So You Want To Be Wolves
#8 of Patreon
This requested story from one of my Patron's involves three close friends that finally get to live out their transformation fantasies thanks to a trip to their local magic shop. A happy tale with some furry three ways.
"Wolves, huh? Sure, I can do wolves. It's more of a question of how do you want to do wolves?" replied the shopkeeper thoughtfully.
The unexpected question confused Matt for a moment. "How? I guess through, magic?" he answered with a shrug. It was the first magic shop he had even been to yet, or even knew existed, so didn't know what to say.
After rolling her eyes the shopkeeper closed the small book she had been reading when the twenty-something guy approached her counter. "I meant, how do you want to change? How do you, and the two friends you mentioned, want to be wolves? I have potions that will turn a person into a wolf for a few hours or days or life. Stones that can grant you the form and memories of a wolf. Or maybe a necklace that does the trick temporarily but with a very drawn out transformation that is honestly rather painful. But if that's your thing I'm here to facilitate, not judge," she reassured with a smile. "If you don't have something in mind I can work the problem backwards. Tell me what you'd like to see happen and I'll fill in the blanks. How does that sound?"
"Sure. Yeah, I can work with that." Matt took a moment to think then tried his best to speak for Avi and Seda, his friends in question. "I think we always thought it would be a nice, pleasant sort of change that takes maybe thirty minutes or so? And maybe, ummm, not sure how to put this. If it can even feel more on the good side while it's happening. Really, really good I mean. Sort of like, maybe, pleasurable and feel, very, very good," he reiterated, a blush showing in his cheeks.
"Are you trying to say you want it to be a more aroused sort that leaves you changed as well as properly aroused?" she asked in a direct manner Matt was not expecting.
Matt blushed more. "Yeah..."
"Yeah, thought so. It's no problem, hun. Told you that I'm not here to judge. Now, go on. Continue for me," encouraged the shopkeeper.
"Right. So I guess then after that once we're wolves we'd probably still want to remember who we are and be in control. Mostly. And wouldn't be forever or anything. Just whenever, well, the mood strikes," Matt admitted.
"Hmmmm, I believe I understand you, hun. Something for when you're all in the wolfish mood. A moment while I think," she pleasantly told Matt.
"Sure," Matt smiled.
The cozy small and rustic shop had been one that Matt had learned of through some online spaces. Once he told his two good friends Avi and Seda about it, all three immediately started to brainstorm ideas for what they would want to try. After narrowing it down from 'most everything' to deciding mutually to go with canine before narrowing it down to wolf as their first choice. But it was just Matt that made the journey to the famed store as the other two were working, though both were texting him furiously for updates. Matt tried not to be too distracted by his phone as the red haired shopkeeper with glistening violet eyes finished thinking of solutions.
"Okay, hun, I think I have a couple ideas that could work for you and your friends. What appeals to you most: something old, something gold, or something cold?" queried the shopkeeper warmly.
Matt puzzled for a moment before coming down to simplified reasoning."Ummm, cold gives me chills and gold sounds expensive so how about old?"
"Suppose that's reasoning enough. Old it is." The shopkeeper turned her head and whistled softly. This brought a Bengal cat trotting out from the back who leaped up onto the counter in front of the shopkeeper who was there to stroke the cat's back. Hanging from the cat's collar was a fine, flowery key made of wood which the shopkeeper gently plucked off. "Thank you, Ember. That's a good girl," she told the purring cat.
The shopkeeper dipped the key under the counter where it unlocked some unseen drawer, from which she pulled a strange black cylinder. She set it down carefully on the table as she also continued to pet the doting feline. Matt wasn't sure what it was until she pulled the cylinder off to reveal a weathered wooden totem bearing the carved visages of several wolves that stood no more than twelve inches tall. There were cracks from age on the aged piece that, judging by the worn down edges, had likely been frequently handled. It looked like some mundane whittling effort but with Matt knowing such a thing held magic in it gave it an uncanny mystique.
"Definitely looks old, but I have to ask. Is that key you got from the cat really just for opening that drawer to this item?" Matt couldn't help but ask first.
