The Prince and His Bodyguard

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#2 of The Princess, The Prince and the Squirrel

A commissioned follow up to The Princess and the Squirrel from an anonymous client.

Forced to shack up with his Bodyguard, Prince Roderick is grateful that at least she is loyal to him and as their relationship evolves into... something more, he can take comfort in knowing she won't betray him... right?

Just like before this story is filled with NTR and Small Dick Shaming, you have been warned!

It has been a couple days since the prince had come to stay in Glenda's quarters. His bodyguard of many years was the only person in the whole castle he had felt comfortable confiding in about what had happened to him.

Glenda for her part was disgusted by the actions of the Princess and her squirrel consort. She wanted nothing more than to march up to that squirrel and crush his skull, but she had been around the politics of kingly courts long enough to know that without the King's blessing, she would need to be a little more subtle than that.

In the meantime, she still had the Prince to worry about, he was emotionally devastated, vulnerable. It made Glenda feel a little guilty that seeing him like this was... awakening old feelings, feelings she always knew she would have to abandon. However now there was an opportunity, a way they could help each other. But even as she mustered up the nerve to make her proposition, she couldn't help but wonder if she was deep down being selfish.

She was well built, tough as nails and had a rather... abrasive personality. These traits had given her great success as a member of the royal guard, but also had left her quite lonely outside of it.

"My Prince?" She called out as she approached the scrawny, white-furred stoat that was sat in the corner of her chambers, reading a book in the candlelight. He had hardly left the room since the incident, ashamed to show his face. Glenda would retrieve books from the library for him, as well as meals from the kitchens.

Prince Roderick's eyes flicked up at her. "Yes, Glenda, is something the matter?" He asked.

"No, nothing the matter sire. It's just, I've been thinking about this situation and, uh, well..." Glenda stammered out, stumbling on her words. She was surprised at herself, at how nervous she felt. She wouldn't hesitate to jump in front of an assassin's blade, ready to trade blows with an armed assailant with naught but her bare hands if so be it. To be first into a fray. But this? Matters of love were a battlefield she had not tread upon much in her life.

"I'd rather not talk about my... er, situation." The prince replied, eyes flicking back to his book.

"I know, my Prince, only, I may have come to a... potential solution." Glenda finally blurted out.

This got the Prince's attention again, his eyes peeking out over the book. "Solution? What did you have in mind?"

"Well... you need to produce an heir, right? What if you produced one with... someone else?"

The Prince cocked his head. "I... I don't know. They could argue it doesn't count, they would only have blood right to my kingdom, not both of them. My marriage was meant to join the kingdoms together."

Glenda nodded. "Sure, but it would make your claim to your own kingdom stronger if you could prove the royal line will be able to continue. If nothing else, it proves the princess acted in bad faith, you'd have the means to expose her as being the one in the wrong."

"I suppose that's true, proof of my virility would at least make it harder for the public to forgive her infidelity. Give us leverage." Roderick mused. "But where am I to find a woman willing to have my bastard? Just about every woman in this castle has been seeded by that damned squirrel and my reputation is bad enough as it is. I can hardly be seen going to a brothel or having whores brought to the castle."

"I... I'd be willing. My prince." Glenda muttered out, breaking eye contact and looking away.

Roderick cocked his head. "Truly? I'd never have thought of you as desiring motherhood."

Glenda blushed, his words unintentionally hurting a little. "Well... I do." She said, despite how often people might compare her build and demeanor to that of a man behind her back, nature's call to nurture a little one of her own had not passed her by.

"But, with me? Surely you'd want someone who can give you stronger children." The Prince said, his own insecurities on display.

"No, I want you... err, I mean, I wish only to serve you" She stammered out.

"I see... well nobody can deny your loyalty." The regal stoat said. "I... I accept."

Glenda's face twisted into an expression of shock, she had expected him to shoot her proposal down. "Th-thank you my liege." She said, blushing. There were several long moments of awkward silence, before she finally spoke again. "Sh-should we do this right away?"

