The Monster Lies Chapter 6

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#6 of The Monster Lies

Skanita has some weird day dreams. Fantaziing about be getting under the tail, best she be careful, we can't... shouldn't mate properly during her heat, but if she is so interested in other holes, I'd be happy to try her's out.

This is a retelling of the events of The Monster Within but from Skanita's point of view, things won't line up 1:1 as both stories are how the narrator recalls the events. If you are familiar with the comic, you will know that this series will involve many dark themes including violence, depression, sexual abuse, and murder. I do not conduce these action. The author does not condone these actions. This is a fantasy story and should not confused with the real world.This is a commissioned piece of work. The original author prefers to remain anonymous. If you do happen to know the writer in question, please respect their privacy and avoid passing the knowledge around.

Chapter 6

It was night when they parted ways with the wolves. Skanita embraced the loneliness she became so familiar with during the time she spent here in the bosom of nature, outside the reach of any cougar, including her brother. Han had to believe nothing changed for the plan to work. He had to.

Under the light of the half moon, Skanita found a cozy alcove to rest in, thinking of happier thoughts as her mind slowly grew heavy with fatigue. She didn't exactly know when she fell asleep. Only that the need to urinate ripped her from deepest slumber.

Skanita retreated into the vegetation to make her water. She crouched down at the base of a tree, exposed her puffy lips, then contracted her pelvic muscles, only unleashing a slight trickle of urine in spite of the annoying pressure that burned within her loins. Skanita squeezed again, then again. Clamping her nether muscles felt stranger than before. Better. She could not explain why, but the thoughts of a warm tongue on her sex explained her current dilemma. The fire that burned within her could only be quenched by a different touch.

Skanita rolled onto her side, then lifted a hind leg. Her wet gender beckoned her approach, and the female could hardly help avoid helping herself to the wetness displayed before her eyes. She rammed the tip of her tongue against her flushed flesh, then draped it over her pussy, shuddering from every inch of her young, needy body.

"Grrrroooowwrrr..." Skanita poked the slim barbless tip of her tongue between her shuddering lips with utter desperation. She wanted to awaken the same heat that took hold of her body before. To tense with the same rippling jolt, to feel her muscles tremble against her will...

But every dab at her pussy felt lesser, for no matter how much she tried, her own tongue couldn't bring her the same intense bliss she felt when a strong male tasted her in such an unexpected, intimate way.

Skanita dropped on her belly. Better waste away here in loneliness than think of what she could not have. Hours passed, without the moon or the stars shifting from the starry sky. Hours of heated suffering. Skanita almost lost hope of relief until she heard that warm familiar growl sailing past her ears.


She stalked through the vegetation towards the source of the noise to find her brother splayed on his back, his paws grabbing weakly around the limb of a slightly larger cougar.

Han was standing right on top of his son, but it wasn't dominance he tried to assert. Not when he licked his son's neck with the long, flowing strokes of a parent devoted to his offspring. Han's rolling tongue passed over Skan's nose and stopped only at the ears, which were slightly out of his reach thanks to Skan's improper position. He had his head laid all the way back onto the ground, so taken with enjoyment that he couldn't even control the rebellious jolts of his own limbs.

Skanita liked the way they twitched. She saw the outline of a few claws escaping from their sheaths when the older male treated them with his tongue. Han looked into his son's eyes, Skan nodded, then the two cougars growled as they entwined with one another. Their tails flicked against each other's bodies, limbs locked, and their tongues often touched as they met amidst loving nuzzling. Growls rang in the night, and under the bodies of the two males, two fuzzy sacks pressed their sensitive fruits against each other.

Breath froze in the young female's throat when she noticed that particular detail. What were they doing? She never expected her father and Skan to do...this. Han not only licked his son. He mated him with gentle thrusts that rubbed their sexes together.

"Mrowwr!" Skan moaned out loud as the older cougar slid along his son's sack with each suave movement, his own erect member brushing against Skan's. The two little barbed spires were coated with slick warmth and oozed sharp, intense pleasure with every throb.

Skan's toes flared when barbs met barbs in a wet embrace of pure pleasure. Skanita could see him throb vigorously as pleasure assaulted his body. It must've felt beyond good, to experience something so intimate. His body responded to the pleasure with shudders and growls. Both males jerked during each thrust, their moistened cocks exploding with pleasure when they interlocked their barbs over and over again until the sacks of the two cougars became soaked with the translucent result of their union.

Skanita dropped on her belly, eyes fixed on the spectacle that happened before her. She knew none of them was going to last more than a few thrusts.

And she was right. Han glided down his son's form, struggling to contain his seed under the seething snarl draped over his face. He aimed his spitting cock lower, and lower, wetting Skan with throbs of precum until his aching member found Skan's tailhole muscles hard, warm, and ripe for the taking.

Han licked his fangs with desire, so pent-up his cock acquired purple hints.

Then, he entered his son for the first time.

Skanita's breath froze in her throat. Skan never moaned so sweetly as he did when his father's slick cock entered his shivering pucker. He wrapped his paws around his father's neck and assaulted him with a frenzy of licks and nibbles to encourage the older, stronger cougar to continue mating with him. Skan acknowledged his superiority and submitted himself thoroughly.

In exchange, Han rewarded him with more love than any feline could handle. He thrust once, twice, thrice, his growl increasing in proportion to the throbs that wracked his maleness. Veins bulged along the hardening organ, barbs flared out like the spines of a dangerous plant, and after only the fifth thrust, Han's tail jerked up with a violent spasm, forcing the male to bury himself all the way inside his son's tight hole.

"Mrawwwwwrrrr..." the old cougar's maw erupted with a long, rippling growl, his fangs fully exposed beneath his wry lips.

Skanita's eyes feasted on the jerks of Han's twitching tail before they skipped over to Skan, whose lips were also pulled into an all-out snarl. He didn't growl. Not in the way his father did, even though his member jolted in the bare air with the same excitement. He wasn't spurting semen though. The few trickling drops of hot translucence trailing down his member did not match his father's intense bursts. The older cougar pumped rope after rope of fresh cum into his son's inviting tailhole until a thin ivory snake leaked out, which quickly turned into an all-out stream as more essence oozed out of the young cougar's overflowing passage.

