Day 10 Favour

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#10 of Kinktober 2023

The keyword that inspired this entry and all those that follow were taken from pyperhaylie's kinktober listThis story features a mean hyena exploiting a stolen phone numbertoday's special guest: radasus Word Count: 1993

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Samara slowed her car as she spotted an acquaintance, walking along minding his own business. Some time had passed since their first encounter, outside another mutual contact's home where the brown hyena had managed to get a hold of his phone.

It was too soon for her to ambush him again, he might suspect it and be harder to convince. Instead... She smirked as a thought crossed her mind. She turned, checking her phone for promising names and faces on a contact list she'd stolen in that short window. Friends of 'friends', particularly the kinky ones, were often the best targets when she found herself in such a mood as this.

She drove on until she found somewhere she could stop the car and be out of view of prying eyes. With the phone back in her hand, she had to think for a moment, but after a brief pause Samara began to type out a text message to the target of her current scheme.

It had worked, she'd dropped the names of the two acquaintances, those of Radasus and Ofenna. Coupled with the manner she'd adopted and text she'd sent, she got a positive reaction from the receiver, she needed only to prepare a little and then wait.

The message had come as a surprise, but the kelpling, Eko, had been taken in by it. Texts from an unknown stranger were something to put her on guard, but this one claimed to know Radasus and Ofenna, have done 'things' with them and now was looking for a discreet, mutual contact she could get to do her a favour.

She arranged to meet in a discreet location of Eko's choosing, not forcing the kelpling to share her home location, while also not throwing herself fully into Samara's clutches. An advantage Eko doubted she'd need but it didn't hurt to be careful.

From the texts and person that she pictured, Eko had an entirely different mental image of the hyena that kicked her way through the door, calling out loudly. "Yo! You must be Eko, yeah?"

"Yes, that's me." The pink kelping said as she straightened up and turned around. "And you're Samara?" She asked with a welcoming smile.

She got a toothy grin in response, the hyena nodding. "S'right. So, let's get down to it."

Eko raised her brows, straight in already? Well, fair enough, she found she liked something about how this hyena acted and carried herself, perhaps a bit too much. "Okay, so remind me. You were wanting to give Radasus a surprise, something involving soft-suits?"

Samara nodded, shrugging off her jacket as she sat on the floor casual and confident as you please. "That's the short version. Kinda spoils the surprise if I don't know how those things work ahead of time, you get me?"

Eko chuckled and nodded. "Well I guess that's thoughtful, and now I see why you asked me specifically. Bear in mind these work best if the wearer is naked. Rada certainly agrees." Eko said as she reached into the bag she'd prepared, producing a carefully stowed mass of padded nylon and straps. At a casual glance one might have mistaken it for a sleeping bag, even unfurled it looked like a person shaped one.

Watching passively Samara held herself from comment for a bit as Eko started to describe it all. She nodded along, mumbling to feign that she was still listening, yet it didn't look all that difficult, plus, as her eyes sized it up, she realised it wasn't some spare or demonstration soft-suit but rather Eko's own.

"So I can't help noticing you're still fully clothed for it." Samara interrupted her as she was demonstrating putting her arm down a sleeve to flesh it out and show where optional mittens could be attached.

"E-excuse me?" Eko asked, a bit flustered.

"You know, you said it's best in the buff. So-..." Samara pointed out, jabbing a finger to indicate her attire.

"Are you flirting with me?" Eko inquired, keeping her cool after the first question. "I'm only showing how it works for Rada's sake. See, you can practise with it without anyone inside." She said, throwing a spare strap and one of the mittens to the hyena.

"I mean, yeah. Not as fun though." Samara said, standing up, letting the passed items just drop from where they had landed onto the floor.

A part of Eko knew it was probably not the best idea to even see where this was going, yet she found herself intrigued and curious. "I'm not getting naked." She said flatly to set some boundaries.

"Yeah, well, how about underthings or a vest or... whatever you've got." Samara asked, waving non-specifically. "Meet you half-way." She said as if she was the one settling.

"No way, we've just met." Eko said, though her tone wasn't as strong as it could have been, even she could tell.

"Heh, alright." Samara said, though she kept walking, moving to grab the hesitating kelpling's soft-suited arm and lift her. "Bottomless it is!"

"Huh-? What?!" Eko gasped as she was lifted fully off the ground, the hyena's other hand dropped to her skirt. The garment could only hold for a few seconds before it fell free. "What are you doing?" She demanded.

"I'm just makin' it fun." She said. "After all, this is how I'll treat Rada, I'm only practising."

Dangling from her grip Eko couldn't deny she wanted to know a bit more of what was planned but still, could she readily admit that? "Mmmf. Fine, hurry it up, it's cold here." She said as an excuse.

"That's a better change of tune." Samara said but she was in the groove of it now. She let Eko back to the ground, only to shove her so that she fell onto her rump. The hyena pulled the soft-suit off Eko's arms, slipping it over the legs, showing that she had been watching the tips for proper application.