Roderick set his book down. "I suppose that would be... prudent. But, uh, it's all a little... sudden." He admitted.

Glenda nodded. "Y-yeah I suppose it is. We could... ease into it. Try to make things more... natural?"

"Hm, perhaps that would be best. Hrm... where should we, err, begin?" Roderick asked, his voice shaky.

"Well... we could... kiss." Glenda blushed as soon as she suggested it.

"Okay..." Roderick agreed.

Glenda awkwardly shuffled closer to the royal stoat, crouching down as she leaned over his seated form. Slowly she brought her muzzle close to his, when he didn't change his mind, she pressed her mouth to his regal lips. The kiss started off awkwardly, but as the Prince slowly relaxed, his lips parted and Glenda took the invitation, slipping her tongue inside of her charge's maw. As she did, Roderick leaned forward, pressing back into the kiss, the awkward attempt at setting the mood turning into something much more altogether... real.

While Glenda was lost in the moment, not wanting it to ever end, eventually her own anxiety that she was overstepping her boundaries got the better of her and she pulled away. "W-was that okay, my Prince?"

Roderick nodded. "M-more than okay." He admitted, blushing. "I-I think I am ready to take things... further. If you're still willing, that is."

Glenda nodded without skipping a beat, her response perhaps a tad_over_-enthusiastic. "Of course, my Prince. Shall I... disrobe?"

"Yes!" Roderick blurted out, blushing again as he also showed a touch of over-enthusiasm. "I... I shall do the same.

Slowly, the burlier stoat began to strip, awkwardly fumbling with the fastenings of her armor before dropping the heavy garments of metal to the ground and beginning to pull herself out of the thick gambeson underneath.

Roderick watched her, blushing as he also began to disrobe, even slower than his nervous bodyguard. In the time it took Glenda to remove her armor and strip down to the smallclothes beneath, Roderick had managed to unbutton and remove only his shirt.

Underneath her armor, Glenda's body was well toned and muscular, lacking any unnecessary fat. She was very unlike the more delicate and soft Princess that Roderick would be more accustomed to. Also unlike the princess, she lacked the voluptuous and curvy figure of the royal stoat. As she removed her top she revealed smaller breasts, her waist was not trim but thicker and sturdier, built to grapple an opponent to the ground, or carry her charge to safety. The thickness of her waist made her altogether nice ass not quite pop as much as it otherwise would, causing it to often go underappreciated when overshadowed by her musculature.

Once she was completely naked, she looked at the Prince and blushed, he had still not taken anything else off, standing there looking even more nervous than she was. "S-sorry if I am not quite as... beautiful as you are used to." She said, worried that having a body that could break his in two was intimidating to him.

"N-no, it's not you." Roderick said, sighing as he finally pulled down his pants, exposing himself to her, blushing.


The surprised look on Glenda's face likely did little to alleviate the shame either. She had heard the rumors of course and the prince had confided that he had failed to please the Princess, that the squirrel was... bigger than he was.

But well, she wasn't expecting it to be _that_small.

An awkward silence followed, until Glenda finally broke it by clearing her throat and approaching her bed. "We should get started... do you... prefer being on top?"

Roderick stepped forward. "Uh yeah, just lay on your back and spread your legs, there's uh... something I want to try."

As she got onto the bed, the Prince followed, getting on his knees. As her legs spread he lowered his head down between them, until his face was close to her wet sex.

Glenda blushed as she realized what he was about to do. "Y-you don't have to do that for me."

Roderick shook his head. "I... want to. I've never done it before and I need to... erm... practice." He admitted.

"I see... very well." Glenda said, as Roderick finished lowering himself down, his muzzle making contact with her nether lips.

At first his... _attempts_were fruitless. She felt little more than the most basic stimulation, nothing that would bring her to orgasm. Even though she had never had someone do this for her before, Glenda could tell he wasn't kidding about never doing it before either and needing the practice. Eventually the larger stoat began to coach him on what actions felt good versus which didn't really do much for her at all. It was a slow and awkward process of trial and error, but eventually Glenda could feel the pleasure rising... before eventually, she hit her peak.

