ToTT: Werewolf Couple

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#5 of Tales of Transmorphic Terror

Mike and Kayla both have a dark secret they've been keeping from each other. But on one fateful Halloween night in the midst of lovemaking, their inner, more bestial selves accidentally surface. Relieved by their similarities, the two decide to explore their "other selves." Especially since those "other selves" both come with a very peculiar quirk, that, by chance, makes them perfect for each other.

This is 2023's first of two Halloween-themed stories! I hope you enjoy it. Next up is a very naughty story featuring a costume party.

ToTT: Werewolf Couple

By: MisstressChange

Kayla breathed a few hot and heavy sighs into Mike's ear, feeling his assertive hand grip her between her legs. The air was cold; she wouldn't be surprised if it hung around his head in thin puffs of steam. The only thing keeping her naked body warm was Mike's, although, as the night went on, she knew hers would be plenty warm on its own.

His fingers dipped into her sex, probing her hole. "Oh, Mike..." She moaned, shuddering when his teeth pushed past his pecking lips and grazed her neck. Soon enough, he'd be pressing his throbbing, rigid cock into her, stretching her, thrusting into her, awakening something inside her that was difficult to contain.

She'd cum, he'd come, and then, after a brief rest, they'd do it again, in different positions, performing various lewd acts of each other until they came again, then again, then again. It happened every night when there was a full moon. Once a month. The two would fuck like savage animals, and then they'd wake the next morning, sore and bruised but satisfied. Well...nearly satisfied...

You see, both Mike and Kayla were...abnormal, to say the least. Both had a dark and terrifying secret, at least to those free of their rare affliction. A secret both had gone to lengths to hide from their partner, afraid of unwillingly hurting or, worse, killing their soulmate. It had been years since the two moved in together, years since they'd felt comfortable sprinting off into the night and letting the beast inside themselves come out.

It was a torment to deny what they were deep down inside. But they did it for love.

Luckily, both were reluctant to leave the house on nights when the moon was full. One or the other was always making an excuse to stay in, watch a movie, play a game, or cook a gourmet meal laden with meats. Whoever made the suggestion to stay inside all night, the other, to their pleasant surprise, always agreed. It just...worked out for them. Yet, regardless of what they did with their time, it always resulted in a night of voracious sex.

One could avoid the moon's light, but not its unseen pull...

Kayla moaned again, wrapping her arms around Mike's back as he slid his cock inside her. Her left leg rose and did the same around his lower back.

"Fuck you feel good tonight." Mike groaned, taking his teeth off her neck to speak.

"Ah!... And I don't...other nights?" Kayla replied between moans, catching her breath to chortle. Mike let out a breathy chuckle.

"Just take the compliment, Kayla." He replied, huffing as his thrusting sped up. Kayla giggled, then responded with a defiant sultriness in her voice.

"Oh, I can take much more than a compliment." She teased. Mike raspberried at her statement.

"Well, let me see what you can take, then." He said, then pushed into her even harder.

"Oh, fuck!" Kayla cried out, unprepared for Mike's redoubled foray into her pussy, but more than welcome to it. She clung to him as he pounded into her, his thighs slapping against her bare bottom, the sounds joining with the squelching of Mike's cock sliding in and out of Kayla's sopping sex.

She loved this. A little more than usual, too, hoping Mike would go harder and faster than he ever had. She wanted him to break her, to own her. She wanted him to cum inside her and knock her up. Fill her with his...p-pups?

Her eyes snapped open at these intrusive thoughts. Her sudden desire to breed wasn't the only thing that threw her off mid-coitus. She smelled...something in the air. It tickled her nose. It was the smell of sex, coming on much more aggressive than other nights. There were hints of an extra scent, too, and it became more pungent by the second, soon burning inside her nose. Why could she smell so well? And what was this familiar scent that begged her attention?

It smelled...Canine?

As her hands gripped Mike's back, a wirey texture accompanied those of his skin. It thickened into something softer, fuzzier. Mike never had back hair before...

She winced as four of Mike's teeth lay into her neck more prominently than the others. His canines. The word burned in her mind, just as the overpowering smell of wolf burned in her nostrils. Was this scent coming from...Mike? And why could she smell it so well? There was no way. Was her?

Her questions ceased when a sudden *pop!* resonated from her nose, and a discomforting pressure built under her rear, followed by a pulling sensation on her tailbone. "No..." She breathed. Her attention had been so consumed by the pleasures of her lover's body she'd failed to notice the biting heat covering her left side.

She wrestled her neck from Mike and craned her head around his toward the widow, previously obscured by him. Her fears were confirmed. She should have been more careful. This time, it seemed her libido got the best of her. She should have known better...

