One Eventful Evening: A Nate and David Story

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#1 of Nate and David

The first Nate and David story! A little angst never hurt anybody...

Nate stood in the bathroom in front of a large mirror. The freshly blow-dried fur that covered his slightly pudgy frame was all poofy, and he had to get it tamed before they went out.

"Hurry up in there! I still need to do my makeup!" Bets called out through the door.

"Gimme a minute! I'm almost done!" Nate shot back. He and Bets went way back. Before they were college roommates, they had been best friends since 6th grade. She was the first person he'd come out to and, indeed, was one of the very few people from their small, conservative hometown who knew that about him. Nate had slowly been opening up to people now that they were out in the big city, renting an apartment,and free of their parental oversight. Still, he fretted over telling new people. But he'd promised Bets that he wasn't going to hide who he was anymore, and tonight was going to be a test of that resolve.

"You done preening yet? I swear you're such a girl!" Bets shouted cheerfully. "I don't even take that long, and you don't have to put on lashes..."

"Fine, fine, I'm done!" Nate laughed and put down the comb. His headfur was up in a messy sort of fauxhawk, itsdark grey matching the stripes of his tabby coat. He gave his pristine white chest fluff a quick brush, then pulled on his button-down. Then, as he started rolling his sleeves up, he opened the door. "All right, it's all y-"

Bets barreled past him, shoving her way through at Mach speed. "Dude, we have to go in like, 15 minutes... Wait, did you put on cologne? Smells nice! It'll be lost on the guys, jocks don't have culture, but it smells good!"

"Thanks, Bets. I just wanted to make a good impression, I dunno..." Nate mumbled, smiling. The black poodle sure knew how to give a compliment, that's for sure. He'd been worried it would be too much, but he really wanted to make a good first impression. He supposed he was making too much of things again: Bets had assured him that she'd known these guys for a good portion of the semester now, and that they were LGBTQ+ friendly. Still, he couldn't shake the nagging feeling in his gut that said, What if she's wrong about them?. He raised his voice to be heard over the music that was now blasting from the bathroom. "Who's picking us up tonight again?"

"Shaina!" she called back. Great, he thought. Shaina drove a two-seater; he'd be riding in the trunk again. It wasn't safe, sure, but what was life without a little danger? At least it was a hatchback, so he'd have a window. It honestly wouldn't be so bad if Shaina didn't drive like speed limits were suggestions. Oh well.

"Cool! I'll be on the couch. Hurry up, we gotta be there by 8!" Nate padded to the old green couch that sat in their living room. He pulled on some pricey canvas sneakers over his footpaws. If there was one stereotype he was determined to conform to, it was that gays were fashionable and well-dressed. A few minutes later, Bets came out of the bathroom.

"Hey, lookin' good, man!" she crooned.

"Thanks, you too!" Nate piped back. He sniffed the air briefly, then said, "I guess you're wearing perfume too, huh?"

"Hey, can't let you have all the fun!" she retorted, and punched him lightly on the shoulder. She pulled on a pair of low heels just in time for a knock at the door. "Oh! She's here! Weird, she's never early..." Bets said, and went to open the door. Sure enough, Shaina was there, a petite arctic fox with long, crimped blue hair.

"Hey guys! Ready to partaaay!?!?" Shaina was nice enough, but man, that valley girl persona she put on could be grating.

Nate winced slightly, but quickly replied. "Yeah! Can't wait..."

"Partaaay! Let's gooo!" Oh no, Bets, not you too... But at last, the time had come. They all crammed into Shaina's tiny car, and began the journey to their ostensible new friends' apartment. It was a short journey, mercifully: just a little over 20 minutes, but in that time Nate had the misfortune of getting one hell of a charley horse. On arrival, he practically fell out of the trunk.

"Owww... oh man, Shaina, you need a bigger car. This riding in the trunk thing is killing me."

"Suck it up, man, unless you wanna buy me one...?" Shaina retorted, sticking her tongue out at Nate.

"Hell no, you know I work at a gas station. Though I should be getting my own car in a couple months, then I can stick you in the trunk. See how you like it!" Nate fired back. They continued their banter walking through the apartment complex, eventually coming up to a door on the third floor. "This the place?"