As her orgasm hit, the Prince's bodyguard didn't quite know the significance of it, that this was the first orgasm the Prince had ever given a woman.

The awkward and clumsy oral pleasure almost made up for the mediocrity that followed as the prince climbed atop her and stuck his tiny cock inside. She could hardly feel it, she felt his hips slapping against her more vividly than that of his cock inside of her.

Thankfully she didn't have to lay there contemplating if she should at least pretend to enjoy it for long, soon the Prince's thrusts turned frantic before he let out a groan, releasing a tiny trickle of cum inside of the larger stoat.

After his climax, Roderick slipped off of her, soon falling asleep on the bed beside her. Glenda meanwhile watched him for a while... it hadn't quite been what she was expecting, but he was kinda cute when he was asleep.

The next day Glenda found that if nothing else, she had restored a little of the Prince's confidence. In addition he was strangely... affectionate as she found him cuddled up to herself in the morning, he even left the chambers for a few moments, if not just to remain at her side while she fetched them breakfast, over which they openly discussed their next move. The Prince still wasn't sure her plan would work, even if the seed took and wanted a backup. The simplest approach was still to remove the squirrel from the equation entirely. With him gone, perhaps the Prince could simply adopt the squirrel's bastards as his own? As a show of kindness? But to do any of that, they needed to know more about this Marcus, as he called himself.

"He has half the palace staff on his side and the other half are loyal to the King and by extension, the Princess. They won't help us in any way now that he is officially her consort. Besides, he's never seen away from the Princess' side."

"True, but Emily is seen around the castle without him clinging to her." Roderick pointed out. "He must go off on his own at some point. He's slippery, but we just need to observe him when he thinks nobody is watching."

"But that just takes us right back where we started, we don't know where that will be."

"Not quite." The Prince stated. "We know one place where he will think nobody is watching him. Emily's bedchamber, shortly after she retires for the evening."

The plan was simple and surprisingly easy to pull off, even for someone more accustomed to a straightforward approach like Glenda. There was a window after the palace staff was done cleaning that nobody entered the Princess' chambers until she retired for the night. The room was kept locked of course, but Glenda, as the Prince's bodyguard, had the key. After slipping inside, she simply hid within the Prince's spacious and currently unused wardrobe.

After waiting several hours, Glenda finally heard the doors to the bedroom click open, Glenda watched through the keyhole of the wardrobe door as Princess Emily entered the room with her paramour. She watched as several servants, each looking just as gravid as the princess herself, helped the beautiful young woman from her complex dress. Glenda had never worn a dress like that herself, but couldn't help but equate the process to having squires help a knight in and out of a suit of plate, only this was armor for diplomacy, not war.

Soon the servants left once Emily was disrobed for bed and the door locked behind them. Glenda watched as the two "lovers" embraced, the squirrel wrapping his arms around the stoat from behind possessively. A thief with his prize... It brought Glenda's blood to a boil. But perhaps she would get lucky and these two conspirators would reveal their plans to steal Roderick's kingdom from him?

"They're getting so big." The squirrel said, stroking Emily's pregnant belly.

"They?" Emily asked, surprised. "Are you sure there is more than one?"

"Oh yes, definitely. At least twins. Maybe even triplets." Marcus told her. "A testament to their mothers fertility."

Emily smiled, placing her hands over his. "I can't wait to meet them..."

They held each other for several long moments, basking in the moment unaware of their hidden voyeur. Lost in their display Glenda found her own hands traveling to her flat belly, the thought of being pregnant herself entering her mind. Would she ever feel what Emily is feeling now? Or were the rumors of the prince's sterility just as veracious as those about the size of his manhood.