The bedroom window was wide open. Of course, this was typical when they made love, especially on full moon nights when they needed the chill air outside to counter their out-of-control body heat. However, tonight, Mike must have left the blinds open, and the moon's white light was gleaming down on them from the sky above.

"W-wait...WAIT!" Kayla shouted, now wholly taken out of her lascivious stupor. Mike slowed his movements and backed off of her, pulling out out of her altogether.

"What?" He asked, completely confused. "What's wrong?"

Kayla started climbing off the bed, and he watched her scramble before the gleam of the moonlight caught his eye. He turned his head to see the wide-open blinds, then reacted just as Kayla had. "Oh, Shit!" He cursed, scrambling to the side of the bed.

The two met at the window, and ultimately, Mike reached the drawstring first, pulling the plastic vanes closed and cutting the two off from the moon's coddling glow. The two stood apart from each other, eyes awkwardly flittering over each other's bodies, picking out the not-so-subtle changes marring their forms by their brief exposure to the moon. Changes that were barely illuminated by the hallway lights outside their room but noticeable enough to reveal what they really were.

Now they knew. Yet neither could say they weren't somewhat relieved to find the other was in the same situation.

Kayla sniffed sarcastically through her half-canine nose. "Why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?"

"I could ask you the same question," Mike replied. Kayla sighed, looking down at Mike's body and crossing her arms under her breasts.

"How could I, really? How does one tell their partner they' this?"

"Then how could you expect me to do the same? How fast would you have left me, were you not also...?" He trailed off, seeing her look away with budding tears in her eyes.

"I should have known better. Your willingness to go along with whatever lame excuse I had for staying in once a month." She sniffled, and the tears in her eyes rolled down her partly-canine face. "These past few years, keeping my...other self confined when I could have been embracing it with you. It's been agony."

Mike stepped to her and took her in his arms. She confided in him, easing into his body and its many patches of dark grey fur.

"I've felt the same way, Kayla. It's been as painful as I figure it's been for you." He hugged her tighter, feeling her dark, wet nose rubbing on his chest. "But... That's over now, right? This is a good thing. We might have been holding down what we are for so long, but...we don't have to do that anymore. We who we were meant to be now. Once a month."

Kayla gingerly pulled away from him, and he let her go, resting his clawed hands on her waist. She looked up at him and wiped the tears from her eyes and face. Mike looked back down at her and was surprised to see a smile on her half-muzzled face. Her tail was wagging, too. "See? This is a good thing." He reassured, smiling back at her, his fangs flashing through his parted lips.

"Oh, Mike. These are happy tears."

"They are?" He asked.

"Yes, You have no idea how glad I am to discover this. Because you're right, this is a good thing." She placed her hands on Mike's and took his off her waist so she could hold them between them. "There's nothing to hide now. Despite the astronomical odds, we both happen to be... be werewolves!" She sniffled again. "It's like we were truly meant to be together. Like the universe wanted us to find each other and fall in love."

Mike let out a soft chuckle. "Yeah, I guess we're kinda perfect for each other." He paused to snicker. "I mean, I thought you were perfect before, but this is undeniable, yeah?" Kayla looked up at him with doe eyes, flashing her own fangs.

"Yeah." She agreed.

Kayla let go of Mike's hands and stepped back from him. The two stood silently, taking in their partner's partially transformed body. Kayla had her tail, half-snout, and the large tuff of floof that grew from just above her breasts. Mike had his patchy fur, his claws, and the distinct pointiness of his ears. Both of them had fangs where their canines grew out, made for latching onto captured prey.

They marveled at their counterpart until Kayla looked away at the blinds and the white glow trying to push through the spaces between each vane.

"So, how did it happen for you?" She asked.

"How did what happen?" Mike replied.

"How did you catch the curse? Get bitten? You know..." She explained. Mike followed her gaze to the window.

"Oh, yeah." He paused to think about that fateful night, the one that each of them would never forget. The night they adopted the curse.

"I was on a grad camping trip with my buddies. As you can imagine, we'd been drinking pretty heavily. I got up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom, and, still drunk from earlier, I got a little lost in the woods." He paused again, sighing. "I was too drunk to hear the growling and snapping of twigs approached me. And then it was too late to run. It was on me, biting me on my arm. I managed to kick it off, and it ran away, but my arm was pretty torn up."

"That must have been terrifying," Kayla said.

"Yeah, it was... After that, I don't remember much. I woke up the next morning lying naked outside my tent. My arm was unscathed, so I wrote off the whole experience as an intoxicated dream mixed with some sleepwalking. That was until the next full moon when my body shifted on my way back from the gym. It was painful at first and hard to handle mentally, but as the months went on and I transformed more, I got used to it and grew into the pain. It actually started to feel...good."