Bets nodded. "Yup! I'll text and let Josh know we're here." Nate didn't know who that was, but presumably he'd be meeting him soon. And just a few minutes later, the door swung open and...


The biggest Doberman he'd ever seen, headfur cropped in a buzz cut and dyed bright blue, popped out and squeezed Bets in a huge bear hug, lifting her straight off the ground. "Bets! Girl, get in here! We've been waiting on you guys." He ushered the three of them into the spacious apartment and shut the door. Nate was slightly taken aback by how... clean everything was. The carpet had a few suspicious stains on it, sure, but everything was neat and tidy. The place smelled of incense and dudes, but in a good way, Nate thought.

As they made their way into the living room, he noticed two other guys there, one on a recliner and one on a loveseat. Three folding chairs were out too, all situated around a plastic folding table. Bets began introductions. "Okay, so you guys met Josh. He plays football for the varsity team here." The muscular Doberman waved. Next, Bets pointed to a slightly more trim blue and white deer in the recliner. "That's Grant, he's also on the football team, and that..." Bets cast her paw towards the otter on the loveseat, "is David. He's on the swim team, but he also plays... lacrosse?"

Dave chuckled. "Yeah, but lacrosse is just in my free time. I'm on a swim scholarship, gotta stick with that!" Nate was surprised at how deep his voice was. It was a charming baritone, so warm. No, can't deal with that right now. Gotta stay focused.

"Now, us!" Bets exclaimed. She pointed at Shaina first. "This is Shaina, she's going for fashion design, and she's our designated driver. So sweet!" and she batted her long eyelashes at Shaina. She responded by sticking out her tongue at Bets. "And this big ol' tabby is Nate! He's an English major."

"Nerd alert!" shouted Grant, though he said it with a wink and a smile. "Naw, man, that's cool. Maybe you can help me with my papers? I gotta get my grades up or I'm in real trouble."

Nate chuckled, relieved that they didn't think he was lame for picking a non-sports major at a sports college. "Yeah, sure, I'll see what I can do. I'm pretty good at writing, I did well freshman year. You're a sophomore too, right?"

Grant nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! Anything helps man, thanks. So, which of these two ladies is your date tonight?"

Nate's mind went briefly blank as he struggled to come up with an answer, when Bets let out a peal of laughter. "Oh, God, no! He's not dating either of us, he's like my brother! Besides, he's gay."

The bottom dropped out of Nate's stomach. His mouth hung open, as he stammered quietly. Sure, he wasn't hiding it, but he wasn't intending to tell anyone if it didn't come up! And he'd wanted to do it on his own terms. Bets noticed how pale he'd gotten and began to panic, gently putting a paw on his shoulder. "Oh, shit, sorry Nate, I thought you were cool telling them, I didn't think..."

"It's... fine. No, Bets, it's okay" Nate finally murmured. "Ah... but yeah. I'm, uh, gay. So yeah."

The room was quiet for a minute, then finally, Josh broke the silence. "Dude, you're okay, you know that right? It's totally fine, nobody's gonna give you a hard time. Relax! We're cool, right guys?" David and Grant nodded vigorously. Josh went on. "Hey, are you okay, man? You look a little, like, shocked?"

Nate shook his head to clear his mind. "Yeah, yeah, sorry. I just... Bets and I don't come from a really accepting town. I was, uh, scared, I guess. I've never come out to anyone besides Bets and Shaina, and I mean, if a guy knew I was gay back home, they'd have put me through a wall just to prove they weren't gay themselves. It's something I've had to hide for a long time now, and... I'm still not used to it, I guess."

Grant grinned. "Well, get used to it, buddy. You're safe here. No worries. Hey, you want something to drink? We've got a ton of beer in the fridge."

Nate smiled. "Yeah, I guess that'd be okay. Sure!"

Grant got up to go get drinks for everyone. "Also, sit your asses down! We're going to play some drinking games, I wanna get started already!" Bets, Shaina, and Josh grabbed the folding chairs. Oh. That means...

