Stable Job

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Stable Job

by BangBear

Wood creaked on the floor of the dim stable and hooves clopped sporadically on the ground. A horse snorted over the rack below him, the worn legs of it rocking on the floor. Bound in it, a cat, her mouth open and fully accepting the horse's stallionhood. Her drool dribbled down her chin and onto the floor below to join the ever growing pool of mixed fluids, a stain surely taking hold by now. She didn't know how long she'd been there for, and she'd lost count of the number of sessions she'd serviced over a dozen ago.

Lana had a special job. She was an outlet for the pent up stallions in the area. Breeders came from several towns over to let their horses stay for a few days to relieve themselves, and for a premium, they would even be allowed to breed with her. Lana had the extremely lucrative ability to have parallel pregnancies. Up to 4 eggs of hers could be fertilized at once and grow completely independent of each other, allowing her to surrogate multiple clients at a time. Of course, this had a high nutritional demand. Four forming foals had a hefty appetite.

The clopping grew louder, and she knew what this meant. His thrusts swung his babymakers up under her chin and slapped the bulge his cock made in her throat. They tensed up and delivered a hot injection of seed, directly into the woman's swollen belly. This was good, she thought. Little waste, this would help her foals grow stronger. The horse's rod throbbed each time a new serving of seed shot straight to her stomach. A keen eye could see the loads traveling through the cock and along her stretched neck.

Soon his orgasm wound down, the horse huffing and stepping back. The softening shaft fell easily from her maw, lazily flopping out with a wet splattering of cum and drool that his flare dragged out down to the ground. Lana coughed up some excess still caught in her throat and took a few moments to catch her breath. The stallion unhooked his forelegs from the breeding stock and made his way out of the room where his owner awaited. She had a moment to herself for now.

She was quiet once she'd caught her breath, the only sound in the room was the rhythmic sucking coming from the milking machine attached to her breasts. She had a near constant output of milk, all of it getting collected and stored to help feed the foals when born. Her engorged tits hung freely below her, the machine giving them a mesmerizing swinging pattern from the endless suck, release, suck, release.

Her time of rest was over within just a few minutes, as the stable door opened with another stallion to serve. It approached from behind this time, as this one would have the privilege of continuing his line with her. His head came down between her legs, getting a sense of just how ready she was to conceive. Satisfied with her scent, he got himself set up on the stock, shaft hardening and approaching her slicked entrance. She turned her head back, a grin creeping across her lips while her tail flicked at the sight of the massive beast looming over her with one goal in mind. Breed.

Once his forelegs rested on the bar above her and he completely shadowed her, his cock made contact with her wet lips, the first attempt at entry failed with a slight misjudgment of his angle. It poked her in her distended belly and glanced off along side it, giving her a tangible preview of his length. His second attempt was true, the head popping in with a satisfied hiss from the feline. She savored the entry, the horse actually taking his time to get himself in. A pause at the ring capped off his entry for now, and he began to get to work enjoying himself. The creaking began again, her knockers adopting a new swinging rhythm courtesy of her current mate.

He kept at this depth for a little while, his tip kissing her cervix each time the ridge around his flesh met her lips once again. Already she panted, her hands balling into fists in their restraints. He, on the other hand, wasn't satisfied with this depth any longer. He pushed further, and harder, a little more each time. His rhythm altered, spending more time pushing in than pulling out, trying to break through that last barrier inside her, and the more he tried, the more she wanted it too. Grunts of effort came from both the stallion and Lana, the wood and metal of the stock whining against their attempts. It was minor, but progress was being made, and soon, like the cork coming loose, he forced his way through.

She threw her head back, crying out in pleasure as she was pushed over the edge by the massive intrusion. His cock made it to the back of her womb twice over, his sheath now against the entrance his ring previously was. Her legs tensed and twitched as she sprayed her ecstasy all over his groin , and he continued before she could finish. His thrusting resumed, just as powerful as before, and lengthened her orgasm. She clenched tight around his shaft, but the excess squirt made it still able to glide through. She wished she had a rail or some bars to hold onto, but there was nothing within reach for her to grab.

The stock rocked louder now, longer thrusts plowing the cat girl's pussy like it was the last one he'd have. She'd finally came down from her orgasm, but she was primed for a second soon. He was as well, his tip flaring up in preparation to launch his batter as deep as he could possibly get it.

The stallion whinnied with his hardest thrust yet, nearly lifting the stock right off the floor and cumming hard into her, the jet powerful enough to distend her belly even further with its pressure alone. Her womb ballooned as he drowned her egg with cum, a foal guaranteed from sheer volume alone. It easily filled her uterus, then overfilled, then back-flowed out to smatter all over his balls and drip onto the ground. Lana easily fell into her second orgasm, this one even harder than the first, her entire body trembling at the fact that she even took the massive fuckstick in the first place, and that it'd just delivered an entire season's worth of semen right into her foal factory.

With a snort, he backed himself up, the flare getting caught on her cervix on the way out. He had to tug it free, and with some effort, he'd pulled himself out, along with her inner ring. It hung out of her lips and dripped a lewd mix of cum and pussy juice onto the ground. She was done breeding for the day, that was for sure. Three more performances half as good as that, and she'd be fully loaded for her clients.

Lana struggled to catch her breath as her recent mate walked around before her, almost presenting his cock to her from the side. Smart horse, she thought, and lucky for her, as she was just barely able to reach his shaft to lick him clean from where she was.

Fuck, she loved her job.