
Story by Afril on SoFurry

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The Booth 3A - M/M/M, Anal/Oral/Caressing, Language - December 26, 2010

By Afril, With help from Chaos Blackwing

(cl) The Gay Furry Association

Taja brings another one home

What am I doing here? The all-too familiar bench. The all-too familiar screen. The all-too familiar wall - With it's all-too familiar hole. I sigh and put a token in the slot, shaking my head. If I had Any sense at all, I would take these 'boots' off, toss them at the bored idiot behind the desk and walk out of here, Never to return... Yet - Here I sit.

Two months. Two months of bliss... Having someone to wake to. To cook for and nuzzle and Talk to. Mornings spent just looking at his muzzle as he smelled his coffee. "What?" he would growl, making me smile and lift his half-awake face to kiss his soft lips.

To feel his firm ass pressed tight against me - Didn't matter if I was hard or not. Just to feel it press against me. To run my hand over his furry rump, to feel his tail snake along my arm. My toes rubbing his leg as he sleeps, snuggling his head into my chest or on my arm. To watch his body move as he gasps, or moans or just breathes... The taste of his nipples, his butt - His ear as I nibble on it.

The rings still sit in my drawer. I keep hoping there will be a 'Good Time' to ask him... Maybe when he gets back - If he gets back. These past few days something has been on his mind. Oh, he is still as passionate in bed - When we can find time. Gods... We fucked every night for a Week. Every moment that we were not touching or teasing each other was spent wishing we Were together. We unclasped our hands when the bus stopped in front of Work, and they were linked together again the moment we sat down again that evening. If we were in a particularly dark tunnel or shadows hid us, I would steal a kiss from his muzzle, making him icon_redface.gif and look at me like I was Mad.

Another token. An otter and a ferret exchange kisses and caresses... Heh, It's like watching two furry rubber-bands make out - Can You Really Do That?! I guess they can. Damn... So I sit here, feeling unsettled. It's not like I am Cheating on him... Even if it feels that way. We are not an 'Item'... Not yet. Besides, my Lover is half a continent away at a seminar. I told him I was rooting for his promotion to come through - Even if it meant less time together. He laughed when I said maybe I should put a collar on him, telling everyone to keep their hands off My Mousie. Then John surprised my by whispering he wouldn't mind being a 'Kept mouse', collared and naked and kneeling beside my bed. I think that is how the wall got that dent in it - Two animals rutting... Growling and panting and giving as good as each got... My ass was sore the next morning, just trying to keep up with my lovely rodent's desires.

I hear the door next to mine open, and I sit up a little... There is just enough light to make out the long ears, the longer legs of a rabbit... Just because we haven't 'Hunted' prey in centuries, Doesn't mean the skills are dead - I can hear him breathe, the shuffle of cloth on wood. I can smell the faint odor of fear, hear the hair drag across his teeth as he bites his lower lip. Gods, I want to give to poor lad a Hug! I hear the rattle of metal as he drop a token on the floor, the muffled curse as he tries to find it on the dark floor - Without touching too much. Good luck with That! I take a token from my pile and reaching through the hole, offer it... Then I tap the wall, making the male 'eep' and jerk up. I can almost see the rueful grin as he sees a hand coming through the wall. He is hesitant... Then I move the coin around and he 'Oh's, taking it. I stifle a chuckle, knowing he was half-hoping the hand was offering more than just a round metal object...

As his hand closes on the token, I slide a finger across the underside of his wrist, feeling his pulse ratchet up, hearing his breath catch. "Don't drop this one... The floor is just gross."

Part disappointment, part relief makes his hand shudder against mine. "Oh. Yeah... Thanks." I rub his skin gently for a long breath - Then pull back. I half-expect to see his hand follow mine through the hole... But the bunny isn't quite ready to jump in the stewpot just yet. The *clink* of the coin rattling into the slot is followed by quiet moans - And another soft gasp. First time seeing a 'sex-movie'? Well - I will have to make sure he remembers this night for some time to come. I wait until another coin gives us a few minutes of secrecy...

"So, what you into?"