"That would be awfully silly of me. I'd need a lot more cats then for all the locks I deal with. No, this key simply becomes whatever key it needs to be for the lock," answered the shopkeeper just as she was clipping the key back onto Ember's collar. "Now this piece is an older one that I stumbled across a year ago as part of a small haul I acquired last year. As you can see, it's a carved wooden token but what can't be so easily known is its quite potent powers. It grants a transformation into a breed of wolf following a brief submission to the figurine. An act done on hands and knees in front of it along with the very easy verbiage: 'I submit.' It will take it from there, giving you a transformation that fulfills all your wants and a final form fully feral in all but mind. That you keep, with some influence from your body's instincts but nothing that would turn you into a mindless beast. Unless that's just how you are normally," implied the shopkeeper with a knowing wink.
"Heh, right, right," Matt bashfully agreed. "So how long does the transformation last? Hours? Days?"
"Long as you want it to, honestly. A similar act of submission shone to the figure will return you to your old forms fairly expediently. Obviously you will bow a little differently as wolves and the verbiage this time, 'I return', will be more of a whimpered expression of those words. It'll understand, don't worry. And that's basically it. Change to a wolf takes maybe thirty minutes to an hour. Return trip is a little shorter. The figurine can also only change a person once every full moon and does need to be, what's the word Ellah uses, recharged. Yes, just a couple hours should do it. Other than that, don't break it, don't resell it, don't try to 'fix' it, and I shouldn't have to add this but don't eat it," the shopkeeper stressed.
"Yeah, you don't have to worry about me eating this. We're turning into wolves, not beavers after all," quipped Matt.
"Beavers aren't very popular, no surprise, but sadly that wasn't what gave birth to my concern. For discretion reasons, I won't go into too much detail about the incident, suffice to say the only experience this customer had was getting their stomach pumped at the hospital," she recalled with a sigh. "You look like a man who had a level head on your shoulders, hun, so I'm sure you and any company you keep would know not to be that foolish. I'll write down the instructions for you as well so you have them, of course. So, what do you think?"
"I think that sounds like it will work. Tell me it's not a fortune though," Matt chuckled.
"Well it's a one of a kind piece I had been thinking of replicating but for you, fifty and it's yours," offered the shopkeeper.
"Sold! Definitely sold!" Matt said in an instant. Him and his friends had pooled a few hundred so Matt didn't need to haggle.
Matt paid while the shopkeeper wrapped it up for him and wrote out the instructions. Once he had everything and was out the door he couldn't text his friends fast enough to clear their weekend schedules. They were going camping.
That Friday evening came and the group of three were driving up to the campsite they had visited the summer before on a trip. They brought much of the same equipment as that time, but now their packing of clothes and supplies was done quickly and with a mind that more of their time that weekend would be spent as wolves. Their plan was to get there Friday night, get settled, and get a good night's rest before taking the plunge the next morning with the change. Then they'd spend as much time as wolves as they could before a reluctant trip home. Such a packed weekend left their minds focused on the experience to come rather than any real plans.
The three men were all in their mid-twenties with a very similar slender body type, height, and all with short hair and glasses. Seda had paler skin with his hair brown while Matt and Avi, both Asian with black hair and similar mannerisms were sometimes confused for brothers. All three had been friends for a few years and by now were a tight knit group sharing a lot of interests, but none so passionately as of late as their mutual transformation kink. It had been a fantasy between them since they first met and were thoroughly elated to finally act on some of them.
They parked Matt's car, gathered their things, then began the roughly half-mile walk to the campsite. It was near the end of summer so even as night was falling it was warm out with a clear sky hidden somewhere above the forest canopy. It did mean the forest was full of life with bird song, chattering insects, and lots of green everywhere. The sights and smells helped each of them further immerse themselves in nature. Making it very easy to leave their responsibilities and worries behind them by the time they reached the clearing for their camp.
By the time dusk was turning to night they had their separate tents setup, a fire going, and were knocking back a few beers beside them after finishing a light meal. Their spirits were understandably high as they conversed about expectations as well as the details of how to go about the ritual itself. Conversation on the latter spurred Avi and Seda to ask to finally see the idol which Matt was all too happy to oblige.
