Jade`s adventures Volume: 1 The beginning of the story

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#1 of Jades adventure

The beginning of my story, this is a machine translation from another language, so if you find mistakes and/or typos, please point them out to me

Thank you for taking the time to read this material.

Jade`s adventures

Volume: 1

The beginning of the story


A huge dark space, no walls or ceiling visible, just a white floor among black nothing. Looking up, you see a huge something, like a huge throne, but deformed, indescribable. Only the dark blue glow from the numerous monitors there, which could be called the top. On this peak you can see something large and hidden in the shadows, it does not move, it only sits with its hands folded together and says: "Soon"...

Chapter 1. On the edge of the abyss

It's an ordinary early morning, the room is very dark, the light penetrates only through the smallest gap between the curtains. Despite this, the room can be examined well: a table with a chair, a mirror and some typically feminine things, next to the table there is a chest of drawers with randomly scattered clothes, in the other corner there is a closet, on the wall hang several photographs with some kind of jungle, mountains and ruins depicted on them among them. Nearby there is a large table with even more photographs, some plans, documents. In addition to this variety of papers, there is a computer on the table. At the back of the room there is a huge bed. It is not immediately clear who is lying on it, because it is strangely wrapped in a blanket. Suddenly, the alarm clock on the nightstand next to the bed goes off, making a nasty sound. The lying person immediately gets up, turns off the alarm clock, opens the curtains and then we see her in all her glory. Anthro-cobra stands before us . It has a slender face, a black back and yellow body, a small, almost flat chest, and notable diamond-shaped markings on its hood that form a triangle, as well as a striped black and yellow tail. Her most amazing feature is her eyes, green, shimmering with emerald, with a piercing gaze. Her name is Jade .

She stretches, leaves the room and heads to the bathroom. "It's a good day," she thinks. - "I see this as a good sign."

In the bathroom she takes a shower to finally drive away sleep, and then goes to have breakfast. She quickly makes herself some eggs and toast and drinks a cup of coffee. After finishing breakfast, she returns to the bedroom, turns on the computer and gets dressed, a short T-shirt and top, shorts, puts dark glasses in her pocket, while she gets dressed her phone starts ringing, notifying her of a call. Jade picks up the phone, and the voice of an old acquaintance of the snake can be heard from the phone.

" Jade ?" - says the voice

"Yes professor?" - she answers

" Please come in , we have checked your details, you can pick up the results"

"Thank you, I'll be there soon," Jade finishes and hangs up.

Jade throws on a black leather jacket and leaves the hotel building where she is staying, enters the parking lot, there is a large black bike _ Jade starts it up and roars off to the meeting.

A few hours later , Jade pulls up to a large museum, she turns off the engine and gets off bike , takes off his helmet and heads to the main entrance, looking around along the way and looking at the exhibits on display. A few minutes later she enters a large office, in the middle there was a large table littered with documents, on the sides there were large cabinets on which there were many different books on various sciences.

Hello Jade , have a seat, says the small boa constrictor, pointing to the chair.

"Thank you, Professor Semyonov," said the cobra and carefully sat down on the edge of the chair, preparing to listen carefully.

  • Great, now listen, we checked various manuscripts on your topic, here's an extract from them - the snake hands Jade a document

Quickly running her eyes over the papers, Jade set the papers aside.

"Interesting information," she concluded.

  • Very interesting , the only thing is that it doesn't mention what specific artifact is there.

  • It's not a problem that it's not there, it's very interesting

Jade packs the papers into her backpack.

The professor adjusts his glasses and says: "Be careful, there are many rumors that many travelers have disappeared there, perhaps there is something dangerous there."

Jade answers and leaves the office, leaves the museum and goes on an adventure...

A few days later

Jade has arrived in a country in a hot climate; she and her guide are moving through the jungle. It's midday, the unbearable heat is millions of insects, no one loves the jungle, but Jade adores them.