If his ears didn't bend, he would have impaled them in the ceiling. "Ow... What?"

I leaned forward a little. "Top, Bottom, Front, Back - Maybe you like having those sexy legs caressed..." I could almost Feel the heat coming off his face. Poor male probably hadn't gotten much past peeking at other guys in the showers yet.

"Switch. And yeah, when they stay long enough..."

I knew That bitter tone by heart. A fellow survivor of the One-Time-Fling. "Give me your hand." I wanted to see how far Mister Rabbit was willing to go with a stranger in an Adult-Bookstore vid-booth. Tentatively, fingers appeared through the hole, and I leaned forward to take it in mine. I just held it a moment, turned it, pressing my nose close to his skin, letting him feel my breath wash over the back of his appendage.

"Mmmmmmm... You smell nice." made it tremble. A kiss in his palm made the shaking worse... I let it go, and watched it just lay there, like it expected something else. So I stood, and opened my fly, letting my erection slip out. I waited a moment... Then pressed the throbbing meat against his fingers. He tensed... Then gripped my dick, his other hand appearing a moment later to help fondle me.

"You're Hung!" made me laugh softly, panting as his stroking made pre bubble out the pointed tip, getting his fingers both sticky and slippery at the same time.

"Have you eaten yet?" stopped all movement. Then he sighed. 'Just another quickie, after all?' Resigned, the rabbit tugged my dick towards the opening...

"I meant, 'Are you hungry?' " I let that sink in... "And do you need to be anywhere Tomorrow?" I barely stifled a Yelp as fingers dug into my cock hard enough to leave bruises.

"I am a Top. Very oral... And after they are washed, I would love to nibble on your bunny-toes." I somehow got my meat out of the strangling grip, tucking it into my shorts. "I am a gray wolf, blue shirt, white shorts, in case you want to meet out fro-"

The hands vanished and the male almost took the hinges off the door, before remembering there was a latch. I unlatched my side, again leaving a few tokens on the shelf - May they bring someone else a hot male to nuzzle... And not just for a few minutes either!

I followed his butt down the hall and out, giving the 'boots' to the desk-guy, who tossed them in a bin. Ugh - I wasn't sure if a blow-torch would kill off whatever was crawling around my toes or not, but I was tempted to find out. Outside, the male glanced at me. Having second thoughts? Yeah, I have a paunch and you don't. And I am older... He suddenly laughed, and hugged me as we moved to the shadow of the Transport Station.

"I'm not really hungry..." he said, looking at my crotch and licking his lips. "But if you Areeeee... Ooooh!" I squeezed his back-pockets firmly, lifting his butt up so he had to stand on his toes.

"You wash my feet, and I will wash yours..."

I looked into his warm brown eyes... And he *blushed*, putting his head on my chest.

"That's the sexiest thing anyone has said to me in a long time... And yes, I am free - Tomorrow." The last almost a whisper, a question...

I lifted his chin and kissed him, noting how similar his lips were to John's... Just Great!

* * * *

As I opened the door, I heard him try not to gasp. Hard work and long hours bought me this place, modest as it was. My ears went back a little - If John gets promoted, he could move into one of the Company-owned TownHouses. Gods - A week apart and I already have him shacked-up with some buff surfer-dude in some Luxury condo...

"You ok?"

I sighed and explained about my romantic interest of two-months being away. My feelings and worries... And as he said, 'oh', I hugged him tightly. "I asked about Tonight, and I meant it. Who knows, Tomorrow you may decide you would rather have someone Else nibbling on your toes."

'Damn, he is cute when he blushes like that.'

Undressing took but a moment, shirt, and shorts tossed in a basket. Then there was only a Hot rabbit, panting in my arms as I caress his naked ass, squeezing it, teasing his leaf-shaped appendage... One thing about rabbits - They have little tails. My cheeks are mostly hidden behind the bush I carry, but his - Doesn't matter if his fluff-ball is up or down, his sexy, hot, beautiful brown butt is there for all to see. And nuzzle... And bite, caress, kiss, and nibble on.

