First Date: A Nate and David Story

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#2 of Nate and David

The second installment of the Nate and David story! We're taking things just a little bit further here.

Nate spent the night with David, warm and safe, wrapped in his arms. Occasionally they would awaken, David pulling Nate close and kissing the back of his neck and his shoulders. Nate, for his part, put his paws over David's arms, rubbing up and down the firm muscles beneath his short, smooth fur, sometimes pulling them tighter around himself just to feel as close as possible to this handsome otter. The night passed fitfully, true slumber seeming impossible, as the two of them found themselves obsessed with these little moments, quiet, secret, something that only they shared.

At some point, exhaustion won out, and sleep overcame them. They slept together, entirely incognizant of the time passing, but never spending a moment apart. When Nate awoke, he was warmed by David's shirtless body, but with the return of consciousness came...

OWWW... My head... Right. He really wasn't an experienced drinker, and last night had been, well, a lot. Still, if it hadn't been for that, he'd never have had any of the good times. Wait... he thought through the throbbing at his temples. Will David still want me? He was drinking too... Oh no, what if it was just the beer talking? What if... Nate started to slip out of the bed. He didn't want to end this, but he also wasn't ready for a panicky otter who clearly wasn't ready to come out yet.

But as Nate pulled himself from David's embrace, he was pleased to find David firmly keeping his arms around him. David tugged him to his chest, and nuzzled his head into Nate's neck. "Mmmh... Morning handsome..." Nate's heart skipped a beat. He called me handsome... He remembers! David stretched, squeezing Nate tightly in the process, then continued. "Didja sleep okay?"

"Ah, yeah... just... I think I have a hangover? My head is killing me." Nate mumbled.

"Oh, crap. Sorry! I've got a couple sports drinks in my minifridge, lemme..." David finally released Nate, and twisted around to the cooler behind him. Nate massaged his temples as the door opened and closed, then gasped as a cold plastic bottle was pressed against the back of his neck. David chuckled. "Sorry, couldn't resist. But seriously, drink it. It'll help. It's orange flavor, I hope that's okay, it's kinda all I have."

"Thanks." Nate sat up and took the bottle. He didn't recognize the brand, probably some local kind. _Not like it matters, anyway..._He hadn't realized how incredibly parched he'd been. Nate opened the top and took a gulp, then another. Then another...

"Hey, slow down. If you drink too fast, you'll make yourself sick." David sat up and opened his drink as well, taking slow, deliberate sips. "I know you're probably thirsty as hell, but you gotta recover slowly from a hangover, you can't rush it."

Nate slowed down, although it was taking all of his willpower not to guzzle the icy cold beverage. Still, David's advice seemed to be working. His headache was slowly dulling to a slow throb, and the queasiness in his stomach was subsiding. "Hey man, thanks. I don't actually have much experience drinking, and, ah, last night was kind of a lot for me."

David chuckled, and rested a paw on Nate's shoulder before leaning his head over to whisper in Nate's ear. "Don't worry, I kinda figured. I'll take real good care of you, don't worry."

Nate shivered as his breath tickled his sensitive ears, and found himself blushing. Okay, he's seriously too sweet for me. He took another sip, then decided to play a little himself. "Oh, you'll 'take care of me', will you? And how exactly do you plan on doing that, hmm?" Nate turned his head toward David and gave him a big, cheesy wink.

David laughed loudly, a short, sharp bark, then looked at his phone. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves, big guy... Besides, we were up kinda late. I think I hear them moving around out there, though. Do you..." David hesitated for a moment, a red tinge creeping across his face. "Do you... maybe wanna go get breakfast with me? I'm fine to drive, and it's my treat. I know a great place, something big and greasy will make you feel better in no time."

Food somehow seemed like the last thing Nate wanted, but simultaneously was now the only thing he could think about. "You know what, screw it. Sure, I'd love to get breakfast with you. I won't be able to pay you back till I get paid again, but-"

David abruptly cut him off, seeming a little irritated. "No, don't pay me back! I told you, it's my treat. You don't owe me for this, I just wanna do something nice for you. C'mon, let me have this!" He smacked Nate playfully on the shoulder. "God, it's like you've never been treated to a meal before."

Nate smiled briefly, before looking down at the drink in his hands. He chuckled sadly, thinking about the few times he'd been with guys in his hometown. "Eh, well, actually... I kinda haven't?"

