Shaydes mission part 2

Story by cdsowden on SoFurry

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Shayde's mission Part Two Two months pass and Shaydes ribs were feeling better he was still a bit sore but he had help from Ayasha and Amber and a new friend a young male Coyote named Cid he had been keeping the injured Shayde company when the girls were sleeping. Cid looked at Shayde and gave him a lick on his snout Shayde blushed then looked around and could not see Amber or Ayasha so he nuzzled Cid pulling him close, Cid kissed Shayde as they cuddled before Shayde removed Cids clothing and began to rub his sheath. Shayde turnt onto his back as Cid gently mounted his thrusting deep into Shayde. Shayde groaned softly as Cid thrusts deeper in him, shayde looked back as Cid began to lick Shaydes back as he thrusted deeper into the Labbie. Shayde arched back as Cid shot his load into him both groaning with pleasure Shayde also shot his over the bed, Shayde and Cid washed and changed the bed just before Amber and Ayasha returned. Shayde blushed as the girls entered he knew Amber knew he was gay and she didn't care but he was afraid of upsetting Ayasha, she is the most beautiful Alsatian he had laid eyes on, Making sure Shayde was ok Amber threw a couple of punches towards his ribs which Shayde blocked with ease before she kissed his snout. Shayde and his friends left the inn where he had been bed ridded for two months and returned to the mission of rescuing Ayasha's Wyvern Viper. Shayde looked at the horizon seeing a very large cave in the distance Ayasha told him thats where Viper was being held by the Dragon and his minions. Shayde looked at Ayasha who started to shiver as she got closer to the Dragons lair, Shayde sent Cid and Amber to scout ahead while he tried the calm Ayasha who was in tears as the last time she saw Viper he was having his belly cut by the Dragons claws to force her to do his bidding Shayde held her close as the sun set and it got very dark. Amber came back with Cid being followed by a small group of Trolls. Cid shouted to Shayde and said they should run and hide as Trolls were chasing them followed by a giant. Shayde and his friends ran into the forest to escape the Trolls and giant unaware of what else could be in the forest wanting to kill them. Shayde found a small save for them to hide in hoping it will keep them safe, hearing then run past Shayde left the cave only to be face to face with the giant Cid saw this and came charging out to get infront of Shayde and the giant, Amber and ayasha ran to help as the giant lunged at Shayde swinging his mace towards the Labrador Shayde closed his eyes fearing the worst as Cid dived in the way and caught the brunt of the mace as it crushed his chest, Shayde watched in horror Cid dropped to the floor bleeding heavily in a panic ayasha threw her dagger into the giant making it turn and chase after her and Amber, Shayde knelt down holding Cid in his arms as tears ran down his face, Cid looked at Shayde passing his blade a short sword he got from his master infused with fire giving the blade a fiery touch before telling shayde to save Viper from the evil Dragon. Buring his new friend a very angry Shayde went after the giant he was not going to lose anymore friends, seeing the giant in the distance Shayde threw his katana into its back causing the giant a lot of agony Ayasha and Amber noticed and as the giant turnt to face Shayde Amber took her bow and fired two arrows into the giant Ayasha ran to Shayde drawing her short sword as Shayde drew the blade Cid gave him. As the giant arched back in pain Amber and Shayde charged towards the giant just as Amber fired two more arrows into the giants back Shayde plunged the blade deep into the giants stomach as Ambers blade cut into the giants left leg making him drop his mace to the floor, Amber watched as Shayde pulled both his katana and the short sword from the giant, then both Shayde and Ayasha plunged their blades into the giants stomach and chest. The giant fell to its knees holding its stomach Shayde taking no pity on the giant plunged his katana into the giants heart killing it quick. Amber looked and saw Cid on the floor and Shayde explained he died in his arms the very upset Shayde cleaned his blades and with the two girls set of back towards the Dragons lair. Just behind them the trolls were closing in Shayde and Ayasha hid in the brush as Amber got to higher ground with her bow ready to strike. As the