"I know it doesn't look like much, but it's the real deal. Or at least that's what the lady at the shop promised. Can't deny it has an eerie aura about it," Matt pointed out after setting the wolf totem down a tree stump a few feet from the fire. He then sat down nearby while his two friends crept nearer the totem for a better look.
"Tell me that you bought it in that condition and you haven't damaged it already," Avi joked to Matt as he cautiously touched the wood.
"That's how she sold it to me. I haven't taken it out of the box since she packed it up, I swear. It's supposed to be old," Matt defended.
"Looks like something my grandpa would have whittled and left out in the rain," remarked Seda as he sat back and picked up his beer. "Not that the appearance matters as much as what it can do. And if it does that, then it's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen," he added wryly.
Avi was still bent over inspecting the idol. "So crazy that this mundane thing can do what it does; make someone a full fledged wolf. And all I'd have to do that is bow and say that little phrase and that would start it, right? That's all it takes?" he asked while thoroughly enthralled by the possibilities.
"Yup. 'I submit' I believe were the words. Just that easy," Matt confirmed.
"Just that easy," nodded Avi.
"So wild," Seda said, the thought making him grin. "Makes me wish we learned about this a lot sooner. That store has been there for years apparently. Imagine all the forms we could have tried out," he pondered further as emptied another bottle.
"Or the time we could have spent in those forms. So many things we could experience," Avi suggested as he ran with Seda's thoughts.
"Try not to worry too much about it. The best time to have learned about it was four years ago, but you wanna know the second best time?" Matt asked.
Seda shrugged that he didn't know while Avi, still enamored with the totem, answered without turning his head, "No. When is it?"
"Second best time is right now," replied a smirking Matt who added a wink for Seda.
"Heh, point taken," Seda nodded across to his friend. They raised their beers to each other with Seda having to open his before indulging.
Avi took Matt's proverb a little differently with his ears perking up. "You mean, right now?"
Matt rolled his eyes. "Well, I didn't mean exactly now now. Just, now in our lives. You understood me, right Seda?"
"I did," agreed Seda. Who then couldn't help but admit, "Not that the thought of doing it now now isn't a little appealing."
"Very appealing,"Avi stressed as the thought riled him up. He finally pulled back from the idol, sitting back beside Seda who he rightly detected was on the same wavelength as him.
Matt could hear their suggestive tones, as well as see the bulges in the front of their shorts. "What are you two trying to say?" he asked with a half-smile of his own.
Seda turned to Avi and asked, "You're liking now now too?"
"Very much leaning towards now now," Avi affirmed. "Think we only said we wouldn't do it the first night in case we were tired from the drive and getting settled in. I don't know about the rest of you but I feel pretty good right now now, if you get me."
"I get you. Might as well do it now because I know I won't be able to sleep tonight with all this excitement. What do you think, Matt? Wouldn't want to pressure you into this or anything. You did do the driving so if you need rest, feel free to-"
"Oh just shut up and let's do it now. Sorry, now now," Matt relented- not that it took hardly any convincing. "Was tired after the drive but like you said, all this talk and maybe the beer gave me a second wind. No way I'll probably want to sleep either. So no point in waiting honestly. Let's go and be some wolves, boys!" he cheered as he joined his friends' excitement.
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" clapped Avi.
"Great! So great us being on the same wavelength, right?" said Seda.
"I freakin' love it. Let's get everything all squared away with camp then so we can do this and not have to worry about it until Sunday night or whenever," Matt said as he rose to drink down the rest of his bottle.
"You sure we'll want to change back?" Avi asked sarcastically.
Leaving the question unanswered the group set about their agreed preparations before they changed. Mostly involving securing all their items, storing food a distance from the camp in case animals came sniffing, and lastly putting out the campfire completely. Three electric lanterns would do for lighting instead. Each had an automatic shutoff timer after two hours which was plenty for their expected transformation.
Lastly they had to prepare themselves. They each had brought a change of clothes- socks, jeans, underwear, and t-shirt- which they were completely fine with ripping and tearing their way through as they transformed. That having been something that all three enjoyed the idea of. They kept their shoes off and even had the foresight to bring an older pair of glasses so that no one had to worry about breaking a good pair. With all that set there was nothing left to do but start prostrating to the idol still steeped upon a tree stump.
