Ice Caps Lounge

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A seal having a bad day finds a good end thanks to a butch polar bear dominatrix.

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California was antithetical to northern furs. Thick fur and blubbered bodies didn't fit with the scorching heat of the cruel sun. The lack of shade and the ray-absorbing pavement exacerbated the issue.

Normally this suited Abby fine. The seal saw herself as an introvert by choice, rarely leaving her apartment outside of her job and often asking to be put on work-from-home status. But even she had her limits. Times where the allure of social gatherings grabbed the seal by the scruff of her neck and pulled. The AC in most places wasn't enough to make it bearable, forcing the seal to seek out niche clubs that suited her comforts and cravings. Luckily for her, the IceCaps Lounge suited both.

The premise seemed skeptical to Abby at first. A club suitable for northern furs couldn't last long without serious profit and any fur that'd like to play in temperatures cold enough where they saw their own breath was a rare sight. Sure enough, though it existed and had the retention to continue. She heard temperature play set off endorphins for enough people to brace the frigid space. And those that didn't like it were given heavy coats on the house to wear.

She wore no such coat. Abby had decked herself in casual tight jeans and a purple blouse that turned a darker shade in the blacklights of the club. The seal owned kinky gear but all she could push herself to wear was a clip-on studded leather collar whose D-ring she kept fingering. No one else ever did.

True to its name and frigid temperature, the lounge kept to a polar theme. Tables stood out with white clothes to make them like icebergs in the sea. Abby spotted streaks of greenish-yellow, faint blue, and magenta lights dotting the ceiling, somehow mimicking the aurora borealis back home. Something balled in her stomach at the memory, but she ignored it. Now wasn't the time to be homesick.

Closing her eyes the seal drank in the sounds around her as she sipped her drink. Gagged grunts, the slap of leather to flesh, and the pop music to hide the graphic wet pistoning of those courageous enough to perform. She peeked over to her right, watching with envy as a tall orca woman let her penguin gimp ride her strap-on for everyone to see.

She wondered what that'd be like. Delving into the depths of pleasure with strangers watching. Leaning back into her chair, Abby breathed deep and spread her legs, contemplating whether to enjoy the show. It was one thing to watch and another to toy with herself in a room full of others. Even if she was the most sensible one there.

"This was a mistake," she whispered under her breath. She hoped to find play but the few so readily available weren't her type. Men who'd make advances with only half of them openly respecting her preference. Given the pictures of queer couples and play scattering the walls, she hoped fellow clubbers would be more accepting of the word no. Ones who didn't adapt quickly were easily banned.

So she slumped, eyes scanning the room in one last attempt to find a playmate to push her boundaries before leaving to correct her mistake. Blue eyes caught her gaze. Her body stilled as a husky polar bear smiled in her direction. Standing halfway across the room and decked in leather, the polar bear mingled with another couple before approaching Abby. Heavy boots and crotchless leather chaps covered her legs, leaving her brush bare. The lack of modesty didn't stop below the belt, not with the thick leather harness that let her boobs breathe freely.

Her gait carried no obvious sway of her hips but determined slow strides of confidence. The closer she came, the more obvious her shaved headfur became underneath that peaked cap. Abby bit her lip, nails digging into her table. "She couldn't be approaching me," she thought, unable to turn away lest she'd lose the bear, "There has to be someone behind me."

"Is this seat taken?" The butch bear asked. Abby shook her head, eyes wide when the bear sat down instead of taking it. "First time here?"

Abby blinked, "What?"

She snickered, "Is this your first time here? You look new."

Fire flushed over Abby's face. "No, no not really," she said, taken aback, "I just don't, well, I don't come often." Her inner voice screamed at every failed line. She couldn't blow this moment, even if Abby didn't know what it could entail.

The bear pouted, leaning into the table, "Aww, why's that?"

"Because my ex was as vanilla as the ice cream," Abby clamped her jaw tight too late to realize she'd spoken her mind. The bear stared at her, taken aback while all the seal could do was lament at how she just fucked it up. Now she'd think of Abby as someone who'd badmouth her partners, someone not worth being around.

A soft smile and sublime laugh put her at ease. "That's a shame. But I suppose she's your ex for a reason."

Abby blinked. The bear was flirting with her. Leather straps strained against the ursine's strong frame as the woman leaned closer. Her gaze locked with the seal's eyes as if looking for something. Arousal? Recognition? Whatever it was, she wanted to give it.

"So, dropping your ex, unless you don't want to, what brings you to the club tonight?" the bear asked, dragging a finger across her own neck to loop an invisible collar. Abby's throat went tight at the display. "Are you here to watch or are you meeting someone for play?"