The disappointing reality of Roderick's pathetic cock was all the more highlighted as the pair turned to face one another and Emily began to strip the clothes from Marcus. As his pants were removed, his hardening cock was exposed, long and thick, the sight of it was almost mouth watering.

Emily leaned in, pressing her muzzle to his, moaning softly as they began to kiss. Her hand dropped low, gently stroking the squirrel's cock while Marcus' own hands traveled around, groping and squeezing the Princess' royal tush.

As the squirrel's cock grew to its full glory he hoisted his pregnant lover up, breaking the kiss as he gently set her down, seated on the edge of her bed as he lined his cock up to her slick entrance. Teasing her with his tip, rubbing it against her wet, quivering sex.

"Put it in already, I can't take it any longer." The Princess moaned out.

"Your wish is my command, my love." The squirrel said, thrusting his hips and driving his cock inside.

Glenda's hand was trembling as she resisted the urge to drive it down the front of her trousers, watching this loving embrace was affecting her in ways she couldn't have predicted. Especially as Marcus began to move his hips, Emily throwing her arms around him, pulling him back into another kiss, the pair's moans growing in intensity.

All the while Glenda continued to try and resist as horny thoughts entered her mind. She wasn't a virgin before bedding the Prince but those had all been drunken flings. Not even any of those men could measure up to this squirrel and those encounters had been nowhere near as loving and tender as what she was witnessing, Glenda couldn't help but wonder what it would be like.

The pair before her continued their love making, their hands eagerly exploring every inch of each-others bodies, their muzzles still locked in a deep kiss. Emily's moans were becoming more frantic with every passing moment, with the squirrel showing no sign of slowing down any time soon. Continuing until her frantic moans of pleasure hit a crescendo, she pulled away from the kiss and threw her head backwards, screaming out in the ecstasy of her climax.

But before she could finish, Marcus wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into him, her gravid belly pressed against his body as he doubled his efforts, his thrusts becoming rapid and almost feral. At first Glenda thought he was merely close to cumming himself, but his face told a different story, a sly smirk as he looked down at the stoat in the throes of pleasure. The real purpose behind his action became clear as the Princess began to cry out again, the squirrel sending her into a second orgasm right off the back of the first.

As Emily was panting from the dual-climax, Marcus slowly withdrew his cock.

"You good?" He asked in a soft tone, climbing onto the bed beside her, placing a hand on her shoulder.

Emily nodded, smiling as she looked him in the eyes.

"That's great, because I'm not finished with you." He teased before picking the stoat up once again, setting her down on his lap as he laid back, burying his cock within her sex once again.

The Princess moaned out sharply and began to bounce in her consort's lap while he massaged and stared at her swollen belly. Slowly she began to pick up her pace, a look of determination crossing her face. She rode his throbbing rod in a reversal of roles, determined to finally make the squirrel cum, just as he had made her cum twice over earlier.

The squirrel however didn't budge, moaning softly at the pleasure he was receiving, but showing no signs that he was close. That was until the princess' face began to twist in pleasure, as she was showing the telltale signs that she was close to her third orgasm, Marcus finally began to moan out much more loudly.

"I'm... I'm almost there..." He grunted out, through gritted teeth.

"So am I! Let it all out inside me!" Emily cried out in response.

That's exactly what he did, thrusting up into his lover, pouring his seed within her.

Glenda was amazed by this, not just the display of their passion, but just how in control the squirrel was. Emily might not have noticed in the heat of passion, but the squirrel's stamina was something else, he likely had been close for some time but had only allowed himself to finish because Emily wanted him to.

Seemingly spent, the pair cuddled for some time, however once Princess Emily was sound asleep, Marcus slowly got up out of bed.

He redressed himself, careful not to make a sound as he did, before slipping out of the room entirely.

Glenda was not far behind, creeping out of the closet, she peeked down the hall and spotted the squirrel's bushy tail as he was entering another room a short ways away. Glenda made her way down the hall towards the door the squirrel slipped through. As she peeked inside of the room, she was shocked by what she saw.

