Karter's story Chapter 5: Reunion

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Fiction at this point but has some mentions of in life past experiences and places I've been to... debating if my stories are more adult rated since the next few chapters relates to drug usage from how life got over the years so I'm not sure about all ages reading that so um acceptable or allowed? so for now keeping the audience 18+ due to that stuffs...

Several months past since Karter met Shadow and Zethera both patients of P4 Mental institution facility.. lately Karter thought what happened to those two after they're escape from the treatment facility, no words or contact had been recieved for the last 6 years and as the days passed on, his motivation on meeting them again started daunting more and more that might be an actual possible outcome.. A sad bitterness grew over the young adult as the years past by. Karter aged a good few years growing out from the mutilated pup that P4 had reconstructed him into.. Yet he still would despise each couples with kits of their own.. wishing he had a family and a place to call home...

As he aged older. his depression grew colder and colder.. He began to get into narcottics and drugs and alcohol binges whenever he had the chance getting cash or finding a chance to get his fix to escape the pain life was throwing at him... that was until he ran into Shadow while she was meeting with a same plug he visited regularly...

Blinking confused at the female wolf that resembled her but older from the years. "Shadow?" Karter meekly asks the female wolf to which she responds with her ear lifting and looking over at him her eyes widen at him, taking a few moments to remember but sure enough she replied back "Karkar that you?" To which I nodded lots and ran up hugging her, she returned the warm hug which felt almost like a few hours but probably was a good minute or two.. Overwhelmed with emotions he didn't know what to say till she promted him with several questions first... Ladies first am I right XD Apon answering her basic "where do you stay nowadays and how i've been?" and so on to which I've said that I been managing mostly on the move a lot and that I didn't really have anywhere to live or stay either. . .

an hour passes and next thing I know i'm spending the night at her aunts place, the rest of the night up into the early morning hours was just us two reconnecting from the lost years without hearing from her or zeth.. I even asked to if she's heard from him to which she shook her head no. "Sorry karkar he's just as hard to get ahold of I think I may have seen him working at the fast food restraunt downtown. Um ok which one? theres a shit load shadow... almost thinking outloud with those words I mistakenly asked a bit loudly "Yea theres like a few dozen downtown shad..." I swear if looks could castrate feelings XD I'd be shitting myself....

Her demeaner lessened to the slight rude response but smiled knowing I'd probably just been on a bad moodswing again since she always knew about those during P4 days...

"The sev 11 by leila.. but that neighbourhood is shady so I'd probably only go in the day hours kar." I shrug but nod agreeing with her concerns. Last time I've been jumped was having some crackjob holding a knife to my neck for meesly 5$ and that was a shitty day..

The rest of the night went by and Karter accidentally passing out on shadow over the next few hours in of talking back an forth, her ears perking to the soft snores that karter made while he fell asleep in his chair, the female wolf smiled a bit walking to grab a spare blanket for him and gently placed it over across him..

Later that next day karter woken up to an empty house that neither Shadow or her aunt suzzy were there, for a few minutes to he was puzzled to where he was again till remembering running into shadow at the dealers place last night, getting up from his chair bed he dubbed his bed for the night he walked around the house trying to find the toilet, to which a few minutes spent looking till finding the damn thing. "bloody crapper is smaller then my old rooming home I stayed at with scott.." Karter stopping himself from talking further after mentioning scott.. memories of false friendship he told karter that he was loyal and wanted to be friends was a big lie and act to try getting me captured by the doctors or killed by hired hands that wanted me out of the picture cause of what I already knew about the things that occured in P4... the paranoia still stook with him worried if they're still looking for him to reabilithate or execute him in secrecy had bothered him a lot over the hours of pacing in the house, karter's heart began racing when he hears the front door lock unlocking from the outside making him muffle a yelp out as his fears of still being followed or hunted grew more and more fear into his head, before the front door was opened he quickly hid under the bedframe and staying still and quiet as possible till making sure it was only shadow and the cost was clear and safe to come out... Silence lingered for what felt like half an eternaty before footsteps were heard walking into the house, a familiar voice heard as Shadow carried in groceries in bags to the kitchen. "Phew.." karter exhaled in relief and scurried out from under the bedframe and left the room he scampered into while the front door was being unlocked and opened. ((To be continued soon))