The Monster Lies Chapter 10

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#10 of The Monster Lies

Okay, I really didn't need to know how my parents first met in some sort of power play anal fuck. I can feel the therapy bill increasing.Sorry for the delay folks, life has been crazy here, more then usual.

This is a retelling of the events of The Monster Within but from Skanita's point of view, things won't line up 1:1 as both stories are how the narrator recalls the events. If you are familiar with the comic, you will know that this series will involve many dark themes including violence, depression, sexual abuse, and murder. I do not conduce these action. The author does not condone these actions. This is a fantasy story and should not confused with the real world.This is a commissioned piece of work. The original author prefers to remain anonymous. If you do happen to know the writer in question, please respect their privacy and avoid passing the knowledge around.

Chapter 10

She growled, then opened her eyes to the grey surface of her den. Where were the cougars? She blinked twice and looked down the length of her light-colored belly with a disappointed sigh. Her hind paws were spread far to the sides, opening her wet vulva as wide as possible. Weak spurts of translucent slime squirted from the depths of the pink walls, falling down on the fluffy underside of her slime coated tail.

Maka mewled with disappointment. She had no cock inside her. No mate. The only scent that filled the air was hers, carrying the taste and desire of a heated, lustful dream. She pushed her head under a flank, cleaning her drenched lips when the yowl of a cougar split the silence. The passion and the lust woven into that cry made Maka shiver with a mix of curiosity and arousal. If those cougars truly mated, she wanted to see it.

She got up on her paws and walked into the midday sun, following the scent trail of the two mating felines. She found them copulating a short distance away from her den. The male stood on his back, enjoying the warm sun on his tawny balls. A speckle of pink emerged from the tip of his sheath, signaling the male's pressing need. His female adopted a similar position, swishing the brown tuft of her tail this way and that over her seed coated lips.

Maka licked her muzzle and approached further. She stalked through the tall grasses, nostrils flaring with every breath. The smell of fertile seed filled her senses like a blanket of comfort, bringing a most annoying tingling under her tail. Maka ignored it and pressed forward until the female cougar rolled on her belly. She lifted her tail over the clammy patch of fur that dwelled below her tailbase, urging her mate to claim her cub-making entrance once again.

Maka froze. Seed was all over her glistening lips, and she was ready for another penetration. The male lowered his head to catch a quick taste of the mixed fluids that dwelled within the female's shivering cunt. His tail shot up in the same manner as his lips, and a short growl left his throat. He was aroused, obviously so. Maka's blue eyes glimmered as the emerging cock filled her view. It was big, wet, and throbbed with desire. The cougar straddled the female, jabbing the crimson erection around her hole, whimpering every time he missed his mark.

Maka rarely saw such raw desire. The male's sculpted muscles rippled across his flanks, and each thrust slammed those heavy balls hard against the female's wet hole. There was little aim, and Maka even noticed two squirts of precum leaving the male's trembling cock before he finally found his target.

With a moaning cry, he pushed his rock-hard erection all the way into his prize. Upon tasting such heaven of moist flesh, his tail slammed into the ground, and the female spasmed, clenching around the erupting cock with all her might.

Two yowls shattered the silence. Maka's ears fell flat on her head. Her instincts screamed of danger, yet she stood there and watched how the male's tailhole clenched again and again, each one of those spasms driving a fresh hot spurt of seed inside the female's trembling vagina. It all looked so...perfect. Their genders kissed and brushed against one another, sharing their warmth, fluids, bridging the very bodies of the two mates together.

Maka's attention was distracted by a curt cry. She blinked, watching how the female pushed her vagina hard against the filling cock. The male worked himself even deeper, mewling his raging bliss while his balls clenched a few more times, surrendering their last reserves to the kisses of a most beautiful pussy. He dismounted with another groan, allowing a gush of milky seed to splash down upon the thirsty ground. With the mating done, the female pawed at her mate and rolled on her belly, displaying her dripping vagina proudly to her partner, as if saying "See? See how well you filled me?". Her lips still clenched in the aftermath of the mating, pushing new reserves of seed out of her overflowing depths.

Maka watched with lustful fascination how the male's cum flowed down to her tailhole. She desired a similar filling. Her own nether lips shivered with need, rubbing against the ground with each thrust.

Thrust? Maka dropped on her side. Her paws kicked the grasses away, and her lips kissed one another, unleashing their lustrous lubrication almost without her consent. Maka clamped her muzzle shut too late to prevent that needy mewl from escaping between her clenched teeth.

