Rapid Self Evolution Pt 2: The Eggining

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pt. 2 of Rapid Self Evolution, enjoy!

Having made his way safely into the woods, he carefully stalked deeper into them trying to remain as stealthy as possible to avoid being found by that group of humans. Continually smelling the air for signs of danger but finding nothing out of the ordinary, the only scents reaching him were the regular smell of earth, dead trees, and dead things. Feeling that he had walked far enough into the forest, he began searching for a place to rest. Exhausted from his fight with the humans and mating with that one female he found a secluded area for him to den for the night.

After scoring the trees around his area with his claws and marking each of them with his scent, warning the other creatures that lived in these woods that this was his territory. Padding up to a tree he started scratching at the ground underneath it, loosening the soil and scraping away several of the tree's roots, wood chips being mixed within the loose soil. After he finished making his nest he tread in circles on it, compacting the soil down again slightly. Then he laid against the tree with his back to it and fell into a light sleep, his body ready to wake up at the slightest hint of danger.

Waking up in the morning feeling well rested he yawned and took a deep stretch, his haunches high in the air while he pressed his body low to the ground. Shaking his pelt free of any loose dirt he left his den in order to search for his morning meal. As he padded through the forest as quietly as he could, all his senses searching for the trail of prey he suddenly heard a loud screech come from above him, snapping his head toward the sound on high alert he saw a large bird diving straight for him out of the tree. As the bird dove closer towards him, talons outstretched, he readied himself, lowering his stance in order to dodge out of the way. But just as the bird came within striking range his tail shot out towards it like a whip, striking it in the neck and injecting it with a hyper-lethal dose of venom, the bird immediately seizing up and slamming into the ground. The large bird lay on the ground convulsing from the poison and impact for just a second before stilling completely, dead.

Taking a couple steps toward it he sniffed it, and determining that it should be good to eat for at least a snack bit into it, crunching through its bones and enjoying the flavor of the warm juicy meat. Before he knew it the bird was gone leaving nothing but a bloodstain and a few feathers on the forest floor to even know it was there. Looking at the tree curious as to what it could have been protecting that it attacked him for, he hooked his claws into the bark and started climbing up, his six legs making the scaling of the tree all too easy, seeing a brown mass hiding in the branches he climbed closer to it, finding a mess of sticks between the branches and in it several large eggs.

Climbing carefully over the branch he reached the eggs, bringing his face closer to them and smelling them. As he smelled them he felt himself become aroused once again for some reason, perhaps his body reacting to being so close to the object of his desire even though these were surely already fertilized and held no promise of sex for him. That simply being near and smelling the eggs was enough for his body to trigger a reaction to want to breed. Feeling his dick slowly grow and pop out of his sheath, leaking precum from it's red tip down into the forest below, he picked up one of the eggs gently in his mouth he cracked it between his teeth and let the slimy yolk run down his throat, swallowing the rich flavor. He knew he couldn't fuck these eggs and that they'd break if he tried. So he contented himself with eating them instead, that way he could still have them. Pleased with himself for being so clever, he devoured the rest of the eggs, enjoying their savory flavor and filling his stomach slightly as he did so. Even after he ate the eggs though he still felt significantly aroused, and he could still feel his cock dripping clear precum down into the forest. Whining in longing, he rubbed himself along the tree branch he was on, feeling the branch scrape along his needy cock reassuringly.

As he absentmindedly humped the branch, he scanned the forest below him, turning his ears forward and straining to hear any other animals below. After a few moments of scanning he heard a noise, the crunch of twigs and leaves not too far off, sounding like there were two animals. Stopping his needy humping he stood up the bundle of twigs being shaken loose from the tree at this final movement, sending it crashing down towards the ground. Jumping down from the 40 foot tall tree he fell through the air for a couple seconds and hit the ground smoothly, absorbing the shock easily from the fall. Carefully prowling towards where he heard the noise, he slinked through the underbrush making his way towards the prey, hearing that they weren't panicked and had no idea that he was coming for them. Reaching close to where they were he saw that there were two deer grazing in a small clearing, completely oblivious to his presence there.

Crawling low to the ground and taking slow and measured steps he inched his way closer to them. Smelling their scent he recognized one was female and the other male. Having made his way close enough to strike, he gathered power in his legs, hidden by the underbrush, and pounced, bolting out towards them in a microsecond. Grabbing the male's neck in his jaws just as they started to run away he jerked it violently, feeling it snap between his teeth. Releasing the male, he threw him aside and charged towards the female. Slamming into the deer at top speed, she crashed into a tree and struggled to get back onto her feet in time, but before she could stand he was on top of her sinking his jaws into her neck, not deep enough to kill her but deep enough that he could let his venom paralyze her effectively.