Kayla nodded along, the concerned look on her face conveying her empathy. "How about you?" He asked. Kayla scrunched up her lips and looked off in thought.

"I was in university. There was a big forest to one side of our campus, and I'd gone out for a jog one night, on a full moon, of course. Had to take a path through the woods. I had my earbuds in and didn't hear the creature stalking me throughout. Then it tackled me. I scraped my arms and legs pretty badly, and the wolf bit my hand even worse. I thought I would die, but strangely enough, the beast ran off and left me there. But, like you, I don't remember much after that. I woke up the next morning next to my phone and scraps of my clothes. Luckily, I had some juice left in my phone, so I called a friend to bring me a change of clothes, or I'd be walking back to my dorm in the nude."

"What did your friend say when she met you?" Mike asked.

"She asked the obvious, 'Kayla, why are you out here in the nude?' and I just made up a story about taking mushrooms the night before and winding up in the woods. I was pretty experimental back then, so she was pretty quick to believe me. Life went on as usual for the next month...until the next full moon arrived. I remember having to pull over my car as I transformed, terrified and hurting all over. I crawled out of my car and shifted into my bestial self, then took off into a park nearby. Besides the pain and distress of transforming, I think the worst part was that my car got towed. The impound fees were brutal." Kayla flashed a smile, and Mike chuckled. The two shared a few laughs before letting out relieved breaths.

"Wow. It feels so...freeing...being able to share this with someone," Mike stated.

"Yeah... It really does." Kayla agreed. The two didn't say anything, sharing a few moments of silence, Kayla gently twisting her upper body back and forth as she admired Mike's form. Mike broke the quiet.

"Well, we're both werewolves, and we've both partially turned. Why don't we spend the night, ya'know...unleashing, so to speak?"

"I'd like that," Kayla replied. "I'd really like that...but..." Mike caught the touch of uncertainty in her tone.

"But?" Mike asked, slightly confused. Kayla sighed and crossed her arms under her breasts again.

"But..." She began. "I... The way I shift is...a little strange." She admitted.


"Well, I...uh...don't just change into a beast. I...also...change into a... male...beast..."

She was embarrassed in her reveal, and how could she not be? There was a not-yet-spoken-of prospect of them mating while in their bestial forms. It was the closest two werewolves could be. But because of the anomaly in her transformation, they'd be incompatible. They might even tear each other apart trying to protect their new territory. Her heart sank telling him this, but... when she turned her head up to see Mike's reaction, she was surprised to find an optimistically bewildered look on his face.

"That's...incredible!" He exclaimed. Kayla cocked an eyebrow and her head.

"It is?" She asked. "Is...there something I'm missing here? You realize two male werewolves are incompatible, right? Like, we might tear each other in half fighting over territory."

"Oh, I think we'll get along just fine, Kayla." He replied with a sly smirk.

"How? Have you been bi this entire time and not" Kayla's thought petered off when a peculiar scent swelled within her canine nostrils. "Wait..." She paused and took a few more sniffs. " that the scent of...female?" Mike proudly crossed his arms across his chest and looked at her.

"It sure is." He said, his smirk turning up into a smug, toothy grin.

"But, why would..." Kayla began. She stopped to clasp her hands over her snout, her eyes looking up at him wide with shock. She took one hand away to point at him, finally understanding what Mike was getting at. "You shift into a female!" She blurted out.

"Sure do," Mike admitted, spreading his arms out to his sides. "Which is why we, as werewolves, are perfect for each other. More perfect than perfect." Kayla's hand fell away from her half-muzzle, leaving her maw agape.

"Holy shit... That means..."

"We can mate together," Mike said, finishing her thought for her.

"Yes!" She exclaimed. "Mike, this is crazy! What are the odds?" She gestured her open palms toward him, emphasizing her excitement. "You're right... We are perfect for each other!" She let her arms relax at her sides and took a breath. "We're soulmates, aren't we?"

"I'd say so. Two and a billion," Mike agreed. He stepped to her and wrapped his arms around her. She nuzzled against him, taking in his novel female scent. She hummed like she was sampling the aroma of a gourmet meal.

"I'm gonna fuck you so hard once we've changed." She murmured. Mike chuckled.

"I hope you do. I was in heat the last time I howled at the moon. Then we moved in together. Never got to... break it."

It was Kayla's turn to chuckle, sounding rather nefarious.

"Oh, you're so gonna get it. I'm gonna bury my knot in you. Hope you're ready." The two shared perverse smiles.

"Should we get down to it then?" Mike suggested. Kayla nodded before replying.

"I think we've waited long enough."


