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#19 of Other Stories

Here's a quick little story of a male secretary and his female boss having some alone time. A bit of a role reversal, since we don't often see this cliche play out quite like it does here! This is a kind of science fiction setting, though it isn't connected in any way to the other SciFi works I've done in the past. This is just a random fun little story I came up with, so I hope you all enjoy!

The tea kettle was slowly coming to a boil. Despite having an appliance that could do this task near instantly, his employer preferred more traditional methods of serving tea. Sitting beneath the kettle was a portable stove that had to be requisitioned from the military, as these kinds of appliances were very difficult to come back in normal society. It'd be another few minutes before the water was hot enough to make tea with, and so he stood and waited patiently while he listened to the voice coming from the adjacent room.

"No, that's not acceptable!" His boss' voice carried easily through the closed door that separated the main office and the servant's nook. The Honorable Dame Tu Malta had been trapped in a firm debate over teleconference for nearly two hours now. He'd been listening to her all while going about his duties as her office caretaker and personal assistant. When he wasn't making her tea, he was keeping himself busy making sure all of the rooms in her office suite were clean and cared for. Every day she had multiple meetings with many visitors and so he and his servant's nook were kept preoccupied with tea, catering services, and some general housekeeping.

"Shout back at me all you want; you'll go hoarse long before I do!" She continued, her anger unabated.

He knew that the call she was in was about the new safety regulations being implemented by the TLO. He didn't know both sides of the argument very well, and he could only hear Dame Malta's side clearly. Despite the missing context it sounded to him like the Dame was refusing to delay the inclusion of the new regulations, and actually wanted to accelerate them forward by a month. The opposition must have been adamantly opposed, and it apparently had something to do with a bridge.

"Oh, good! Yes, I'm certain I will hear all about it, but unfortunately for you the only people who can take me by the ear like a child were my parents." He continued to listen as the Dame sounded like she was replying to a threat with a barb of her own. Dame Tu Malta was a highly respected and very influential member of the Atollia, and there weren't many in the country that could offer her any serious threat.

"How about this? How about you zip your mouth while your compatriot to the left talks instead? He's been rather polite as opposed to your brazen idiocy." The corners of his mouth curled a little since he enjoyed eavesdropping when there was a fight. It was like making a blood sport out of people watching. Dame Malta had a foul temper and a very sharp tongue, not that she needed either most of the time. A woman of her rank and respect didn't often have to flex her muscle very hard to get what she wanted.

"No, shut it. Not one of you in that room has the authority to do anything but whimper at my doorstep, and I've allowed you to waste more than two hours of my time now. I am not going to agree to the delay!" As he listened the water was starting to boil. He hovered his hand near the spout and felt the heat spewing forth from the opening. It wasn't whistling, but he could start fetching a cup and tea bag.

"You wouldn't have scheduled this meeting with me of all people unless you were desperate! I know how the votes are going to go in the session next week, gentleman. I'm sure you know it, too, and you try to threaten me? You're going tuck your tails, that is what you will do if you are wise. I'm going to put forward a motion to advance the inclusion of the new regs by a month, but if I catch any word at all that you've arrange any more of these meetings before the next session I will not only put forward that motion, but I'll make it two months! I have aces in the hole of my own, and if I want to ram an amendment through the session I can!"

The kettle was whistling now. He placed a bag of tea into the cup before taking up the kettle to pour hot water over the bag until the cup was full. He sat the kettle back down and reduced the heat of the stove to keep it warm. With a cup of tea made he carefully picked it up so as not to spill and made his exit from the servant's nook. In her office she sat, the Dame dressed in one of her nicest designer dress suits, and ensemble of three pieces in shades of black and navy. The pale furred feline wore a frown, though from her shouting you really didn't need to see her expression to judge her mood. She had her elbows perched on the armrests of her chair with her hands lifted so that she could touch her fingertips together. Between that and her posture she looked deeply impatient and irritable.

"No, I don't care, and you're not going to waste any more of my time today." Dame Malta replied to the screen floating over her desk like a pane of glass without a frame.

He approached her desk and sat the cup of tea down for her. She shot a sideways glance at him and replied to the offer of tea with a discrete nod but refused to take her attention away from the screen, and the people within it looking back at her.