David blinked a few times. "Wait, I thought you said you've been on dates before? They didn't buy you dinner or anything? Is that not a thing gays do?"

"Uh, I wouldn't say I've been on 'dates'. Remember how I said it wasn't really romantic at all? I mean, it was seriously me just showing up at a guy's place and hooking up. They didn't want any attachment, and certainly didn't want any romance, at all. It was all about... whatever I could do for them. And I don't know if that's gay 'culture' or whatever, but I'd like to think gay guys do go on dates. I don't know how you work out who pays, but if I had a choice... I think I'd just melt it if someone took me out and bought me food, or flowers, or whatever." Nate explained. Ugh, he probably thinks I'm a slut now, I shouldn't have told him...

David listened quietly, then set his drink down on the top of the minifridge next to him. Then, he leaned over, and wrapped both arms around Nate, giving him the biggest hug he could manage. Nate blinked in surprise. They sat like that for a few moments, then David said, "I honestly don't know much about being gay. I mean, you're the first person I've told, and it still feels pretty... unreal, to be doing this stuff with a guy. But I definitely know dating, and I know that you deserve to be treated WAY better than the way those guys back home were treating you. You're a person with your own thoughts and feelings, and you deserve the things that make you happy. And I want to see you happy. I mean, you have the cutest smile, and I want to see it, like, all the time... h-hey, don't cry, now..." David heard Nate's breath catch and felt his arms tense up. David squeezed him as tightly as he could. "You're okay now, I promise, I may not know what I'm doing, exactly, but I'll try my hardest. We'll figure it out."

Nate's breath came in short, ragged gasps as he tried not to cry. He wasn't entirely successful, and a couple tears rolled from his eyes and down his cheeks. But he smiled, looking down at his otter, still holding him tightly. "I... thank you. I think that's what I've always been missing. I mean, sex is great, but I just needed someone to... care. To give a damn about me, more than just what I can do for them." Nate put his paw on David's back and scritched his claws gently through the fur. They sat like this for a few minutes, while Nate slowly regained his composure. Eventually, he said wetly, "So, I heard there's this breakfast place...?"

"Shit, yeah! Sorry, you must be starving by now. Let's get dressed and go get some food in you. " David released Nate again, and hopped out of bed. With the sunlight peeking through the blinds, Nate was able to admire him more properly. His back was broad and muscular, defined even through the short, thick fur that covered him. In fact, it even highlighted it, his brown fur glossy to the point of nearly being reflective. He must go through a fortune in conditioner... or is that just a thing for otters? Nate wondered idly. David trotted over to his closet, rummaging through it before turning and calling over to Nate. "Hey, sorry, I don't think I'll have anything that fits you, you're like, way taller than me. Unless you wanna wear gym shorts...?"

"Nah," Nate replied. "I'm good. I'll just wear what I wore yesterday, it's clean enough. I didn't put it on till like 8, I barely wore it, and I didn't spill anything on me." Somehow...

"All right, well, I guess I'll dress up a little bit too. You know, you didn't have to get so fancy for us here. You really went hard."

"Oh... Sorry. Was it too much?"

David had pulled on a polo shirt and was now searching for a pair of jeans. "Anybody tell you that you apologize a lot? Nah, man. You looked incredible. I love the way you dress, just, you don't have to, you know? But if you want to, then I'm never gonna complain, because you seriously know how to pull that stuff off."

Nate face flushed again, trying to shrug casually as he slipped into his pants. "W-well, I guess it's a good thing you're into it, because you're going to see more of it today."

David chuckled again, that rich baritone filling the air. "Good! I can't wait." Having apparently located the pair of jeans he wanted, he rummaged briefly in a dresser before finding some more articles. His paw moved down to his waist, almost in slow motion, and Nate's eyes went wide before...

Nate whipped around. "Dude! Sorry, but warn me next time! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stare, sorry, sorry..."

David seemed confused. "Nate? Hey, chill, man, it's fine. I mean, I change in the locker room all the time, I don't care. Did I make you uncomfortable? If I did, I'm the one who should be sorry, not you." Then, much more quietly, "And I wouldn't have minded if you looked a little..."

Nate shook his head, which was a mistake as the room seemed to spin a little. After getting his bearings, back still turned toward David, he spoke up. "Look, it's not that I necessarily mind. And yes, honestly, I would LOVE to see... more of you... but I'm trying to take this slow here. I don't want to feel like I'm taking advantage of you, or that I'm just some creep who wants to stare at the eye candy..."

