and held her reins, gently rubbing the side of her breasts to calm her while the blacksmith took Smoke forwards and immobilized her in the device Mist had originally been suited in.

The blacksmith did a quick check of the bindings Smoke wore, nodded his approval without further fuss and then moved to the billows. He quickly stoked the fire for a few moments before plunging a rod into the furnace. He spent a few moments chatting amiably with her master while she watched curiously.

Finally though, he brought it up and she shuddered as he moved to Smoke's rear quickly. Smoke began to scrabble against the bindings, suddenly aware of what they were there for as the white hot branding iron was aimed at her rear.

Mist couldn't take her eyes away as the iron finally made firm contact. Smokes rear clenched but the goblin was well trained and kept a firm contact on her. The sound of searing, sizzling flesh wasn't nearly drowned out by Smoke's muffled scream, the bit giving her something to bite on.

Finally withdrawing the iron, the goblin dropped it into a water bucket where it hissed loudly as it cooled. Mist could see the blackened, raw outline of what seemed to be a crude drawing of a goblins head sticking his tongue out. Smoke exhaled with a long drawn out groan, relaxing as best she could now that the source of pain was gone.

The goblin grabbed a nearby bowl, with something in it and crouched low, and began to work on her lower abdomen, though Mist couldn't tell exactly what was being done. She could see the look of concentration whenever she could see his face but it didn't take him long to finish.

Smoke was untied, the renamon standing and led towards the other hitch. Mist could see a very clear and detailed outline of her sister's cervix, womb, vaginal canal, even her fallopian tubes, drawn in a dull purple over and into the fur and flesh over her crotch.

Finally, Mist felt their attention turn to her. She didn't resist, willingly stepping into the restraints despite knowing what was coming. She quivered as the white hot branding iron neared. She felt the radiating heat, then squealed softly as pain exploded from the shape that was seared into her flesh. But it came with something else. Something she didn't recognize. It felt like a splash of cold water over her entire body.

It was followed by the same careful outline of her reproductive organs, and while she couldn't see it, she knew it was done with the same care and concentration as Smoke, the goblin using one of his sharp claws to paint, that same sensation of being plunged into a deep pool of icy water continued the entire time he worked.

Gasping softly, she shuddered as she was released, the strange sensation gone just as quickly as it had come. She was led back with Smoke and leashed to a hitching post once more. The two had their gear refitted, adjusted and cleaned up a little. The two goblins gabbled back and forth to each other the whole while.

Finally the saddle was taken from Smoke's back and Mist felt it settled onto her instead. Shuddering happily, she enjoyed the sensation more than she could have imagined she would have. Led out slowly, a goodbye was spoken between the two, and she felt her master pull himself up onto her saddle. It just felt... right.

Urged forwards, she began to trot along, outside into the open market again. Led through the crowd, it didn't take long for the two renamon to weave their way through and out onto the road home. Trotting comfortably, Mist adored the patting and rubbing along the back of her neck, the goblin using his sharp nails to scratch pleasantly.

She wished they had further to go. It just felt good to be trotted out and ridden, to be able to stretch and just be taken control of. Steered past the gates though, the two renamon would slow their trot to a walk and found themselves led straight into their stalls.

Casting confused glances to each other as their riding gear was removed, they weren't sure why they were being put in so early. Maybe their master had something to do and didn't trust the two out in the meadow alone after being branded. Though even now, she realized what the splash had been. Some kind of magic once again like the nails forced through those hooves she would now forever wear... Something had already healed the sensitive flesh of the brand mark. The recent agony of being burnt like that still left a visible mark despite the swift healing process.

But no... Mist could hear him moving back and forth, working on something. She once again heard the sound of hooves being led past. It was definitely one of the horses he had. Mist usually saw them separated though she never knew why.

He returned shortly afterwards for her and taken by the reins, he led her along, reaching up to pat along her muzzle. She was led along the corridor, but instead of the normal right turn, out into the meadow, she was instead led to a small out building closeby.

Led in she found herself face to face with an enormous stallion. A powerful built body, with a black coat of fur and loose mane draped across his neck. Turning his head towards her, he looked towards her curiously and watched as the goblin brought her in and worked on taking the bridle off of her.

Working her jaw a little, it was strange not to have it in her maw now. She watched him drape it on a hook against the wall and rubbed a hand against her flank warmly. Looking down at him confused, then back to the horse, she felt her heart skip a beat, and in that beat, her entire world dropped beneath her, making her stomach plummet like a stone.

