The Lake: A Nate and David Story

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#4 of Nate and David

The fourth installment in the series! We get a little handsy here. NSFW content warning!

Sleep came easily to Nate and David that Friday night. Nate held onto his warm otter all through the evening, reveling in the closeness that they shared, occasionally nuzzling the back of David's neck with his nose, warm breath blowing through his fur. David chirred occasionally, snuggling against the tabby's soft, plush coat, pressing his back against his friend to get as close as possible, wrapping his paws around Nate's bulky arms and pulling them tightly against himself. When they did awake in the middle of the night, David turned to face Nate, illuminated by the soft glow of moonlight coming in through the blinds. There were no words to speak, just loving gazes and tender touches, stroking each other's faces, holding each other, and kissing softly until sleep overtook them again.

When David next awoke, sunlight was streaming into the small room from the window, and the blinds were open. He grunted as the light assailed his sensitive eyes, and rolled over to find Nate... Gone? Where is he? Logically, he knew he had to be here, but David had been quite looking forward to waking up together, and couldn't help but feel a little hurt at Nate's absence. Determined to find him, David peeled back the blankets and got out of bed. Just in his boxers, he sleepily trundled off to find his tabby. It didn't take long; All he had to do once he opened the bedroom door was follow his nose to the kitchen. Bacon...! And there, surprisingly casual in a t-shirt and shorts, was Nate, cooking breakfast. David leaned on the wall at the end of the hallway, and tried his best to put on a sexy voice. "Mornin', beautiful. What's cookin'?"

It seemed to have worked, because David noticed the fur on the back of Nate's neck fluff out, which he rapidly smoothed away. "H-hey there, handsome! I thought you might be hungry, and this was all I had, so... Bacon, eggs, toast, and coffee? I hope you're okay with wheat toast, I was out of sourdough..."

David laughed. "Hun, you're not a restaurant. Besides, I'll eat anything you cook for me. I'm sure it'll be great. Where's the coffee at?"

"Counter, next to the toaster." Nate pointed with a pair of tongs in his paw. "I put a mug out for you, creamer's in the fridge. This'll be ready in about 5 minutes, then it's just the eggs. Do you want them over easy or scrambled?"

"Ooh, I get a choice, huh? I'm fine with whatever's easiest for you, but I prefer over easy. Honestly, either is good, though."

"Nah, over easy is fine. I eat eggs a lot for breakfast, that's how I usually cook them." Nate started taking strips of smoky bacon out of the large skillet and putting them on a plate with a paper towel on it. In the meantime, David poured himself a mug of coffee, added some creamer, and sat down at the small table in the kitchen. "All right, eggs are next. Two okay?"

"Yeah, sounds good. I don't usually eat a lot in the mornings."

"Coming right up!" Nate drained some of the fat from the skillet, leaving a bit behind, then started cracking eggs into it. They sizzled and popped as they hit the pan, frying in the savory grease. A few minutes later, Nate scooped them out, putting two each onto waiting plates on the counter. He cracked some fresh black pepper and sprinkled a little salt onto them, then added four strips of bacon to each as well as two slices of buttered toast. Satisfied, he brought the plates to the table, where his mug of black coffee already sat waiting. "There you go, hope you like it. It's simple, but it's all I had. Next time I can plan something a little fancier. I love to cook for people."

"This is perfect! I love it. Thanks for cooking, I usually just eat out or have a protein bar." David picked up a piece of bacon and bit into it. It was thick and chewy, just how he liked it, with a good amount of smokiness and salt. "This bacon is great, where did you get it?"

"Oh, ah... I go to a butcher in the strip mall behind where I work. They're really good, and cheaper than anything you can get at the store." Nate explained. "I'm serious about my ingredients, I swear most of my money goes to food. It's why I'm so... well, fat..." Nate's voice trailed off a little, as he unintentionally made himself feel bad.

"Oh, you're not fat. You're maybe a little chubby, but I like that. I told you, you're beautiful. And I'll keep saying it till you believe it."