Marcus, seated in the corner of a sitting room, filling a pair of wine glasses from a bottle he was holding and staring right back at Glenda. "Come on in, I think it's time we had a chat."

Glenda stepped through the doorway cautiously, pushing the door behind her closed instinctively to slow the squirrel's only avenue of escape in case he tried anything. "What manner of trick is this?"

"No trick. I just wish to have a drink with a beautiful woman."

Glenda was taken aback, still hesitating as she drew closer. "You think false platitudes will save you?"

"Please, my words are genuine. I don't need lies to save myself from anything. I already know you won't kill me." He said casually, pushing a glass closer to Glenda.

"You think you can back that statement up?" She challenged as she stepped up to the other side of the table.

"Oh, don't misunderstand me, if it came to violence I doubt I would stand much of a chance. I'm cornered and while I consider myself quick, I'm not that quick." Marcus explained. "No, I mean that you don't have any intentions to kill me."

Glenda took a seat across from the squirrel, taking the glass that was closer to Marcus, ignoring the one offered to her. "What makes you so sure of that?"

Marcus smirked, taking the remaining glass of wine, sipping from it. "You know the truth. Emily loves me and I love her. You wouldn't be as callous to take me from her."

"She's just as guilty in all of this as you are." Glenda pointed out, drinking down her entire glass in one swig.

Marcus chuckled, refilling the stoat's glass for her. "Oh come now, guilty of what? Adultery? What choice did she have? She was trapped in an unfulfilling, arranged political marriage. Worse yet, all she wanted was to be a mom, to have little Princes and Princesses of her own. But we both know that was never going to happen with Roderick."

Glenda's eye's flicked down to her own flat stomach for a brief second. "You don't know that for sure."

"They tried every night for what? Seven months? Eight Months? That's well over two-hundred failed attempts by my math. I got her pregnant in one. You're smart, you can see where the problem lies." The squirrel explained. "No matter how much you wish the Prince's seed would take within your womb."

"Wha-" Glenda was stunned. "How did you..."

"I can smell him on you." Marcus tapped his nose. "I could also smell how excited you got watching us... the Prince didn't live up to your expectations either, did he?"

"That's none of your business." Glenda grumbled. "And it doesn't matter, it still doesn't excuse your part in this... he loved her."

"Maybe." Marcus said, swirling the wine in his glass. "But what's the phrase? If you love something, set it free, if it comes back it was meant to be? It wasn't meant to be. This is better, for both of them."

Glenda was visibly confused. "How is this better for him?"

"Well, you're not the first to enjoy a little show of our love. Did he tell you that?"

"Yes, he told me everything you did to him." Glenda took another swig of wine, a scowl across her face.

"Everything? Did he tell you that he got hard? That he came all over himself without so much as a touch? That deep down... he liked seeing his bride get claimed by another man?" The squirrel smirked, taking another sip from his glass.

Glenda shook her head. "You're a liar."

"Believe what you will, but I can tell you care for him so I figured I would pass along something you might be able to... use. The art of pleasure is about knowing what your partner wants." Marcus told her.

Glenda was silent, not exactly sure how to respond to such a... gesture? She wasn't sure what it was.

"You know." The squirrel continued. "I meant what I said. You are beautiful. Probably one of the most beautiful people in this palace."

Glenda gave him a bewildered look. "That's just absurd."

"Is it?" He asked. "So many women here are conventionally beautiful, sure. But you, you're different. Unique. Where these other women are dainty and delicate yet you, you are strong, sturdy. Yet you still long for something tender, don't you?" He leaned in, placing a hand over hers on the table.

Glenda was confused, flustered, both by him and the sensation within her chest, she yanked her hand back after several moments of hesitation. "If you find me so beautiful, why didn't you try to seduce me like you did every other woman in the palace?"

The squirrel just smiled at her. "Apologies if you felt... left out. I didn't intend to shun you. Your unwavering loyalty is an admirable trait, back then I was still an intruder, nothing I could say would have stopped you from bashing my skull."