The sense of excitement and dread burning making her feel weak was promptly confirmed with a single word. "Breed." The goblin said in an uncharacteristically husky, deep voice, that it felt like worms crawling along her body, it was so slimy.

He had tracked her heat... She had felt it beginning in the morning... a yearning pull... She was still a virgin. He had saved her, not for himself. She wouldn't get the dignity of having a male of her own species, or even a sentient one... She was going to be impregnated by an animal.

Feeling him press her forwards, she let herself be guided forwards. She could smell him in the air... His heavy musk stinging her nose as she came close. She couldn't help but feel her own arousal kicking in. Her body was actively betraying her more and more every day. She had willingly debased herself to be his mount, now she was going to be nothing but a true animal and it all felt like this was simply the natural thing. Like she belonged exactly here at this moment.

Still she was nervous. She didn't know what to do... How to encourage him. She hesitated before him, looking up at him, he seemed so oblivious for a few moments, his nostrils flaring as she neared, before suddenly he stilled. She thought she had done something wrong but then his great head swung forwards and his lips engulfed her muzzle.

The hot breath of a simple herbivore washing over her senses. The soft velvety lips flapped against her muzzle, his tongue pressed firmly against her own lips and forced its way past easily, Mist giving no resistance more out of shock than willingness.

He forced his tongue down her throat, making her swallow involuntarily, gulping and glucking loudly, still managing to get a breath in occasionally through her nose. Copious amounts of drool poured out over her face and down her throat, so much it seemed like she might drown for a few moments, thick strings hanging from her chin, soaking down her thick fur.

She felt juices welling up along the lips of her sex. She was so worked up, the powerful biological need driving her harder and harder, soon enough she could feel strings of her sexual juices hanging from her lips, wetting the fur and pubic hair covering her sex, making it damp and mingling her own potent musk with the horses.

He continued the kiss, on and on. It kept going until her knees quivered, her arousal getting the better of her. Her tail raised high, she needed to be bred... she needed this desperately now. She would do anything to feel him dominate and fuck her. She yearned so desperately, and with his tongue pumping into her throat over and over, she felt her eyes roll into the back of her head, loving the intense, blissful sensation of being kissed like this.

Finally though, the horse broke the kiss. She felt it sliding out of her and found herself missing the sensation of his tongue down her throat deeply. Her knee's quaked and knocked together as she struggled to compose herself, but once she did, she did what came naturally. She turned away from him, and lifted her tail, presenting herself to him.

Mist felt the horse sniffing along her rear, hot breath wafting through her fur, then down lower, feeling it puff across her crotch and then suddenly his tongue plunged deep into her sex. She screamed in pleasure, her sex clamping down on his tongue in an almost instantaneous orgasm. That didn't mean he stopped though. Gushing juices poured out around his tongue, onto the ground, already leaving a small puddle of sticky juices.

She moaned deeply, gasping eagerly in delight as she found bucking against his muzzle, feeling his broad tongue swirling, twisting and exploring her sex thoroughly. She panted and moaned blissfully, every second drawing more juices from her, but finally, this too passed. His tongue slurped back into his mouth and she heard him snort and whiney in approval.

She continued to quiver and pant deeply, groaning in delight but she managed to steady herself just in time for him to mount her. He shifted over top of her, sliding his body up along her until he rested his front half onto her back.

Her months of work in the fields had made her strong, had prepared her for just this moment. She was able to hold his weight and felt him thrust forwards. She had never even felt his shaft, but she felt how large it was as it glided between her thighs and began to grind along her soaking wet lips, pubic hair and fur clinging to the now soaked cock.

Moaning deeply, she loved the sensation but it was nothing compared to him finally finding his mark, and the broad head of the horse's cock plunged deep inside of her. She screamed in pleasure, a meaning "HNNNAAAAAHHH!" her back arched and everything tensed up as orgasmed once again. Her heat drove her on, and the intense, mind shattering orgasms were driving her absolutely feral with pleasure and soon enough the horse's thrusting sent her into a frenzy.

Her maw hung open, panting loudly, tongue hanging out every stroke into her sex bulged out her belly, every moment absolute bliss as she slid back and forth. She felt him shift firmly, the median ring passing her plump and abused lips, soon feeling his heavy balls bouncing against her thighs.

Stretched to capacity, feeling her stomach bulging out with the intense, heavy thrusting, she gasped and grunted with every thrust, she was utterly lost in to the moment as the horse whickered loudly above her, his body pressing down all the more firmly and buried his shaft into her. She felt his cock flare, bulging out her insides that much further and finally the flood of thick, creamy cum filled her womb.