Fuck, if there was ever a wrong time to climax. One of the cougars must have heard her, judging by the sharp growl. Maka quickly looked towards them. The female was already on her feet, running in her direction.

Fear flooded Maka's tightening muscles. She scampered on her paws and fled the scene like a lightning bolt. Her large strides carried her sleek form across the tundra with unmatched grace. None was faster than her, and the mated female didn't even try to catch Maka. She stopped where Maka previously sat, inspecting the wet patches of slime that sunk into the soil. Her mate joined the inspection, sniffing and licking at the patch of arousal left behind by the horny cougar. Maka was so enthralled with watching their mating that she barely realized she lost control of her body. She had rubbed against the ground for minutes, staining it with her fragrance, drowning it with her female cum.

Somehow, the male seemed particularly fond of her taste. He licked his lips hungrily, sniffing the air for her scent. Maka lifted her tail and walked away. An already mated cougar was no proper partner, though teasing one was a good way to get revenge on her condition. She swished her tail enticingly, filling the air with her sweet aroma until the cougars disappeared from view.

That's when Maka finally covered her glistening lips under her thick tail. A need burned within her that could only be satisfied by the hard, dedicated touch of male cock. Once she reached the trees, Maka splayed on the ground, dashing a few licks against her pink opening. Her small lips kissed her tongue to share in their sweet taste. Maka licked herself faster, pushing the tip of her tongue inside the softer, wetter parts of her pussy. The flabby tip hardly fit through, however, and she resorted to broad strokes, shivering as barbs scraped against her sensitive flesh, pushing her closer to the edge. She tensed, expecting her orgasm to squirt inside her hungry muzzle. A lick followed, rolling into another, until her privates were damp with slimy saliva.

But it didn't come. Maka snarled in annoyance. She wanted a male of her own; a kind cougar that would care and provide her with everything she wanted. She felt weak and annoyed by her unspent orgasm, but that only inflamed her desire.

After a few minutes of idle sitting, Maka resumed her quest. She quickened her pace, widening her strides into a proper run. Her mother's territory was vast, and she had an inkling where to search for males. Maka turned her back against the sun and ran until the trees became scarcer once again. Bronze grasses dominated the landscape, reaching under her undulating shoulders. Wolves had a hard time staying unseen in the short vegetation, but for a cougar this was the ideal hunting ground

Maka sniffed the air, catching the faint trace of male musk. Her ears perked with excitement, and her broad tail swished happily. Licking the dust off her whiskers, Maka maintained her run. Her muscles burned with fatigue, yet the promise of a cougar's soothing cock inside her needy pussy energized her. The scent slowly increased, until she finally saw a speckle of darkness amidst the shifting grasses.

Maka stalked towards her quarry. The cougar she hunted was obviously male. He had a masculine scent about him, spread around by his restless tail. He was crouching too, advancing with careful steps. Maka knew a hunting pose when she saw it, but her eyes were focused on another type of meat. Once she caught sight of the male's swollen ballsack, she never left it. Two plump orbs rested below his tailhole, almost as big as wolf's. A bit lower rested his sheath. Maka couldn't tell if he was erect or not, catching no sight of pink emerging from the tip. She inhaled the scent greedily through her nostrils, hoping for seed or arousal. None graced her. The male was focused on the hunt, oblivious to the eyes staring at him.

Maka was too lustful to care about his desires. She approached brazenly, eager to get a taste of his hidden cock. She sneaked behind him, waiting until his tail exposed his gender. Then, she struck. Her neck arched forward and her tongue slipped between her canines, catching the male right along his sheath.

He was fertile. And young. And tasty. Maka brought her tongue back, dissolving the pungent tastes of the cougar inside her own saliva. He hadn't cleaned himself there for at least a day, and his intense taste made her muscles shiver with raw need. The male turned around, snarling his surprise. The deer he stalked panicked at the sound, scattering in every direction.

The male looked back towards his departing prey, then turned towards Maka, hissing his disappointment.

"You ruined my hunt, you perverted little thing."

Maka dropped on her back, exposing the white fluff of her belly. He looked fiercely beautiful with his ivory fangs exposed by his snarly, twitching lips.

"I just...just wanted to surprise you," Maka licked her muzzle, kicking her paws gently. The male walked around her, displaying his assets. He was bigger and stronger than her, with a muscular build and a magnificent shade of brown spread along his fur. His fur was brown, like any cougar's, and his eyes had the cold clarity of the sunset sky about them. Maka hadn't seen a cougar with red eyes before, and, wishing to enter his good graces, she made herself as cute as she possibly could.