"We're almost there, ma'am ," says guide Jade , a young anthro-python , a simple greenish (jungle color) color, with childish, innocent yellow eyes, but skillfully paving the way through the thickets with the help of a machete.

"Thank you," Jade says to the guide.

"The amount you paid is the best thank you," the guide replies.

After 15-20 minutes, the thickets sharply part, opening up the place to a huge cascade of waterfalls flowing into a huge lake at the bottom of the pit. All around was the jungle stretching into the mountain peaks.

" Many travelers come here for beautiful photos, despite the dangerous predators in these places," said the guide.

"A popular place," says Jade , why are there so few guides here?

  • Dangerous predators live here and the path is quite difficult for the unprepared , so this place is not very popular among non-extreme enthusiasts.

  • What kind of work?

Jade takes off and opens her backpack, noise comes from the bushes

  • Ma'am , speed up

Jade takes out an unknown stone from backpack , suddenly several Vamps, predatory animals similar to a hybrid of a cheetah, lion and lizard, jump out of the thickets.

  • Damn it, the guide Jade screams and starts running into the bushes

"Damn," says the cobra, snatching a weapon from his bag.

There were only three of them, one began to chase the guide, the others began to go around Jade on both sides, there was nowhere to retreat, all that was left was to fight.

"Well, get ready to die creatures!" - he shouts , cocking the hammer of his revolver and snatching the knife from its sheath. The one to the left of Jade rushes into the attack , for which he receives a bullet in the chest, loses his balance and lies down at the cobra's feet, breathing heavily, the second attacks with a slight delay, dodging the attack, she meets him with a knife, ripping open the side of the beast, he falls from the wound, bleeding. Jade approaches the wounded man with a bullet and finishes him off by piercing his skull . As soon as she finished, she heard a scream coupled with a wild roar from the thickets. "Damn," the cobra swears and follows the sound, after a few tens of minutes it comes out to a small clearing, in its center there is a hole to which a bloody trail leads, Jade carefully looks into it, at the bottom there is a corpse of a predator and its guide strung on stakes.

"A terrible death," says Jade , standing up and then looking around. There was nothing around except the jungle, but something attracted the cobra's attention. After carefully examining the area, Jade notices many traps around her. " So the information didn't lie," she thinks to herself, taking out the rest of the equipment from her backpack, namely: a lever-action rifle with .45-70 caliber optics, a paired .357 caliber revolver, cartridges and other small things, putting it all in holsters, and the rifle hangs it behind his back.

Carefully, avoiding the traps, Jade returns to where she came from, huge flocks of insects began to hover over the corpses, not paying attention to them, Jade takes out a strange object from her backpack, it looks like glass, but is as strong as granite and quite weighty. "The eye of Chkisilkamo , hmm, the legend says it reveals the hidden ," says Jade .

Jade brings the stone to her eye and begins to look around. After a few minutes of searching, she notices that one of the boulders becomes transparent when viewed through a stone. "Hmm interesting," she says again. Approaching the illusory boulder, she examines it, "Well, how do you open it?" - sounded in her head. Jade put her hand on the hard, wet and sure heavy boulder as her hand passed through it. Jade recoiled in surprise; the "material" of the boulder turned out to be as cold as well water in winter. After standing there in a daze for a minute, she finally pulled herself together and walked through the illusion. She began to feel chills from the cold, and she began to shake. Inside she saw a tiny cave; in the middle there was a pedestal with a lever. She was about to pull it, but remembering the guide's experience, she changed her mind. Deciding to look first, she turned on the flashlight and saw that the main lever was connected to a trap on the ceiling, which was a net with heavy stones directly above her head.

"A quick way to become a scone," Jade grinned . Having carefully examined the pedestal, she noticed an inconspicuous lever and, having studied it, realized that Jade had pulled it safely. She heard the sound of a rope breaking. Looking around, she saw no changes. After a couple of minutes of re-examining the cave, she saw that the connection between the main lever and the trap had been destroyed. "The trap is disarmed," she said. Confidently pulling the main lever, she moved away from the pedestal, half a minute later she heard a roar, the earth shook, as if Jade had been knocked off her feet in an earthquake , and she fell. A few minutes later it was all over. "Ugh... let's see what happened?" - she said.