Skanita started clawing at the ground. Heat rushed into her flushed folds with the same intensity as the cum that exploded out of Han's twitching cock. All her claws raked lines into the dirt, her own body claimed by the same intense need she saw under Han's twitching tail. The need to cum. The urge to satisfy the most intense crave of any living creature.

The need to breed.

Han's tail kept spasming fast and hard. Skanita knew for sure the purpose of those jolts: to send Han's fertile semen deep into the tail of his own son. And he liked it so much. The way his hind legs forced that fat, veined member all the way inside her brother's ass, the way his heavy sack drew up with every spurt, the strong, rippling growl that burned in the depths of his throat... Skanita wanted that for herself. She desperately desired a male's twitching rod inside her own passage. It didn't matter if it belonged to Han or her brother. Her muscles twitched in the same way Han's did, wet and eager, but she could only rub herself against the cold ground as the smell of fertile seed entered her nostrils.

Two hefty splashes followed Han's retreat from Skan's messy tailhole. The older cougar sniffed at the mess he made, then started cleaning it with audible licks, insisting on his son's tailhole for a dozen lazy strokes before following up along his ballsack.

"Grawwrrrmmmm! Aaaaawrrrhhh!" Skan pawed at his parent, weak and dazed by the pure pleasure still filtering through his groin. Han drew closer and closer to his son's naked member. They both knew what was going to happen. Especially Skan, who huffed in anticipation for his father's warm tongue to slather the most sensitive part of his body. Han nudged the little cock with his nose a few times to drive his son's lust up...

Then the young male shivered and kicked at the air with a strident yowl when his member was embraced by the velvety tongue of his parent for the very first time that night.

"Mrrroooaarrrrr!" the younger cougar locked all of his limbs around his father, thrusting like mad against the blissful tongue that sheltered his protrusion.

Han took in the musk of his son between each hungry lick, savoring every drop of precum, every barb flaring under his tongue, every throb of hot blood that made the cock hard as stone. He delighted in the teasing of it; to see his son plead with restless growls for more. Skan's legs crossed from the intense bout of stimulation. A visible surge coursed through his body, fanning out the toes on every paw. The pleasure that had been gathering within his body threatened to erupt.

And Skanita moaned silently, her pussy dripping with a continuous strand of sweet slime from the overly arousing sight presented before her eyes. She could almost feel her brother's bliss. Were she in his place, she would have thrashed all the harder against such heated touch. Oh, the thought alone was enough to send her into climax.

Then a sharp line erupted from her brother's spewing member, drawing her attention back to the present. Skan opened his maw to growl just like his father did before, then unleashed his cry as fresh cum erupted out of his cock.

"Awwrr...mraawwwrrr..." he snapped at the air as two healthy spurts followed the first, the ivory fluid splattering all over his belly in the absence of a hole to fill.

Han rolled his tongue along the oozing cock one last time, then sheltered his son within the suckling confines of his lips.

Instead of a proper feline sound, Skan's growl turned into a high pitched, yowling moan. His entire gender, spire and balls, disappeared within his father's slavering mouth to be bathed with streams of slick saliva. Han's lips pumped around the entire organ, suckling the fluids out of the erupting member like no male ever did before. Ahead of his suckling mouth, Skan thrashed like a wild animal, his body humping erratically in strained effort to release the pent-up cum welling within his balls, now held captive by Han's jaws, same as every part of interest in Skan's body.

Such a lewd sight almost made Skanita wet the ground with her own intense desire. Han didn't just treat his son to an early ejaculation. He feasted on Skan's release, the buildup of fresh feline seed too great to remain trapped even by such a great maw. Trails of gooey fluid escaped between the great cougar's fangs to wet the young one's groin, but Han paid no attention to what he lost, preferring to keep his son fully sheltered inside his lips during his moment of great delight.

When Skan's yowls smoldered into a weak mewl, Han finally pulled his maw back, allowing his son's cock to spend its last lazy spurts along the belly. Skan finished cumming with an exhausted growl, shivering in the aftermath of a most intense climax even as his parent groomed him of all the mess that spilled during the intercourse.

With a needy moan, Skanita retreated back into her alcove. She had seen enough for now, and with her own gender unnaturally slimy, she spent a good amount of time making sure no drops spilled on the ground before giving in to the smothering feeling of lust and relaxation that overwhelmed her. She but only had to touch her cunt, and endless pleasure broke her body apart.

"Mrrooowwwrrr!" she snarled herself to awareness.

Everything was gone. Skan, Han, the didn't happen. Not in the way her mind wanted her to believe.

Skanita roared her anger at the surrounding trees. Another annoying wet dream. Like the others, this increasingly annoying affliction brought with it untamed levels of arousal coupled with a plethora of viscous mess.

"That was quite the sight to behold." A voice said right behind her. "Dreamt of me, haven't you?"

Skanita bared her fangs in irritation at her brother's improper choice of words. "Stuff those words back inside your mouth or see them properly rewarded."

"Rewarded, you say? I might just bite on that."

"Don't. Please." Skanita softened her tone. "I find no joy in these dreams."

"The results speak otherwise."

She let out a long sigh as her brother rose up on his feet. Skan had a mind of his own, unmoved when curiosity took hold of his senses, which her climax provided. The male barely inhaled her miasma and he already drew back on unsteady feet, sneezing and shaking his head.

"In-Intense-" he confessed to his sister, who rubbed around him to calm him down. "Can...can I clean it?"

"That's not a risk I am willing to take right now," Skanita swatted him with her tail. "Look. But don't touch anything. Especially my tail."

Like he ever listened. He played with it, and when Skanita finished, he brazenly licked her nether lips to snarl and sneeze all over again much to both of their amusement.

"Now you know how it feels, you stupid male."

"Yeah...yeah I know," Skan whimpered as he looked upon his dripping cock. "I think I might need to have a release of my own now. You can watch...if you want to."

Skanita preferred not to, after the dream she had. After he finished his male business, she took him into the depths of the forest at a brisk enough pace to keep his attention focused on the path and not on her drenched pussy.

"I still don't know whether this is a hunt or something entirely different," Skan complained as he followed Skanita towards the outskirts of Han's territory. "Care to shed light on my concerns, my dear mysterious sister?"