"I don't care what you wanted, female," he hissed, pushing his nose against hers. "Did you think about what I want? All the prey is gone, thanks to your lack of patience. We could have made introductions after I filled my belly, but thanks to you, I have nothing but a coward standing before me."

Maka mewled softly. She was easily intimidated by those stronger than her, and this male made no exception. She lay completely limp, inhaling his scent while her paws gently brushed against the dense fur of his belly.

"I-I'm sorry. I know I was wrong touch you there, but I'm in-"

"Oh, you were very wrong," the male drew his head back and looked upon her. "Impatience irritates me more than your weakness. If you kept your impatience in check just a bit longer, you could have suckled the seed right out of my cock while I was feasting on my meat and blood, but'll get nothing."

Maka licked her muzzle. She wanted that very, very much. "Please...can't I-"

"No," the male spat.

Maka became still as stone as the male crouched low. His fangs were too close for comfort, and his posture tense and prepared for a fight. She expected the worst, until the male pushed his nose inside her throat, sniffing along her fluffy neck.

"I don't care much about words," he said, going lower along her chest. "I will starve just by listening to your nonsense. As I see it, I just have to trade my chosen prey for another type of meat..." he growled, pressing his sharp teeth against her exposed throat.

Maka felt her paws grow cold with fear. He couldn't possibly mean what she thought. He looked into her eyes, then opened his jaws, testing a few grips around her frail neck. "I know a few ways to do this, some...more painful than the others. What do you think you deserve, female?"

"Please..." Maka cooed, pawing gently at his fluffy head.

"Please what?" the male licked her chin with his wet, lovely tongue. "You came to me, willingly offered yourself to me from the moment you exposed your belly. Am I not free to decide your fate?"

"I...I can be more useful to you alive."

The male growled in her face, wetting her nose with droplets of saliva. "Kill you? Is that what you think I am? A murderer? That is even more ridiculous than having a female lick my balls during a hunt!"

A joke? Maka couldn't be sure. She was still scared, but the scents of this male were driving her crazy. She snuck her tongue out to catch a brief taste of his muzzle. He blinked at her, then quickly pulled away. His beautiful eyes vanished, replaced with a paw slammed directly on top of her nose.

"Don't get cute with me now," the male growled, asserting his dominance. "I am still hungry, and as good as you might smell, your heat alone will not fill my belly."

A paw certainly could. Maka inhaled the scents trapped between his fingers, delighting in the unique variations. She could tell where he walked, what he touched, even how often he pleasured himself. Her tongue slid along his pads, moving between his warm fingers with expertise. The barbs scooped the stale taste of seed, heating Maka's blood with lust and expectation.

She was just about to get the whole paw inside her muzzle like that cougar did in her dream before the male pulled it back, blinking his surprise.

"You really do like to lick everything, don't you?"

"Only if it's tasty," Maka smiled meekly.

"My paw is tasty?" he sniffed his wet paw, then placed it back on the ground. "I don't see anything special about it."

"Deliciously so," Maka added. "I don't mind cleaning all of your fours if you allow me."

"You are an odd female, to offer yourself into servitude like that. Perhaps I should get to know you better before I make a decision on what to do with you," the male said, pushing his nose inside her chest. The warm whiffs of his breath further stirred Maka's need. She spread her legs invitingly as he slid his muzzle closer towards her tail, approaching that warm nose of his to her twitching lips. He caressed her fluffy belly, tickled her meaty flanks with his tongue, then stopped just shy of her moistened vagina.

Maka held her breath. Her lips glistened with fresh arousal, and she was eager to have her liquid brushed away by a broad, barbed tongue.

"You don't look or smell like any prey I'd eat..." the male trailed off, plunging his tongue between her wet folds. Maka hissed sharply, trembling with heated desire.

The male licked once before he drew his tongue back, licking his lips with a wet smack. "But you surely taste better than any grass-eater I feasted on."

"Fill me," Maka begged softly. "Please. I want you deep inside me."

"You are already dripping like a river," he licked her pussy again, tickling her with those big barbs at the base of his tongue. Maka thrust into his muzzle, squirting a sharp jet of female lust inside his maw. The male swallowed with a satisfied purr and stopped, allowing her to regain her ragged breath.

"More," Maka whimpered, clawing at the air above her. "I-I want you to eat me."