"Oho, so you admit that I'm eye candy? Suits me just fine, I don't work out this hard just for swim team." David padded quietly over to Nate, then snaked his arms around his waist. "You're not taking advantage of me. I know what I'm doing. But you're right. We can take this as slow as you want. I guess I'm just excited, I've never actually known a gay guy before, so being able to talk like this, be close to a guy like this... It's all so... damn, it's just really... I'm just happy, okay? And I'm especially happy I get to be doing this with you." David gave him a brief hug. "Now put your shirt on, I'm done. You can turn around whenever."

Nate pulled on his shirt and quickly buttoned it up. It was a bit wrinkly, but it was too much to ask for an iron, and besides, they probably didn't have one anyway. After adjusting the sleeves so they were more properly rolled up again, he turned around to face David. He was standing in the sun coming in the blinds, and was practically glowing. Nate stared at him for a minute, just looking at the handsome otter before him. His headfur was short and messy, the same cream as his chest. He had chosen a light pink polo shirt and a silvery chain necklace, and his jeans were artfully ripped and torn on the thigh and over his knees. "Wow" Nate said softly. "You uh... clean up nice."

"Gee, thanks." David chortled. "And you look every bit as perfect as you did last night. Well, almost..." And he reached up and smoothed Nate's tousled fauxhawk, then ruffled his ears a little bit. "There you go. Now it's perfect."

Nate blushed at his touch, the sensation of David's paw running through his hair nearly turning his legs to jelly. "O-okay, Mr. Smooth, let's go get breakfast."

"Just... one more thing. Before we go out there. There's something I wanna do while we're still in here."

"Hmm? Okay, what's up?"

"First, you gotta close your eyes."

Nate raised an eyebrow, but as David took his paws in his own, he relented and humored him. "Okay, now wh-"

Suddenly, something warm and soft brushed against Nate's nose, making his whiskers twitch. Then, he realized he was feeling David's breath, as he nuzzled his nose against Nate's. And finally, David kissed him, a quick peck on the tip of his muzzle, sending another delicious tingle down his spine.

"Okay", David said. "We can go now. But, uh... I'm still not ready to tell anyone about... me... yet. So, ah, can we keep this a secret? Just for now?"

Nate hesitated for a moment, but agreed. "Yeah, I get it. For now. I don't mind waiting for a little while. It's not like many people know about me anyway, so I get it. But eventually, I do think you should tell our friends. I don't like keeping secrets from them. And I don't wanna lie about it if they ask directly." David nodded, but didn't say anything. They were still holding paws, so Nate gave them a little squeeze, gave him a kiss on the forehead, then let go. David smiled up at him warmly, then turned to the door and opened it.

Surprisingly, most of the lights were still off, despite the clear sounds of motion in the kitchen. As they got to the living room, they saw that Shaina was up and in the kitchen with Josh, leaning against him as he made pancakes. Bets was still lying on the couch, and Grant was nowhere to be seen. Shaina heard them first. "Hayyy guys! Didja sleep okay?"

Nate winced as her voice pierced his brain, but Bets was faster. "Girl, I love you, but PLEASE shut the hell up. God, everything sucks..."

Shaina did not shut up. "Amateur! We gotta do this more, get your tolerance up! How can you call yourself a party animal if this is how you act the next day?"

Josh ignored their bickering. "Hey you two! I'm making pancakes, do you want any- Wait, Nate I get, you didn't bring clothes, but why're you dressed up, Dave?"

David smiled. "Well, Nate had a rough morning too, so I thought we'd go to Henrietta's Diner. I didn't know you'd be making food, I thought you'd still be asleep."

"Oh, nah, I've been up for like an hour" Josh said. "Not too late to change your mind, I'm makin' plenty."

Please, let's just go to breakfast! I want more time with you! Nate thought. Fortunately, David seemed to be of the same mind. "Nah, it's cool, I kinda already promised him I'd take him, and I don't wanna back out. Besides, he's never been."

Josh appeared to accept this. "Hey, you're good. Grant'll eat a ton of these whenever he wakes up anyway."

"Wait" Shaina interjected. David and Nate both looked at her a little guiltily. "If you two are going to breakfast together..." she paused, seeming to consider her words. Gulp. " is Nate getting home?" Phew!

"I'll take him later if you're gone by the time we get back." David said. "I have to work on a history paper tonight, but I can start that later. I have plenty of time."