The illusory boulder disappeared, letting in sunlight . Coming out, Jade looked around. What she saw amazed her. A huge mechanism, previously hidden behind the waterfalls, parted the streams of water, revealing a huge temple. The walls of the temple were decorated with bas-reliefs, and sculptures of mythical gods and monsters stood on pedestals. The central pedestal was occupied by a statue with legs like a tiger, a body like a bird and the head of a lizard with an open mouth. In four hands the statue held a cube with writings and runes written on it. Between the two paws a passage leading inside was visible. Jade saw that the path leading to the entrance to the temple began near the lake at the bottom of the pit. Looking around through binoculars, she realized "All that's left is to jump..."

Chapter 3. Into the Darkness

"Well, go ahead," Jade said and jumped down, the wind whistling in her ears . Stretching out to dive, she fell into the lake, diving to a depth of 5-7 m, swimming to the shore, she saw fresh and unknown footprints. "Damn, there weren't enough surprises." - she said heading towards the entrance. The entrance was a huge passage 2-2.5 times the height of Jade herself . Inside there was nothing but devastation, massive stone blocks had fallen from the walls in many places, columns had cracked or collapsed, and in many places vegetation had poked through the stone, destroying the centuries-old structure. Despite this, the temple stubbornly resists destruction by nature.

"Nice place," Jade thought , carefully making her way inside and climbing over the fallen stones. "I wonder what the culture and religion of those who built it were," she continued to reason. Carefully making her way inside and examining the bas-reliefs and collecting various little things, Jade made her way forward, deeper, continuing to try to identify which culture the temple belongs to. Her train of thoughts was interrupted by the sound of some mechanism. Slowing down, Jade quietly began to make her way along the wall. After two turns she saw a trap. Spears extending out of the wall at certain intervals. "It's too low to go under and there's nothing to attach a hook to to get through the top," the cobra began to reason. Looking around , she noticed that something was suspended from the ceiling on chains.

"Hmm, what is this?" - she thought, taking the gun off her shoulder. Taking aim at the chain links, she fired. A huge cage fell to the floor, raising a huge column of dust and emitting a lingering, disgusting ringing, echoing under the vaults of the temple's dungeons. When the dust settled , Jade looked into the cage and stepped back, disgust playing on her face. "No matter how much I see, it's still hard to get used to," she said with disgust, looking into a cage full of bones and skulls. "Apparently looters or fools who died in a trap," she decided. Turning away from the cage, she again began to think about how to bypass the trap. "Too long for me to run," the cobra reasoned in its head. Jade took the knife in hopes of cutting the spears, but they responded with a metallic sound and her efforts did not even leave scratches. Furious, she cursed and spat. Suddenly a crazy idea burst into her thoughts. "What if..." she thought, approaching the cage. Having pushed, she easily slid along the floor, "Hmm, sounds like a good idea," the cobra said and began to push the cage towards the trap. Moving the cage to the edge of the trap , she began to wait, counting the rhythm of the movement of the spears, waiting for the moment when the spears would go away, she pushed the cage under the spears, waiting for what would happen next. They hit the cage with a thud, but nothing happened. Seeing that the plan failed, Jade was about to curse again, but then the spears struck, making a sound that Jade knew well - the sound of something about to break . Hit! The sound gets louder, another blow and then several copies scatter into pieces. "Hm. "I thought they were made of metal," Jade thought . Taking the fragment of the shaft and examining it, she understood why the knife could not damage the stake. "A tree reinforced with iron from the inside, an interesting design," the cobra was surprised. " Okay, time to go," she stood up decisively. Repeating the trick with the cage, Jade moved forward twice , going deeper into the dungeons. The further descent was calm - most of the traps turned out to be destroyed by time or turned out to be too simple to get around, jumping over the wolf pit on a hook with a rope attached to the ceiling is easy, crawling along the incredibly narrow passage of the blind zone of the trap is a piece of cake. Moving deeper for an hour and a half , Jade walked out to the huge hall. On the opposite side there was a gate in the form of a lizard's head with closed eyes and mouth. "Here we are," said the cobra. "All that's left is to open the gate."