"Hey, ah, sorry... do you mind if I sit next to you?" Nate asked the otter. David had been really quiet during the whole 'coming out' exchange, and he was hoping that things wouldn't be too awkward. It's one thing to be okay with a gay guy, it's another to sit right next to him...

But his fears were instantly dispelled. "Yeah, go ahead, man! Come on over here!" David smiled, and patted the seat next to him a few times. Okay, so he's friendly! Good to know.

Grant came back with the first of many rounds of beer they'd end up drinking that night. During the first round, they just chatted and got to know each other. Nate learned that Josh and Grant were a linebacker and a quarterback, respectively. The majority of the rest of the conversation went over his head, but he understood how they'd gotten such great bodies. Don't stare... Their eyes are up there...

David stayed pretty quiet. He said that he was from a small town too, but apparently they'd had a great swim program, so he managed to secure a scholarship. He said some other things too, but Nate was losing the battle to focus on the conversation. David was wearing gym shorts and a tank top, revealing a tuft of cream-colored chest fur. It was taking all Nate's might not to reach out and fluff it. He'd only been with a couple guys before, and hadn't really had the opportunity to try to date in years. So what if I'm a little thirsty! He thought. Okay, you can look, he told himself, just don't touch. You don't wanna mess this up.

In short order, a couple decks of playing cards were produced, and drinking games were played. A few hours passed this way, and everyone but Shaina had been through 3 or 4 beers at least. As the evening wore on, Bets decided a break was in order. "Guyyys! I'm hungry!" she slurred. "Let's get Grubby's !" Ah, yes, Grubby's Tacos, the local late night savior of drunk, hungry college kids on a budget. Everyone seemed to nod along with this suggestion. "Shaina! Let's go get tacos!"

"Yeah, sure, but how are we doing this? I can't fit everyone in my trunk.".

"We can walk there; it's not far." Josh said. "Or, you could drive my car, I guess, but it only seats 5".

Bets whined. "I don't wanna walk... Can you drive Josh's car, Shaina? Pleeease? For me? I'll buy for you if you drive!"

Shaina sighed. "Okay, free food it is. Who's staying here?" Everyone looked around for a moment, then Nate raised his hand.

"I could use a little break, actually. Just get me a quesadilla, that'll be enough for me. I'll pay you back when I get paid next, Bets."

She nodded. "Okay, let's- "

To everyone's surprise, David also raised his hand. "I don't wanna leave Nate here all alone. It's fine if you wanna go, just have Josh get me a taco meal. He owes me."

Josh nodded sagely. "I got you, man. You guys relax, we'll be back in like, 30 minutes, unless there's a line. We'll text you if we need anything." Josh grabbed his keys and gave them to Shaina, shoes were slipped on, and out the door they went, albeit with a bit of stumbling. David and Nate relaxed on the loveseat, leaning back to stretch.

Nate broke the silence first. "Hey, man, thanks for staying with me. You really didn't have to, but still, I appreciate it."

David smiled, a little drunkenly, but it was still a good look on him. "Yeah, for sure! I just... well, you seemed a little uncomfortable, so I wanted to make sure you were, I dunno, okay, I guess?"

Nate grinned back. "Aww, you're sweet!" Wait, now is he... blushing? Okay, that's cute as heck. "But yeah, no, I'm fine. I honestly thought I'd upset you somehow. You haven't been talking to me much and I thought I'd made you uncomfortable, and I didn't know what to say. I'm sorry."

David shook his head. "No, no, that's... I wanted to ask... fuck..." And the smile disappeared from his face as he looked away. What? Nate thought. He wanted to ask me something? He started to open his mouth to clear the air, when David interrupted his thoughts with a very quiet, almost whispered question.

"Just... How did you know you were gay?"

Nate blinked a few times, mouth still hanging open. He'd never been asked that before, and he wasn't immediately sure how to respond.Okay. Start with the basics, I guess? "Ah... well, I never found girls attractive, like, at all. But guys... Oh, wow. Guys were a totally different story. I've had girls show interest in me before, sure, but I never felt those, I dunno, butterflies? Not like I did when a guy would give me the same attention. And I guess I just sorta always knew? Even before I knew the word for it, I knew that I liked looking at guys, and looking at girls wasn't the same. So, um... yeah." Nate took a deep breath, then asked a question of his own. "Uh... why do you ask?"