Nate smiled. "Thanks. Someday, I probably will. Oh! Though that reminds me. You said you were at the gym yesterday. Where do you work out?"

"Just the gym on campus. It's free to students, and they've got all the equipment I want to use. It's actually really well put together." David said. "Why do you ask?"

"Well, I was thinking... I want to get in better shape. Do you mind if I come work out with you sometime? I'd be embarrassed to go on my own, and I wouldn't really know what I was doing... I was hoping maybe you could help me get started?"

"Sure!" David replied. "I'd love to have a gym partner! And if it gets you to finally feel better about yourself, then I'm even happier to do it. I'll text you my workout schedule, and we'll see if we can sync up."

"Hah... Thanks!" Nate sighed, relieved. "Sorry, that was harder to ask than I thought... Not really sure why." Having finished his bacon, Nate placed an egg on his toast and bit into it, causing a hefty dollop of runny yolk to drip onto his chin. "Ugh... God, I'm sorry, I'm such a gross mess, let me get a paper towel..."

But David reached across the table, and grabbed Nate's face. Before he could react, David's tongue darted out and licked his chin, up to his lips, and gave him a quick kiss. David sat back down, satisfied but blushing a little with embarrassment, as Nate sat rigid with surprise. "It's egg, you idiot. Don't get so worked up about appearances with me, okay? Besides... it was a good excuse to try... that. Hehe..." David laughed a little maniacally at the end. Nate still wasn't moving. "Uh... you okay? Earth to Nate...?" David waved a hand in front of the tabby's face.

Nate blinked, finally snapping out of it. He spoke slowly. "Ah... that... was... weird. But, I think it was... kinda hot? Which is also weird..." Nate shook his head vigorously. "Nope, going with hot. Still... if you wanna lick food off me, I think we could get something a little sexier than, y'know, eggs."

David chortled. "Not saying I'm against it, but this was more spontaneous. I don't know how I'd actually feel about doing it deliberately. Still, I hear good things about whipped cream...?"

Now it was Nate's turn to laugh. "Could be worse. I had one guy who wanted to pour chocolate sauce on me. In this fur? That'd be so sticky..."

"Oh my God! That sounds awful... unless...?" and David waggled his eyebrows at Nate.

"No! Never in a million years!" Nate began to crack up.

The two of them finished breakfast in high spirits, laughing and joking as they ate. Nate loaded the dishwasher and started it, then they went back to the bedroom to cuddle as they made plans for the day. David took a turn to spoon Nate, rubbing his chest and belly gently. Nate, clearly enjoying this, began to purr, a rich, melodic rumble coming from his throat that gave David the shivers.

After a few minutes, Nate spoke up. "So, ah... Not that I mind having you do this all day, but did you actually want to like, do anything else? We could go out, there's a few hiking trails nearby that I've been meaning to check out..."

David stopped the tracing of his paws along Nate's body to consider this. "Well, I don't know how you'd feel about it, but... do you like swimming? There's a lake a couple hours out of town that's pretty deserted most of the time, hardly anyone knows about it. We could go, pack a lunch, swim around a bit, then come back here. Shower up, have dinner, watch some movies... cuddle... God, I can't believe I get to just cuddle with you, like, whenever now..." David squeezed Nate tightly, eliciting a small, delighted squeak.

Nate snuggled deeper into David's arms. "Mmm... I'm okay with swimming. I think I still have a suit that fits me. You'll be a lot more graceful in the water, though, you know. Don't laugh at me!"

David hugged Nate again, and said seriously, "I would never laugh at you. Heck, if you like, I'll even give you some free lessons."

Reassured, Nate relaxed some. "So, will we be going back to your place? I'm assuming you didn't bring trunks with you..."

"Nah, I have my speedo from swim team in my trunk. I was going to visit the pool yesterday at the gym, but I ended up, well... I wanted to see you so bad, I cut my workout short, honestly."

"Aww, you didn't need to do that. I could've waited a little longer."