Moaning happily, she knew what the hot load of spunk that now filled her had certainly achieved the goblins objective. She had her virginity claimed by a beast and now she would certainly be carrying his foal.

Her belly swelled pleasantly with the sheer amount of spunk that had been poured into her, but she knew as much as she wanted this wonderful sensation to last forever; it wouldn't last as his enormous shaft finally softened enough to slip out of her, a thick gush of cum poured from her new stretched and loose lips.

Panting softly, she felt him shift his weight off of her, landing with a soft clop-thump. He nuzzled against her bottom affectionately. She felt her knees wobbling before, overcome with a sudden sense of weakness, she finally fell to her knees.

Looking between the horse's legs, she went wide eyed seeing the huge shaft she had just been filled with. Even now, it still remained stiff, but it had started to soften. It dripped and drooled in a thick mixture of fem-juice and horse spunk.

She couldn't help herself. Gently shifting forwards, she began to lick gently along the tip of the horse's shaft. He reacted with an approving nickering sound and his shaft throbbed gently, though didn't seem to stiffen further for the moment.

Slurping steadily along his shaft, she worked on cleaning him up, pausing only to gulp down another thick load of cum, giving a soft satisfying moan after each gulp, as she finally polished the last of his shaft.

Even as his cock finally began to go flaccid, she couldn't quite give up just yet, adjusting herself to gently nuzzle at his sack, breathing deeply and sniffing at his balls, occasionally giving kisses, wanting more of that precious seed of his, but he had to rest... so did she. She knew how much she had been through. She had her virginity taken by this animal. With a final, deep sniff and kiss at his balls, she crawled out from underneath him and stood.

Gasping weakly, she heard the gate open and realized her master had been watching all the while. Quivering weakly she felt him reach her and start to brush along her flank. "Good foxtits. No words. No gag tonight." He said, rewarding her with the chance to rest without having something stuffed in her mouth. She had proven herself bestial enough to not bark out a single intelligible word.

With reins attached to the side of her bridle without the gag, she was gently led along to her stall on e more, all the while thick cum drool from her gaping lips, leaving behind a sticky trail. Stepping into her stall, the moment the reins were removed she fell into her bedding of hay.

Still gasping and painting, enjoying the overwhelming satisfaction of a well sated afterglow, she listened to the stud being led back to his stall as well. Then another stud was led out, and unsurprisingly, her sister was led out next. Mist could hear her screams of ecstasy from her stall and knew Smoke must have heard hers.

Mist realized the whole experience had only been about 15 minutes judging by how long it took for Smoke to be returned to the stall. The two would be brought out together later that evening, and allowed into the meadow without any further work to do. Mist caught Smoke's eye and they both blushed. It had both been their first time and they were surely pregnant.

Mist would confirm the suspicion, catching sight of Smokes still gaping sex, drooling thick globs of cum from it, dampening the thick fur around her crotch, and their, the tattoo that had been etched there now had a small round circle surrounding a heart, clearly signifying conception, knowing full well her own sex and tattoo mirrored her sister's identically.

They washed as best they could in the small pond at the edge of the property, and returned to their stalls early, both exhausted from the day's excitement.

By the next morning both had begun to show signs of pregnancy. Mist had it explained to her once. Renamon not only could take any partner and be impregnated with shocking ease, their pregnancy cycles were sped up considerably. A full year's pregnancy cycle for a mare would be compressed into the span of about 10 days she guessed.

Her breasts had already swollen and she felt something... acutely different. She just knew something was growing in her even if the tattoo hadn't confirmed that, with what appeared to be the outline of a foal, curled tight around itself. No obvious bulge was visible yet but it was only a matter of time.

The goblin was nice enough to allow Mist and Smoke the day to spend in the meadow relaxing and recuperating, only interrupted for their normal lunch routine of giving him a very eager blowjob. It was only when they headed into the stalls for the evening that her master came into the stall and carefully inspected her. Taking the time to listen to her belly, grope at her breasts and gently press a finger into her sex and getting a pleased groan from her.

He grinned and smacked her rump, obviously happy with the results, leaving her alone and gave Smoke an inspection followed by a smack soon after and he marched off clearly satisfied with the performance of his two mares.