David had been nodding along with everything Nate had been saying, just taking it all in. At Nate's question, David took a deep breath, and still not looking up, still so softly, he said, "I... I've been thinking I might be... gay? Like, the reason I didn't talk to you much tonight is I think you're really... cute? And I don't know how to deal with that." At the word "cute", the inside of David's ears turned bright pink, and Nate could tell he was blushing. Nate felt his face starting to get hot too. Is he... embarrassed? Am I embarrassed?

Nate's stomach started to feel strange, all twisted up. His heart was starting to pound too, which made his face even hotter. Say something to him, damnit! Nate cleared his throat, and stammered, "H-hey, man, I'm, um... really flattered, that you think I'm cute and all. You know, you're damn handsome yourself, right?" David perked up a bit and finally looked at Nate again. In the silence that stretched between them, David started to look a little dejected, and looked down again.


"But...? No! No, no buts. I really do think you're really handsome. Honestly, I just don't know what to say. I've only been with like, two guys, and I kinda... don't know what to do with this information? Like, what do you want to do about..." Nate flicked a paw back and forth between the two of them, "this?"

Now David stammered a bit. "U-um... can we, ah... just sit together? Like, touching? We don't have to do anything!" he said rapidly. "But, yeah, just... I think I'd like to try that?"

Nate's heart skipped a beat. He's really unsure... I guess I am too? Nate hesitated for a moment, then gently he smiled and said, "I'd like that too. Do you want to scoot over or should I-"

But immediately, as the words were leaving his mouth, David darted over and pressed up against Nate's side. Arms in their laps, just touching at their sides, they sat together. Glancing at the otter, Nate spied the barest beginning of a smile starting to creep across David's face.

"Well?" Nate asked. "Is it everything you thought it would be?"

David laughed. "Yeah... Yeah, honestly. You, ah... you smell nice. I like your cologne I barely noticed it before."

"And you're like a radiator. How are you so warm?" Nate replied, a smile of his own making its way across his face.

David laughed sharply, making Nate jump a little bit. He'd been so quiet until now that it startled him. "I'm always warm. I've, ah... had girlfriends in the past, they always commented on it too. They hated it, said I was too warm to hold them."

"Well, you know cats. We love warm things. I'd let you hold me, those girls don't know what they're missing."

"Oh..." David squeaked, sounding hopeful. "Uh... can I?"

"Hmm? Can you what?" Nate didn't get it.

David was blushing again, but more loudly he said, "Can I... hold you? If you want. God, sorry, that sounds weird, forget that I-"

"Yes!" Nate said quickly, cutting him off. His ears felt like they should be shooting steam out of them by now. He couldn't believe this sleek otter wanted to do that with him. He'd never cuddled with any of his previous paramours, they really just skipped straight to taking off their pants. "I'd really, really enjoy that, seriously. How do you want to... eh... do that?"

Without another word, David raised his arm, and reached slowly around Nate's shoulders, pulling him close enough that they could lean back and Nate could nestle his head on David's shoulder. David leaned his head down and rested it on top of Nate's. God, he's so warm...

They sat there in silence for a few minutes, David occasionally rubbing Nate's arm. At this point, Nate was extremely aware of David's scent. Woodsy, slightly spicy, with just a hint of beer and sweat from the hot apartment. Nate's heartbeat sped up, and David seemed to notice something had changed.

"You okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, no, yeah, this is... This is nice. Really nice." Nate said hesitantly. Take the risk... "You mind if I put my hand on your leg? My arm's starting to fall asleep here."

"Oh, uh..." David hesitated. Then, quietly, "yeah, sure, go ahead." Nate hesitated for a moment longer, then rested his paw on David's knee and gave it a bit of a squeeze. David closed his eyes and made a little squeaking sound.

"Sorry, too much?" Nate asked.