"Mraaah, I will lick every bit of you dry," the male dropped on his belly, assaulting her exposed folds with fierce jabs of his hungry tongue. "Then, after I'm done feeding on your pussy, I will take you hard, and fill your womb with more seed than you can ever hold inside this cute shelter you have."

"Mrrrrowwwrrrrr!" Maka growled lustfully and spread her legs far to the sides to give her strange lover full access to her uncovered lips. The male licked quickly, tasting everything she had to offer. His tongue dashed in and out across the surface of her sex, stimulating her with intense waves of rolling pleasure. She might have had an impossible time reaching climax on her own, yet the tongue of another felt delightful across her bare sex, and, with her instincts heated up, Maka craved for penetration. She pushed into the male's hungry muzzle, demanding more and more of that tongue inside her restless pussy.

His paws slid along the thick fur of her belly. Then, they settled on each side of her puffy pink mounds. Two slim claws slid inside just enough to spread the walls of flesh.

Maka almost bit her tongue. She never stretched herself that way! The male took a deep breath from the heat-leaden scent that escaped her love tunnel, then penetrated her with the smooth tip of his tongue. A surge of pleasure claimed her, more intense than anything she felt. The male lapped at her exposed folds like a hungry beast, suckling every drop that came out of her clamping hole.

Maka kicked her paws and bared her fangs, melting in the intense delight of being eaten out by a male. The stimulation was too much for her aroused flesh to handle. When barbs scraped the sensitive walls of her sanctuary, unleashing the fire dwelling within, Maka all but gave up resisting. She tensed all over, feeling on the verge of exploding. Her tail swished restlessly behind her trembling flanks, and her paws spread their toes widely, stimulated by the unbearable surges of lust. Maka threw her head back and yowled, loosening all of that sexual build-up onto the male's eager tongue. She splashed him with a hard squirt, then attacked him with relentless waves of her heat.

He growled, slurping away at her gushing pussy with wet, messy noises. With every spurt, he pushed deeper inside, urging Maka to surrender everything she had. She arched her back and thrust into his tongue, cumming harder than she ever did in her dream. The pressure of his flesh and the quick suction of her sex stimulated Maka until her sex overflowed with tangy juices.

And the male was ready for every squirt. He satisfied his hunger thoroughly, cleaning her with the soft tip of his tongue once her climax ended.

Maka panted, finally relaxing in the afterglow of her orgasm.

"I can't say I'm completely sated, but make it worth my while," her charming male cleaned his wet muzzle with a satisfied lick.

"I watched two cougars mate this morning," Maka said, rolling around in the soft grass. "The way the male slammed his balls and mated his female was incredibly arousing," she licked her lips, lost in thought.

"Arousing, yes," the male sniffed her paws briefly before dropping his chin on her pussy. "So, did you get the courage to join them?"

"Ooh, no, no," Maka mewled, rejoicing the feeling of something hard against her bare lips. "I only watched and lusted for something like that."

"You mean a cock deep inside you, stretching your delicate lips apart like my tongue," the male smiled mischievously.

"Yes," Maka agreed. "I don't even know your name, but this feels like your tongue barely scratched it!"

The male rubbed her exposed flesh with his nose and sniffed into it. Maka tensed with expectation. She expected that tongue to return, but the male simply looked into her eyes.

"Dear, a young female like you must have had ample time to learn the basics. Tongues cannot fill nor impregnate you. For that, you need something more," the male dropped on his back, exposing himself to her. "Something only possessed by the better gender."

Maka only looked at it for a few seconds. His furred sack, holding two fat spheres leaden with semen. His sheath, pink around the tip, ready to expose his cock out of its moistened ring. His tailhole, pink and puckered, begging to be cleaned by an able tongue. The sight was overpowering, and the smell intoxicating.

Maka's lips squelched rudely as she rolled on her belly. She needed a taste of that plump sheath. Craved for it. With a powerful leap, she jumped the male. His eyes widened as she fell on top of him, their sexes rubbing together in the most arousing of ways.

Maka humped desperately for the feel of his sheath. She felt something hard stir beneath her lips before powerful paws pushed her on the hard ground.

"Back off," the male snarled.

"Why? You know how much I need this!" Maka mewled lustfully.

"You don't get to choose when and how you take me, female," the brown cougar walked a short distance away and dropped on the ground, pushing his nose into his balls. "You cost me a hunt, and now your heat is all over my cock."

"I'm sorry, but I thought you wanted me from the way you feasted on me earlier."