"Are we all ready?" Avi asked once each of them were on their knees next to each other.
"Ready as I'll ever be," said Matt nervously.
"I've never been this excited for anything ever I think. So surreal," Seda marveled briefly before coming back to the moment, his eyes darting between his two friends. "Let's do it. I am so ready to submit for this," he clamored.
"Then let's submit!" agreed Matt and Avi in near unison.
They all gladly followed the instructions, hearts racing, and bowed their heads all the way to the dirt before they all counted down together and all at once proclaimed 'I submit' to the wolf's totem. And then silence.
"Did we do it right?" Avi asked after close to a minute passed and they still had their heads bowed in the dirt.
"We did what the directions said. Weren't exactly a lot of steps," Seda replied.
"Thought so. How long do we have to wait, Matt?"
"Come to think of it, she didn't really say how long for it to kick in. Just that once it did would be over in thirty or sixty minutes. I assumed from when we completed this ritual," recalled Matt as best he could.
"Well being bent down like this is not great for my knees since they're getting sore. If we're trying again I'll need to stand up for a minute first," Seda said while wincing in discomfort.
"Might as well. Getting sore myself. Maybe the totem is facing the wrong way or we're not saying the words loud enough," reasoned Matt as his own aches were starting.
All three quickly rose up with just Seda getting to his feet before noticing what his companions already had. The old totem now pulsed with an invisible yet palpable force that all three felt impacting them. Of the five wolf heads carved in the wood it was fitting that three of them had eyes that were aglow with a silvery white light. Soon the totem seethed from its cracks a white smoke which the pulses dispersed over the whole camp site, creating an effect of moonlight upon them without need of a visible sky. A display that left all three suitably awed, but also giving a second thought about the actual cause of the soreness all were acutely experiencing.
"Guys? I think the spell might have worked," Seda said tenuously, his hands shaking and cheeks flush.
"You think? I'm getting the sweats all of a sudden and I bet the glowing wolf statue might be the cause," joked Avi as he too came over almost flu-like symptoms. He and the others looked at each other over just to be sure that they were all feeling the effects. Once they had it was smiles and fist pumps and then back to cringing from spasms shooting down their spines. "You two are awesome friends, by the way. Can't think of two other people in the world I'd rather be with right now," he told them both, knowing he wouldn't be able to tell them that in an hour.
"You both fucking rock. I'll owe you two until the day I die," professed Seda as his own passions ran high. "I always imagined how this might feel and I was way, way off. Feels like my body is heating up and somehow melting without melting."
"That's one way to put it. It's like all my muscles are trying to move somewhere else. Think I might have to get back down on the ground for this," a nearly already seated Matt said for himself. "And let me add my thank you's, love you's, and you two are best's out now. Won't be so easy when I, ugh, when I, I... Shit, does anyone else's tailbone feel like it is about to snap?" he asked with difficulty while seated and rubbing the small, slowly growing lump at the base of his spine.
Avi and Seda were getting to the ground when they also felt the weirdness at the tailbones. Then they couldn't drop to their knees and tug down the back of their pants fast enough to see something they'd all fantasized about for years. None could take their attention off the bump once they had it. Yelps and cries of delight continued as bone and flesh painlessly lengthened into a fleshy new appendage. Not that it did not feel uncomfortable or taxing but it wasn't anything their excitement and adrenaline couldn't handle.
"I'm growing a fucking tail!" Seda enthusiastically yelled at the very top of his lungs.
"This is so fucking... awesome. Damn, I feel like I'm in a sauna. Sweating all my clothes damp. This is still crazy awesome no matter what," Matt emphasized flatly. "This is so damn exciting!"
"You're telling me," chuckled Avi who saw the erection bulging in Matt's pants. Something Avi was sporting himself rather obviously too. Both men blushed and happily did nothing to hide the fact. Avi did look over at Seda who was on his hands and knees with a hard cock in his hands too. Only his attention was still fixed on his member and growing tail. "And that makes three. I love that this change is not impeding my arousal at all. Feels like it definitely helps too," Avi was happy to report.