"And spoil the surprise? Where is the pleasure in that?" she pawed at his silly head.

"Pleasure's always where you want it to be." The male pawed back, forcing Skanita to leap away and take a proper stance by sitting on her haunches.

"Interesting that you mention pleasure," she flicked her tail. To say or not to say? She was far enough away from home to diminish the risk of being caught, so why not? "One of the strangest dreams occurred to me."

"About us?" the male strolled closer, brushing against her body enticingly. Kind of like a feline in heat expressing its desire to be mated.

"No. It's about a group of cougars," Skanita smiled. "They snuck into our lands in the depths of the night. I thought they planned to take over our territory, like father always threatens."

"A grim dream, to be sure. Why not talk about something more interesting, like how much you want to mate with me right now?"

"Not yet," Skanita pushed his head down with her paw. "Stay awhile and listen to me. You'll like this, my dear brother," Skanita teased him with a lick under his chin, quite pleased by how his tail rubbed along her side. "I followed these cougars through a narrow gap between the mountains. When I came to the other side, I heard whimpers, so I stalked through the forest until I found them."

"To do what? Warn them to stay away?" Skan growled in an amused tone. "Sorry, sister, but you don't strike me as the type who leads the attack. No offense."

"I speak of no brutal fighting here, you dummy. These cougars put fangs to use on a special part of their bodies."

The male followed her example by laying on his haunches, apparently quite bored. "I don't need a silly dream to be with my sister. I have you right here, and the things we can do together are much more enthralling than chasing the tails of a few strays."

"But that's not what I'm talking about. Can you stop derailing my thoughts please?" Skanita teasingly slapped his flank with her tail. "These cougars of mine...they did some weird things. Things you cannot even begin to imagine..."

"Are you sure?" her brother started getting all lovely with her. He closed in on her ear, whispering seductively. "I can be very creative when I put my mind to the task."

He fell right in her trap. "We can lie down, cuddle and lick...maybe even pleasure each other," Skanita looked into his eyes, eager to see his expression after what she was about to say. "but I'd need a cock to mate you in the tail."

As expected, Skan's face turned from joy to confusion, then something entirely different. Disgust? Shock? She could not quite put her paw on it.

"They...did that? With each other?" Skan grimaced, sticking his tongue out as if he just tasted something horrible. "Broken bunch, that. I'd never dream of submitting myself to such...perversions." Skan snarled. "What kind of male would do such a thing? Seriously, that's messed up."

"Why is that? Surely there are some males around who wish to experience a broader array of pleasures," Skanita slid around his body like silk as she continued her teasing tale. "Oh, I would have given many things to have you there in my dream with me. To see how these rogue males rubbed their members together to the point of dripping. I never thought two males could mash their sacks like ripe fruits bursting with pleasure."

"You're talking nonsense!"

"I'm talking of freedom," Skanita countered. "These cougars of mine shied not from the threatening gaze of their parents. They took life, squeezed it, feasted on its endless bounties in ways we can only dream of. When the cougar on top found his member weakened by the onslaught, he thrust himself into his brother's tail to flood him with his seed. He came in droves, like rain. No. Not like rain. He poured down whole streams like our Zuzeca river when it runs down the mountain..."

Skan struggled to think of a proper response. She could see it in the way he tensed and clawed at the ground. "That's...I admit, it is an interesting dream to have, but for now we're wasting our time. You haven't traveled as far as father. There's a whole world beyond our territory. Why not explore what we can see, what we can touch, what we can feel instead of wasting our time with...with this nonsense?"

"There's more," Skanita interrupted. "Please do me the favor of listening."

"More of what? It is a silly dream, Skanita. Nothing more."

But the female continued, looking into her mate's emerald eyes as she followed him around. "After he finished, the cougar who did the mounting took his erect brother inside his maw. Suckled the seed right out of his cock. Have you ever heard of a cougar doing this? A male cougar?" she empathized.

"No! That's- That's not what mating is. Our father should have taught you how to do it."

"Like he taught you?" Skanita shot back.

The young male froze in the absence of a proper response.

Skan pounced, but the poor male was too distracted to even stay on his feet. Skanita easily managed to swipe his paws off her and get him on his back.

"He stood like this," she lowered into half a crouch, just enough to feel his fur touch her belly, then dashed her tongue along her mate's neck. "And he was licking you like that while other things happened below your tails..."

"Wh-what?" Skan stammered. "You're talking about me now?"

"You were one of those cougars, was our father..."

Skan hissed at the notion. "I'm not that easily caught off-guard, and I'd never lay with my own parents! Skanita, you're going too far!"

"Your breaking words have me unconvinced. Can't blame you. If father did that, I would be distracted too. How would it feel, if he put it in your tail? Would it be painful, or good, I wonder?"

"It's only a stupid dream! Why are we even talking about this stupid thing?"

"It's only stupid for your silly primitive head. Oh, you grew so big. So hard!" Skanita licked his muzzle excitedly. "Tell me. Oh, please tell me how it feels to have it in your tail. Han put so much of his stuff in you that your ass dripped like a river."

"How the hell should I know the answer to something that will never ever happen?" the male countered.

"Oh come on, don't ruin my game so quickly. You must've taught about something like this at some point. Maybe dreamt about it? I had several dreams about mating with you for example."

Skan shook his head. "Nita...Skanita...I'm not that kind of male. Even if I found myself lusting for months, I'd never let another male mount something as despicable as my ass."

"Really? That's what you believe of yourself?"

"No. You know what I mean," Skan hissed. "Please don't twist my words to win this argument."

"There's no shame in admitting you have weird dreams. You're my brother. I don't care if you mate with a stone, or a tree, or even a wolf as long as you come back to me."

"I...I love you too..." Skan gave her a weak, unsure lick before he let out a long growly sigh. "I can't leap my way out of this, can I? You're more stubborn than a jackal when you have the chance to shame me."

"Siblings share everything. I will tell you some of my own forbidden knowledge if you agree to entertain me."

"Alright. I'll play your games. Just give me a bit of space. I don't want my instincts to flare up if you start getting feisty."

"Let them. I don't mind," Skanita licked her brother again, even if Skan seemed slightly afraid of that particular thought.