"Okay, as long as I'm not waiting around forever, that's cool. I gotta work at 3."

"Sounds like a plan, then. Well, we're headed out! Later! If I don't see y'all, it was good meeting you, Shaina. You too, Bets." David said. Shaina hopped up and down and waved, as Bets flopped her arm limply in acknowledgement. Nate and David pulled on their shoes, and headed out the door.

The pair trudged down the stairs to a slightly dented four-door sedan, its dark black paint and tinted windows making a definite statement. Oh great, Nate thought, another speed racer. David pressed a button on a key fob and Nate heard a beep as the doors unlocked. "Well, feel free to hop in! Can't leave without ya." David chirped.

Nate ducked into the passenger side of the car, shut the door, and quickly put on his seatbelt. David laughed at him a bit. "Calm down, bud! I promise I won't drive too crazy with you in the car. I'm still trying to impress you, remember?" Nate gave him a skeptical nod. David patted Nate's leg, then buckled up himself and started the engine. The car roared to life, a deep rumble coming from the engine.

Nate's eyes went wide. "What's wrong with this thing? That's not a sound cars usually make, right?"

David chuckled. "They do when I'm done with them. Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Call it a hobby. Eventually I'm gonna get a sound system in here and then you'll really feel some vibrations."

Nate wasn't entirely sure he wanted to feel any more "vibrations", but for David, he'd be willing to put up with them. Besides, as they pulled out of the parking lot and onto the highway, David seemed to be keeping his promise not to go too fast. The purring of the engine was even kind of thrilling, a throaty growl in the background of the noise of the highway. They chatted while David drove, about nothing in particular: Classes, swim practice, which of their teachers was the hottest. Eventually, they pulled off the highway and onto a stretch of road that didn't seem all that well traveled. At least, there didn't seem to be any cars on it, and nobody seemed to be taking that exit. Nate was suddenly thrown back in his seat as David cursed under his breath, flooring the gas pedal. "Aah-!"

But just as suddenly, David stopped, the light ahead of him turning red. "Ah, man. Sorry. Food's gonna have to wait."

"Dude, what the hell? I thought you said no crazy driving!" Nate sputtered, fur all poofed out.

David winced. "Sorry! I was trying to beat the light. This is for the-" and in the distance, a train horn sounded. "Well, yeah, that."

Nate looked out his window and saw the train approaching. It was a slow one; Looked like a long one too. Having grown up in a small town, he was very familiar with getting stuck behind trains, so it didn't bother him. "Nah... look, you just startled me. It's okay. I'm not mad at you. But you don't have to try to race trains. I'm fine with waiting. Especially since that means I get to spend more time with you..." And Nate booped him on the nose with one of his paw pads.

David grinned sheepishly. "Well, still, sorry. I'm glad you aren't mad though. Uh, since we're gonna be here a while though... can we try something?"

"Well, if it doesn't involve flooring it again, I guess I can't complain. Sure, whadda ya got?"

David closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and let it out. Then, he turned to Nate, wrapped his paw around the back of Nate's neck, and abruptly pulled him in for another kiss.

It was exhilarating. Nobody else was on the road yet, but the thought that someone could come up at any time and see them was a rush that neither of them expected. They started out slow, quick pecks on each other's lips, but quickly turned to slower, more sensual kisses. Nate was the first to try something new this time; He slowly stuck out his barbed tongue, on just the occasional kiss, feeling David's lips, gently pressing, testing to see if the otter might want to go further...

David wasn't expecting Nate to start exploring him with his tongue, but the second he felt it brush his lips, he knew he wanted more. And so he parted his maw too, bright pink tongue darting out to meet Nate's, at first just a gentle touch against his lips, but then he pushed further, delving past Nate's muzzle and deep inside. He'd made out with girls before, but it was never like... this. Something about doing it with Nate made him feel electric, alive...

Nate inhaled sharply as David's tongue made its way into his muzzle. He wasn't against it, but he wasn't expecting him to be so... vigorous. He'd only dreamed of getting kissed like this, but Nate knew the minute their tongues touched that he was absolutely into this. He pushed his mouth against David's, opening wider to allow him access, the freedom to explore his maw. And David did the same, giving a warm reception to Nate's newfound sense of adventure.