"No, uh, you're fine, dude... It's still... cute? Heh." David pressed himself closer to Nate, pulling him tightly to his side. "Thanks for this, this is really nice. I needed this. Haven't been close to someone since my junior year of high school."

They jumped slightly as Nate's phone chimed. He checked it. "Looks like the guys are headed back. Do you wanna-" But David was already scooting away. Damn... But Nate understood. He himself had barely been ready to tell his new friends he was gay, and David had seemingly just come out to him. Besides, Nate wasn't living with two other jocks, and Bets was fairly harmless, if a little naïve. Nate smiled, a little ruefully, and spoke up. "Thanks for the cuddles. I really enjoyed it. Wish we could've had more time though."

"I, uh..." David was blushing again. He was hesitant when he continued. "I really liked it too, I think. We could... do it again sometime? Or other stuff? If you want, I dunno what I'm doing, but I think I... like you? You seem nice."

Other stuff, huh? Like what? No! Bad thoughts! He's sweet, get your mind out of the gutter... "Sure! Yeah, I'd love to do... other stuff. I'm not super experienced either, so we can explore what you'd like to do together." Nate said cheerfully. "And don't worry, I'm not Bets. Your secret is safe with me."

David let out a quick sigh of relief. "Thanks, man. I'm sorry, I'm just not ready to tell the guys yet. They seem fine with you, but I gotta live with them." Yeah, Nate thought, figured that out already.

With that, the lock turned, and Josh burst through the front door. "Hey, we're back! AND WE GOT TACOS!" There are way too many bags, Nate thought, how are they going to eat all that?

Turned out that most of it was for Josh and Bets, who apparently had bottomless pits for stomachs. They spent a good half hour devouring their late night munchies, before picking up the games where they'd left off. But a few minutes into their next game, something Nate didn't expect happened.

David seemed more relaxed, and was chatting with Nate and the others more now.. He'd spread himself out on the loveseat, angling himself towards Nate and the rest of the room. Suddenly, Nate felt something soft brush against his footpaw. He twitched slightly, but didn't think much of it, until it happened again. Something soft yet firm, rubbing against the side of his foot. Is someone kicking me...? Nate looked around, and saw David looking at his cards. Why is he so red? Is he really that drunk? But then, David caught his glance, flashed Nate a little smile, and flicked his eyes down towards the floor before turning to talk trash to Josh about the card he'd just drawn. That strange, twisty feeling crept back into Nate's stomach. It's him! He's doing this on purpose! That's... okay, that's just adorable. It's... like we're getting away with something secret.

David continued throughout the game, a gentle nudge here, a longer touch there, even going so far as to press his whole leg against Nate's on occasion, all while hidden discreetly under the table. Every time David touched him, a shiver would go down Nate's spine, and he was glad for the alcohol, because he knew he was bright red by now. The small, affectionate touches felt so good, and to be getting them from a toned, well-built otter like David was just the icing on the cake. Nate couldn't think for the life of him why someone as attractive as David, who could really have his pick of guys, would be interested in him, but he wasn't about to question it now. It was taking every ounce of his willpower not to purr with contentment, and the beers weren't helping matters.

The night wore on, and as 3:00 rolled around, eyelids were starting to droop. However, a problem had arisen. At some point, Shaina had gotten into the games, and she was no longer, well, sober. "Guys..." she chortled, "I don't think I can drive anymore. I kicked your butts that last round, though! But yeah... I'm, uh, drunk now." She turned to address Josh. "Can we crash here for a bit? 'Till I'm sober, at least?"

Josh let out a booming laugh. "Yeah, girly! We've got an air mattress and the loveseat. You can just stay the night. I don't know where we're gonna put a third person, though..."

David chimed in, talking a little too quickly. "Nate can stay in my room. I'll, ah, sleep on the floor! Yeah, that'll work. It's fine."

Josh looked skeptical, but then shrugged and clapped his paws together. "Okay, well, that's everyone sorted out then. You guys can go to bed, Grant and I can get the girls set up real quick." Grant grunted, apparently too drunk for intelligible speech, and went to rummage in a closet for bedding.