They sat next to each other, with their bellies facing the sun, lazily slapping each other's forepaws now and again.

"Alright. I did have one dream similar to yours a few weeks back." Skan began. "It happened during a night when I felt particularly restless. And I had a bigger family. Much bigger. Like the kind I always dreamed of before I found myself inflicted with only one single sister."

"Big as your cock, was it?" Skanita laughed. "And don't you dare play the strong male with me. We both know you couldn't handle two of me, least three."

Skan refused to answer that. "My brothers were all asleep, like my sisters. I remained awake to count the stars. We lived in a much bigger territory unencumbered by trees. Our father told me that if I count the stars and say the number out loud, the cougars from beyond the world would hear my words and grant me any wish I desired. It was stupid...but stupid kept me awake and excited long enough to see my parents coupling."

"That must've been disappointing, considering we can already do that in the real world."

"This happened years ago when I was still small and stupid!" Skan defended himself. "Now are you going to listen or what?"

After she nodded, Skan continued. "There wasn't much to it now that I think about it. Just a few licks across the nape and his stick poking inside her you know what."


Skan slapped her paw. "I'm not good with examples. Just please, listen."

"It sounds funny when you say it," Skanita pawed back at one of his hinds. "And be mindful of what you say, or maybe your stick will find itself under one of my paws."

Skan cringed at the notion, but Skanita found herself intrigued by that process. "How does it feel when you squirt your seed out anyway? Do you feel it burning within your sack, threatening to burst out when the moment approaches? Is the feeling as intense as it sounds when you growl your heart out? The faces you's a shame you can't see yourself. Well, there's of course the chance to see how father reacts, but since he's doing everything in secret, I suppose you're better off staring into the surface of a pond, lake, or something that reflects back your image."

"That's not going to happen anytime soon. As for the process of making seed...I don't know. It's weird. Sure you want to know?"

"You're not getting embarrassed, are you?" Skanita smiled at him.

"Not a chance," the male pawed her head back. "Now, how do I describe it? Imagine it feels like your whole body rebels against your control. Your muscles tense beyond reason. Your chest tightens. The heart seizes in your chest. You feel the molten pleasure course to your member from the depths of your tail, a place that never shows up until that moment, when all the tension in your body builds up to this extremely intense eruption. just comes out, like when you pee. But it feels much more intense."

"How intense?"

"Sometimes...I grow frightful of the pleasure."

"Why?" Skanita pressed on. "How can you be afraid of something that feels so good?"

"It robs me of my control. Of my very senses. It is this absence of control that overwhelms me along with pleasure, because I know that once seed starts leaking out I am unable to put a stop to it." Skan looked over at his belly. "You of my worst fears is to be caught in the act of spilling my seed, or...not being able to stop when you stand on top of me. It takes only a brief touch to set it off, then..."

Skanita's tail twitched with excitement. Part of her wished to expand the topic, but the weakness in her brother's voice warned her against milking more than he could give.

"When was the first time you spilled your seed?'' She diverted the topic to another path, replacing Skan's frown with a meek smile.

"Funnily enough, it happened within another dream. We just finished eating one of father's stags, and mother came to clean me. She started licking me all over, and...I became hard when she approached my tail. I got used to becoming hard during grooming, but this felt different. More...intense. And it scared me, because I was still a virgin with no idea why my cock grew hard or what that pleasurable feeling meant when I touched it with a paw or rubbed against the ground."

"Sounds exhilarating! So what happened next? She licked your little stick?"

"No, she..." Skan paused for a moment, clearly embarrassed. "I'm sorry, but dream or not, it still feels so odd to speak about it."

"Come on! You've gotten this far! If you love me, you will continue your story and make your sister happy."

Skan argued with himself for a minute before he let out a long sigh. "Fine. It's just a dream, right? Mother...well...she went down there, you know. Licked my sack for the first time, and I felt tense and weird. I wanted to kick her away...but this strange became so warm, so... good. I tried to tell her to stop. To push her away, but I was weak, oh so weak."

Skan licked his whiskers. "She took my silence as an answer in itself and I froze as her breath washed over my naked member because I was afraid she was going to touch it."

"With her tongue?"

Skan dipped his head. "Paralyzed me from the very first touch. I wish I could say I experienced a better feeling prior to that moment, but my mind runs dry in the attempt. Dream or not, it felt so...real. Her barbs catching upon my own, her saliva flowing onto my tense sack, her moist breath sucking in my scent. Pleasure overwhelmed me faster than I could draw breath. Then I felt it. The fiery serpent crawling towards my tensing cock, seeking freedom. I just couldn't keep it inside once she wrapped my cock in her tongue."

"She sucked you, or merely licked?"

Skan covered his face with his paw. "I sprayed her face with a few squirts before she took me inside her mouth, and...mraawr, the warmth I felt. It's indescribable. I can still remember her lips puffing up and deflating as she looked at me, smiling just as she swallowed my seed repeatedly. She enjoyed it."

The male took a deep breath, then continued. "I told you before; once seed starts flowing, there's no stopping it, and my cock kept on spewing, thrumming like the wild heart of a stag. The heat increased more than I ever thought possible, and my eyes saw only twinkling stars amidst the curtain of darkness that washed over me. I thought I was going to die. My mother kept suckling me without reprieve, and it felt like my very life was leaking out of me one throb at a time...but instead of that, I woke up to a very messy ordeal. You can imagine how relieved I felt when I realized everything was a dream."

"Yes...I can imagine," Skanita said with a calm voice even as her mind burned with lust. "Do you enjoy sampling your taste every now and again?"

Skan seemed confused.

"I mean licking yourself to completion. That is something you've done in the past, right?"

He dipped his head, still somewhat shy to release his secrets out in the open. "What do you want to know?"

Skanita's nethers twitched with anticipation. "How does your cum taste like? I want to know everything there is about the sticky fluid that resides within your little apples."

"You've tasted me in my sleep, haven't you?"

"Yes, much to my shame," Skanita admitted. "But I want to hear this from you."

