Leo's not so boring day.

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Hey guys, gals, and non binary pals. This is my first attempt at writing a story in general so all feedback and criticism is greatly appreciated! The story is a little bland imo but it's really my first one so I hope you all enjoy. It's about A wolf who works at an adult toy company and one day he comes in to a new device from the development team on his desk to try out. Enjoy!

Leo was quite an average wolf. He was tall at 6'4" and lean with a coat of bland black fur and gray eyes. The biggest thing that stood out about him was his job at an office building that sold the best and newest adult toys. He was part of the R&D department and most of the time he found his job very boring. Until one day when he receives a new product to test on his desk.

When Leo sat down at his desk he noticed someone from the development area had left a package with a note taped onto it addressed to him. He took the note off opening and proceeded to read its contents " Hey Leo we just finished getting the tech for this toy down pat. Hope it performs well enough. -D". Leo placed the note aside and very carefully opened the package. Inside were two discs with one side flat and the other concave slightly into the rest of the disc. He took them out and gently placed them on the desk before finding the instruction sheet. On the top of the sheet it read "PORTO-PLEASURES" He quickly read over all the instructions before carefully picking up both of the discs. He started to apply gentle pressure on the sides of both of them and they slowly started to glow. One on the concave side and the others on the flat side. Leo set the discs back down before moving over and closing his office door. After that he walked back to the desk before quickly taking all his clothes off. The red tapered tip of his dick was already starting to poke out of his sheath. The last time he had time to empty his balls was two weeks ago so he was very eager to get started. He picked up the disc with the concave still visible and pushed his sheath and balls through. When he looked back over to his desk his eyes widened. Sitting there coming out of the second disc was his own cock and balls. His balls were sitting just over the edge of the disc while his cock was jutting straight up. For a moment he just watched in amazement as he watched his cock slowly emerge more and more from its sheath a few feet away from him. He slowly let his hand come off of the disc at his crotch and was surprised to find it had a solid connection to his body. Most body adhering toys he's tested usually slid off the moment he let go. After another moment he walked over to his desk and picked up the disc carefully. It was a strange sensation coming from his dick. He could feel it being picked up and moved around as the air flowed around it. He knew this dick in his hands was his since he could feel all this happening but it was strange because all the feeling was still coming from his groin. He slowly brought it forward until he could feel his own warm breath radiating onto his cock. It was a strange sensation but one he was definitely enjoying. That came to prove itself soon enough as his cock finished growing out of his sheath but his knot was left in. He proceeded to shove his snout directly between his cock and balls and took a deep sniff. He was quickly overwhelmed by the deeper, more intimate musk of his own crotch that he never had the ability to smell before. After that sniff he started to lightly lick his own balls while simultaneously trying to stay standing due to the pleasure radiating from his empty crotch. Before long his balls were covered in his saliva and he took one of his balls into his mouth while letting out a small moan from the taste and pleasure he was receiving. He let that testicle go before doing the same on the other one. Before long he closed his eyes and was lavishing both of them in turn. He felt moisture fall onto his snout and looked up while opening his eyes. His entire cock now including the knot was throbbing violently above him starting to leak pre. He pulled off his balls giving them one more parting lick before pulling away slightly just to admire his cock from a different angle. While watching he noticed that his knot was at least half the size of the rest of his six inch cock. He slowly leaned in and gave a long drawn out lick over the underside of his knot. Buckling at the knees he quickly stopped and walked over to the couch in his office to sit down before he actually collapsed. Bringing his cock back up to his face he pointed it towards himself tip first and gently kissed the head before slowly taking it into his maw. He instantly moaned and slowly pushed himself in deeper His hips giving an involuntary thrust forwards but doing nothing since the device was secured properly to his crotch. Before long he had his entire cock in his mouth up to the knot. Unfortunately he could not open his maw enough to get his knot past this barrier so instead he started to slowly pump his cock into and out of his maw. He quickly built a rhythm getting to speeds that he had never felt being applied to his cock before. After about 10 minutes of this he realized he was getting close and stopped for a moment panting. He slowly reached over and placed the disc with his cock sticking out of it over onto his desk and just watched it. It sat there for several minutes throbbing and angry at the lack of release and spitting precum into the air. Leo got up and walked over to his desk chair and picked up his cock before placing it on the chair. He opened a drawer in his desk and proceeded to pull out a small tube of lube. He popped open and poured some out onto his cock making sure to spread it with his hand so it was evenly coated, then he poured some onto his own fingers and gently prodded them against his entrance slowly applied lube to the outside and eventually relaxing enough to stick one of his fingers in. Slowly thrusting the one finger back and forth before eventually adding a second and then a third finger. Before long he felt properly lubed and stretched to take almost anything. He grabbed the middle of his cock to stabilize it and slowly started to sit down onto it. He felt the tip start pressing against his hole and slowly kept going down and before long his tip popped into his opening. He let out a large gasp while his mind tried to comprehend what he was feeling, being penetrated and penetrating at the same exact time. He kept lowering himself slowly giving out small gasps and moans until he finally reached the top of his knot. He stayed there for a moment moving both of his hands to grasp his desk for stabilization and to get used to the feeling. After a moment he began to ride his cock slowly going up and down his entire length slowly before picking up some speed. He was very soon riding himself as fast as he could. He could feel every time his cock throbbed against him and every clench of his ass against his cock. After about 5 minutes he could feel himself very quickly approaching orgasm so he started to slam down against his cock as hard as he could determined to take his own knot, he could feel his entrance starting to give way but he was afraid he wouldn't be able to get it in, in time. So he quickly stood up grabbing the bottom of the second disc and pulled as hard as he could. It felt like it took a lifetime but eventually he got past the center of his knot. He heard the quit lewd *POP* as he finally took his knot before he fully felt it. When he did he clenched down on it with his ass as hard as he could and before long he was seeing stars, Falling back down onto his chair he kept thrusting his hips forward as he came. He could feel every pent up spurt from his cock enter his ass and every involuntarily clench on his cock. Before long he was just sitting there quietly panting and feeling the fullness of his load still being pumped into his stomach. Suddenly his office door was thrown open and in stepped a rather short red fox by the name of Ringo "Hey Leo you get the package from development yet?" Asked the fox while looking down at his clipboard. Leo just responded with a very gentle "uh-huh". Ringo looked up from the clipboard and finally saw the wolf, with the portal stuck to his crotch and a dazed look in his eyes. Ringo simply nodded and said "Alright I want the results on my desk before 4". Leo simply nodded and the fox left the room while closing the door.