"Glad I'm not the only one with a raging hard on," Matt tried to say with a smirk just for a twitching from his ears to ruin it. Something that only got his free hand searching his head. "My ears? My ears!"
"My ears too!" Avi shouted when his started aching more.
"Me three! Looks like we're changing at about the same pace which is nice. I can feel the changes and if I want to see what they look like I have you two for reference," Seda pointed out as he joined the others in groping his burgeoning canine ears.
The sound of crawling skin and reforming cartilage filled the trio's ears as the transformation turned their ears wolfish. Pointed tips pushed upwards from the head while the ear flap developed at the sides and where it met their skulls. They began to stick out more from their heads the bigger they got, prompting a shaking of their heads to feel the flop of their new ears. The sensation was similar to their elongating tails so it was becoming a feeling the guys enjoyed to the point of willing more of it to follow. With a very active nature the magic was quick to oblige them with a different sort of change nudging their noses.
"It's really spreading. Nose is getting really swollen, it feels like," remarked Seda with eyes crossed at his blackened nose.
"Not just that either. Anyone else notice they're feeling some itchiness?" Avi said as there was excessive prickling of skin down his spine to the base of his tail. This of course had Avi, still on hands and knees, looking back over his shoulder as he pulled up his shirt a little.
"Now that you mention it, my ears and chest are kinda itchy," said Matt with a hand going up under his own shirt.
There he found what Avi did on his back and what Seda did when feeling around his ears more. Barely sprouted fur clung to all these spots in small but growing patches. Matt felt a line following his collarbone and sternum while Avi's spine was coming host to the same. Their ears though were the most obvious with white hairs growing on the inside while gray, brown, and black colored fur covered the rest. It also spilled onto their heads, into their scalps, and down their necks. The spread was slower when compared to how the fur grew once any area was completely covered.
"First tail, then ears, and now fur. Wolves were a good choice," Seda said as he reveled in his changing body like the others.
"Excellent choice," agreed Matt.
"You won't hear complaints from me," Avi huffed. His blackened, distinctly more canine nose was forcing the bridge of his and the other's to swell in its own right.
A twitch in his gum and jaws had Avi tilting his mouth open and running his tongue over his teeth. His canines were noticeably larger for one and as he could see on both Matt and Seda's faces a muzzle forming. This opened up new gaps in the gums that new wolf teeth grew right into. Elsewhere on their heads their natural hair was shrinking or giving over to their new fur coats. Their broader noses made it hard for their glasses to fit but it was their ears shifting to face forward that had Seda, then Avi, and finally Matt ditch their glasses. Thankfully their varied optical issues were lessened, allowing them to see for the first time their amber colored eyes.
"You are all looking so fucking hot right now, just wanted to say," remarked a panting Avi.
"You're one to talk. I'm getting total gray wolf vibes from you right now, Avi. And you smell," Seda complimented before crawling over to his friend and taking a deep, long whiff of his scent. "You smell like a sweaty dog, and horny," he smiled.
Matt did the same to Avi, moving to his hands and knees to sniff closely at his friend. "Mmm, you do smell good, Avi. Especially back here..." Matt mentioned from closer to Avi's butt.
The suggestion had Seda following suit eagerly. "Oh? Let me try," he said as he inhaled. "Ohhhh, you're right. He does have a different smell back here. It's musky, sweaty, and look, it even has a wagging tail!"
"Haha, he does!" laughed Matt when he noticed Avi's seven inches of tail was wagging side to side very happily.
The remarks had Avi blushing hard but unable to stop his tail wagging even faster than before. He couldn't think of what to say in reply but didn't have to when the changes spread down into his hands. "Don't know about you two, but my hands seem to be next. Not that you should let it stop you sniffing back there if you want," he hinted.
"You don't have to tell us twice," giggled Seda, his voice showing the first signs of coarseness due to the changes.
"Mmmmm," Matt concurred with his nose pressing against Avi's rear.