The soft quilted look of the thing was well moulded, cushioned even over Eko's toes, tracing her legs, even sliding to accommodate her tail- where the main zipper started. "You uh, you doing alright there? Need a tip?" Eko asked, trying to retain some of the control she felt slipping quickly away.

"Nah-." Samara started, pulling the first of the nylon straps into place around Eko's hips and between the legs. "Pretty dang intuitive."

"Well, it's easier to slide the suit on over the arms and zip it before you sort the harness."

"True, but then I can't do this!" Samara said, her fingers dropping to the shrug that Eko was wearing and pulling it up.

"Wait! You said bottomless only!" Eko protested mildly, as the hyena pulled her arms over her head with it and removed the garment.

"Don't recall ever saying 'only'." Samara said with a raucously amused laugh, flinging the top clear across the room.

Eko squirmed but the hyena brooked little resistance, well over twice the weight of the kelpling, with no small part of it being muscle, it was easy for Samara to direct her. "Hey don't twist too much, don't wanna rip the thing do you?"

Eko hesitated, for all the sudden twists it was still kinda hot, that kept her stuck mentally on the line between submitting and protesting. The strong arms of the hyena capitalised on the hesitation, pulling the suit up Eko's arms. Samara adjusted her grip, turning Eko onto her back in the process and pulling the zipper up to secure the soft-suit, letting Eko's curves fill it out properly. "Well, you're a fast learning pupil." Eko replied, "Or I guess I'm a great teacher."

"Hehe." Samara chuckled as she tightened the nylon straps, snug in the harness shape around Eko's body. "And then these parts..." The hyena mused to herself.

"Wait hold on now, that's all you need to put it on, really." Eko attested. "And a great job you've done too."

"Thanks, Teach." The hyena replied before carrying on anyway. She folded the flap at the legs of the softsuit, lining up the zipper and swiftly pulling it up, effectively containing and connecting Eko's legs into one. Showing it was no accident that she'd left the ankle straps before loose as she threaded them into one.

"Okay, enough now!" Eko murmured, still uncertain even in herself.

"Yeah..." The hyena agreed, dropping the kelpling's legs and standing.

Eko let out a sigh, relief mixed with a slight, betraying feeling that it was over too soon after all. She hoped... what exactly? That the hyena would let her go after all, that she'd ask permission to demonstrate further? Or better yet, that she wouldn't be dissuaded.

Samara walked over to where Eko's shrug had landed, gathering the skirt, spare strap and mitt on the way. Then, rather than carrying them neatly back to the kelpling she started stuffing the clothing into the bag Eko had pulled the soft suit from. The hyena turned out the rest of the bag's contents. Laughing with a short 'ahah!' at what she saw.

A stuffed fabric gag, a blindfold, a matching hood and the second of the mittens. Eko rolled onto her back, her hands dropping to the zip at the legs, trying to fumble them loose and get the flaps open, yet in her frantic speed and with the soft quilting over her digits, she wasn't fast enough. Samara made it back to her side and started with the mittens, thrusting them over Eko's hands and buckling the straps tightly with only a short delay as she figured out how they went together.

"Well, Eko? Can you get out of it like this?" Samara asked while she turned to the flat flaps at the softsuit's sides, wrestling Eko's arms to sit straight at her side. The mittens were doing their job, a soft foam padding inside holding her hands slightly bent and filling her palm to prevent her gripping.

"N-no." The kelpling confessed. "Well uh- you're certainly gonna surprise Rada." She said with a light smirk, pretending she didn't see that Samara was already lifting the hood and inspecting it.

"Oh hell yeah I am. And you're gonna help."

"I-I've done my part. I've shown you how the suit works so uh. I can vouch that he'll be surprised."

The hyena woman simply laughed, one hand picked up the thick, mouth-stuffing wad, while the other put the hood down on Eko's lap and stroked her cheek. The kelpling let out a worried gasp but she opened her lips enough in her conflict to let Samara shove the gag into place, chased quickly by the hood. With a few tugs and twists she'd put it over the fronds on Eko's head and buckled it down. "M-mmmph..." Eko mewled into the gag as the hyena zipped the mouth opening shut, turning worried yet excited eyes on her.

"Now for your own surprise. If it's even that shocking at this point." Samara said, lifting her phone in front of them, posing so that the camera saw her and the helpless Eko before it clicked as the photo was taken. "-First up, I'm not exactly what Radasus or Ofenna would call a 'friend'."

The line twisted Eko's stomach adding a mix of panic and even more excitement. What did she mean? Surely she was joking if she had their number and knew that much about them. "Mm-mmmh?!"

"Secondly, I'll let Rada know where this place is so that he hurries over real quick. And then finally, I'll tell my bro to come here and surprise him while the two of us take a trip home."

Samara laughed as she pulled something out of her own bag, shaking it out. A second duffel had been rolled up within. Concerningly sized; it would be big enough for the kelpling.

With a laugh, Samara laid it out. "But first, before I send any message, let's have some fun together."

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Day 9 Break

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