By the next morning, any doubt there might have been was gone. Her belly had swelled noticeably and already, she felt stirrings. It was an occasional flutter as the foal shifted inside of her. Eventually it would be encased in an egg closer to when she was to give birth, but she soon learned just because she was pregnant didn't mean she was relieved of her duties.

Marched out into the meadow, the goblin had them tied into a wagon that he used to pull various building materials about his farm. Of course he didn't share what was being built but Mist supposed it was for a new out building or even additional stable space. She realized it didn't matter much though. It wasn't her concern really and it was a strangely liberating thought. She had little to worry about outside of pulling the wagon.

It was relatively light work compared to the plough and she enjoyed the reprieve. It was mostly spent with her waiting as equipment was loaded on or off. The two sisters standing side by side, they got to watch each other's progress over the next few days.

It wasn't out of kindness as they were about to learn. The Renaponies bellies filled out, becoming round as if they had swallowed whole watermelons and the foals forming in both women became progressively more aware, squirming, pushing and exploring their already cramped surroundings, every movement sending a flutter through her.

As the master entered that morning he seemed all the more pleased with her state, running his hands over her swollen belly, she watched as he kissed her now outward bulging belly button and whispered sweet nothings to the foal inside. Slowly a hand strayed along the underside of her swollen belly, and she groaned gently in delight as his fingers slipped past her lips to grind inside of her pleasantly.

Shuddering in delight, she watched as he licked the sticky juices from his fingers, before turning and gathering up her bit and bridle. Mist obediently leaned forwards to accept the placement, relaxing for the few moments for it to be cinched comfortably into place, her mouth once more gagged, she found herself led out into the yard once more but this time, she found herself steered to the field once more.

She found herself once more yoked to the plough once more, despite the extra weight she was carrying, but she sensed the goblins excitement as he worked and she suspected he had wanted to see them working hard while pregnant.

It didn't take long for Smoke to join her, similarly tied into the plough beside her. She glanced over, watching the goblin finish tying her in and finally, turning out of sight. She felt the snap of reigns soon enough and both began to strain against the heavy steel equipment.

It did not take long for the two females to be soaked in sweat as they struggled and worked hard to till the earth. It didn't take long to be soaked in sweat as they strained against the equipment. To make matters worse, the hard work had the unborn foals shifting and squirming about relentlessly all the while.

It took them hours, working up and down a long, plain field that Mist hadn't been in before. She realized there must be a third plot that the two hadn't been in that they would surely be tilling sooner or later as well.

As always though, by the time the sun rose high, and they were reaching utter exhaustion, they found themselves steered aside and worked free from the equipment, and brought aside, the goblin starting to rub gently along both Mist and Smokes bellies as he stood between them.

Panting and heaving as they stood before him, they shuddered as he grinned, hands reaching up to draw the two girls forwards and down, this time, his hands straying to begin groping and rubbing a breast in each hand.

He grinned broadly and cackled, looking between the two greedily. "Haaa coming in nicely! Lots of milk." He bragged, hands continuing to grope and explore. Both of the renamon gave soft, content sighs of pleasure as his fingers tweaked a nipple on each woman.

Nodding his approval, he finally took up the reins between the two of them once again, and the two renaponies found themselves Guided towards the pasture instead much to their surprise. Mist was grateful either way. Carrying a foal was hard work, but doing back breaking labour on top of that had left her very hot and her fur matted with sweat.

Once past the gate, the Goblin quickly undid their reins and with a final pat on their rears, he walked back out to continue his work. It seemed that despite needing more work done, he was unwilling to push the pregnant woman too far.

Glancing at each other, they would wash themselves off in a small pond and walk to the large tree they enjoyed relaxing under. Resting against the trunk, both barely moved for the rest of the day, only bothering to move to get another drink, or a bite to eat from the feed trough.

Once the sun began to set, the two would find themselves called in and led back into their stalls once again, though Mist was a little surprised to find him following her into the stall. She remained standing as he moved around her carefully and produced a stiff looking brush from a pocket.

He then spent the next 30 minutes carefully brushing the thick fur covering her body, appreciating the effort from him. Relaxed, and pampered, Mist would watch as he took his time, making sure to get all of her, paying special attention to her belly and her rear.

"Good foxtits..." He cooed with a rather cruel looking smile, and without warning, the brush dipped between her legs. In one smooth and rather rough motion, he ground the brush firmly and roughly against her pussy, stiff bristles dragging and grinding along and inside of her sex. Wide eyed, she let loose a long pleasured moan at the intense and sudden sensation.