The merry sound of trick-or-treaters had fallen silent hours ago. Twigs and leaves crunched under Mike and Kayla's shoes as they walked through the forest a few blocks from their house. The air was as frigid as any other autumn night, and the moon's glow cast the creepiest shadows. For any ordinary couple, this was the place to be on a night like tonight. But Kayla and Mike had nothing to fear. They were about to become something even the shadows would coil away from in terror. Apex predators with no equal.

They weaved through the trees, their muzzles protruding from their jacket hoods, their furry, clawed hands grasping at branches to avoid tripping. Being the few body parts they couldn't shelter from the moon's light, they'd succumbed to its influence. They'd struggled to hold the beasts inside themselves since the moon graced them through their bedroom window. But now, it took every ounce of willpower they had to keep the curse contained.

They reached a small clearing where a stream ran through the woods. The two knew the area well. They'd taken hikes through it countless times since moving the neighborhood, cuddling on a fallen tree and watching the stream bramble past them, only this was the first time they'd been here past sunset. The two took spots a few meters apart and turned to face each other, pulling back their hoods.

Kayla smiled, pulling her canine lips back and flashing a glimpse of her carnivorous teeth. Mike replied to her smile with his own. A smile so comforting and warm it almost took the chill away from the night air.

"You look...magnificent." He said, his breath streaming from his maw as he spoke. Kayla's lips pulled back further as her smile widened. She breathed a soft laugh out in steamy plumes.

"I won't look this way for much longer. I get much bigger, you know." She brushed an errant lock of her furry mane from her eyes. "Pretty soon, you'll have to say 'handsome' instead.

"Nah. You'll still be beautiful. Just...'handsome' too, I suppose." He ran a paw through his own mane. "I won't be gaining much size." He stopped to snicker. "Maybe my chest will, though."

"True," Kayla said. The two stood there in silence, enjoying the mingling of their unique scents. Mike's female aroma, and Kayla's male musk.

"So, should we do this?" Mike suggested. Kayla nodded.

"Yeah, enough stalling. 'Moon' knows we've both been waiting too long to let loose."

"True," Mike replied. Both began shivering from the cold. Or was it nervousness? Excitement maybe? Regardless, there was only one way to alleviate these feelings. The two looked up to the moon and then began stripping.

Mike pulled at the lower hem of his hoodie, curling his furry fingers around it before pulling it up along with his sweater, revealing the toned bumps and ridges of his fur-pocked abs. Kayla did the same, pulling up her hoodie dress and the long-sleeved shirt beneath, her slim, smooth belly bare to the white glow of the full moon. She wore no bra underneath. What was the point, really?

As they threw their clothes to the leafy ground at their feet, both sighed a steamy breath of relief at the lunar light graceing their skin. Warming them just as the sun would during the day.

The fur speckling Mike's skin began filling out, the gaps of bare skin between them closing in. Kayla's fur came in as one full coat, starting thin and fluffy but quickly thickening into a lupine's tough, coarse pelt. They watched each other's fur grow. Mike noted how Kayla's fur was darker than his, and Kayla noted how Mike's was lighter, softer, too. Gruff, still, but straighter and fluffier in subtle ways.

They marveled at their partner's bestial appearances, studying every variation in color and thickness. They kicked off their shoes without averting their eyes, and their hands darted for their pants, wanting desperately to show the other more of their body as they transformed. Mike's hands fumbled with the fly of his jeans, and Kayla's the drawstring of her sweatpants. In no time, both were peeling the clothes down their legs, letting their lower bodies soak in the moonbeams.

While they stepped out of their pants, the two removed their socks using the new claws extruding from their toes, lest their feet grow too big and tear them asunder. That just left their undies, Mike's boxer briefs covering his bulge and Kayla's lacy panties covering her sex.

"Nice underwear." Mike complimented, a sly grin showing his newly changed teeth.

"Thanks. I wore them for you." Kayla giggled. "You can wear them after we shift if you'd like. Mike chuckled.

"I think I'm good. I prefer to be naked when I let the beast out."

"Well, yeah. What werewolf actually wears clothes post-transformation?"

"Not I," Mike replied. "A thick coat of fur is all I need."

"Same..." Kayla replied rather absentmindedly. Her eyes were focused on Mike's legs while the patches of fur dotting them filled out, just as his upper body had. She felt her own fur sprout from her skin, and it took her attention from her boyfriend.

She stared blankly, the roiling sensations across her body lulling her into a state of euphoria. The moon's light, now free to wash her form in its radiance, catalyzed her ultimate transformation. There would be no stopping it now. She'd become the ravenous beast she'd kept 'on a leash' for years. It yearned for freedom. 'He' yearned for freedom, and he would not be denied.