They continued to make out as the train rumbled past, David even nibbling on Nate's lower lip occasionally and relishing in the cute squeaks Nate made when he did. Finally, he wrapped a paw around Nate's neck and held him tight, locking the two of them together. Then, they broke apart, practically gasping for air, faces perhaps just a little bit damp from the frenzied action.

The pair of them leaned back in their seats, panting. Finally, Nate spoke up. "So, uh... not that I'm complaining, but where the hell did that come from?"

David lolled his head over and smiled at him. "Excuse me? I just wanted to kiss you. You're the one who added tongue."

"And you stuck it in my mouth. That's all you, hun." Nate retorted. "Still... I guess I kinda started it there. Call it even?"

"Well, see, the thing is... I think I kinda want to do that again." David chuckled as he leaned back in his seat. "Yeah, definitely doing that again. But look, the train's almost done. Raincheck?"

"You bet." Nate replied. The train finally passed, and David put the car in drive to take off.

"Don't panic, I won't take off again." David assured him.

Nate smiled at him. "You know, if you warn me first... maybe I wouldn't have a problem with it? Maybe."

"Oho! You wanna have my kind of fun, huh? Well, we're almost there now... but on the way back, maybe I'll show you what this thing can really do."

Nate grinned recklessly. He usually didn't like breaking the rules, but something about that kiss made him just a little less... uninhibited, now. He was honestly looking forward to the little bit of danger.

True to David's word, about 5 minutes later, they pulled up to a small restaurant on the outskirts of town. As they got out of the car, Nate got a good look at the sign on the front. Henrietta's Diner, huh? Sounds like as good a place as any... I bet they're busy... Nate thought. He didn't see many cars in the lot, though, so maybe he'd get to have a quiet breakfast after all? They walked up to the door, and when they got there, David skipped a few steps ahead to grab it first. "After you, good sir!" David said, bowing slightly.

Nate laughed. "You're sweet, but I do think I could've handled a door, bud." Still, Nate felt that now all too familiar tinge spreading across his cheeks. He'd really meant it when he called David sweet; He really was treating him so nicely. A guy could get used to this...

Nate stepped in, making sure to return the favor by holding the door from the inside to keep it from smacking David's tail. They made their way to the hostess' station, where David asked for a booth for two. The petite husky at the counter grabbed a couple menus as she led them to a corner in the back. As they walked, Nate took in the sight of the restaurant. It was clean, but a little dated, and the fixtures looked sturdy but like they'd been there for 20 years or more. That wasn't to say it was a bad thing; It was just a little more... retro than he'd been expecting. And to his pleasure, they seemed to be in a bit of a slow period, so there were only a few people here, mostly families with the occasional odd single person. David and Nate were definitely overdressed for the place, but nobody seemed to be paying any attention to them. They had been seated on the other side of the diner, away from all the other customers. The husky noticed Nate looking confused by this, and chimed in. "We're switching server rotations at the moment, so I had to seat you on this side. I hope that's okay...?"

Nate nodded. "Yeah, this is great. I, ah... actually have a bit of a... headache, so this honestly helps."

The husky chortled. "Aw, hunny, you can just say hangover! It's fine, we know who we're servin'! Truckers, families, and college kids on the mend. We gotchu!"

Nate blushed again. "O-oh... was it, ah, really that obvious?"

"Yeah, sorry hun! But don't you worry, we'll have you right as rain in a jiffy! Now, Terry's gonna be your server, but can I get y'all started with something to drink?" Nate hesitated, looking over at David. He'd said it was his treat, but he didn't want to break the bank...

David, however, seemed to be anticipating this. "We'll have two large orange juices, I'll have a cola, and... Nate, what kind of soda do you like?"

Nate paused for a moment, then asked, "Do you have diet?"

"Sure do, hun!"

"I'll take a diet, then." Nate decided.

"Sounds good! Terry'll be by in a moment to take your orders, but no rush! Enjoy!" The husky winked at them, then sauntered off to presumably arrange their beverages.

Nate smiled at David. "Thanks, I didn't know what to order, like, at all. I didn't want to be too expensive, so I appreciate your ordering for me."

David scoffed, smiling back. "Hey, Henrietta's is pretty cheap, honestly. And I get way more in scholarships than I really need, anyway... It's fine, bud. Let's look at the menu. But, and I mean this, I want you to order whatever you want. If it looks good, get it. Don't even look at the prices, I want to treat you and I swear you better not try to look out for my wallet here today. You hear me?"