trolls got nearer Amber began to fire her arrows at them causing chaos to hit them as they split up into smaller groups for Shayde and Ayasha to take down, Shayde jumped out and cornered a small group of trolls and with a loud bark he charged them cutting the trolls down leaving only one, Ayasha on the other hand had killed all the trolls she attacked leaving just Shaydes troll. Shayde turnt and walked away from the troll ordering him to leave and not return or he will kill him then with Ayasha and Amber they continued to the cave to rescue Viper. In the lair Viper was on his knees roaring in agony as the Dragon dragged his claws down Vipers back this made Ayasha fall to her knees screaming in pain Shayde ran to her asking whats wrong ayasha told him that Viper was being tortured and his pain reflects onto her. Shayde helped her up when the pain stopped and they continued into the Dragons lair. Amber scouted ahead as Shayde and Ayasha waited at the entrance keeping an eye out for more of the Dragons minions. Amber was just entering the main cave of the Dragons lair when she saw Viper he was on his knees with tears in his eyes and lots of wounds to his body his once white belly was stained red. Gasping at the sight of the Dragons army Amber ran back to Shayde and Ayasha and told them they could not rescue Viper unless they find more people willing to help them, wanting to see for himself, Shayde silently made his way to the large cave chamber where Viper was being held. Shayde looked over at the Dragon and watched as he began to order some of his minions to search for food for him then Shaydes gaze went to the wounded Viper his belly was bleeding but not badly, while Shayde was looking at Viper three trolls began to charge at him noticing him at the last second Shayde turnt and ran to Amber and Ayasha telling them to run for cover as trolls were coming after them. Back in the chamber Viper was being forced to mate with the evil Dragon Viper was roaring with anger as he did not enjoy being forced to mate the evil Dragon, as he mated Viper he dragged his claws down Vipers belly causing him a lot of agony and making Ayasha scream as Shayde held her close to him. Shayde and Ayasha were waiting for Amber to return with some more people willing to rid the area of the evil Dragon. Shayde explained to them what the Dragon had done the Ayasha and they charged into the cave without thinking about what else could be in there, shayde tryed to stop them but they just pushed him out the way and charged the Dragons lair. Hearing screams and roars Shayde and the girls covered their ears knowing that the others were being cut down by the Dragon and his minions, Shayde looked in shock as a badly injured Lizardman dropped to his knees holding his chest just as Amber went to help him he arched back screaming in agony as a blade was thrust through his back and out his chest the small troll also rammed a dagger deep into his chest stabbing his heart, Amber stopped in shock as Shayde moved so fast taking the trolls head off with a clean cut with his katana before comforting the dying Lizardman. Buring the Lizardman Shayde,Amber and Ayasha entered the cave and slowly and silently headed towards the main chamber where Viper was being held, Shayde peared round the corner and could see that the Dragons army was destroyed and the Dragon was back violating Viper forcing Viper to take his cock. Seeing this Shayde and Amber ran in drawing their weapons ordering the Dragon to leave Viper alone or die, the Dragon laughed then with his spiked tail and stabbed it into Vipers belly causing him to roar in agony then the Dragon laughed more as he heard Ayasha scream in pain and realised the yellow and black canine infront of him was shayde. The Dragon roared at him and explained that he was going to enjoy ripping Shayde apart, Ayasha manged to get to her feet and run to her Wyvern holding his bleeding belly as Shayde looked at Amber and both split up to fight the Dragon. Amber went to the high ledge in the chamber and began to fire arrows into the Dragons back but they were just bounching off. Laughing the Dragon forgot about shayde and went for Amber lucky for her she was just out of his reach so with the Dragon stretching Shayde ran under his belly and with his katana plunged it deep into the Dragons belly forcing him to rear roaring in agony and showing his soft body to Amber, with a moments thought Amber managed to fire twenty arrows over the Dragons