"So what, you think my loyalty will waver because I found out the Prince has a tiny dick!?" Glenda retorted.

Marcus' nose twitched. "Of course not." He shook his head. "I merely meant that now I am no longer an intruder, you aren't duty bound to clap me in irons."

"But... after all this talk of love? What about Emily? Roderick?" Glenda said, her voice cracking as she spoke.

"Emily? I still love her. I also love Jezebel, the serving girl and Mary, the stable hand. She knows this, they all know I have more love to give than to just one woman. As for Roderick... Well, this isn't about him. You're still a woman, you have needs, you deserve more."

* * * *

Roderick was making his way down the hall, towards the Princess' bedchamber, he was nervous, worried that if something had gone wrong and Glenda had gotten found out things might get... messy. He figured he would pop down the hall and at least make sure a brawl hadn't broken out. That was when he heard voices further down coming from another room.

When he got there he peeked through the barely-cracked open door.

"So what, you think my loyalty will waver because I found out the Prince has a tiny dick!?" Glenda yelled. The words hitting the Prince like a ton of bricks. Still, as unintentionally hurtful as they were, she was standing up for him. At first. Roderick watched as that back and forth continued and realized with horror that the squirrel was coming out on top.

She was falling for his charms!?

The Prince began to rationalize that maybe Glenda had more guile than he once believed, that she was lulling him into a false sense of security so he would spill something incriminating.

Then, their clothes began to come off. Marcus began to squeeze and fondle her breasts, alternating between kissing her on the muzzle and suckling on one of her teats.

"S-sorry if they are a little... small." Glenda said, blushing, her voice as nervous as she had been with Roderick last night.

"Nonsense." The squirrel said confidently. "They are lovely and perfectly compliment such a powerful, feminine form."

"Oh... u-um... thanks." She stammered out nervously.

"Come." Marcus took her hand, guiding her over to a lounge over by a narrow window where the moonlight trickled in. "Lay on your back, I would look at you while we... indulge ourselves."

Glenda shot him a surprised look, then blushed as she laid down on the satin upholstery while Marcus crawled on top of her, grabbing one of her ankles and folding it back, exposing her wet and eager pussy.

Roderick couldn't believe what he was watching, it was surreal to see. There was a rush of mixed emotions. The pain of betrayal among them... but also something else, arousal. He grit his teeth as shame was added to that mix, his cock growing hard just as it had before, last time he watched the squirrel lay with someone who had previously devoted themselves to him. It would make a tent in his pants, if he had enough cock to do so.

The Prince continued to watch as Marcus drove his hips forward, spearing his thick rod into Glenda's depths, the gruff, muscular bodyguard moaning out and arching her back. Watching her reaction only made Roderick think back to when he had mounted her just last night, she hadn't reacted at all. The Prince felt humiliated yet again, yet as that humiliation washed over him, his hand began to travel down, sliding past the waistband of his pants, squeezing his cock with his fingers as he began to stroke himself.

Putting his free hand in his mouth to stifle his moans, Roderick was stroking himself rather vigorously, matching the pace of the couple he was secretly watching. The prince felt so small, insignificant even, as he watched them. Not just small in his pants, though that certainly played a part, but the squirrel wasn't just more endowed than him, coasting off the gifts nature gave him, he was more skilled too as he guided Glenda from orgasm to orgasm, a feat that had taken the Prince some time, with coaching, to attain just once. Simply put, the squirrel was just... better than him.

"I am getting close." Marcus groaned out. "Where do you want it?"

Glenda blushed, breaking eye contact with her newfound lover. "Y-you know what I want..." she mumbled out as shame played across her face, shame as she considered this final act of betrayal for nobody's sake but her own.

"I want to hear you say it." The squirrel insisted.

"I-inside. I want to get pregnant." The stoat admitted.