She knew the same was happening to Mike. She could pick it out from the pheromones in the air.

Kayla slumped over, resting her hands on her knees to support her weary body as it entered metamorphosis. She looked up at Mike and saw he was doing the same. He groaned.

"Hun, are you ok?" Kayla murmured, her lupine face marred with concern.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine. It's just...been awhile..." Pleasure and pain waged war throughout his bones and muscles, those in his legs already snapping and cracking as they reshaped themselves. It had been a while. He remembered his transformation being so easy once he'd experienced it enough. He remembered it feeling...good. Perhaps the pain he felt resulted from having gone without, like an atrophied muscle, or maybe it was the she-wolf inside him lashing out for restraining her so.

He looked up when he heard a moan come from Kayla.

"Ohhh. Fuck..." She cooed. She had already passed him in her metamorphosis, standing half a foot higher than him on her digitigrade legs. Her razor-sharp claws dug through the leaves and dirt below her. "I missed this..." She moaned.

Their hips popped, then crackled, shifting until they were forced into an upward position that allowed movement on two and four legs. Their arms stretched so their hands could take the upper weight of their growing bodies, their muscles straining and bulging against the pelts covering them. Soon, their arms were as strong as their legs, stronger even, capable of dispatching anything from a coyote to a bear.

They were becoming killing machines. Alpha predators...

Their hands bulked, and so did their feet. The two crouched on all fours, panting. Long slobbering tongues flapped from their open maws. Kayla was noticeably larger than Mike now, even with Mike's extra half a foot of growth. Kayla was a staggering seven feet. Her form was also heftier than her counterpart, having become as bestially masculine as Mike had become bestially feminine.

Unlike Kayla's form, Mike's appeared slimmed around his waist due to his expanded hips and thighs and the burgeoning breasts on his chest. There were three extra rows of nipples trailing down his torso from his newly grown tits to his fluffy navel. His fur looked softer, too, not as thick and coarse as Kayla's.

The aches and pains that previously chewed at their physiology were no more. They'd shed the rust and grime of denying themselves for so long. Now, there was nothing to do but enjoy the final stages of their transformations and all the ecstasies that came with them.

"Fuck...I...Rrrrrrr...missed this too." Mike growled. Kayla let out a long canine whine in response. She felt her breasts integrate with her pectoral muscles, leaving her with a prominent masculine chest, all topped off with an extra tuff of fur, making her appear even larger.

Kayla's clit had already enlarged a little, but now it grew steadily, filling out into something much more significant and canine in shape. Having forgotten to take her panties off, she tore off the stretched, satin fabric in one swipe of her claws. Free of its restraints, her lengthening cock turned deep red, a bulbous knot forming at its base. At the same time, the glistening slit of her pussy sealed, creating a seam before being coated in the same fur as the rest of her crotch. Her reproductive organs recombined inside her and then dropped into her new sack as testes. She was nearly complete, as male as a male could be, musk and all.

She smelled Mike across from her, knowing the opposite was happening to him. She...or...he, could smell, parts as they shifted from male to female. The sweet aroma of a potential mate caressed her nose.

Mike's cock had shrunk into the sensitive nub of a clitoris, surrounded by the moist pussy lips of a female werewolf. His prostate and balls had grouped together inside him and remade themselves into a reproductive system more fitting his form. He...or...she sniffed the air, picking up Kayla's virile musk. It sent her plummeting back into the heat she'd abandoned years ago.

In this state, she could say 'no' to Kayla's advances as much as a fish could say no to water.

The two observed their partner's new shape, the animal that always lay dormant inside themselves. This was who they truly were, and neither could wait to know their partner's inner selves.

"'re beautiful..." Kayla said, although, to human ears, this would have sounded as nothing more than low growls and canine grunts.

"Thank you..." Mike replied similarly, her canine speak coming off more feminine than Kayla's masculine tone. "You're rather handsome yourself..."

"That means a lot, thank you." Kayla bashfully replied. "You know, your scent is quite lovely."

"As is yours."

"May I...take a closer sample?" Kayla asked, taking a cautious step towards her on his front paw. Mike's lips pulled back in a toothy grin, blushing beneath her fur.

"Indeed, you may. You are my mate, after all." Mike stood straighter on her four legs, raising her rear and hiking her tail. Kayla walked toward her, his four legs carrying him there.

"Not until we imprint, we're not. But yes, I, too, already consider you a mate." He rounded Mike's flank and craned her head around her haunches so he could adequately smell her feminine musk straight from the source.