"Please, Dame Malta, I apologize for any offense given, but you must understand our situation!" Replied a male voice, firm but pleading.

"No. Goodbye gentleman." She replied and leaned forward in her chair to touch her fingertip over the call button on her desk.

He stole a glance at the screen himself and saw that the video was broadcasting from a room with four, maybe five, men in it. As the Dame ended the call, he half expected one of the men to shout a rebuttal, in that cliché manner you'd see in a televised drama. There was no such cliché, as the men in the room all seemed either resigned to their fates or cowed silent as the feed vanished, the screen turning clear with only its default HUD visible around the edges.

"Imbeciles." She said to no one in particular.

She looked at the tea he'd presented her with and reached over a hand to lightly touch her fingertip to the steaming liquid, testing its temperature. After a moment she removed her finger and brought it to her lips to lick off the tea as she returned to ignoring the cup.

"I should have started brewing it sooner, Dame Malta, my apologies." He told her, knowing she only drank her tea once it reached a very specific temperature.

"It's fine, Toma." She replied with an exhale before leaning back to sag into her chair until it reached its maximum tilt. Now that she was out of her meeting, she looked exhausted. A glance outside the window revealed the hour better than a clock with the sun turned a rich red hue as its bottom just barely began to touch the horizon line on the other side of the city.

"Would you like one of your cookies, Dame? You look like you need one." Toma suggested, and she smile and shut her eyes.

"If you think so, bring one." She replied, and he nodded and pivoted on his heel to fetch on of her cookies. Once he was back inside the servant's nook, he checked the small pantry to find a opened box of HiEn Cookies, a brand of power bar. After weeks of searching, he'd finally found a brand of energy bar that the Dame would actually eat, and she needed to eat them. She was a workaholic that often skipped her proper meals, and she was in desperate need for something she could eat quickly to give her the fuel she needed to continue. A woman can't live off tea and oxygen alone.

Toma tore open the packaging and prepared it for her on a small plate before exiting the nook and sitting the plate down next to her tea.

"Thank you." She replied and reached over to lift it from the plate.

Not only was the flavor to her liking, but also the texture. With her choice of outfits, she was reluctant to eat anything that would drip or crumble over her blouses and jackets. These cookies were chewy and had enough gooey stick to them that they never fell apart while eating them, and so she took her first bite and chewed it lazily before at last swallowing.

"Did you pay any attention to the call?" She asked him, as he was still standing passively near her desk. Most of his duties for the day had been accomplished, save for one. Technically, he had other things he was supposed to do but he'd run up against a wall. There were supplies he was waiting on, so he couldn't finish preparing the adjacent meeting room for tomorrow evening until at least the next morning when the new table settings arrive by parcel.

The only other thing he could do today he couldn't do until the Dame asked it of him, so he was just standing idle until then, because he suspected she'd be in the mood for it.

"I heard it in parts, Dame. I understand that they wanted to delay the new safety regulations, and you wanted to advance them. I missed most of the context." He explained.

"You're familiar with the new bridge they are building over the river?" She asked him.

"Yes, ma'am. I've heard the construction will disrupt a lot of commercial traffic in the city when they begin."

"You're right. It would. The new regulations would require that they first install a temporary bridge next to the build site so that traffic isn't overflowing the other roadways. They want to delay that measure so they can save themselves the money."

"That's seems par for the course, ma'am. Those types are usually preoccupied with money."

"As should we all, but the reality is I couldn't care less if they spend less or more money. I just don't like that they were trying to manipulate me into giving them what they wanted. Sometimes a show of force is required, and a punishment dealt."

"Ma'am?" Toma asked.

"If I let them think they could twist mine or anyone else's arm in giving them what they wanted then they would surely try to do it again, and word would get out that I have gone soft and others would pull the same tricks. It was essential that I string them all up, put them on display. Everyone in their sector of the economy will be watching them spend all that time and money building a temporary bridge just so they can be permitted to build a real bridge. They'll watch, and they'll learn that Dame Malta is a tyrant." She replied with a smile, finishing the last of her cookie with a final bite.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied.

"Do you think I'm a tyrant, Toma?" She asked, casting her eyes in his direction.

