Duke Weaselton Gets Even 2 - Unending

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#45 of Recontextualize

Duke arrived early for his time with Judy - or rather he was scared of what Mr. Big would do to him if he didn't show up. He paced around the closed building, fearing to upset the shrew. Koslov didn't tell him when he had to come, so he had to play it safe. As it drew closer to opening time, there was quite a line behind him.

Sasha and Tasha opened the doors to let everyone inside. They added a giant TV screen up above. It started playing a clip of Judy holding his head in the toilet.

His fur stood on end as he approached the two naked diapered bunnies. "I - I'm here."

Sasha said, "Please move aside."

"Hey, I got here first!" Duke said. Some weasel wasn't going to go in front of him. He waited before this place even opened to settle his account.

"Move aside, you're holding up the line."

"Just tell me when she wants to see me."

"From ten to eleven and from three to four."

"It's just for one hour."

"We'll make it three to five then."

Duke decided that it was pointless to argue further. He owed just an hour to Koslov, none of this extra stuff. He just had to clear things up when the time came.

Sasha addressed the next weasel in line with respect. "Would you like to pay for an hour with Judy?"

"Tell you what, I'll pay you double, and I get to fuck the bunny," Shane said.

"It's either this or not at all. You'll never get to fuck ZPD's finest again. She might even take offense that you dared to show up here, and pay closer attention to your activities."

"Triple," the weasel said as if intimidated.

"Throwing away so much money, you wouldn't happen to be doing anything illegal now, would you?"

"It would be a pleasure to pay for a round with Judy. When is she free?"

Turning the monitor, Sasha showed him a list of options on the computer. Duke saw that Sasha had indeed booked him for three to five as well. And Judy had a round with Koslov before she had time for him.

"Hey, you're the weasel on TV," a lynx said.

"And everyone is still lining up?" Duke said. "You saw what she did to me! And you heard what happened to that weasel." He didn't recognize this particular lynx. "You should get out of here."

"What if we're fine with both outcomes? Like you should have been. You cheater."

"You weren't there." Duke couldn't believe that someone wanted to be in his position.

There were many mammals here, trying to book future appointments with Judy. All her services hinged on a coin toss. They couldn't fuck Judy without winning one. Duke heard Judy scream from afar.

"Music to my ears," the lynx said. "Can you hear it?"

Duke nodded.

That should've been him. If only he could see that look on her face. He closed his eyes, trying to imagine how she looked.

"What are you doing?" Duke said. The lynx was shoving his paw into his pants, all without asking. "Back off, pervert." Duke pulled away.

"You looked like you needed help." The lynx looked at the giant TV screen where Judy was drowning Duke yet again.

Duke sat on the couch, waiting for time to pass.

There were periodic screams from Judy, piercing the chatter in the room.

When his turn came, Judy showed herself with shaky legs. The naked bunny had dried tears around her reddened eyes. There are different colored goop on her ears and body.

"We're going to have so much fun." Judy grinned cruelly.

He gulped. She made him question if he made the smart decision to show up here.

"I'm sorry about yesterday," Duke said, hoping that she would spare him.

"Do you think I don't remember?"

He turned around, looking for the lynx. "You can have him take my place. He'll give you a good time." He tried cowering behind the lynx. "He likes it both ways."

"But I want you right now."

Duke clung to the lynx.

"You deserve this." The lynx gave him to Judy.

He scanned the room for another escape opportunity. Judy wasn't so patient - she took hold of his paw and ran. She led him to a room with chains. When she restrained him, she pushed a button to raise those chains in the air. She started flogging him mercilessly.

Duke hissed in pain. "Can't we talk about this?" He felt woozy, as his body hovered above the ground.

"The only thing I want to hear is your screams." Her strikes became even faster.

There was no reprieve despite how much he screamed. It wasn't until Koslov visited the room that her strikes let up. Through tear-filled eyes, Duke tried to pay attention to what was happening.

"Don't forget to stay hydrated," Koslov said.

Judy started drinking from a bottle labeled "Bear Cum." She swallowed a few times, draining it about a quarter. "Bleh."