Using a skill trained many times, Jade began searching for what would open the gate. Inspecting the walls decorated with bas-reliefs and mosaics, showing various scenes from the life of ancient snakes. Approaching the left wall, looking around, she saw many scenes showing various rituals, quite bloody. After a few minutes of searching, she found a hole where the stone from her backpack fit perfectly. Having taken it out, she inserted it into the recess, at first nothing happened, but, as on the surface, after 15-20 seconds the earth began to shake. The recessed wall moved aside, revealing a lever with a series of gears, ropes and other parts of the mechanism. Jade was about to pull the lever when she heard a roar from behind. With the reaction of a rushing snake, she jumped back in time, literally a second later there was a huge monster in her place. Huge, twice the size of Jade , he, with feline grace, turned around and rushed to the attack again. Jade dodged again and , grabbing her revolvers, shot at the monster several times. The bullets bounced off the scales as if they were armor, which only angered the monster.

"And they did not find justice on such people." - the cobra shouted, dodging another attack. Having quickly looked around, Jade noticed that the builders had clearly taken care of killing the beast (she had no doubt that the monster was there for a reason). To the left and right of the entrance were ballistae with impressive darts. "They won't kill, they'll wound," she thought.

Dodging the attacks, the cobra began to retreat to the nearest ballista... "So now pull yourself together," thoughts ran through her head. Having loaded a new drum into the revolvers, she got ready. Time seemed to slow down. Here the monster rushes to the attack, a calculated jerk to the right, hands firmly holding the weapon, and then the mouth hits the target, then the head and finally the target - the eye. A shot sounded... followed by a furious, pain-filled roar, and the monster shook its head. Jade managed to stun the monster, but she was sure that this was unlikely to stop him completely, it only temporarily incapacitated him, and that was what she needed. Having rolled, she got out from under the furious attacks of the beast and began to climb to the ballista. After a minute, the beast calmed down and began to pursue it; it was too big and slow to interfere with the cobra, so Jade climbed up to the ballista, took aim and fired. A dart the size of a cobra itself pierced the air and pierced the monster's side. Another roar shook the room, causing an echo in the vaults of the dungeon. Streams of blood gushed from the monster's body, filling the floor with red and green slurry.

The wounded creature began to slowly crawl back to its lair in the hope of shelter. "No, you won't get off that easy!" - Jade angrily threw out as she ran to another ballista. Sitting down at the sight, the cobra began to quickly aim at the monster. He was almost crawling into his hiding place, where he had crawled out earlier. Taking good aim, Jade fired. Another dart hit the monster right in the back along the spine. He let out a cry of despair. His hind legs stopped moving, and his front legs began to lack the strength to move his massive body. After several minutes of intense agony and convulsions, he froze. "Apparently the darts were poisoned," Jade decided .

Having caught her breath, treated the abrasions and wounds with a first aid kit, and loaded her weapon, Jade returned to the problem of the gate. Pulling the lever that had opened earlier, she launched the gear system. The stone lizard's left eye opened, and one of the two locks holding its mouth opened. "Half the job is done," said Jade . On the opposite wall she found a recess similar to that of the first lever. " So we need a second stone," the cobra thought, deciding that the second key was somewhere nearby. Continuing to study the inscriptions, Jade discovered on one of them a scene where the priests were depicted taking a small box to the lair of a monster similar to the one that killed Jade . "Here it is," said the cobra, turning towards the monster's body. Carefully walking around the monster's body, Jade entered its lair; bones, both animals and furies , were scattered everywhere . Jade swallowed when she saw all this, but then her attention was attracted by another pile of bones, very old and ancient. Something attracted her attention and the snake began to sort through the pile of bones. A few minutes later she found a small chest inside of which lay a pebble, similar to the one she had found only green. "Here you are," Jade says with a smile , then leaves. Using the second stone, Jade opened the second lever and pulled it. The lizard's right eye opened, opening the locks, and now the statue's mouth began to open.