body just as shayde charged in and just as he went to run the short sword into the Dragons guts the Dragon whipped him sending Shayde flying into the cave wall the Dragon struggling to hide his belly with Shaydes katana still imbedded there walked up to the dazed Labrador laughing at him, this just mad Ayasha angry so she untied Viper and threw her sword into the Dragons side causing the Dragon to fall on his side holding Ayashas sword. Shayde a bit dazed got up and saw the Dragon roaring in agony as he pulled Ayasha's sword free of his side losing blood the Dragon smashed her sword and charged her, as Shayde and amber were about to attack Viper jumped in the way just as the Dragon went to strike putting himself in the way Viper ended up having a very deep gash across his chest saving his mistress screaming in pain Viper fell on his back as Ayasha dropped to her knees clutching her chest. Amber drew a pair of daggers and jumped onto the gloating Dragons back and plunged them into his shoulders the Dragon screaming rearing up to try and get Amber off his back this opened him to attack from Shayde, who had found a long lance from a dead troll and with the Dragon slowly backing to the cave wall Shayde charged and with all his strength pushed the lance through the Dragons stomach and impaled him to the cave wall, roaring in agony the Dragon tried to pull himself free but could not move the lance. Shayde and amber stood in front of the Dragon as he tried to plead with them not to kill him but Shayde had already lost one friend to this Dragon he was not going to let it kill any more innocent people, Amber handed Shayde his katana and with all his strength Shayde plunged both his blades to the hilts into the Dragons chest his katana cutting into the Dragons heart then as the Dragon roared in defeat Shayde pulled the blades out and then with amber helped viper to his feet and lay him on the floor next to ayasha as Shayde bandaged Vipers wounds but he would need proper medical help soon. Ayasha got up and walked over to the dying Dragon and with her smashed blade cut his throat making the Dragon gargle on his own blood before going silent and limp. Almost eight months passed and shayde was once again back home enjoying his bath when once again he heard a knock on his door, jumping out of the bath a nude Shayde went to the door and opened it only for Viper to jump on his rescuer and start licking his face, ayasha then entered and told Shayde Viper wanted to see him. Blushing Shayde got up after Viper got of him and offered his spare room to them for as long as they want. During the eight months of Viper healing Ayasha and Shayde got very close and she now knows Shayde loves both males and females but slightly more males but she didn't mind as she loved him for helping save Viper from the Dragon. Later that night Shayde was sleeping when Viper jumped on him licking his face again, Shayde woke and looked at Viper and grabbing his face kisses his lips deeply this caused Viper to fall on his back. Shayde then rubbed his paws over Vipers belly getting him very aroused as his penis grew and became erect and then Shayde started to lick the top of Vipers penis making him groan with pleasure, enjoying himsrlf Shayde started to suck vipers penis it was not long before Viper was leaking precum so Shayde lay on his stomach and told Viper to mate with him, very eagerly Viper thrust into shaydes butt thrusted deep and fast Shayde groaned with pleasure with every thrust of Vipers hips. Shayde turnt over os he was facing Viper and grabbed his own penis and began to rub hard pointing to Vipers body as Viper and shayde enjoy another passionate kiss as Viper thrus deeper and harder, Viper and shayde were both groaning when Viper roared shooting his load into Shaydes butt causing shayde to shoot his load all over his and Vipers bodies then they lay together panting. Ayasha was down in the kitchen making breakfast she made a good ol English breakfast which Viper loves, Ayasha went to shaydes room and giggled when she saw Viper sleeping on top of Shayde so waking them up as she laughed telling them to have a wash and breakfast is ready, blushing Shayde kisses Ayasha and went to the bathroom while Viper just went to the lake behind Shaydes home. Just as they sat down to breakfast a knock was heard at Shaydes door so Viper ran to the door and roared knowing who it was as Shayde opened it and standing there was Amber holding a scroll addressed to Shayde.