"Tyranny is in the eye of the beholder, ma'am. You've been quite good to me." He replied, and to that she chuckled and reached her hand back over to the cup tea, testing it again with a fingertip. Finding it to her satisfaction she licked the end of her finger before taking up the cup and sipping from its contents.

After taking a few sips of her tea to wash down the cookie she sat the cup back onto her desk to her right. He watched her swivel her chair towards him, and he stood at attention, waiting to see what she'd do next. She leaned forward and patted the empty spot on her desk at her left. He exhaled and stepped around behind her desk and scooted himself in between her and her desk before leaning himself against the spot she'd indicted for him.

Toma had been right about her mood, and now he was right in front of her, standing yet with his ass seated a bit on her desk while she leaned back in her chair to take one more sip from her tea before placing it back down and at a safe distance away from the other side of the desk where he was.

"I shouldn't have to ask if you are fresh?" She asked him anyway.

"Of course, ma'am." He assured her, but even as he was trying to answer her, she was already turning back to him and reaching for his waistband. He tried to relax himself, to not let the excitement get to him.

The Dame undid his belt and began to loosen it before moving to his snap button and zipper. When the time came for her to shimmy his pants down enough to give her access, he lifted his butt off the desk to give her the chance to work the fabric down, exposing his underwear to her. Her eyes were locked onto his crotch while she used a single hand to reach into his pants, her palm cupping his still soft member through the fabric of his underwear.

Toma's heart, which had already begun to race, quickened even further as she leaned forward, her chair rolling closer to him in the process. As he watched her dip her head down to his crotch level, he looked away from her. Staring out the window he tried to think of anything that wasn't sexual so he wouldn't stiffen up too quickly.

The horizon was a beautiful sight from this high up in the building, the colors shimmering off the distance ocean. He felt the Dame begin to nuzzle against his soft bulge, the subtle sound of her breathing as she inhaled his scent. He was now wearing a pinch of cologne on his crotch for her benefit.

As the Dame continued to satisfy her closeted fetish, he could only sit passively and wait, thinking thoughts that were pure and chaste all the while. It wasn't until he felt her remove her face from his crotch that he looked back down. She was still admiring his bulge, her hand now slipping fingers under the waistband of his underwear. When she began to tug them down he lifted his butt again so she would work them down until they, and his pants, her halfway down his thighs.

With her attention focused solely on his cock and balls he could watch her face in return. The Dame often wore a sour look on her face, and it was rare that she freely revealed an expression that was anything close to pleasant. She took herself very seriously, and lived up to the whispers in government that she was in fact a tyrant when it came to business and politics. However, all that aside, Dame Malta did not look like a tyrant as she cupped his nuts in one hand, lifting them gently like she was admiring their weight.

She looked the same as she did on those rare occasions where she'd treat herself to a cheat meal. When she wasn't eating light meals of tea and energy bars, she would have a tightly crafted menu of healthy meals catered to her home or office. None of it looked appealing to eat, and the look on her face when something unhealthy arrived on a cheat day proved it. Right now, she was eyeing up his jewels the same way she'd eye up her favorite desert of a freshly baked double chocolate chip cookie with a healthy scoop of vanilla ice cream plopped down in the middle.

Her aged eyes were sharp and bright, pupils dilated with delight while the corners of her mouth curled into a smile. She used to be stuffy and modest when she'd give him a blowjob, and very quick to finish it. She'd gotten over that awkwardness months ago and now whenever she'd pat her desk for him to sit, she savored the entire act from start to finish.

He felt her lips press to his soft member, and he heard and felt her kiss him. A light, gentle touch, like a feather falling onto the skin. She kissed again, and again, little kisses that traced his cock from tip to base, to his lower stomach, then back down to his balls.

"You can get hard now." She whispered without looking up at him. Her attention was still focused on her prize, and with her giving him the all clear he quickly began to think of all the previous times she'd given him head.

One of the most powerful women in government was about to give him a blowjob. It wasn't something he'd have ever believed possible back when he was still applying for jobs.

Though she clearly had a fetish, the real reason it had started was due to something stupid that was circulating in the offices of government and nobility. Allegedly the high society socialites, the elites of government and business that controlled the world, had started doing another dumb kooky trend. The trends were usually always health related, physical or mental, but were seldom founded on science. When you have all the money in the world to get the finest healthcare... You could afford to dabble in the occult or the alternative when it suited you.

