Late Night Gym Ch.1

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#1 of Late Night Gym

This story is a couple years old. Its been through a couple revisions, but overall I'm happy with it. Its a mostly hetero story but there are Bi elements in it, especially in later chapters. I might polish and upload the second chapter, the rest of the story might not ever be written, but this stands alone quite nicely.

Late Night Gym

The 24-hour gym in town was not the kind of place where families went. It was on the other side of the freeway, where liquor stores started having bars on the windows, where pawn shops and the abandoned brick and mortar husks of former businesses and homes became more common. It was set into a row of taller buildings, a renovated space contrasting with the dilapidation around it. An atrium of glass covered the main row of tradmills looking out over a garden and the four-lane road the gym was on. A vestibule was set into the older brick wing of the L-shaped structure. The memberships and daily rates were cheap. The staff did an admirable job of keeping it clean. And it was open all night long.

It wasn't usually busy at night. Enough of the monthly members used it to justify staying open but especially on winter nights it was nearly dead. The snow leopard at the front desk was dressed smartly in his red uniform vest and jeans; though absorbed in his tablet with his footpaws propped-up on the counter, smart wasn't how he first appeared. The climate control rumbled softly in the ceiling and the speakers played a tunes from a local radio station at just the right volume to not help the creepy vibe in the gym.

The only customer in the gym was unaware of the sounds though. The fine black cord from the fanny pack at her waist snaked-up to earbuds firmly embedded as she curled barbells on the weight bench. She was five-foot nine-inches to the top of her head, her long, tapered ears adding up to another foot depending on their position. Crest plumage formed a mohawk of sorts that started at her forehead and trailed all the way down to the base of her neck. Smooth, reptilian skin with scales fine enough to not appear to be there wrapped her in a tan, brown, and charcoal coloring. Sweat shimmered on her toned form except for the red and blue spandex on her hips and bust. Her breasts were large, a full G-cup with the hints of piercings helping her nipples show through the fabric.

The burning in the woman's arms informed her that the limit had been reached. She struggled one last curl on each arm, watching her shaking muscles with determination as the dumbell was lifted, and then slowly let down. She slumped against the backrest, panting. Her chest heaved with each breath and she carefully let the weights rest on the floor. She looked around as she tugged out her earbuds, taking in the desolation of the gym. Large, heavy snowflakes fell outside the windows. She shivered reflexively, remembering the weather.

With a slow grunt she picked-up the twenty pound dumbells and sauntered them over to the rack. She'd been working at the weights for awhile and wasn't sure if she'd pushed it too far. How she felt after a hot shower would be the true litmus.

"Jarred, did you already put the spray away?" she asked, still slightly short of breath as she approached the front desk. The snep looked-up and slowly set his feet down, straightening his posture.

"Yeah, its just so dead this time of night, Tarky." he answered, reaching under it to pull-out a spray bottle of clear liquid, the nozzle smelling slightly of lemon. She nodded and took the bottle.

"I'll have it right back." She returned to the station and wiped down the bench she had been seated at.

"Tomorrow night still good?" he asked, taking the bottle back when she returned with it.

"You cooking?" she asked with a slight smile.

"My spice rack is aching as much as yours when you get off the tradmill." he winked, cracking his knuckles. She rolled her eyes and reached out to run her hand through his hair as she wordlessly walked off into the locker room. As she disappeared around the corner she heard the front door jingle and a gust of chill air chased her in.

"Danny, Ruckus, when did you guys get in town?" Jarred chipped as they approached the bench.

"Fuck it's cold tonight." one of them answered. Tark'aya didn't see who or what they were. Her mind was preoccupied with getting under the hot, beating spray of the shower as soon as possible. The floors were a greenish blue tile, the grout scrubbed regularly enough to keep it looking white. Perforated wooden benches, sanded and sealed smooth flanked the banks of dark red lockers, emplaced into the floor by aluminium pipes. The air was damp, slightly musty but this gym's management took pride in the appearance of its facility.