Having prepared her weapon , Jade went forward along the stairs; inside the statue there was a long staircase leading down to the inner halls of the temple. Descending lower and lower, Jade ends up in a treasury. The floor is strewn with gold, silver in coins and bars, precious stones and other treasures and various artifacts. But Jade doesn't need this, the goal of her search is a modest cube on a pedestal next to the statue of God. Cobra carefully takes it, suddenly a bright flash blinds her...

Chapter 3. New Era

A dark room with dim blue light, nothing is visible except a table and a chair, barely visible in the darkness. There is only a small box on the table and nothing else. On the sides of the table there are cabinets with flashing multi-colored lights and equipment. Suddenly the side wall opens and a figure enters the room. Facial features or outlines cannot be seen. It sits down at the table and turns on the equipment. The box shows a holographic interface. The figure runs the file " Agt_TH2OE2LP1R "

Jade wakes up abruptly, as if from a nightmare. She is naked, every muscle aches, as if the very bones in her body are on fire. Her thoughts are confused, she doesn't understand what happened, "she took what she had been looking for for a long time, then there was a flash... a trap? I died? it is a paradise?" - thoughts swarmed in her head. She forced herself to throw them away as her head began to buzz. A few minutes later, a feeling of cold and incredible hunger forced her to sit up. Looking around , she saw that she was in an empty room, completely white. Everything: walls, floors, ceilings, lighting, and even the table on which Jade was lying was white. She tried to get up, but her legs gave out and she fell to her knees. "Damn," she cursed. Leaning against the wall, she stood up and began to walk along the wall. After falling twice more, she reached what looked like a door . Jade pushed her, but nothing happened. Looking around, she didn't see anything that could open the door...

Suddenly, a sharp pain in the area above her eyes made her move away and she fell again. Closing her eyes in pain, Jade began to struggle in agony, experiencing incredible pain. A few seconds later she saw tickers

Starting the system...


Checking components...

The central module is ready...

Calculation module - ready...

Health monitoring system - scanning required

Initializing scanning...

Skeletal scan... normal

Organ scan... normal

Nervous system scan - mild shock...

Analysis... reason for starting the system... result: normal...

Scanning of blood vessels and a blood test... and then: the blood vessels are normal, traces of sedatives were found in the blood ... result: the condition is 95% normal...

Brain scan... result: clouding of consciousness as a result of installation of the system... result: 70% of normal...

Skin scanning... normal

The scan is completed... and the result: 98% normal...

During the entire scan, Jade saw a strip on the interface that "revealed" her body, starting with the skeleton and ending with the skin . A rough voice said: " Greetings , wait for the setup to finish, then go to the next room." The voice spoke with authority and at the same time dispassionately. "Who are you? Answer!" - Jade shouted , but there was no answer.



It was not possible to establish contact with the suit...

launching voice assistant...

Deferred... analysis... superuser order ...

Result: skip the stage...


Location data... no access...

Launching the interface

Indicators appeared in Jade's field of vision...

Wherever she looked away or closed her eyes, she saw them . In the lower left "corner" there is a heart-shaped icon with a value of 0, above it is a heartbeat indicator, to the right is a shield icon, also with a value of 0. "Health and armor," said the corresponding inscriptions. In the upper left "corner" there was a black square with the inscription "map: n / a ". In the lower right corner there was the inscription "weapon: n / a "


The interface launch is finished...

Creation of a weapons base... no weapons found...

Scanning the medical unit ...the unit is empty...

Connecting to the manipulator...

on Jade's right wrist : blue, blue, red, blue. ... the anipulator is ready.



The system started successfully .