Dame Malta was not one to follow trends, as she paid good money to have the best give her the best, like her awful catered diet meals. However, that proved to be her undoing when the latest health trend going around was that semen had a potent medicinal value due to its high nutritional content. Well, high nutritional content if the person cumming had a healthy diet and lifestyle, good genetics, and was a species that could dump a minimum of several ounces into a cup or someone's mouth.

The science was in, and Dame Malta had been frustrated to learn that the newest fad in her high society life was actually backed by top medical scientists. It didn't help that her newest personal assistant was a species that was known for their output.

His mind wandered to the memory of her mouth wrapped tightly around his cock, and in turn he felt his dick begin to swell, rising to life in front of the Dame. One of the most powerful women in government was hovering her face inches from his dick, watching it grow.

He had no idea there was even a fad for cum nutrition when it was spreading all around. Some trends are common knowledge, but any time there was a sexual one floating through circles of high society it was kept tight in the closet. He only learned about it after he'd been required by the Dame to get some 'routine' medical tests done, as part of a physical. It was a very comprehensive physical complete with blood tests. He'd never had anything that thorough done before, and he'd been lied to about why he needed it done. She had explained that she wanted to be certain that anyone working for her was clean and healthy, as she wasn't just setting an example for the papers to pick up on. She claimed she expected her staff to be as fit as she was.

The Dame was no athlete, but she was the image of perfect health for a woman her age. She certainly didn't look as old as she actually was.

"You're getting better at forcing your staff to do as it's told." She remarked quietly as he reached his full size. In his imagination he was imagining the noises she made as she gagged on his cock. No one, NO ONE, has probably ever heard that noise but him. No one fucked Dame Malta. She surely wasn't a virgin, but she had no children, nor a husband. Her sex life was probably as bare and bland as her catered meals.

"Yes, ma'am." Less was more when it came to talking to the Dame. It was harder to put your foot in your mouth if you didn't open it very often.

"Usually, men struggle with something as simple as keeping his gun holstered when he thinks he's about to holster inside someone else." She continued her banter, being unusually conversational this evening. Normally, she engaged in the same tactic he was doing, that less was more. Until she started sucking, then there was more noise from that alone than all their words combined.

"When you make a request, I try to answer it, ma'am." He replied, being sincere.

It had been a real shock when he was eventually told why he'd been put through such a rigorous physical. It shocked him even more when it dawned on him that out of all the men the Dame could have potentially sought out, that it was him. Even with the convenience that came with him being her assistant, there had to be other more desirable men in the country. He just didn't possess the ego to be smug about his being picked. Who knows, maybe the Dame was just paranoid over being caught, and so she went and sniffed out the men closest to her, and he was just lucky that he was in very good health that his semen was eyed as valuable...

"So, how is it that you are answering this request? Are you thinking of something tragic? Of salt in an old wound?" She asked.

He opened his mouth to reply but hesitated. He decided that it would be better to be honest with her now than to get caught in a lie later on.

"Sometimes I think of nothing ma'am, like meditation. Sometimes I imagine you yelling at me like you did on your call earlier." He told her, fearing she'd take offense to his answer. What he got in reply was a light chuckle as the Dame continued to admire his cock. She planted a small kiss on his tip before pushing his shaft to the side. He watched her lean forward until her forehead touched the side of his stomach, her muzzle coming to rest right next to the base of his cock with her chin pressed against his nuts.

"I can't imagine a scenario where I would yell at you, but I can imagine why that might leave you feeling wilted." She told him after a few moments, her voice somewhat muffled by his balls.

"Yes, ma'am." He replied.

"And what do you do to coax yourself to an erection so quickly? I hardly had to do anything myself this evening." She told him, and he felt one of her hands run up the inside of his thigh to touch his balls, cupping them as her lips planted another kiss on his nuts. Every time she gave him a blowjob, she grew more intimate with his cock and balls, enough so that he feared she may be developing a fixation. That, or perhaps she always had a fixation and he's merely being introduced to it with baby steps.

"You, ma'am." He told her, feeling somewhat embarrassed.