The reptilian found her locker and stood before it, running through the combination on the lock. The door was roughly opened and she took off her fanny pack, placing it on the upper shelf and started stripping out of her spandex. The sound of footpaws in the locker room drew her attention just as she was stepping out of the shorts.

Two wolves walked into the locker room. Both had dusty jeans and the jackets of a local construction outfit as well as backpacks. Their fur was well kept and an even, dark tone. One was gray, a head taller than the other, who's pelt was a warm brown tone. Both had creamish-white floof atop their head and tufting at their joints. As they passed the aisle that Tark'aya was in they froze,

staring at the naked reptilian while she stared back. The silence was protracted as they averted their eyes.

"It's a co-ed locker." she said as one of them opened their mouth. "It does say no minors on the door." she added with a hint of laughter on her voice as she picked-up the garment and put it into a hanging plastic bag on the locker door. The wolves nodded and skirted to the next aisle of lockers.

"Oh, haha, I didn't see that anywhere on the google page when getting directions."

"We're new to the area and our rental doesn't have hot water yet." the other answered.

"They keep this place clean." the reptilian answered. "Not bad for showering and the equipment usually works."

"Thanks for being cool about us being in here with you." One of the wolves said as lockers were found and opened.

"I've been coming here for a couple years now." she answered, taking her towel and draping it over her neck. The ends neatly covered her breasts, but nothing else at all as she walked out to the showers. She paused, meeting the eyes of the wolves as she passed the end of the aisle their lockers were in. "Trust me, I'm used to the proximity." The wolves looked at her, then her face, then at each other, a visible blush growing on their faces.

"Well...we're not, so ah...apologies in advance?" one of them chuckled awkwardly. Tark'aya laughed and shook her head.

"Don't worry about it." she winked and dropped her towel on a hook as she walked into the shower area. Her tail swayed behind her as she paced over to the far wall and adjusted the setting on the knob before tugging it open. The showerhead sputtered before pressure reached it and the cold water sprayed over her. She gasped and shivered for a moment before she felt it begin warming-up. Her hands slicked back her plumage under the rapidly heating spray, eyes closed, just enjoying how the water felt. She heard paws pacing to either side of her and she looked-over in turn.

"Its cold at first." she said with a friendly tone. She was met with chuckles of agreement. The wolves leaned against the wall and they opened their taps and let the water warm-up before stepping into the spray. During her cursory glances her eyes had lingered for a moment at the juncture of their legs, witnessing their penises beginning to rise. They were hung, the subtle swells at the base of their members already showing tumescence. Both had pointed tips and were a fleshy pink color. When her eyes flitted upwards, she noticed that their fronts were in the same color as their head floof, and from the definition in their chests she could see, it was thinner and softer.

"We didn't introduce ourselves, how rude of us." the gray one spoke-up, walking through his warmed shower and holding out a hand. Tark'aya smiled and turned to accept his hand. "Ruckus."

"Daniel, Dan, Danny, pretty much everything works." the brown one added, holding out his own hand, though opposite of Ruckus's. She took his hand with her free one, shaking both positively. The motion gently swayed her breasts, and she grinned slightly when she saw their eyes in unison flit to the source of the motion.

"I'm Tark'aya, but Tar or Tark are fine." she replied. "Nice to meet you two." She nodded down to their crotches and chuckled. "Seems you're pleased to meet me as well."

"Well," Daniel said, shrugging and grinning. "Like you said, we're not worrying about it."

"Glad to hear it." Tark'aya blushed slightly and turned back to face her shower. She pumped some body wash from the dispenser and stepped back from the water to lather-up her arms, spreading the soap all over her. "So, I see the construction jackets, you guys in town for long?" she asked casually.

"Yeah, manager of the office complex job over in Silverson liked us so we're doing the electrical on that new apartment complex going in uptown." Ruckus answered.

"That should keep you in town for a year or so." Tark'aya thought aloud.