The lines disappeared, the interface acquired an orange-steel color and seemed to fade slightly. The pain disappeared and Jade stood up. "I feel much better as if I just slept," she thought.

After 2-3 minutes of completion of the launch and a light warm-up, the voice sounded again: "Go to the next room." The door moved back and opened, revealing a passage. The next room was the same with one table, only unlike the last there was food on the table. The door behind him closed silently and the room became noticeably warmer. "You need to eat ," said the voice. There was a small plate, a saucepan and a spoon on the table . Opening the lid , Jade saw a grayish porridge without anything. Deciding to try it, she ate the spoon. "It seems like nothing at all," she thought. She sat down at the table and ate for about half an hour until she was full . To her surprise, she ate almost everything.

"Go on," the voice commanded as the next door opened. In the next room there were several tables with clothes. "Get dressed" was a simple command. On the first table were three pairs of underwear, as well as a strange-looking briefcase. "Put a spare in the case ," the voice ordered. "This case is unusual, but more later," he continued. Jade I did as the voice said and moved on. On the second table there were two pants and a T-shirt with short olive sleeves , as well as a sheath for a knife, a holster for a weapon and several pouches. Having put them on , Jade went to the third and last table, on which lay vests painted in camouflage colors.

"Go ahead," the voice ordered again when she got dressed. "What kind of voice is this?" Jade thought . In the next room there was a stand with strange armor . It was orange, black in some places. On the back there is a power unit. The armor looks massive, somewhat similar to knightly armor and at the same time tight-fitting. "This is your PPaSK M3." said the voice. "Get dressed." Thinking that it would take a long time to put it on, like knight's armor, Jade began to put on the armor , but she finished it in a couple of minutes. A few seconds later she saw the lines... ...armor detected... analysis... result: Personal protection and support kit M3.

...interface update...

The shield sign gained a value of 100 and changed its name to "suit integrity", and a lightning bolt sign appeared above it with the inscription "charge".

... scanning the power unit... done...

the charge acquired the value "0". "Insert your right hand into the suit's charging device," the voice said. A device came out of the adjacent wall with a hole into which Jade's hand fit perfectly . By inserting his hand there, the armor began to absorb the charge. Charging gave only 30% charge. "And now I will briefly tell you about your personal suit of protection and support," said the voice and began the story. - " Firstly , the armor is made of an incredibly strong alloy, it is not indestructible, but the level of protection is very serious, secondly, it enhances your physical performance due to energy, it is able to accelerate you, make your blows stronger and helps you lift weights, thirdly it has a slot for a case, the armor will quickly deliver weapons or objects from the case or, on the contrary, take them out of your hands by hiding them in the case, fourthly, it is capable of absorbing any damage due to energy, in addition, it expands and strengthens your medical unit , fractures and dislocations will occur straighten out, stop bleeding and much more." Jade listened and could not stop; only one word came out of her mouth: "Why did you give this to me?" , but the question remained unanswered.

"Next," the voice ordered. Walking into the last room , Jade saw his and not his weapon. "Your arsenal has been improved, take it," the voice ordered. The gun is no longer worn out by time, but completely new. "Mechanisms made of a special material fused with silver for aesthetics, a stock made of iron dark oak, optics made of crystals with a built-in rangefinder with a magnification control from 2 to 8." "It's amazing," Jade expressed her admiration . on the nearby table lay several pistols, initially it seemed that these were her revolvers, but they were double-barreled "Special .44 caliber revolvers, each of them capable of firing 8 times, releasing 2 bullets per shot." In addition to the revolvers, there was a pistol from the 19th century on the table. Jade hung the gun behind her back and was about to put the pistols in a holster . In her search, she began to examine the armor, suddenly the armor on the chest opened slightly. "Place the pistols there and they will go into the case," said the voice. She did just that, when suddenly she decided to try to get a weapon. I thought something similar to "give me a revolver" - nothing came of it . As if reading her thoughts, the voice said, "Use the manipulator on your arm." Clicking on Jade's wrist , she saw a table. In the first column there were pistols, in the second there were guns shaded in grey.