Abby laughed. Not a genuine laugh but an awkward chuckle brought on by nerves and no reassurance about what to say next. She'd never been approached by someone like the bear before. "I'm used to just watching cause of, well, I don't think I need to repeat my girlfriend,"

"Repeat her as much as you like, dear," the bear said, "If it helps you calm down, I'm all ears."

"No, no, it's fine," heat pooled into Abby's chest. "I'm open to playing, I just haven't found anyone, Miss..." she squinted, looking for a nametag. In the briefest of moments, she forgot the bear wore nothing to put one on.

"Oh, where are my manners?" The bear said, sitting straight and deciding not to cross her legs. "The name's Irene, most people call me Miss Irene, or Boss."

"Which do you prefer?" Abby said without thinking.

Irene's smile sent warm goosebumps over Abby's skin. "In play and in protocol, I prefer Boss. To people I don't know, Miss Irene works here. To friends, Irene is fine. You can call me Irene if you'd like..." She paused at the end, brow raised in waiting for Abby to introduce herself.

The seal lost herself in the blue eyes for a second. "Abby," she said with flustered cheeks, "Everyone calls me Abby."

"Short for Abigail?" Irene asked.

"I guess? Everyone just calls me Abby." Except her grandmother, whom she never wanted to think about in a club. "I'm sorry, I'm not really used to this."

Irene's smile said she knew, but like a sadist, she pressed down on the social wound, "Used to what, Abby?"

"T-The attention," the seal gulped, "I normally just sort of fade into the background. It's easier for me to do that. At least, that's what my ex said." Though she never denied her ex. She'd been a wallflower for as long as she could remember.

"She said what?" Irene's nostrils scrunched and her teeth bared, glistening in the fake northern lights. With a deep breath, she calmed herself, save for clenched fists she moved off the table. "That's horrible, dear."

"No it's not," Abby said out of reflex. The more she thought about it, prodded on by Irene's concerned look, the more the seal questioned herself. Her ex hadn't been the kindest person. She'd never listen to her complaints and always told Abby she was just overthinking, meanwhile, Abby listened to the woman talk about her day like she was a fountain at an oasis. "I mean, maybe. It's not a big deal."

Irene scratched her chin in thought, looking over the seal across from her and then scanning the room. "Well, would you be interested in play?"

"Yes." She caught herself just short of shouting.

"How about in the middle of the room? With eyes watching?" Irene asked. Abby's cheeks flushed pink in the strobe lights. The polar bear's grin caught her infatuation. Leaning back into the table, Irene continued, "I think we're getting somewhere. Tell me, is there anything you've wanted to try here? Any limits?"

Abby opened her mouth to speak a flood of desires and fantasies. From being led around by someone's leash, or spanked before others, to extreme desires like spending a weekend as someone's gimp. By the time she finished speaking a wave of doubt slammed her with the bear's blank stare. It washed away when Irene fluttered her eyes. "Well, I think I can make some of those happen tonight if you're interested. And I think you are, but-"

"But?" Abby cringed at the incoming clause of denial.

Raising her brow Irene spoke, "You know it's rude to interrupt. As for the but, well, I need you to agree to it. Consent and all."

"Oh," she blinked, "Yes, yes I do!"

With that, Irene went over the club safewards; Green for okay, yellow to slow down, and red to stop. Once that was made clear she told Abby to call her Boss in play and to strip before her. "H-Here?" Abby asked, eyes darting about between the clubbers. A crowd mixed of kink-clad furs and casually dressed ones.

"All part of the fun, dear," Irene said, getting up. She held out her palm when Abby reached for it, "Ah, ah, ah, calm down. I'm just going to get my things. You best be naked when I get back."

Mesmerized by the bear's ass, Abby pulled off her top and pants once Irene turned back around. Her bra and panties came next, leaving her naked in the crowd at her play partner's approach. "Well, aren't you delectable?" Irene said with one finger propping the seal's chin up. Her heart lifted as Irene clasped a cool leather collar around her neck, its weight sinking into her just a moment before the thin chain leash pulled her up.

Her first instinct was to crawl but Irene gave her no such command. Abby kept her arms to her sides and hunched forward as she followed, eyes focused on the backs of the bear's boots. They stopped over one of the ice-modeled platforms. "Chin up. I can't enjoy your breasts if you don't push them out."

Feeling tense, Abby pushed her breasts out. Her eyes darted to the crowd of clubbers, reflexively looking for any watching. Irene pulled her gaze back. "We're gonna need to do something about your focus. Luckily, I have just the thing in mind." From her duffle bag, the bear strapped a blindfold over Abby's face, taking extra care to be sure the seal couldn't peak out of the bottom. Abby then felt her hands guided above her head where leather latched around the wrists. Her fingers clasped tight around the chains dangling above, growing too taut to pull her arms back down.