Pulling him into the shower stall, I get the water warm and snag a special bottle of fur-soap. The male shivers, and turns, still *blushing*. I nip on his firm ass, turning him back around. "Later..." I promise, kneeling to lift one long, sexy leg. Gods, it feels good in my hands as I wash it, sliding my hands reluctantly off his cheek, down his thigh, caressing his taut calf... Then down to scrub his foot, tickling the sole, making sure I get between his toes with the lather.

His brown eyes are wide as I rinse them off well - Then pop one into my muzzle, sucking on the blunt-clawed digit. He grips the rail, arching as I do the others the same way, making sure they are well cleaned with soap... Before my tongue parts his toes. Poor lad is a shuddering sack of fur when I let his foot slip out of my fingers. Grinning, I slide my hands back up his legs, to cup his cheeks, squeezing them.

"I..." he gasps, opening his eyes to stare at me... And he screeches as I swallow his cock to the short sheath - Almost as long as I am, a little thicker than John... Damn! I barely get to start sucking when he grips my head, humps like only a rabbit can... And cums. *Bang-Bang-Bang-Bang* Four full shuddering orgasms rack his thin frame as he holds my muzzle tight to his crotch, ass quivering in my hands so deliciously. Poor guy really needed to get his balls emptied... His death-grip on the back of my head slowly subsides, and I put his hands on my shoulders, bobbing on his still-hard meat, making him screech and dance a little as I nibble on the tip, getting a fifth blast from his nut-sack that lurches in my fingers. Then the bunny jerks upright as I worm my longest finger up his back-passage, finding his prostate bump to tickle and tease...

Somehow his cock goes soft in my mouth, and I gently pull my finger out, getting a deep moan, and half-hearted wriggle from the male. Standing, I kiss him, enjoying the warmth of his lips, the feel of his tongue as I touch it with my own... The arms that slide over my shoulders, pressing me closer.

"Told you I would nibble on your feet after I washed them." got a weak laugh as the male dropped his head onto my chest, yeeping as I patted his rear. "I'm Taja."

"Makal... Gods!" he gasped, reaching down to grip my erection, touching my knobs.

"It's the same one you were holding earlier..."

The male kept stroking my dick, moving back so he could see it better. "Yeah, but That was in poor light, through a hole."

I lifted his chin, kissing him again, Squeezing his rump. "Get dried and combed... Lube is in the drawer beside the bed - You didn't think I was just going to stick my Finger up your hot ass, did you?"

Grinning like he had found a winning lottery ticket, the bunny slips out to sit on the bench, taking a comb to his legs... I shake my head and get to scrubbing My toes. I still can't shake the feeling of dread... In that same drawer is a box. With two gold rings - Hells! Scrubbing my body takes almost as long as washing my damn tail, and as I step out of the warm stall, I see the brown butt wag as it's owner walks out to the bedroom.

Be it a day or as long as we breathe, I was Not going to be 'Just Another male' who used that lad, then tossed him aside. And if John Is moaning in the lap of some buff surfer-dude in a hot-tub... I hope he is enjoying every inch of the guy. The mouse is a Lover, nothing more... And Nothing Less.

* * * *

Hips up, head on pillow - Now where have I seen That pose before? Smiling, I slide into the bed and attack his ass with teeth and tongue and fingers until he is begging me to...

"Fuck me already, Dammit!"

I have to laugh... John said much the same thing our first time. So, I slide my dripping cock between his cheeks, and finding his pucker, teased it a couple of times before pushing in... And he opened up, taking my meat into his slick passage with nary a ripple. As I gasped, he chuckled, pushing his hips back. "You are not my first woof... Damn, what a big Cock you have - *Murfle*"

I shoved his head back into the pillow, both of us laughing. "Think you can take All of it, Little Brown Bunny?" Another fairy-tale we all grew up on. He growled and surged up, making me sit back, moaning as he slid his butt down, taking me clear to the knobs.

"Oh I think so, Mister Wolf - Hey!" As he was crouched in my lap, his chest was free game, and I took advantage by tweaking his nips, nibbling along the rim of one long ear. Makal moaned, reaching back to grab my ass, holding me still as he rode my pole, balls bouncing against mine until I bit his shoulder to stifle the howl, seed blasting into his guts.