He brought his tail around as if to taunt her in response. "I don't know when it started. Only what my instincts and intuition told me when the time was right to spill. Ever since I started producing seed, I was tempted to release it in some form or another. Usually, I do it after I have one of those dreams...but there are moments when I cannot think straight without relieving my sack of the oppressive weight."

"You mate your paw?"

"I use my mouth far more often." Skanita shivered when she saw Skan lick his lips, a mere taste of what lingered inside his mind. "The taste, although strange at first, started to grow on me over the years, and a tongue is just as warm as any female. When I'm by myself, I have no need to think of females, as the taste of my cock alone brings me close to completion."

"You arouse yourself?"

Skan dipped his head again. "The anticipation is a big part of it. When the barbs on my member flare out and my sack tightens with anticipation, I crave for nothing else than the taste of my own seed upon the back of my tongue. To lick the source of my own swallow the urge that ails me, sometimes for days...that is a feeling I cannot properly describe in words."

Skanita's heart thrummed in her chest. The ground below her pussy already felt soaked in femcum, and she had no doubt Skan's words would push her into another climax if pressed upon. "You swallow your seed, right?"

"A few drops manage to spill every now and again, but I try not to be wasteful with something I consider part of myself. For the past few days...ever since your condition started to manifest, thoughts of your lips squeezing around me managed to sneak inside my mind when my tongue is pressed upon my cock. Release comes faster. Harder. And there are times when I release twice, thrice, unable to stop sucking my member until I feel truly and utterly spent."

Skanita gritted her jaws, trying hard to keep her composure as her body relieved itself of sexual heat on bare ground. "Such a feeling must be...incredible, to keep you so interested in your own cock."

"Like I said. Warmth and moisture go well together."

"I have another curiosity," Skanita interrupted.

"Ask, and see it fulfilled."

"How does it feel to do it in the tail?"

"I have no idea." Skan said reluctantly. "Please...don't make me think of any more of these weird scenarios, dreams or otherwise. The heat is already starting to get bothersome."

Skanita peeked between his legs to see him fully unsheathed. A drop of translucent slime made its way down his cock during a powerful throb. The translucent snake dribbled between his tiny barbs to soak into the spiky fur surrounding the cougar's sheath, tense and hard just like his member.

Skanita moved behind Skan to get a better view of his enticing rod. "You ever done it with a paw?"

"A paw?" Skan looked at her as if she lost her mind a second time. "I don't think it's a good idea to get your claws so close to my-"

"My paw, dear mate," Skanita pressed her soft pads into his nose. "You know I'll never hurt you. Let me touch it a bit, and if seed comes out, you'll feel all light and fuzzy, yes?"

Skan nodded his head. "I suppose it's better to do something about it now that your words brought me on the verge of release. Do...whatever you wish with me." The male spread his hind legs apart, giving her full access to his privates. Skanita was sorely tempted to get a good taste of her brother; drink his thick, fertile seed like his father did in her dream, but at the same time, she also wanted to see how a male felt against her pads, so she slowly reached with her front paw, touching his sack first, then gently pressing her toes against his member. The protrusion was harder than she expected. Very firm. She flared her toes to let it pass between them, then relaxed, trapping Skan's twitching meat within a prison of furred warmth.

"Mrarrrrhhh," the cougar flexed his trembling toes. "'s...growwwrrrrrr this feels much better than I expected..."

Skanita licked her muzzle excitedly. He throbbed with such passion! Surges of sexual strength traveled along his meat along with globes of translucent moisture, undoubtedly preparing the young male for his premature release. Skanita wanted to make this moment somewhat memorable. She wanted her brother to feel as good as he'd feel inside his own maw, so she pushed her moistened pads against his sack, flaring her toes, letting him taste freedom for a throb or two before once again hugging him within her padded grip.

Skan growled weakly. She felt him tense under her paw, so Skanita kneaded faster and harder at his erection, massaging into his sack, then pushing against his cock, applying more heat and more pressure with each stroke until Skan just couldn't hold himself back anymore. When orgasm struck him, Skan growled like a wild beast, and loosened himself like one, spraying his milky essence in a sharp line that splattered down all around her kneading paw.

Skanita continued to mate his tool even in the midst of Skan's fit of ejaculation. She didn't stop just because the fertile smell of seed filled her nostrils. She kept pleasuring her brother even as her own desires urged her to taste his essence, embracing his pumping cock with her cum soaked pads, keeping it warm, making it spit its essence much to her brother's rumbling delight. Skan bit the air with his jaws, all contorted from the sticky bliss traveling through his member. His tail twitched so eagerly, she had to hold it in place with one of her other limbs, least it got in the way of her cock massage. Thanks to his seed, her paw became slicker than ever before, allowing each gripping motion to feel just as smooth on his cock as her cunt. That realization kept Skanita's paw firmly pressed against her brother's cock until his growl died down and only a steady milky dribble oozed from his twitching malehood.


"I'm..." Skan licked his muzzle slowly, dazed by the pleasure he just experienced. "I'm finished."

Skanita removed her soggy paw. It felt so warm, so sticky.

"Let me."

She did, and truth be told, she enjoyed watching her brother eat his own cum from her paw. Skan attacked her paw, licking around and between her messy toes before he did the same to his own equipment.

"Arrrhhh..." Skan snarled as he feasted on the smell of his own essence. "That felt better than I imagined. You have a way with your paws, my dear sister."

"Told you," Skanita licked his nose. "Make sure there's not a single drop of your essence present on your fur or mine. We don't want to attract the wrong sort of attention."

"But...what about you?"

"I don't need a paw under my tail. There's nothing to grab there, silly." The female swished her tail innocently.

"What about a tongue?" Skan asked, hope burning within his eyes.

Now that was an enticing proposition. Skanita pondered on it while her brother licked off the results of his own pleasure. To have his tongue in her...or his member? Somehow, she wanted to feel him throb and release inside her when the time to mate finally arrived.

They lay in a cluster of paws and fur, tasting each other's muzzles and necks before they moved to something more meaningful. Skanita turned around, cleaning whatever cum still dribbled from Skan's cock while he snuck his tongue inside her drenched folds. His warm, barbed flesh felt more than thrilling inside there, yet it was the taste of his semen that aroused her to no end. It was thick and savory, and Skanita enjoyed every slurp. She cleaned his sheath thoroughly, then moved on to his balls. They were wet with male juices, and still warm. Skanita licked them fondly, pushing into them playfully to test their resilience.