Irene's tough boots kicked the seal's legs apart and a spreader bar kept them there. "There we go." Thick fingers grabbed a handful of Abbyy's hair, waited several seconds to let the feeling sink in, and pulled back to expose her neck. "How are you feeling?"

Deep and shaky breaths seeped from Abby. Her heart raced as Irene dragged her digits down her naked chest, tapping at a furnace of desire budding inside. Every sentence became a flood of stutters, broken when the bear held her jaw and whispered, "Deep breaths, girl, deep breaths."

Her diaphragm expanded with the deepest breath she could manage. Her body shivered with her exhalation. "E-exposed, Boss." Her hands tugged at the chains for support, "Really exposed."

"Is that all?" Irene asked, letting go of her hair to lessen the burden of gravity over Abby's breasts. Her palms were warm, nails teasingly scratching at her flesh. "Your nipples tell me something else. Be honest with me."

Abby's truth came through a gasp as Irene suckled her left tit. The bear's tongue flicked her tight nipple, slathering it in warm saliva that went frigid as she moved to the next. "Fuck..." Abby grunted, arms yanking at restraints that would not yield.

"Is that all it takes?" Irene said with amusement, "I haven't even gotten my toys yet." She pinched both nipples, leading the seal's breasts up and down in playful harmony before sifting back through her bag. Cold rubber braced against her sensitive nubs, tightening along with the bear's humming. The constant pressure clamped both her nipples, weighed down by a chain Irene pulled to make the seal squeal through grit teeth.

"There it is," Irene said softly, "Now we're getting somewhere." More clips snapped across the seal's body. From over her breasts down the folds of her blubber, Abby felt enough pinches to guess which were metal, wooden, or plastic. The many leather tails of a flogger brushed over her stomach, then down to her crotch.

Then came the snap. Abby flinched on reflex rather than pain. Irene made a tsking sound as the flogger snapped again, still not touching the seal. "So jumpy. So excited. You need to learn some patience."

"Sorry, Bo-" The crack of eight leather tails against her skin cut Abby's apology short. The sting came not from the flogger's thud but the sudden absence of clothespins across her left flank. Like little fires, they burned. Each swing took more off. Abby's body swerved without direction to avoid the pain, succeeding in only making the weighted chain yank at her nipples.

A rough hand patted her face gently in the respite of strikes. No words braced her ears to bat out the pop music and cacophony of murmurs behind her. Just a soft touch that possessively dug into her chin to hold her steady. Abby imagined Irene's face staring back at her, wondering what expression was made. A cruel smile, or a lip-licking look of desire? It remained a mystery as Irene let go to rummage through her bag.

Thuddy tails struck her back in quick succession. Either thanks to endorphins or the polar bear's technique, Abby found herself sinking into the feeling. A rhythm of impact turned into a massage as she pictured the number eight forming across her back along the strikes. Her breaths became choppy, fingers and toes curled as she welcomed the onslaught.

"Hold these for me," Irene said, bringing the handles of each flogger to Abby's waiting mouth. Nestled in her jaws, the seal listened in saliva dripping silence to the domme's one-sided conversation.

"You're being awfully silent, you know. Are you afraid of what people will think of you if those tight lips break? Fearful of the shameless slut exposed before everyone? Or do I need to earn your whimpers? Well, I love a good challenge. Too many people think I want to be given my meal." Strong fingers wrapped around her throat, pulling the seal closer to hear the harsh and sultry whisper carried across warm breath. "Pets are given meals. I want to hunt."

A paddle dragged across her backside. Abby shivered from its cool wooden frame. She imagined Irene sporting a wide smile as the bear rubbed it against both cheeks, delighted in the anticipation of her plaything. She tensed herself as the paddle left, awaiting the imminent strike.




It clapped against her the second she released her cheeks. Spikes of pain rippled from her bum. What squeals could escape her gag made the bear laugh. "There we go."

The handles in her mouth helped her sing as the bear paddled her backside red. Each strike carried with it weight and purpose. She never hit outside the ass but within the cheeks. She hit randomly without mercy.

The air stung when she ceased. A fire yearning to be quenched enveloped her cheeks. Abby tried to picture what bruises were left and found herself wanting. A taut pull of her nipple chains brought the seal back to focus. "You have quite the voice. It's a shame it only comes out when there's something in your mouth. No matter, I like gagging my playthings, and from the look of this crowd they do too."