"Yeah... Fill your bunny's ass, Mister Wolf."

Please don't tell me he likes to Role-Play... At least Not about cub-hood story characters. I don't mind being the 'Big, Bad Woof', blowing John several times before I 'raped' him. I turned to lay on my side, still holding the male, still dribbling inside his hot butt. He pressed his back against me, patting my muzzle.

"Don't worry, I am not the 'Carrot-patch' type of rabbit... Unless you want me to be."

Hells No! "I am too old for that, I think - But not so old I can't spank your sexy ass." He laughed and wriggled said ass in my crotch, making me gasp and squirt more pre into him, my knobs mashed between his cheeks, pressed tight against his pucker.

Looking at the clock I sighed... Damn, I thought I would last longer than That. Of course going without for several days didn't help my stamina any. Makal yeeped as I pulled out of him, rolling over to get up. "I have to pee - And No I Won't. If you need to clean yourself out, you can use the 'Wand', like any other male."

His laugh was warm... As were his lips on my rump, teeth making my tail lift a little. Mmmmmm... The rabbit sighed, and got up himself. "Is there room on that pot for two?"

We giggled like school-cubs, holding each other's sheaths, urinating into the bowl. A quick shake, a 'Yip!' at the cool damp cloth as we wiped the tips, then we returned to the bedroom.

As we lay together, I caressed his belly and chest, teasing his nipples with light scritches, enjoying the way they pop out of his fur. He shuddered and opened his eyes to look at me. Then props his head in one hand, touching my muzzle...


Gods, I haven't laughed like this in... A couple of weeks. "I was just wondering..." As he turned onto his side, I slid my hand over his hip, letting it wander over his butt, ruffling his tail-fur, making the male pant and grin.

"What do guys like you see in someone like me? I'm not buff. I'm not wealthy. I'm not..."

"You're fuckin' serious, Right?"

I almost growled, 'Language'... Except then I would sound like my Father.

Makal rolls me onto my back, and straddles my hips, rubbing his rump against my sheath. "So you got a belly... It ain't that big. And the white on your muzzle makes you look - Wise." Oh Geez!

The rabbit takes my face in his hand and kisses me long and slow... "You stopped me from giving you a blow-job - Which I would have gladly done. Five minutes giving head beats a night alone anytime... It sure as hell beats half an hour of 'ok' sex, just to have the bastard walk out after he is done. You bring me here - Not some dump of an apartment, or even some dump of a motel. You give me a shower I won't forget for a Long time... And even after you fucked my brains out, you are still here, touching me. And not the 'Roll over so I can fuck you again' kind either... Not that I would mind."

What was it with young males and potty-mouth syndrome?

"You said 'Tonight', and while there isn't much left, I intend to enjoy every moment of it - And every inch of You... While I can." He pants and reaches back, stroking my dick as it slides from it's holder, pushing it between his cheeks.

"And if Tomorrow, you decide maybe I am a hot piece of ass, but you are already taken... Then I can Hope I find someone like you for a Lover."

As he stretches out on me, my hands cup his butt, feeling the fur-covered muscles flex around my erection... And I have to laugh. He lifts up and stares at me...

"A. Long before your time, there was a song called, 'I Got Two Lovers.' And IF you are going to be my Lover, I would appreciate if you would Stop tossing swear words around like a broken sewer pipe. If I have my fist rammed up your ass clear to the elbow, and am chewing your balls off while jerking your meat like I want to break it, Fine."

I have never had anyone stare at me like that before...

"You fukkin' meant that?"

I smacked his ass roughly, "Fukkin' Right, I do!"

What came out was half laugh, half-sob and the male hugged me tightly. I managed to pry a hand off his so sexy butt, and caress one long ear. "I am not promising anything more than to Try.... Maybe I will turn out to be a big boring... Older Male."

There was more laugh than sob this time and more than a few shuddered moans as I continued to stroke his long appendage. I felt him relax, squeezing my penis... Well - Wouldn't be the first time I slept with a hard-on shoved between someone's cheeks.