"Hey, be careful! Those are sensitive!" Skan added, yelping again when Skanita shoved her muzzle hard into a squishy orb.

"They feel soft and playful to me."

"Like your lips?" he wriggled his tongue around her small entrance, prompting a short hiss from Skanita. Even after her hard orgasm she still lusted for more. She played with Skan for a bit to work off the extra energy, then the two cats cuddled in the shade of the nearest tree.

"I wonder how many pleasures we'll discover before we do the deed," Skanita licked her brother's jaw. Skan stood on top of her, warm and fluffy, treating her to a series of unforgettable licks.

"You tell me, my dear sister." Skan's tongue entered her mouth where it tangled with the female's own. The two twins purred warmly throughout the kiss. "I want to mate you so bad, sister, but teasing is fun too. I could smell the desperation oozing out of your folds this morning."

"Thank you very much for aiding my plight, Skan. You are a prime example of how any respectable male should behave."

"What can I say? I'm unique," Skan said proudly.

"Shush your big ego," Skanita pawed at his nose, distracting him.

"Or what?" he caught her paw inside his mouth for a brief moment. "Are you going to mate me again with this little thing?"

"It's not that small." Skanita hissed. She caught his cock right on with a smack of her tail. Skan didn't appreciate that. He returned the slap with a vengeance, catching Skanita right on her bare pussy. The two felines snarled, kicked with their paws and flung their fluffy tails at each other, playing like two jackals once again. When the sun reached its zenith, Skanita led her brother to the river to cool off. She let him walk ahead, admiring his swinging balls with every step he took. The heat of his body made them droop slightly, and they slapped against his flanks with every step. Skanita dashed in the occasional lick, forcing the male's tail to jolt upwards every time his sheath was threatened with moisture.

"Can't you keep it still for just a lick? It flees from my tongue quicker than any rabbit I've caught," she teased.

Skan slapped her head with the fluffy tail. "What about you stop licking my balls every few seconds?"

"I could, if I want to."

"And can my dear sister, who is in heat, stop her instincts from getting exactly what they want?" he swished his tail, presenting his sheath to her barbed tongue.

"Not in the slightest," Skanita said, scratching his privates with her barbed tongue. "Your taste pleases me."

"Like that isn't odd. I should be the one with my tongue deep inside you."


Skan turned around, looking at her with those beautiful emerald eyes. "Because that is how the world works, my feisty female. You go into heat, and we males come from all the corners of the land to mate you."

"I hate the heat," Skanita admitted with a fond lick across Skan's nose. "It's persistent and drives me mad. I wish I could be rid of it."

"You can say that again," he rubbed his head against her and took the lead once again. "I can only think of one thing around a female in heat. Care to guess which?"

"I want you to tell me," Skanita said, getting more excited.

"Who's being a tease now?"

"Still you," Skanita pushed her nose into his balls. A sliver of pink emerged from the depths of his fuzzy sheath, and she quickly met it with her moist tongue. Skan stopped, leaning into a bow. More of his cock emerged from within his stretching sheath. Skanita welcomed it appropriately, taking the small lump of flesh inside her warm mouth. Skan thrust briefly inside her wet shelter, savoring the warmth for a long throbbing moment before he leaped away as if struck.

"N-no," he said, slapping his tail to the sides. "I'm not spending my seed again so soon."

"But I thought you males love to spill yourselves in any available hole," Skanita rubbed against him, licking his cheek.

"We surely do, but too much of a good thing can be bad, not to mention boring," Skan said, tasting her lips once her rump filled his vision. It was Skanita's time to stretch, spreading her folds as wide as she could. Skan's tongue filled her, and her only desire was to cum and squirt her pent-up heat deep into his mouth.

Unfortunately, the licking was a bit too brief to experience the full extent of that particular pleasure. Once he got a good taste of her, Skan found an interest in her tail. He played with it like a kitten, asking all manner of ridiculous questions. The walk to the river was filled with talk and games of chase and tackling, leaving both cats exhausted. They splayed in the shade of a rocky outcrop midway through the journey, enjoying the cool ground under their heated coats. Skanita stood on her back, while Skan preferred to keep his belly pressed to the ground.

"I'm happy you are here, Skan. Any company, even that of an annoyingly prideful and teasing male, is better than the solitude I had to endure these past few nights. I don't like to be away from you more than I need to."

"Your heartfelt praise touches me," Skan bowed his head in reverence. "I mean I knew I'm the better child, but to hear it from your that makes me feel special."

Skanita purred happily. "I prefer to be more physical with my touching, but at the moment I find myself cursed with laziness. If you want licks, you'll have to come to me."

Skan rolled on his back, stretching all of his four paws. "Not going to happen. I like my fur dry and dusty for the time being."

"No wonder you're so smelly," Skanita added quietly.

"What was that?" Skan inquired.

"Just a tease. Come here. I promise to treat you fairly."

Oh, it was so easy to charm him. Skanita licked his cute muzzle all over again, then dropped on top of him, sliding her tongue across his whole head. Skan protested briefly, but the lazy bastard loved being licked in spite of what he said about strong males and all. Skanita lost herself in the grooming, becoming more aroused with each passing lick. She wanted this beautiful male inside her, where his fertile cock had the chance to fill her with everything that counted.

"Are you planning to do my job by mounting me like that?" Skan chuckled. "Come on. Get off. You're too clumsy to mate."

"I'm learning though!" Skanita tried placing a set of paws on either side of his body. She lifted a hind paw, then dropped it on top of something warm and squishy. A hard, fleshy presence poked between her fingers, spreading them further apart.

"Is that your-"

"Yes, and it feels quite good where it is," Skan licked his exposed fangs. He kept growing until his girth slowly spread her toes apart. She jumped off, staring at the emerging erection.

"Come on, do it again," Skan nudged her with his muzzle. "I'd rather spill between your pads than have the gnawing concern of cubs keep me awake for all eternity."

"You want to mate my paw again?" Skanita rolled on her back and spread her fingers, testing their width. "I thought you said you prefer to keep your seed in your sack for the time being."