All three had their hands undergoing the same changes but only Avi really watched it unfold. Matt and Seda had become enamored with both their friend's smell and their ability to do it. So the darkening of their nails to the root along with the nail growing thick and sharp was ignored for other distractions. The fingers themselves grew shorter and in the case of the thumbs a lot smaller. More fur filled in except for places where paw pads grew from coarser skin. The steady rate of transformation had their thumbs as dewclaws, properly arrayed toes, and further still up to their wrists and forearms. There the bone, muscle, and more were shifting to match a wolf's bearing.
As their hands became paws the rest of their bodies continued to resculpt the group. More fur was appearing everywhere, with their upper backs where the fur was longest. It was also now appearing down the length of their roughly foot long and constantly wagging tails. More was showing on their thighs, itching between their legs, and trailing up to their belly buttons with thick tufts of fuzz. Signs that their legs were undergoing their structural realignment were impossible to ignore. Pushing to all fours due to cramping toes, elongating feet, and adjustments to how their pelvises aligned just got them all more riled up.
Matt and Seda, having had their fill of Avi's aroma as well as each other's, took stock of their bodies.
"We're looking really, rrrreally really good," Matt said with marked difficulty.
"Yes! So good," agreed Avi, his voice also degrading in quality. "Clothes are getting tight though."
"Then maybe we shouldn't have clothes," Seda suggested. This as he was having his nails and plumping paws tore holes in his socks.
"We really shouldn't. My pants are... not comfortable. All hot and itchy and I've never seen a wolf with pants anyway," Matt rightly pointed out while trying to shake his own jeans off his hips, with no success. Seeing Matt struggling on all fours gave Avi a need to lend a helping hand. As he had no hands any longer, he just used his new teeth and muzzle to nip at Matt's jeans and try to tug them off for him. "Thanks, bud," he replied.
"Any time. Just hold... still," growled Avi with a mouth full of denim.
"I'm trying," Matt replied coarsely.
"Need some help?" Seda offered just as he bit down on Matt's pants alongside Avi.
Working together Avi and Seda tugged and pulled Matt's pants until at last they were free of his thighs. Then while Avi pulled the jeans the rest of the way Seda couldn't resist nipping at his friend's exposed underwear. They tore away with ease and revealed Matt's wolfish backside. Complete with tail, spread cheeks, furry rump, and balls that were already coated in fur. His cock appeared still human but was hard to be sure from behind. Matt felt this exposure and his friend's eyes on him. Once he felt Avi remove his socks, Matt rolled over to his side, letting his legs hang open freely while he wagged his tail in gratitude. His now revealed cock could be seen to have excess flesh massed around its base as well as taken on a red color.
"Thanks forrr, rassist, guys," Matt did his best to say.
"Sure! Now us!" barked Seda happily.
Seda's own clothes were no less ill fit on him as they were Avi so either could have gone next but seeing as Avi was nose down in Matt's crotch, Seda accepted he'd be last. He chomped down on a loose fold in the rear of Avi's jeans and with a lively tug had them sliding off already. Avi lifted one foot at a time so Seda could pull off his pants completely- all while giving Matt a few tentative lick's to his friend's bulging testes. Which of course had Matt squirming and whimpering on his back. Seda finished up with Avi's socks before treating himself to relieving his friend of his underwear. They shredded easier than the jeans with the furry sight of Avi's rump the reward. Leading to him partaking in some of the same spirited sniff and licking of Avi's butt he had given Matt.
Difficult as it was for Matt he closed his legs to Avi before getting up to his feet and heading straight for Seda. Avi saw what he was doing and also turned towards Seda who didn't notice the coming attention until Avi's butt moved.
"My turrrn?" Seda whimpered, his tail wagging fast.
"Yesh," replied Matt. He and Avi were licking their chops as they bore down.
Not wanting to make his friends work for it, Seda not only turned but lowered himself down to the ground and rolled on his back like Matt had. Looking down from this angle Seda could see his engorged, very canine looking cock poking out of the top of his jeans which he was loving. But it was when Matt and Avi, each taking charge of one of their friend's legs, removed his torn socks and moved right onto his pants, that really got him going. Past his bulging crotch, Seda watched Matt and Avi eagerly split their attention between his legs. First they nipped off his torn socks. Then they sank their teeth into the bottom hem of either pant leg and rather than yank, simply walked backwards to relieve Seda of his jeans at last.