"Darling, you clearly don't pleasure yourself too often," the male said indignantly, caressing his emerging erection with slow flicks of his tongue.

Maka said nothing. She walked towards him, stopping when his cold eyes settled on her.

"Please let me clean you. I will be gentle, just as you were!" She looked at him, her hopeful, cerulean eyes sparkling with desire.

The male embraced the barbed tip of his cock with his tongue, shivering with the onrush of pleasure that made his member harden like stone. "Do I look like I need your help, female? My maw is just as warm as your cunt, and the taste of my own seed is far more complex than the water of your womb. What stops me from swallowing my own release right now? That drooping look on your eyes might even make up for your impromptu arrival."

He licked his cock again, then slapped his perky balls with his agile tongue. Maka burned with desire. She licked her nose repeatedly, imagining her own tongue washing over that beautiful erect cock.

"I-I think you missed a-"

"A spot?" The male gave her a knowing smile right before his broad tongue brushed along his tailhole. His muscles trembled, and his paws spread briefly as a jet of precum surged through his fully aroused cock. The hot liquid shot high into the air, splashing back on his balls, belly, and even his tail in a rain of beautiful arousal.

"Mrrrrowrrr..." Maka purred with lust. She advanced slowly towards his member, intent on licking the shining droplets from his fur.

The male slapped the fantasy right out of her head with his damned paw again. "I told you. No licks are allowed unless I demand them," he shoved her needy muzzle away.

"Then mate me, you picky bastard!" Maka snarled with desperation. "I'm almost ready to hump the grass from all the teasing you're putting me through. First you polish your cock, then expect me to just stand idly and watch you swallow your own cum? You're unbelievable. Any male would jump me without a second thought."

"I'm not any male. Mate the ground if your cunt itches such," the cougar said nonchalantly, turning his attention to the wet pads of his hind paw. "I pleasured you once. Cum by yourself if you are so desperate for release."

Maka didn't really consider his ridiculous offer. She rushed her head back towards his cock, pressed by the incessant urge to couple with this dominant, powerful male.

Like before, she had been pushed back right after she managed to catch a brief lick of his sheath, jaws clacking, throat mewling needily at the fertile tastes hiding within the depths of his sheath. She was desperate for more. The cock throbbing before her eyes had everything she needed: hard flesh to penetrate her, and a large quantity of semen to drown her pestering heat once and forever.

"I don't want to pleasure myself, you selfish bastard." Maka stepped away from him, dropped on the ground, and wrapped her tail around her body. "If you'd only give me the chance to prove myself. Please. Just allow me to pleasure you for a bit, and if I'm not good, you can just find a better female."

"Han," the male said, filling in the silence. "I cannot offer you anything else apart from my name. Remember it."

"But why?! Why are you so frigid? Is my body not appealing to you?" Maka rolled this way and that before Han's uninterested eyes.

"I'll let you figure that one on your own, my dear, blue-eyed huntress," he smiled mockingly, brandishing his lubricated cock before her.

He was so infuriating! Maka turned around and attacked her pussy with a vengeance. She was not going to allow grass and pebbles to fill her lips when a male stood just a few paces away from her. She licked hard, moaning in the rush of bliss that cascaded upon her desperate tongue. She attempted to stretch herself just like Han did, yet her position made that impossible. Maka shoved her tongue inside, yet no matter how hard she pushed, she found it impossible to penetrate herself.

Maka gave up with a long, annoyed growl. She turned to Han, spitting her rage and irritation at his stupid, amused face. Saliva mixed in with her own lubrication, landing all over the male's crotch.

"Smooth," he licked himself clean, further taunting her with his insolence.

"What kind of male are you?" Maka snarled. "How can you simply watch? The cougars I knew would not think twice before mounting me!"

"And what does that say about them?" Han asked.

"That they're males, while you're a..."

"A what?"

"A female with a cock!" Maka spat in his face.

He got up on his fours. Maka expected him to take her and prove her wrong, but he showed no signs of rage or lust. He merely walked around her, cock slapping against his fur with every throb.

"I am not the freak you paint me to be. Why, I but merely control my desires, unlike these other males you speak of. Weaklings. Slaves to the basest of urges," he pushed her tail aside, smiling as Maka shifted into a proper mating position.

"Does it make me weaker, that I control my own impulses rather than being controlled by them?" he pushed a paw under her tail, brushing the silky pads against both of her holes.

"Of...of course!" Maka moaned, then snarled, unwilling to bend under the whims of an annoying male. "A male who refuses to spread his legacy by spilling his seed is useless."