'And who Else did you promise Tomorrow to, Hmmm?' Sleep didn't come easy, but Guilty feelings and Sexy rabbits aside, I Still had to go to work.

* * * *

John walked into the door - And dropped his clothing-case. Waltzing around the living room with a vacuum sweeper was a rabbit. A Naked rabbit. A Naked Male Rabbit! Hired help didn't go around wearing just their fur... And since when did Taja Need help cleaning the house? The male stopped the machine, humming something about - Two Lovers? Yes, this was the right address. Closing the door he walked in, and waited until the male noticed him. The brown eyes looked him over, the male shaking a little...

John expected Anything but, "You Lucky Bastard!"


The naked rabbit 'Eeped', and slapped a hand over his mouth. Then he turned and walked into the kitchen, a thoroughly confused mouse following behind. As John watched, the male took a paddle-shaped cutting board off the counter and steeling himself, brought it down on his naked butt *Ka-Smack*. The rodent winced in sympathy... That was going to leave a mark - So a Crazy, naked male rabbit was in their house. And if this bit of fluff graduated school, it hadn't been long ago.

"Sorry, I'm Makal. You must be John. As to the..." He put the paddle down, wincing a little. "I made a promise to Taja. Every time I cuss, he gets to swat my butt... So far I have only had to use the paddle four times. Heh... If he was here, the big woof would probably be on his knees kissing it right now, and growing my ear off about using his Good paddle."

The mouse laughed, and nodded, sliding his hand along the warmed skin gently. Then he yeeped as the male growled, "That damn mutt Loves you, you know." Down went the brown head, the long ears following... "Hells, I thought this would be easier - Being the 'Other Female' and all."

John made sure the paddle stayed on the counter, and took a trembling hand in his, pulling the male back into the Main room. He made the bunny sit (Carefully) in a chair, then went to the kitchen and made coffee... He returned with two cups, and waited for an explanation.

"Six days... Six wonderful days. Hells, I haven't spent a Whole day with someone before. We met in a booth at an Adult store - Have you Ever had someone turn Down a blow-job? I mean, Kissing my hand, giving me a token when I dropped one... I had both hands wrapped around his big dick and was pulling it towards the hole - And he offers me Food." The rabbit laughed ruefully. "I damn near ripped the door off, trying to get out so I could see this guy. A pretty plain wolf, nice ass. Then we get outside and Damn can he kiss! We get on the bus, and he brings me here... Here! Sure, I have seen places like this in fu... in Mags, but that's a Mag. We get in the shower and he is rubbing my ass like he is going to pound it Through the wall... And then the bastard just kneels and washes my feet! Well, after those damn booties, I can't blame him."

The male sighs and sips his coffee. "He caresses my legs and sucks on my toes... And when I am about to explode, he swallows my cock, and gives me head! Shoves a finger clear up my ass and drains my nuts so well, I passed out... I think I fell in Lust with him right then and there."

John hid a smile behind his cup. So... Someone has a Foot-Fetish do they? Not hard to pick up when you had a pair of long sexy legs to caress. His own were not bad - Longer toes then the bunnies... And a much longer tail.

"And when he does finally get his cock inside me, it's... You know." Makal looks up shyly, and the mouse took his hand, squeezing it, nodding. "It not like he shoved it in so he could get his balls drained and pull back out - He went slow and easy, and damn near drove me out of my mind! I had to Sit on him before he got it all in. Heh, I called him 'Mister Wolf', and rode his dick until he bit my shoulder and came... Gods it felt good. And the only reason he pulled out was to piss - Heh, he said he wasn't That kinky... You know, I am not sure I would have minded if he Had - Hells, If he wanted to tie me up and sing show-tunes while smearing whipped cream on my ass I wouldn't care."

The white male laughs and squeezes his new friend's hand. "And when we get back in bed, he just lays there, looking at me. 'What?' I say... And he asks me what I could see in a guy like him - I didn't know if I wanted to kiss him, slap him or fuck him... His damn heart is bigger than his cock - Gods, I bite my lip every time I get to hold that big piece of wolf-meat. Anyway, I settled for stuffing his big dick between my cheeks and making him moan like he made Me moan - Is that the time? Oh Shit! I promised myself the place would be clean when he got home - Just to kinda repay him for... You know."