"Tried. All this affection you rained down upon me got me a bit worked up." Skan switched places with her, now him being on top and she on the bottom. Skanita pulled her legs closer to her body to moisten each with a couple of licks, then pushed a soaked hind paw against Skan's crimson cock.

The male started thrusting immediately. His jabs felt hot upon her pads, and he kept pushing tentatively until he penetrated her sleek fingers with a short hiss.

"How does it feel?" Skanita asked, quite excited at having him throb within her grip one again.

"Tighter than last time if I'm honest," Skan thrust, trying to penetrate further. His barbs scraped against her pads, forcing her fingers to contract.

"Mraaarrr, too tight!" Skan mewled with lust, pushing further. The large girth of his cock became more painful towards base.

"It's too big," Skanita whimpered, pulling back. "We'll have to try something different."

"Sorry about that. I got a bit excited," Skan licked her sore paw, cleaning off his sweet musky fluids. "You know...if I close my eyes, I can almost imagine myself inside you."

"How touching. Here, have more of my paw then," Skanita touched his sack and the base of his cock with the other leg, feeling the strong throbs raging inside his cock. He was so hard and eager, and she wanted to see him burst all over her paws.

"Hold on. I have a better idea," Skanita said. She cupped his cock with her hind paw, allowing it to penetrate her toes just like the last time. She slid down with her foot across Skan's length just until her joints started aching, then brought her other hind paw under his balls.

"You come with the naughtiest ideas I ever had the pleasure of seeing," Skan said, having a hard time keeping his fully erect cock still. It bounced up and down, sliding between her fingers like a slimy snail.

"This is not all," Skanita said. She pushed her paw against his sack gently, then cupped his erection between her two front paws. "Try now. See if this compares to my meager sex."

Skan thrust, burying himself inside the squishy shelter of moist, padded fingers. His cock released precum wildly as it throbbed, the translucent fluid dribbling down on the female's belly while her brother moaned and huffed above her.

"It's hot. Tight. Feels...feels so good and tight."

And this was only the beginning. Skanita squeezed his cock with rising eagerness, attacking the sensitive meat from all sides. Skan humped the warm shelter harder and faster, balls slapping against Skanita's padded toes. With each thrust, she pushed harder against his balls, further stimulating the needy male's seed-bringers. His back arched and his muscles bulged, a sign that he was approaching closer to the edge of his looming climax. His cock became rock hard by now, poking its barbed head between her pads. Skanita licked it every time it got close enough to her muzzle. The warm taste of her brother's juices aroused her, and the jets of precum ignited her lust to breed.

"Too hot. Too tight," Skan hissed, preparing to unleash.

"Don't you dare!" Skanita snarled in response.

"Can't," the male snarled, squeezing his eyes shut. "I'm going to...going to spill myself all over your paws!"

He really meant that. Skanita smelled a few drops of semen within her grip, then tasted it once the crimson cock emerged between her paws to unleash a squirt of cloudy fluid upon her muzzle. She ignored the fatigue of her paws and pressed the male's member tighter, determined to offer Skan a memorable climax. With his cock firmly held in her tight grip, the male thrust harder, taking deep breaths before every thrust until his lips revealed his pristine fangs in their full glory. He was going to burst at any moment now, and suddenly her paws didn't feel the best choice for the moment.

In a rush of lustful eagerness, Skanita freed her brother from the constraints of her paws and took him inside her mouth instead, securing his cock between her suckling jaws.

Skan's entire body quaked with pleasure when his cock sunk into a heaven of flesh and moisture. Mounting one last desperate thrust, the male slammed his heavy sack against her fangs, unleashing his seed into her mouth with a yowling cry. A flood of creamy cum washed over her barbed tongue, and Skanita swallowed hard to keep herself from choking on the abundant amount that burst out of her brother's cock. The first gulp almost triggered her coughing reflex, but she managed to keep her jaws from prying shut in the heat of the moment, an endeavor made difficult by Skan's trembling thrust. He behaved as if he pierced her cunt, constantly trying to secure his seed by shoving himself as deep as he could inside her mouth.

Skanita held her breath and suckled onto his rod like a cub feeding from mother's teat, keeping up with the copious spurts of erupting semen. They washed in waves along her barbed tongue, traveling down her gullet like the rapids of the Zuzeca river.

Skan cried loud during his release, stimulated from too many sides at the same time. His balls were firmly pressed between her fangs, too fat to gain entrance into the wet depths of her mouth, his cock suckled and licked from every direction, burning with heat thanks to the oversensitive barbs that brushed against barbs, and his tip was constantly milked for its load. Skanita knew how sensitive he got during climax and caressed the oversensitive barbs with the rough part of her tongue, pushing Skan's climax long after its normal duration.

As a result, Skan surrendered every drop of cum he sheltered within his fat testicles. Skanita suckled him close to finish, then pulled back to allow a few warm streams to wash over her face. The ropes of milky semen splashed against her fur, dribbling down on either side of her muzzle like milky icicles. Skanita whiffed in the fertile scents and opened her muzzle against the repeated jets. She took one in the nostrils, then another against a fang before she finally got a final one on the brunt of her tongue.

Skan's liquid lust tapered off in a long groan of utter fulfillment, and just to complete the job, Skanita took him back inside her muzzle until his cock shriveled inside her muzzle.

Skan panted, too shocked to say anything else while Skanita cleaned her muzzle off his seed. He tasted better than meat. Too bad she had such little time to savor his essence.

"I got you all messy," Skan said, then dropped on top of her, releasing a curt cry from the female.

"You could have warned me," Skanita hissed, nipping one of his ears.

"Yip! About the seed? I didn't think I had it in me to unleash so much!"

"About the fall!" she traced her tongue along his cheek until she met his lips. "I don't like big things. Not when they fall on top of me."

"What about when they are inside you?" Skan opened his mouth, allowing his sister to explore the insides. Skanita tasted his saliva, then tickled the roof of his mouth. Skan clamped his jaws, trapping her. Skanita lashed with her paws, slapping the annoying male. He merely purred with amusement, tickling her tongue until Skanita became visibly annoyed.

"I wish I knew the taste of your cock upon my other pair of lips," she said, playing her tongue along her upper teeth until the numbness washed off. "And please don't do that again."