David reached out a paw and pulled Nate to his feet. "Okay, big guy, my room's at the end of the hall. I got the biggest room, so there'll be plenty of space. Follow me." Nate stumbled a little, but managed not to trip over himself on his way to David's room. As David opened the door, Nate was again surprised at how spacious the place was. Perks of having the master bedroom! There were a few posters on the wall, and everything was bathed in the bluish purple glow of a blacklight, illuminating David's bright bedsheets, starkly contrasted by the dark comforter. Nate couldn't make out the color of it in the dim glow, but it was perhaps... Blue? And the last thing he noticed was that the room smelled like him. It was so strong, woody and herbal, like springtime in the forest. He'd have to ask David what scent he used, because it was, frankly, intoxicating.

David noticed him spacing out. "Dude, you okay? Please don't tell me you're gonna barf. I've got a trash can here..."

Nate snapped out of his stupor. "No, no, man. I'm good. Just looking around. Uh... Nice room."

"Oh. Heh. Thanks." David grinned shyly. "Well, let me grab a pillow, I've got an extra blanket in my closet, and then we can- "

Nate stopped him. "Hey, look, I appreciate it, but I really don't want to take your bed away from you. If you want, I can sleep on the floor tonight."

David looked horrified. Why? "No way! You're my guest, and besides, I don't mind. I can deal with it for one night, I'll just be a little sore in the morning."

Nate wasn't having any of this, though. A better idea started to creep into his mind. What if...? Yeah. Might as well try it. Be bold! "Well... it is a full size. Plenty of room for two... If you want, there's no reason either of us has to sleep on the floor..."

David was quiet for a minute. _Come on, say something..._Then, quietly, he said, "Are you sure? I'd like to, but... I don't wanna move too fast..."

Nate took another chance and gave him a big hug, making David twitch, but he hugged back nonetheless. "We wouldn't have to do anything you don't want to do. If all you wanna do is sleep, that's fine. But honestly? I wouldn't say no to more cuddles, if you want."

David chuckled a little at that. "Yeah... yeah, that sounds good. Uh, I usually sleep in my boxers though. Is that too much? I can leave my shorts on if you're uncomfortable with that, but sleeping with a shirt on is too hot for me, usually."

Nate shook his head quickly. "You can sleep in whatever you're comfortable with. I usually just sleep in my underwear myself, though I'm a boxer brief guy here." Although, Nate thought, I think you'll be hotter without the shirt than with it.

David smiled shyly again. "Okay, that's cool with me. Uh, I guess let's get ready for bed..." And with that, David began pulling up his tank top.

He didn't turn around, instead he faced Nate the entire time. Is it my imagination, or is he showing off? David casually revealed his toned stomach, covered in cream-colored chestfur. Flat, with just the hint of a six-pack coming in. It was clear he worked out in addition to his swimming. A few moments later, his chest came into view, along with that adorable fluff of fur between his pecs. Nate just wanted to bury his face in it, nestled against him all night. Finally, he brought the shirt over his head, and tossed it casually into a hamper in the corner of the room. He grinned coyly at Nate, who was practically drooling at this point. "Hey, see something you like?"

"Mhm... what? O-oh! Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, uh..." Now it was Nate's turn to stammer and blush, looking down at the floor.

With a sudden surge of confidence, David stepped closer to Nate. He put a couple fingers beneath Nate's chin, and raised his eyes to look up once more. Gently, David murmured, "Hey, it's okay... I don't mind if you look, you know. That, eh... was kinda the point." They looked into each other's eyes for a few moments, spellbound with each other, before he said, "Hey, you know... I'm feeling awfully underdressed now. You've got some catching up to do."

Nate had thought his face couldn't get any redder. It may have been dark David's room, but Nate was sure he must be able to feel the waves of heat coming from his cheeks. He's standing so close to me... Oh, help..."O-oh. Well, yeah, sure, but... But, I'm not nearly as good-looking as you are. I mean, Josh wasn't wrong when he said I was a nerd, I just don't know if you'll like what you see..."

"I already like what I see..." David said, his baritone voice going soft and husky. "Go ahead. P-please?"