Han pulled his paw back, lips twitching above his pristine fangs. He was annoyed, and Maka tensed, not knowing what to expect. She attacked his pride quite roughly, and because of that, anything was possible.

"So? What are you going to do about that, female?" Maka pressed further. "Are you going to impregnate me with your cubs, or stare dreamily at my lips like a weak little kitten?"

Han settled on his flanks, playing with his own tail. "I am just going to watch how you further embarrass yourself. These pesky insults are quite amusing. I never met a female like you before. You are so determined. So...needy for something your tongue can provide," he rolled on his back and lifted a hind leg, presenting his cock in all its glistening glory. A drop of precum fell from the tip, splashing against the arid soil.

"Coward," Maka said, then pushed her nose into her soaked sex. The distraction was all the male needed. His weight slammed into hers, sending Maka sprawling on the side.

"I find that word displeasing," he snarled in her face.

He was such a fool! Maka licked his muzzle adoringly, tasting everything he had to offer. Han's fierceness dulled for a brief moment. He was genuinely surprised by the burst of affection she attacked him with until a strong forepaw slammed into Maka's throat.

"Have you forgotten my demands already? I said no licks!" he growled. "You should be smart enough to remember my only rule."

"And you should be better at masking your desires," she licked her lips off his delicious saliva. "You liked that."

"Not in the slightest," Han thrust his erection against her. "But something tells me you are going to like this."

Maka stared helplessly while his cock brushed against her fur. Han thrust into her rump, then climbed up her paw, testing her squishy pads with his oozing tip. He pushed between her toes, spreading them apart with his barbed cock. Maka moaned needily. She flexed her toes immediately, trying to get a grip on his hard, twitching tool.

She couldn't. Han crouched closer to the ground, wetting her belly with rapid thrusts that sent droplets of liquid arousal splattering down on her fur. The scent of his musk vastly increased, making Maka feel warm and fuzzy. She dropped her head on the ground, mewling weakly. She liked being dominated, and every one of Han's thrusts was filled with purpose. His warm fur brushed against hers, and his strong muscles pressed their bodies closer together with every push.

"In...inside," Maka begged. "Please...mate with me."

"Do not confuse mating with fucking," he hissed in her ear.

"It really feels like it," Maka trilled, getting wetter by the second.

"And this?" Han thrust hard and bit under her jaw. Maka yelped, squirting a glob of liquid lust out of her pussy. The bite was just rough enough to avoid injuries, and more pleasant than she expected. She licked the air, then one of Han's ears, whimpering her increasing need.

" your cock throbbing inside me," Maka panted.

Han humped harder and harder until he finally got up on his paws, skidding forward along the ground. His cock tensed and his balls tightened, sending spurts of precum splashing on Maka's hungry muzzle. She licked wildly at the air, catching a few droplets of that delightful fluid inside her maw.

Han hissed, dazed by the onrush of pleasure that came from all that thrusting. This was her chance. Maka crouched under his belly, pushing her whole tongue out of her muzzle. Her tip brushed against the hard flesh of Han's cock, scraping against his barbs just briefly. The male's hiss turned into a growl, and an involuntary thrust brought his whole length into Maka's awaiting muzzle. She got that beautiful, pent-up cock all the way inside her maw, and she wasted no moment in dancing her eager tongue all over. The taste of pre-cum was all over his cock, washed in a sea of saliva and suckling muscles. Han snarled and jumped back. His cock slid out of Maka's lips with a wet squelch, shooting a hard stream of pearlescent liquid along her fur.

"I licks," he looked at her, panting in the same rhythm. He was more aroused than he showed, and Maka knew it. With every breath, she took in his musk like vital air.

"That was sucking. Learn the difference, you dumb male."

Han's snarl deepened. "You have a big mouth for a beggar!"

"The better to suck you with," Maka purred with desire.

"That is not going to happen. However, I will teach you a sorely needed lesson."

"I hope it's about finding the right hole, because you left my belly quite stained," Maka rubbed her paw along fur and smiled at the angry male.

"I've had enough of this." Han crouched and pounced her yet again. Like last time, Maka's distraction got the better of her. She rolled on her belly a second too late. Han was all over her, pinning her under his larger form.

"What do you plan now, you-"

A presence spread her muscles apart, penetrating her farther than she ever expected from a single thrust. Han hissed, and Maka cried an outright yowl as her virgin muscles stretched to their very limits. She couldn't take such a thick girth, not from the very first thrust. Maka squeezed her eyes shut, trying to control her rebel muscles. Every twitch sent shivers of pain along her flesh, and the barbs only made that worse.