Roderick's heart sank at this, hearing Glenda say this, all but admitting she believed the prince incapable of siring offspring of his own too, it was like a dagger in the chest. A dagger that made the prince cream his pants with a few pitiful drops of sperm as he watched the squirrel drive his hips forward one last time.

Glenda cried out as he filled her, virile sperm flooding her womb to seek out unfertilized eggs. Roderick didn't stay to watch the afterglow, choosing to make himself scarce, lest he get caught peeping.

Roderick did not get a restful night of sleep, left on his own the feelings of betrayal festered, combined with feelings of anxiety and despair. Despair at his own inadequacies, but also that he now had no allies left to help him reclaim his crown. That everything in his life had just been stolen from him. All of this left him in a fitful state until morning, until the door to Glenda's chambers opened.

The Prince's nose twitched, she had bathed before returning... washed off the shame of what she had done.

"Here to tell me that our plan is off? That the usurper has won?" Roderick spat out, sitting up.

"My Prince?" Glenda seemed to be in a rare instance of being taken off guard. "What do you mean?"

"Just tell me true, did you..." Roderick trailed off for a moment, looking to the floor. "Did you enjoy having sex with him more than making love with me?"

Glenda's eyes went wide, her face contorting into a horrified realization, then... a deep shame washed over her expression as she muttered out a simple, blunt answer. "...yes."

Roderick looked up at her, tears in his eyes. The words hurt, Glenda had never been one for lies and deception but to hear her so brazenly declare the squirrel the better lover... It also caused a stir underneath Roderick's blanket. "So... I've lost you to him too."

Glenda shook her head, defiantly. "No, what I did was selfish but... my loyalty is still to you and... I am still willing to continue our plan."

This caused Roderick to shoot her a confused look. "Our plan? But... if you still believed in our plan then why did you let him breed you..."

"My Prince..." Glenda blushed, ashamed. "I admit it, I had little faith, even before I had come to you with my plan."

"If you believed it wouldn't work... then why even suggest it? Were you just sleeping with me out of pity!?"

"N-no my Prince! I was not acting out of pity, I assure you." Glenda protested.

"No? Then what was it, were you in league with that bastard this whole time? Raise me up just to crush me again, some kind of sick joke!?" The Prince exclaimed, anger welling up within him.

Glenda was shocked at this accusation. "What? No I-"

"God, that's just what I get." Roderick cut her off. "Just when I thought that I, maybe, if nothing else, had something with you... but now that's gone too."

Glenda sighed and straightened her posture, taking a breath before speaking again. "My Prince, every action I took, from coming up with our plan to what I did with Marcus... was out of pure selfishness. I mated with you because I wanted to, because I have always wanted to since I was first assigned to protect you. I... I fell for you, but always knew we could never be together by the virtue of my low birth. I saw an opportunity and I took it." The muscular stoat admitted, managing to keep her composure as she continued to confess. "And yes, our first time left me... disappointed. But then I saw him... I saw him with Emily. I saw how much he cared for her, I saw the life growing inside of her and I saw how skilled he was in bed. It was everything I wanted. So when he began trying to seduce me... eventually I just gave in."

"So... he manipulated you away from me?" The Prince asked.

"Perhaps that was his intent, I admit that when he called me beautiful... I believed him. I still do. Nobody had ever said something like that to me before. But everything we did, it was only physical, I have needs, needs that have been neglected for too long. When you could not satisfy me... I found someone who could."

The Prince was stunned by this whole outburst, stunned and... rock hard.

"So... are you truly still loyal to me? No deception?" He finally said.

"Yes sire." Glenda nodded. "Everything I have just said and everything I will say to you from here on out, is nothing but the truth."

"Prove it." The Prince blurted out.

"My Prince?" Glenda asked.

"Prove your loyalty." Roderick clarified.

Glenda was taken aback by this. "I-In what way would you have me prove myself?"

Roderick cast off his blanket, revealing his svelte nude body and hard cock. "Take off your clothes. Bend over the bed." He swallowed hard, showing a crack in that sudden outburst of authority. "I-I command you."