Pinning her against the tree until his poison took effect, her struggling and fearful groaning becoming weaker and weaker until she couldn't any more, he released her and grabbed her neck in a safer spot and dragged her back over to the center of the clearing for easy access after his meal. After all he wasn't wasteful enough to just let a female go, even if they weren't human, even though humans, out of all the things he's fucked, were by far the most fun and his favorite to do so with. How resourceful of him. Padding over to the male deer, he licked his chops in anticipation and bit into the fresh kill. Savory flesh and blood covering his tongue as he gulped it down piece by piece.

Finishing most of the meat off of his kill, he cracked into its bones, the bones splitting easily between his teeth as he chewed them, the marrow coating his tongue in fat as he swallowed down the nutritious bones. Finally finishing off the deer and leaving nothing but blood soaked ground, even though it was nearly the size of him, he felt himself bursting with energy from the food he had just consumed and ready for the other deer. Turning his gaze upon the paralyzed deer, he felt his cock start to swell once again, breaking free of its sheath in anticipation. Already dripping a stream of his clear precum onto the ground he made his way to the deer's breeding hole. Eager to begin he mounted her and lined up his dick with her entrance, her slick entrance teasing the tip of his cock.

Pushing himself into her entrance, it steaming in the cool morning air, his venom having raised her nether regions temperature to make a more pleasurable experience for him, and feeling it close sweetly over his dick, welcoming him into her. Huffing in relief as he slid his dick into her, feeling like he had just stuck his cock into a ray of sunshine, her walls closing tightly around him. He felt her pussy slide along his rod, slicking his precum all along inside her. Gripping her haunches with his claws he pulled himself into her as deep as he wanted, pressing her up against his groin.

Thrusting hard into the doe, he pumped his length deep inside her pleasure shooting through his body in waves with each thrust. Rutting her with reckless abandon determined to satisfy his lust, feeling his cock press against her cervix with each consecutive thrust, her ribbed walls running over his sensitive cock like they were made for him, teasing him to no end with pleasure. As his libido increased with each thrust his knot started to swell, sending blood coursing through his cock he felt his pleasure swell with each throb of blood that ran through his growing cock.

Punching his knot deep into the deer he felt his cock break past her cervix and bury itself inside her uterus. His cock was so rock hard inside the deer it was almost painful, and with every throb of blood running through his cock he could feel it swell larger and larger inside the doe, forcing out globs of his precum flooding into her womb. Pumping his cock deeper and deeper into the deer with every thrust, his knot popping in and out of her hot pussy, covered in her slick.

Howling in pleasure as he rutted the doe to his heart's content, her pussy like a fire heating his cock up as he used her. He felt his pleasure rising rapidly as she grew tighter and tighter around him as his cock grew inside her, he could feel all of his cock-flesh pressing against the fiery wet insides of the deer, his massive knot being swallowed by her pussy greedily every time he forced it inside her, gripping it like she didn't want it to leave.

Pleasure, ecstatic Pleasure wracking his body with every thrust, every pulse, every squeeze of her pussy clamping down on his cock. He could feel her heartbeat racing through her pussy as he fucked her, the subtle vibrations like earthquakes to his hypersensitive cock. Her moist tunnel clamping down on him as his cock throbbed harder and harder inside her, spilling precum deep into her uterus. As he continued to fuck her harder and faster he felt his limit finally approaching. Pushing his cock deep into her one last time, he welcomed the rush of pleasure that was about to crash through him.

Feeling his balls churn as they readied to empty his sperm into her he let out a long howl as he came it being cut short by the extreme pleasure that slammed into him. He felt his cock throb one last time inside her and his knot swell to massive proportions locking him inside her pussy, as he felt his cum jet out into her uterus, slashing deep inside her and flooding her whole womb. He felt the same certainty as last time about how his sperm were fertilizing every egg they came in contact with. His seed flooded into her ovaries and inseminated everything within them. He pumped load after load of cum into her, her belly swelling rapidly with his virility as gallons of his sperm poured into her impregnating her. Pleasure making his vision go white as he pumped himself into her, just like how his master wanted.