The otter used his paw to tilt Nate's head up, and kiss his cheek. Then he whispered in Nate's ear, "Maybe you could've waited. _I_definitely couldn't..."

Nate blushed, ears going flat with embarrassment. "Okay, yeah... you were awfully worked up yesterday, I know. At least it all seems to have ended up okay for us, hmm?"

"Mmhmm!" David grunted emphatically. "We'll need to stop to pick up lunch, though. I'm thinking maybe sandwiches? Know any good places? I don't get to this part of town very often."

Nate pondered for a moment. "There's a convenience store around the corner that makes fresh deli style subs every day that are pretty good. We could pick up a couple of those, maybe?"

"Sounds great! Let's get dressed, then. Or, well, you're already dressed... I'm the odd man out here."

"Hmm, now, let's not be too hasty..." The gray feline rolled to face his partner, then slowly began to trace a paw along the otter's defined pecs, moving tenderly down along his smooth stomach, and finally turned to scritch the tips of his claws gently up David's exposed side.

"Aaah... not... fair..." David panted, jolts of pleasure sending tingles down his spine. "Damn, that feels good..."

Nate flicked his paw up, releasing the pressure on the enlivened skin, and kissed him deeply. "Good... I'm glad you enjoyed it. And _now_you have my permission to get dressed, pretty boy." And Nate ruffled David's headfur.

With a gentle whine, David got out of bed and began to put on his clothes from yesterday. Eventually, he'd have to get a fresh set, he hadn't exactly planned on staying the night here... But stale clothes were the least of his concern at the moment. He was too excited to go to the lake today, and he just hoped that Nate would have a good time... and that nobody else would be there.

Nate turned around as David slipped off his boxers and put on his swimsuit, then threw on shorts and a tank top over it. "You're still not looking when I change? When are you gonna get over that..." David mumbled. Then, louder, "I'm dressed. Just need socks and shoes and I'll be ready to go."

"Sounds good, same here." Nate replied, turning to face David again. If Nate heard David's earlier comment, he made no mention of it. They put on their shoes, and left for the store.

After a brief deliberation, they selected the sandwiches they wanted. David insisted on paying, since Nate made breakfast, and this time Nate let him do so without argument. They grabbed a few towels and an old blanket from Nate's apartment, then walked to David's car. David set up a GPS route and headed out to their destination. The two chatted on the way there, discussing David's history paper at first, but when that topic ran dry, David suggested playing 'I Spy' for the remainder of the trip. They chose random sights on the way and guessed what the other saw within 20 questions or less. It was a good way to pass the time, each managing to stump the other a handful of times. Nate was a better guesser, though, and won most of his rounds.

David might have done better if he'd tried harder. However, he was distracted by his handsome travelling companion. He watched Nate gaze out the window at the trees as they passed out of the city and into the woods, seeming enthralled at the nature that now surrounded them. Good God, he's beautiful, the otter thought. And he's so patient, and kind... and when he touches me, ugh, I can't get enough... I can't believe that I got so lucky... that he wants me... After a while, Nate caught him staring, and looked away again, smiling shyly. David's heart skipped a beat. He snapped his eyes back to the road, blushing. "Uh... so, ah, the GPS says that we should be there in about ten minutes. You excited?"

"For swimming? Honestly, only sorta. My fur is a lot thicker than yours, I'm gonna take forever to dry... but for spending time with you? Hell, I can't get enough of that. I can't wait!" And Nate wiggled in his seat with excitement.

David's chest felt like it might explode with how fast his heart was beating. Dating a girl had never felt like this: no butterflies in his stomach, no flushing of his cheeks, no quickening of his breath. But he'd never felt this way about a guy before, either. Briefly, he wondered what made Nate so special... I know I've stared at the guys in the locker room before... There are some hot dudes there. And I've dated plenty of girls, too! But this... why am I so obsessed with everything he does? What's different now? He didn't have long to think on it, though, as the pavement turned to a dirt road, and the trees cleared. "Oh, hey! We're here!"