"Mmhmm, so we found a temporary place but we should have looked a little longer methinks." Daniel added.

"Dude, shush, I've had enough of hearing about it." Ruckus shot back.

"Boys, no arguing in the shower." The reptilian chuckled. "This is a quiet space this time of night."

"Fair enough." Daniel said, nodding with a smirk on his face. His eyes swept her body and his cock, already at half mast surged to its full size. Tark'aya caught his eyes and smiled warmly. Daniel chuckled sheepishly.

"Sorry, its are hot enough to burn butter on, Tark." his voice carried a relaxed edge of lust. His hand drifted down and he adjusted the package under the base of his erection.

"I'm going to have to echo his sentiment." Ruckus commented. She turned her head towards him and slowly folded her arms over her bosom, cheeks pink.

"I'm starting to feel vulnerable here, boys." While her words were those of worry, her tone was not.

"I assure you, if you don't want the attention we can go to the other wall."

"Oh not at all...I could have left, or played on my phone until you boys were done..." She dropped her arms and held her hands together behind her back, having the effect of pushing her chest out. She slowly twisted side by side with a coy smile on her face. "As long as your attention is on me...want to help me wash?"

"Uh..." Both of their eyes lit-up like a child on Christmas morning. "Wash what?" They asked in almost perfect unison.

"One of you washing my back...the other washing my chest." she nodded down to her breasts. "They're so big, and I worked the weights today so my arms are sore."

The wolves wordlessly approached her, each pumping body wash into their paws. Daniel took her back, starting with her shoulders and massaging the soap into a lather. She couldn't see his expression, but she could see the simple hunger in Ruckus's eyes as he lathered is paws and groped her breasts.

"These are the biggest tits I've ever held." he murmured as he rubbed the lather into her breasts in circles around her nipples.

"Mmmmh..." she sighed, basking in the touch from both the wolves. "Is it everything you imagined?" Tark'aya asked. He nodded simply, swallowing.

"Yeah..." his fingers reached-up to her collarbones before returning to the softness of her breasts.

"Mind if I get a feel?" Daniel asked, his breath tickling her ear while his paws worked the small of her back.

"I dunno, does Ruckus want to share?" The gray canine looked-up and thought for a second.

"Sure thing." he chuckled. The brown wolf reached his hands up and groped her chest, letting his fingers linger on her nipples.

"Mmh, I've had tits this big before but she was a lot thicker than you, Tark." Daniel remarked. "You owe nature big for giving you milk tanks like these."

"Well, a debt of some kind is paid I suppose." the reptilian chuckled as one pair of hands left her chest to be replaced by the original pair.

"And what does that mean?" Ruckus asked. "To whom is that debt paid?"

"Maybe I consider nature, and the male population as a whole to be the same thing." she explained. Daniel at this point had his hands filled with her rump, rubbing the soap into it in circles while he had his package pressing against her tail.

"We'll help you pay some of that debt tonight." he said huskily. She felt something warm and firm press up against her front and took a steadying breath.

"I don't think the payments count unless they're rough." Tark'aya whispered.

"Neither do we." Ruckus said heavily.

"So whom do I pay first?" she asked.

"That would be Ruck." Daniel said, his ears pinning back. "He's bigger...he always goes first."

"You're not small, hon." Tark'aya turned to glance down at him. "but good boy for knowing your place.

"And good girl for knowing yours." Ruckus let go of her chest to slap it. Tark'aya jerked and let out a breathless moan.

"Ohh she liked that." Daniel growled lustfully.

"Yes she did." Ruckus chuckled, watching as the reptilian nodded slightly. He hauled back and slapped her breasts the other way. Tark'aya caught her gasp and looked-up into his eyes vulnerably.

"J-just a bit gentler please...and I promise I'll be a good girl."

"We don't want to hurt you, baby." Ruckus said gently, stroking her cheek. "I just want you to know where you belong."

"A-alright then..." she took a deep breath. "You can...keep showing me."