As her womb swelled even larger with his cum she started to look like she was going to explode with his cum, he could feel her insides straining to take it all as he loaded more seed into her. Even though he didn't want to, he tried to stop cumming, he wanted the doe to die even less. After all she couldn't give birth to his pups if she died from him pumping so much of his cum into her she exploded. Concentrating he strained and tensed his cock, managing to stem the flow of semen from breaking the doe. Coming back to his senses from his orgasm, he waited for his knot to subside from the deer. After about half an hour he felt his knot had shrunk just enough to pull out of the deer's tight pussy. Straining once again, he pulled back and with some effort managed to pull his fist sized knot out of the doe's tight pussy. Extracting the rest of his cock from her revealed that his cock was much larger than it had been, being about 1.5x the size it previously had been.

As he unstoppered the deer's pussy his cum came flowing out in white sheets, the exorbitant amount of seed covering the ground and undoubtedly fertilizing whatever tree's seeds lay underneath the leaves. With his lust still yet unsatisfied and his massive member hanging between his legs, he went to leave the forest, moving towards where he remembered the human's nests were, desperate to relieve himself and breed once again, leaving the doe awash in a puddle of his cum to fend for herself.

Breaking into a trot as he wove between the forest trees, he heard another bird's cry come from a tree just in front of him, the sound of it's screech sending shivers of dread crawling over his scales, a cold feeling pooling in his stomach as he searched for the source of the call. Looking up into the trees he saw a black bird, a raven or crow perhaps. He stared at it warily, all his instincts blaring at him that it was dangerous, VERY dangerous. As he watched the bird carefully, he felt something from it down in his bones, the same feeling that he had felt when he first heard the word Hijack, a mixture of dread, fear, and perhaps respect for it. As the bird stared back at him he saw it open its eyes, ALL of them, blood red eyes covering its entire head, staring at him unblinking, piercing him with their gaze.

The bird studied him, making him feel like he was being dissected before letting out another cry, sharp black teeth lining its beak, the smell of venom becoming overpowering as its mouth opened, strings of it stretching from each tooth. Giving him one last dissecting look the bird flew off above the canopy of trees vanishing from his sight. Still staying completely still until he was sure it was gone, he took a small step and just as he put his paw down heard a sharp crack come from the tree the bird had perched on. Fear surging to maximum in an instant he jumped, moving as far back from the source of the noise as he could before noticing that the branch the bird had been on had cracked off and fallen to the ground. Approaching the branch slowly he sniffed it cautiously, the smell of poison far stronger than his own assaulting his senses. Snorting the smell from his nostrils, he gave the branch a wide berth, being careful not to touch it. After he had made his way around the poisoned branch he continued on his way towards the humans territory, the bird thankfully having not stopped him from his goal.

Exiting the woods he came across one of the human nests, the building far smaller than the limestone one he had been to previously. He had found out that these are where humans usually sleep and eat, he was hoping he could find one inside to satisfy his lusts with. Walking through a small clearing lined by strange short wooden walls he came across an entrance into the building. Slowly creeping up to the human's den with his stomach low to the ground and his dick dragging through the grass, he bumped into something he couldn't see just before he entered the den. Pausing for a second he tried again and bumped into it again, confused he stood up and saw a small piece of wood seemingly just floating in mid air. Scratching at it he felt it move so he kept pushing at it with his paw until he couldn't move it any more. Placing his paw down he saw it touch the inside of the den, realizing that the way was for some reason open now he quietly stepped inside.

Carefully keeping his claws retracted so they wouldn't make any noise on the stone floor, he smelled the air trying to locate where the human was in here. Hearing noise coming from a different part of the building he padded over to where it was coming from. Spying the source of the noise he saw a large rectangular box on the wall, with humans sitting in it and a small version of him in it as well? Pausing to listen to what the human was saying he heard them saying

"- Recent villain attack at St. Calgary college leaving 14 dead and several more injured. The monster had apparently raped one of the students there and was seemingly attempting to do the same to another before Team Mass Metal showed up to stop the attack. The monster managed to escape Team Mass Metal after a brief skirmish between the two. Rumor is that this is a new monster Hijack is testing, but no validity to this has been proven. While the monster is still at large, several hero teams have been dispatched in order to hunt it down in order to prevent it from wreaking destruction in Calgary-"

There was that word again, "Hijack". Why did it feel so important to him? Being suddenly distracted from his thoughts by a sound coming from above him, and the scent of human coming closer. Silently moving behind a wall he focused his senses on the human coming closer, a female by the smell of it, good, he wouldn't have to find another building to find one. As she came closer he heard her come into the room and talk towards the rectangle. Sneaking out from behind the wall he spied her standing in the middle of the room. Standing up to his full height he padded toward her no longer wary of spooking his prey, she wouldn't be able to even move before he pounced at this distance. That and he wanted to see the fear in her eyes when she saw him in her den. This was why humans were his favorite, they gave the best reactions when he bred them, that and they were wonderfully tight. They always reminded him of his master too, though she fucked him willingly.