Nate looked through David's window, and his eyes gleamed. The water was gorgeous, crystal clear water with a sandy embankment. The trees framed the area perfectly, bright green leaves against the sun-kissed lake. David stopped the car for a minute, just to drink in Nate's expression. _Ah... I would give anything for a picture of this moment, right here and now..._David's head went all hazy, and without realizing it, he was grinning like a fool, stricken by Nate's innocent wonder.

Nate blinked a few times, and then spoke. "Wow. This really is gorgeous. I can see why you wanted to come here. Thank you for... for taking me here. I actually can't wait to go swimming with you now." Nate pulled David in, pressing their lips together in a quick smooch. "So, uh... you gonna park?"

David shook his head, clearing away the haze. "O-oh, yeah! There's not like, a designated parking lot or anything, but there's a dirt lot that people usually use. Otherwise it's kind of just wherever you find room." David turned the steering wheel, and pulled into a rough, bumpy patch of dirt with sparse grass growing on it. "Doesn't look like anyone else is here today, I don't see any other cars... Do you wanna eat now, or after we swim?"

"Hmm... Let's eat after, if you're not too hungry. It'll give us something to do as we dry off."

"Sounds good. You wanna change in the car? I notice you didn't put your suit on before we left..."

"Oh, yeah. I guess I assumed there'd be a place to change out here... silly, I know, I'm just not used to the outdoors." Nate chuckled, slightly embarrassed. "Ah... can you give me a little privacy, maybe?"

"Sure thing, just hop on out when you're done." David said, and he stepped out of the car. Walking behind it, he turned to face away and leaned against the trunk. David could feel the car rocking as Nate struggled to change in such a confined space, but after a few minutes, he heard the door open.

"All right, I'm all set! You ready?"

David turned to face him. Nate was wearing the same black t-shirt, of course, but now he had on a dark red pair of swimming trunks that came down just above his knees, with white thread stitching and a white drawstring. David let out a low whistle. "Damn... you really look great in those."

Nate blushed. "Y-you think so? Thanks... I picked them a while ago, I'm glad they still fit. They're even a little loose... I've never worn them swimming, actually. I don't, ah, like taking my shirt off much..." And he looked down at his feet.

David stepped up close to him, putting his paws on Nate's waist. "You really could stand to be more confident. I'm telling you, you're beautiful. It's such a shame that you don't see it... but here... let me show you..." David hooked his paws underneath the bottom of Nate's shirt, then started to pull it up.

Nate had a brief moment of panic at the realization that he was being undressed, by another guy, in public. However, there was a tugging, fluttery feeling in his stomach that intrigued and excited him. Well... there's nobody else here... screw it, let him. As the fabric of his shirt slowly rose, Nate shyly lifted his arms, eventually bending down slightly so the shorter otter could finish his work.

David crumpled up the shirt, tossed it in the car, then looked back at Nate. "There you are, stud... And see? Nothing bad happened. Now, me..." Nate watched as David slipped his fingers under the straps of his tank top, then whipped it off in record time. The sun highlighted his buff, cream-colored chest so perfectly... Then, he reached down and undid the button on his shorts. This time, Nate didn't turn around. He was transfixed by the otter's movements, now slow and deliberate, inviting him to watch. David took the zipper, and slowly brought it down, revealing a flash of teal Spandex underneath. Then, he hooked his thumbs under the waistband, and slid them down his toned thighs, down past his calves, and finally to his ankles. Realizing he was still wearing shoes, David briefly thought about kicking them off, but he needed them to walk to the lake still, so he just struggled a bit to pull the shorts over them. Fortunately, they were loose, and he managed it with a modicum of grace.