Abby turned her head in every way possible, forgetting her blindness in her loss of sense. Irene kept her steady, pulling her floggers out to replace them with her thumb holding the seal's tongue down. "Yes, a crowd. It started with a few onlookers but now half the voyeurs in this place are watching." A sole finger caressed her cunt and dragged her arousal across her skin, "Oh my. I think the Wallflower likes being in the center. Why don't we show them just how much of an attention whore you really are? Hmm? All I need is the magic words."

Free to speak, Abby's next words came with a whisper that sank under the sound around them. Irene told her to speak up. With a gulp she spoke aloud, "Please, fuck me, Boss."

"Louder," Irene said, "Let me really hear you."

"Please, fuck me, Boss." She said again, her pitch raising.

"Louder bitch," Irene commanded, "Tell me what you really want."

"I want you to fuck me!" Abby screamed, "Take me, right here, right now!"

With a hearty laugh, the polar bear pulled Abby in for a kiss. The seal breathed the butch woman's air while her tongue submitted to the other's invasion. Sharp teeth nipped at her lips and pulled just enough to hurt before letting go.

"You forgot my title that time, but I'll let it slide." The bear's kind words fell apart at the tug of Abby's nipple chain. She tasted the metal in her mouth and felt a heavy hand clamp her jaw shut around the links. Abby knew she wasn't to let go no matter how much it hurt.

She wondered how many were watching as Irene sifted through her bag again. How many people smiled? How many were watching with envy? Her ears perked at the sound of straps being tightened, followed by a ripple across her body when her legs were spread. The cool wet tip of a strap-on braced back and forth over her wet folds. Irene's soft laugh danced in her ear as the torturer teased her prey.

It sank in. Inch by deliriously satisfying inch pushed into her. Abby pulled her head forward, hitting Irene's chest as the bear leaned in to hold her. No matter the humiliation and the pain, she felt safe in her hold. She sank into the bear's scent and the warmth of her fur as her hips bucked into her cunt.

Starting slow, Irene aimed to make her comfortable first. Hands held Abby's bruised bum for support while her legs rose. She wrapped them around the bar's waist, realizing then the spreader bar had been removed.

Irene's breathing picked up with her pace. Her hips thudded with Abby's, sending her swinging with the chains. Wet slapping sounds of the seal's juices mixed with moans through gritted teeth. The bear rested her chin against Abby's collarbone, latching on for more support to fuck her harder.

"Fuck," Abby let slip as the strap hammered home. Her voice cracked and her body trembled. Every thrust scratched an itch she'd carried for far too long. "Fuck," she let go of the chain, willing to risk punishment as her dam cracked. With one loud and final, "Fuck!" she lost all feeling in her legs save the ungodly strength they carried to lock behind Irene. Whether she succeeded or the bear let her remain to be seen as a wave of pleasure erupted from her body.

Irene didn't stop. The white bear's grip went tight, mixing faded pain with newfound ecstasy as her hips continued. Another orgasm hit her, followed by a third and a fourth. By the fifth Abby pleaded her safeword. Her arms couldn't support herself anymore. Neither did her legs when Irene released her.

"You alright?" Irene asked. Gone was the aura of authority and dominance. Abby peeled her blindfold free to see concern cross the bear's face. She smiled back when the seal nodded. "Good, I was worried I went too rough there."

Looking around, Abby saw a few eyes looking at them. What crowds gathered were chaotic, separate between other scenes and conversations amongst themselves. "Did you lie to me about the audience?" she asked.

Irene looked away, hiding her blush as she cleaned her strap with a rag. Abby curled her toes at that, wishing to taste her juices at the bear's command. "I, well, wanted to sell the scene. Sorry, I know that's a shit thing to do."

"No, no it's fine." Euphoria had a funny way of making Abby not bothered by that truth, "I enjoyed it." Irene handed her a water bottle. With thanks she took it, anxiously strumming the cap as she pondered her next question.

"Did you enjoy it?" She asked, "Like, was I a good partner?"

"I did," Irene nodded, "You sure it's your first time?"

"At a club anyway," Abby said. Irene's brow perked at that but didn't prod. "So, um, maybe I should ask this later but I fear I'm gonna lose my nerve if I do. Would you like to, maybe, do this again sometime?"

Irene paused from cleaning the gear and kneeled down to the seal's eye level, "Sure. You seem fun enough. Let me give you my number."

"That's great. Thank you. I hope we can find time to do this again soon."

"Oh I'm sure," Irene said, "Though I gotta ask, how quick is your definition of soon?"

Blinking, Abby felt heat flush her face against the chill of the club. "Um...I might be up for more once my legs start working again. Until then, I'm not moving."

"I can help you with that if you'll let me."

Heart smashing her chest, Abby nodded and let the bear hoist her up into her arms. Even if round two never came, she was happy to be cradled by someone who cared enough to ask.