"Wrong...wrong hole," she yelped, crawling away from the hard length that assailed her tailhole.

Han blocked her retreat with a forepaw. He remained firmly inside her, steadying his rapid breaths, then slowly sliding out of her tailhole. His barbs scratched Maka's flesh on the way out, forcing her to moan like a little kitten. His length slowly retreated, allowing her to take a few breaths of relief before Han pierced her yet again. His cock throbbed within her sanctuary like a second heart, spurting its warm essence upon the arid walls of her anal passage. Maka clenched hard around it, squeezing Han in a tight grip that was sure to destabilize the foundation under his paws.

He stopped, hissing violently. Males loved tight holes, and Maka was the tightest down there. She relaxed, allowing him to slide in just a bit deeper before she hugged the cock all over.

Han growled, his voice weaker, more unsteady. He drew his cock and pushed all the way in, balls slapping against Maka's wet vagina. The shocking pleasure overpowered her. Strengths left her muscles, and with her control wavering just like the unsteady spasms of her pussy, Han pushed in and out of her ass however he liked. He kept a slow, teasing pace, lubricating her tailhole with repeated jets of precum.

Maka offered no resistance. She raised her tail, acknowledging Han's superiority. He was bigger and stronger than her, and now his cock fully pushed her into submission. The barbs that raked her flesh now slid against her walls like a soothing tongue, increasing the tremendous pleasure building inside her. The thickness of that monster cock hurt and stretched her when he came in, yet now the larger size unearthed hidden pleasures Maka wasn't even aware of. Stretched to her limits and thoroughly lubricated by his ample amounts of precum, Maka was brought on the verge of release. She lifted her rump and scratched the ground with her claws, awaiting the blissful climax.

One thrust came. Then another. Flesh kissed flesh in a back and forth dance of lust and desire. Maka tensed, expecting to burst at any moment. Her pussy overflowed with liquid lust, and her tailhole almost felt numb with the strain of the mating. Han slowed his pace, waiting just long enough until the edge of arousal dissipated. Maka licked her maw with irritation. She knew he did that on purpose, but she was too aroused to fight him. Instead, she waited there, oozing more lubrication and tensing all over again only to get the same result.

"Grrrroowrrr! Will you just cum already?!"

"I thought you wanted to be mated for hours," Han licked the top of her head, then descended until his nose met hers.

"This isn't mating! You said it yourself, you big, self-enamored ass-lover," she nipped his chin.

Han retreated his head just beyond the reach of her jaws, then licked one of her ears with the same fluid motion that sent his cock piercing deeper his cock into her tight ass-hole. "I'm glad you finally learned the difference."

Maka bit back her annoyance and waited until that blissful pleasure of finality threatened to erupt from the depths of her cunt. She planted her paws firmly on the ground as tension gathered within her muscles, then, at the right moment, she used all the energy to slam into Han. He yelped, hardly expecting such a violent reaction from a submissive female. His paws skidded on the ground, too weakened by the repeated thrusts to maintain his balance. Maka rolled on the ground while his cock was still inside her. Han throbbed hard, unleashing another jolt of precum into her ass. The two cougars rolled until they stopped, with Han on his back and an angry Maka straddling him.

"I am tired of your macho teasing!" She hissed and slapped him with a forepaw. Han tried to push her away, but a mighty squeeze around his cock chained him within a cage of heated bliss. His growl turned into a mewl, weak and unsteady.

Maka shoved her hips against his groin, taking Han's engorged cock all the way to the cougar's tight, cum-filled balls. His sensitive barbs protested heavily at the rough treatment they were exposed to. Intense purring burst from the male's fluffy throat, his eyes squeezed shut in a vain attempt to contain the rising pleasure.

"You try to appear strong and mighty, but I know the real you," Maka hissed with lust as she humped his cock, up and down, taking him on a sweet ride to the peak of pleasure. "You're like any other male, weak and sensitive where it counts."

Han opened his trembling mouth to protest. He only earned another slap over his whiskers. He mewled at that, shielding himself with his front paws in a vain attempt to stop the huntress from asserting her own brand of dominance. Maka bit onto one leg and pushed the other away, leaving Han completely defenseless.

"Do you agree, my darling?" she repeated the word just like Han said it. The male bowed his head, lapping at Maka's muzzle with his wet tongue.