Nate watched, everything appearing to happen in slow motion. When David was done, he stood still, paws on his hips, knowing full well that the tabby was taking in the view, and proudly let him get a good long look. Nate saw how the fur on his otter's chest fluffed out in a fuzzy tuft, and there was a trail of that longer fur running down the center of his stomach, all the way down to his... Gulp. That speedo... left very little to the imagination. A patch of longer cream fur stuck out over the top of it, and... Oh wow. He's... seriously packing... my God... Nate stared a little longer than he intended to at the teal bulge protruding from David, his cheeks and ears getting progressively hotter. Mechanically, he took a step toward the otter. I... wanna touch it... No! When he's ready... Nate shook his head, coming back to his senses. "Damn, dude... I gotta get to a gym soon. If you think I'm beautiful... I have no idea what to call you. Ravishing? Stunning? Dazzling?"

David chuckled. "Hey, we can both be beautiful... now c'mon, cutie. I wanna get in the water." He grabbed Nate's paw in his and tugged in the direction of the lake. They started walking together, holding paws, until they got to the lakeshore. They kicked off their shoes and socks, and started to wade in.

David didn't seem to react at all, but Nate gasped. "Shit! That's really cold!"

"Uh, yeah? It's a spring-fed lake, it's gonna be. That's why it's so clear, there's no sediment coming from a stream or river. Just breathe, hun. Walk in slowly, you'll get used to it..."

Nate shivered, but trusted him. He slowly entered the lake, David holding his paw the entire time. And eventually, he found that the otter had been right; His body adjusted to the temperature, and he struck out, paddling around a bit. "Hey... this is kinda nice!"

"Right on! Glad you're enjoying it! I'm gonna dive a bit, don't feel like you have to follow me... I'll be around, and I won't leave you alone for too long."

"Okay, have fun! I'll probably just be floating; I'm not a really good swimmer, but I'm really good at that, at least."

"See you in a bit!" David said. Then, he started swimming out to the middle of the lake, where the water was deeper.

Nate watched him go, David's strong tail sinuously waving behind him, pushing him through the water at what Nate thought was a quite impressive speed. Nate swam a little further out himself, and then flipped on his back, relaxing into the cool water. He could feel the sun on his fur, listen to the wind in the trees, and just float along, gentle waves from the wind rocking him softly. Nate lost track of time, just bobbing there, letting himself be at peace.

Eventually, he was startled from his reverie by the sound of David breaking the water next to him. He floundered a bit, then started to tread water. David waited while he regained his composure. "Sorry..." he said sheepishly. "Didn't mean to startle ya. I just thought I'd see how you were doing. Are you having fun?"

Nate beamed at his darling otter. The sun had moved to just above the tree line, still plenty bright but less intense. "Yeah, it's really relaxing. Thanks again for bringing me out this way. It's really special here." Nate bobbed a little closer to David, putting his arms around his shoulders as they floated together. "So... what do you wanna do now, handsome?"

David stretched his neck towards the grey tabby, giving him a quick peck on the nose. Then, a devilish idea crept into his head... "Well... I have a thought about something... ah... I just think it might help you get over some of your... hangups, about yourself."

Nate was confused, but curious. "Uh, okay... what do you have in mind?"

"Promise you won't freak out?"

"I mean... I won't promise, but I'll try."

"Good enough. Turn around." David grinned, and twirled a finger in the air.

"Okay..." Nate said, hesitantly. It took him a few moments to spin himself around, flailing ungracefully in the water, but eventually he got there. "Alright, now what?"




In the silence, Nate turned back around. "David, what's going -"

David was gone, just a few ripples emanating from where he'd been only a moment ago. He must have dived... what the heck is he doing?_Nate wondered. Suddenly, he felt something brush up against his legs, and a tug at his hips... and he was nearly pulled under as something _yanked on his swim shorts. He let out a startled yelp.

"H-hey!... Don't!..."

But it was too late. Nate could feel the cool rush around his crotch, could see through the clear water that the otter had stolen his trunks and was swimming away with them. Nate watched as he got several feet out, trying to follow him but no match for David's superior speed.

David surfaced, taking in a deep breath of air, and crowed with delight. "Hah! Got 'em!" He waved the shorts over his head like a flag. He stuck his tongue out at the tabby. "Guess you're skinny dipping now, cutie!"