Even though she'd sucked his dick many times by now, the entire affair was embarrassing. He wasn't the sort of person to talk openly about his sex life, and he didn't really feel like the Dame was his 'partner'. She was his boss, and he was being given a perk for working for her. It was a complicated matter.

"Me? Like I was one of your college sweethearts on campus?" She replied, her voice sounding amused.

She pulled her face away from his crotch and returned her lips to the end of his dick where she kissed him again.

"I don't think I understand, ma'am." He confessed, not quite sure of her meaning.

"Sex, dear. More than just oral." She clarified.

"I mostly think of what I like most about you giving me oral sex, ma'am." He told her, keeping honest, but also not revealing that he had on a few occasions tried to imagine what it might have been like to fuck one of the most powerful women in the world. But his imagination for that often paled in comparison to what he knew was coming when her mouth wrapped around his dick.

"Which is?" She asked, and he wondered how he could answer her, but at the same time he was surprised she hadn't started sucking his cock yet. If this had been any other time, she'd already be halfway down his rod by now.

"You're very talkative this evening, ma'am." He pointed out at last, reaching the limit of his curiosity. He wasn't sure why she was talking so much when normally she was more to the point and interested in the blowjob.

"I am stressed, and you destress me. Do you prefer your women to be seen and not heard while they service you?" She asked him pointedly, abandoning his cock and sitting up to look up at him, eye to eye. He felt a moment of panic then and worked his jaw muscles to try and fish up a hasty reply to defend himself with.

"No, ma'am! I just mean, that you are normally very predictable with your habits. You've never spoken so much with me during oral." He explained and after a moment she visibly relaxed.

"I'm using you and cock as therapy, dear. Permit me my indulgences, please." She replied but did not return her attention to his crotch.

Instead, her eyes remained on him, like she was expecting a response. He nodded hastily to her in reply.

"Yes, ma'am. I really enjoy your indulgences, ma'am." He stammered and straightened his back up. One side of her mouth curled into a smile, and she let out a chuckle.

"Good." She replied, her body relaxing and her eyes drifting back down to the level of his crotch.

He thought he'd been spared a terrible fate, but then she repeated her question from before, patiently insisting that he answer her. He let out a silently held breath as her hand wrapped tight around his cock. As she gently stroked him, he tried to think of how best to answer her.

"The noises you make, ma'am. I really enjoy them." He told her, feeling his face begin to flush a little from his honesty.

She replied to him with a hum, not saying anything that gave away how she felt about his answer. Regardless of how she felt he figured it must not have been negative since she then leaned forward again to press her lips to the end of his cock. In a practiced motion she let her jaw part, his cock slipping carefully past her teeth to glide gently over her tongue. Despite his size the Dame had learned to adjust to his tool and now she was deftly capable of letting his full length setting down to the back of her mouth.

When the crown of his cock brushed against the roof of her mouth at the furthest depths of what he could reach, she quietly gagged. She struggled for a moment, him feeling her swallow around his shaft before she closed her lips around him tightly. She placed both her hands on his hips and let herself lean forward, pressing his dick deeper down, forcing his blunt tip to drag against the roof of her mouth. She gagged a little louder this time but maintained control. No matter how much or how hard she gagged she kept herself composed. This hadn't been true the first few times she'd serviced him, but she was a very quick learner and now the gagging was just candy for his ears. He loved everything about the sounds a woman made while in bed, and getting his dick sucked wasn't any lesser an act than proper intercourse. Both required a woman to deign to bed him, and that was more than enough to satisfy his self-esteem.

The Dame continued to service him, her hands retreating to his sides where she slid her fingertips under the bottom of his shirt. As he felt her hands gently caress his sides, he had to keep himself composed. His toes were curling in his shoes as she bobbed up and down his shaft. He looked away from her, finding random objects to look at in her office so he could keep himself from reaching his finish too soon.

If it was possible for a woman to make love with her mouth alone, then the Dame seemed to have mastered it, as her tongue and lips did their best to bring him to a quick climax. It hadn't always been this way, as she'd been like an amateur when she first began. Again, she learned quickly and seemingly with no limit. No one rises to such heights as the Dame without the ability to quickly adapt.