"I'm in heat, you know," Mike stated as if Kayla couldn't already tell. Kayla sniffed Mike's rear, the overt scent of needy bitch sweetly stinging his nose like cinnamon sugar. Kayla's cock emerged from its sheath like lipstick from a tube. He could hardly hold back. He'd have mounted her by now, but Mike was unique, and even in this savage, instinct-driven state, he knew to give her the courtesy of imprinting.

With Kayla's goods so close to Mike's face, Mike craned her head toward him, and much like he, she took in his male musk. The two stepped around each other, performing the unspoken ritual binding them as mates. They had their scents. Now for the rest...

They faced one another, and Kayla's head jerked as he sneezed, signaling that he'd mean her no harm. Mike returned the gesture, sneezing just the same. Now, they shared an unbreakable promise never to do harm to one another, or serious harm, at least. Mating and playing for werewolves always tended to get more than a little rough.

One last part of the ritual stood in the way of their coupling, and both were eager to participate. The two blinked at one another, then turned their heads to the sky, their maws opening to bellow their howls before the full moon.

Their howls hung in the night air, one covering for the other when they'd stop to take a breath, singing their haunting tune in unison, giving thanks to the moon and celebrating their gifts and partnership.

With that...they were mates, bonded by the light of the moon and the unique scents that invisibly marked them as beasts of the night. Finally, the howling ceased, and the two werewolves turned their attention to each other.

"Now we are mates," Kayla said.

"Yes, we are." Mike agreed. The tension between them crackled in the air like static. Kayla's haunches tensed, winding up like two massive springs. He'd been holding back out of respect. But now, she belonged to him, and he'd rightfully take what was his.

The two growled at each other, giving in to the pheromones saturating their sensitive noses. As much as Mike wanted Kayla to bury his cock in her needy snatch, Mike wouldn't simply let Kayla dominate her. Werewolf mating was a dance of domination and submission. A balance had to be struck before the male could mount the female.

Kayla's legs surged, and he sprung at his mate. Mike reared up on her hind legs and caught Kayla mid-pounce. Mike's paws skidded across the forest floor, her claws digging into the dirt for extra resistance against Kayla's momentum. She threw her mate away from her, then quickly got down on all fours, snarling at the male and bearing her teeth. Kayla snarled back at her, the two raising their hackles.

They slowly paced around the other in a wide circle, each analyzing the other for any subtle hints that the other might lunge. Ultimately, both of them struck out first, bursting toward each other on all fours before vaulting.

They collided in mid-air, toppling over the other as they came crashing to the ground. Kayla's maw clamped down on the scruff of Mike's neck, hoping to secure his bitch and begin breeding her. Mike snarled and thrashed her head about, gnashing her teeth his way until she twisted her body, flipping her male counterpart onto the ground. She sat on his belly and pinned his monstrous wrists to either side of him.

"You'll have to try harder than that, boy." She growled playfully. Kayla snapped his maw back at her and struggled against her grip. Mike pinned Kayla's left arm down with her knee and gave him a few gentle back-and-forth swats in the muzzle with her paw. "How about we play chase? I'll run from you, and if you can catch me, you can mount me and fill me with as many pups as you desire. Sound like fun?"

"No!" Kayla barked. "We're mates now. Just let me mate you!"

Mike stuck his tongue out and bolted off into the forest, dashing on all fours. Kayla huffed an irritated snort and gave swift chase. He'd had enough of Mike's games. Her scent was his. All he had to do was outlast or outwit her.

He bounded across the ground, whipping past trees and tearing through bushes. Kayla pictured what he'd do when he caught up to Mike. He'd pin her down for sure, scratch at her back, bite her neck. He'd teach her a good lesson in obedience before stuffing her lycan snatch and filling her with his pups.

Yeah...that's what she'd do...

These thoughts drove Kayla forward, numbing the burning of his muscles and dulling the dry ache in his lungs. He surged ahead, following the sweet-scented trail of female arousal that Mike left in her wake. It wasn't long before the gap closed enough for Kayla to make out Mike's fluffy grey fur in the distance, flowing rearward as the still air blew past her body. Closer Kayla got until he was almost right on top of his fleeing mate. Mike sensed him there and tried shaking him like a rabbit might while fleeing either of them. But Mike was a predator, just the same as he was. When you were on the tippy top of the food chain, you didn't naturally develop the ability to shake off those chasing you. You were never chased at all.

While attempting to round a vast and ancient tree. Mike's paw caught on a root, and she took a short tumble, yelping but recovering instantly. That one second of interrupted momentum was all Kayla needed to pounce on his mate, digging his claws into her pelt and sending the two toppling violently over one another.