Koslov inspected the weasel's body. "Do I need to teach you how to use a whip?"

She shivered. "No. Is there anything else?" She forced his nose into her pussy, and that was when he realized that the purple goop was wax.

"You're far too violent."

"Keep licking." Judy glared at the weasel.

He believed that if her cunt didn't have wax inside it, it would taste good. Carefully, he avoided the spots with wax as he licked.

"Clean me."

"Is wax safe to swallow?" Duke said.

"Be that way, fine." Judy lowered him to the ground.

"I just want to know if it's safe."

She freed him from the chains. Quickly, she attached a leash to him, dragging him out into the lobby.

"Clean this." She pushed his head to the floor.

Everything moved so fast, that Duke was in a daze.

She increased the force on his neck. He futilely gasped for breath. That bunny was going to kill him at this rate.

Koslov lifted the bunny. "I warned you."

Duke tried to run away, only for the audience to stop him.

"You tried to run." Koslov held the bunny in his paw but still had time to address him.

"Can you blame me?" He cried. It was the only thing he could do.

"Get your mouth on his cock," Koslov said.

Judy blinked. "No, that's gross."

Duke couldn't believe that Koslov was going to help him, considering he flushed him down the toilet yesterday.

"Wrong answer," Koslov growled.

"I won the coin toss," Judy said. "Now, let me play with my toy."

Koslov carried her away.

Duke tried to follow after Koslov, but Sasha and Tasha didn't let him go. "Can I leave then?"

"No," Sasha said, "just wait."

Judy returned. She tore his clothes off, not bothering to ask him to undress. She started sucking his cock. Whatever went down behind closed doors went in his favor, Koslov observed the scene. She really knew how to give a blowjob despite the reluctance in her eyes.

"That's the spot," Duke cried out in ecstasy.

He shot his cum into her mouth, and she struggled to swallow, grimacing at the taste.

"If only you did this from the start."

She didn't reply but kept sucking his cock.

"Hey, let go." Duke tried to pull away.

The bunny didn't seem to care.

"Back off!" He tried to force her off his cock.

"Do that again, and lose your paw," Koslov said. "Enjoy."

He calmed himself and tried to enjoy his cock being sucked. She didn't let up when he shot his load into her mouth again. It was getting painful.

"Please stop," Duke said.

If anything, she used more force in sucking his cock.

"Let me go."

The bunny was undeterred.

"What do you want?"

Worse, she didn't even acknowledge him.

He shot another load of cum into her mouth. Duke became desperate, he tried blocking her nose with his paw, thinking that would make her stop. Unwavering, Judy continued sucking his cock.

"Move your paw aside."

He needed this to stop, he tried lying. "Watch your teeth!" he screamed to sell the act.

"Let me check." Koslov had Judy stop momentarily. "You lied."

Judy punished him by sucking even harder.

Not even his fourth orgasm saved him. She was milking him for everything he had.

"His time is up," Tasha said.

Duke thought she would stop, but she kept going still. "Please get her off me!"

"His time is up you thirsty cum slut."

Tasha pulled her ears since she kept going.

Judy finally stopped.

"Here." Tasha had a bottle of bear cum for her to drink. As Judy had a mouthful of cum in her mouth, Tasha said, "It came directly from my ass."

She spat out the foul mixture.

Tasha pushed Judy's face into that mess. "We shouldn't waste cum." She kept her foot on Judy's head.

Duke looked at his cock, wondering if it was still okay. "I'm never coming back here." She sucked it for so long. It hurt him when he touched it.

"Then we can't let you leave."

"Why not?

"You will be seeing her from three till five."

"I did my time!"

"But you were so eager earlier. We made room just for you."

"That was a mistake. Koslov, she made a mistake."

"There is no mistake." Koslov approached him.

"Help me, someone!"

They were in the middle of the lobby, and no one cared to help him. All eyes were on Judy, watching her lap up the puddle. Worse, the crowd decided to paw themselves off.

Koslov carried Duke to the nearby closet. He wouldn't be leaving any time soon.