Nate stopped swimming, only treading water, a few feet from David still. "This was your big idea? Give them back! Now! We're in public, what if someone sees me..." Nate whined. He hung his head in humiliation, cheeks and ears bright red, almost crying.

"H-hey..." David stammered, suddenly realizing how freaked out his tabby had become. "Calm down, it'll be fine. If we see a car I'll give them back right away. But nobody's going to come this late... And I... just wanted you to get comfortable being naked around me. Look, here... Look at me. Please?" David begged.

Slowly looking up, Nate saw David holding the trunks out. He turned his paw over, and Nate saw a flash of teal amongst the red fabric. "Wait, when did you...?"

"When I was swimming down to, um... sneak up on you. They're surprisingly easy to take off, especially when they're wet. And I've got an advantage, I'm a lot more dexterous out here than you are. See? We're in the same boat. Figuratively speaking." David swam up close to the tabby. He wrapped his arms around him and pulled him close, so that they were almost touching. "Look... if you're really, truly not okay with this... we can stop. Right now. And I'll apologize, as much as it takes, till you forgive me. But, if you want to..." David pressed his hips into Nate's with a kick of his tail, sending a tingle down both their backs. He smiled shyly. "We can have a little fun with it?"

Nate face contorted, conflicting emotions swirling through his mind. I can't believe I'm... naked... out in the open! This is awful... but... it IS kinda hot... and it's definitely doing something for David... Nate looked down. Bashfully, he slowly said, "Okay... I guess, maybe... well, what kind of fun do you have in mind?"

"That's the sprit!" David chirped. "All right, how about... float on your back?"

"B-but...! That'll... expose me..." Nate stammered.

"Yeah, that's the point... Trust me, I'll keep an eye out, it'll be fine. This, ah... isn't the first time I've been skinny dipping. Well, except this time it's with a guy." A really, REALLY cute guy...

Nate gulped, then broke free of David's embrace. Twisting around, he leaned back in the water and took a deep breath. Then, spreading his arms out, he started to float, a flush of embarrassment flooding his body as his furry crotch left the water, bobbing in the open air. "O-okay... now what?"

"Just relax... Close your eyes..." Nate took a deep breath, and did so. David paddled up to his side, put one paw under his partner's back to steady him, and took the other out of the water. "Keep breathing... you're fine... you're safe..." Tenderly, the otter started to explore Nate's body with his free paw. He ran it first through the thick tuft of chest fur between Nate's pecs, marveling at the surprising amount of muscle hidden beneath a soft layer of fat. David gave one of them a gentle rub, then a squeeze, eliciting a soft gasp from Nate. "Mmm, do you like that, kitten?" David whispered. Nate nodded wordlessly, his breathing just a little quicker. "Heh, good..." David smiled, then pressed his paw flat to Nate's body, tenderly dragging it down along his rounded belly, pressing lightly to avoid dunking him in the water.

Nate almost floundered anyway, his back arching delicately as David rubbed up and down, along the sides of his belly, feeling waves of pleasure racing through him. The fact that they were outdoors was now the farthest thing from his mind; All he cared about was the tender touches from his otter, and he never wanted this to stop. The tingly feeling turned into an ache in his groin, and he realized that at some point... Shit! He'd gotten fully hard, shaft pointing out of the water like the mast of some furry boat. He flushed with embarrassment again. "Ah... sorry, I, uh... God, that feels good, sorry, I... didn't mean to get... hard..." Nate stammered, finishing with a whisper.

David smiled. He'd been watching raptly as Nate got more and more aroused; Beneath the water, David had been hard the moment he touched Nate, but the tabby wouldn't have had any way to know that. Gently, he said, "Hey, it's okay... I was honestly kinda hoping for this... Um... can I... touch you? Please?" David whispered his request. "I, ah... just want to see what it feels like. Y-you don't have to, but... Please?" He begged again.

Nate swallowed heavily, then murmured, "Mmf... yeah... go ahead..."