Glenda was surprised at the direction this had taken, but she did not protest as she stripped from her smallclothes. Joining the Prince in nudity, she dropped down to her knees beside the bed.

"Wait." Roderick called out before Glenda could bend forward. His hands reached out, greedily groping at his bodyguard's chest for several long moments. Her tits may have been small compared to some girls, but the prince had small, delicate hands, they filled them just as well as any other pair. Roderick's breathing grew heavy, he began to tease the nipples, pinching them between his fingers before finally releasing her chest. "Proceed." He said in a breathy tone of voice.

As Glenda bent over the bed, Roderick dropped down onto his feet, stepping behind the exposed female. He took a moment to admire the curve of her ass, squeezing the cheeks in his hands, before lining his cock up to her dripping sex, teasing the outside for a few moments. "You're wrong by the way... I can breed you, I'll prove it, my seed is going to be the one that takes within you, not his!" He exclaimed, before hilting his entire cock within her, in a single, short thrust.

Roderick began to buck his hips in small, rapid thrusts, fucking Glenda with more force and vigor than ever before. Not even Emily had seen the prince like this, but still... Glenda's silence was deafening.

"Was he truly so much better than me?" Roderick asked, not sure himself why the words left his lips when he already knew the answer.

"He was amazing, the best I had ever had." Glenda said, not even a hint of change in her voice as she spoke casually, like she wasn't currently having sex with someone.

"And how do I stack up?" Again, Roderick was unsure why he was asking this, did he truly want to hear her say the words?

Glenda looked back at him, her piercing blue eyes studying him. Had she... picked up on something? "You?" She asked with almost... disdain in her voice, a tone that shook Roderick as he had never heard it directed at himself. "As a lover, you're pathetic. I can hardly feel your little prick inside me and your minuscule balls probably can't even produce enough semen to knock a girl up."

Tears formed in Roderick's eyes again, despite this he began thrusting into her faster, harder. Going from a fast and energetic pace to frantic and desperate. Desperate to prove himself.

"My god... he was right about you." She said, observing him.

Roderick's eyes fixed on hers. "Wh-what do you mean?"

"You like it. Being degraded. When I talk about how much better he was. You really are just a natural born cuck."

"N-no..." Roderick's protest was interrupted by a particularly loud moan as he reached his breaking point, emptying those pathetic nuts of his into her.

As he slid out of her, breathing heavily, Glenda rolled onto her back and sat up on the edge of the bed. "Is that all you have got?" She asked.

Roderick looked at her, shocked by how she had been speaking to him, the stoat unaware that she was intentionally winding him up, he felt his heart begin to race as he feared losing her too. He shook his head. "I-I can keep going." He told her, dropping down to his knees as she spread her legs for him.

He pressed his muzzle to her sex, grimacing as he lapped up the small trickle of his own watery seed. Any semblance of authority or confidence he had moments ago was stripped away, leaving only a pathetic man desperate to keep the only woman still willing to touch him, one he had quickly developed feelings for, in his life.

"Mmm, well it's better than your first attempt at this." Glenda said as Roderick eagerly began eating her out, trying to remember all the spots and techniques that seemed to have more of an effect on her last time, while attempting new ones as well, desperate to please. "Keep this up and I will let you watch."

Roderick's eyes flicked up to hers, confused.

"What? You think last night was a one time thing? I think I'll invite Marcus back to my room sometime soon..." She teased, as the Prince worked desperately to make her cum, her every cruel word giving him the energy to keep pushing on.

Roderick pulled away for a moment. "P-please... just don't let him breed you... let me keep trying." He whimpered out.

"We'll see." Glenda said while Roderick pressed his muzzle back against her sex and resumed his attempts to pleasure her.

The thought of watching Glenda be taken by the squirrel right in front of him again caused the Prince to grow hard once more, his cock throbbing as shame washed over him yet again. He felt so much more pitiful and pathetic than ever before... Why did that also feel... right?