Nate laughed, loud enough to attract a couple looks from across the restaurant. "Okay, okay! Sorry, I'll try to get better about that."

"You still apologize too much." David stuck his tongue out at him over his menu and winked.

"Sor- ugh! Fine." Nate rolled his eyes, and continued scanning the menu. "You know, I think the steak tips and eggs sound good. I guess it comes with pancakes too? I guess we can't escape them today..."

David chuckled. "Yeah, true. I think I'm going to get a veggie omelet. They're massive, so I won't need to much else."

They chatted for a few minutes after deciding on their orders, and shortly, a short, stocky ermine with a closely cropped beard came to the table. "Hey guys! Here are your drinks... Now, I'm Terry, and I'll be taking care of you today! Are you two ready to order?"

Nate and David gave him their orders, and he tottered off to the kitchen to get things started. They both watched him go, and as soon as he was out of earshot, David turned to Nate and whispered, "Hey, he was kinda cute, right?"

Nate was shocked, and perhaps a little hurt. They were supposed to be spending time together! But... "Uh, you know, yeah, he kinda was, I guess. But I like you better..."

"Oh, hands down, you're the cutest guy in here. Sorry, I didn't mean to be.... I don't know. I just never had someone I could talk about this with. Still, don't worry..." and David put his paw on top of Nate's. "I have eyes in my head, but you're the only guy I'm interested in now. Don't ever doubt that."

Nate smiled bashfully. Oh, he's smooth. I'll give him that. "Okay, I guess I'll admit, we should be able to window shop. Neither of us are tied down, right? So a little looking... that's fine." Nate turned his paw up and wrapped his fingers around David's wrist, holding him discreetly in the middle of the restaurant. And for a few moments, they sat silently, just looking at each other, the room going quiet, everything seemingly disappearing around them, as all they could see was each other...

"How are y'all doing on those... O-oh! Sorry!"

Terry had come back to check on the table, and the second he spoke, David and Nate sprang apart like they'd been holding red-hot pokers. David's knee bumped the table, causing a clatter that again drew a few glances. "Hey, y'all... sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your... moment. Sorry, really!" Dropping his voice, Terry continued. "It's seriously fine. Like, I get it... between y'all and me, I wish I could find a guy to do that with. And uh... you make a cute couple!" The ermine cleared his throat a bit. "Looks like you're good on drinks, I'll be back with your food in about five minutes." And he trotted off to the kitchen, red as a beet.

Nate and David stared at each other for a few moments. Finally, Nate piped up. "So, uh... Didn't call that."

David laughed nervously. "Yeah... yeah, that was... lucky. And what are the chances that he'd be... y'know... too?"

Nate smiled. "They're better than you'd think, honestly. There's lots of us around, you just gotta know where to look."

They chatted some more, brushing their legs together under the booth, emboldened by Terry's blessing, but keeping their hands to themselves. Finally, their food arrived. Terry didn't stick around much to chat, though he clearly wanted to. Nate supposed that was because he had to work, although he didn't seem to be very busy. Nate and David ate voraciously, almost racing each other to see who could eat the fastest. Finally, Terry brought the check.

"Here y'all go! And, uh, sorry again for... earlier. I hope I didn't make y'all uncomfortable..."

Nate smiled at him. "No, you didn't... It was just, uh... kind of a shock. Neither of us expected another... guy like us, here. It's okay, seriously."

Terry sighed in relief. "Oh, good. I'd hate to freak out the only other..." and lowering his voice again, "gays... around here. I mean, there's gotta be more, but it's like everyone's in hiding."

Nate and David both laughed, and David said, "Yeah, we... kind of are, actually. Or at least, I am. That's why I freaked out so hard. Oh, it's all one check, too. Here's my card..."

Terry winked at Nate. "Ooh, he's a keeper! Sure, I'll get you cashed out, but stay as long as you want. I'll keep your sodas refilled as long as you're here."

"Thanks, Terry!" Nate chirped. By this time, all the other customers in the diner had left, leaving just Nate and David alone in the place. Since nobody else was looking, and Terry was clearly okay with the situation, David reached over and held Nate's paws again, rubbing them with his thumbs.

The two of them gazed at each other, staring into each other's eyes, showing affection, with just a hint of longing. They could feel that something special was growing between them, but they weren't ready to put a label on it, not yet. For now, no more words needed to be said. Whatever this was, whatever it might become, this was good. This was right. And it was just perfect.