"Oh baby..." Both wolves growled delightedly as Ruckus nodded, slapping her breasts one way, and then again the other, using the amount of force one uses on a mosquito landed on a leg. The slaps echoed in the locker room and stung through the reptilian's breasts, the pain sizzling into a warmth that dripped down to her core. She was resolute, unflinching except in her expression, the pink on her cheeks growing darker.

"Can I get in a couple?" Daniel asked as he slowly dry-humped the crease between Tark'aya's rump and the base of her tail. The other wolf nodded, grinning.

"By all means, before I soak them in jizz." he said, stepping aside. The brown wolf hungrily groped at her breasts, pinning her against the wall of the shower and meeting her eyes dominantly. A quick glance down was all he needed to know where to swing and he watched as she flinched and gasped softly when his paw connected loudly with the soft of her breast. Once, twice, three times across her chest. Each slap made his cock jump, achingly hard pointed right at her core.

"You're a good girl." Daniel said quietly, kissing her nose before letting Ruckus back to her front. "Should I turn off the water?" he added to his friend.

"Yeah, but leave this one going a bit in case her tits need re-slicking." Ruckus put both hands on the reptile's shoulders. "Time to get on your knees and let your tits get used, baby." he said. Tark'aya nodded silently, smiling slightly. Ruckus chuckled. "Good girl."

She sank to her knees and the wolf had her pinned against the wall in seconds, paws roughly groping her breasts with his cock pumping between them.

"Just as good as it looks in porn." he grunted. Tark'aya moaned softly, the wolf's grip almost painful on her breasts as she felt his hot, thick cock thrusting into her cleavage.

"Dude, I told you." Daniel chuckled as he slowly stroked his erection, watching intently as the larger wolf fucked the reptile's chest. "Damn I bet those melons feel good."

"Mmf...heavenly..." Ruckus replied. "Soft...warm...jeezus, its like a better fleshlight." His strokes were long, the tip of his cock poking-up between her breasts and his hips slapping against them at the base of each stroke. The reptilian under him whimpered and moaned, her tail thrashing against the tile as she grasped at the smooth surface for purchase, for support.

"I'm g-glad you like them!" she panted, looking-up. Ruckus put his forehead against the wall and looked down to meet her eyes.

"Good tits for fucking." he affirmed, slowing his thrusts but keeping the same firm grip on her breasts. "Are these things real?" he added. She nodded, grinning.

"I t-told you, I owe nature a lot."

"You owe us a lot." Ruckus clarified, speeding back-up. He closed his eyes and focused on the feel, her warm soft tits tightly wrapped around his shaft. "Fuck your tits feel good..."

"Look like you're close there, bud." Daniel chuckled. Ruckus barked a laugh and nodded.

"You should know, its been a couple days since we've had any fun...and fuck...these tits!" he grunted, letting go of one of them to adjust his hold on them. The reptile moaned, unaware of Ruckus's knot swelling-up. "Almost there...almost there..." he breathed, barely audible over the shower and Tark'aya's whimpering. He grunted and pressed in, panting as his cock erupted heavy ropes of cum up onto her face. His orgasm continued, his shaft twitching and throbbing as his body expended itself. His semen pooled in her cleavage and when he let go of her it spilled down her stomach. He picked her breasts back-up, noting the pink imprints on her flesh where his fingers had gripped her.

"Jeesus babe, I'm sorry." he chuckled, his voice tinged with genuine concern.

"It's okay Ruckus, I know what they're for...I'll say something if it hurts too much." she replied warmly. "I'm glad they made you feel good." Ruckus smiled and caressed her chest, the gentle touch turning into a slightly less-gentle squeeze.

"Good girl." he released her breasts from his hands. "Give it a kiss?" he asked with a spent, lecherous grin. Tark'aya looked-up and nodded before parting her lips and taking his in length. She suckled down his still twitching, quietly spurting member. Her lips met the swell of his knot, a swell she carefully wrapped her hand around for a moment. Slowly she pulled back, and licked a last blob of cum off his tip. Ruckus stroked her cheek affectionately and walked over under the shower. "Daniel, you're up."