Again the mouse nodded, and helped the male get up. He put his clothes away, thinking... Yes, the two rings were still in the drawer. Grinning, John put a chain with 'Forever' on it next to the box - He was wearing it's twin already. The rodent thought of the sexy lad who was making the vacuum hum - He couldn't blame the fellow... It wasn't hard to fall for the silly woof. Naked, he returned to the kitchen to clean the cups out, grinning when the rabbit panted at a passing butt-slap - Panting himself when the male caressed his cheeks... A 'Switch?' Tonight was going to be Fun! Everything cleaned and put away, he again sat the male down.

"We have a while before Taja gets home - So, why am I a Lucky Bastard?" John lifted the bunny's chin, looking into his brown eyes.

Makal sighed... "Because of what he said when we first got here. I was ready to rip his clothes off, and he held me - Just held me. He told me that his Love of 2 months had gone off to a seminar. That he was afraid he might lose you to some buff surfer-type, who would move in with you into your Executive TownHouse... And if that happened he didn't want me thinking I was just someone he picked-up to 'Re-bound' with. Like I cared! I graduated school three years ago, I even have some college under my belt - But everybody wants 'The Paper'. And stupid me fell for some jerk... It lasted long enough for me to get kicked out of my Parent's house, and to drop out of Life. I have bounced between One-Hour-Stands, and jobs that barely paid me enough to live. And then Taja comes into my - Life. A chance encounter, just for the night, Right?"

Hands still clasped, he looks into the mouse's eyes. "Yesterday... He wakes me up with a tray in hand. And makes me sit in his lap - Now how the Hells am I supposed to think about food with his big dog-dick spreading my ass-cheeks apart?! And his damn fingers are teasing my nipples and his breath is warm in my ears as he kisses them. Now I don't lose it easily... But Dammit - It was just too much. Does he slap me, or tell me to shut-up? Of course not. The sexy bastard just Holds me. Rocks me on his arms, and waits until I am cried out. Then he gets me up, slaps my ass, and says, 'Shower sexy-butt.' But... 'Someone has to make the bed,' He smiles and winks at me. 'Especially if we are going to be spending a lot of Time in it.' And we did... All damn day - Touching and fucking and kissing and nuzzling. I damn near dug a hole in the mattress when he worked my legs and feet over with his strong hands and sexy muzzle."

John smiled... Sounded like what his horn-dog would do... And what He wouldn't mind trying himself.

"And when I have my ass in the air, begging him to take me, he growls and starts chewing on my butt! Then the bastard slides his tongue up my tail-hole... And I am cumming all over the bed. As if That wasn't bad enough, when I can only shudder he slides his face in between my cheeks, kissing and nuzzling his cold nose around... Then he attacks my balls! Chomping and sucking and rolling them around with his tongue... I passed out about the time he finally entered me - Heh, I may have even made another dent in the wall."

The mouse chuckled, and hugged the male... He had been where 'Love' was sold by the hour, to whoever would buy you a drink, or slide a cock through a hole. Damn, Taja would be here any minute! Slipping into the first bedroom, he noticed the bed hadn't been slept in, no bits and pieces in the bathroom, or on the bed-stand - Didn't that rabbit own Anything? The second bedroom was his and he had a few things on the shelves - Shit! He had been so preoccupied with this damn seminar, he had pretty much been ignoring the wolf... A wolf with a heart big enough for two - Probably more. He snorted - 'Surfer-duds' were not his type. Older woofs with big cocks were... Although that skinny rabbit was coming in a close second.

* * * *

Never has a wolf been so glad to see his front door - One more damn 'Emergency Meeting', about reports that had been revised, re-written, re-done... All tossed when the client went in 'Another Direction' and I was going to stuff my briefcase up someone's Ass!

Closing the door, I sighed gratefully. "I don't feel like cooking - How does pizza sound?"

A ghost in the form of a naked mouse appears in the hall... "Depends on what kind of p- Murfle!"