The human turned around, fear in her eyes, as she heard him behind her. Just how he liked. Grinning at her, he felt his cock dribble precum on the floor, already at full mast and extremely eager to set sail. Just as she went to scream he rushed forward and knocked her to the floor, ripping off her coverings to access the bounty beneath. Tearing off her pants and panties he exposed her pussy to him, tight and ready to be used. Wasting no time he plunged his massive cock deep into her, smashing it deep into her womb in one thrust, feeling her tight heat squeeze his cock like no other animal could.

He stared into her fearful eyes enjoying the absolute power over as he rutted her as she attempted to call for help. Placing his jaws gently over her neck he let his venom seep into her, quickly feeling the effects as her pussy heated up with blood and as her body went limp leaving just the fear in her eyes for him to adore as this superior creature used her as his cock sleeve. He could feel his cock throbbing inside her again, conforming to her pussy so he could experience the most pleasure out of his breeding. He felt her pussy clench up as her vaginal muscles seized around his cock from his poison, sending shocks of pleasure bombing through his body.

Pistoning in and out of her pussy with his huge cock he felt his knot start to swell again already, his unsatisfied lust from the deer still so great, heightening his pleasure once more to ungodly levels. Each thrust feeling like a supernova was exploding inside him as he wrecked her tight cunt with his dick. His knot swelling enough that it came free of his sheath, he jammed it right into her sending extra shocks of pleasure down his spine. Breathing heavily all over her face from the pleasure, he just wanting to fill her with his seed right then and there, as he stared into her terrified eyes, claiming her as his. He could feel his cock spreading his precum everywhere inside her, coating her womb and vagina with his slime.

Feeling his knot being swallowed by her pussy again as he broke into her womb yet again he felt his balls churn once again, his orgasm exacerbated by his pure desire to cum inside her. As he felt his cum rush down his urethra his knot swelled massively inside her, he remembered the eggs he ate earlier, wanting to lay them in this female. As his cum spurted into her uterus he felt something else loading itself into her, something big and maddeningly pleasurable.

As he felt his cock tighten around the hard object as it pushed it into her, he realized he was laying his eggs inside her Feeling the addictive pleasure of the sensation of it being launched into her from his cock tip he pumped another one into her then another and another the eggs being piled into her womb as he shook with pleasure when he ejaculated each one into her. Thrusting his hips into hers involuntarily as earthquakes of pleasure trembled through him. He could feel her womb filling with his eggs and cum. The feeling of his dick swelling with eggs as packed them deep into her womb indescribable. He could feel the certainty again that his seed had still found her eggs even amidst all of his and impregnated each one.

His brain being flooded with fiery pleasure and gargantuan electrical storms as pure euphoria consumed every inch of his body. He felt complete. The purpose he had been created for being completed perfectly without exception. Yes, this is what it means to breed. He thought to himself. Such was his pleasure that he lost track of time completely only knowing the feeling of his eggs and cum being stuffed into his preys womb and the pure pride of completing his purpose exceptionally. Coming back down from his heaven-shattering orgasm to the feeling of the humans uterus straining around his cock, almost ready to break. As his orgasm tempered, feeling a few more eggs slip out of his cock into her, he waited for his knot to come undone.

While he waited, still feeling cum leaking out of his cock hole and filling her up with more of his ejaculate, he looked at her face again, completely passed out from the amount of eggs he laid in her. Finally working his cock out of her pussy he felt a couple more eggs drop out of his cock, her womb having been too full to accept any more. Looking at his limp cock he saw it was still draining cum from it onto the ground, his cock hole gaping from all the eggs he had laid. Watching his cock slowly shrink back inside him ,covering his sheaths fur in his seed, he began to clean himself, licking his genitals free of his salty cum. Just as he finished cleaning he felt another massive urge take over his brain.

This one even greater than his need for sex, an urge to run back home to his master, an intense calling towards her. The urge made him leap back onto his feet and run at top speed back towards home. Tearing though the woods for hours nonstop, the strength of the urge giving him boundless energy to do so. As he reached the side of a mountain he stopped.

And then the ground split open.