"Yes he is." Tark'aya chuckled, facing him and folding her arms under her breasts.

"I tend not to be as rough as Ruckus is." he gently nudged her arms away from her breasts and rested his cock in her cum-drenched cleavage. "But like you said-" he pulled his cock out far enough that he could land a slap across her breasts. "-It doesn't count with you unless its rough."

"I know!" the reptile panted, pushing her chest-up eagerly.

"Ohh good girl..." Daniel sighed, taking her breasts in his paws and squeezing them tightly around his shaft. He was perhaps a few centimeters shorter than Ruckus, and save his knot he was just as thick and she felt every bit of him sliding between her breasts. He slapped his hips into her chest, thrusting roughly and panting openly as he used her. "Guessing this isn't the first time y-youve fucked guys in here, is it?"

"N-no." she answered, shaking her head slightly. "Not the first wolves to sully my breasts with your cum either."

"Sully is right." Daniel growled as he thrust particularly firmly into her breasts. "It's not going to make much difference to these filthy cumcatchers."

" difference." Tark'aya moaned, enduring the rough pounding of her chest, each thrust a little pleasurable spike as much as it was painful. It took the panting brown wolf about the same time as the gray one to cum. He pulled back and stroked his member, groaning as ropes of his seed issued forth and landed on her face and chest. He leaned back forward and milked his cock, watching the drops land on the reptile's heaving breasts. He knelt down and gave her rack a parting slap in each direction.

"W-was it good?" Tark'aya asked submissively. Daniel nodded, panting as he caressed her breasts, massaging the wolf cum into her skin.

"Fuck yes it was." Daniel panted, kissing her cheek affectionately. "Thank you." he added with a slight grin.

"You're welcome." she met his eyes and then looked-up to Ruckus. "Both of you are."

"Alright, let's get you cleaned-up." the brown wolf said, helping the topheavy woman to her feet.

The shower concluded in silence save for the breath echoing in the locker room against the dull roar of the water. The wolves were carefully washing Tark'aya's body as much as they were washing themselves, gently caressing her form, kissing her breasts and neck frequently while stroking her back. She just melted into the attention, secure in the strong hands that has so forcefully used her.

Drying was not as mutual, the wolves stood under the wall mounted pelt dryers while they toweled off the reptilian. She was shooed off with a grin and a chuckle to get dressed while they finished-up. The wolves exchanged glances and mischievous grins under the dryers.

The reptile was laying out her underwear on the bench, mildly frilled white cotton, when she heard the two's pawsteps behind her. She turned to look at them and stifled a laugh at their fluffy, freshly-dried fur.

"Yeah...its funny for an hour after drying off." Daniel chuckled while Ruckus rolled his eyes. Tark'aya turned back to her bra and had it in her hands when Ruckus's footpaw pinned it back to the bench. Her eyes traveled up his leg, eventually settling on its juncture with his other leg, where she realized his fresh erection, an erection pointed directly at her chest. She looked-up into his eyes., right as she felt Daniel straddle the bench behind her and hold her shoulders, pressing his erection between her shoulder blades and his stomach.

"Hff, not even going to ask?" she said with a tinge of apprehension on her voice. Even so, her cheeks glowed afresh from the unspoken proposal. Ruckus shook his head.

"Mm-mm, not with you."

"Fine then, round two, since you boys are so eager." she chuckled. Ruckus grinned approvingly, then looked-up to Daniel and nodded. Ruckus reached under Tark'aya and pulled her tail to the side, his hands sliding to her hips where he pulled her forward. Daniel caught her and eased her down onto her back, the reptilian yipping in the process.

"Easy, easy, you're okay." Daniel chuckled, stroking the reptile's plumage.