As her throat adapted to the girth of his cock, he felt a trembling in his spine as the ecstasy slowly rose up his body. As he felt it rise, her hands gentle stroked him, her fingertips carefully tracing the shallow trenches in his fur where muscle met muscle.

She sped up her pace, the gagging growing louder as she confidently deep throated him. The sudden change of pace pulled his gaze back down to her, and she was looking up at him. He felt himself flush, and he couldn't stop himself from looking away in embarrassment. She normally kept her eyes shut, or looked down at his abs while she worked, but for some reason she was looking up at him.

Her head drew back, her lips dragging along his length until the Dame let his cock pop free of her mouth.

"How close are you?" She asked.

"Soon, ma'am." He told her.

She leaned in with a hum before planting a kiss on the tip of his dick. When she leaned further down and let her face once again bury itself into his crotch, he could feel her humming right into his balls. He looked down and watched her nuzzle her face into his cock and balls before slowly drawing herself back again to look up at him.

"When I start again you are allowed to finish. Don't hold back." She told him.

Her head was on the move, mouth opening wide and catching his tip between her lips. Whenever she'd tell him to not 'hold back' that meant she was giving him permission to move on his own while she serviced him. It was always nerve wracking, not knowing for sure what she would appreciate and what she wouldn't, but today she seemed to be in a very agreeable mood, and so he indulged her by indulging himself.

When she buried herself down into his cock, the head of his cock finding purchase at the back of her throat, he reached out a hand and touched it to the side of her head, letting his finger trace behind her ear and through her hair.

She looked up at him, lips wrapped taut around his cock, bobbing, and gagging on his cock while he stroked his fingers through her hair. His breathing was growing heavy, and he tried to let everything go. No more holding back, no more finding distractions. He started down at her, their eyes locked with her own gaze a confident look of a woman that understood she was in control. He certainly didn't feel in control, even as he let his hand slide further, his hand taking her by the hair and helping to guide her head as she bobbed up and down.

His lips parted, his breathing now a pant as his chest rose and fell faster and faster as the heat in his balls rumbled up into his belly, the power of his next orgasm building up like an explosion tight in his gut. The Dame removed a hand from his side and dropped it to his nuts, her slender digits catching his balls and gently holding them, feeling them tighten up, his sac drawing up higher and higher along with the sound of his rapid panting.

It was about to hit.

He reached out with his other hand and held her head, the Dame being quick to redouble her efforts. Her head bobbed quickly over his cock, gagging and slurping luridly until he saw stars. As the lightshow exploded in his vision, he gripped the back of her head and yanked her face into his crotch, his hips jerking and humping up into her scrunched up features.

He grunted, a satisfied noise leaving his lips as his cock throbbed and shot the first rope of seed down the Dame's throat. As it slid down into her gullet it was quickly followed by a second, and then a third, the Dame gulping and gagging while her one hand continued to gently cradle his nuts. When his sac twitched in her hand, she massaged them, coaxing them to empty more and more of his cum down into her belly.

After several long seconds of bliss, he finally let out a gasp, a breath tightly held. His hands relaxed around her head, and his body sagged as the shock and awe of his orgasm slowly ebbed.

The Dame drew her head back, her tongue licking across his length. He looked down at her, seeing then that the makeup around her eyes was beginning to run from how much she'd teared up during his climax, but she didn't seem to be phased by the roughness of his hands or his dick. While she patiently licked him clean of every last trace of spit and cum, he just panted, his breathing slowing down in pace with his softening cock.

When she was finished, she reached up with the same hand that had only just recently cradled his nuts, and with her thumb she wiped off a dollop of his cum from her lips before licking it, too, off her finger.

"Thank you, ma'am." He told her, his breathing still a labored effort.

"You're not finished." She told him, the Dame visibly running her tongue along her teeth to lick anything off that remained from his well spent orgasm.

"Ma'am?" He asked, not sure why she'd claim he wasn't finished. He was never ready for a second orgasm immediately after the first. She'd need to wait at lea-

"I am still stressed. You will sit here until I am no longer stressed." She told him, then scooted her chair closer to him and laid her head down in his lap, his softening cock and ample sac resting against her face while her arms reached high and wrapped around his waist.

Being unsure of what to do, he just sat there on her desk while one of the most powerful women in the world used his cock and balls as a pillow.