His feet dangle off the ground as my hands dig into his ass, my muzzle trying it's best to shove his head through the wall as I kiss my Lover. The male gasps, and grunts... and finally just holds my head, kissing me back until I can pull away long enough to let him breathe.

"Love... R" I manage to stick that last letter on, just in time to hear him laugh and slap something against my nose. Wha - 'Forever'. I look into his eyes, unable to think for a minute. "You mean it?" he nods, blushing so wonderfully. His legs cross over my butt as I bury my muzzle in his face again...

I think we would still be there kissing, except a small sound made my ear swivel. A naked rabbit, with his head down, standing in the hallway. Kissing John one more time, I let him back down onto his feet. Then walk over to the male - And Smack his ass firmly, digging my fingers into his so hot rump. Makal comes up onto his toes as I ruffle his tail-fur, teasing his rump-valley with a thumb.

"You two have met?" I lift his head up, gently wiping away a tear.

"I... I guess I will..." His eyes get big as I *Growl*, showing All of my teeth.

"You Are Going To Park Your Hot Ass Over There - NOW!" I have never seen anyone move so fast in my life...

Turning, I undo my tie and put it on the back of a chair. I undo my shirt, one button at a time, and place it on the same chair. Then I drop my pants and place them with the rest of my clothing. Now naked, I walk over to the trembling bunny who is standing beside my mouse and grab his balls firmly.

"Love," the mouse shivers when I grip His ball-sack as well, "I am going to shower. Order the usual, just double the amount - Skinny here will eat it, box and all." Makal looks so cute when he blushes. I take his head in both hands and kiss him roughly, hungrily... So wantonly his cock snaps erect and he is moaning into my muzzle. Twisting his pink nipples I growl in his long ear, "I Promised you Tomorrow... It isn't Yet Tomorrow, is it?"

He shakes his head, then screams into my mouth as I grab his cock-tip, working it against my rough palm until the poor male spurts hot cream all over us both. I hold his throbbing meat-stick, grinning at the mouse who is also hard and panting.

"When I get done, we can discuss what to do with him... Personally, I Like having a clean house and a hot naked male to come home to. And if he can't cook I am sure We can teach him..." A squeeze on his shaft has the bunny nodding his head like a doll. "And don't You dribble on the carpet either, or I will make you clean it up."

Gathering my clothes in one arm, I tug on the sexy male's 'handle' one more time, then licking my hand clean of his tasty spunk, I walked down the hall to the bedroom... Of course I wagged my butt just a little, swishing my tail so the lads panted a little harder - Nice to know I still had it.

* * * *

A wonderful wash, dry and combing later, I found my Lovers in the Kitchen. The rabbit had John pressed to the counter, and was pounding that sexy white ass for all he was worth. The mouse moaned, arching as brown fingers tweaked his nipples, tail twining around one long leg. I always envied him that ability... Reaching down, I caressed his erection, stroking it until he screamed, and slammed his ass into the rabbit, adding to the morass on the towel draped on the floor.

"Unnnhhhhh... Love - Can... Can we keep him?"

I *Squeezed* Makal's ass firmly, holding him still. "Well, Lover... Do you want to be kept?"

The bunny *stares* at me like his ears had stopped working... Then he laughed when I swatted his rear. "Don't Cuss." I caress the long appendages, letting my hands slide down his face, his shoulders, across his heaving sides to his hips...

"Well?" I knelt and blew hot breath across his wagging tail, rubbing my nose into the base of his crack. When all he did was make a lot of yabbling noises, I pulled his cheeks apart... And buried my muzzle between them, planting a hot, wet, longing kiss on his pucker. I teased it open, pushing the tip of my tongue into him, feeling the rabbit stiffen. Pushing his balls against the mouse's, I rub them both together, flicking my appendage in and out of his back-passage...

"Yes!" he screeches, pushing his ass against my face, then thrusting back into John, his balls lurching in my palm as he blows more hot cock-cream into my Love. One more deep kiss on the fluttering hole and I get up to fetch my shorts - Someone has to be decent when the Delivery Person comes.

The End