"You boys after my breasts again?" she asked, her chest twinging at the prospect. Ruckus chuckled as he spread her thighs apart and laid his erection on her stomach, his balls touching her exposed sex.

"Mmm no, I'm going to fuck you properly this time." He cocked his head and grinned lecherously. "Unless you don't want your womb sullied with wolf-cum too."

Tark'aya blushed and grinned sheepishly. "I've had sex with wolves before, I'm not specist."

"Maybe not on the surface." Ruckus acknowledged. "Not deliberately." he lifted his hips to slide his cock along her slit and chuckled happily when he felt her dew. "Oooh, naughty little quim is wet already."

"But I'm sure you grew-up thinking it wasn't normal for a wolf and a reptile to be together." Daniel purred as he nestled his cock against her cheek. The two met eyes, and even though Tark'aya felt Ruckus's hands, even though she had an idea of what was coming, she still shivered a bit when she felt the tip of his cock in her folds.

"A-and yet, here I am not-aaaahhh-complaining." Her back arched and she moaned softly as his erection slid into her pussy.

"Mmh, yeah she gets ready quick." Ruckus chuckled. "I didn't even need to warm her up."

"That's my secret captain, I'm always horny." Tark'aya breathed. Ruckus laughed and lightly slapped her breasts, eliciting a finch and soft gasp from the reptile

"You delightful, naughty little slut!" he grasped her waist and drove himself in to the hilt, spreading her open with the knot at his base. His erection was a sword of warm pleasure impaling her pussy, her empty pussy. Daniel laughed and cradled her head as he rubbed his erection against her cheek. Tark'aya opened her maw and turned her head to accept his cock. Her lips closed around him and she moaned softly, both from having an erection in her mouth and thrusting into her pussy. Daniel shifted his seat and kept his hands cradling her head as he helped her slowly fuck her mouth on his pride. Her lips were snug, her spit lubricating her suckle. His erection throbbed on her tongue warm and heavy.

"God yes, good girl." he chuckled, stroking her hair. Ruckus had his arms on either side of her chest for support as he drive himself into her snug, milking pussy. She was rocking her hips up into him, helping him in the debauched act. Not even thirty minutes earlier she had learned their names and now they were inside her. They were inside her and from how they acted so far she had full confidence they were going to finish within her. She allowed herself to slip into the debauchery, the comfort. She had two strong men inside her, pleasing themselves with her, in her most intimate of places. It felt good and she was secure.

It didn't take long for Ruckus to cum. He felt no obligation to the reptile and when it was time to cum, it was time to cum. His knot had swelled past the point it would easily go into the reptile, and so it remained pressed firmly into her sex. The wolf panted out a moan as his body for the second time delivered her a strong, generous orgasm, this one just being deeper than the first. She whimpered through the cock in her mouth as she felt his warmth pouring into her depth. His hands groped her breasts, gently slapping them and playing with her nipples as he let her efforts milk his cock dry.

"Oh my god that was good..." he panted, pulling his deflating cock out of her. Daniel smiled and looked down at her.

"I think I have to take his place now." he said gently. Tark'aya nodded, smiling as she pulled off his member.

"Do whatever you want." she bid, keeping her legs spread nice and wide for him.

"You think I was going to do anything else?" Daniel growled lustfully. Tark'aya shook her head, smiling sheepishly. She held under her knees as he mounted her and slid into her freshly fucked, freshly creamed hole. She let her head hang back and sighed as the thrust of warmth refilled her aching loins. The brown wolf thrust aggressively, pinning her shoulders down against the bench. While Daniel's knot was swollen too, it wasn't nearly as big as Ruckus's and only made her feel a moderate 'pop' at the base of each motion. The reptilian accepted his heavy thrusts, rocking her hips at a needy rate against him. Their eyes met for a moment and she bit her lip submissively.

"Y-you don't have to h-hold off." she said, her voice interrupted by the exertion of their motions. "P-paying debts..r-right?"