"I promise nothing," Skan said. He dropped his head on top of hers, forcing them both onto their sides. Still, he was her brother, and Skanita adjusted her position instead of complaining right after a release. She squeezed him harder against her chest, then wrapped her fluffy tail around his back.

"I like you, female," Skan kissed her, pressing his muzzle against hers.

"Skanita," Skanita said. "That is my name in case it slipped your mind."

"Thanks for reminding silly female."

She smiled. "I find it amusing how we teased, pawed, then pleasured each other without mating a single time. We are not a proper couple at all!"

"Proper is boring," Skan licked her again with his warm, comforting tongue. "Besides it was your idea to find alternative ways to mutual satisfaction. Ever since you put that mind of yours on my cock I haven't even dreamed of mating you in your little heat-hole."

"Heat-hole?" She cocked her head.

"A troublesome pit filled with a startling amount of surprises."

Skanita purred with delight as she draped her tongue over her brother's face. She liked him too, a lot more than she wanted to admit at the present time. When she smelled the intoxicating aroma of fresh seed, her thoughts often turned to proper insemination. After all, she took Skan's essence upon her pads, tasted it upon her tongue, yet her womb still stood dry, devoid of fertile cum inside the place that needed it most. Skanita had to do something about that.

But what? How could she coax her brother into mating with her now that he enjoyed himself so much inside her paws? Skan was infuriatingly teasing at times and had a silly side to him that often annoyed her, yet he was her brother, with all the good and bad sides he had.

"Silence means you agree with me," Skan said softly.

"Since when?" Skanita shot back.

Skan rubbed his nose against hers. "Since now."

"A few licks and nose rubbing will not turn me against who I am, silly male, so don't even start with that male superiority nonsense."

"But a paw in the right place will?"

Skanita barely had time to reply. Skan already found his way under her belly, soaking his fingers into her warm, dripping folds. The previous ejaculation left her thoroughly wet down there, and Skanita's vision flickered from the very first touch of soft pads pressing down upon the flushed folds of her pussy.

" arrrrrrr cheatingrrrrr," she mewled quietly, her folds eating away at his pads with lewd, hungry squelches.

"I am merely returning the favor," Skan said, dashing a wet lick between her eyes while a toe explored her insides, "It is the least a mate can do for a female considering how hungrily you devoured my seed. You must thirst for it. Right here, deep within your clammy heat-hole..."

"A...a what?" Skanita mewled harshly as the tips of his claws gently slid over the silky walls of her folds.

"A male."

"You said mate," Skanita pushed her nose against his forehead, overtaken with bliss.

"Pleasure like this tends to be distracting. Maybe I should-"

"No," she hissed quite desperately. "Please keep it in. I'm getting close to..."

"So fast?"

"It's hard to hold back when my mate happens to finger me so vigorously."

"Now you're teasing me," Skan wriggled his paw harder inside her squelchy depths.

Skanita gripped him hard, pulling his toe deeper down her narrow tunnel. Only the tip fit inside, but the thickness of his fingers and the hard claws made his paw irresistible.

"Teasing is starting to run its course," Skanita rubbed and pushed herself against his penetrating paw. "If there is something I want, you will know about it in no uncertain terms."

"Like your desire to be my mate?" Skan flicked his tail above her shivering flanks.

"Of- of course not," Skanita hissed, nibbling softly on a furred ear. "Who would want to claim such an insufferable male as their own?"

"I don't know," Skan pushed harder with his paw, sending Skanita's muscles into heavy contractions. "This land is big, and cougars abound outside my father's territory."

"None of which can possibly be a blockhead like you," she slapped his balls with her tail.

Skan liked that. He lifted his leg, allowing her tail to slide against his emerging erection. "Says the lusty female. I'm not the one in heat panting at the mere sight of cock."

"Really? That's what you think this is about? No sane feline will ever like this flaring temper of yours!" Skanita finally snarled, too horny to argue with her annoying brother.

"Good choice of words," Skan said.

Skanita wondered about the word in question when her lips were pushed apart to their very limits. Skan kicked her hind legs to the sides, forcing her lips wide apart.

Skanita gasped from how good it felt to have her lips stand so exposed to the air and the squishing pads that fell upon them. His toes stretched inside her, forcing her flesh to spasm and spread further to accommodate the intrusion. Skanita began to hiss and make funny faces, heat-laden juices filling the air with the scent of her desperate need to mate. She squelched rudely and tensed all over as new reserves of heat rushed into her flushed folds, struggling to contain the restless threat of premature orgasm. The pleasure became overwhelming, and the pressure too much to handle. Skan's claws scratched her just like a feline's barbed cock, and his toes stimulated her whole sanctuary until she just couldn't hold it in anymore.

With a sudden cry, Skanita surrendered to the avalanche of melting delight. She squirted long and hard between Skan's padded fingers, bathing his paw with gushes of warm female arousal.

"How's this? Better than feasting on seed, is it?" her brother asked.

She whimpered loudly, biting on the first thing she found. That happened to be Skan's muzzle.

"Easy. Take-take it easy," he licked quickly along the sides of her trembling jaws, showering her with warm affection while his paw wriggled and shivered inside her leaking folds.

Skanita too kissed him again and again, lusting for his taste. The peak of her orgasms always made her affectionate, and she craved for the warmth and touch of a mate. Her grip tightened, pulling Skan tight against her while her lips squirted out their essence down to the last drop.

"I was right the first time all along. You do have quite a lot of lust trapped inside this fuzz," he grazed on Skanita's neck, making her yelp with delight.

"You were right twice. A paw in the right place has its merits," Skanita sighed happily, closing her eyes in the warm afterglow that followed. Her fur felt warmer than usual, and the scent of a male soothed her.

Skan retrieved his soaked paw and pushed it against her dry belly. "Clean your mess now, sister."

"No," Skanita licked him slowly along his brow. "Right now, I care more about you than some lifeless fluids."

"It can be more than that if -"

"Harrr. I know," Skanita gripped his muzzle, silencing him. "Don't talk the obvious when my heat is still fresh upon your pads."

The two cougars feasted on a young buck and slept on the fringes of their territory.

until the rising sun announced the start of a new day.