David hesitated for a moment, taking a deep breath, then gingerly reached down. At first, he rubbed flatly at the base of Nate's shaft, tentatively feeling it. It was firm, rising to attention out of his thick fur, David's touch making Nate moan and flex his hips up out of the water. Then, he groped further up the tabby's member, marveling at how its length was rock-hard and incredibly warm. Like hot steel... Damn, this cat... He rubbed up and down a minute, then ran his thumb over his tip. Nate gasped, his whole body twitching. He started leaking heavily onto David's paw, making it and his cock slick with pre. Nate's chest surged with desire, his breathing shallow. David could feel Nate's heartbeat pulse along his length, speeding up with every stroke. Nate started to let out small whines and shallow gasps occasionally. David slowed down. "Are... are you okay? Is this... good? Am I doing good?"

"F-fuck... Holy shit..." Nate mumbled.

"Is that good?"

"Yeah... fuck yeah, it's good. It's really good." Nate replied. "Just, intense... You sure you've never done this before?"

"Only to myself..." David chuckled. He started to stroke a little faster, emboldened by his paramour's now obvious pleasure. Nate shut his eyes tighter, wave after wave of pleasure coursing through him with each rub. He let out a long groan as David continued to stroke him, toes curling beneath the water. David squeezed his paw a little tighter, applying pressure to Nate's enlivened cock. Nate could feel pressure building in his groin, growing, building... David noticed Nate's member start to twitch and pulse beneath his paw, leaking more and more, until...




David froze, letting go immediately. "What?! Oh shit, what did I do? I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I-"

"J-just... sh-shut up..." Nate stammered breathlessly. His dick was still twitching, drooling a puddle of pre into his crotch. "Y-you're fine, I just... I was... I was just really... haah... close, all of a sudden..."

"What? You mean you were gonna...?"


"Well, shit, man, you should've. I would've been fine with that. I mean, I, uh... wanted you to..."

"...Wanna... I wanna do you, too. Together. S'better, for me, that way."

Now it was David's turn to blush. "O-oh. I didn't think about... sorry..."

"Don't worry about it." Nate seemed to have his breath back, his erection only semi-hard now. "Here, gimme back my trunks... you didn't do anything wrong, I just wanna wait till we can both have fun together before I... cum..." Nate blushed, too. "Besides, you already did more for me than any guy ever has before. Finishing me off wasn't exactly a priority."

David handed Nate his trunks and pulled on his own suit. "Seriously, you had terrible taste in men. No offense or anything... I don't know what they were doing, but you deserve to get off too."

Nate chuckled. "No offense taken. But really, truly..." Nate wrapped a paw behind David's head and pulled him in for a long kiss. "Thank you. I've never felt like that before... and by the way, that whole 'in public' thing... might not be so bad after all."

They leisurely paddled back to shore, the sun going down behind the tree canopy. As the sky lit up brilliant orange and red, they toweled off, laid out their blanket, and ate sandwiches by the lakeshore. When the last light of day faded from the sky, David pointed up. Nate followed his gesture, and was rewarded by a view of the night sky, free of obscuring city lights, sparkling and brilliant.

David watched Nate stare at the stars, far more enraptured by his face than any heavenly spectacle. He watched Nate's eyes twinkle as he gazed up above, and again found himself wishing he could capture this moment in time, forever. Instead, he settled for scooting close, resting his head on the tabby's shoulder. He snuggled deep against the soft fur, churring contentedly. A single thought played on repeat in his mind: I'm so glad... I'm so glad I found you.

It was quite late by the time they got back to David's apartment, even though it was closer to the lake. They'd lost all track of time, sitting together, basking in the starlight. They showered together, Nate finally giving in and allowing himself to view David's naked body, but he hardly noticed at all with how exhausted the two of them were. That's okay..._David thought. _Baby steps. They climbed into the otter's bed together, and as David wrapped his arms around his tabby, barely awake, he pulled him close and whispered hesitantly in his ear...

"I... love you..."

Nate's heart fluttered. Rolling over, he sleepily kissed his partner... no, lover, deeply on the lips.

"...I love you, too..."