Mike yelped, then cried out at the pain shooting up her back, not to mention the pain of the dry ground pummelling her body as she and Kayla crashed over it. Kayla snorted in frustrated determination, instinctually calculating mid-roll where to position himself so he'd wind up on top of her once their momentum ceased. He took his claws from her pelt and snatched at her wrists, holding them firm and wrapping his legs around her waist.

As the two came to a skidding halt across the leaf-strewn ground, Kayla threw his weight to one side, ensuring he would be the one on top this time. And on top, he was...

"Grrrrrr," Kayla growled, his face lowering toward Mike's. Mike pulled back her lips and growled back, but an underlying whine gave away her burgeoning submission.

Her arousal choked the air around them. Every inward breath drew Kayla's canine cock further from its fuzzy sheath. Even with the space between them, even with her pelt, Mike felt the heat radiating from it, making her cunt drool with need.

She cut her growl short and turned her head down. There it was, stiff as a tree and engorged with Kayla's lycan blood. It looked ready to burst, and Mike nearly squirted at the sight of it. She turned her face back up to meet his, unable to hide her want.

"Breed me." She begged, submitting herself to him.

Kayla would have fucked her, regardless. At this point, he'd assumed control over her. Overpowered her. He'd do what he willed.

"Open your legs, girl." He growled. Mike did as she was told, eagerly spreading herself for him.

"Fuck me good and hard, Kayla. Relieve me of my heat. Give me the litter I desire." Mike whined.

"I'll give you five litters by the time I'm done with you." Kayla retorted, repositioning himself over her, poising to penetrate her needy pussy. A bestial enthusiasm sparked in Mike. The act of being bested and the promise of an impending rut made her wild with imagined possibility.

"Give me ten, no, fifteen!" She panted as she watched him guide his cock toward her leaking entrance with his paw. "Fill me with all the young your potent seed can give, Kayla! Fuck me like the bitch I am!"

With that, Kayla pushed forward, his cock gliding in with nearly no resistance. There were a few tugs, but they were only from Mike's starving pussy clamping down on its first-ever meal. And what a meal it was...

The two howled to the sky as Kayla bottomed out in his bitch. In an instant, Mike felt so utterly full, so wholly complete, Kayla's cock stretching her insides and electrifying her nerve endings. Mike's snatch gripped him, sucking more blood into his member, forcing it to twitch in her grasp.

Kayla almost had trouble retreating from her as he prepared for his next thrust. Her pussy sucked him in like quicksand. He growled as his hips worked against hers, pulling his cock from Mike's greedy pocket. When he'd pulled it out far enough to ram it back inside, he slammed it against the back of Mike's passage. She yipped in pleasure. He groaned with lust. And with another strenuous pull, he began picking up the pace.

Both of them had waited so long to experience this. They thought they might never get the chance to. It was beyond freeing to let their most primal instincts drive them into their unrestrained rut, feeling what the other must feel mating in their human forms. What an experience!

It felt so fucking good, so right. And the night of carnal devotion under the full moon's radiance was only beginning.

*Hah!* "Yeah, mate me, Kayla!" *Hah!* "Fuck me good and hard!" Mike panted.

*Rrrrrr* "You're so tight." Kayla growled, thrusting in and out of Mike with as much force as his haunches could expend. She was being tossed around on her back like a rag doll, and she loved every second. Her tongue hung out the side of her gaping maw.

Mike reached up and gripped Kayla's biceps, digging into his pelt with her claws. It was all she could do to hang on. Kayla leaned forward so each pump of his cock dove deeper and remained further inside her. Mike's legs came with him, her ankles resting on his shoulders and bending out of the way, liberating him from the minuscule distance between them.

He fucked her as deep as their physiology would allow, his knot slamming into her labia, teasing her clitoris. Mike whined, so many sensations wracking her slighter form. Kayla's head craned down toward Mike's, teeth bared and clenched. His throat rumbled low with a domineering growl, reminding Mike, as he bred her to their hearts' desire, who exactly was in charge.

Mike thought the gesture silly. Of course, she was his. They were mates now, and the way he utterly claimed her with his member left her as furry putty in his clutches. She responded to his little show of ownership with a playful lick to his nose.

Kayla's growl halted in surprise, and his maw hung agape, joining hers as they huffed and puffed hot, steamy breath over each other's muzzled faces. There were a few seconds of silence, with only the sound of their genitals mashing together to break it up. Then, the two embraced, their open muzzles interlocking in a bestial kiss.

Canine tongue danced with canine tongue. Kayla's hip quickened. His knot ground against Mike's labia, coaxing a pleading whine from her between their maws. She wanted it, and that whine told Kayla all he needed to know.

Kayla made one last thrust into Mike's cunt, stalling as he pressed his knot hard against her. His paws gripped her waist, and she whimpered at the stretching sensation encompassing her entrance.