"I mentally confirmed my choice," said the voice. Jade she did as the voice said, after which the revolvers jumped out into her hands from somewhere out of her sleeve. It happened so quickly and unexpectedly that she almost dropped them. "You'll get used to it," said the voice, then continued, "With the manipulator you call up the weapon base, and mentally control it . The database automatically divides weapons into the following classes: melee weapons, pistols and SMGs, medium weapons, heavy weapons and throwing weapons. In addition, the base takes into account weapons outside the case and attaches them to special mounts on the armor." After playing with the weapon supply system, Jade continued to assemble the weapon. She was confused by the appearance of an outdated pistol, but then a voice began to explain: "Don't be confused by the appearance of this weapon, it is the most powerful weapon in the room, and most importantly, it has endless ammunition, now it is discharged, but when I activate it, it will charge every 45-50 seconds, his shot is incredibly powerful, but only one. Alas, he is such as to bypass some laws of reality, but you always have a weapon that will not let you down," the voice concluded. "Incredible," Jade thought . On the last table lay a folding blade and a combat knife, which the voice did not comment on except: "Improving the quality of materials."

"The last room left," said the voice. The door opened, behind the door there was a long corridor with cold metal walls, it became noticeably colder. The door at the end led Jade into a huge room with the same steel walls, there was nothing in the room except what looked like a throne on which a figure sat. The figure was completely hidden in the darkness, the face. Only the hands, withered like those of an old man or a dead man, could barely be seen. The figure inspired fear and grandeur.

"So, you came..." the creature began. "You have a lot of questions and you will get answers to most of them," it finished, waving its hands, urging Jade to action. Collecting her thoughts, she asked the question: "Am I dead?" The creature was silent for a minute, and then burst into furious laughter , which made Jade 's soul sink into her boots. Having finished laughing, the creature said: "No, but you were close, when you took the cube you were thrown out by the interworld , the space between realities, it would have devoured you, your flesh, your mind, your soul."

  • So you saved me?

-- Yes, and I think you understand, it's not free.

  • What can I give you? - horror settled in Jade's heart

  • NOTHING! - thundered in response - but you will serve my cause.

-- Jade was horrified, but having mastered her emotions, she asked: "What should I do?"

  • You will be with the creator of my will in other worlds, my hand, my blade and shield. Jade got down on her knee and said, "Yes sir ... " um ," she stammered.

-You can call me God

"Yes, God," Jade said .

-- The creature asked more questions.

-- What is the essence of the tasks?

  • Here everything is simple, I will send you into the world, and you are on the spot and solve its problems.

-- How can I identify it and can I count on help?

  • No, everything depends only on you, and only you decide in which direction to tip the scales.

  • How will I return when I'm done?

  • I will return you myself when I understand that the task is completed and everything is settled, it may take centuries, but it will happen sooner or later

  • Centuries? Yes, people like me barely live to be 200 years old.

The creature began to rub its hands with pleasure and said: "As long as you are outside the real dimension, you don't grow old, you can kill, but you don't care about old age and illness." Jade's jaw dropped , incredible horror struck her , and she barely overcame this feeling. Gathering her courage, she asked, "When is my first assignment?"

"Right away," came the answer.

  • I'm ready.

behind Jade , it looked like a huge blue oval . " The last ones before departure," the creature said, "you will not always be alone, if a creature from the world is strong enough, I can tie him to you, temporarily or forever, but only by his own will, and you yourself can find allies among mortals."

  • I understand . - oh answered the cobra

  • Don't forget to make yourself stronger, collect technologies, learn new skills and much more, where one thing doesn't work, the other will work .

  • Yes .

  • Is that all?

  • Yes .

" Then go and good luck, newbie."

Jade entered the portal, when she disappeared, the creature loudly called out: "To all free agents who wish, who wish to keep an eye on the newcomer."