Matt and Avi meanwhile got to watch Seda's changing doggy cock wobble free. Like the others, the sheath was developing faster than his penis with the excess flesh moving up the shaft as it stitched itself to his body. They both then tried to be the first to remove Seda's underwear while his bowed, growing hips caused them to rip by themselves. If there was any disappointment Matt and Avi buried it along with their noses in Seda's crotch.
When time came to finally get rid of their shirts all three men kept their changing bodies close. They nipped holes in each other's shirts playfully, often rolling over or next to each other. Fur spilled out the tears, ripping them wider. Their vigorous movements as they roll on and off one another served to shred their shirts to utter tatters. During the act they also discovered a new favorite thing: sheath rubbing. One was on their back while the other straddled over them, their forming sheaths pressed together in a sharing of intimate warmth. The sensations were enhanced when fur from their waist spread on the sheath. Seda discovered it first as he was atop Avi and the only thing that stopped him from rubbing their lengths together lustily was Matt nudging himself in to take Seda's place. Thus began a friendly game of trying to be the two frotting, all the while their physical changes kept coming.
The friskiness had them all but stripped of their clothing in a couple of minutes. This didn't stop them from continuing their antics with their now naked bodies. Their chests and ribs were going through visible growth and changes under the many thick patches of fur. Shifting spines, shoulders, and other adjustments to their skeletons had their silhouettes growing more canine. Such drastic adjustments were another reason for one of the friends to switch out from their sheath rubbing so they could move more freely. But once they could move they were eager to indulge again.
Sometime during all their nipping and rubbing the trio's head and neck had changed enough to rob them of speech. None of them minded as they had been expecting it, making it now more about testing their new range of growls, barks, whimpers, and howls. Whimpers got the most practice as their cocks sped up their changes and they were torn between admiring each other's cocks or their own. Either way the flesh of their lengthening wolf dicks turned a bright red, leaving the shaft to thin slightly in addition to the head becoming a piked canine one. Any knots forming were still too small to swell but still left more than enough wolf cock for them to admire and rub against friends.
Thirty minutes had passed since Matt, Seda, and Avi had submitted to the statue and were all close to the full wolf's skeleton. What remained were just minor adjustments to the skull that were mere minutes from completing. Muscles, ligaments, veins, organs, and anything else not bone shifted visibly under the flesh. Furry areas helped mask this somewhat but even with fur close to covering them completely it was hard not to notice or experience, as their continued jerking, often uncoordinated movements were born out of this awkward transition period. It got to a point where they had to pause their canine foreplay to lay separately until the last of the changes came. Or at least until they could move naturally.
Panting, tails wagging, wolf cocks erect, and broad smiles were shared between the three whose human forms were now barely distinguishable anymore. In their place each assumed a similar size but as their coats proved they weren't all the same either. For Avi this meant a gray wolf's gray and silver on his snout, face, and down his back all the way to a fluffing tail. Seda's was not too dissimilar but with more white fur and a lighter shade of brown. Matt was a little more sparsely furred with reddish brown fur markings on his muzzle, back of his ears, neck, and legs. Giving him more of a red wolf's color for a coat and its furnishings. Like with everything else in the transformation so far, each of them was torn between loving their own change and admiring their friends'.
As the transformation process drew to a close for each, the soreness, the aching, and the unnatural sensations left their bodies. A relief they all welcomed by getting back to their feet and stretching in all manner of ways. They were still waiting for that first hint of instinct from their bodies to hit their brains. Though, they were unaware the instincts had been affecting them ever since their tails first sprouted. It came in more subtly and had dulled their already inebriated inhibitions while also feeding into their arousal. Once they could smell like a wolf they thought nothing of sticking their noses into each other's butt or where the energy to wrestle and play like packmates came from. Now as they waited for wolf instincts, they each stood with a wolf's bearing and scratched or nibbled at their itches naturally.
Instinct or not, they were all at the point of trying to will those last physical changes to complete. For many reasons, but none so pressing as a need to sate their throbbing wolf cocks' need for release. Each of them was panting and drooling heavily, their cocks dripping pre-cum, and had eyes burning with lusty desire to share their bodies. A need to mount, to be mounted, and of a swollen knot coming before release was nothing more than instinct and yet they thought their instincts delayed setting in.