Kayla pushed so hard that Mike started sliding across the forest floor, over the leaves and dirt. Kayla's feet kept pace with her, holding himself against her until Mike's neck and shoulder blades met the tree trunk whose root she'd tripped over. Kayla resumed, having all the leverage he'd need.

A slick *Shlurp* filled their ears, followed by a piercing howl as Mike broke their embrace and bayed in a heavenly mix of pain and pleasure. Her lover joined her, howling in triumph. As he unleashed his victorious cry into the night air, he resumed pounding into his bitch.

"Kayla! Fuck!!!" Mike raggedly cried. "Your fucking knot! Oh, moon, YES!!!!!" Kayla's face leaned in close, refusing to slow his rut.

"Who's my bitch?" He growled, knowing the answer but wanting the bitch's words to fill his triangular ears.

"I am!" Mike howled.

"What are you?!" He asked again.

"Your bitch! I'm your lycan bitch!"

"And what do you want me to give you?" Kayla growled softer but straight into her ear, so his words tickled her eardrum.

"P-Puppiiiiiiiiiies!!!" She cried wantonly in one long howl, stopping to reiterate her previous admissions. "I'm your bitch, Kayla! I belong to you!" She stopped and sucked in a breath, releasing it as a depraved and savage growl next to Kayla's ear. " So give me your fucking puppies..."

The words resonated in Kayla's ear, striking a nerve within him. With an ecstatic grunt, he exploded inside her. His cock lurched, coating her insides in one pent-up burst, the second filling her. She howled a ragged howl, her pussy clenching on his twitching cock. An intense orgasm washed over her furry body, forcing her back to arch until her breasts touched Kayla's chest.

She clung to her powerful lover, her arms wrapped around his back and her claws hooking into his pelt like her life depended on it. Kayla's knot was the only thing holding his cum inside her, and with nowhere to go, the copious volumes expended by Kayla's balls bulged her tummy.

Mike was genuinely living her lycan fantasy on every level, and Kayla was his...

The two rode their orgasms to conclusion, the slow come-down burning off the last of their rut. Kayla remained hunched over his mate, the two heaving down mouthfuls of frigid air, releasing them into the night as plumes of steam.

Kayla eased down beside Mike, his knot still wedged firm in her pussy. The two embraced each other's muzzled faces in their paws. Their tails flapped behind them, stirring the leaves.

"That was everything I hoped it would be." Mike cooed, extending her tongue from the side of her maw to lick one of Kayla's hands.

"It was... And with no better a mate to experience it with." Kayla added.

"I wonder if your essence will take. I'm unsure how lycan pregnancy works."

"I'm unsure as well," Kayla admitted. "But that's a problem for future us," Mike said nothing in return, only nodding.

Kayla's member softened enough to slip free of Mike's snatch with a *pop* that made their ears flinch. His cum flowed over Mike's thigh, matting her fur and puddling on the ground between the two.

Mike lazily stood up on all fours, stretching her form. Kayla's sperm continued dribbling in a long string between her haunches, creating another puddle. Kayla watched her from her place, shifting into a sitting position while admiring her bestial figure.

"Want to go again?" She asked, turning her head to him while flashing a cheeky smirk, a glimmer of carnal hunger lighting her eyes in the moonlight. Kayla returned Mike's smirk with an excited smile. His tail flapped twice as fast, pummeling the ground.

Their fatigue was short-lived, and their libidos were shortly absent.

Mike walked forward on her paws, lowering her upper body and hiking her tail for her mate. She looked back at him. "It wouldn't be a full moon without some proper doggy style. And you still owe me more litters."

Kayla stood on all fours and stepped behind Mike, sniffing the musky mess he'd made. "C'mon. I'm waiting." She teased. Kayla snorted and pulled himself up onto Mike's back. His cock bobbed up and down between Mike's haunches, rapidly stiffening.

Mike's eyes rolled to the moon as Kayla's cock slid back into her. It had only been minutes without it, but even that was too long for her. "Yeah, breed me again..." She moaned.

"Anything for my bitch." Kayla growled, his gravelly voice making Mike quiver. His head craned downward, and he took the scruff of Mike's neck between his teeth. She let out an excited yelp at the pain, then a pleasureful yowl when Kayla pushed fully inside her.

Their second rut began, and it would not be their last. They'd be going at it until the moon finally settled, and they returned to their human forms, eagerly awaiting next month's full moon.

This was their first time loving each other as they were meant to. Two partners, two werewolves, two mates, one couple. Who knew what the future held for them? What would their hunting dynamic be like? Would they spread the curse and bring others into their pack?

Only one thing was assured. Kayla was going to give Mike every one of those fifteen litters...