"Okay..."Nate said, barely whispering. He started to unbutton his shirt, paws shaking ever so slightly. Of course, he started from the top down, so the first thing he exposed was his chest. Two slightly soft mounds, rounded, but with the faintest traces of muscle behind them from his long hours of stocking at his work. As more buttons came undone, he revealed his belly, a softly rounded middle from good cooking and lots of it. Nate fumbled awkwardly getting out of the sleeves, since in his haste he forgot to roll them back down, but he finally managed to slip out of his shirt altogether. Dropping it to the floor, he just stood there for a moment. After almost a minute had passed, they spoke at almost the same time. "Well, what do y-"

"Oh."David breathed. Then, slightly louder. "Just... wow."

Nate flinched a little. "Sorry. That bad, huh? I told you, it's gross, it's a definite nerd bod. I-"

David put a paw to Nate's lips. "No. No, never. I never want to hear you talk about yourself that way. I thought you were cute, but I was wrong. You're... beautiful. You're so, so beautiful." David reached up and caressed Nate's muzzle, then moved back to his cheek, and softly, said it again. "Wow..."

Nate's face felt hot again, but in a different way this time. Before, he was blushing, but this... What is this? But he didn't have to wonder too long, as the heat spread to his eyes. Am I... oh no... am I about to cry?!

David saw Nate's eyes start to well up, and pulled back instantly. "Shit! Sorry, sorry! I don't know what I did, but I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you, we can just go to bed, I'll sleep on the floor, it's fine, I don't know what I was thinking, I-"

This time, it was Nate's turn to silence him. He grabbed David by the shoulders, pulling him into a fierce hug, and chuckled wetly. Shocked, it took David a moment, but he returned the embrace. "W-wha-?" David stuttered.

Nate just kept holding him, rocking back and forth gently. Eventually, he rested his forehead on David's, and explained. "You know how I said I've only been with a couple guys before? Well, the reason it's not more is because they really didn't have, uh, romantic intentions. I kinda... got used to the idea that I was only good for, well, sex, and that I wasn't good enough to be, well, wanted by someone. And I guess I was fine with that? But now I can't believe it, because here you are, and you're so damn beautiful, and sweet, and kind, and... and you think I'm beautiful..." Nate unintentionally let out a short, gentle sob. "It's... I mean, I can't... I don't know what to say, I'm just so happy I-"

David kissed him.

He was firm, yet gentle, one paw behind Nate's head and the other locked around his waist, pulling him close. Nate breathed deeply, fire running through his veins, a bolt of lightning down his back. Every nerve in their bodies twitched, David radiating heat, Nate barely holding back tears of joy. They kissed, finally drunk on more than just cheap beer. They broke apart, and kissed again, and again, slower, still tenderly, but no less passionately. Nate brought his paws up to David's face, stroking his cheeks and his soft, fuzzy ears as David ran his along Nate's back. And finally, Nate cried, tears rolling down his cheek, one falling onto David's face. They pulled apart at last, panting, breathless, speechless.

After a few minutes, David pulled Nate's face towards his again, giving one swift peck. Then he said, "I'm sorry you had to feel that. That's... shitty. I don't know what to say. But, I can say this. You ARE beautiful. I DO like you. And you're worth it. I don't know what I'm gonna do about telling the guys, but... I definitely want to see more of you. And I don't mean like, take your pants off. Although we do need to get to bed... But like, I want to take you out sometime. Do you... like, like coffee? Or, food? Of course you like food, everyone likes food..." David started to ramble.

Nate placed a finger on David's lips. "I do like coffee, and I really like food. I'd love to go out with you sometime. But yeah, you're right. It's like, 4 in the morning. We gotta get to bed."

The pants finally came off, and after a moment of mutual admiration, they climbed into the bed together. It was just big enough for the two of them, but David had to spoon Nate to keep him from falling off. Such a tragedy!

As Nate drifted off to sleep, he wondered what rest of the semester would bring. But one thing was certain. This, right here, was something he'd remember for the rest of his days. Here, in this apartment, with this otter, he'd had his first kiss. And, with any luck, there would be many more to come.