"Good," she snarled. "Because this is the only thing I ever wanted from you. To have that big, sensitive cock erupt deep inside me."

And with that, she quickened her pace far beyond the mockery of Han's mounting. Maka thrust so hard his balls jiggled in their pouch, then slid out until his oozing tip was the only flesh penetrating her dripping tailhole. The difference in size and pressure was outstanding, and no male could last for long. Maka clenched her jaw, feeling her own climax rapidly approaching. She humped quicker, slapping Han's balls with the base of her tail each time his cock pushed in and out of her gooey butt-hole.

"Lick me," Maka ordered. Han blinked, still confused by the turnaround. Another slap refreshed his memory, and the male dashed his tongue across Maka's white muzzle.

"Good boy," she purred and rewarded him with a few licks of her own before she embraced his cock hard with her tight anal muscles, forcing a yelp out of his muzzle.

"Does that feel good?"

"Y-yes," Han whimpered, hugging her with his paws. "Feels...far better than I imagined."

"Do you want more?"

"So' tight."

"Louder!" Maka squeezed the soft pads of his paw between her teeth.

"I'm just about to-"

"Then cum already!" Maka pushed herself hard against his balls. Juices flowed along their tie, clumping the cream strands of the male's fur together.

"I can't hold it in. Mraaaarrrr, it's too hot. Too tight!" Han closed his eyes, moaning louder. Maka increased her pace, milking him for all his worth.

"Give it to me, you selfish bastard. Cum inside me. I said cum!"

Han thrust hard into her, filling her with the entire length of his hard, throbbing cock. Maka gasped. His flared barbs scratched into her over sensitive muscles in a river of pain and pleasure that sent her far over the edge. A torrent of female cum exploded out of her convulsing pussy. The warm fluid fell on Han's belly, mixing with the ample amounts of pre-seed that dribbled from her rim.

With a final cry, the selfish male finally erupted inside Maka, and the female closed her eyes and snarled in fulfillment as the warm spurts of his fresh fertile semen traveled through her clamping tunnel, flooding her walls with male fertility. Maka yowled her bliss. She pushed hard against Han's cock, securing it deep inside her while her jaws clenched around his throat. The two felines melted into their climax together, yowling and thrashing as their fluids overflowed upon the increasingly matted fur. Maka shot spurt after spurt of clear slime from her restless pussy, while cloudy semen gushed out from her abused tailhole. The two streams mixed, coating Han's privates in warm juices.

Maka scooped each burst of his semen out of his member and took it deep inside her lubricated sanctuary. Even though he didn't scratch her heat-filled pussy, she savored the flow of fresh seed into her body until her muscles became raw and her tailhole ached from the male's barbs.

Han fared no better. His cock shrunk to the size of a little worm, unleashing a cascade of semen down his drenched balls when it came out of Maka's ass.

"Blazing damnation...that was..."

"Surprisingly good," Maka continued as she licked his exhausted face a few times.

"Well, no thanks to you," he smiled, returning the favor. Their tongues brushed against each other for a brief while as Maka pulled her head back.

"What do you mean? I did all the hard work."

"It was my cock you humped, dear. Do that to twigs or rocks and see how well it pays off."

"You are such a figure," she said with utter bewilderment. "Who would ever take you for a mate? I really are a one of a kind cougar."

Even so, he was her first, and Maka wasn't cold enough to just stare at him. Pushing her head into his neck, she licked and nuzzled him throughout the blissful aftermath of their first time.

Han allowed her to nibble and lick, purring happily in the afterglow of the mating. "You are a lot naughtier than I thought. Females mounting harder than us males? Who in their right mind would even think of that?"

"I did. Perhaps, next time, I will let you ride me hard in the other hole," Maka whispered. She dropped on top of Han, allowing his forepaws to press their bodies tight together.

"Certainly something to think about for our next time."

The Monster Lies Chapter 11

Chapter 11 Next morning was colder than she expected. Maka looked around for the mate that should have been cuddled next to her. Instead, Han was gone. Maka easily traced his scent back to the entrance of the cave, where Han was...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 9

### Chapter 9 Maka's heartbeats picked up when a gentle gust of night air carried the smell of her mate into her nostrils. She thought she had prepared for this moment. After all, she left her offspring alone right after the sun started to set,...

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The Monster Lies Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Maka awoke groggily from her slumber. The slightly damp stone of her den felt rather chilly under her cushy paw pads. It hadn't always been such, when Han pressed his warm, larger body against her. Back then, it felt as if the stone...

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