"Mmmmm...maybe..." Daniel grunted before dipping his head to her chest. His lips closed around one of her nipples and he began to suckle. Tark's back arched a bit and she gripped the bench under her. A quiet whimper was the signal the brown wolf needed to hammer into her, seeming to double the pace of his thrusts. The pleasure from a canid tongue on her breast and the burst of vigor was what the reptile needed to reach her own climax. She shuddered and whimpered again, her legs locking down on his hips.

"Mmgh, almost...yeaahhhh" Daniel pushed in firmly right as his cock twitched and jetted a second helping of wolf cum into her sex. He stifled his own moans by filling his maw with her other breast while they ground their orgasms out against each other.

"Mmh...what a gentleman." she sighed, stroking his neck floof as he took a long, languid lick over each of her breasts. She lowered her feet to the floor on either side of the bench and her tail thrashed. "Ruckus, can you have my panties ready please?" she asked. The gray wolf picked-up her underwear and examined it, stroking the white, soft cotton.

"These?" he asked. She nodded and he held them at the ready. Tark'aya turned her attention back to the wolf still buried to the hilt inside her.

"I want to keep it all inside me, to give me something to masturbate with before I go to sleep."

"Naaaaaughty." Daniel chuckled affectionately before pulling out of her and standing-up. Tark'aya grasped her panties and pulled them up her legs quickly, the fabric drawn snug over her pussy before any more of the wolves' cum could leak out. She slithered down to kneel on the floor and gestured for them to come to her. Ruckus was first and in her maw in seconds. She moaned softly as she suckled his cock clean, then turned to the waiting Daniel.

"Good girl." Ruckus petted her head. "Danny, go get the sharpie out of my jacket." he added to his fellow.

"Sharpie?" Tark'aya asked curiously as Daniel nodded and turned to head around the bank of lockers. Ruckus nodded and patted the bench.

"Don't worry, come sit up here." he direction. She obediently placed herself on the bench and the brown wolf was back in seconds. He handed the marker to his friend who popped the cap. "We need a way to keep in touch, don't we?" he asked rhetorically as he held one of her breasts. The permanent marker was put to scale as he slowly wrote ten digits on her breast, under her nipple so as to be safely below her bra-line.

"A phone number?" she asked playfully. Ruckus nodded.

"Give us a ring before bed when you get home. We'll set something up real soon." he growled. She blushed and nodded, tail thrashing happily at the prospect. The wolves slipped back around the corner to dress. The reptilian caressed her decorated breast for another moment, fondly stroking over the numbers.

Fully dressed, Tark'aya was behind the wolves by a couple minutes. A green tank top was over her bra, jeans covering her bottom half. A charcoal softshell would insulate her enough until she got out to her car. Jarred smirked as he watched her emerge.

"You know I heard some of what happened in there." he said from his seat at the counter.

"Yeah, I figured." she chuckled, a slight smile remaining on her lips as she leaned against the counter. "I didn't figure you to be the sort of cat that hangs with dogs."

"I'll admit its not a know how feline families can be." He chuckled dryly. "But now they're in town we'll be hanging some more."

"And they just /happened/ to come to this gym their first night in town, when I'm getting my time in?" her voice was coated in a layer of sugary sarcasm.

"Regardless whether I had a hand in it, you're not going to care." Jarred poked. Tark'aya paused a moment and nodded.

"Yeah." she closed her eyes and shrugged. "Well...either way, you'll get a detailed report tomorrow night." she said, reaching over the counter to grasp his head. She pulled him towards her and kissed his forehead. "See you."

"See you, Tark." he said, grinning after her. She winked and zipped-up her jacket, making sure her purse was secure on her shoulder. She pushed out through the vestibule and into the blustery cold. The cold air refreshed her after the damp warmth of the locker room. It also highlighted the slick sensation against her pussy, something felt with every step. Her nipples stiffened afresh in her bra and she still felt the cool tip of the sharpie on her breast. It was going to be a late night for her.