But it was only to tease. Cackling to himself, the goblin simply turned around, and exited, closing the gate behind him. The sound of brushing and cooing started up once again and Mist presumed it was him tending to Smoke now. Poor Mist was left grinding into the air, desperate for further attention, but with her sex plumped and wet, ready for a male despite her pregnancy, she was simply denied.

The next few days proceeded exactly the same every day... Fed and watered, brought out for a half day of hard work, and left to relax the second half. The Goblin, normally happy to use them for his own pleasure, resisted, but his brushing remained invasive and teasing.

When not working hard for him, they two were well taken care of, the Goblin carefully examining them daily, groping, teasing, fingering and rubbing each time, before nodding his approval and leaving the two alone to rest. Bellies swelling further and further, they all knew the day was coming closer and closer.

Finally, 2 weeks after being bred, the two would finish their labour for the day once again, and trotting to the tree, Mist felt a pang. Stopping mid stride, she gasped and groaned weakly, bending forwards, feeling almost like a terrible cramp.

Smoke stopped and looked back questioningly, only to bend forwards as well, and groan deeply. Locking eyes, they knew. It was time. Staggering the rest of the way, the two renamon would finally get into the shade of the tree's and collapse to the ground.

Mist lost track of time as she panted and heaved, laying there as her body began to work on expelling the foal... or rather, the egg containing the foal. Legs stretched open, she threw her head back and cried out as the enormous egg finally began to stretch her birth canal.

It was excruciating, stretching her wider than she ever thought imaginable. Every moment felt like a battle with her own body, and she was only dimly aware of Smoke screaming alongside her, going through the same process.

He sex gushed a mixture of fluids, as the huge, foal size egg began to finally pass. Wide eyed, she could see the sticky egg crowning, stretching her wide, the thick fur covering her groin doing little to hide anything at this point.

With one, final titanic effort, she pushed and screamed, arching her back from the sheer girth of the egg as it finally passed her lips, and rolled onto the grass, glistening in the sunlight. Mist got a look at a plain white egg, with no visible sign of what was inside, but it had to be at least 2 feet wide.

Glistening with sweat, panting deeply and utterly exhausted, Most glanced over and saw Smoke was in an identical state, heaving and groaning as she lay there, a similar egg to Mist's between her sister's splayed legs. Both enormous, plump bellies now flattened without the foals inside to fill them out!

A deep glow of satisfaction spread through her, realizing she had just mothered another creature. She doubted this would be the last time, but with everything that had gone with it, she was eager to carry another egg. This feeling alone was more than worth all that came with it. The fact she was simply an animal to some goblin, bred by another beast, worked hard every day... She realized she had found her place and never wanted to leave.

Smoke was the first to recuperate. Slowly, carefully getting to her hooves, she wobbled unsteadily, while Mist sat up slowly next to her. They could see the goblin already walking towards them with what was clearly a huge grin and Mist suspected they would be getting impregnated again soon enough.

The sudden darkening shadow that appeared over the two would change things far more than Mist would have ever guessed. Confused by how much darker it had just become, she looked up only in time to see a huge claw wrapping around Smoke, her stunned look the last thing Mist saw of her sister, and then she was gone.

Scrambling carefully back from the pair of eggs, she would get to her feet and look up in wide eyed terror only to see the huge, red scaled dragon flying away, Smoke grasped firmly in his claws as she was whisked away as nothing more than prey.

The Goblin ran the rest of the way, shouting and gabbling angrily the whole way until standing next to Mist, impotently shaking his fist at the rapidly disappearing dragon. As Mist watched the dragon disappear into the clouds, she felt her heart sink like a stone. She doubted she would ever see Smoke again.

Glancing down at the goblin, he had a fierce look about him that she never expected from a creature so small. Nodding to himself and baring his sharp little teeth at her, he gathered up the eggs and marched back towards the barn. Mist followed quietly, not knowing what else to do with herself.

Once the eggs were safely tucked away, she found her reins grabbed and quickly pulled to the barn, and saddled. She wasn't sure what to make of it, but he didn't mount immediately, instead disappearing for almost 15 minutes, before returning with what seemed to be additional riding and camping gear. He was also armoured in some kind of leather and even had a keen edged sword belted to his waist.

Mist realized what he intended, but with a gulp, she steadied herself. Feeling him climb up onto her back to sit in the saddle made Mist feel as if she was complete now. The reassuring weight, and firm grasp of the reins was all she needed in her life now it seemed. With a snap, she began to gallop, hoping that she could reach her sister in time.