Finally then after over forty minutes of bestowing its blessing, the energies entreating from it ceased, dulling the wolves' eyes and returning it to a humble figurine. That was the signal to them all that their transformation had completed. Their bodies were now their own and fit them as if they were born into it. The only feelings remaining were those stoked passions which all three would love to never end. Soon they were dashing, bouncing, and hurrying around in a shakedown of their bodies with Seda howling with joy. Leading Matt and Avi to join in with their best howls too. Distant howls of coyotes or dogs on hiking trips with their owners came in reply, giving that wonderful sort of validation they really were wolves.
That all done the group fell upon each other with ravenous sniffing, licking, and perky tails that couldn't stop wagging. Of course, their wits were still functioning when it came to what came next. Since Matt had been the one to see the shopkeeper and buy the totem, he got to choose how they'd fuck that first time. Which was why Seda got behind Matt and mounted him while Avi licked at Matt's face as a distraction. Then once Seda mounted, Avi slipped between Matt's front legs and under him so he could instead lick Matt's red rocket. Avi graduated to using his mouth, being careful to mind his teeth as he deep throated Matt's cock. Not easy with how Matt shook when Seda's cock found his asshole then pushed its way in. This left Matt in a blissful state with Seda's energetic thrusting requiring Matt being held firmly in his friend's forelegs with Avi's hot, wet breath on the nape of his neck as well as Avi's tongue and attention doing wonders under him. Things only improved when Avi rolled over enough so that Matt could return the favor to him with licks and nuzzles to Avi's own needy loins.
They all would have loved this moment to never end but they were too riled up after their changes to not give in to release. One after the other their cocks' knots were swelling with Matt the only one aware of each one. That's why he climaxed first of them, squirting a steaming hot seed mix of wolf and human sperm down Avi's waiting throat. This triggered Avi's own orgasm which roped onto Matt's panting face a little, before Seda howled gleefully in ecstasy from his own climax. Bringing each to a rapturous new peak for their pleasures. Such shared pleasure would influence the rest of their weekend and lives as it confirmed everything they ever thought about transformation and then some.
Once they had finished and cooled a little Avi crawled out from under Matt allowing him and Seda, still knotted together, to try and lay down. Both yelped a few times and ended up having to keep their legs open while on their sides while they waited for Seda's knot to shrink. Their tails were whacking each other as a result of how they were orientated which showed they didn't mind the inelegant positioning. Avi came around and licked their faces then laid down with them as they all caught their breath.
With their desires waning for the time being, it finally struck Matt, Avi, and Seda their minds were definitely soaked by wolfish instinct. It mingled with their thoughts and needs rather than replacing them which comforted them all that they hadn't forgotten who they were. With eyes that made the late hour seem more like early dusk and senses that were tuned for the wild, the forest around them an inviting world. One where they felt an underlying sense that belonged to now.
When all knots were finally down and Seda was able to pull his cock out of Matt, they were back on their feet with the energy to explore with their new bodies. After some snickering from Avi and Seda at the excess cum leaking from Matt's butt, they bounded off into the dark. They wasted no time living their fantasy to the fullest.
That first night was one of energy, new senses, frequent stops for foreplay, mounting, and waiting for knots to go down. Each got to experience every position along with any others they managed to make work during their heated efforts. Their willingness to accommodate each other just deepened the bond that instinct and friendship had already created. Wasn't until dawn that their stamina ran its course and in the hollow of a tree they cuddled and curled into a pile of fur and wagging tails. They fell asleep while snuggled close in a heavenly slumber. And when they woke later in the day their thoughts were of food, water, play, sex, and more exploration. So they got right to it.
Time got away from the trio sometime on Sunday and they didn't think to return to their camp in what turned out to be ten days. Even then they were reluctant to change back at first. Tempting though it was, they chose to change back all the same. They were of course immediately planning their next trip to the forest in addition to trying to see how they could swing a much longer stint in the woods. Days were nice but weeks? Or months? Maybe a gap year or two? Whatever they decided they knew one thing for sure. They wanted to be wolves, again.